A Brief Introductory Glossary on the Relationship of Christians and Jews | Doug Wilson

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 988

  • @steventhury8366
    @steventhury8366 11 месяцев назад +7

    I'll give credit to Wilson, in that he's a master at walking the fence.

  • @bionicmosquito2296
    @bionicmosquito2296 Год назад +44

    "Judeo-Christian" is an invented tradition. The phrase was first used in the nineteenth century to refer to Jews who converted to Christianity; the meaning has obviously shifted since then, taking on its current meaning in the 1930s or so. Judaism today has little in common with the Judaism at the time of Christ, hence "Judeo-Christian" is not meaningful to describe a tradition that dates back to Abraham.

    • @lucienwolf9345
      @lucienwolf9345 Год назад +1

      This really isn't that profound of a statement to make, but yes its a made up phrase for sure. Saying Biblical values would be better to say I suppose if people want to be more inclusive (which Im not saying you guys want to be)

    • @lucienwolf9345
      @lucienwolf9345 Год назад

      @michaelward1341 ya its really not a big deal and I don't think anyone actually does get bent out of shape about it

    • @lucienwolf9345
      @lucienwolf9345 Год назад

      ​@michaelward1341 Ive never heard a Jew use the term ever seems to me to be CUFI type christians who do

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 Год назад

      @Michael Ward The term is used when speaking to American Christians about some self-interest Jews need them on board with.
      “Fellow Americans, it’s an affirmation of our Judeo-Christian heritage to send your sons to die for Israel defending the Holy land against the Arab menace”

    • @bryanmcclure2220
      @bryanmcclure2220 Год назад

      The statement is unbibical and unhistorical, Paul himself said that he believed nothing more than was taught in the Jewish law and by Jewish prophets. I highly doubt he would have sent the same thing for Hinduism. Anyone with a historical knowledge of 2nd temple Judiism will confirm that Christianity does qualify as a subset of that. The same cannot be said for Hinduism or any other pagan belief.

  • @Subvisual
    @Subvisual Год назад +57

    High Performance People understand well the utility of tribal loyalty and mutual support. Modern Christians seem to have an inverted form tribe loyalty, lightning quick to condemn the faults of their own and desperately seeking the approval of outsiders above all else. This is mostly perceived as grasping and pathetic to outsiders.

  • @christianamerican473
    @christianamerican473 Год назад +19

    Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron.

  • @matthewtarpley948
    @matthewtarpley948 Год назад +24

    Is envy really the only reason they have been kicked out of over a hundred different countries?

    • @Onkuty
      @Onkuty Год назад +7

      perhaps blood libel around pesach time? some like lamb and some... well, what does hillary like for a good spirit cooking?

    • @CDKLRK
      @CDKLRK 5 месяцев назад

      Perhaps you should read Thomas Sowell's thoughts on "middle men." Anyway, you obviously know of a better reason for the Jews being "kicked out of over a hundred different countries;" please, enlighten us.

    • @matthewtarpley948
      @matthewtarpley948 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@CDKLRK If I got kicked out of a hundred different countries, I'd like to think I'd have the humility to say it had something to do with my own behavior rather than blame it on other people being envious of how great I supposedly am.

    • @CDKLRK
      @CDKLRK 5 месяцев назад

      @@matthewtarpley948 please tell me that you are kidding. Are you suggesting that it was bad behavior that was behind 6 million Jews being exterminated by Nazi Germany?

  • @robertjayroe9900
    @robertjayroe9900 5 месяцев назад +2

    Every time I listen to Doug I’m reminded of what Dennis Prager (a Jew) says. “A speaker can use big words, crafty ideas , witty illustrations, but “if he can’t communicate to the masses and make it clear ”, then he’s of little use!

  • @reuelmelville5232
    @reuelmelville5232 Год назад +4

    I am Jewish-but with predominantly Huguenot heritage. I Enjoy all these talks and especially appreciate the fair and reasonable approach in this one. Thank you.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo Год назад

      New Covenant Whole Gospel:
      What the modern Church needs is a New Covenant Revival (Heb. 9:10) in which members of various denominations are willing to re-examine everything they believe and see if it agrees with the Bible, instead of the traditions of men. We need to be like the Bereans. It will be a battle between our flesh and the Holy Spirit. It will not be easy. If you get mad and upset when someone challenges your man-made Bible doctrines, that is your flesh resisting the truth found in God's Word. Nobody can completely understand the Bible unless they understand the relationship between the Old Covenant given to Moses at Mount Sinai and the New Covenant fulfilled in blood at Calvary. What brings all local churches together into one Body under the blood of Christ? The answer is found below.
      Let us now share the Old Testament Gospel found below with the whole world. On the road to Emmaus He said the Old Testament is about Him.
      He is the very Word of God in John 1:1, 14. Awaken Church to this truth.
      Jer 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
      Jer 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by husband unto them, saith the LORD:
      Jer 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
      Jer 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
      Is the most important genealogy in the Bible found in Matthew 1:1 (Gal. 3:16)? Is God's Son the ultimate fulfillment of Israel (John 1:49)? Why has the modern Church done a pitiful job of sharing the Gospel with modern Orthodox Jews? Why would someone tell them they are God's chosen people and then fail to share the Gospel with them? Who is the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15? What did Paul say about Genesis 12:3 in Galatians 3:8? Who is the "son" in Psalm 2? Who is the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 53? Who would fulfill the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Who would fulfill the timeline of Daniel chapter 9 before the second temple was destroyed? Why have we not heard this simple Old Testament Gospel preached on Christian television in the United States on a regular basis?
      Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, man-made Bible doctrines fall apart.
      Let us now learn to preach the whole Gospel until He comes back. The King of Israel is risen from the dead! (John 1:49, Acts 2:36)
      We are not come to Mount Sinai in Hebrews 12:18. We are come instead to the New Covenant church of Mount Zion and the blood in Hebrews 12:22-24.
      1Jn 3:22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
      1Jn 3:23 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
      1Jn 3:24 And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.
      The following verses prove the Holy Spirit is the master teacher for those now in the New Covenant.
      Jer 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
      Mar 1:8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
      Joh 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
      Act 11:16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.
      1Co 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
      1Jn 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
      Watch the RUclips videos “The New Covenant” by David Wilkerson, or Bob George, and David H.J. Gay.

  • @thirstypilgrim97
    @thirstypilgrim97 Год назад +57

    What I observe is that when the “high performance bad” are called out and critiqued, the entire group (HP good & HP bad) all lock arms and grab their pitchforks shouting “ANTISEMITE!! Burn then!”
    This is a problem, a huge problem. Akin to the alphabet people joining arms to defend the child rapists among them.

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 Год назад +14

      Yeah, we'd have a much different issue on our hands if those among them would call this stuff out for what it is. But instead they attempt to shut down the discussion and insist they are all just being individuals and call you hateful for daring to notice a common trend.

    • @Greasy__Bear
      @Greasy__Bear Год назад +3

      Yes and if I say i think we shouldnt be wasting billions on isreal when we havent evens secured our own border they say that means I hate isreal.
      They get called our greatest ally but no one ever seems to show what exactly they do that benefits us.

    • @theMolluskMan
      @theMolluskMan Год назад +14

      @@brianh1161 The famous physicist Max Planck interviewed a certain Austrian watercolorist and brought up this exact issue. The watercolorist said something to the effect of, "I reached out to them. I asked them to point out the ones who were causing the problems in our society. But they refused. Instead of separating themselves from the cancer in our midst, they circled their wagons around it. And so I was forced to deal with them as one group." My paraphrase. I'll try to find the original quote.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 Год назад +9

      Doug actually went a step further, comparing child-porn distributors to violinists…as if they somehow offset each other!

    • @rockytopbritt
      @rockytopbritt Год назад +1

      @@theMolluskMan I always wonder if a certain Austrian watercolorist asked a certain Jew for mercy before or after he blew his own brains out.

  • @meincomf516
    @meincomf516 Год назад +73

    On the bright side, we have a useful new euphemism to get past the algorithms: "High Performance People."

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +16

      You down with HPP? Yeah you know me!

    • @hairypawter8475
      @hairypawter8475 Год назад +1

      Lol, ah this stuff, does no one have an immune system to it. This cancerous leftist dogma just gets everybody, and you can see it so clearly, because the moment you start reading it, Gods words vanish and are nowhere nearby. And in fact scripture says the opposite in many cases, calling out Jews directly and workers of evil. The irony.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +1

      @@hairypawter8475 no group of people in history, with the exception of the jews who demanded the crucifixion of Christ, has ever been so psychologically and spiritually abused as the boomers.

    • @BrokTheLoneWolf
      @BrokTheLoneWolf Год назад +8

      🤣😂 I call them the hats

    • @2080bop
      @2080bop Год назад +3


  • @gwh070156
    @gwh070156 Год назад +8

    It's important to remember that in "Chariots of Fire" Abrams' funeral is in a church. Did he eventually become a believer?

  • @micachi1693
    @micachi1693 Год назад +41

    If they can be a "high performance" people, couldn't they also be "uniquely malevolent"? It seems to be inconsistent that one could be a possibility and not the other.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад +2

      Doug has attempted to flatter the Jews, and to give credence to the myths and delusions of white supremacy, while lathering himself in plausible deniability, for all to see.
      You’d be wiser learning from God, not Doug.

    • @Greasy__Bear
      @Greasy__Bear Год назад +13

      I think e michael jones has a better take in his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
      Its cultural not biological it has to do with talmudic judaism and kahbala.

    • @johnbuiatti366
      @johnbuiatti366 Год назад

      This makes perfect sense to me. Explosives are high energy materials. They can cause a lot of destruction and death or help dig mines for much needed minerals or also tighten your seat belt and inflate your airbag. We choose the path for the energy to be deployed. Evil.......or good.

    • @Greasy__Bear
      @Greasy__Bear Год назад +2

      @@johnbuiatti366 find me an industry that is run primarily jews that has a positive influence on the future of america.

    • @thirstypilgrim97
      @thirstypilgrim97 Год назад +1

      Lewis would say yes

  • @Rome_77
    @Rome_77 Год назад +24

    I think James Jordan would disagree with Doug. James also had a preterist interpretation of Romans 11. There is no future “conversion of the Jews”. There is no Jew or gentile. The chosen people are the Christian people. WE JEW. YE24

    • @ZeeroDubs
      @ZeeroDubs Год назад


    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад

      Ever wonder why Paul only uses the 'grafted in' and 'wild olive' language with the Romans, and no other Greek recipients?

    • @williamlewis2383
      @williamlewis2383 Год назад

      @@jugbug4899 could you elaborate?

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад

      @@williamlewis2383 Only descendants of Jacob are called 'Olive Trees' - regardless of geography. The Romans descended from the Trojans who themselves descended from breakaways of Israelites (likely Dardanus and Chalcol) prior to the Exodus.
      Such peoples were thus 'wild' as their ancestors were not at Sinai to receive the cultivating Law. Most of the Grecian peoples Paul sought out were divorced Israelites dispersed from the core unit that was at Sinai (1 Cor 10:1, Gal 3:24, Eph 2:11-13, etc).

  • @jayraymond9707
    @jayraymond9707 Год назад +16

    If someone gets scapegoated right out of 110 countries, are they still a scapegoat?

    • @manfromtheredriver7386
      @manfromtheredriver7386 15 дней назад

      Christianity is the most persecuted religion. Jews are the most persecuted race. It's kinda like Satan riles up people to attack God's chosen people or something.

  • @franciscoscaramanga9396
    @franciscoscaramanga9396 Год назад +7

    Gittin 57a:3-4
    "Onkelos then went and raised Jesus the Nazarene from the grave through necromancy. Onkelos said to him: Who is most important in that world where you are now? Jesus said to him: The Jewish people.
    Onkelos said to him: What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement. As the Master said: Anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement. And this was his sin, as he mocked the words of the Sages."

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 10 месяцев назад +1

      That’s just “high-performance” tho!

  • @SadieLGardner
    @SadieLGardner Год назад +61

    Nobody has a problem with Asians for being a high performance people. I've never met somebody who resents Asians for making more money or being more intelligent or having more technically skilled jobs/ arts

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +53

      And this reveals the lie of Doug's argumentation. The problem isn't that they run media or finance or academia. It's what they DO with it that creates the problem.

    • @weehawker1
      @weehawker1 Год назад +1

      College admissions people resent Asians. So sad.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +2

      @@weehawker1 I think there are lots of High Performing People among those admissions folks. Please be careful with your racist statements, Doug might think you're jealous of them.

    • @JonJaeden
      @JonJaeden Год назад +6

      @@meincomf516 How can that be the lie of Doug's argument? That's exactly what he said about HPP. It's what people DO with it.

    • @JonJaeden
      @JonJaeden Год назад

      Blacks resent Asians. Despite the attempt to blame anti-Asian violence on white supremacy, black perpetrators are the most common offender, at least here in Northern California.

  • @loganross1861
    @loganross1861 Год назад +36

    I think it was Paul who said they are “the enemies of all mankind”, or something like that. And he was Jewish.

    • @joshuaottinger6484
      @joshuaottinger6484 Год назад +18

      how dare you be so biblical in your critique! 😉

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +19

      It was not the "temple" of Satan, it was not the "Ashram" of satan, it was not the "Church" of satan... fill in the blank word here. The "what" of satan?

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +9

      @@russellfrankland7335 it's on the tip of my tongue

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад +1

      Here’s another riddle:
      Luther is Red
      Mossad is Blue
      Their young want to celebrate:
      Just like you!
      So who then should be renounced, to save the lives of mankind?

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      All apostates are the enemies of all mankind.
      Do you not understand Jewish logic?
      Reference doesn’t go beyond the fullness intended.
      When it is said “Jews,” or “Cretans,” it is not meant: “ALL Jews,” or “ALL Cretans.” What is meant is those being referenced in conjunction with their behaviors.
      Presuming that Paul was using a Greek logic, rather than a Hebrew one, is an error that a novice might commit. No novice is an elder, even if he lauds the title.

  • @robreich6881
    @robreich6881 Год назад +7

    The presbytery’s 2 statements use words like “Kinism” and “Anti-Semitism” without even trying to define them. Also use “segregation.” So when Ukrainians and Russians ethnically cleansed Poles from what is western Ukraine today was that “segregationist?” What about what Israel does to Palestinians? Why does this really seem to be coming from an incredibly parochial view rather than a universal / theological view?

  • @JS-ix6zt
    @JS-ix6zt Год назад +69

    The entire identity is based around their rejection of Jesus and the gospel. Is this really the carriers of the promise or is it carried by the true children of God adopted through faith in Christ

    • @PD-we8vf
      @PD-we8vf Год назад +1

      The ones in control of everything are not real Hebrew’s. They adopted the “faith” in 1500 Turkey and moved into Europe as they were the only ones who could loan money.

    • @m.g.3729
      @m.g.3729 Год назад +1

      The former.

    • @possumhunter1179
      @possumhunter1179 Год назад +4

      Well, Who owns the Vineyard, and what did He do with it?

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      Doug might like to think he’s doing protective service by wrangling, and giving rise to Nazi thinking in plain sight.
      Like every merciless Nazi spy master in history, he’s more than happy to sacrifice a thousand lower agents to maintain his plausible deniability.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      Doug, by saying the Jews are a higher performing people, for both good and evil, has called them evil, and presumed good and evil in equal measure which is evil. There is not a true history that says the Jews as a tribe have higher performers than other tribes, by the measure that God has set, if you’re referring to a genealogy.
      By the measure that God has set, a higher performing worker of evil, is a contradiction in terms. The work of evil is an ineptitude.

  • @tab207
    @tab207 Год назад +3

    Isn’t it odd that Ashkenaz was not Shem’s grandson? 🕵️‍♂️ kinda explains Rev 3:9

  • @NosferatuandFriends
    @NosferatuandFriends Год назад +34

    I disagree with the Hamlet analogy. It's not that they don't recognize the prince of Denmark, but rather that they're looking for the Premier of the Socialist Federal Republic of Denmark.
    They're waiting for a completely different type of Christ.

    • @possumhunter1179
      @possumhunter1179 Год назад +4

      Everyone is waiting for Christ. Only a few already know Him and will be glad to see Him again.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      @@possumhunter1179 it seems you’re trying to follow my example rather than Doug’s. Is that because you believe my example is of God?

    • @hairypawter8475
      @hairypawter8475 Год назад +4

      Yes this wasn't a great analogy, Christ is not a character in a play.

    • @ThatOneAlbinoMofo
      @ThatOneAlbinoMofo Год назад

      @@possumhunter1179 Why when they hide their talents and work to do nothing to disciple the nations?

    • @thatonethumb6292
      @thatonethumb6292 Год назад +2

      Exactly the saviour they are waiting for will be the antichrist.

  • @adambrown2621
    @adambrown2621 Год назад +14

    Pastor Wilson
    Greetings and thank you for the video. I am wondering if you could comment on the following passages of scripture that (in my opinion) seems to point clearly to an "anti-Semitic" (very loaded term imo) position or at least a segregationist position regarding Jews and Christians. This among several other passages is why I would be considered "anti-Semitic." 2 John 1:1-11
    1 The elder to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all who know the truth, 2 because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever:
    3 Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father's Son, in truth and love.
    4 I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father. 5 And now I ask you, dear lady-not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but the one we have had from the beginning-that we love one another. 6 And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it. 7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist. 8 Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward. 9 Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, 11 for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works. (2 John 1:1-11 esv)
    Contextually John is speaking of Jews who proclaim to know the Father but, do not know the Son. The scriptures state here that this rejection makes them antichrists and to participate in any fellowship with them, even by greeting them in the streets, we are participating in their wickedness. I struggle to see how this scripture can be read otherwise. And it seems that the position that your Presbytery has taken goes against the scriptures imo. To the point in which you call the position of being "anti-Semitic" as "sinful." Feel free to clarify if I've misinterpreted your position. However, my understanding is that scripture explicitly commands (in love and truth, which is the preface by John) that Christians should segregate themselves from Jews.
    The evangelism to the Jews also seems to be contrary to the above command. They have all they need to believe for they have received the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms. Luke 24:44-45
    44 Then he (Christ) said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, (Luke 24:44-45 esv)
    The Law, the Prophets and the Psalms all are speaking of Christ and point to Christ. What Jews lack is the Holy Ghost opening their minds, which is up to the Lord to do. Therefore, obeying 2 John, avoiding interactions with them, is not withholding the gospel from them. They have all that is necessary to know who Christ is but, like Esau, they rejected their inheritance and are therefore without excuse.
    Finally, the above text in Luke's gospel makes it clear that one must have Christ to interpret the scriptures correctly. "Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures." Therefore, receiving Jewish commentary on the scriptures should be taken, at best, on the same level of regard as a non-believer. At worst, as false teachers/Judaisers. They may understand basic truths, but deriving theology from someone who doesn't understand the text (since they don't have the Holy Ghost) should be avoided if possible in my opinion.
    These are just a few of my thoughts. I appreciate the time you have taken to read this message. Yours in Christ.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +7

      Doug only engages in strawmanning and slander, sorry.

    • @NobleEdward
      @NobleEdward Год назад +3

      Very beautiful response, brother; you must write blogs like this and publish. I used to be Pastor Wilson's fan, but of late he has become so political, that I doubt his regeneration...

    • @adambrown2621
      @adambrown2621 Год назад +3

      @@NobleEdward Thanks for the encouragement. I have thought of starting a blog and may in the near future.
      I personally have a lot of respect for Pastor Wilson and simply believe he is in error and needs to have his mind transformed in this area by the living word of God. Note that Romans 12 presumes regeneration first and renewal of mind over our lifetime of sanctification
      12 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
      3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. (Romans 12:1-3 ESV)
      Therefore I am hopeful, despite my strong opinions, that Pastor Wilson is simply in error on this and needs to spend more time embedded in the word of the Lord on this particular subject.
      Thank you once again for the message and have a Merry Christmas.

    • @vanessaloy1049
      @vanessaloy1049 Год назад

      How is that even practical? Do you only go to Christian doctors, car mechanics, Etc? Do you only love your neighbors who are Christian? The “house” is a metaphor for the church; ie don’t allow people to bring false teaching into the church.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад

      @@vanessaloy1049 letting women speak in public was a mistake

  • @meincomf516
    @meincomf516 Год назад +36

    You know, all these people like Doug say we should be evangelizing jews, but I've never seen them doing it.
    You know what happens to people who evangelize jews? They write books like Martin Luther did.

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +7

      Come to think of it I have heard a whole lot of Christian nationalist talk coming from these people, up pops Ye saying we should do exactly that~ suddenly they pump the brakes ...

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +3

      @@russellfrankland7335 and they won't answer my direct, reasonable question regarding the role of the HPP in a Christian Nationalist government. Will they be allowed to hold positions of public trust? Scary question when you need their money to get your political machine going.

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +1

      @@meincomf516 Right. I think that is why they froze all of West's assets~ if he went all in he has just enough to finance a presidential campaign.

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +2

      Asking jews to forgive Hitler is worse than the Holocaust.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 Год назад +2

      Because a Jew who was following the Torah of the Most High would reject them outright, as well they should!

  • @BrokTheLoneWolf
    @BrokTheLoneWolf Год назад +32

    Guess I’m antisemitic by this definition. That’s okay. Not a fan of soros schumer Hollywood the banking system or mainstream media. Oh and Ben shapiru

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +1

      Racism and Antisemitism didn't really become sins until 4 superpowers took down Mr. Noticer.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 Год назад +1

      I’m an anti-Semite (but I love every faithful Jewish figure in scripture), I’m a climate-denier(because I believe The Most High who said to fill the earth), and I’m an election-denier(even though I don’t vote in elections because I realize they are all rigged)….according to Wilson of course. 😂

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +2

      @@nattybumppo4151 look into the holocaust for a few days so you can deny that too lol

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 Год назад

      @@meincomf516 Nice red-herring 🤣

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +5

      @@nattybumppo4151 no red herring. It's the most ridiculous story ever told.

  • @JEJAK5396
    @JEJAK5396 Год назад +2

    Pastor Wilson, how do you view the issue of “The Lost 10 Tribes”?

  • @brianh1161
    @brianh1161 Год назад +18

    Irving Berlin wrote all those Christmas songs about snow and reindeer because he was an, ahem, “secularist” I guess?

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +13

      This is such an under-discussed and misunderstood weapon these people have wielded against us. Devon Stack did a wonderful video on it that every Christian should watch.

    • @2080bop
      @2080bop Год назад +9

      Thank u! Wilson knows he's feeding us bs. Idk who he's trying to please

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +9

      @@2080bop the High Performance People, obviously

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +11

      White Christmas - HPP
      Happy Holidays - HPP
      Rocking Around the Christmas Tree - HPP
      A Holly Jolly Christmas - HPP
      Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - HPP
      Silver and Gold - HPP
      I Hear Bells on Christmas Day - HPP
      Run Rudolph Run - HPP
      The Christmas Song - HPP
      Let it Snow - HPP
      It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - HPP
      Santa Baby - HPP
      Sleigh Ride - HPP
      Walkin In a Winter Wonderland - HPP
      Silver Bells - HPP
      I'll Be Home for Christmas - HPP
      There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays - HPP
      And yet these HPP just never seem to want to mention the greatest Israelite of all time. 🤔

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 Год назад +4

      @@jugbug4899 I guess Jesus really does just slip their mind!

  • @dissidentlol5053
    @dissidentlol5053 Год назад +50

    Maybe do a review of Martin Luther's "The Jews and their Lies"? Is Luther an anti-semite?

    • @dissidentlol5053
      @dissidentlol5053 Год назад +38

      What does the Bible mean by "The Synagogue of Satan"?

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +13

      By Doug's definition, yes, he is

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      A synagogue of satan is a body of people given over to the work of satan. It is a house divided against itself.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад +7

      Doug refuses to renounce Martin Luther because he, like Judas, loves money more than God. Doug considers himself a high performing Judas, but won’t come out and say it in simple terms.
      It is written: “Be simple in that which is evil. Cleave to that which is good.”

    • @weehawker1
      @weehawker1 Год назад +2

      I feel very uncomfortable about Luther and what he said about the Jews. Many people took him literally, no ? I feel sad. " The Anguish of The Jews. " And, " The Pursuit of The Millinium". Read those two books. Thanks.

  • @brianh1161
    @brianh1161 Год назад +47

    Nobody can film and publish pornography like the High Performance People can. They’re simply too talented at it NOT to run the whole adult film industry!

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад +6

      There is no good quality to pornography. Doug is playing the hypocrite.

    • @2080bop
      @2080bop Год назад +20

      They're also great at making oxycontin.

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 Год назад +13

      @@2080bop And mystery jabs...

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +4

      HPP is crucial for the rise and fall. Some Pentamerous Dancers over here, some Lucky Larrys over there, some My Cold Shirt Off shut-it-downs over there

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 Год назад +9

      @@jugbug4899 Lucky Larry's ability to predict the future is that High Performance we've all come to know and admire. I guess I'm just envious!

  • @justinm4497
    @justinm4497 Год назад +26

    well, jews are like anyone else, but many of them have surrounded themselves with power, for example hollywood, and speaking out against them is anathema, and it should not be, no one should be above criticism.

    • @aallen5256
      @aallen5256 Год назад

      What specific criticism do you have for who??

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад

      Black and white ppl surrounded themselves with power in Hollywood as well, so that is not an exclusively Jewish trait. No one should be exempt from criticism, but there is a difference between legitimately criticizing someone and singling them out for something other ppl are doing on account of their ethnicity.

  • @brianh1161
    @brianh1161 Год назад +36

    How to do Christian nationalism:
    1) Publish a book
    2) Let the people whose core identity centers around the rejection of Christ, dominate all centers of power
    3) ???
    4) Boom, Christian Country.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +8

      You forgot to stick the most important step in there.
      Doug's RUclips channel is fully monetized snd promoted, so I think he's got that one on lock.

    • @JonJaeden
      @JonJaeden Год назад +3

      Most Jews don't think about Christ at all. How can their "core identity" be rejection of Christ? It's more like that's the core identity you've assigned to them.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +8

      @@JonJaeden how do you know? Are you jewish? Have you spent a lot of time with them, contending for the faith?
      You seem so confident in your appraisal of the situation, but you don't seem so knowledgeable.

    • @kuhatsuifujimoto9621
      @kuhatsuifujimoto9621 Год назад +1

      underappreciated comment

    • @kuhatsuifujimoto9621
      @kuhatsuifujimoto9621 Год назад +1

      @@JonJaeden the whole purpose of Judaism after the destruction of the temple was the denial of Christ as Messiah. It doesn't matter that they aren't religious, they certainly are not Christian, and they still have cultural hatred in their hearts for Christ and his bride.

  • @franklinbumgartener1323
    @franklinbumgartener1323 Год назад +6

    Fact: You guys in Knox presbytery need to stop it with all your memorials. The CREC is a confederation. But with every passing memorial dictated to the rest of us by Knox it becomes more and more federalized.

  • @bullfighter42
    @bullfighter42 Год назад +94

    To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

    • @phonkphonk
      @phonkphonk Год назад +4

      they've passed bills in Texas and in Florida prohibiting any mention that they have power. To do so is "hate speech" it's wild. This itself is power.

    • @ZeeroDubs
      @ZeeroDubs Год назад +7

      Or don't criticize people based on their race.

    • @chrislamont6936
      @chrislamont6936 Год назад +4

      Finally somebody gets it has anybody ever read the talmud and what it says about Christ and Christians being their slaves in the world being their slaves or anything like that this is so reactionary it's not even funny in the real world is called cya

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +30

      @@ZeeroDubs but Doug can praise them as a group and say we are just jealous of this high performing people? You guys are gonna have to sort out which it is, because you can't have your cake and eat it too.

    • @dissidentlol5053
      @dissidentlol5053 Год назад +21

      @@ZeeroDubs It's not only based on their race. It's based on their actions and shared ant-christ culture.

  • @Vynachadzavy
    @Vynachadzavy Год назад +14

    So was Jesus wrong when he called them Synagogue of Satan? I am little confused atm.

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +1

      Jesus was right about the Synagogue of Satan for 1970 years and then Schindler Iscariot came along to correct Him.

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 Год назад +6

      @@jugbug4899 Those violins were pretty darn sad tho

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +2

      @@brianh1161 Well, they did have an orchestra ...

  • @markboland1181
    @markboland1181 Год назад +4

    Both Jesus, John, and Paul have unique negative descriptions of Talmudist that is used no where else when referring to “lost” peoples. No attempt is offer to analyze and apply.

  • @NationalKarateInstituteSalem
    @NationalKarateInstituteSalem 2 дня назад

    Thank you!

  • @possumhunter1179
    @possumhunter1179 Год назад +34

    Just can't see how the re-ingrafting hasn't already occurred. The Lord prophesied, AD 70 came and went, and - in the final analysis - there's only the covenant of works and the covenant of grace. Christ Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. Redemption is the central core of covenant theology. There's a distinction between those in the covenant and those who say they're in the covenant, but are not. Rev. 2:9 & 3:9. If there's syncretism between paganism and any Abrahamic religious system, the net result is paganism - or the synagogue of the evil one. If you want to define paganism, look at "one-ism" (see Dr. P. Jones), and see where the androgyny manifests itself. You will know them by their fruits. The rejection of the vineyard owner's Son meant that the vineyard necessitated annihilation. (Mark 12:9; Matt. 24:2).
    What's more, Paul hadn't arrived in Rome, yet. (Romans 1:15). After he did, he stayed there for at least 24 months. (Acts 28:30). Church history and the Word both record that apostles and evangelists routinely preached in synagogues first - when they arrived in new towns. The result was that either the synagogue became a church, or often, a church was constructed right next to it. It was populated with Christians who, in most cases, had formerly followed the old signs and seals before being baptized. (Acts 13:43). There was a problem with early Christians attending both the church services as well as the synagogue until Christians (who undoubtedly had already been attending there before their conversion) were expelled from synagogues around AD 80. The re-engrafting was completed, and the syncretism of the religion of the old signs and seals proceeded.
    There are only two religions. It's Christ or chaos. Full stop.
    And Romans 12:14 applies, even if there's disagreement on eschatology, right?

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад +1

      Practicing anonymity is the same as bearing false witness against oneself.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад +1

      Adding seminarian reference material to Scripture is the same as pretending like God never warned you. It’s to take away from Scripture also.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      You seminarians build synagogues like Jews, because you’re of Chaos not Christ. Jesus did not command the building of such buildings or the making of His Church a byword for buildings made with human hands.
      You claim the regulative principle, while calling a place “of worship,” without God’s command.
      You should repent of your hypocrisy while it is called today.
      I’m glad for the opportunity to write to you again. It has been a blessing to me.

    • @andreastarks2780
      @andreastarks2780 Год назад +1

      Yes and Hebrews spends time addressing the Jews who were being persuaded to or still trying to live under the sacrificial system, to not fall back to that, to understand the dangers of that. I agree that the grafting back in occurred in the period between the Christ’s death and AD 70

    • @possumhunter1179
      @possumhunter1179 Год назад

      @@way-arcwarplay Thanks for the reply. I'm not understanding your allusions, though. Were you trying to make a specific point?

  • @unkownoflife5959
    @unkownoflife5959 5 месяцев назад +2

    Could someone explain how God making us saved only to make Jews jealous is a good thing? If the main reason gentiles are only saved for the purpose of making jews jealous, that dosent seem like actual love to me. It would be like dating a girl after you broke up with someone just to make your ex girl jealous. You should love someone with pure intention, not to get back at someone else. Could someone explain what Doug was saying please?

  • @paulrimmer391
    @paulrimmer391 Год назад +7

    Definition of a Jew is laughable. Ethnic & cultural bond going back to Abraham? As if. 90% are Ashkenazi which only emerged in the early middle ages. They are neither ethnically or culturally linked to Abraham.

  • @psalib89
    @psalib89 Год назад +2

    They are in power. The question is what do we do about them.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +4

      Doug has made it clear that we are to serve them

  • @LifeEternalAlways
    @LifeEternalAlways Год назад +8

    The Holy Spirit is God. I'm so glad that God answers through my teachers in the days of my prayers. Pastor Doug I'm thankful to the Lord for your help again

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      How many teachers do you have? Is it seven?

  • @adivorceddaddiary
    @adivorceddaddiary Год назад +2

    Bro can we just have a moment to appreciate that blackout last line

    • @datubeda
      @datubeda 11 месяцев назад +1

      Just finished the video, and I've been LOL'ing for the last 2 minutes at that last line, and then just saw your comment. I love Doug for lines like that. So funny and so true.

  • @feliciadogbe1313
    @feliciadogbe1313 Год назад +7

    Really profound and thought-provoking. Thank you and God bless you.

  • @carolroberts8930
    @carolroberts8930 11 месяцев назад

    Excellent presentation. Just a personal comment. I am thankful for the Jewish people because it was through the diligent work of their ancestral scribes that we have the Old Testament which provides the foundational support for the birth, crucifixion, resurrection, and continuing work of Jesus Christ. It is sad that a veil remains over their eyes, their minds, and their hearts when they read or hear these Scriptures in the Old Testament. 2 Corinthians 3:14-15. May God bring an end to their blindness and give them faith to believe that Jesus Christ is our Messiah.

  • @mattkrumal239
    @mattkrumal239 Год назад +9

    Doug, why the disingenuous declarations and sweeping pronouncements against what you call anti-semitism?

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 10 месяцев назад

      Because he’s trained in seminary.

  • @geraldredlinger9176
    @geraldredlinger9176 9 месяцев назад

    Lot of good truth here. You nailed a lot of things

  • @wptx2827
    @wptx2827 Год назад +5

    Who are we talking about?
    Semites are descendents of Shem
    Hebrews are descendents of Eber
    Israelites are descendents of Jacob
    Jews are descendents of Judah

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +9

      The "High Performance People"

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +3

      @@russellfrankland7335 HPP!

    • @IronFire116
      @IronFire116 Год назад +1

      And now, 99.999% of people on earth today are descendants of Judah. So we are all Jews!

  • @kvelez
    @kvelez Год назад +3

    Great video, this made many things clear.
    God bless you, friend.

  • @sercabie
    @sercabie Год назад +6

    Ever wonder why Doug is still on RUclips and not relegated to the other platforms like most right wing dissidents? Here's your answer

  • @vootamu1
    @vootamu1 Год назад +1

    How will Noahide laws affect Christians?

  • @GJJparaVida
    @GJJparaVida Год назад +3

    Great. More about Jews. Always about "the Jews". This harping on the Jews is not having the effect on me that I think Doug is intending.

  • @ransombaggins9301
    @ransombaggins9301 Год назад +4

    While I understand the format doesn't allow for much depth, I especially encourage people to dig deeper with regard to Zionism. The definition and commentary given here are surface level (reasonably) but might convince someone of a particular position or fail to motivate them to look further. Zionism is a shady thing with a shady history, and it's NOT simply a matter of believing that Jews should have a home and that it must be in the modern day state of Israel. There's a reason why many Jews REFUSE to move to Israel today: they strongly believe that the establishment of that state was NOT of God but solely of man, specifically some wicked people calling themselves Jews (whether they were is up for debate). Point is, use these suggested definitions as I assume they are intended: as jumping off points.

    • @SettingTheLowestBarPossible
      @SettingTheLowestBarPossible Год назад +3

      This is an issue with older Christians. They're happy to challenge non-biblical narratives in some places and not others.

    • @ransombaggins9301
      @ransombaggins9301 Год назад +4

      @@SettingTheLowestBarPossible It's definitely an issue. I think it has something to do with the remnants of a time when people were more trusting in general of leadership, government, news anchors, and narratives. That was also a time when information was less accessible (without the internet). There's definitely a parallel with politics (among other things). My folks often struggled to take seriously some of my more "red pill" questions and concerns but as they were introduced to more and more information while at the same time witnessing so many of these "questions and concerns" play out, they started to understand my views more and were more willing to consider other such things. Either way, I'm rambling. :)

  • @Charlie5225
    @Charlie5225 Год назад +6

    What a crazy time we live in. Kanye is right and Doug Wilson is wrong.

  • @CelticGamer111
    @CelticGamer111 Месяц назад +1

    If we can safely criticize abortionists, homosexuals, and general degeneracy, then we should have no problem criticizing those who are on the forefront of these issues.

  • @brianh1161
    @brianh1161 Год назад +6

    Evangellyfish? When it comes to this topic, is Doug Re-formless?

  • @jacquedegatineau9037
    @jacquedegatineau9037 Год назад +4

    1:04 Agree that all should be placed under the Lordship of Christ... to include all bonds of race, ethnicity, language, etc. I take the statement on "Ethnic Balance" to be a distillation of scripture on this point and thus instructive for all mankind. But, I wonder, does God require the rejection of all "identity politics"? Maybe a definition of "identity politics" would be helpful... but it seems that almost all of political/social/civil life touches on questions of identity. A Japanese Christian who votes to guarantee his neighbors are ethnically Japanese, that they speak Japanese, that his children marry other Japanese, and that his grandchildren inherit a nation recognizable as Japanese is certainly practicing a form of "identity politics" but can it be said he is being sinful?

  • @MAN-fq6bc
    @MAN-fq6bc Год назад +6

    Why was this peculiar High Performance People (HPP) exiled from over 100 countries (majority Christian) over 1000 times? Envy?

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +4

      Majority Christian and Majority White - that perfect combination that makes the HPPs stick out worse than a chimney with no smoke coming from it.

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 Год назад +1

      @@jugbug4899 Clearly there’s only one solution to this anti-semitism problem - Total rule by HPPs, and the complete eradication of majority Christian, majority white nations.

  • @chthulu27
    @chthulu27 Месяц назад

    So what are we to make of Messianic Jews who DO accept Jesus as their savior?

  • @FozzyBBear
    @FozzyBBear Год назад +15

    I must choose the doctrine of love over the doctrine of hate. The Jewish oral law is a contemptible, degenerate perversion of the true faith of Moses, yet I love and value my Jewish brothers and sisters, and pray they too will all one day be saved by the loving redemption of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, for His lost sheep. We have all strayed far from the flock, yet we can all still be saved, and share equally in our inheritance just as the prodigal son.

    • @JakeandElwoodBlues
      @JakeandElwoodBlues Год назад


    • @FozzyBBear
      @FozzyBBear Год назад

      @@JakeandElwoodBlues I'll have four fried chickens, and a Coke.

    • @2080bop
      @2080bop Год назад +12

      We can all be saved but when 1 group of people is working for centuries to subvert Christianity, saying we're just envious of them bc they're a high achieving people is disgusting

    • @estarr86
      @estarr86 Год назад

      Do you love Hitler and Nazis?

    • @asahelnettleton9044
      @asahelnettleton9044 Год назад +2

      Unbelievers aren't your brothers, even if they're Jewish.
      You know what you call a believing Jew? A Christian.

  • @Wink81
    @Wink81 8 месяцев назад +1

    The Red Cross did some serious denial.

    • @goyonman9655
      @goyonman9655 7 месяцев назад

      Red Cross is antisemetic then

  • @tentoesdownchristianity
    @tentoesdownchristianity Год назад +4

    I'm thankful for the work God has given you. It's been a help to me.

  • @sackclothandashes1342
    @sackclothandashes1342 Год назад +1

    One point of commonality is that heretical versions of both Judaism and Christianity led to the development of Islam.

  • @paulmeyer4441
    @paulmeyer4441 Год назад +3

    oy vey

  • @thesipesisrandom4534
    @thesipesisrandom4534 Год назад +1

    There were Two groups of Jews in the time of Jesus (or a third group who "didn't care").
    There were those who ALREADY treasured the Old Testament and Moses and Abraham, Joseph, Mary, Zachariah, Elizabeth, John the Baptiser, Nicodemus, Simeon, Steven, etc...
    These were the people "Descended from the Prophets."
    Then there were those who hated Jesus, hated his followers, and were "descended from those who KILLED the Prophets."
    The first group ALL became Christians when they heard Christ or the Apostles preach! The other group already despised moses and Abraham and then despised the Christians who were in Full Continuity with those Prophets.
    Those who were in Full Continuity with the Priests of Ba'al and Moloch were "those who killed the prophets."
    Those Jews who treasured the Old Testament ALL became Christians.
    Those who treasured the Oral Traditions of the Elders (later written down and expanded as the Talmud which is blasphemous towards Christ, Mary, and Christians) and actually hated the Law of Moses ALL became adherents of Talmudic Judaism.
    Talmudic Judaism revealed itself thought-out Christendom to be the worship of Moloch, wrapped up in "Moses sounding words."
    I.e. the Moloch worshipping Judeans (Talmudic Jews) have never ceased to despise and persecute the Yahweh worshipping Judeans (Teinitarian Apostolic Christians).

  • @DM-xy9gd
    @DM-xy9gd Год назад +2

    Dispensationalism - "That Word! I do not think it means what you think it means."

    • @DM-xy9gd
      @DM-xy9gd Год назад

      Personally thought his definition of dispensationalism was quite off. Maybe there is a version of it though that fits his definiton.

    • @mkshffr4936
      @mkshffr4936 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@DM-xy9gdHe clearly stated that it was one variety of it. It also happens to be the largest form in the US and a fertile seed bed of "Christian" Zionism.

  • @mkshffr4936
    @mkshffr4936 10 месяцев назад +1

    The first statement of the Presbytery is good and applies to Arabs, Europeans, Africans, Central and Eastern Asians and so forth. It also applies to Christians and Muslims living in the former British Mandate as well as modern Jews.
    Christ, Paul, and the author of Hebrews, along with others, make it clear that genetics are not the basis for being God's people or sons of Abraham.

  • @dillonbeard
    @dillonbeard Год назад +2

    Can some explain the joke? Cowan?

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +2

      The High Performance Person responds to the evil nazi calling him a pig by telling him that his name is actually Cohen.
      It's not a very funny, or even typical example of HPP humor, which is better exemplified by the childish jokes of Adam Sandler, the mocking of non-HPP and repugnant sex jokes of e.g. Ari Shaffer, the anti-Christ jokes of e.g. Sarah Silverman, the nonsense of Jerry Seinfeld, and so on.
      Before I was a Christian, I found HPP humor to be entertaining, but as I have grown as a believer, I have found it more and more distasteful, blasphemous, and gross. I don't know why a pastor would praise this particular aspect of HPP culture, but here we are.

  • @richardbrooks4114
    @richardbrooks4114 Год назад +2

    Isaiah 49 "Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me. Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?"
    Romans 11 "And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
    For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.
    For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all."

    • @thecrypt5823
      @thecrypt5823 Год назад

      They are temporary "enemies" on account of the gospel, but are "beloved" on account of the Father. Evidently, Christians should have a friend & foe relationship with their beloved enemies. This, undoubtedly, is difficult to do correctly without the wisdom and help of the Comforter.

    • @richardbrooks4114
      @richardbrooks4114 Год назад

      @@thecrypt5823 much as a brother, who is not saved. you love and you pray and you hope, untl the promise is fulfilled.

  • @chrislamont6936
    @chrislamont6936 Год назад +11

    Hey Doug on the front screen of your RUclips saying you have a isoteric witchcraft symbol known as a hexagram they tell us it's a Star of David please give me chapter and verse symbols have meanings as well as hidden meanings a hex is a spell or a curse

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +11

      I believe Stephen called it the "star of your god remphan"

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад +1

      Is the link of a chain a chain?
      We are commanded to take every thought captive to Christ Jesus, this includes every possible symbology.
      This is number 5: when the beasts were made and obedience to parents commanded. Conflation of the two as one is witchcraft. It is a fullness against the law: a ten, without the three, or the third.
      We were created with five fingers on each hand: the hand is a sign of dominion, and of work.
      The mark of the beast (5th) day, on the hand (5 fingers) is to act like a brute beast, rather than godly man.
      Come let us reason together, if you are not as brute beasts.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      If you presume that it is wise to act like a brute beast towards me: you’ve taken the mark on your head, and upon your hand, though you do no real work here.

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +2

      6 Sides, 6 Points, 6 Triangles
      6 Million Destroyed by Titus
      6/6 at 6a D-Day
      6 Million Holocaust
      6 Death Camps
      6 Day War
      6 Rainbow Flag Stripes
      6 Vote Laundering States
      6 Feet Apart
      The HPP individuals network sure like their sixes.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 Год назад +2

      The sex magic symbol of Solomon. In the front and center of many churches. Get out of the churches!

  • @randylplampin1326
    @randylplampin1326 2 месяца назад +1

    Affection to spiritual Israel and not to physical Israel. Romans 9:6 Get your facts straight.

  • @DaBigArmyDude
    @DaBigArmyDude Год назад +4

    Re-ingrafting? Not possible:
    Hebrews 6:4-6 ”It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age
    6 and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.”

    • @rockytopbritt
      @rockytopbritt Год назад +2

      Hebrews 6 is talking about individual Christian apostates. This passage is actually on topic. Romans 11:24 "For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree."

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад

      The "Grafting-In" language only applies to the Romans (Paul doesn't use it anywhere else for a reason). The Romans were wild olive trees, children of Jacob (olive trees) but wild as their ancestors left Egypt prior to the Exodus and were thus not at Sinai to receive the cultivating Law. Most of the peoples Paul went to descended from the portion of Israelites who were with Moses, under the cloud, and had received the Law as their schoolmaster.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад

      You might want to read through Rom. 11 while you visit the cherry-picking tree.

    • @JonJaeden
      @JonJaeden Год назад

      @@jugbug4899 What's the pseudo-anthropology behind this Romans-leaving-Egypt claim?

  • @randyrichard1964
    @randyrichard1964 Год назад +1

    Sorry if I'm thick. The joke about the brown shirt and the Jew, I don't get it.

    • @Msizyke41
      @Msizyke41 Год назад +1

      The brown shirts were nazis. The brownshirt calls the Jew "swine" but the Jew acts as if the brownshirt was introducing himself to the Jew, and so he responds with his own last name, "Cohen"

  • @nattybumppo4151
    @nattybumppo4151 Год назад +9

    Did Doug really compare child-p0rn distributors to Jewish violinists?! As if they offset each other?! What in the literal….

    • @JonJaeden
      @JonJaeden Год назад

      No. He did not. He separated them. He distinguished them. In terms of the ethical behavior characterizing them, each stands alone. One is commendable and one is condemnable. There is no comparison.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 Год назад +4

      @@JonJaeden You missed the point. He’s trying to balance the evil of p0rn distributors with a violinist. The former have produced destruction on an unfathomable level against humanity, but according to Doug the good that a violin virtuoso has produced is basically offsetting this evil. This is disgusting. What a ludicrous position to hold. But what else would you expect from a product of Seminary?

    • @JonJaeden
      @JonJaeden Год назад +1

      @@nattybumppo4151 No, it's a ridiculous accusation to make because it is not true. He's not making a moral-balancing argument. He introduced the morally neutral category, High Performance People. It's a descriptor with no content. There can be good HPPs and bad HPPs. He gives you two examples. One does not balance or cancel out the other. One should be condemned and one should be commended. It's no different than Jesus' observation of both wheat and tares growing together in the same field. Each is treated separately and differently.
      I may be wrong -- and please correct me if I am -- but I'm thinking you were triggered by Wilson's inclusion of the violinist and not the prn-distributor.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 Год назад +2

      @@JonJaeden He IS making a morally-balancing argument. He correctly has an example for the immoral extreme: p0rn distributors. EXCEPT, he has no morally-good equivalent to offer on the other side. The best he can give us is violinists and Nobel prize winners(they give those to people like Barak Obama and Joe Biden)!
      He’s failing to acknowledge that this certain people group occupy an insanely large position in the evil of this world, but are conspicuously absent on the other extreme. It infuriates me that he is offering violinists as a balance to pure evil!

    • @JonJaeden
      @JonJaeden Год назад

      @@nattybumppo4151 You do realize your only evidence for Wilson making a moral-equivalence argument is your own claim he offerred no example of moral-good, don't you? You don't have an attempt to "balance" if one side of the scale is left empty. The moral-equivalence is in your own head.
      Had Wilson used Dr. Salk instead of the unnamed violinist, would that have been more to your liking? More examples could be thrown on the scale if needed. Either way, Wilson would not have been making the argument you claim. And he doesn't have to go down your favorite rabbit hole to validate the particular point he's making (Matthew 11:16-18).
      FWIW, four presidents have been awarded Nobel Prizes. Joe Biden is not one of them.

  • @pj_ytmt-123
    @pj_ytmt-123 9 месяцев назад

    @4:38 The genetic research findings are correct given both Abraham and his slaves were descended from Noah's sons.

  • @JM-fv2il
    @JM-fv2il Год назад +10

    Nice try Doug

    • @JM-fv2il
      @JM-fv2il Год назад

      nice guy, but he likely hasn't read Flavius Josephus - there is a revision/re-writing of history that Masada never occurred therefore, the ancient people continue on and that they own the word for themselves, but does that mean that the temple exists today and the ancient Hebrew nation is the true faith (this is where modern Christianity really goes off on a tangent rather than living each day for Jesus Christ). Let's get back on track and stop looking behind to find direction . . .

  • @Ransom1973.
    @Ransom1973. Год назад +1


  • @kuhatsuifujimoto9621
    @kuhatsuifujimoto9621 Год назад +18

    there is no defined line between "segragationism" and natural affection for one's own culture. The two are blended in your worldview

    • @PD-we8vf
      @PD-we8vf Год назад +4

      They know who you are and they consider you goy, lower than dogs.

    • @kuhatsuifujimoto9621
      @kuhatsuifujimoto9621 Год назад +1

      @@PD-we8vf yeah i know. doug is acting like one can have a principled delineation between good and natural affection for one's own people unto self sorting, and "segregation." There is no difference besides semantics. Any positive self assortment that may occur will be destroyed by these jews who desire for no people to have borders except for themselves.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      Blinding oneself doesn’t mean something doesn’t exist. You would be wise to understand: everything exists in some degree.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +9

      @@way-arcwarplay you only speak in riddles, it's totally worthless
      Just say what you mean, plainly, or go away

    • @kuhatsuifujimoto9621
      @kuhatsuifujimoto9621 Год назад +1

      @@way-arcwarplay yes, but there is no line and doug does not define one. It is foolish to think that our society would not label healthy self sorting as "segregation"

  • @christophertaylor9100
    @christophertaylor9100 Год назад

    I have no problem with this statement but it feels too contemporary and not general and timeless enough.

  • @BrokTheLoneWolf
    @BrokTheLoneWolf Год назад +6

    The chosenites.

  • @ArchDLuxe
    @ArchDLuxe Год назад

    This discussion is long past due. I applaud your willingness and courage to discuss this topic. I am forced to quibble with at least one of your definitions though. When you distinguished between "hard" and "soft" supercessionism you failed to detail what remained supercessionistic about the "soft" variety. I listened (several times) to you give a good summary of my beliefs, and call it "soft supercessionism. Supercessionists and replacement theologians oppose the Bible, so to be told I believe exactly what they believe is alarming.

  • @marcus.guitarist
    @marcus.guitarist Год назад +5

    I've noticed some misunderstandings of the truth in your presentation here, but I appreciate that the conversation is being had.

  • @ericreiser2724
    @ericreiser2724 Год назад +1

    John 5:16 still sounds pretty “antisemitic,” to me!

  • @goldberg7019
    @goldberg7019 Год назад +3


    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад +1

      I found his work perverse.

    • @goldberg7019
      @goldberg7019 Год назад +1

      It was sound and biblical, nothing preverse about it

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +1

      @@goldberg7019 Where does the term "holocaust denial" appear in the bible?

    • @goldberg7019
      @goldberg7019 Год назад

      @@russellfrankland7335 Biblical meaning also the application of biblical principles, but if you want to be picky, the hebrew term for the holocaust, the Shoa (שואה) appears in the book of Proverbs 3 vs 25

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +1

      @@goldberg7019 the context is a burned offering God, correct?

  • @gilescorry
    @gilescorry 3 месяца назад

    It would be better for everyone if there weren't such a harsh over reaction to any criticism of the Israelis government. Did the prophets ever criticize the government of Israel? Today you will be viciously attacked and smeared as an antisemite by "Christian" Zionists if you simply hold Ronald Reagan's opinion of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Also, it's absurd to make a claim to a land because of who your ancestors were under any circumstance, even if it were possible to go back that far and figure out who everyone's ancestors were. Was Herod a Canaanite? How many Jews at the time of Christ were Canaanite converts with no connection to the Israelites of the Old Testament? Is it true that by the fall of the Roman Empire over 90% of Jews were actually Canaanite converts? Was David Ben-Gurion correct in his belief that Palestinians were descendants of the Biblical Israelites? Its insanity to try to figure all this out to decide who has a right to keep living in their home or on their farm. Perhaps an answer would be to make this decision on the basis of who has been grafted into the Jewish faith, or who had an ancestor that was grafted into the Jewish faith. But doesn't this turn the New Testament on its head by giving promises made to Abraham based on who rejected Christ, instead of who accepted Christ? Moreover, what about completely secular and even atheist Jews? A very high percentage of Jews are atheists. Do these atheist Jews still get the promises because a distant ancestor, possibly Canaanite, rejected Christ? This is all so bizarre and twisted. How about this, let's just stop trying to determine rights based on who is descended from whom or who practices what religion. One more point: Glenn Greenwald points out the hypocrisy of those who don't accept the cries of minorities about how they are victims of prejudice, and yet, rush to accept and trumpet every Jewish cry in this regard and even propose legislation to violate free speech. Greenwald is in his 50s and Jewish. He says that all of his friends and family for the entirety of his life have been Jewish and yet, he does not know one single person who has ever experienced Anti-Semitism.

  • @jugbug4899
    @jugbug4899 Год назад +3

    TFW your wife and children are High Performance People

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +7

      People keep saying this, I think Doug should address it directly. It seems impossible for HPP and those who have intermarried with them to be honest about their behavior.

    • @jugbug4899
      @jugbug4899 Год назад +2

      @@meincomf516 Was watching good old Chucky Charles Barkley stick up for his High Performance Paymasters and got a Well Imagine My Shekinah EST moment with his wife and kids. Ray Comfort, Michael Foster, supposedly Russell Moore's adoptive/biological parents (have never been able to ascertain, but explains a few things + why he pushes Whites always adopting nonwhites). To not have an antenna up on the issue, unwise.

  • @mrldr1595
    @mrldr1595 10 месяцев назад

    Coincidence we should never speak about

  • @JonJaeden
    @JonJaeden Год назад +4


  • @markchristian787
    @markchristian787 Год назад +1

    Doug, you missed the strawman logical fallacy and lie-"replacement theology." Not one person (respectable or that I know of) has said or implied believers replace Jews. Every single person since Adam has been saved the same way-faith alone by grace alone in Christ alone.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 10 месяцев назад

      Doug subscribes to the man-made idea of replacement theology. (He calls it supersessionism)

    • @markchristian787
      @markchristian787 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@nattybumppo4151 Yup, as does the entire history of the church...up until 1900 when Darby came out with his heretical creation of dispensationalism.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 10 месяцев назад

      @@markchristian787 By “church” I’m assuming you don’t mean the church in the wilderness with Moses?
      Edit: Do you subscribe to supersessionism?

    • @markchristian787
      @markchristian787 10 месяцев назад +1

      @nattybumppo4151 i mean the true Israel is the church. God did obviously work through the Israelites in the OT his his true people now are Christians.

    • @nattybumppo4151
      @nattybumppo4151 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@markchristian787 The Israelites in the OT that had the faith of Abraham were called the church. The church is not a new concept post Christ. Moses was part of the church. Why are you attempting to separate the terms “Israel” and “church”? The terms are synonymous in scripture.

  • @Rome_77
    @Rome_77 Год назад +20


    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +2

      I would vote for him.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +4


    • @ZeeroDubs
      @ZeeroDubs Год назад

      Ah, groypers. Now I see. All this silly Kanye/Fuentes business seems to have reinvigorated the ignorant and depraved. Oh well, it was bound to happen I suppose.

    • @Rome_77
      @Rome_77 Год назад +6

      @@ZeeroDubs Love everyone. Don’t hate the groypers. Try Love.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +3

      @@ZeeroDubs you easily throw people in categories defined for you by people with agendas you don't understand, then disregard them based on propaganda you don't even know the origin of.
      Christians are supposed to be better than this.

  • @johfu4705
    @johfu4705 Год назад


  • @rbizzle18
    @rbizzle18 Год назад +4

    i really hope all this ridiculous posturing has been worth your eternal soul, Rabbi Doug. this is your worst video yet.

    • @JonJaeden
      @JonJaeden Год назад

      Is this Wilson's John 6:61, 62, 66 moment?

  • @nvrprfct9176
    @nvrprfct9176 Год назад +6

    since the comments section is pretty bad rn I thought I'd add my thoughts to the mix: you're doing great Doug.
    also, what happened to "love your enemy"?

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +11

      The HPP never forgive, and never forget.
      It is not love to allow your enemy to heap sin upon his head. Think on your comment in light of this.

    • @BrokTheLoneWolf
      @BrokTheLoneWolf Год назад +17

      “Love your enemy” = never criticize me or my satanic actions.

    • @nvrprfct9176
      @nvrprfct9176 Год назад +2

      lmao somehow I knew the astroturfers would come running

    • @kuhatsuifujimoto9621
      @kuhatsuifujimoto9621 Год назад +2

      @@nvrprfct9176 it's not astroturfing dummy. we just want the same rights everyone else has. We just don't want to live under people who hate Christ and his followers. Is that so much to ask?

    • @BrokTheLoneWolf
      @BrokTheLoneWolf Год назад +3

      @@nvrprfct9176 you should be more offended by propagators of pedophilia.

  • @NedFerguson
    @NedFerguson Год назад

    I'm not sure what to make of E. Michael Jones in this vein. He has a lot of interesting things to say and I like listening to him from time to time, but it seems to me he is in the ditch when it comes to the Jews. A bit obsessive. What say you?

    • @louisbrassard9565
      @louisbrassard9565 Год назад

      @Michael Ward Jones is Catholic and as such consider Catholicism as the best version of Christianity but he is not considering the Catholic church as immune from all kind of corruptions not is he uncritical of the current Pope , etc. But he find splitting the Catholic church for these reasons as not the solution to the problems. Being Catholic is necessarily anti-protestant and being Protestant is necessarily anti-Catholic since one necessarily like better his own version of the christian faith. But he is someone which speak with protestant or Jews or Muslims, etc. He is an intellectual since he wrote significant books but at the same time is peculiar in working outside academia and is not avoiding controversies for example questioning the historical Holocaust narrative, etc. the list is long is centered on the prominent role the Jews plays in the politics that defined the 20th century. His style is'nt academic but the style of the culture war, a style that tries to reach out the ordinary peoples. You can call it Juvenile if you want but he is among the few that dare to address these topic. Most intellectuals are cowards like most adults.

  • @nickpetrossi2008
    @nickpetrossi2008 Год назад +5

    Why are you so good? Love this guy. Best sense of humor/wit. Hands down.

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +3

      Do you think it is a Jewish sense of humor?

    • @nickpetrossi2008
      @nickpetrossi2008 Год назад

      @@russellfrankland7335 Whatever it is. I love it :) His speeches are a bright light in a dark world. Makes me smile, even the grim ones.

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +2

      @@nickpetrossi2008 Sure ~ there is a reason I listen to the guy; I really do not like this philosemetic vocabulary lesson.

    • @nickpetrossi2008
      @nickpetrossi2008 Год назад

      @@russellfrankland7335 Jeez Oh Pete. Bringing out the big words! I am not certain what you just said, but it sounds like maybe you dont like the man? Idk, am I wrong?

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад

      @@nickpetrossi2008 Philosemetic means Jew loving.

  • @3liBrns
    @3liBrns Год назад

    Hey Doug,
    Would you mind doing a video on molonism ?

  • @NathanP711
    @NathanP711 Год назад +4

    I too very much appreciate Jewish humor.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +2

      Well it's all toilet and sex humor, so you and Doug are doing a fine job of outing yourselves as perverts.

    • @russellfrankland7335
      @russellfrankland7335 Год назад +2

      They run the banks and populate the president's cabinet but boy golly are they sure funny. That is a stupid argument and y'all know it.

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      They have wonderful accents..

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +2

      @@way-arcwarplay oy vey

    • @weehawker1
      @weehawker1 Год назад

      Watch, " When Jews were Funny". Norm Crosby, etc.

  • @johnlocke6800
    @johnlocke6800 Год назад

    MeinComf did you previously go by DM? You remind me of DM.

    • @meincomf516
      @meincomf516 Год назад +3


    • @jawshh559
      @jawshh559 Год назад

      @@meincomf516 oh okay! Why did you switch? Banned, or?

  • @StoneysWorkshop
    @StoneysWorkshop Год назад

    Wonder if Stephen Wolfe’s name (and others) came up at Knox 🎉

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      Stephen Wolfe has been found guilty of intentionally deleting history. If you would to see the evidence, I can show you.

    • @StoneysWorkshop
      @StoneysWorkshop Год назад

      @@way-arcwarplay No.
      But his name and others are coming up due to kinism and other things

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      @@StoneysWorkshop why wouldn’t you want to see the evidence of a historian intentionally deleting history he didn’t like?

    • @way-arcwarplay
      @way-arcwarplay Год назад

      @@StoneysWorkshop it was history not his own, for the record, and so he presumed against it.

  • @pictureel5863
    @pictureel5863 Год назад

    That last one was a doozie!

  • @weehawker1
    @weehawker1 Год назад +2

    PLANK OWNERS !!! I love you more ....... Bravo Zulu, Sailor!

  • @micahmartin4762
    @micahmartin4762 Год назад

    1 people of God, expanded to include Christian Gentiles, yet with national Israel redeemed, regathered, and restored to their covenants and playing a key role as head of the nations with the return of Christ, the 2nd Adam and greater Son of David, exalted and sitting on David’s throne in Jerusalem, the Christian saints reigning with him as co-heirs. That’s the biblical storyline.

  • @perdue6709
    @perdue6709 Год назад

    Look up Rabbi Tovia Singer