About Pope Francis...

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Pope Francis often sparks debate. Because several of my Protestant friends have asked me about his recent comments, here is my take, with context.
    I have no desire to debate this, or build a channel about the pope. I'm more interested cleaning my own house, living worthily of Christ, helping others. And, as a loving and polite reminder to my Protestant friends: be wary of beams in the eye.

Комментарии • 102

  • @FrJohnBrownSJ
    @FrJohnBrownSJ 3 дня назад +24

    Glad you're Catholic. Christ's peace to you.

    • @rogermaxson2512
      @rogermaxson2512  3 дня назад +8

      Thanks, Father. I'm glad to be Catholic. I hope you're doing well.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 3 дня назад +2

      @@rogermaxson2512 - You don't understand what Catholic teaching says about the papacy. Roman Catholics ARE bound to accept with 'docility' all the teachings of the pope INCLUDING casual remarks on a plane.
      According to Vatican I, Pius IX and the pre-Vatican II papal documents what Jorge just said CANNOT happen. But it did!
      I urge you to watch the video; 'Pope: "All Religions Lead to God" - Vindicated Again!' on the Jay Dyer channel - short video.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 3 дня назад +1

      @@rogermaxson2512 - He's a nice guy but he seems to be defending Jorge's heresy - Roman Catholics ARE bound to accept with 'docility' all the teachings of the pope INCLUDING casual remarks on a plane.
      According to Vatican I, Pius IX and the pre-Vatican II papal documents what Jorge just said CANNOT happen. But it did!
      I urge you to watch the video; 'Pope: "All Religions Lead to God" - Vindicated Again!' on the Jay Dyer channel - short video.

    • @valwhelan3533
      @valwhelan3533 3 дня назад +2

      @@marcokite Opinions (on climate change and various other issues) of the Pope are not teachings. They are not magisterial.

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 3 дня назад +2

      @@marcokiteJay Dyer is not a reputable source. Furthermore, he is not Catholic. Finally, he loves his 50cent word salads.

  • @cristoforodelnero5138
    @cristoforodelnero5138 3 дня назад +9

    Please keep up your comments. Your balance, sincerity, articulateness, fidelity and gentleness confer a real authority on what you say. Your views are very well informed, especially, if l may say, as a convert. The Catholic Church is blessed to have you and your family among us. Welcome and please keep sharing your wisdom and insights.

  • @xiomarablanco5598
    @xiomarablanco5598 День назад +1

    Wow amazing statement from a young Catholic man. Glory to God🙏🙏🙏

  • @thedon978
    @thedon978 3 дня назад +5

    You, Sir, are a true Catholic gentleman. We are proud to have such a man as you for a brother.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 3 дня назад +3

      Nice guy but he rambles, 29 mins video which could have been done in 10.

  • @grivsxiaomi4661
    @grivsxiaomi4661 2 дня назад +1

    Amen. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @fre7717
    @fre7717 3 дня назад +2

    right on!! popes go and come..it is really about "...So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter." - 2 Thessalonians 2:15

  • @paulthiele3102
    @paulthiele3102 3 дня назад +7

    Hey Roger. I’m a Lutheran. I truly appreciate the tone with which you have shared your thoughts. A couple of things. I’m sure you aware that Luther did not start the Lutheran church. He was excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church, and considered himself a faithful son to his dying day. Secondly, whilst I appreciate your arguments, I hope you can understand why Protestants generally wouldn’t be convinced by arguments for the necessity of the papacy under the current regime. They do ring a little hollow for us.

    • @mikaelrosing
      @mikaelrosing 3 дня назад +2

      Agreed fellow Lutheran here.

    • @mikaelrosing
      @mikaelrosing 3 дня назад +1

      it would be mostly baptist people that convert to RC because they are often convinced by qoute mines of St ignatious about the eucarist but we fully agree in the real presence or the understanding of catholiscity in the apotolic era compared to the later era, is crazy different.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 дня назад +4

      They only ring hollow if you are unaware of the obvious institution of the papacy by Jesus. Here are the relevant verses:
      1. Jesus promised to build One Church. (cf. Mt 16:18)
      2. Jesus named Peter to be the leader of that Church. (cf. Mt. 16:19, Lk 22:29-32, Jn 21:15-19)
      3. Jesus gave Peter the keys which symbolize the office of steward. (cf. Mt. 16:19, Is. 22:20-22) *You MUST look at Is...don't skip this step!*
      4. Jesus’ reign as king will never end and the office of steward in His kingdom will never end.
      5. Peter went to Rome where he was martyred around AD 63. (cf. 1 Pet 5:13)
      6. Peter's successors in Rome have continued to hold the office of Steward. (see Clement, Irenaeus, Tertullian)
      When you realize that a king was appointing His royal steward in Mt. 16:19, all the rest falls into place.

    • @paulthiele3102
      @paulthiele3102 3 дня назад +2

      Protestants are aware of these verses and the arguments for the papacy, but cannot acknowledge the authority of an apostate pope. That’s how the whole Protestant thing got started in the first place.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 дня назад +3

      @@paulthiele3102 You're missing the whole point. As Major Winters said in Band of Brothers, "We salute the rank not the man."
      Jesus never promised to provide us with sinless leadership, but He did promise to establish one Church. It's been in existence 1600 years longer than yours.
      If you expect to follow only perfect leaders, you will have no one to lead you.

  • @Mar--Mar
    @Mar--Mar 3 дня назад +2

    God bless you and your family for confessing Jesus and His Church before men. And may His Blessed Mother protect you!

  • @lauriekipp8846
    @lauriekipp8846 День назад +1

    Well said, thank you and God Bless!

  • @user-kg7lr2mf1g
    @user-kg7lr2mf1g 3 дня назад +1

    Wonderful Godbless you 👍

  • @mariemorrison6278
    @mariemorrison6278 3 дня назад +1

    Glad to hear it! God bless you. ❤

  • @chilenobarrucia
    @chilenobarrucia 3 дня назад

    Most of us are mostly concerned with our own salvation. We seek to learn what we must believe/do and try our best to achieve our salvation so we feel assured when we readily discover in others their discrepancies with that. The pope, maybe unfortunately for him, has an obligation, he has been given a mission, different than ours: he must make the salvation of everyone possible. He knows better than us that what he says won't sound traditional teaching. But he cannot please us and must grab the opportunity to serve Christ mandate. That's why he asked them: "What do you think will happen if everyone starts saying `only my religion is correct`?". Despite, is not entirely non-traditional what he said. The Church has always taught that salvation is always possible outside our Church and it's even in the Catechism.

  • @garyworth6046
    @garyworth6046 3 дня назад +1

    The entire concept that a pope who is popular in the secular culture will attract converts to Catholicism, and conversely, an unpopular pope will prompt people to leave Catholicism, is one big flaw in humanity's thinking. When we seek religious fullness, we are or should be seeking theological truth which is as complete as possible. In Catholicism, such truths are outlined in over 250 infallible dogmas, ones I see in no other churches, though some have a blurry reflection of some of these dogmas. In short, no other church is as true and complete as the Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox come close, and they have valid sacraments through apostolic succession, but have incomplete theology and some errors: They are incorrect on the chair of Peter, the filioque (it's blatant in Rev. 1), cannot agree among themselves on essentials like baptism, lose out on theological truths like the Immaculate Conception and purgatory, and I can go on. Protestants are even further afield, and denominations cannot even agree on Christian essentials to believe. Would Francis be an excellent CEO of a commercial company the size of the Church? Likely not. But he has adhered to church dogmas, regardless of what people may think, and his writings confirm this. Have there been worse popes? Of course! Some became pope when their families bribed their way in. Some had mistresses. Some were financially corrupt. Where does this leave us? Take solace in this: Christ himself pointed out the flaws and errors of the Pharisees, but confirmed their position in the law of Moses and admonished people to listen to them in dogmatic matters and keep to the law. He is expecting us to do the same. Thank you for this timely video.

  • @mmeyerdc
    @mmeyerdc 3 дня назад +1

    I think it’s a moderately uncharitable take to say Pope Francis was saying other religions are as good as Christianity for coming to God. Vatican II clearly says non-Catholic Christians and non-Christian persons of good will are able to be saved.

    • @Deathbytroll
      @Deathbytroll 3 дня назад +5

      Taking the Pope at his word and not adding words to his statement is uncharitable? Hrm good to know

    • @tony1685
      @tony1685 День назад

      catholicism isn't Christianity and does not come from God. please get a Christian Bible, friend.

  • @dizzynoggin
    @dizzynoggin 3 дня назад

    Thank you, sir. I concur with Fr. John. I'm glad you're Catholic.
    Drew the Catholic did a video about Singapore's laws about what constitutes religious disunity. If I understood correctly, you can get thrown in jail for hurting someone's feelings in regards to their religious beliefs.
    Also, since this happened, I have been thinking quite a bit about what our Lord had to say in the Gospel's about dealings with Gentiles. My current thought is if you choose to accept that Jesus is the temple and the church is the new Jerusalem, what then will you choose to understand about scraps for dogs, the repentance of Nineveh, Tyre and Sidon. In other words, do you still consider yourself a Gentile?

  • @luisrios3446
    @luisrios3446 3 дня назад +3

    Brother. I do speak Italian, and what the Pope meant is that all religions are attempts to bring us to that one God we all believe in.
    People forget he was speaking to people from different religions. He was just being diplomatic and respectful. He encouraged them to keep having dialogue but with respect and charity. In order to avoid fights and destruction, because we are all children of God.
    His intent was to be diplomatic. Not Catholic. That’s not necessarily wrong, that was his approach. But, as the leader of the Catholic Church, we all expected him to be Catholic in his speech.
    From a Catholic perspective, we understand that all those religions out there are imperfect attempts to bring us to God. And we must preach, and spread the orthodox faith by engaging with fraternal, and charitable dialogue with other people from different creeds.

    • @gurnstein
      @gurnstein 2 дня назад +2

      For us Christians, who have knowledge of the Fall and the powers of darkness, these other religions cannot be viewed as attempts to lead people to God. There is no place for diplomacy, that's to say sparing feelings, in the matter of saving souls.

    • @luisrios3446
      @luisrios3446 2 дня назад

      @@gurnstein Well, from their perspective you are the one who is wrong. And whether you like or not, they think they have the truth. Just like you they think their religion is the correct one, and they will remain in that religion, until we show the actual veracity of the Christian faith, but just like you, they are indeed attempting to reach God, and worship God in their religion. That’s just a fact. The only way to save souls is by show them that Christ is truly risen, by doing the same Christ did, love our enemies, and spread the good news.

    • @luisrios3446
      @luisrios3446 2 дня назад

      @@gurnstein Btw, I would like to actually see you not be diplomatic and preach the gospel face to face with Muslims. Let me know how that goes. But, from experience, there are better ways to persuade people into the truth, which is Christ.

    • @gurnstein
      @gurnstein 2 дня назад +3

      You are not the only one who understands Italian. You have used "attempt" in place of what Pope Francis actually said, which was "camino", which you know full well does not mean attempt, but path or way. This was not an equivocal word that can in any way mean attempt. Attempt is your interpretation, your spin, in order to popesplain. What he said was that all religions are a path to God, please don't be disingenuous and dress it up otherwise. Sorry to be harsh, but it's important to be honest here.

    • @gurnstein
      @gurnstein 2 дня назад +2

      He was speaking to young Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims, please don't try to twist the context by suggesting he was speaking only to Muslims or that he was intimidated.

  • @aly8380
    @aly8380 2 дня назад

    Some have brought up Muslims who are of course majority in Indonesia and a significant minority in Singapore and how the Pope was trying to emphasize the importance of inter-religious harmony.
    And that "His intent was to be diplomatic. Not Catholic."
    Fine goal. BUT.
    Could anyone point to a Muslim cleric or scholar who is willing to say that "all religions including Christianity and Hinduism and Buddhism are a path to Allah?"
    Provide the link.
    You cannot.
    Because no Muslim will or can say that statement without doing violence to his own faith.
    If you have some understanding of Islam, you know what I am saying.
    No one, would or should expect a Muslim to compromise his "iman' for the sake of getting along with or pleasing non-Muslims. And we as non-Muslims accept that and we admire their integrity.
    A Muslim can learn to live with non-believers but still retain his integrity as a Muslim, his boundaries.
    By the same token, no Catholic should, especially the Pope, make that type of statement because it is inconsistent with our Christian faith, particularly a statement that prior popes have condemned in THEIR magisterial teaching capacity.
    Even regular, psychologically healthy persons have boundaries because we have to be true to ourselves and we can't go beyond those boundaries without disrespecting ourselves.
    I expect the Pope to exercise the same integrity as a Muslim or any person of any faith.
    That is called respecting everyone - and that includes oneself.

  • @cruznature7545
    @cruznature7545 3 дня назад +3

    When he speaks ex cathedra (from the seat of Peter) on faith and morals are the times we are obligated to adhere to those teachings. From the 2000 year history of the Church there are only two times he has spoken ex cathedra.

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 3 дня назад +1

      Last in 1950. So many misunderstand - but they misunderstand Christ as well.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 3 дня назад +1

      No!! Roman Catholics must ALWAYS accept 'with docility' ALL the teachings - including casual remarks by the pope. Not only ex cathedra teachings.
      Roman Catholics ARE bound to accept with 'docility' all the teachings of the pope INCLUDING casual remarks on a plane.
      According to Vatican I, Pius IX and the pre-Vatican II papal documents what Jorge just said CANNOT happen. But it did!
      I urge you to watch the video; 'Pope: "All Religions Lead to God" - Vindicated Again!' on the Jay Dyer channel - short video.

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 3 дня назад +1

      @@marcokite FALSE! Do not deceive!

    • @valwhelan3533
      @valwhelan3533 3 дня назад

      @@marcokite Michael Lofton has addressed this issue on numerous videos. I believe you are wrong. Off-the-cuff comments on a plane are not magiisterial.

  • @CadyAnBlack
    @CadyAnBlack 3 дня назад

    "Lamb blasting" wasn't what he meant to say, but it strangely works. 👍 approved!

    • @rogermaxson2512
      @rogermaxson2512  2 дня назад +1

      AHAHAHA! I didn't realize until this moment I'd mispronounced it. Your comment made me chuckle! Have a great one.

    • @CadyAnBlack
      @CadyAnBlack 2 дня назад

      ​@@rogermaxson2512😉 Walk tall, King. You're doing the Lord's work. ❤

  • @karmiclaugh
    @karmiclaugh День назад

    Hi friend,
    I ask for your prayers. You know I too am a new convert, but having a really hard time past few days. My son now refuses to go to mass after what pope said. I am confused and frustrated. Please keep my family in your prayers once again. Thank you.

    • @karmiclaugh
      @karmiclaugh День назад

      Rewatched again and it helped ...thank you.

  • @lawrencevandenberg7725
    @lawrencevandenberg7725 2 дня назад

    No bash, here -- your wife should have reached in to adjust your shirt collar. 😊 Who's free to adjust PF's clerical collar? Maybe Mary? Maybe she will. Thanks, in advance, Mom! 🕊❤

  • @yankeecitygirl
    @yankeecitygirl 3 дня назад +1

    I hope your channel gets more traction because you are a smart and insightful guy.

  • @yomomma1329
    @yomomma1329 3 дня назад

    Don't assume evil intentions without proof. It's uncharitable. He was poorly telling others what the Church teaches about elements of goodness in other religions.

  • @tony1685
    @tony1685 3 дня назад +1

    jorge bergoglio is catholic, not Christian -- big differences.

  • @mattcy1052
    @mattcy1052 День назад

    1 Peter chapter 5 verse 1-5 Peter calls himself a fellow elder. The papacy is false. Jesus speech to Peter was to reinstate him to apostle status after Peter denied him. The only reason people tolerate popes behaviour is because you elevated him to vicar of Christ title. He should be disciplined so hopefully he can repent and be saved.

  • @Raymond-d2l7n
    @Raymond-d2l7n 3 дня назад

    Don't be so bash-ful, Roger!

  • @Eldarion_Brightleaf
    @Eldarion_Brightleaf 2 дня назад

    Acts 17:16-34 😁

  • @marcokite
    @marcokite 3 дня назад +3

    Roger please investigate Holy Orthodoxy, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ. Note how the hundreds and hundreds of RC bishops stay silent in the face of Jorge's heresies. Wake up Roger!
    Time for Orthodoxy!
    According to Vatican I, Pius IX and the pre-Vatican II papal documents what Jorge just said CANNOT happen. But it did!!!
    I urge you to watch the video; 'Pope: "All Religions Lead to God" - Vindicated Again!' on the Jay Dyer channel - short video.

    • @maxellton
      @maxellton 3 дня назад

      And what do you do if the leader of that Orthodox Church says something you consider 'heretic'? Would you jump to another church?

    • @Deathbytroll
      @Deathbytroll 3 дня назад

      @@maxellton no because the Orthodox Church doesn’t function like that. If a patriarch says something heretical and doesn’t retract or repent then he’s a heretic and that’s that. How it’s handled from there is a question for the Bishops but we don’t have to add paragraphs and paragraphs of extra meaning and subtext to change statement into something it isn’t.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 дня назад

      Please investigate and understand that Jesus appoint a royal steward which in a eternal kingdom is a perpetual office. Peter got the keys and the other apostles did not (cf. Mt 16:19, Is 22:20-22).
      According to St. Cyprian of Carthage, in his treatise "On the Unity of the Church", he interpreted the passage in John 21:17 where Jesus tells Peter "Feed my sheep" as establishing Peter's primacy and the unity of the Church built upon him. Here are the relevant quotes:
      "The Lord says to Peter: 'I say to you,' he says, 'that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church' [...] On him [Peter] he builds the Church, and to him he gives the command to feed the sheep [John 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles..."
      "And again He says to him [Peter] after His resurrection: 'Feed my sheep' (John 21:17). On him He builds the Church, and to him He gives the command to feed the sheep; and although He assigns a like power to all the Apostles, yet He founded a single chair, and He established by His own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity."
      The only reasons the schism continues are: 1) politics and 2) jealousy at the highest levels.

    • @Triniforchrist
      @Triniforchrist 2 дня назад

      JAY dyer is a 🤡

  • @mcrmylover100
    @mcrmylover100 3 дня назад +5

    He made a very bad analogy with the language but I have no doubt he intended his statements in an Orthodox manner seeking religion is a path to reach God there is only one path that ultimately leads to God

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 3 дня назад +1

      Every convert thanks their former religion for that fraction of truth it had. Yet, they desired more. They sought more, and they received more.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 3 дня назад +4

      He knew EXACTLY what he was saying, he taught heresy - clear as crystal.

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 3 дня назад

      @@marcokite Shut up and pray.

    • @maxellton
      @maxellton 3 дня назад +6

      I believe he is referring to the following teachings:
      (1) CCC 847: "Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace , try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation"
      (2) Lumen Gentium: "Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the gospel of Christ or his Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do his will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience. Nor does Divine Providence deny the helps necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God and with his grace strive to live a good life. Whatever good or truth is found amongst them is looked upon by the Church as a preparation for the gospel"

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 3 дня назад +4

      Catechism 843-The Catholic Church recognizes in other religions that search, among shadows and images, for the God who is unknown yet near since he gives life and breath and all things and wants all men to be saved. Thus, the Church considers all goodness and truth found in these religions as "a preparation for the Gospel and given by him who enlightens all men that they may at length have life.

  • @JennyParunga
    @JennyParunga День назад

    Read Bible

  • @Hope_Boat
    @Hope_Boat 3 дня назад

    As the Greek priest told him when he visited Greece : _Pope! You are an heretic!_
    Kyrie eleison ☦️

  • @marcokite
    @marcokite 3 дня назад +1

    Wrong!!! You don't understand what Catholic teaching says about the papacy. Roman Catholics ARE bound to accept with 'docility' all the teachings of the pope INCLUDING casual remarks on a plane.
    According to Vatican I, Pius IX and the pre-Vatican II papal documents what Jorge just said CANNOT happen. But it did!
    I urge you to watch the video; 'Pope: "All Religions Lead to God" - Vindicated Again!' on the Jay Dyer channel - short video.

    • @sliglusamelius8578
      @sliglusamelius8578 3 дня назад +3

      False. The pope is not the magisterium all by himself, Catholics are not bound by every utterance of the pope, nobody believes that, and it's not Catholic theology.

    • @maxellton
      @maxellton 3 дня назад +2

      The Pope, answering a question asked by, I believe, a student, is not speaking ex-cathedra.

    • @christophlindinger2267
      @christophlindinger2267 3 дня назад +1

      ​​@@maxellton at an interfaith youth meeting. Seems people wanted him to preach hell and brimstone to the attendees.

    • @maxellton
      @maxellton 3 дня назад +1

      @@christophlindinger2267 I wonder how people would react if the pope answered, "Only the Catholic Church is the true religion. If you are not Catholic, you are in the wrong religion".

    • @christophlindinger2267
      @christophlindinger2267 3 дня назад

      @@maxellton at a youth interfaith meeting in Singapore? He'd probably would push people further away from Jesus and the Church.