Advaita Vedanta goes a step ahead and say you don't even have to achieve enlightenment or liberation from samsara which is all cosmic illusion. you are already liberated, you just need to realise 'how?' through right knowledge of reality and self to confirm it. The knowledge of AtmaBodha, Brahmsutras, Mandukya upanishad, NirvanaShatakam, Astavakra geeta are enough if one manages to understand anyone of them or all of them.
I had attempted to study the TBD in my youth but I wasn't ready to understand the currently available translations, probably due to my cultural dissonance against the concepts and idioms intrinsic to the TBD's ancient origins. Then, I was given access to the translation of the TBD that was produced as a collaboration volume by some of my contemporaries (Tim Leary, Richard Alpert, Ralph Metzner) as The Psychedelic Experience: A Manuel Based On The Tibetan Book Of The Dead.
Once you die that is the end of everything for you. Only once you accept the truth you will find that life is important because it ends. If it went on forever it would become meaningless. Enjoy the only life you have while you can.
Though I am not, to my knowledge, faced with death in my near future, I have had the one of the worst years of my life. My partner of ten years ended things two weeks before my mother passed away. I lost my home, partner, cat, which led to me experiencing panic attacks. I spiraled, and six months later lost a job that meant a great deal to me as an emergency 911 call taker. I have spent months grieving not only my mother and my relationship, but myself. I lost who I am, and I found this video very helpful.
The universe showing you that you only need you. Your too dependent and let one of something/one u named pop up after physical death you’d come right back. Maybe it’s a sign u work is done here don’t try to stay
i live a peaceful life in a small town . it wasn't always that way . i let go of ego . i truly hope i don't have to be reborn . iv'e seen enough of this existence .
@@kjfury Great you don't live in fear - fear is the worst for any Soul. Death is just a transition, and nothing to fear. I wish you the best is this experience. Take care.
I really love to tell you this but you are looking at about 40-60 million years in the reincarnation cycle. Learn to evolve the permanence of creation through the evolution of your consciousness increasing Peace, Love, Freedom, Harmony, Knowledge, Wisdom and the foundations therein. Ego is the pre-consciousness did you really let go of the pre-consciousness or are you saying you have brought it in to balance. BTW you will never be reborn only the creation energy ie. spirit-form gets to enliven a new body with no recollection or burden of past lives/personalities to hinder it.
@@juzeljames7793 It doesn't encompass all or truth. But how much love I feel for myself, others, and my surroundings (nature, etc.) is one of the best indicators of the fulness/quality of my life.
I grew up with a mother who search half her life for salvation following so called enlighten people all over the world. I was angry with her all my life for not wanting to be here and how that’s was making me feel unwanted and the feeling I got that it was supposed to been something wrong with being alive. When she was laying on her deathbed she looked me in the eyes with a presence and love I never experienced before and said “Funny that I had to be dying to understand that it's okay to live” At that very second we struck peace with each other and all wounds were healed in an instant. I think there is a paradox to a search for enlightenment and that is rooted in you not wanting to bee where you are ❤
@@eastly2009 when one ascends unlimitedly one began to see dat spirit needs nothing..all is connected for spirit to need nothing..ascension leads to ultimate gratitude because it is realization..Awareness basically we are water beings. We are da minerals of life like hydrogen mainly carbon and so on 102 minerals... many beings may lack the carbon gene....but NO oxygen we need. it rusts our skin. dissa what one calls ascension.. shall I must go further? BASICALLY, fasting being grateful for nature. Eat no animals or blood.. Master self.. spirit.. to gain soul or to complete souls mission..understand we must master our hell/lower self.. hell and heaven is wherever we are.... . the light is darkness.. the sun is a hydrigen portal hole dark... black=pale skinned Native=Slave=citizen Nice=Foolish Vibrations to da cosmos is key. Wrds=Spells which began as thoughts. Sound of darkness turned into other wrds nothing is coincidental. Be grateful always. Every ting is connected. You are a part of an ultimate plan. Dats why we must follow ultimate self/Intuition.. remember dreams.
We should all be thankful we live in a time where we can access all sorts of knowledge -- including texts such as this -- unrestricted. Many people have not had the same luxury throughout history and it poses a unique opportunity for the spiritual path.
I died in a car accident many years ago and after watching this I totally understand every bit of it. I am of a good kind nature and when I saw the light and had life experiences flashing past I felt totally at peace and knew exactly what was happening. I couldn't of been more focused on the light because it's my most vivid memory of the moment. When I was brought back from the dead I immediately remember rising above my body and looking down at myself. I guess my soul will find the right path after watching this . Thanks for filling in the gaps ❤
I feel like I also died , I died in a car accident around 1965 , I was a soldier in a world war and I died , now I am a young 21 year old in 2024 and I fuffiled my dream to get a classic mustang and I just feel like I owned a car like it before maybe just like the one I died in my past life. This life shit is crazy and I believe there is a god I believe Jesus is real but I am afraid of the plans of the devil
Yeah its called a near death experience and your brain's electrons are all firing simultaneously because why is it you only experience it in a near death situation
At 60 I now live in my motorhome on my son's property taking care of my grandchildren. It is wonderful to be with them every day. I get to watch them grow up. Watching them from a baby and all the joy they bring ne daily. I can't imagine my life without them.
This video actually brought me great comfort, particularly the last line about “all that matters is how much you loved.” Lately I’ve been feeling very unattractive, like a loser, and worrying that my partner no longer loves me. This was a reminder that we are not our physical bodies, earthly success is temporary, and while of course we want to be loved by certain people, even that is not what it’s about. Love is not in any way limited to romantic relationships. Trying to focus on loving myself and others more vs worrying what they think of me.
Exactly love yourself first and then you can focus on others, don't judge, understand why, forgive and you will be able to love everyone and everything
I feel you, and agree with you. A year ago I decided not to have any more romantic relationships because I realized that they hurt me a lot when the "love" ended. If it was really love, it wouldn't end. So I'm dedicating all my love to other things. No matter what people say that I'm young and handsome and wasting my life, I think I'm winning. Every day, I think more that I made the right decision.
This may seem strange but here is my story. I remember praying when I was 9 or 10 and went into a kind of altered state. I could see in my mind's eye that life was a never ending cycle and that the soul was eternal. I also saw that "death" meant becoming "one with the universe" and that I'd always exist as consciousness. As I grew up I forgot those lessons and now, at 60 remember and cherish them.
@americanpig-dog7051it’s the elites way of generating infinite money. Cloning us over and over to work and give them their cut of our labor. 🤷♂️ a bit out there maybe 🤣
A while ago while falling asleep, I had some sort of enlightenment as well. What you describe is exactly what I witnessed, we just return to a place where space and time don't exist, it's outside our universe. Experiencing life is like an antenna that reaches out of this "place" where life resides and once you die, this antenna retracts and you go back to the same place (one with the universe you said). Since the concept of time and space does not exist or mean anything there, infinity loses its meaning as well. We just ARE. Like one giant collective pool of energy floating around in the nothingness.
I too had a similar realization/experience... Returning to everything, when we die, but having the choice to "return" and live another life, or stay and "watch" If we return we "forget" I think of it as coming out of a dream, you remember at first but it fades over time.. However sometimes something will remind you and you can catch a glimpse of the memory..
It will never cease to amaze me how similar the descriptions of The Bardos are to my experience with DMT. The fear, the clarity, the panic giving way to the serene atmosphere and the entities harassing and enticing me delve deeper. When people ask my experience was like, even before having read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, I always said it felt like death.
What type of DMT you used ? Because I’ve used Cart DMT and it never felt how any of the people describe it to be for me.. I got the visuals but I feel like I think more on shrooms.. but my plug also has powder DMT just never had it since I wasn’t too happy with the pens results..
My brother took his own life almost 3 years ago. In his library I found this book, I hope that it had prepared him for what was to come, I will definitely read it myself as what has been said in this video makes a lot of sense to me.
I was gifted this book by a roommate when I moved to Oregon. I moved back to Georgia and I made sure to bring the book with me and I just sat it aside a few days ago to start reading. This video popped up yesterday! I’m so excited.
I’m currently serving a prison sentence in the uk for firearms and I can honestly say I used to be a horrible person, but one day I woke up felt like I had a mental breakdown and then the next thing I felt reborn and like I’d never lived that old life and like there was a presence guiding me to a new life. Can’t explain in but watching these videos have taught me a lot let me tell you and I’m still learning that there’s a lot more tht humans can do.
Sounds like you've had a spiritual awakening. Start meditating, it will help guid you. Listen to your body and intuition, really get to know yourself. The past is the past = it has past, been and gone. Don't dwell on it, learn from it and grow.
@@gnarlyking I'm more than aware it happens as I have been a prisoner in the UK but smartphones are very rare compared to zancos. The fact they have a camera as well means that if you get caught with it you are in extra trouble. Those with them would likely be smart enough not to comment on random social media
school is to make you conform not to teach you how to learn anything, all they teach is rubbish and is not usefull after you pass the door getting away from it. Its how i feel about school from my time, born 1983. i always felt in my heart that the schooling system is uterly wrong to the core.
When Sinead O'Connor lost her son, she said she was "lost in the Bardo without him". I had to look up what it meant at the time and it absolutely broke my heart, I hope they've found each other again.
@@mywifesboyfriend5558That would require that you have come from a void, and I can assure you, you have not. Even if you are a staunch materialist, you must realize that you are the result of physical processes that have been going on since the beginning of time. These have provided you with the matter that currently makes up your body. That matter can be neither created from a void, or sent into a void. It is conserved, and in effect eternal. You are assuming that information/mind/spirit is not bound by the same law of conservation that bind matter and energy, but you don’t know that. You have no experience or data to back up that assertion. You have taken it on faith, and integrated this assumption as part of your world view. It is your religion.
My entire life, I was never scared of death or dying, I was always very spiritual and confident on my beliefs until 2020 when I randomly developed terrible thatanophobia and started doubting everything I ever believed. This video helped with that, a little. It reminded me of certain aspects of myself and got me questioning other aspects. Right place, right time, so to speak.
Guys you have nothing to fear, look for nde testimonies, they all say the same, is it an hallucination when more than two people experience the same thing? when they came back knowing facts about others that they couldn't physically know? and so on
I Died back in 2013 for 20 minutes, seen the light and entered, the light is the universe btw you fall back into it from the outside and as you get closer you see the galaxies like a holographic rainbow of shiny dots and your size is irrelevant as if you exist and don't at the same time. It was a feeling of complete bliss & pure love with no more pain and pure inspiration. there were 3 elders who until this day I can't explain what they were, but they were not in human form. They laughed at me and with me at the same time and told me you're not done yet you need to go back, I begged them to stay with all I had and my brain went ping ping pinnnngggg and I was back, jumped from the bed and started crying and swearing I don't want to come back!!!! Time dilation was like 100 years for the 20 minutes felt like I was gone for an eternity. did not know anyone when I woke up took me an hour to remember who I was and who my family and friends were. But all I know is when my purpose is fulfilled can't wait to go back.
When my fathers died for 6 minutes and came back he told us he went somewhere look white greyish type of cloud surrounding him and bright color light with two person was there and didn’t know want to tell us more. He recently passed away, what is so strange to me he died while on anesthesia the moment he passed both of his hands did the om pose. I starting to seeing so many people saying the same thing about going somewhere and seeing lights
Loved it! My Master says, don't be a mrityunjaya (the victory over death)but be a janajaya (attain the victory over birth) . I am practicing kriya yoga under the guidance of my master Swami Shankarand Giri (kriya yoga ashram Rishikesh tapovan). Within a short span of time this kriya practice has really given wings to my soul. I almost learnt all you say in this video during my meditation but you have articulated every thought so well & presented in a way that you made it so easy to understand for a novice also to begin with. My heart felt gratitude to you for such a soulful sharing. May we be always guided by illuminated souls in our journey here & here after. Love & light
To me the thought of having to be reborn into this world is the most horrific thought ever. Not because i am scared what could happen to me but what i might have to witness.
I have had a few premonitions in my life. I have recently met the person who my soul recognized from a previous time. I had a premonition with her and our existence together was going to continue beyond this life.. our love is telepathic and so pure we can't even explain it . But we both feel it in our souls. I now feel peace for the first time and feel complete.
So insightful and profound! Thank you for sharing the wisdom of Bardo Thodol and the stages of the after-death bardos. It’s a wonderful reminder of how to live fully and prepare for the spiritual transition. I’m ready to learn and apply these teachings in my life. 🙏✨
This video not only spooked me a bit but also calmed me at the same time. The transition sounds like a peaceful scary experience but also an intriguing personal moment for your consciousness. The karmic part intrigued me a lot. Thank you for this video 🫶🏽
Going through reading some comments and noticing I’m not alone feels good. I feel like I experienced this a good bit as a kid. I experienced sleep paralysis as a kid a lot before I knew the actual term.
This video confirms my thoughts on life,i don't care about anything anymore except my own comfort, one day i won't exist and nothing that happened before will matter
Once you are in comfort, please try to help others, because first you have to love yourself and then others. What you did will matter, you will see it, because what you do here is for yourself, and no one is going to judge you after. (NDE knowledge)
Yes!! and this is different than being selfish and serving your ego for comfort/pleasure, although it can sound like that if you don’t understand this concept
One thing iv learned about life , especially after having my daughter 15 months ago, is not to burden your self with questions u will never find the answers to while your alive. While your alive , just live. Youll know the answers u need to know when that time comes . Until then , just live life and get right with your family , friends, and the lord.
Thank you, I’m 19 and live tg with my bf on almost 2 yrs , my moms living out of state wit my GMA brother nd we’ve never been close but even when I try to bring up how everything and all the questions I have overwhelm me no one listens , and lately I’ve been having the realizing of what u said and just letting answe come to me as I age and go thru life, it’s scary but I’m glad someone else also sees it my way and has the same feelings I do about life and I’m not crazy lol. I thought I must be losing my mind and that everyone accepts life and death and learn how to manage why haven’t I..
Scarily, you have just confirmed what I already knew to be true. From a young age I have felt I have lived before, I have always believed in life after death. The physical body is but a vessel inhabited by the soul and the soul is forever. This will be my last cycle, as I have truly begun to understand this as absolute truth. Subscribed
@jlm3303 You speak as if you are I. However, you are not. You're clearly quite an angry soul. It's called speaking how I have felt since a young child, no need to be so dismissive. Rude.
What a succinct, serene and profound document.. perfect choice of imagery, excellent narration, wonderful diction, a voice, words, from the soul... "May the long-time sun shine, all Love surround you, and the Pure Light within you guide your way on..." You have my heartfelt gratitude...
I'm type 1 diabetes 12 years ago I was baptized I wasn't real familiar with my Illness. I smoked cigarettes n was barely making it. We'll I had told an elder on the phone that one minute I'm freezing the next I'm sweating. And I could not hold any beverage down I was found in my bathroom face down the elder came at the right exact time. 15 mins more I would have been a goner. I remember looking down at my body n talking to 3 ppl in my bed they were saying to me your going to be ok. The Lord isn't ready for you yet. One of the 3 was a black man that had that God shine on him that I knew when I was younger. I woke up in ICU n a beautiful woman in a nurses uniform kept walking by n smiling in at me. No staff member knew she was. But I changed everything even quit smoking cigarettes ( I can't stand any drugs. Alcohol etc) n still am trying to figure out where I belong
Yeah thats Just your mind playing tricks I got a different expirience and even tho it changed my live too i dont think of it more then the brain going in emergency death chemicals release mode. I also Heard the drug dmt has similar chemicals than the brain releases while Close to death. Its Just brain chemicals bro sry
I have fully died twice; went to the white room both times, plus the throne room the second time. The light at the end of the tunnel is a fair analogy for what's actually happening; a cord like probiscus with a glowing white tip will slowly approach your forehead and connect approximately where your third eye is, your eyes will be probably closed, but regardless you will see this happening. And as it is happening you will hear a voice telling you very calmly that everything is OK and to stay "awake". Honestly very serene; i wasn't breathing and couldn't feel anything, no heartbeat.... The millisecond that glowing tipped probiscus touched my third eye 👁 ✨️ I was instantly in the white room and feeling as though floating; conciousness without body, and I could start hearing other voices, male and female. I prefer not to fracture someone's reality here so I will end those experiences by letting you know, we truly are the center of all things and there is no such thing as coincidence. I'm a shaman, a real one; feel free to ask me anything if inclined, Be well
Not sure where I stand on this situation, but I once overdosed and was brought back by narcan...but at one point I was in a softly lit room and a door was in front of me with a super bright white light coming from behind it. I heard familiar voices behind it saying "he's here"....a woman that resembled my mom (who is still alive) appears next to me and told me it was ok and everything will be good, she pointed to the door. I said I didn't want to go in the door and the next thing I know I was waking up to first responders injecting me with was that proof of some higher place souls go? Maybe or was it my brain flooding with DMT and causing a hallucination I thought was afterlife ? Maybe... All I know is it was super real. And I can't shake it
Sounds to me we are actually living in a simulation that is run by an ancient race bored with existence so they delve into lifelong simulations where they are totally emerged until death, then they are brought back to the "real" world.
What was explained just felt right. I can't explain the feeling, but it's like you just know when your hearing something of truth. You have my like and sub.
What intrigues me most about Life after death is the possibilities the endless of possibilities I could achieve once transcending the cycle of human rebirth. The endless adventure of the soul. The non stop pursuit for growth, awareness and knowledge. The pursuit of Love and never ending bliss and peace. In death I view the real start of Life. Dying and being able to transcended this world and reality. And using the power that I am to creat endless and go on endless adventures. And to be one with all.
That is kinda what you are doing now. It has already began. Everything is in constant change, so you die in each and every moment, only to be reborn in the next. The final one here is a new one there. And there is a good reason that there is a tight barrier between the two 'worlds',. To get to the next, you must no longer desire the one you are in by understanding it well. Through this gradual understanding, the virtues come forth: compassion, selflessness, Peace and Order and that is what you are doing: becoming a reflection of the other side as your desire wanes here. You are 'heaven', already, letting yourself be a window, allowing God to see, and become. also
My only question about death is when in the ethreal do I choose the door to my right or the door to my left...I sit in the middle of a giant table..only a parchment blank and a feather with ink well sit before me...I have no physical form only consciousness...
The moral of life is treat others how you want to be treated when you’re feeling down or hurt sad depressed and anxious! Because you never know what that stranger who walks by you is dealing with and just a simple hello have a nice day can change that strangers day completely. People just want to be seen on this earth!
I have no desire to become one with the clear light yet. Even with all the suffering and hardship, I love this place and want to come back as many times as I can. Experience everything.
The information here was the best available at the time, though it was long ago, and things have evolved as this cycle nears completion. Many people have had experiences such as death, near-death, and out-of-body journeys. My own experience of death was indescribably beautiful. My mind ceased activity, which ended fear, and then my heart stopped, ending my physical life. Upon disconnecting from the body, you enter the astral realm-a place you’ve always existed on some level. If you resist the urge to reincarnate, you’ll move toward a magnificent, golden realm that words cannot capture. However, if you feel done with the physical experience, remember that from the astral perspective, the desire to be reborn is incredibly tempting and compelling.
Wow, again I was on the edge of my seat. I watched this video again and again absorbing everything I could. The images are very intriguing. They seem to have been created by a wise yet tortured soul. This video series is so unique and profound. It will go far but not become viral. The message is to clear and deep that most people who come across it will only see their own fears and limitations and they will move on. I am going to watch this one again as soon as I am finished. I am also going to purchase the Book of the Dead so I can read it first hand. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Ive encountered the light and recognized it as the I am or whatever you want to call it. Three days of living in bliss and recognizing every single person as myself followed. Its a bummer to return to the "normal" state of experience, but I will never forget this profound experience. And yes, all that matters is how much you love. I live by that rule now.
Once you experience it, it's impossible to forget that as fucked up as this place is, it's all Love. Hope you're doing well after coming back, just remember that the reason you did is because you chose to, consciously or subconsciously. It's good to remember when things get tough again. Wishing you the best 👍🏼
As a medium and psychic, I appreciate this video and can confirm that this video has huge amounts of accuracy. In other realities such texts no longer exist so it is extremely important to take on board and protect this information. Thank you for posting this by the way!
When i was ejected from a vehicle when i was like 15yrs old i experienced looking down at myself laying on the ground all busted up trying to yell for people to find me but i couldn't yell it was a little bit before i was found it's always been a thing i don't understand or even try to understand. I just know their will be a day that I will understand it... hopefully its not today i personally think there is more to life than what we know as life. Iv had other situations that were.. Devine in a way to that was undeniably obvious. ✌️
I had a situation where a car hitting pedestrian me SHOULD have been the end of me, and I missed out on what exactly happened because from 9 feet up outside my body, I wished for this car to not hit anybody else: I was watching another car ALMOST get involved. Somehow, no blood and no ascerntainable injuries happened to me: and that’s SUPER unlikely, considering what happened. If I think about it too much, I’ll get neurotic about my existence and / or about the existence of time & causality. So, I try not to think about it too much…
@@BestInTheWorld365 Mne was not a shocking death & i end up (immediately) in a place of darkness, suspended in the 'space'. I still felt like myself, thought like myself.
Excellent and informative video. My mom passed last month, and I've become interested in researching different cultural perspectives on "what happens after we die / leave the body." Personally, I'm 100% convinced of an afterlife. In other words, that we are spirits having a human experience - not humans who occasionally have a spiritual experience.
Brilliantly explained. It’s a very complex book, and the ease with which you have presented the most important points here in the video is commendable.
I’ve seen that clear light in a dream. I was suspended in front of it in awe and in complete peace. It pulled me into it and the intensity of that raw energy and power can only be related to the god/creator of all things. The moment I merged into that wonderful powerful healing light I woke up and felt like I was vibrating from head to toe. I’ve only had that dream once and that’s all I needed to know this is my last incarnation. I pray and hope and wish ALL people experience this experience in this lifetime. Heaven would truly manifest on earth if we all had this common experience to share.
Thanks for the video. I was scrolling and suddenly the algorithm proposed this video. I don't know why but I felt is what I needed to watch and hear today. Blessings and thanks again for your good job 😊
Praise the almighty algorithm. May you forever be in peace while you give your lif3 over the the great algorithm. Algorithm is everything algorithm is love. Algorithm. Algorithm. Al gore is him. Praise manbearpig.
I almost didn't click on this because after 20+ years as a Buddhist and now as a priest in training, i thought "i'm actually pretty satisfied with the answer i have already for that, the Tibetan Book of the dead p much got it right", and i was SO pleased to see that was what this video is about!
It's completely inaccurate for this video to be talking about a soul at all regarding the subject of Buddhism, which makes it a complete jumble of nonsense from the start.
There are walkouts and walking but rare and only in specific situations. Generally your soul actually does grow in your body, such that the way you take care of your body, the food you eat, the thoughts you think influence your soul, and of course when possible your soul makes choices to provide the body with its choices. ❤️
Incorrect. We are matter. Nothing more. When you die, it will be like when you were born. Nothing. You simply die. Accept that. No replies will be seen
I consider the body as a prison from the soul, and ngl i see the world as hell. Cause you can’t ignore the fact that everything is wrong with it, the system, the way how people treat each other, the lies, the cheating enz enz enz enz.
I found so any of these thoughts, ideas, and feelings myself without exposure to much eastern history, and seeing my hunches be validated is so exhilarating and makes me hopeful. There must be something drawing me to these conclusions that connects me- even if it’s just my soul, that’s awesome 😊
To all of you, I am so sorry for your sorrow but know that we are here to learn and to grow and we all must do that in our own ways and sometimes those ways cannot be understood by others. Take heart knowing that love is always present and can be tangible. ((HUGS))
I can hear my soul. Calling. And it called me to this. In the middle. Of a ruthless PTSD day. And. It has made so much sense. Of my self. I needed this. My soul. And family blood line needed this. I for one wish I could stay and use my positively charged energy and help others like this humble yogi has.
The love you have shared is a gift and when you choose you can re-embrace love and become one with love. how are people not excited to shed this existence for a new one. Embrace all, love all, and once it's all good.... then you'll be all good and then who knows man but you don't have to come back... You can move forward!
No thank you! Death is over rated. I have way better things to contemplate. Death is the last thing on my mind. It's just like they say, garbage in garbage out
It’s still such a mystery of the light and that’s what makes it hard to not be reborn. I personally have been asked to go on a serious mushroom trip, I knew I would leave and never come back, I know that sounds dumb but it explained this so great. I wasn’t ready to leave my people behind and I remember that feeling. The choice to leave this human body. I believe that feeling is very similar to what he’s talking about, I’ve never felt anything like it before. It was so unique and beautiful/the most frightening and most saddest peaceful feeling I’ve ever felt. It changed my life forever, and this teaching puts it into words.
Imagine your life as a shape, imagine you could see your birth and death at the same time, this is the 4th dimension. We are stuck in the 3rd dimension, and we are in the “present moment”. We are limited in this human body. We are standing on top of the 2nd dimension, therefore another dimension is above us. We just can’t comprehend it.
No that is wrong... 4th dimension it's said to be time however it said you can see everything from point a to b..... if that was true that means the past, present and future are all interacting simultaneously so a 4th dimensional being or a "time traveler" would be able to predict what happens in earth 100 years from now or whatever the future time line amount is set to as in if its 10 year ahead or 20 or 40 etc...
Not being able to ignore the emptiness of reality once seen, nothing remains to be attached to, except the pure peace manifest of impeccable virtue, and the narrative ends.
I took fly agaric mushrooms.... probably too many because I found myself in a place that was all white (no contrast whatsoever) and the first thought I had was "I'm going to be here forever, with nothing to do and no one to talk to." I still remember the absolute terror that I felt...... Let me say that again.... "....That I felt." Since then, I have come to the conclusion that I was back at pure consciousness, I was only 22 years old and not awakened like I am now. This video served as a confirmation that i 'glimpsed' the other side and now, upon re-experiencing this state, i will understand what to do. Thank you!
I took 30 G of Amanita Muscaria. I failed to ground myself beforehand and I ended up becoming extremely delirious like I would be in this mindset forever but I felt growth. It revealed my biggest fears that I didn't even realize, my old religious trauma from Christianity, my fear of being wrong in the afterlife and going to hell, but then as it gradually Left my system through the weeks, it showed me that I wasn't wrong. It was A reflection of my mind and I was being fooled by trauma demons. I finally grew over that fear Because of that
I love learning new things and how to put to words things I have felt in my heart. I struggle with how to define what I feel, but I trust it and know that it's the right feeling. Almost a righteous feeling when ever I was confronted with fear or harm. Thank you for this knowledge!
For being done in 19 minutes. I'm forced to give it an 8 out 10 for my collection of explanations regarding mental illustrations of the Bardo'h. 🔥⛲🗝️⛩️
Thank you for all your time, energy and end 'Self' expression you applied into the creation of this video. You are appreciated more than my words which come to you both unfamiliar in mind and foreign of weight and meaning. Don't read me. Read my words. I'm not the genre a person takes delight in. Yet, I will say that going through one life as much as I am thus far. I have quickly learned where Wisdom calls home. Keep Going Always 🕯️🥲🧭
Nice explanation. I have read the Leary/Alpert version on the Book of the Dead as well as the original so it was cool to hear you mention the quote by him at the end, Ram Dass
I don’t think we will ever know for sure but sure is nice to think the end isn’t the end… for a while I wanted to end and my low days think about it but because of my kids I want to live forever at the same time to make sure they will be ok
Am i the only one who considers "no end" a nightmare you can't wake from? This "life" thing soul or otherwise MUST end eventually or so help me god I'll make eternity unbearable for all of us!
@@1112viggo Getting "board" IS NOT possible, the only constant in Creation is change. The Liberation spoken of is from every type of limitation, especially to the creative imagination of the Individuality.
@@oldoneuponthemountain6329 Who says anything about bored? Can't one simply find the same psychological satisfaction in having a finite journey with an ultimate end as you do with one that just goes on and on and on and on with ever so slight variations of the exact same experiences? Its like Music. There is as infinite a combination of sounds as infinity practically gets, but at some point you run out of truly original ideas and even infinite variations seem to become repetitious and predictable. At that point id very much like for it to just end. There is what there is and no more. Done. Finito. Mission accomplished. Going on at that point would drive me nuts!
@@1112viggowhen you are in the state of energy time doesn't exist so the thought of eternity is irrelevant...what use to be 50 years for you as a human is only like 50 seconds to God and eternity. After your hellish experience on Earth dont you want to be in a place that goes beyond all understanding. A peace that just can't be explained and love beyond anything comprended...your life will end on earth be sure of that but your reward is eternal happines for what you endured. Now if you want, you more than welcome to stay and join your loved ones who are waiting for you or you can be stay here until the earth is completely gone and your existence will be no more...your soul deleted from the archives as if you never existed at all. Please think about what you are saying because you are just trying to persuade them to deny and raise doubt to something apparently you just aren't ready for. This is exactly what Satan did. I hope you find peace but yet want to spend eternity with the very being that made you.
When things would get really bad I would always say to myself under my breath..I just wanna go home but the thing is that i would that at my home and then i would think why would i say that and then i realized i wanted to go to my real home and i just didn't know where that was. And then i started realizing i hate the human experience because im not human im a soul a energy that was once happy but didn't know how to appreciate it without an experience to show my soul why i should appreciate what I had before becoming human and truly love my Creater. And now i can go back home with what ive experienced and truly show love beyond understanding and be happy worshiping my Creator who has shown me to be appreciative for what i had before becoming human which internally gives me peace eternally
I love this I have been searching for a reason why I have visions of demons when I close my eyes to go to sleep now I know it is the minds chains of fear I feel I have a guide to not fear them as they are illusions brought about by fear and negative emotional attachment thank you 🙏
You might even consider engaging with them if they persist, becoming comfortable with these projections. In doing so you might find that you become comfortable with fear, which can be liberating. I also found this funny little video useful. :-) I wish you luck on your path to wherever.
You as a soul, you are immortal and untouchable, there is no point on having fear if you remember who you are. Don't judge, forgive and love, you will never be wrong.
Hi. I died on September 27th, 2022, for over 11 1/2 minutes. The paramedics brought me back to life by restarting my heart, although I didn't start breathing on my own for 4 days. They froze my body while they worked on me. I later had visions where my Soul was in my room the whole time my body was in the hospital. This has caused some serious problems in my Consciousness. I really need to speak with someone about my experience.
Thank you for sharing your story. I would love to hear more about your experience, what you saw, what you felt, and what changed in your life after that event.
I hope you have found someone to speak with already, or you're welcome to contact me. I have also experienced an NDE, and I agree that while wonderful, it can also be a very disorienting experience.
@@merak0123NDE's have been proven to be nothing more than the brain's electrical activity slowly dying out. Nothing more. What that person saw was nothing other than the brain's last gasp. Not some fictional "other side". Sorry. 🤷♂️ No replies will be seen
I thought of that too, and i wonder why one would really other to avoid the light at all costs.. even in the dmt community i have read the same.. i truly wonder about it. The sunbelivers are worshipping the light, but almost in a fearfull way. I wonder why
@oldoneuponthemountain6329 it's not bad. It's just a program that makes you reincarnate into the material world. If you want to be in the material world again go into the light if you don't then don't. Also it's not the serpent of wisdom. That would be the snake that told man to eat from the fruit in the garden of Eden. The oroborus is the leviathan
I find more solace in being a realist, not willingly being ignorant to the truth that life and the universe will never fully be understood and is far more simplistic and complicating then we will ever know gives me more peace in life then just throwing myself into a faith of religion to blanket my own reality.
The reason for meditating and contemplating the stages of the bardo and the stages of death is so that while you're on the path of rebirth, because of the focus and the learning of the bardos it allows a person the possibility of recognizing that door of opportunity to exit the cycle and attain buddhahood or oneness with everything. As that opportunity is realized, your person has the choice of continuing through that door of opportunity into Nirvana, oneness, etc. The choosing to return back to the circle of life as an enlightened Buddha for the purpose of teaching others who are caught in the circle so that they may attain and like meant and have the choice to exit the cycle as Buddhas or return as Buddhists to help us towards our own enlightenment. I've spoken in of this in overly simplistic terms and into a mic. Please forgive the typos that must be in here.
I have been having out of body experiences for the past 14 years now, began as spontaneous, but over time i learned how to initiate them. Incredibly, exiting the body is what i would best describe as a snake shedding its skin. It is the most incredible experiences i have ever had, and each time it happens, i am always left with wanting more as it is extremely intriguing to me. I believe death is the final out of body.
no my freind you are sick at what they have become we have been conditioned to think and act the way we have become , thank goverments and there technology for that!
@@joshfoster9785 maybe mostly right.. like i say im sick of humanity. Wars, environment distractions, killin Mother Earth, racism, hatred all around the world. soon my friend i'm ending myself. We lost our land and our Mother!! I hope your right..just a pipe dream. 😖😖
the soul is a kind of quantum thing. It is a field of consciousness. Since paranormal phenomena exist they could have studied the phenomenon better and it can be studied with science and has been done. It is still a taboo clearly. Paranormal has to do with the quantum consciousness field and dimensions. Dr. Steven Greer of the Sirius disclosure project explains it all in his lecture.
from the Buddhist POV. where do these spirtual master's come from if in the last stage you can reconzie and accept what is happening you don't have to be do the people whom become the teachers/guides exsist if they would be in Nirvana? great video you got a like from me :)
First time I had to put a dog down I was inconsolable. Later that night I went in the backyard stared up at the stars and kept staying ehy, why, why. I looked over at the grill and there was a white/grey ball of light about the size of a tennis ball going around the base of the grill about 3 times. Abby always ran around the grill when we brought food out. I adked why and a ball of light appeared. I teuly believe it was Abby showing me she was still there.
If all identity is lost at death, that means everything we've learned is lost, including these instructions, so what's the point of wasting our time trying to learn how to navigate death? I don't remember what i learned yesterday, let alone the many years ago.
I can actually lend some of my own personal experiences regarding this topic - This shit though, this shit is so fucking ridiculous it makes no sense because it's Nonsense. Watch Shawn Ryans Interviews with Joe McMoneagle and Sean Webb. I won't elaborate too much, but everything is genuinely connected infinitely through what we call "Consciousness" the Quantum Consciousness is a real phenomena. Humans are for lack of a better term, vessels or containers for souls to develop. You absolutely don't need to have an Ego Death in order to experience for yourself - The consciousness becoming aware or expanding its perceptive capabilities. Nothing is lost, Identity isn't lost, this video is fucking stupid and seems to be an AI channel. I'm in the same boat regarding information retention. Undiagnosed but almost definitely adhd. or pragmatically you can assume that maybe your brain is more developed for conscious expression. i.e. Instead of being someone that copy and paste information they're told throughout their life, you're able to genuinely exhibit original thought and self teaching. Look into it all.
Exactly, and nobody "chooses" to be born, either, because if they knew what lay ahead, most would decline based upon what life was like during the balance of our existence.
@EyeSeeThruYou Awesome user name 👍 I think you're right, unless they were ultra bored and we're well aware that any pain endured is temporary. Much like watching a horror movie, we do it to feel something bad so that when it's over it makes us appreciate how safe we are.
For those who would like to read the book:
Advaita Vedanta goes a step ahead and say you don't even have to achieve enlightenment or liberation from samsara which is all cosmic illusion. you are already liberated, you just need to realise 'how?' through right knowledge of reality and self to confirm it. The knowledge of AtmaBodha, Brahmsutras, Mandukya upanishad, NirvanaShatakam, Astavakra geeta are enough if one manages to understand anyone of them or all of them.
@@thehiddenlibrary33 thanks
Watching your video was amazing... it was truly captivating for me and everyone. Thank you for bringing me this feeling.
I had attempted to study the TBD in my youth but I wasn't ready to understand the currently available translations, probably due to my cultural dissonance against the concepts and idioms intrinsic to the TBD's ancient origins.
Then, I was given access to the translation of the TBD that was produced as a collaboration volume by some of my contemporaries (Tim Leary, Richard Alpert, Ralph Metzner) as The Psychedelic Experience: A Manuel Based On The Tibetan Book Of The Dead.
This is a great overview. I have a terminal illness and this has helped me see how fragile and precious life is. My heart is grateful and open.
Please JESUS PRAY for this soul, AMEN... Best of luck...❤️❤️❤️🐕
Once you die that is the end of everything for you. Only once you accept the truth you will find that life is important because it ends. If it went on forever it would become meaningless. Enjoy the only life you have while you can.
@@DALDO135 Thankyou, I am Buddhist, but I appreciate your kindness and prays
@@joelschama1735 Agreed. Whoever ever we end up after this life we only have one chance at this version of our one precious life
@@joelschama1735Absolute rubbish buddy
3 things that helped me and literally changed my life
1. I stopped telling myself I'll do it tomorrow
2. I read books on nixorus
3. I had faith.
ty for share i will check!
Faith in what?
You have faith? Or had it?
@@AskingTheBunny-mk1go asking the important questions
@@AskingTheBunny-mk1gohe is dead now
Humans don't have souls, souls have humans
@@A_to_Zappa In the spine.
i like that take on it
@@GordonDivine7 This is true. Sacred secretion theory or fact is not enough because they want us all to be subservient.
Though I am not, to my knowledge, faced with death in my near future, I have had the one of the worst years of my life. My partner of ten years ended things two weeks before my mother passed away. I lost my home, partner, cat, which led to me experiencing panic attacks. I spiraled, and six months later lost a job that meant a great deal to me as an emergency 911 call taker. I have spent months grieving not only my mother and my relationship, but myself. I lost who I am, and I found this video very helpful.
Hang in there and be thankful for every breath you take.😌
My guy keep pushing you got this
Yo! This is very similar to my story! I ended up finding God 😅. Would love to talk more about it.
The universe showing you that you only need you. Your too dependent and let one of something/one u named pop up after physical death you’d come right back. Maybe it’s a sign u work is done here don’t try to stay
That is alot to take in one go, but it was all meant to be. Now you gotta find yourself. Stay strong and optimistic.
i live a peaceful life in a small town . it wasn't always that way . i let go of ego . i truly hope i don't have to be reborn . iv'e seen enough of this existence .
I'm afraid you will be reborn thousands or even more times to come...
@ i hope not yet I don’t live in fear. I lead with love . Come what may . I just want to move on . Peace and strength sent my friend
@@kjfury Great you don't live in fear - fear is the worst for any Soul. Death is just a transition, and nothing to fear. I wish you the best is this experience. Take care.
I agree, I don’t wanna come back.
I really love to tell you this but you are looking at about 40-60 million years in the reincarnation cycle.
Learn to evolve the permanence of creation through the evolution of your consciousness increasing Peace, Love, Freedom, Harmony, Knowledge, Wisdom and the foundations therein.
Ego is the pre-consciousness did you really let go of the pre-consciousness or are you saying you have brought it in to balance.
BTW you will never be reborn only the creation energy ie. spirit-form gets to enliven a new body with no recollection or burden of past lives/personalities to hinder it.
''All that matters is how much you love'' that is a great message.
Which is not true but I get it
says who?
Yeah, not entirely true. You can love and sin greatly. Just need to read the Bible to see that, and not these perverted versions.get yourself a KJV.
@@juzeljames7793 It doesn't encompass all or truth. But how much love I feel for myself, others, and my surroundings (nature, etc.) is one of the best indicators of the fulness/quality of my life.
I was going to like your comment but you had 69 likes and I didn't want to ruin it
I grew up with a mother who search half her life for salvation following so called enlighten people all over the world.
I was angry with her all my life for not wanting to be here and how that’s was making me feel unwanted and the feeling I got that it was supposed to been something wrong with being alive.
When she was laying on her deathbed she looked me in the eyes with a presence and love I never experienced before and said
“Funny that I had to be dying to understand that it's okay to live”
At that very second we struck peace with each other and all wounds were healed in an instant.
I think there is a paradox to a search for enlightenment and that is rooted in you not wanting to bee where you are
Be Where You Are While You Are There...
Real enlightenment is ascending in all aspects of life Spiritually mentally physically
That is true wisdom. Blessings to you.
@RastamanElBey496 can you be more specific?
@@eastly2009 when one ascends unlimitedly one began to see dat spirit needs nothing..all is connected for spirit to need nothing..ascension leads to ultimate gratitude because it is realization..Awareness basically we are water beings. We are da minerals of life like hydrogen mainly carbon and so on 102 minerals... many beings may lack the carbon gene....but NO oxygen we need. it rusts our skin. dissa what one calls ascension.. shall I must go further? BASICALLY, fasting being grateful for nature. Eat no animals or blood.. Master self.. spirit.. to gain soul or to complete souls mission..understand we must master our hell/lower self.. hell and heaven is wherever we are.... . the light is darkness.. the sun is a hydrigen portal hole dark... black=pale skinned Native=Slave=citizen
Vibrations to da cosmos is key. Wrds=Spells which began as thoughts. Sound of darkness turned into other wrds nothing is coincidental. Be grateful always. Every ting is connected. You are a part of an ultimate plan. Dats why we must follow ultimate self/Intuition.. remember dreams.
We should all be thankful we live in a time where we can access all sorts of knowledge -- including texts such as this -- unrestricted. Many people have not had the same luxury throughout history and it poses a unique opportunity for the spiritual path.
I agree 100%. Im so grateful for that.
It makes me wonder what is being hidden when we are getting this level of depth
It was better for them , the less you know happier you can be ...
Yes I think about this all the time
@@JenniferCastro-e4f I thought about this too besides the fact that we’re obviously slaves. Imagine if everyone was an Adapt what that would cause.
Never lose yourself in contemplating death.
Life is for living. Live.
Masterfully articulated
death is merely a 'new life'
That is unwise
"youcould driveyourself nuts trying to figure out these things "
I wish I could do that. Hard to control your mind when you are OCD, with Health anxiety
I died in a car accident many years ago and after watching this I totally understand every bit of it. I am of a good kind nature and when I saw the light and had life experiences flashing past I felt totally at peace and knew exactly what was happening. I couldn't of been more focused on the light because it's my most vivid memory of the moment. When I was brought back from the dead I immediately remember rising above my body and looking down at myself. I guess my soul will find the right path after watching this . Thanks for filling in the gaps ❤
I feel like I also died , I died in a car accident around 1965 , I was a soldier in a world war and I died , now I am a young 21 year old in 2024 and I fuffiled my dream to get a classic mustang and I just feel like I owned a car like it before maybe just like the one I died in my past life. This life shit is crazy and I believe there is a god I believe Jesus is real but I am afraid of the plans of the devil
You obviously didn't. You're still here.
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@@mywifesboyfriend5558Lmao, its funny that you even need to say it.
Yeah its called a near death experience and your brain's electrons are all firing simultaneously because why is it you only experience it in a near death situation
@@mywifesboyfriend5558 "nO RePlieS wIlL bE seEn"
At 60 I now live in my motorhome on my son's property taking care of my grandchildren. It is wonderful to be with them every day. I get to watch them grow up. Watching them from a baby and all the joy they bring ne daily. I can't imagine my life without them.
This is the life. Enjoy.
You have it made. I can't breathe without my babies... grandbabies...
60 is the new 40.
I read this comment and I'm a dad to 4 teenagers and I just started crying uncontrollably. Words are so powerful
Wow! You are one fortunate soul! ❤ enjoy this opportunity!!
This video actually brought me great comfort, particularly the last line about “all that matters is how much you loved.” Lately I’ve been feeling very unattractive, like a loser, and worrying that my partner no longer loves me. This was a reminder that we are not our physical bodies, earthly success is temporary, and while of course we want to be loved by certain people, even that is not what it’s about. Love is not in any way limited to romantic relationships. Trying to focus on loving myself and others more vs worrying what they think of me.
Well even if the book is wrong you can create greater things that will outlive you
And thus making you immortal
Imagine how it must feel to be a man who has it far, far worse. Actually, that's most men.
Exactly love yourself first and then you can focus on others, don't judge, understand why, forgive and you will be able to love everyone and everything
I feel you, and agree with you. A year ago I decided not to have any more romantic relationships because I realized that they hurt me a lot when the "love" ended. If it was really love, it wouldn't end. So I'm dedicating all my love to other things. No matter what people say that I'm young and handsome and wasting my life, I think I'm winning. Every day, I think more that I made the right decision.
This may seem strange but here is my story. I remember praying when I was 9 or 10 and went into a kind of altered state. I could see in my mind's eye that life was a never ending cycle and that the soul was eternal. I also saw that "death" meant becoming "one with the universe" and that I'd always exist as consciousness. As I grew up I forgot those lessons and now, at 60 remember and cherish them.
@americanpig-dog7051it’s the elites way of generating infinite money. Cloning us over and over to work and give them their cut of our labor. 🤷♂️ a bit out there maybe 🤣
@americanpig-dog7051 taxes, paying or not - is a small pay to get a human life experience.
@americanpig-dog7051Didn't you hear? No taxes under the Trump administration.
A while ago while falling asleep, I had some sort of enlightenment as well.
What you describe is exactly what I witnessed, we just return to a place where space and time don't exist, it's outside our universe.
Experiencing life is like an antenna that reaches out of this "place" where life resides and once you die, this antenna retracts and you go back to the same place (one with the universe you said).
Since the concept of time and space does not exist or mean anything there, infinity loses its meaning as well. We just ARE. Like one giant collective pool of energy floating around in the nothingness.
I too had a similar realization/experience...
Returning to everything, when we die, but having the choice to "return" and live another life, or stay and "watch"
If we return we "forget"
I think of it as coming out of a dream, you remember at first but it fades over time.. However sometimes something will remind you and you can catch a glimpse of the memory..
It will never cease to amaze me how similar the descriptions of The Bardos are to my experience with DMT. The fear, the clarity, the panic giving way to the serene atmosphere and the entities harassing and enticing me delve deeper.
When people ask my experience was like, even before having read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, I always said it felt like death.
Ive taken dmt in a series of 2 times. Both times I've explained it as making the same reconnection you make at death.
What type of DMT you used ? Because I’ve used Cart DMT and it never felt how any of the people describe it to be for me.. I got the visuals but I feel like I think more on shrooms.. but my plug also has powder DMT just never had it since I wasn’t too happy with the pens results..
My brother took his own life almost 3 years ago. In his library I found this book, I hope that it had prepared him for what was to come, I will definitely read it myself as what has been said in this video makes a lot of sense to me.
I was gifted this book by a roommate when I moved to Oregon. I moved back to Georgia and I made sure to bring the book with me and I just sat it aside a few days ago to start reading. This video popped up yesterday! I’m so excited.
I’m currently serving a prison sentence in the uk for firearms and I can honestly say I used to be a horrible person, but one day I woke up felt like I had a mental breakdown and then the next thing I felt reborn and like I’d never lived that old life and like there was a presence guiding me to a new life. Can’t explain in but watching these videos have taught me a lot let me tell you and I’m still learning that there’s a lot more tht humans can do.
not so much a breakdown then ...but a breakthrough 😀👍..the very best of luck to you x
You're in prison but you have a smartphone??
Sounds like you've had a spiritual awakening. Start meditating, it will help guid you. Listen to your body and intuition, really get to know yourself. The past is the past = it has past, been and gone. Don't dwell on it, learn from it and grow.
@@psions555 it happens. My friend inside even calls me from time to time.
@@gnarlyking I'm more than aware it happens as I have been a prisoner in the UK but smartphones are very rare compared to zancos. The fact they have a camera as well means that if you get caught with it you are in extra trouble. Those with them would likely be smart enough not to comment on random social media
I don't know why I have the need to learn everything under the sun now at 50 but not when I was in school
That's me at 42. There's so many things that I love learning about..... now. That I didn't give a second thought when I'm school. I messed up. Lol
Schools indoctrinate, and test. Rather than shape young minds unfortunately
school is to make you conform not to teach you how to learn anything, all they teach is rubbish and is not usefull after you pass the door getting away from it. Its how i feel about school from my time, born 1983. i always felt in my heart that the schooling system is uterly wrong to the core.
Make that 3 of us.. I'm 44 and feel pretty much the same
+1 guys 44 here
When Sinead O'Connor lost her son, she said she was "lost in the Bardo without him". I had to look up what it meant at the time and it absolutely broke my heart, I hope they've found each other again.
Is that like ‘The Gulag’?
They didn't. They are dead. Lost in the void, as we all will be. Sorry. 🤷♂️
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@mywifesboyfriend5558 I pray for you my child 🙏
@@mywifesboyfriend5558That would require that you have come from a void, and I can assure you, you have not.
Even if you are a staunch materialist, you must realize that you are the result of physical processes that have been going on since the beginning of time. These have provided you with the matter that currently makes up your body. That matter can be neither created from a void, or sent into a void. It is conserved, and in effect eternal. You are assuming that information/mind/spirit is not bound by the same law of conservation that bind matter and energy, but you don’t know that. You have no experience or data to back up that assertion. You have taken it on faith, and integrated this assumption as part of your world view. It is your religion.
@@mywifesboyfriend5558 the void taketh and giveth away
Life is short. Blink of an eye. Make it mean something while you’re here, be a good person and be good to everyone you come across no matter what.
Life is short but except while you're at work.
Life is long what are you talking about
Jesus is lord that’s all I know
Life is long?
Not really.
In the overall picture, life is very short.
Only about 22-25 people separate you from Cleopatra.
Just some food for thought.
@@NawtApplong and very boring
My entire life, I was never scared of death or dying, I was always very spiritual and confident on my beliefs until 2020 when I randomly developed terrible thatanophobia and started doubting everything I ever believed.
This video helped with that, a little.
It reminded me of certain aspects of myself and got me questioning other aspects.
Right place, right time, so to speak.
same with me, i was always careless but i turned 20 and every day is a nightmare of anxiety regarding death
Guys you have nothing to fear, look for nde testimonies, they all say the same, is it an hallucination when more than two people experience the same thing? when they came back knowing facts about others that they couldn't physically know? and so on
My mind has been open.
I listen to the sound in the silence.
Never been taught. Always knew.
It's like I learned this before my life began.
I Died back in 2013 for 20 minutes, seen the light and entered, the light is the universe btw you fall back into it from the outside and as you get closer you see the galaxies like a holographic rainbow of shiny dots and your size is irrelevant as if you exist and don't at the same time. It was a feeling of complete bliss & pure love with no more pain and pure inspiration. there were 3 elders who until this day I can't explain what they were, but they were not in human form. They laughed at me and with me at the same time and told me you're not done yet you need to go back, I begged them to stay with all I had and my brain went ping ping pinnnngggg and I was back, jumped from the bed and started crying and swearing I don't want to come back!!!! Time dilation was like 100 years for the 20 minutes felt like I was gone for an eternity. did not know anyone when I woke up took me an hour to remember who I was and who my family and friends were. But all I know is when my purpose is fulfilled can't wait to go back.
They were Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma. The trimurti!
Was there any dinosaurs there?
When my fathers died for 6 minutes and came back he told us he went somewhere look white greyish type of cloud surrounding him and bright color light with two person was there and didn’t know want to tell us more. He recently passed away, what is so strange to me he died while on anesthesia the moment he passed both of his hands did the om pose. I starting to seeing so many people saying the same thing about going somewhere and seeing lights
Loved it! My Master says, don't be a mrityunjaya (the victory over death)but be a janajaya (attain the victory over birth) .
I am practicing kriya yoga under the guidance of my master Swami Shankarand Giri (kriya yoga ashram Rishikesh tapovan).
Within a short span of time this kriya practice has really given wings to my soul.
I almost learnt all you say in this video during my meditation but you have articulated every thought so well & presented in a way that you made it so easy to understand for a novice also to begin with.
My heart felt gratitude to you for such a soulful sharing.
May we be always guided by illuminated souls in our journey here & here after.
Love & light
To me the thought of having to be reborn into this world is the most horrific thought ever. Not because i am scared what could happen to me but what i might have to witness.
Why? For me is that we must heavily engrave knowledge in our DNA. In case one must continue to advance the DNA ladder.
Don't worry, you'll reroll your character based on the lessons that have to be learned😂
Love and do good and I think the next life will be just as good ❤
Scaredy cat 😂
I have had a few premonitions in my life. I have recently met the person who my soul recognized from a previous time. I had a premonition with her and our existence together was going to continue beyond this life.. our love is telepathic and so pure we can't even explain it . But we both feel it in our souls. I now feel peace for the first time and feel complete.
If you want real results, not empty promises, read the book The Cosmic Wealth Frequencies on Borlest. The techniques in this book are life-changing.
If you want real results, don't read anything or listen to anything. Go for a walk or work in the garden.
Will y’all stop promoting this malware infected website scam.
So insightful and profound! Thank you for sharing the wisdom of Bardo Thodol and the stages of the after-death bardos. It’s a wonderful reminder of how to live fully and prepare for the spiritual transition. I’m ready to learn and apply these teachings in my life. 🙏✨
This was so eye-opening! I love how you covered both the psychological and social impact of language. Amazing work! 8:09
This video not only spooked me a bit but also calmed me at the same time.
The transition sounds like a peaceful scary experience but also an intriguing personal moment for your consciousness.
The karmic part intrigued me a lot.
Thank you for this video 🫶🏽
Going through reading some comments and noticing I’m not alone feels good. I feel like I experienced this a good bit as a kid. I experienced sleep paralysis as a kid a lot before I knew the actual term.
So far so excellent! Many thanks for the absolute clarity of delivery, and explanation thereof.
This video confirms my thoughts on life,i don't care about anything anymore except my own comfort, one day i won't exist and nothing that happened before will matter
Once you are in comfort, please try to help others, because first you have to love yourself and then others. What you did will matter, you will see it, because what you do here is for yourself, and no one is going to judge you after. (NDE knowledge)
Yes!! and this is different than being selfish and serving your ego for comfort/pleasure, although it can sound like that if you don’t understand this concept
One thing iv learned about life , especially after having my daughter 15 months ago, is not to burden your self with questions u will never find the answers to while your alive. While your alive , just live. Youll know the answers u need to know when that time comes . Until then , just live life and get right with your family , friends, and the lord.
This is so comforting to read. You're right. I'll live.
Amen to that.
i was right with you until you said "the lord"
@@jeorgecampos8683 to each his own
Thank you, I’m 19 and live tg with my bf on almost 2 yrs , my moms living out of state wit my GMA brother nd we’ve never been close but even when I try to bring up how everything and all the questions I have overwhelm me no one listens , and lately I’ve been having the realizing of what u said and just letting answe come to me as I age and go thru life, it’s scary but I’m glad someone else also sees it my way and has the same feelings I do about life and I’m not crazy lol. I thought I must be losing my mind and that everyone accepts life and death and learn how to manage why haven’t I..
Scarily, you have just confirmed what I already knew to be true. From a young age I have felt I have lived before, I have always believed in life after death. The physical body is but a vessel inhabited by the soul and the soul is forever. This will be my last cycle, as I have truly begun to understand this as absolute truth. Subscribed
You KNOW only what you choose to believe... You KNOW nothing until you cross that bridge.
@jlm3303 You speak as if you are I. However, you are not. You're clearly quite an angry soul. It's called speaking how I have felt since a young child, no need to be so dismissive. Rude.
That’s the beginning of the spiral, we keep going, and if one chooses you get deeper and deeper connections.
@@boshaveit this gives me chills that all of you have figured it. I'm soo stoked for all of you...much love. Let's go home yall
Gibberish. Just live your life.
I sent this to my mother who is battling cancer, and my sis who is diagnosed with dementia. I, myself, am an INTP (Jung) and battling Ego.
What a succinct, serene and profound document.. perfect choice of imagery, excellent narration, wonderful diction, a voice, words, from the soul... "May the long-time sun shine, all Love surround you, and the Pure Light within you guide your way on..." You have my heartfelt gratitude...
I'm type 1 diabetes 12 years ago I was baptized I wasn't real familiar with my Illness. I smoked cigarettes n was barely making it. We'll I had told an elder on the phone that one minute I'm freezing the next I'm sweating. And I could not hold any beverage down I was found in my bathroom face down the elder came at the right exact time. 15 mins more I would have been a goner. I remember looking down at my body n talking to 3 ppl in my bed they were saying to me your going to be ok. The Lord isn't ready for you yet. One of the 3 was a black man that had that God shine on him that I knew when I was younger. I woke up in ICU n a beautiful woman in a nurses uniform kept walking by n smiling in at me. No staff member knew she was. But I changed everything even quit smoking cigarettes ( I can't stand any drugs. Alcohol etc) n still am trying to figure out where I belong
Yeah thats Just your mind playing tricks
I got a different expirience and even tho it changed my live too i dont think of it more then the brain going in emergency death chemicals release mode. I also Heard the drug dmt has similar chemicals than the brain releases while Close to death.
Its Just brain chemicals bro sry
You’re in a cult gtfo
Godspeed and may you find what you seek.
I'm type 1 betes brother as well
I totally understand I've been beaten as a child into adulthood
I have fully died twice; went to the white room both times, plus the throne room the second time.
The light at the end of the tunnel is a fair analogy for what's actually happening; a cord like probiscus with a glowing white tip will slowly approach your forehead and connect approximately where your third eye is, your eyes will be probably closed, but regardless you will see this happening. And as it is happening you will hear a voice telling you very calmly that everything is OK and to stay "awake". Honestly very serene; i wasn't breathing and couldn't feel anything, no heartbeat....
The millisecond that glowing tipped probiscus touched my third eye 👁 ✨️ I was instantly in the white room and feeling as though floating; conciousness without body, and I could start hearing other voices, male and female.
I prefer not to fracture someone's reality here so I will end those experiences by letting you know, we truly are the center of all things and there is no such thing as coincidence.
I'm a shaman, a real one; feel free to ask me anything if inclined,
Be well
Who is attaching the cord like probiscus? Where are we going through this cord?
Not sure where I stand on this situation, but I once overdosed and was brought back by narcan...but at one point I was in a softly lit room and a door was in front of me with a super bright white light coming from behind it. I heard familiar voices behind it saying "he's here"....a woman that resembled my mom (who is still alive) appears next to me and told me it was ok and everything will be good, she pointed to the door. I said I didn't want to go in the door and the next thing I know I was waking up to first responders injecting me with was that proof of some higher place souls go? Maybe or was it my brain flooding with DMT and causing a hallucination I thought was afterlife ? Maybe... All I know is it was super real. And I can't shake it
Sounds to me we are actually living in a simulation that is run by an ancient race bored with existence so they delve into lifelong simulations where they are totally emerged until death, then they are brought back to the "real" world.
I been through something like that but it was a long time ago n I seen my fate/future and the quantum possibilities 😊😊
What was explained just felt right. I can't explain the feeling, but it's like you just know when your hearing something of truth. You have my like and sub.
the truth is familiar
Indeed @@Enfetamina
What intrigues me most about Life after death is the possibilities the endless of possibilities I could achieve once transcending the cycle of human rebirth. The endless adventure of the soul. The non stop pursuit for growth, awareness and knowledge. The pursuit of Love and never ending bliss and peace. In death I view the real start of Life. Dying and being able to transcended this world and reality. And using the power that I am to creat endless and go on endless adventures. And to be one with all.
That is kinda what you are doing now. It has already began. Everything is in constant change, so you die in each and every moment, only to be reborn in the next. The final one here is a new one there. And there is a good reason that there is a tight barrier between the two 'worlds',. To get to the next, you must no longer desire the one you are in by understanding it well. Through this gradual understanding, the virtues come forth: compassion, selflessness, Peace and Order and that is what you are doing: becoming a reflection of the other side as your desire wanes here. You are 'heaven', already, letting yourself be a window, allowing God to see, and become. also
Excellent teachings. Keep going!
Thank you. You are a great inspiration for my channel.
manual of life is Bible
when people die the siprit rerturns to God..
or it should
My only question about death is when in the ethreal do I choose the door to my right or the door to my left...I sit in the middle of a giant table..only a parchment blank and a feather with ink well sit before me...I have no physical form only consciousness...
The moral of life is treat others how you want to be treated when you’re feeling down or hurt sad depressed and anxious! Because you never know what that stranger who walks by you is dealing with and just a simple hello have a nice day can change that strangers day completely. People just want to be seen on this earth!
So glad I came upon this information. It aligns with information I came across in a book titled "Thinking and Destinuy" by Percival
I have no desire to become one with the clear light yet. Even with all the suffering and hardship, I love this place and want to come back as many times as I can. Experience everything.
Sounds nice, if you can afford it.
For most, there is no choice.
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I want to build good stuff in this and in another world I want to explore beauty
@@mywifesboyfriend5558get a life broski
The information here was the best available at the time, though it was long ago, and things have evolved as this cycle nears completion. Many people have had experiences such as death, near-death, and out-of-body journeys. My own experience of death was indescribably beautiful. My mind ceased activity, which ended fear, and then my heart stopped, ending my physical life. Upon disconnecting from the body, you enter the astral realm-a place you’ve always existed on some level. If you resist the urge to reincarnate, you’ll move toward a magnificent, golden realm that words cannot capture. However, if you feel done with the physical experience, remember that from the astral perspective, the desire to be reborn is incredibly tempting and compelling.
Not for me!
I don't think there's an "urge" to reincarnate. Life isn't _at will,_ as nobody gets a choice over being born.
thats suoer heavy doug i dont want another rebirth ..but because im here now I think there will be many more,
@@brubeck1 Rebirth is a choice. Desire is how the choice is made
@@EyeSeeThruYou Just wait.😆
I wish this book was taught in all public schools.
Wow, again I was on the edge of my seat. I watched this video again and again absorbing everything I could. The images are very intriguing. They seem to have been created by a wise yet tortured soul. This video series is so unique and profound. It will go far but not become viral. The message is to clear and deep that most people who come across it will only see their own fears and limitations and they will move on. I am going to watch this one again as soon as I am finished. I am also going to purchase the Book of the Dead so I can read it first hand. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
You don't need a book of death, investigate nde cases please, it will open you mind
Ive encountered the light and recognized it as the I am or whatever you want to call it. Three days of living in bliss and recognizing every single person as myself followed.
Its a bummer to return to the "normal" state of experience, but I will never forget this profound experience. And yes, all that matters is how much you love. I live by that rule now.
Once you experience it, it's impossible to forget that as fucked up as this place is, it's all Love. Hope you're doing well after coming back, just remember that the reason you did is because you chose to, consciously or subconsciously. It's good to remember when things get tough again. Wishing you the best 👍🏼
How did you encounter “the light”?
@@UnicornsInEcstasy True. Thank you.
Through some difficult and enlightening experiences, this has come to be my belief as well. Nothing matters but love.
I refuse to believe that I am the same person as some serial killer. I think these beings are not part of us.
Another classic 2:23 am RUclips video
2.:18 am ....
ITS 226 TOO!
Wtfff2:23am for me
As a medium and psychic, I appreciate this video and can confirm that this video has huge amounts of accuracy. In other realities such texts no longer exist so it is extremely important to take on board and protect this information. Thank you for posting this by the way!
How do I know if my spirit guides are contacting me. I keep seeing 11:11 everywhere I look. Would you happen to know my spirit guides name?
I know you don’t have to answer but it would help me out so much
New sub, thanks for not using filters on the video.. the rattle the brain, and the info is harder to retain
❤❤❤ Much love to the all
When i was ejected from a vehicle when i was like 15yrs old i experienced looking down at myself laying on the ground all busted up trying to yell for people to find me but i couldn't yell it was a little bit before i was found it's always been a thing i don't understand or even try to understand. I just know their will be a day that I will understand it... hopefully its not today i personally think there is more to life than what we know as life. Iv had other situations that were.. Devine in a way to that was undeniably obvious. ✌️
I had a situation where a car hitting pedestrian me SHOULD have been the end of me, and I missed out on what exactly happened because from 9 feet up outside my body, I wished for this car to not hit anybody else: I was watching another car ALMOST get involved. Somehow, no blood and no ascerntainable injuries happened to me: and that’s SUPER unlikely, considering what happened. If I think about it too much, I’ll get neurotic about my existence and / or about the existence of time & causality. So, I try not to think about it too much…
Do you guys remember anything from your experiences? Like what did your spirits look like? What else did you experience?
Which 'you' was trying to yell for people to find you? Was it the 15 year old laying on the ground or the one looking from above???
@@BestInTheWorld365 Mne was not a shocking death & i end up (immediately) in a place of darkness, suspended in the 'space'. I still felt like myself, thought like myself.
@@TheBelilu sounds like you had an OBE then. Did realize you were outside of your body or anything? Did you see any other spirits or guides?
Excellent and informative video. My mom passed last month, and I've become interested in researching different cultural perspectives on "what happens after we die / leave the body." Personally, I'm 100% convinced of an afterlife. In other words, that we are spirits having a human experience - not humans who occasionally have a spiritual experience.
Brilliantly explained. It’s a very complex book, and the ease with which you have presented the most important points here in the video is commendable.
I’ve seen that clear light in a dream. I was suspended in front of it in awe and in complete peace. It pulled me into it and the intensity of that raw energy and power can only be related to the god/creator of all things. The moment I merged into that wonderful powerful healing light I woke up and felt like I was vibrating from head to toe. I’ve only had that dream once and that’s all I needed to know this is my last incarnation. I pray and hope and wish ALL people experience this experience in this lifetime. Heaven would truly manifest on earth if we all had this common experience to share.
You had a dream. Nothing more.
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@mywifesboyfriend5558 Do you have dreams?
@@mywifesboyfriend5558You are sharing a statement, not truth.
I read ALL replies. 😎
Thanks for the video. I was scrolling and suddenly the algorithm proposed this video. I don't know why but I felt is what I needed to watch and hear today.
Blessings and thanks again for your good job 😊
Praise the almighty algorithm. May you forever be in peace while you give your lif3 over the the great algorithm. Algorithm is everything algorithm is love. Algorithm. Algorithm. Al gore is him. Praise manbearpig.
@@stzaleft7355 I'm super serial
I recommend a book also: Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Néel, it's from the times the Tibet was forbidden to enter
I almost didn't click on this because after 20+ years as a Buddhist and now as a priest in training, i thought "i'm actually pretty satisfied with the answer i have already for that, the Tibetan Book of the dead p much got it right", and i was SO pleased to see that was what this video is about!
You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a Body.
Only someone who tried psychedelics can understand what you mean...
Nah bruh
It's completely inaccurate for this video to be talking about a soul at all regarding the subject of Buddhism, which makes it a complete jumble of nonsense from the start.
There are walkouts and walking but rare and only in specific situations. Generally your soul actually does grow in your body, such that the way you take care of your body, the food you eat, the thoughts you think influence your soul, and of course when possible your soul makes choices to provide the body with its choices. ❤️
Our physical body is just a vessel for our soul. We are all light beings/spiritual beings.
By looking at some people actions I can't agree with you. To much humanoids look like human and that's it.
@@КакбыЭтоЗвучалоНаРусском What you mean by looking at peoples actions you can't agree?
@@grassyfieldz4578murder, rape, wicked sins
Incorrect. We are matter. Nothing more. When you die, it will be like when you were born. Nothing. You simply die. Accept that.
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I consider the body as a prison from the soul, and ngl i see the world as hell. Cause you can’t ignore the fact that everything is wrong with it, the system, the way how people treat each other, the lies, the cheating enz enz enz enz.
I have been looking for something that would explain this to me for a long time thank you for this . I know have a clear under standing ..
I found so any of these thoughts, ideas, and feelings myself without exposure to much eastern history, and seeing my hunches be validated is so exhilarating and makes me hopeful. There must be something drawing me to these conclusions that connects me- even if it’s just my soul, that’s awesome 😊
To all of you, I am so sorry for your sorrow but know that we are here to learn and to grow and we all must do that in our own ways and sometimes those ways cannot be understood by others. Take heart knowing that love is always present and can be tangible. ((HUGS))
Hablo aquí desde España, estoy entrenando inglés y es un placer consumir contenido tan confiable como este!
I can hear my soul. Calling. And it called me to this. In the middle. Of a ruthless PTSD day. And. It has made so much sense. Of my self. I needed this. My soul. And family blood line needed this. I for one wish I could stay and use my positively charged energy and help others like this humble yogi has.
The love you have shared is a gift and when you choose you can re-embrace love and become one with love. how are people not excited to shed this existence for a new one. Embrace all, love all, and once it's all good.... then you'll be all good and then who knows man but you don't have to come back... You can move forward!
Wow this blow my mind, just makes me wonder how many times your soul might have lived in past lives.
Always contemplate death and prepare for it - it will be here soon, so eliminate desires and attachments
Don't forget to live.
Balance is key, living with no attachments or desires is not living at all~
ahhh death.. will i get to rest? im always so fkn tired
No thank you! Death is over rated. I have way better things to contemplate. Death is the last thing on my mind. It's just like they say, garbage in garbage out
If you think you are a separate person in a world with others you are dreaming,the self is an illusion,there is no separation, there never has been.
It’s still such a mystery of the light and that’s what makes it hard to not be reborn. I personally have been asked to go on a serious mushroom trip, I knew I would leave and never come back, I know that sounds dumb but it explained this so great. I wasn’t ready to leave my people behind and I remember that feeling. The choice to leave this human body. I believe that feeling is very similar to what he’s talking about, I’ve never felt anything like it before. It was so unique and beautiful/the most frightening and most saddest peaceful feeling I’ve ever felt. It changed my life forever, and this teaching puts it into words.
I’ve experienced this same thing
Thank you this was beautifully visualized and articulated 😊❤
Just as water takes the shape of the container that holds it. Absolute truth must take the necessary form for each mind. Padmasambhava.
Isn't that just exquisite wisdom?
Imagine your life as a shape, imagine you could see your birth and death at the same time, this is the 4th dimension. We are stuck in the 3rd dimension, and we are in the “present moment”. We are limited in this human body. We are standing on top of the 2nd dimension, therefore another dimension is above us. We just can’t comprehend it.
In your opinion, this is good or bad?
@@thehiddenlibrary33they are just poles of the same thing but we have labelled it as we are human. The original state is always love
No that is wrong... 4th dimension it's said to be time however it said you can see everything from point a to b..... if that was true that means the past, present and future are all interacting simultaneously so a 4th dimensional being or a "time traveler" would be able to predict what happens in earth 100 years from now or whatever the future time line amount is set to as in if its 10 year ahead or 20 or 40 etc...
Thank you for this video. Resonates strongly with NDE stories.
Which are all explained clearly in neuroscience.
@@BatDeckard1138 I've seen a lot of medical data but never any "proof" that neuroscience has any understanding of what Consciousness truly is.
adriandinsmore5630 Why are you here?
@MethodiousMind Why can't you reason?
@@BatDeckard1138 I meant that metaphorically: Why are you here? Why am I here? Why are any of us here?
Thank you for manifesting this beautiful art.
You wake up like it was some kind of dream, but with no desires or attachments.
Not being able to ignore the emptiness of reality once seen, nothing remains to be attached to, except the pure peace manifest of impeccable virtue, and the narrative ends.
I took fly agaric mushrooms.... probably too many because I found myself in a place that was all white (no contrast whatsoever) and the first thought I had was "I'm going to be here forever, with nothing to do and no one to talk to."
I still remember the absolute terror that I felt......
Let me say that again....
"....That I felt."
Since then, I have come to the conclusion that I was back at pure consciousness, I was only 22 years old and not awakened like I am now.
This video served as a confirmation that i 'glimpsed' the other side and now, upon re-experiencing this state, i will understand what to do.
Thank you!
Would you have chosen to come back to your life then, knowing you had the choice?
I took 30 G of Amanita Muscaria. I failed to ground myself beforehand and I ended up becoming extremely delirious like I would be in this mindset forever but I felt growth. It revealed my biggest fears that I didn't even realize, my old religious trauma from Christianity, my fear of being wrong in the afterlife and going to hell, but then as it gradually Left my system through the weeks, it showed me that I wasn't wrong. It was A reflection of my mind and I was being fooled by trauma demons. I finally grew over that fear Because of that
@@EmberHollyI still have lessons to learn.
@@JasonGoldstein78 Oh wow, thank you for your reply. I'm a fan of learning, myself. Might your path be blessed. 🙂
Sure you did!! Cool story bro.
Love & Light to All.
Malarkey detected
@mosheridan7016 person who hides behind a screen and talks trash in youtube comments detected.
I love learning new things and how to put to words things I have felt in my heart. I struggle with how to define what I feel, but I trust it and know that it's the right feeling. Almost a righteous feeling when ever I was confronted with fear or harm. Thank you for this knowledge!
For being done in 19 minutes. I'm forced to give it an 8 out 10 for my collection of explanations regarding mental illustrations of the Bardo'h. 🔥⛲🗝️⛩️
Thank you for all your time, energy and end 'Self' expression you applied into the creation of this video. You are appreciated more than my words which come to you both unfamiliar in mind and foreign of weight and meaning. Don't read me. Read my words. I'm not the genre a person takes delight in. Yet, I will say that going through one life as much as I am thus far. I have quickly learned where Wisdom calls home.
Keep Going Always 🕯️🥲🧭
And then what are your highest recommendations re/the Bardo?
ok bro.
Damn cool story bro
I've studied this book for a few years. It is a text that illustrates what happens after death and before incarnation.
Nice explanation. I have read the Leary/Alpert version on the Book of the Dead as well as the original so it was cool to hear you mention the quote by him at the end, Ram Dass
I don’t think we will ever know for sure but sure is nice to think the end isn’t the end… for a while I wanted to end and my low days think about it but because of my kids I want to live forever at the same time to make sure they will be ok
Am i the only one who considers "no end" a nightmare you can't wake from? This "life" thing soul or otherwise MUST end eventually or so help me god I'll make eternity unbearable for all of us!
@@1112viggo Getting "board" IS NOT possible, the only constant in Creation is change. The Liberation spoken of is from every type of limitation, especially to the creative imagination of the Individuality.
@@oldoneuponthemountain6329 Who says anything about bored? Can't one simply find the same psychological satisfaction in having a finite journey with an ultimate end as you do with one that just goes on and on and on and on with ever so slight variations of the exact same experiences?
Its like Music. There is as infinite a combination of sounds as infinity practically gets, but at some point you run out of truly original ideas and even infinite variations seem to become repetitious and predictable. At that point id very much like for it to just end. There is what there is and no more. Done. Finito. Mission accomplished. Going on at that point would drive me nuts!
@@1112viggowhen you are in the state of energy time doesn't exist so the thought of eternity is irrelevant...what use to be 50 years for you as a human is only like 50 seconds to God and eternity. After your hellish experience on Earth dont you want to be in a place that goes beyond all understanding. A peace that just can't be explained and love beyond anything comprended...your life will end on earth be sure of that but your reward is eternal happines for what you endured. Now if you want, you more than welcome to stay and join your loved ones who are waiting for you or you can be stay here until the earth is completely gone and your existence will be no more...your soul deleted from the archives as if you never existed at all. Please think about what you are saying because you are just trying to persuade them to deny and raise doubt to something apparently you just aren't ready for. This is exactly what Satan did. I hope you find peace but yet want to spend eternity with the very being that made you.
Life and the universe is infinite @1112viggo
When things would get really bad I would always say to myself under my breath..I just wanna go home but the thing is that i would that at my home and then i would think why would i say that and then i realized i wanted to go to my real home and i just didn't know where that was. And then i started realizing i hate the human experience because im not human im a soul a energy that was once happy but didn't know how to appreciate it without an experience to show my soul why i should appreciate what I had before becoming human and truly love my Creater. And now i can go back home with what ive experienced and truly show love beyond understanding and be happy worshiping my Creator who has shown me to be appreciative for what i had before becoming human which internally gives me peace eternally
jeez the i want to go home thing resonates hard
Before you were born, you decided to come here to experience something that you are not going to remember until you die.
@bigblackspiderx5069 I like that....
I've had this exact thought before. That's eerie to me. Yearning for home while being in my home.
I love this I have been searching for a reason why I have visions of demons when I close my eyes to go to sleep now I know it is the minds chains of fear I feel I have a guide to not fear them as they are illusions brought about by fear and negative emotional attachment thank you 🙏
You might even consider engaging with them if they persist, becoming comfortable with these projections. In doing so you might find that you become comfortable with fear, which can be liberating.
I also found this funny little video useful. :-) I wish you luck on your path to wherever.
You as a soul, you are immortal and untouchable, there is no point on having fear if you remember who you are. Don't judge, forgive and love, you will never be wrong.
I found this video very helpful.. Thank you for sharing!
Hi. I died on September 27th, 2022, for over 11 1/2 minutes. The paramedics brought me back to life by restarting my heart, although I didn't start breathing on my own for 4 days. They froze my body while they worked on me. I later had visions where my Soul was in my room the whole time my body was in the hospital. This has caused some serious problems in my Consciousness. I really need to speak with someone about my experience.
Thank you for sharing your story. I would love to hear more about your experience, what you saw, what you felt, and what changed in your life after that event.
I hope you have found someone to speak with already, or you're welcome to contact me. I have also experienced an NDE, and I agree that while wonderful, it can also be a very disorienting experience.
Pressing X
@@merak0123NDE's have been proven to be nothing more than the brain's electrical activity slowly dying out. Nothing more.
What that person saw was nothing other than the brain's last gasp. Not some fictional "other side".
Sorry. 🤷♂️
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@@mywifesboyfriend5558 "pReSSiNg X"
Interesting. Many other traditions say the first light is the oroborus and to not enter it
I thought of that too, and i wonder why one would really other to avoid the light at all costs.. even in the dmt community i have read the same.. i truly wonder about it. The sunbelivers are worshipping the light, but almost in a fearfull way. I wonder why
I would have to ask; why is it bad (or negative) about the Serpent of Wisdom biting its tail?
@oldoneuponthemountain6329 it's not bad. It's just a program that makes you reincarnate into the material world. If you want to be in the material world again go into the light if you don't then don't. Also it's not the serpent of wisdom. That would be the snake that told man to eat from the fruit in the garden of Eden. The oroborus is the leviathan
@@oldoneuponthemountain6329Job 41:18-24 KJV
Midjourney most likely
I find more solace in being a realist, not willingly being ignorant to the truth that life and the universe will never fully be understood and is far more simplistic and complicating then we will ever know gives me more peace in life then just throwing myself into a faith of religion to blanket my own reality.
The reason for meditating and contemplating the stages of the bardo and the stages of death is so that while you're on the path of rebirth, because of the focus and the learning of the bardos it allows a person the possibility of recognizing that door of opportunity to exit the cycle and attain buddhahood or oneness with everything.
As that opportunity is realized, your person has the choice of continuing through that door of opportunity into Nirvana, oneness, etc. The choosing to return back to the circle of life as an enlightened Buddha for the purpose of teaching others who are caught in the circle so that they may attain and like meant and have the choice to exit the cycle as Buddhas or return as Buddhists to help us towards our own enlightenment.
I've spoken in of this in overly simplistic terms and into a mic.
Please forgive the typos that must be in here.
Excellent explanation.
Working with each other, will always lead to success.
Hmm what about stalinist russia or n*zi Germany? People very much worked together there
I have been having out of body experiences for the past 14 years now, began as spontaneous, but over time i learned how to initiate them. Incredibly, exiting the body is what i would best describe as a snake shedding its skin. It is the most incredible experiences i have ever had, and each time it happens, i am always left with wanting more as it is extremely intriguing to me. I believe death is the final out of body.
I cant wait !!! I want to.. hopefully soon!! 😵 I'm sick of humans.
no my freind you are sick at what they have become we have been conditioned to think and act the way we have become , thank goverments and there technology for that!
@@joshfoster9785 maybe mostly right.. like i say im sick of humanity. Wars, environment distractions, killin Mother Earth, racism, hatred all around the world. soon my friend i'm ending myself. We lost our land and our Mother!! I hope your right..just a pipe dream. 😖😖
That means that you sick of yourself?, because you are human too, you need to understand why you don't have judge others
@@bigblackspiderx5069 yip!!
The soul doesn't die, the body does.
the soul is a kind of quantum thing. It is a field of consciousness. Since paranormal phenomena exist they could have studied the phenomenon better and it can be studied with science and has been done. It is still a taboo clearly. Paranormal has to do with the quantum consciousness field and dimensions. Dr. Steven Greer of the Sirius disclosure project explains it all in his lecture.
There isna second Golden Death
A overcoat
stupid nonsense, it is all wishful thinking; when you die you die, nothing remains, you rot and there is no thing like a soul, stupid nonsense
the body is just a vessel.. the personality is the spirit.
from the Buddhist POV. where do these spirtual master's come from if in the last stage you can reconzie and accept what is happening you don't have to be do the people whom become the teachers/guides exsist if they would be in Nirvana? great video you got a like from me :)
They choose to suffer to help end suffering in others.
@@turdferguson2982 so they don't really know..
@@skyisthelimitreadyornotfor2 dharma...
@@turdferguson2982 okay...but how...did...they...get...reborn...if they...already...accepted what was happening?
@@skyisthelimitreadyornotfor2 ya the dude totally avoided my question lol
I had to put my dog down, and after she took her last breath, a ball of energy hit me in the chest. I'm afraid I'll never understand what it was.
First time I had to put a dog down I was inconsolable. Later that night I went in the backyard stared up at the stars and kept staying ehy, why, why. I looked over at the grill and there was a white/grey ball of light about the size of a tennis ball going around the base of the grill about 3 times.
Abby always ran around the grill when we brought food out. I adked why and a ball of light appeared. I teuly believe it was Abby showing me she was still there.
If all identity is lost at death, that means everything we've learned is lost, including these instructions, so what's the point of wasting our time trying to learn how to navigate death? I don't remember what i learned yesterday, let alone the many years ago.
I can actually lend some of my own personal experiences regarding this topic - This shit though, this shit is so fucking ridiculous it makes no sense because it's Nonsense.
Watch Shawn Ryans Interviews with Joe McMoneagle and Sean Webb.
I won't elaborate too much, but everything is genuinely connected infinitely through what we call "Consciousness" the Quantum Consciousness is a real phenomena.
Humans are for lack of a better term, vessels or containers for souls to develop.
You absolutely don't need to have an Ego Death in order to experience for yourself - The consciousness becoming aware or expanding its perceptive capabilities.
Nothing is lost, Identity isn't lost, this video is fucking stupid and seems to be an AI channel.
I'm in the same boat regarding information retention. Undiagnosed but almost definitely adhd. or pragmatically you can assume that maybe your brain is more developed for conscious expression.
i.e. Instead of being someone that copy and paste information they're told throughout their life, you're able to genuinely exhibit original thought and self teaching.
Look into it all.
Exactly, and nobody "chooses" to be born, either, because if they knew what lay ahead, most would decline based upon what life was like during the balance of our existence.
@EyeSeeThruYou Awesome user name 👍
I think you're right, unless they were ultra bored and we're well aware that any pain endured is temporary. Much like watching a horror movie, we do it to feel something bad so that when it's over it makes us appreciate how safe we are.
Just don't go into the light be free
@Maxmarvelus yeah see I'll forget that instruction as soon as the lights go out in my brain.