This game is so awesome, I love it. It's definitely not perfect but I enjoyed my time with it, Wendy is my favorite character to use. I literally cannot have my team without my beloved Wendy
As of posting this some more DLC packs dropped with outfits. individually were around $18 and bundles for almost $60. Personally feel the outfits are overpriced. But wanted to include this comment to show that the business practices from the first game are continuing with the second game. Will give them some credit though for giving out an Erza outfit for free.
This game is so awesome, I love it. It's definitely not perfect but I enjoyed my time with it, Wendy is my favorite character to use. I literally cannot have my team without my beloved Wendy
As of posting this some more DLC packs dropped with outfits. individually were around $18 and bundles for almost $60. Personally feel the outfits are overpriced. But wanted to include this comment to show that the business practices from the first game are continuing with the second game. Will give them some credit though for giving out an Erza outfit for free.