The prophet peace be upon him emptied his mosque in Medina to the Christians of Najran to make their assembly, So he let the Christians of Najran to use the Masjid as a Church when the time of their prayer came.
I am a Sudanese Muslim by nationality ... Whoever wants to learn Islam and knows about it and its tolerance, kindness, forgiveness, benevolence and goodness, let me write to me on my WhatsApp number or call me +249924751092
Yes. Islam is so organic. Form the ablution/ widhu, the azan, the reciting of Quran to the sujood / prostration and touching your face to the ground as the sign of submission to Allah. SubhanAllah alhamdulilah for we are born muslim..and for all the special chosen one who Allah choose to be muslims ❤❤❤
I don’t understand,but i got goosebumps and tears in my eyes.every time when i hear azaan i feel like the whole world calling on god and saying pls forgive us god.we are sinners
I dont claim any religon but when I hear azaan sung so beautiful like this. It forces me to to close my eyes and feel something beyond words and beyond myself......
Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest Ashhadu anla ilaha illal laa (2 times) I testify, there is no God but Allah Ashadu anna Muhammadur rasulullah (2 times) Muhammad is the messenger of Allah Haia alas salaah (2 times) Come to prayer Haia alal falah (2 times) Come for success As salatus khairum minan naum* Prayer is better than sleep* Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest La ilaha illal laa There is no God but Allah
san sam that is mistranslated. laa ilaaha means there is nothing worthy of worship or nothing has the right to be worshipped illa Allaah which means except for Allaah. there is no god except Allaah is a lie. there are many gods (objects of worship) but only one god is worthy of worship and deserves to be worshipped and has the sole right to be worshipped and that's Allaah. and he (the caller of prayer) did not even mention 'prayer is better than sleep' in this call.
I am a Sudanese Muslim by nationality ... Whoever wants to learn Islam and knows about it and its tolerance, kindness, forgiveness, benevolence and goodness, let me write to me on my WhatsApp number or call me +249924751092
Juke Box We respect yours but it is you who loves to curse at our ALLAH and say most evil disgusting absurde things about our Prophet Muhammad..and the Holy Quran..blab about Islam and say false things about Muslims .And who are the devils that make videos on others religion instead on his own and saying most animalistic things ???please use your...ahh you dont have it..ok
for sure ...hidayeh means the righteous your own religion.....for us you are the people of the book and WE MUST RESPECT YOUR RELIGION BY VIRTUE OF QURAN ...may God/Allah guide us all to the righteous path of good and success
John De la Vera - You Asshole too / Truth Seekar The Kafir - you said Terrorist huh..okay may i give some correction, because people like you only watching tv gets information from CNN corruption Media...ISIS or whatever SYIAH not are muslim they only using name of religion.. mereka adalah orang2 yang terpesong dari ajaran agama yang sebenar...mereka tidak mengikuti sunnah nabi Muhammad S.A.W...mereka terlalu sanjung sahabat nabi iaitu Khalifah Saidina Ali... Islam tidak mengajar untuk membalas sesuatu dengan kekerasan..example pegang bom lalu melaungkan takbir "Allah Hu Akbar" @ Allah maha besar..itu Bunuh diri namanya bukan Jihad itu sudah terang dan jelas bunuh diri, ia adalah perkara yang dilarang dalam islam kerana Jodoh Rezeki dan Mati hanya Tuhan sahaja yang mampu menentukan,.. sudah lah salah tafsir...sesat agama pula...begini kah cara orang bukan muslim berfikir, adakalanya Racis macam mana kamu bole mengatakan ia adalah pengganas...kamu terlalu bodoh Truth Seekar..begitu mudah kamu menilai daripada apa yang kamu terima dan nampak...Media membodohkan kamu wahai Truth Seekar...semoga kamu jatuh cinta pada Islam dan Allah memilih kamu menjadi saudara islam kami..Inshallah..
On judgement day I believe we will wake up with a similar call. Ezan makes me think of waking up from the dead and walking towards my judgement with millions of people. It’s just my thoughts
I'm a Srilankan Buddhist and Lord Buddha has said to respect every religion . He's absolutely right. All religions are peaceful . But people have committed horrendous crimes in the name of religion and God. Those particular criminals are an insult to all religions which teach all living beings peace and love. May the Triple Gem Bless my Muslim brothers and sisters and all other people in this world and all living beings. This call to prayer was absolutely beautiful ❤❤
I am Islam from INDONESIA, it is very amazing when I hear the call to prayer in the church. his voice is very good, and Islam is peaceful, , Rahmatan lil Alamin, for all humanity. Greetings from MOSLEM INDONESIA
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمدا رسول الله نعم ان اسم محمد يذكر في كل ثانيه في جميع بقاع العالم من خلال الاذان والتكبير والصلوة اللهم صل على محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم
There is something in that voice that is full of emotions. Its like ur heart is melting with happiness. I dont exactly understand each words but it very emotional. My involuntary senses like my ears and eyes felt so heavy that burst me to cry.
Brother this is islamic call to prayer, it has been the same since 1400 years not a single word is changed since 1400 years. Why dont you do some more research about this? Just go to your closest mosque and you'll find out the truth that will make your life and after life peaceful. Try reading a Quran translated in to your language.
@@HamzaShah-dd9kk I will, i am actually looking to enrol in Islamic study here in the Univ. Of the Philippines. I am encouraged to learn and pray 5 times a day.
@@alinorcamal4998 wow thats great. Have you took the shahaada yet? If you need any help you can always contact me I'm not a scholar, just a common Muslim but i might be of any help. Let me know if you wanna get in contact I'll give you my whatsapp or instagram and we can find answers to your questions together
To all those who are appreciating the Azan, Thank you so much. Now please take one more step & try studying Islam, you'll be amazed. May God guide all of us to his righteous path. Ameen.
@LjFJDhs He can be pround of anything becouse soon he will take over eroupe to islam religion. Atleast he is better than you have the wrong way of hell. Atleast animals are bettet than you who belive god and his prophet.
I invite you to learn more about islam. And see if it convinces you as the true religion, cause in the quran Allah mentions that, human hearts only find rest with the remembrance of Allah.
Its always been that way with humans my friend. A time for God & a time for self. Its not necessary an evil thing. Prophet Mohamed played with his sibling & encouraged ppl to smile & play & not be morbid. Its the excessiveness thats resented, Don't you agree?
Shaye Kisitu . listen to the Quran by Abdul basit the read the meaning in English. I 100% guarantee u if u listen with open heart God willing u will understand the purpose of ur life.
When just the call to prayer (adhan) is so beautiful, just imagine how soothing and tranquilizing fulfilling namaaz wud be, where actual verses of Quran is recited.
Very lovely indeed. He is saying in Arabic " God is Great , God is Great . I testify that there is no God but Allah. I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Come to prayer. Come to success. God is Great. There is no God but Allah.
That's because the people singing at the beginning were made to sing as background noise for the music. If they were actually singing on top of the music they would've filled the entire building with their voices.
Wait..David Rodriguez your name is very frequent in Latin America or Spain/Portugal. How are you a muslim? Did the catholicism of your ancestors bore you?
Yes, we can live at peace as long as heretics are prepared to become sex-slaves or imprisoned and tortured. Not converting is a sin to their creator and they must be punished daily. Of course we'll only use these methods once the Islamic influence in a country is strong enough but that's just a matter of time.
Wow! I feel like when I was in the hospital gave birth my baby boy 8 years ago and my husband whisper adzan (call to prayer) in his ear just at the moment he came to this world. That was the first sound he heard. It's calling for peaceful of heart, tranquility in mind, glory as human being and true happiness in every breath to serve the owner of life... Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailahaillah Waallahu Akbar!
@@para9689 Bro think first, when the sun and the moon and all universe is created by one God then why you people follow more then one. And Esa a.s. is nothing but a messanger came for Bani israil, not the son of God. The final book mentioned all about the followers of book and the musrikeen who worship idols.
You shouldread about Islam you will find more and more happy as soon as saying shahada This is a great brief illustrating Islam
@@Super241946 bro chill why so much attitude and showoff are you superior here no naahh you are nothing but the result of that night when you father forget to wear protection so be a humble guy it's useless to show this attitude and angryness towards other coz neither you will take this with you in grave so chill live your life bro
My human brothers and sisters that's the call for prayers we hear that 5 times every day it come from mosques so i wish for you all the best ,when your heart feel something it's ur first step to know Allah ( God ) our real creator
I am a Zoroastrian by faith but I respect all religions. I regularly listern to azan so everyday I hear Gayatri mantra & all other mantras so also my prayers in Farsi & I find it so peaceful & close to the Lord Almighty & the Universe. This is the diversity of religions in our country so please be kind & peaceful . Thank You so much.
Allahu akbar. No song in the world can replace our azaan. This has been revealed from Allah to our prophet. We give respect to it by going to masjid hearing it five times daily to say our salah.
Allahu Akbar God is Great Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah I bear witness that there is no god except the One God. Ashadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God. Hayya 'ala-s-Salah Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer) Hayya 'ala-l-Falah Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation) Allahu Akbar God is Great La ilaha illa Allah There is no god except the One God
A delegation of Christians came to the prophet from Yemen, when the time of prayer came he let them pray in his mosque. The visit of Najran Christians is mentioned in the authentic hadith books The event that a delegation of Christians from Najran (in Yemen) came to Madina to discuss a matter with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and asked him about Prophet Isa is mentioned in the following hadiths that are authentic: “Hudhaifa reported that the people of najran came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Allah's Messenger, send along with us a man of trust; whereupon he said: I would definitely send to you a man of trust, a man of trust in the true sense of the term. Thereupon his Companions looked up eagerly and he sent Abu Ubaida b. Jarrah.” (Abu Dawood: 31: 5949; Muslim: 31: 5949) “Narrated Hudhaifa: Al-'Aqib and Saiyid, the rulers of najran, came to Allah's Apostle with the intention of doing Lian one of them said to the other, "Do not do (this Lian) for, by Allah, if he is a Prophet and we do this Lian, neither we, nor our offspring after us will be successful." Then both of them said (to the Prophet ), "We will give what you should ask but you should send a trustworthy man with us, and do not send any person with us but an honest one." The Prophet said, "I will send an honest man who Is really trustworthy." Then every one of the companions of Allah's Apostle wished to be that one. Then the Prophet said, "Get up, O Abu 'Ubaida bin Al-Jarrah." When he got up, Allah's Apostle said, "This is the Trustworthy man of this (Muslim) nation." (Bukhari: 59: 663) Nevertheless, the event that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) allowed them worship in the masjid during this visit is not mentioned in the hadiths; however it is cited in various tafseer books such as al Jamiu li Ahkam al Quran (Imam Qurtubi), Tafser Ibn Kather, Tafseer al Munir (Wahba al Zuhayli); in the explanation section of Kutub al Sitta and many Islamic books as a quote from the famous book “Al Sirah Al Nabawiyyah” by Muhammad bin Ishaq as a narration from Muhammad bin Jafar bin az Zubayr. The visit of the Najran is cited in the interpretation of the 1- 61 verses of Surah Al-I Imran in tafseer books. We would like to quote the interpretation of the 61th verse of Surah Al-I Imran in Ibn Kather Tafseer: “The reason for the call to Mubahalah and the revelation of the Ayat from the beginning of this Surah (Surah al-I Imran) until here (61th verse), is that a delegation from the Christians of Najran (in Yemen) came to Al-Madinah to argue about `Isa, claiming that he was divine and the son of Allah. Allah sent down the beginning of this Surah until here, to refute their claims, as Imam Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yasar and other scholars stated. Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yasar said in his famous Sirah, "The delegation of Christians from Najran came to the Messenger of Allah . The delegation consisted of sixty horsemen, including fourteen of their chiefs who make decisions. These men were Al-`Aqib, also known as `Abdul-Masih, As-Sayyid, also known as Al-Ayham, Abu Harithah bin `Alqamah, of ﴿the family of﴾ Bakr bin Wa`il and Uways bin Al-Harith. They also included, Zayd, Qays, Yazid, Nabih, Khuwaylid, `Amr, Khalid, `Abdullah and Yuhannas. Three of these men were chiefs of this delegation, Al-`Aqib, their leader and to whom they referred for advice and decision; As-Sayyid, their scholar and leader in journeys and social gatherings; and Abu Harithah bin `Alqamah, their patriarch, priest and religious leader. Abu Harithah was an Arab man from ﴿the family of﴾ Bakr bin Wa`il, but when he embraced Christianity, the Romans and their kings honored him and built churches for him (or in his honor). They also supported him financially and gave him servants, because they knew how firm his faith in their religion was.'' Abu Harithah knew the description of the Messenger of Allah from what he read in earlier divine Books. However, his otherwise ignorance led him to insist on remaining a Christian, because he was honored and had a high position with the Christians. Ibn Ishaq said, "Muhammad bin Ja`far bin Az-Zubayr said that, `The (Najran) delegation came to the Messenger of Allah in Al-Madinah, entered his Masjid wearing robes and garments, after the Prophet had prayed the `Asr prayer. They accompanied a caravan of camels led by Bani Al-Harith bin Ka`b. The Companions of the Messenger of Allah who saw them said that they never saw a delegation like them after that. When their worship time came, they stood up to perform their worship in the Prophet’s Masjid. Messenger of Allah said: “Let them (worship)” and they prayed towards east. Then Abu Harithah bin `Alqamah and Al-`Aqib `Abdul-Masih or As-Sayyid Al-Ayham spoke to the Messenger of Allah , and they were Christians like the king (Roman King). However, they disagreed about `Isa; some of them said, `He is Allah,' while some said, `He is the son of Allah,' and some others said, `He is one of a trinity.' Allah is far from what they attribute to Him.''…. … The Companions of the Messenger of Allah who saw them said that they never saw a delegation like them after that. When it was time for their prayers, they stood up and worshiped towards east. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Do not touch them.” …. (Al Jamiu li Ahkam al Quran, Imam Qurtubi) … Meanwhile, since it was time for their prayers, they stood up to pray in Masjid al Saadah. Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “let them pray.” They prayed heading east… (Haq Dini Quran Dili, Elmalili Hamdi Yazir) Source:
Can't be... We Muslim needed to do what Allah commanded to us not otherwise. We also can't mix faith of Allah with other material thing..... No alliance in practicing deen. Refer to Suratul Kaafiruun
@AbdullaSaid - Islam is for the whole of mankind and not for muslims alone. Do not have this isolated mentality that Islam belongs only to those who have embraced it. These are cultural practices of other societies and we need to accept it. If you think of it the call to prayer is a form of Dawah to non muslims so do not judge before hand. Allah also commanded us to invite non muslims and what better way than to recite the Azan as an invitation to Islam.
G Basharmal Yes, and God made the arguments and the signs clear so we just have to learn them and inform others, this way we as children of ADAM and the nation of MUHAMMAD will indeed be the best nation that was raised for mankind. I took a class in biblical studies at my university, my final research was "Muhammad the spirit of truth" . It's short and to the point, feel free to share it and learn from it; the more knowledge we have the higher Allah raises us!:
Reading the comments thread is just beautiful. Thank you for appreciating our Muslim adhan/call to prayer. May all of you find peace in your heart and be guided to the truth by the almighty.
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام وكفى بها نعمة هذا الوباء فيه خير كبير للأمة الإسلامية والعالم ككل شاهد كيف أصبح الأذان يرفع في أوروبا كلها وحتى أمريكا بمكبر الصوت بعد ماكان ممنوع أكثر من خمسمائة سنة أليس هذا أعتراف بقوة الخالق الجبار وبالدين الإسلامي الحنيف الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد... ماجد من الجزائر
Ben bir müslümanım. Elhamdulillah. Burada bu sese hayran olan insanların gönülündeki güzellikleri görmek de beni mutlu ediyor. Huzur Islam'da dır.... saygılar🇹🇷
Mashallah..& bless spread the message to world that Islam is a peaceful & respectful to other humans/religions. those who abuses islam are not true believers of Islam..!
Peace to all. When I read the comments below and the draw of this call to prayer, I feel grateful that I am a Muslim and that the Adhan seems to be a unifying call to believers of multiple faiths or none at all. Allaahu Akbar: God is great; gets broad acceptance. Stay well and keep the faith!
I'm a Christian, i got goosebumps everytime I hear this ☺ peace be with you my muslim brothers and sisters. God bless
Peace be with you, your family and community always.
rjay peace be Whith you my sister
rjay thank u lad
Proud Ex Muslim Girl can a Muslim walk freely in the vatican
The prophet peace be upon him emptied his mosque in Medina to the Christians of Najran to make their assembly, So he let the Christians of Najran to use the Masjid as a Church when the time of their prayer came.
I`m not muslim but I can listen Azan all day. Every time I listen Azan i feel some hapinnes. Peace be with you, muslim brothers and sisters
May the Peace, Mercy and Blessing of Allah be Upon You my brother (sister)
Try to listening to "Quran"
Thank you, God protects you and your family
Revert to ur original religion bro
No Music, No Scream, No Instrument
The Azan, its eternal, call for Salat
Verily, Azaan has the best call for prayer in the world
I am a Sudanese Muslim by nationality ... Whoever wants to learn Islam and knows about it and its tolerance, kindness, forgiveness, benevolence and goodness, let me write to me on my WhatsApp number or call me
Yes. Islam is so organic. Form the ablution/ widhu, the azan, the reciting of Quran to the sujood / prostration and touching your face to the ground as the sign of submission to Allah. SubhanAllah alhamdulilah for we are born muslim..and for all the special chosen one who Allah choose to be muslims ❤❤❤
I'm sooo glad that Allah guided me in this peaceful religion!! ♥♥♥
May Allah bless u with all the blessings in thia world and hereafter....Mashallah
Niloy Chowdhury ! May Allah bless you with steadfastness against any odd in way to ultimate goal of paradise
Welcome to Islam ❤️
Masha Allah
My Allah help in world & day of judgment
I don’t understand,but i got goosebumps and tears in my eyes.every time when i hear azaan i feel like the whole world calling on god and saying pls forgive us god.we are sinners
I often listen Azaan mindfully when feels burdened of office work.👍💕💖
Beant bhai u must read quran with english translation
Allah is calling you brother all you need to do is answer the call . InshaAllah Jannah is yours
It is your nature inside that response to this call, because your creator is being glorified.
i am a christian , i love this prayer when he.says Allu Akbar.....Allah is the greatest.
@@danijelamali8467 why u spread hate speech?? Don't tell me u are muslim
Toi tu vraiment gentil merci beaucoup que le bon dieu te béni aminnn
Don't allu akbar
Right word Allahuakbar ..... Ok
Allah mean God in Islam
Jesus means isa in Islam
I am a converted Muslim, I am so proud to convert into Islam, Allah u Akhbar..
Masha Allah Brother
Ma shaa Allah 💞 Allah will give u the more that you want 😊 Assalamu Alaikum
May we seek in Jannah brother. Love u from Malaysia
Allah hu Akbar
I dont claim any religon but when I hear azaan sung so beautiful like this. It forces me to to close my eyes and feel something beyond words and beyond myself......
Really appreciate your comment. Shukriya ji
It's not a song my brother
@@ahmedebrahim6531 I never called it a song....
@@user-hh3gx5mc1k what you mean with sung
I am a Hindu..I don't know the exact meaning but his prayer really give me the feeling of attachment of the God..with my soul..
Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
Ashhadu anla ilaha illal laa (2 times)
I testify, there is no God but Allah
Ashadu anna Muhammadur rasulullah (2 times)
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
Haia alas salaah (2 times)
Come to prayer
Haia alal falah (2 times)
Come for success
As salatus khairum minan naum*
Prayer is better than sleep*
Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
La ilaha illal laa
There is no God but Allah
thank you
souvik saha 🕉 namah shivay 🛐🚩
san sam that is mistranslated. laa ilaaha means there is nothing worthy of worship or nothing has the right to be worshipped illa Allaah which means except for Allaah.
there is no god except Allaah is a lie. there are many gods (objects of worship) but only one god is worthy of worship and deserves to be worshipped and has the sole right to be worshipped and that's Allaah.
and he (the caller of prayer) did not even mention 'prayer is better than sleep' in this call.
souvik saha that was not prayer rather the call to prayer.
Happy with my life now after converted to Islam Alhumdullilah Allah is so great In Shaa Allah I can perform again Umra and Hajj in Shaa Allah ❤
Ian Cyan u won in life and eternity Insha'allah
Ian Cyan aamiin
Ian Cyan Alhamdulillah
Ian Cyan mashallah may God award you jannah inshallah ❤️
I'm muslim from southern Thailand. God will bless u all who wactching this..Ameen
You my brother from indonesia
The right is watching
Diaz Evangga m
H by by by
I'm from Indonesia..Alhamdulillah islam can be big religions in the word...Allohu akbar..please every body say!!!
Oh allah!
Thank you for choosing me to be a "Muslim" 💓
Me too
Good .. you very nice
I am a Sudanese Muslim by nationality ... Whoever wants to learn Islam and knows about it and its tolerance, kindness, forgiveness, benevolence and goodness, let me write to me on my WhatsApp number or call me
Me too ya Allah Grant us Happiness In This Dunya and Hereafter
I read the comments, and many of non muslims respect and appreciate this performance (adhan). God bless U all, my brother.
Azzam Zamani and give hidayah
Insha'allah, Allah will show them the bath.
we respect ur belief,so u should respect us. we dont need ur hidayah because we believe in our religion and our simple rite
Juke Box
We respect yours but it is you who loves to curse at our ALLAH and say most evil disgusting absurde things about our Prophet Muhammad..and the Holy Quran..blab about Islam and say false things about Muslims .And who are the devils that make videos on others religion instead on his own and saying most animalistic things ???please use your...ahh you dont have it..ok
for sure ...hidayeh means the righteous your own religion.....for us you are the people of the book and WE MUST RESPECT YOUR RELIGION BY VIRTUE OF QURAN ...may God/Allah guide us all to the righteous path of good and success
I am Christian Allah akbar the all merciful the most compasionate !!yes He is !!
Ariel Estevan
God bless you And illuminate your path in all areas ❤️ Amen
Ariel Estevan thank you. i hope you can join islam and hope allah guide you to the straight path
Plz use ALLAH word in places of he..every time
John De la Vera - You Asshole too / Truth Seekar The Kafir - you said Terrorist huh..okay may i give some correction, because people like you only watching tv gets information from CNN corruption Media...ISIS or whatever SYIAH not are muslim they only using name of religion.. mereka adalah orang2 yang terpesong dari ajaran agama yang sebenar...mereka tidak mengikuti sunnah nabi Muhammad S.A.W...mereka terlalu sanjung sahabat nabi iaitu Khalifah Saidina Ali... Islam tidak mengajar untuk membalas sesuatu dengan kekerasan..example pegang bom lalu melaungkan takbir "Allah Hu Akbar" @ Allah maha besar..itu Bunuh diri namanya bukan Jihad itu sudah terang dan jelas bunuh diri, ia adalah perkara yang dilarang dalam islam kerana Jodoh Rezeki dan Mati hanya Tuhan sahaja yang mampu menentukan,.. sudah lah salah tafsir...sesat agama pula...begini kah cara orang bukan muslim berfikir, adakalanya Racis macam mana kamu bole mengatakan ia adalah pengganas...kamu terlalu bodoh Truth Seekar..begitu mudah kamu menilai daripada apa yang kamu terima dan nampak...Media membodohkan kamu wahai Truth Seekar...semoga kamu jatuh cinta pada Islam dan Allah memilih kamu menjadi saudara islam kami..Inshallah..
Im orthodox Christian, but I love it! MashaAllah, Elhamdullilah...
Hii ❤️ I am inclined to ask you whether Christians also say Mashallah Alhamdulillah
Plz tell me
@@talibansari4749 Basically no.
We have other expressions, but I personally use a few words, because I learned and interesting ones. 😁
@@gosnpop wow 😍 nice ❤️ great dear 🔥❤️
Thanks brother ❤ masha Allah
@@gosnpop you can keep checking and learning what can help you
On judgement day I believe we will wake up with a similar call. Ezan makes me think of waking up from the dead and walking towards my judgement with millions of people. It’s just my thoughts
What a beautiful thought, May we all be bless with Jannah ( Heaven), Ameen
I realy realy agree with you..
Allah yahdiik insha allah one day
Very true 👍
Don't forget. Islam is not bad. People are bad. Thx for this beautiful message
Oki Doki oki dari arma 3 bukan?
Oki Doki oi dlu main arma 3 ya? sama lobster,sama kopassus,inget kagak
That's true
Thank you what you say
nuaim maamor masha.allah
Asalamualikum. Never feel proud as it one of the 12 major sins in Islam. May peace be with you always. Jazak Allah
Alhamdulillah kapatid
nuaim maamor no doubt
Salute to all Christin who respect azaan.
Muslims also recept non muslims
Thank you dear
Half of them are hopefully muslim
Why you think they're Chrisitan?
@@fatimatouseef6548 majority maybe
Christian here but, wow so much peaceful feeling hearing this. Bless
I,m somali i,m very proud to be muslim woman alxdulilah😍😍😍
Iproud you masha Allah my dear sister
Hhh m.a sidaa ku manti u aqrinaayey adaa isku cid noqo nay
thanks sis
Allah ha ku jeclado
I am somali too welcome my dear sister call me this number +252615318644
I'm a muslim from Senegal.
And i gonna say "Thanks God and my Parents"
I'm proud to be a Muslim
Bien dit
@@fatumatakamara5160 Why?Islam sucks???
@@spondivitslancaster4456 try to learn the REAL ISLAM without listening to islamophobes!you will truly love the religion of peace..
I'm a Srilankan Buddhist and Lord Buddha has said to respect every religion . He's absolutely right. All religions are peaceful . But people have committed horrendous crimes in the name of religion and God. Those particular criminals are an insult to all religions which teach all living beings peace and love. May the Triple Gem Bless my Muslim brothers and sisters and all other people in this world and all living beings. This call to prayer was absolutely beautiful ❤❤
Masha Allah bro I'm also srilankan
Really ur very good person
I love all Buddhist brothers and sister
Nice heart person
@@manaalmaqbool9323 thank you for your reply. Eid Mubarak brother🔥🇱🇰
I love AllaH SWT
I love Nabi Muhhamad SAW
I Love Islam
I am Islam from INDONESIA, it is very amazing when I hear the call to prayer in the church. his voice is very good, and Islam is peaceful, , Rahmatan lil Alamin, for all humanity. Greetings from MOSLEM INDONESIA
You are muslim. Not islam.
@@bulanayu9529 Muslims in Indonesia are said to be Islamic so don't blame him, okay
@@ZerrorOci islamic and islam is also different.
@@bulanayu9529 It's the same bro Islam is Indonesian if it's Islamic in English
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمدا رسول الله
نعم ان اسم محمد يذكر في كل ثانيه في جميع بقاع العالم من خلال الاذان والتكبير والصلوة
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم
Qassim Abbass عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام
muftee sbfulwahab
Fawzia M Hasain .....?!!!
صل اللهم عليه وسلم تسليما
الإسلام تتقبله القلوب السليمة الطيبه في الكون كله
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God and I bear witness that Jesus is the messenger of God.
H B, may Allah bless you brother.
H B Masya Allah 😊
HB you are mslim now
H B weren’t you a hater before? I recognize that name
There is something in that voice that is full of emotions. Its like ur heart is melting with happiness. I dont exactly understand each words but it very emotional. My involuntary senses like my ears and eyes felt so heavy that burst me to cry.
Brother this is islamic call to prayer, it has been the same since 1400 years not a single word is changed since 1400 years. Why dont you do some more research about this? Just go to your closest mosque and you'll find out the truth that will make your life and after life peaceful. Try reading a Quran translated in to your language.
@@HamzaShah-dd9kk I will, i am actually looking to enrol in Islamic study here in the Univ. Of the Philippines.
I am encouraged to learn and pray 5 times a day.
@@alinorcamal4998 wow thats great. Have you took the shahaada yet?
If you need any help you can always contact me I'm not a scholar, just a common Muslim but i might be of any help. Let me know if you wanna get in contact I'll give you my whatsapp or instagram and we can find answers to your questions together
@@HamzaShah-dd9kk pls pm me sir. In my fb.
@@alinorcamal4998 brother whats your facebook id? I am unable to find you there? Does your id has a profile picture of a kid?
To all those who are appreciating the Azan, Thank you so much. Now please take one more step & try studying Islam, you'll be amazed. May God guide all of us to his righteous path. Ameen.
Wow, How beautiful is the call to prayer.
Michael phillips thanks
Michael phillips And Very Relaxing
God Bless You Dear BroTher ❤️
Michael phillips .. that's our prayer call as muslims all over the world for 5 times a day
I know Sam. Its so beautiful.
Michael phillips ,dear think how much beautiful would be Islam,
I'm Ethiopia I proud muslim alhamdulilah
@LjFJDhs He can be pround of anything becouse soon he will take over eroupe to islam religion. Atleast he is better than you have the wrong way of hell. Atleast animals are bettet than you who belive god and his prophet.
You very lucky you are from hazrat Bilal bin rabaiya country habash
You are very lucky you are from Hazrat Bilal bin rabaiya country habash
Me to.bilal alhabash
Allah bless you haya
Bieng a Hindu.When I listen to the Azaan . For few minutes I feel like I am surrendering myself to God. thank you God.
Man listen this with earpods. U will feel u r in heaven
There is something in this voice
Also u should go for its meaning
It's available on RUclips
Search for "azaan meaning "
I invite you to learn more about islam. And see if it convinces you as the true religion, cause in the quran Allah mentions that, human hearts only find rest with the remembrance of Allah.
بارك الله فيك وزادك الله نور وسعاده
I became addicted with this beautiful ADHAN jazakAllah khair
Me too from India
Me too
Masha Allah beautiful voice and respect to the English Crowd listening with their heads down
Alibabaa999 it's Maa Shaaa Allaah
Faiz Ahmed Khan stubborn person u r
Max Vranninng .... No Bro I'm correcting him for its my Duty
Masha Allah
God bless you all. Respect is the Key for Peace.
Allah bless Great Britian and its people and open the gates of understanding among mankind. Ameen
Its always been that way with humans my friend. A time for God & a time for self. Its not necessary an evil thing.
Prophet Mohamed played with his sibling & encouraged ppl to smile & play & not be morbid.
Its the excessiveness thats resented, Don't you agree?
I'm muslim Alhamdu Lillah الحمدللہ رب العالمین but I respect All Religions
Breathtaking to hear, pleasing to the ears and the soul.
its amazing
Amazing voice for sure
Shaye Kisitu . listen to the Quran by Abdul basit the read the meaning in English. I 100% guarantee u if u listen with open heart God willing u will understand the purpose of ur life.
From the time of Adam the purpose was clear; whenever people are lost another prophet claims back the path from Satan.
Until the seal of the prophets Muhammad our beloved (peace be upon him and his companions).
Thank God for the blessing of Islam
From algeria 🇩🇿🇵🇸🇩🇿🇵🇸🇩🇿
When just the call to prayer (adhan) is so beautiful, just imagine how soothing and tranquilizing fulfilling namaaz wud be, where actual verses of Quran is recited.
_TrueFaith_ yea,nice welcome dear,keep it up
I am Muslim♥
proud of Islam ♥
Alhamdulillah ♥
Very lovely indeed. He is saying in Arabic " God is Great , God is Great . I testify that there is no God but Allah. I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Come to prayer. Come to success. God is Great. There is no God but Allah.
@KrisKrypton xxx so mr xx u mean that world is run by satan...that line is as dumb as u would be in ur real life
Lost souls Jesus Christ is lord and God period
SuperSnk1 JESUS Christ..has shape.. And according to Bible. God don't have shape..🤔
@@anonymousmedico6045 Allah has shape according to the Quran
Yusuf Qamame no man..
Allah is Noor...
Show me verse?..
whoa! in the beginning they all sang together and this man's voice overpowered all the rest
Abu Abdullah Al Britani arabs dont have any power dont be nationalist
That's because the people singing at the beginning were made to sing as background noise for the music. If they were actually singing on top of the music they would've filled the entire building with their voices.
They will get rewards for their patient and willingness to hear the Call. May Allah reward all those present there, their families and friends. ameen
L5940 No need to get defensive dear. It's a compliment to all of them.
Wait..David Rodriguez your name is very frequent in Latin America or Spain/Portugal. How are you a muslim? Did the catholicism of your ancestors bore you?
No matter your differences we can all live at peace as long as we respect one another
Yes, we can live at peace as long as heretics are prepared to become sex-slaves or imprisoned and tortured. Not converting is a sin to their creator and they must be punished daily. Of course we'll only use these methods once the Islamic influence in a country is strong enough but that's just a matter of time.
Aisha Mohammed Meanwhile the kopts get slaughtered in egypt and the christians have to flee from sunni fundamentalists in syria and iraq
Larrypint bcoz America destabilize the region that's why
Hearty respect for christian brothers and sisters who respect azan.
Pray for you all bro and sis.
Wow! I feel like when I was in the hospital gave birth my baby boy 8 years ago and my husband whisper adzan (call to prayer) in his ear just at the moment he came to this world. That was the first sound he heard. It's calling for peaceful of heart, tranquility in mind, glory as human being and true happiness in every breath to serve the owner of life... Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailahaillah Waallahu Akbar!
Thank you, I hope your Sone is doing well,
Please do subscribe to this channel to get updates of new videos.
i am a muslim..islam is peace come and joind us brothers and sisters....
SubhanAllah 💖 that was beautiful. Many have entered Islam just by listening call to prayer. peace and love to all around the world 😘
Azaan is not just not only to feel the melodious tone but it is the true spiritual call to the most high Allah.
I am a Muslim and feel very nice when i seen this that christen bro n sis are respecting azaan.. May lord bless all of us
But Muslims could not tolerate other religion ... If the whole human being is right than press like
@@para9689 Yes because the fact is this that there is one God to worship and axcept Islam all religion have more then one.
Bro....Do you have any problem with other, there should not be...others are also happy with their faith.....
@@para9689 Bro think first, when the sun and the moon and all universe is created by one God then why you people follow more then one. And Esa a.s. is nothing but a messanger came for Bani israil, not the son of God. The final book mentioned all about the followers of book and the musrikeen who worship idols.
I am crying while listening this azan (The call to pray) how beatiful this call!
Gd habit
You shouldread about Islam you will find more and more happy as soon as saying shahada
This is a great brief illustrating Islam
I can't stop my tears 😭
Fuck u !
@@kiratrai1240 God bless you😊
Asad Jass i dont think that he needs blessing specially him
This called your soul
If you want some more read Quran then you will see the truth
afreetify im not following you, he edited hes comment and im pretty sure that he said something bad ok
I am frome somali 🇸🇴 I am muslin 🕋🕋🕋masha'allah
Thanks shekh barakallah
Islam is peace u can feel it in your
veins if u close your eyes and listen to this beautiful ethan. MasaAllah really beautiful
MashAllah tabarakAllah, such a beautiful voice. May Allah reward you, ameen
Aku bersaksi bahwa tiada tuhan selain Allah...
Dan aku bersaksi bahwa Nabi MUHAMMAD adalah utusan Allah...
Islam the Perfect relegion
Good nice
I like the way how Christians give respect and regard to Azan
Brother, every time I watch, so wonderful to the heart. Ramadan Mubarak!!!
Ramadan Mubarak
Ramzan Mubarak
Welcome to ramadhan 2020 brother,salam from indonesia🙏😊
Ramadan mubarak 2020
Red Zie Ramadan Mubarak
والحمد الله اني هم مؤذن جامع منذو سنوات بس اخ بارك الله فيك أخي الكريم على هذ الاذن جميل ربي يكثر من امثالك يارب
I did not quite understand the reason for this adhaan being recited in such a music hall but Mr. Rasool has a truly amazing voice .
Its the blatant promotion of a heinous cult.....Islam!
@@Super241946 nobody asked you that
Everything is written in description box.
@@Super241946 bro chill why so much attitude and showoff are you superior here no naahh you are nothing but the result of that night when you father forget to wear protection so be a humble guy it's useless to show this attitude and angryness towards other coz neither you will take this with you in grave so chill live your life bro
@@Super241946 disgraceful rrmarks from a disgraceful man. Mind your senses
My human brothers and sisters that's the call for prayers we hear that 5 times every day it come from mosques so i wish for you all the best ,when your heart feel something it's ur first step to know Allah ( God ) our real creator
I am a Zoroastrian by faith but I respect all religions. I regularly listern to azan so everyday I hear Gayatri mantra & all other mantras so also my prayers in Farsi & I find it so peaceful & close to the Lord Almighty & the Universe. This is the diversity of religions in our country so please be kind & peaceful . Thank You so much.
I heard that religion name for first time. What's the concept of such belief?
That Adhan was sublime! May Allah grant us and grant the brother jannatul firdious!
I am Muslim from Pakistan 🇵🇰
We love all prophets ❤️very muchhhh.
Allahu akbar. No song in the world can replace our azaan. This has been revealed from Allah to our prophet. We give respect to it by going to masjid hearing it five times daily to say our salah.
Allahu Akbar
God is Great
Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.
Ashadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Hayya 'ala-s-Salah
Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer)
Hayya 'ala-l-Falah
Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)
Allahu Akbar
God is Great
La ilaha illa Allah
There is no god except the One God
Good job
tqqq so much bro
Allah is a fucking idiot
And mohammed is a fake
Paul Morgan ur mother is fucking idiot
I'm muslim from Indonesian. Respect . Alhamdulillah
Thank you every one to respect Islam from Philippines
Listening to Azan is d best thing fr me it makes feel amazing I'm loss fr word's but nothing makes me feel d same way listening to the Azan
لا اله الا الله
ابن الجمهوريه اليمنيه محمد رسول الله
from India my name javad Ali full speak لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ
Allah Arrahmah Arrahim
Allahu Akbar!!
لاحول ولا قوة الابالله العلي العظيم
Never seen such wonderful Adhan and thanks Christians for the support love you all..
Beautiful adhan brother.
A delegation of Christians came to the prophet from Yemen, when the time of prayer came he let them pray in his mosque.
The visit of Najran Christians is mentioned in the authentic hadith books
The event that a delegation of Christians from Najran (in Yemen) came to Madina to discuss a matter with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and asked him about Prophet Isa is mentioned in the following hadiths that are authentic:
“Hudhaifa reported that the people of najran came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Allah's Messenger, send along with us a man of trust; whereupon he said: I would definitely send to you a man of trust, a man of trust in the true sense of the term. Thereupon his Companions looked up eagerly and he sent Abu Ubaida b. Jarrah.” (Abu Dawood: 31: 5949; Muslim: 31: 5949)
“Narrated Hudhaifa: Al-'Aqib and Saiyid, the rulers of najran, came to Allah's Apostle with the intention of doing Lian one of them said to the other, "Do not do (this Lian) for, by Allah, if he is a Prophet and we do this Lian, neither we, nor our offspring after us will be successful." Then both of them said (to the Prophet ), "We will give what you should ask but you should send a trustworthy man with us, and do not send any person with us but an honest one." The Prophet said, "I will send an honest man who Is really trustworthy." Then every one of the companions of Allah's Apostle wished to be that one. Then the Prophet said, "Get up, O Abu 'Ubaida bin Al-Jarrah." When he got up, Allah's Apostle said, "This is the Trustworthy man of this (Muslim) nation." (Bukhari: 59: 663)
Nevertheless, the event that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) allowed them worship in the masjid during this visit is not mentioned in the hadiths; however it is cited in various tafseer books such as al Jamiu li Ahkam al Quran (Imam Qurtubi), Tafser Ibn Kather, Tafseer al Munir (Wahba al Zuhayli); in the explanation section of Kutub al Sitta and many Islamic books as a quote from the famous book “Al Sirah Al Nabawiyyah” by Muhammad bin Ishaq as a narration from Muhammad bin Jafar bin az Zubayr.
The visit of the Najran is cited in the interpretation of the 1- 61 verses of Surah Al-I Imran in tafseer books. We would like to quote the interpretation of the 61th verse of Surah Al-I Imran in Ibn Kather Tafseer:
“The reason for the call to Mubahalah and the revelation of the Ayat from the beginning of this Surah (Surah al-I Imran) until here (61th verse), is that a delegation from the Christians of Najran (in Yemen) came to Al-Madinah to argue about `Isa, claiming that he was divine and the son of Allah. Allah sent down the beginning of this Surah until here, to refute their claims, as Imam Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yasar and other scholars stated.
Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yasar said in his famous Sirah, "The delegation of Christians from Najran came to the Messenger of Allah . The delegation consisted of sixty horsemen, including fourteen of their chiefs who make decisions. These men were Al-`Aqib, also known as `Abdul-Masih, As-Sayyid, also known as Al-Ayham, Abu Harithah bin `Alqamah, of ﴿the family of﴾ Bakr bin Wa`il and Uways bin Al-Harith. They also included, Zayd, Qays, Yazid, Nabih, Khuwaylid, `Amr, Khalid, `Abdullah and Yuhannas. Three of these men were chiefs of this delegation, Al-`Aqib, their leader and to whom they referred for advice and decision; As-Sayyid, their scholar and leader in journeys and social gatherings; and Abu Harithah bin `Alqamah, their patriarch, priest and religious leader. Abu Harithah was an Arab man from ﴿the family of﴾ Bakr bin Wa`il, but when he embraced Christianity, the Romans and their kings honored him and built churches for him (or in his honor). They also supported him financially and gave him servants, because they knew how firm his faith in their religion was.'' Abu Harithah knew the description of the Messenger of Allah from what he read in earlier divine Books. However, his otherwise ignorance led him to insist on remaining a Christian, because he was honored and had a high position with the Christians.
Ibn Ishaq said, "Muhammad bin Ja`far bin Az-Zubayr said that, `The (Najran) delegation came to the Messenger of Allah in Al-Madinah, entered his Masjid wearing robes and garments, after the Prophet had prayed the `Asr prayer. They accompanied a caravan of camels led by Bani Al-Harith bin Ka`b. The Companions of the Messenger of Allah who saw them said that they never saw a delegation like them after that. When their worship time came, they stood up to perform their worship in the Prophet’s Masjid. Messenger of Allah said: “Let them (worship)” and they prayed towards east.
Then Abu Harithah bin `Alqamah and Al-`Aqib `Abdul-Masih or As-Sayyid Al-Ayham spoke to the Messenger of Allah , and they were Christians like the king (Roman King). However, they disagreed about `Isa; some of them said, `He is Allah,' while some said, `He is the son of Allah,' and some others said, `He is one of a trinity.' Allah is far from what they attribute to Him.''….
… The Companions of the Messenger of Allah who saw them said that they never saw a delegation like them after that. When it was time for their prayers, they stood up and worshiped towards east. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Do not touch them.” …. (Al Jamiu li Ahkam al Quran, Imam Qurtubi)
… Meanwhile, since it was time for their prayers, they stood up to pray in Masjid al Saadah. Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “let them pray.” They prayed heading east…
(Haq Dini Quran Dili, Elmalili Hamdi Yazir)
Can't be... We Muslim needed to do what Allah commanded to us not otherwise. We also can't mix faith of Allah with other material thing..... No alliance in practicing deen. Refer to Suratul Kaafiruun
@AbdullaSaid - Islam is for the whole of mankind and not for muslims alone. Do not have this isolated mentality that Islam belongs only to those who have embraced it. These are cultural practices of other societies and we need to accept it. If you think of it the call to prayer is a form of Dawah to non muslims so do not judge before hand. Allah also commanded us to invite non muslims and what better way than to recite the Azan as an invitation to Islam.
+Tariq I agree brother, we have to be more tolerante towards the nonmuslim and make them feel welcome, just the way out beloved prophet, (pbuh) did.
G Basharmal
Yes, and God made the arguments and the signs clear so we just have to learn them and inform others, this way we as children of ADAM and the nation of MUHAMMAD will indeed be the best nation that was raised for mankind. I took a class in biblical studies at my university, my final research was "Muhammad the spirit of truth" . It's short and to the point, feel free to share it and learn from it; the more knowledge we have the higher Allah raises us!:
I’m frome turkey🇹🇷
I love Allah celle celalehu
I love Muhammed sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem
I love islam
I.m musilm este africa from Ethiopia l proud musilm alhamdulilah
hubi haji Allaha ku dhooro my sis
Abdiqani Mohamed
hubi haji too my sis my god bless u and also Ramadan karim✊
Ramadan kareem bro
Mansha allah bro
Reading the comments thread is just beautiful. Thank you for appreciating our Muslim adhan/call to prayer. May all of you find peace in your heart and be guided to the truth by the almighty.
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام وكفى بها نعمة هذا الوباء فيه خير كبير للأمة الإسلامية والعالم ككل شاهد كيف أصبح الأذان يرفع في أوروبا كلها وحتى أمريكا بمكبر الصوت بعد ماكان ممنوع أكثر من خمسمائة سنة أليس هذا أعتراف بقوة الخالق الجبار وبالدين الإسلامي الحنيف الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد... ماجد من الجزائر
لو سمحت تخبرنا كيف كانت ردة فعل اعضاء الفرقة بعد سماع صوت الاذان ؟؟؟؟
الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر :: ولعزة لله ☝🏾
صدقت والله ان الاسلام قوه الخالق الجبار
هل دخل وقت الصلاة عندهم لكي يؤذن بهذه الطريقة ؟ استغفر الله العظيم . الاذان له اداب بارك الله فيك
Thanks for all non Muslims sweet comments❤️
When i listening Aazan i feel so pleasure in my soul and tears comes out from my eyes. that's incredible..I love it..♡♡♡
Valon Linddielli thanks allah bless u
I am somalian muslim guy and i hear this peacefull call every day in my life alhamdulilah
How nice to hear this sound in England
no, this is definitely unpleasant
Praying for all those who are listening respectfully: may Allah Almighty bless all of them ❤️🤲
Melodious voice on earth ever is Azan...
Respect from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Ben bir müslümanım. Elhamdulillah. Burada bu sese hayran olan insanların gönülündeki güzellikleri görmek de beni mutlu ediyor. Huzur Islam'da dır.... saygılar🇹🇷
اَشھَدُ اَن لَّا اِلَہَ اِلّا اللّٰہُ و اَشھَدُ اَنَّ مُحَمَّد عَبدُہُ وَ رَسُوُلُہ 🙏💚🕋💚 صَلّی اللّٰہُ عَلٰی حَبِیبِہ مُحَمَّدٍ وَّآلِہ وَسَلَّمَ 💚🕋💚
its heart touching i lov i to much n can i listen it n i feel so relaxed like a bird
It's called adhan (calling for prayer) my bro..
Subhan Allah i feel so clean and pure while listening to it.
Mashallah..& bless spread the message to world that Islam is a peaceful & respectful to other humans/religions. those who abuses islam are not true believers of Islam..!
ماشاءالله اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم.ومن تبعهم بأحسان الى يوم الدين
Alhamdulillah..i'm Muslim from Malaysia.
Ассаламуалайкум все братьям и сестрам,как прекрасно это слушать, чем этого хоро не понят ливого Саламалейкум из Дагестана...
Согласен брат.но одного не понимаю зачем там азан среди них
Ki MUHAMMED se wafa tune to ham tere hai,
Ye jahan chiz hai kya lauho-kalam tere hai
Absolutely beautiful!
It hits deep inside of my
Am muslim , best call for praying without music miracle really
"I'm Christian.I'm Muslim.I'm a Jew..." some said.
But I am a man.I respect everyone,I don't want to mention my religion
ismxil patni That was something Gandhi said, I’m a Muslim, and Christian, and Jew.
U an ateis
If you believe only one God you most believe lost messenger Mohammed SAW you will be a Muslim
Are you atheis..sorry if i'm wrong!
Ich bin ein Muslim und ich liebe den Aufruf zum Gebet und in meinem Herzen bringt er Frieden
Allah is great. mashallahu. brother from Nigeria
Respect Islam sit and listen no noise what a amazing religion from Allah
Maa shaa allah
I love the way that people are hearing Azan... Very peacefuly 😍😍
Peace to all. When I read the comments below and the draw of this call to prayer, I feel grateful that I am a Muslim and that the Adhan seems to be a unifying call to believers of multiple faiths or none at all. Allaahu Akbar: God is great; gets broad acceptance. Stay well and keep the faith!