Quite right. The other day I received a generator. I was very surprised. There are two wires coming from the power board. Common and + 5 volts. The power supply itself still outputs -12 V -12 V and +5 volts. The blue capacitor is still standing. I will convert to a linear +5 volt regulator with a heavy transformer. A heavy transformer is needed to keep the generator stable on the bench.
Only and permanent fix are to put that power supply into th junkyard and change it to linear power supply. SDG solution are good but it`s much expesnsive then LM37/LM337 solution. This is first thing what I`m doing on mine... You can see what I do on this pictures app.box.com/s/lxeh824qr6mhscxxi3ipl9lq0i7g8nqy and app.box.com/s/dzg803iwd40k1z0338m2owlb6ropw5p5
Remove complete that power supply garbage is only solution for all problems. You can see how I do that... app.box.com/s/unm8k1mz0xs4flln9x8fpew4p0uhv4bj
Quite right. The other day I received a generator. I was very surprised. There are two wires coming from the power board. Common and + 5 volts. The power supply itself still outputs -12 V -12 V and +5 volts. The blue capacitor is still standing. I will convert to a linear +5 volt regulator with a heavy transformer. A heavy transformer is needed to keep the generator stable on the bench.
You're making your own solution?! Cool, keep me updated if you will
New version of fy6900 has this problem solved already. Although the psu pcb is the same, the only voltage that is used is +5V. Rest is unconnected.
It does, doesn't it? I was wondering just that as I couldn't measure the problem on mine
How are the op-amp's powered ? These can do 20Vpk-pk output.
Hi Frank,
I'm not sure actually! Maybe there is someone on the EEVBlog forum that could answer this question!
Only and permanent fix are to put that power supply into th junkyard and change it to linear power supply. SDG solution are good but it`s much expesnsive then LM37/LM337 solution. This is first thing what I`m doing on mine... You can see what I do on this pictures app.box.com/s/lxeh824qr6mhscxxi3ipl9lq0i7g8nqy and app.box.com/s/dzg803iwd40k1z0338m2owlb6ropw5p5
Remove complete that power supply garbage is only solution for all problems. You can see how I do that... app.box.com/s/unm8k1mz0xs4flln9x8fpew4p0uhv4bj