@Mubarak Obidova no they are asking for Ali to intercede on their behalf. When someone goes to hajj you ask that person to make dua for you so is that shirk, why not make dua yourself. The person who is going to hajj will more likely has his prayers answered. Same with Imam Ali he is closer to Allah then we are and Allah has said that he will accept intercession from those he has granted permission.
@@jayd1877What an absurd example you have given.The person who you ask to make a Dua on your behalf to ALLAH is alive while Ali is not.Ya Ali madad clearly means in any dictionary o Ali help me don't try to twist the meaning. Doesnt the Quran says ‘And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to ‘the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided’(2,186) He, Al-Mujeeb, the responding one, states not if, but when you call- I will respond.
Sermon 148 Before his passing away( last will ) O' people, Every one has to meet what he wishes to avoid by running away . Death is the place to which life is driving . To run away from it means to catch it. How many days did I spend in searching for the secret of this matter, but Allah did not allow save its concealment . Alas! It is a treasured knowledge . As for my last will , it is that concerning Allah, do not believe in a partner from Him, and concerning MUHAMMAD (s) . do not disregard his sunnah. Keep these two pillars and burn these two lamps. Till you are not divided no evil will come to you. Every one of you has to bear his own burden. It has been kept light for the ignorant . Allah is Merciful . Faith is straight. The leader ( prophet ( s,) is the holder of KNOWLEDGE. Yesterday I was with you:; today I have become the object of a lesson for you, and tomorrow I shall leave you Allah may forgive me and you. If the foot remains firm in this slippery place, well and good. But if the foot slips, this is because we are under the shade of branches, the passing of the winds and the canopy of the clouds whose layers are dispersed in the sky, and whose traces disappeared in the earth. I was your neighbour, My body kept you company for some days and shortly you will find just an empty body of mine which would be stationary after (all its ) movement and silent after speech so that my calmness the closing of my eyes, and the stillness of my limbs may provide you counsel , because it is more of a counsel for those who take a lesson ( from it) than eloquent speech and a ready word I am departing from you like one who is eager to meet ( someone). Tomorrow you will look at my days, then my inner side will be disclosed to you and you will understand me after the vacation of my place and it's occupation by someone else. End of sermon. / Nahjul Balagah.
Interesting... Jazakum Allahu Khairan Katheeran. "...Wa Aliyun Maula." Ali Ibn Abu Talib AS was the only legitimate and Rightful Successor as designated by the Messenger of Allah himself SAS. Some of the most meritorious, indisputably prominent and distinguished characteristics and status of Ali AS over and above ALL the other Sahabas can be highlighted as follows: 1. Ali AS was brought up in the household of the Prophet SAS from the tender age of 10 when the Prophet SAS was then 30 years old, 10 years before Revelation and never worshipped idols, unlike the rest of the Sahabas. 2. Dawatul Ashira - 609 when Ali AS was the first male at 23 years old who openly declared acceptance of Islam directly to Prophet SAS, while the other paternal blood relatives declined. Refer to 26:214. The Prophet SAS then referred to him as "Akhi", "Wasi" and "Khalifa". 3. Lailat Mabit - 622 when Ali AS readily and happily risked his life for the Prophet SAS by agreeing to sleep in his SAS's bed for the Hijrah, at the assasination plot to kill the Prophet SAS by the tribesmen. Refer to 2:207. 4. On the Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah, the Prophet SAS left Ali AS in charge of executing the Amana by returning the valuable possessions of some Makkans kept with the Prophet SAS back to the people as a Sacred Trust. 5. The Prophet SAS then gave Ali AS another Sacred Trust to take the three Fatimas - Fatima Zahara AS, his own mother Fatima and Fatima, daughter of Hamza safely to join the Prophet SAS in Madinah and single-handedly valiantly fought off attackers on the journey. 6. A few months upon arrival in Madinah, the Prophet SAS ordered the Muhajireen to each choose an Ansar as his brother to cement brotherhood, but he SAS did not request Ali AS to do so. Neither did the Prophet SAS himself do likewise. Instead, he SAS held Ali AS's hand and declared him as his SAS brother to affirm their special and unique relationship in this world and the Hereafter. Refer to 59:9. 7. Marriage to Fatima AS - 624 when Ali AS was choosen to marry the daughter of the Prophet SAS, while Abu Bakr and Umar RA were refused. Ali AS was the paternal cousin of the Prophet SAS, son-in-law and closest confidante and their house was the only door left open to Masjid Nabawi when all others were ordered closed. 8. Battle of Badr - 624 when Ali AS put down more of the enemies than any other from among the 313 ill equipped Muslims against some 1,000 strong and better equipped enemies of Makkah. 9. Battle of Khaibar - 629 when Ali AS brought an astounding victory to the Prophet SAS. After Abu Bakr and Umar RA failed to do so before him on two separate attempts, the Prophet SAS made an amazing statement: "Tomorrow Allah will send a man who loves Allah and His Prophet and Allah and His Prophet love him too. He will deliver Khaibar to me." 10. Battle of Hunain - 630 when the army of 12,000 fled the arrows in the valley by the Hawazin and Thaqif of 24,000 strong against the Prophet SAS, while only 8 distinguished Companions remained with the Prophet SAS, not including neither Abu Bakr, Umar nor Uthman RA. Ali AS brought final victory to him SAS at Hunain. 11. Ghazwat Tabuk - 630 when the Prophet SAS left Ali AS in charge of Madinah and likened him to himself SAS as Aron was to Moses AS as Nabi and Successor. Refer to 13:7. 12. Ghadeer Khumm - 632 on the 18th of Zul Hijjah after the Farewell Hajj, when the Prophet SAS explicitly and publicly declared Ali AS his SAS's Successor and those present openly congratulated him, including Abu Bakr and Umar RA. 13. Mubahala - 632 when the Prophet SAS entered into Divine Curse with the Christians of Najran to prove the Truth. The Prophet SAS took along with himself only Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain AS as his family to confront the Christians. Refer 3:61. 14. Kisa - 632 when the Prophet SAS took only Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain AS under his cloak at the Revelation of Ayat Tathir, 33:33, as the only members of Ahlul Bait. He excluded others even though it happened in the house of Umm Salama RA who expressly requested to be included. 15. This highlights the superiority of Ali AS over all the other Sahabas, when the Prophet SAS declared: "I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is the Gate." 16. Consider why the Prophet SAS, at his death bed, when he SAS ordered everyone, including Abu Bakr and Umar RA who refused to join Usama bin Zaid's Army against the Romans but particularly insisted that only Ali Ibn Abu Talib AS alone should remain with him SAS in Madinah.
Thanks for the videos. For the future, can you set up an external mic from the lecturer to the camera instead of recording from the loud speaker audio (to the camera recorder). Thank you
Ya Mola Ali a.s madad
THIS GUY IS ABSOLUTELY THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF OUR SUNNI BROTHERS...Absolutely truth without fear or hiding....
And the intoxication of love to imam Ali a.s ❤
Wallah, when I sometimes hear Naar e Haydari my throat is so choked up I can't even get the words "Ya Ali" out!
I am mesmerized by Ali Ibn Abi Talib's valour and courage which outshines all the warriors of all nations of all times
whenever I heard about the story of ali it touches my heart
May Allah bless you sayyid!
May god bless you the best place in heaven for all the things you have tought me inshalla
May Allah keep us safe
Ya Ali madad
@Mubarak Obidova don't worry about the followers of ahlul bayt. Just stick to bani ummayah
@Mubarak Obidova no they are asking for Ali to intercede on their behalf. When someone goes to hajj you ask that person to make dua for you so is that shirk, why not make dua yourself. The person who is going to hajj will more likely has his prayers answered. Same with Imam Ali he is closer to Allah then we are and Allah has said that he will accept intercession from those he has granted permission.
@Mubarak Obidova Umar rejected the prophet hood of Rasool Allah why please tell me this
@@jayd1877What an absurd example you have given.The person who you ask to make a Dua on your behalf to ALLAH is alive while Ali is not.Ya Ali madad clearly means in any dictionary o Ali help me don't try to twist the meaning. Doesnt the Quran says ‘And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I
respond to ‘the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided’(2,186)
He, Al-Mujeeb, the responding one, states not if, but when you call- I will respond.
Sermon 148
Before his passing away( last will )
O' people, Every one has to meet what he wishes to avoid by running away . Death is the place to which life is driving . To run away from it means to catch it. How many days did I spend in searching for the secret of this matter, but Allah did not allow save its concealment . Alas! It is a treasured knowledge . As for my last will , it is that concerning Allah, do not believe in a partner from Him, and concerning MUHAMMAD (s) . do not disregard his sunnah. Keep these two pillars and burn these two lamps. Till you are not divided no evil will come to you. Every one of you has to bear his own burden. It has been kept light for the ignorant . Allah is Merciful . Faith is straight. The leader ( prophet ( s,) is the holder of KNOWLEDGE. Yesterday I was with you:; today I have become the object of a lesson for you, and tomorrow I shall leave you Allah may forgive me and you. If the foot remains firm in this slippery place, well and good. But if the foot slips, this is because we are under the shade of branches, the passing of the winds and the canopy of the clouds whose layers are dispersed in the sky, and whose traces disappeared in the earth. I was your neighbour, My body kept you company for some days and shortly you will find just an empty body of mine which would be stationary after (all its ) movement and silent after speech so that my calmness the closing of my eyes, and the stillness of my limbs may provide you counsel , because it is more of a counsel for those who take a lesson ( from it) than eloquent speech and a ready word I am departing from you like one who is eager to meet ( someone). Tomorrow you will look at my days, then my inner side will be disclosed to you and you will understand me after the vacation of my place and it's occupation by someone else. End of sermon. / Nahjul Balagah.
Masha Allah 💐
Jazakum Allahu Khairan Katheeran. "...Wa Aliyun Maula." Ali Ibn Abu Talib AS was the only legitimate and Rightful Successor as designated by the Messenger of Allah himself SAS.
Some of the most meritorious, indisputably prominent and distinguished characteristics and status of Ali AS over and above ALL the other Sahabas can be highlighted as follows:
1. Ali AS was brought up in the household of the Prophet SAS from the tender age of 10 when the Prophet SAS was then 30 years old, 10 years before Revelation and never worshipped idols, unlike the rest of the Sahabas.
2. Dawatul Ashira - 609 when Ali AS was the first male at 23 years old who openly declared acceptance of Islam directly to Prophet SAS, while the other paternal blood relatives declined. Refer to 26:214. The Prophet SAS then referred to him as "Akhi", "Wasi" and "Khalifa".
3. Lailat Mabit - 622 when Ali AS readily and happily risked his life for the Prophet SAS by agreeing to sleep in his SAS's bed for the Hijrah, at the assasination plot to kill the Prophet SAS by the tribesmen. Refer to 2:207.
4. On the Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah, the Prophet SAS left Ali AS in charge of executing the Amana by returning the valuable possessions of some Makkans kept with the Prophet SAS back to the people as a Sacred Trust.
5. The Prophet SAS then gave Ali AS another Sacred Trust to take the three Fatimas - Fatima Zahara AS, his own mother Fatima and Fatima, daughter of Hamza safely to join the Prophet SAS in Madinah and single-handedly valiantly fought off attackers on the journey.
6. A few months upon arrival in Madinah, the Prophet SAS ordered the Muhajireen to each choose an Ansar as his brother to cement brotherhood, but he SAS did not request Ali AS to do so. Neither did the Prophet SAS himself do likewise. Instead, he SAS held Ali AS's hand and declared him as his SAS brother to affirm their special and unique relationship in this world and the Hereafter. Refer to 59:9.
7. Marriage to Fatima AS - 624 when Ali AS was choosen to marry the daughter of the Prophet SAS, while Abu Bakr and Umar RA were refused. Ali AS was the paternal cousin of the Prophet SAS, son-in-law and closest confidante and their house was the only door left open to Masjid Nabawi when all others were ordered closed.
8. Battle of Badr - 624 when Ali AS put down more of the enemies than any other from among the 313 ill equipped Muslims against some 1,000 strong and better equipped enemies of Makkah.
9. Battle of Khaibar - 629 when Ali AS brought an astounding victory to the Prophet SAS. After Abu Bakr and Umar RA failed to do so before him on two separate attempts, the Prophet SAS made an amazing statement: "Tomorrow Allah will send a man who loves Allah and His Prophet and Allah and His Prophet love him too. He will deliver Khaibar to me."
10. Battle of Hunain - 630 when the army of 12,000 fled the arrows in the valley by the Hawazin and Thaqif of 24,000 strong against the Prophet SAS, while only 8 distinguished Companions remained with the Prophet SAS, not including neither Abu Bakr, Umar nor Uthman RA. Ali AS brought final victory to him SAS at Hunain.
11. Ghazwat Tabuk - 630 when the Prophet SAS left Ali AS in charge of Madinah and likened him to himself SAS as Aron was to Moses AS as Nabi and Successor. Refer to 13:7.
12. Ghadeer Khumm - 632 on the 18th of Zul Hijjah after the Farewell Hajj, when the Prophet SAS explicitly and publicly declared Ali AS his SAS's Successor and those present openly congratulated him, including Abu Bakr and Umar RA.
13. Mubahala - 632 when the Prophet SAS entered into Divine Curse with the Christians of Najran to prove the Truth. The Prophet SAS took along with himself only Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain AS as his family to confront the Christians. Refer 3:61.
14. Kisa - 632 when the Prophet SAS took only Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain AS under his cloak at the Revelation of Ayat Tathir, 33:33, as the only members of Ahlul Bait. He excluded others even though it happened in the house of Umm Salama RA who expressly requested to be included.
15. This highlights the superiority of Ali AS over all the other Sahabas, when the Prophet SAS declared: "I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is the Gate."
16. Consider why the Prophet SAS, at his death bed, when he SAS ordered everyone, including Abu Bakr and Umar RA who refused to join Usama bin Zaid's Army against the Romans but particularly insisted that only Ali Ibn Abu Talib AS alone should remain with him SAS in Madinah.
When you randomly said name your children From ahl albayt. I was thinking about my unborn son's inshallah right before you Said it.
Thanks for the videos. For the future, can you set up an external mic from the lecturer to the camera instead of recording from the loud speaker audio (to the camera recorder). Thank you
Ali as lion of Allah ...
Ya ali
9:01 That punch line 👊🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wich country does he mean?
+abu ibnu harith Ya Ali.
Ya Ali Madad
i can hear that everyday :D
33:50 this tells us that there was also a fun relationship between lady fatima (s.a) and imam ali (a.s)😂😂😂😂😂😂
My death in custody was in Brisbane police station June 30th 1985. In my 34,000 page movie script. Chemo has damaged my bones and intestinal terrain.
What those he mean by ‘like the tyrant in iraq’
Probably Sadam
I would like it a 100 tymz if i could
Ur name is Winston u keeping a bearded Shiva in ur profile and giving Salam in a shia muslim comment section bruh 😮