I'd imagine with slower games and her being a good power farmer and having good relevancy at all stages of the game that she's totally fine atm. Probably A or S tier still
you'd think but mages and on-hit adc's being the meta means its not that much better than last patches unless ofcourse enemy team doesnt have tank buster adc and mages
well the patch is a bit weird, especially for adc. Since all ad adcs except for statikk abusers, are absolutely unplayable. this tierlist doens't really cover how much power ad adcs have lost compared to apcs in botlane
actually i like this because supports got buffed and i can be a better playmaker and influence the game positively for my team. support feels like the carry role for me.
In my experience it's because he's soft countered by actual tanks unlike most other juggernauts. Peeps like Ornn and Tahm can't kill him but they don't care about him and outscale in everything but damage
Late game is the weakest for tanks even during tank meta, because gold cost don't matter when everyone have 6 items alr. Item reliant stat ball tank with no hard CC like Mundo is the most invincible mid game and useless late game when dmg carries have completed %hp dmg and pen items. Also Vayne still exist and is not a ban prio even for Mundo.
As a riven main ill say you forgot to talk about her. Almost all best items for riven like cleaver, eclipse, and sundered sky got less AD so she is in a very weak spot right now and in most matchups you basically just cant play if you are not an otp.
He lost a ton of ms and AD (lost like 50 AD and 5% armor pen on his standard build). He doesn't have the damage he did last patch, let alone he's lost nearly half the movement speed from items
I guess I will be stuck playing bruiser Khazix for the next 10 patches, well played Riot you achieved exactly what you want and deleted the Assassin class from this game.
Watching the 8k hp chogath walk at me with 3 armor items as an ASHE WITH LETHAL TEMPO AND ALMOST FULL BUILD (including Blade of the Ruined King, the only tank shred still in the game for ADC's) and just dying from him pressing R because it deals over half my hp in true damage Why they decided to remove every single piece of tank shred from the ADC in role and then buff tanks is beyond me
And the main issue I'm making a point about is that ADC's literally have no way to do anything about tanks unless they are specifically designed around killing them(Vayne & Kogmaw). They nerfed or removed any form of tank shred from ADC items and then buffed tank items this patch, meaning that they literally cannot do anything about getting one shot by the class that's effectively immune to the one thing they do
im ngl if u r truly full build as u say (especially w botrk) there should b no way chogath is killing u as ashe unless u messed up lol. try shiv > runaans > LDR/MorRem next time maybe?
@@pandora5573 I had kraken, bork, mortal reminder, FD, and was mostly to my last item (had negatron cloak) Still literally not seeing his healthbar move even when he had 3 non armor items Obviously I couldn't play perfect but who can? I shouldn't have to play perfectly to win that fight, especially when he wasn't either I think it's an issue when his thornmail was doing a higher percentage of my HP than my autos are to him when he only has 3 armor items, and if he gets anywhere close he can W or E and then kill me with ult doing well over 1k true damage
@HassanKhan-wq3tk is this tank meta in the room right now? 7/10 champs in highest pickrate are bad matchups for tanks. 3/20 most picked champs are tanks. Ornn at 11 and Shen/Ksante at 18/19
The clip of Skarner walking menacingly towards the camera with the mosstomper jungle pet lookin' derpy made my day, good on ya Skillcapped! Oh, and great breakdown too
i have a 57% wr yorick mid - first buy Fated Ashes, first complete item - trinity force, finish liandrys, Serylda's, Malignance, last item situational tank item.
so i found myself binge watching the guide videos from this channel without any real aim to learn enything but since i started binging, i've found that nowadays i always have tons of gold when backing, and its not even about CS but actually paying attention to my dead time - and more gold started earning me more wins even if im losing lane and only playin quickplay good stuff! 👍
just started playing again after 10+ years. There's both good and bad things regarding my experiance playing. Feels laggy and choppy? And i have a PC that should be able to handle 10 WoW clients on at same time. But i tried out all the old Champs and got some new... The two that really stuck to me was A Sol and Karma. I can't remember having this much fun playing mid and support, Ever. Sure A Sols early game is abyssmal. But his late game... Oh Boy! Even with only 5 games on him thusfar. Im having alot of fun and even manage 1v1 fights coming ontop.
Yeah adc is trash this season. I'm mostly playing APC in bot and dumpster the ebemy adc with unpeelable damage while they scale or try to hit me with them nerf early items
It just makes no sense how some champ’s weakness would be early game and they go Doran shields , fleet and outsustain to their power spikes (cough akali, yone , kassadin) . They need to lock starter items to classes .
NGL, Crit Jinx getting 3 items is more of a "this game went long" or "Jinx got a lot of early gold" Jinx with Shiv + Krakken + BORK has been feeling much better since you can do dmg consistently early/mid
As someone, who just started playing Kassadin and Vladimir a lot, I indeed like this patch... I just like being 1/10 and when i hit lvl 11+, killing everyone.
I main Aphelios. His WR is usually low because he's complicated and hard to play correctly. Now his WR is low because of both that and they nerfed his best items to the point where he is just a caster minion :(
Can you take a closer look at Warwick top in this patch? I've slammed a bunch of games in a row with lethal tempo/grasp and it feels so broken. Items getting nerfed for less dmg and more prevalence of tanks let's Warwick heal way more during extended duels. Lethal tempo isn't as broken as it was before but still enough to let you win any 1v1 early.
@Lion7802 definitely in a short trade PTA feels better. I feel like a lot of top champs are trying to all-in levels 1-3 and lethal tempo + barrier + passive healing + Q heal can't lose. Feels like a few seasons ago ww top that was unbeatable, albeit worse obviously.
Its interesting that ADC is still a list here, since BOT is completely dominated by control mages at the moment. I get that ADC is a role (marksman?) but if you want to play meta, apart from Kog and Nilah, the top 10 winrate for this patch is all mages. Swain at the top, Veigar, lux, karthus, seraphine, brand, Hwei and even Yasuo rank a step above 90% of the ADCs playing the game right now. I think this needs to be mentioned skillcapped!
Play fiddlestick top he is hidden op vs tanks or bruisers u got cc heal a lot huge stustain, huuge range, safe, clear wards setup ganks , awesome teamfights with r, and ofc liandry and big burn dmg, only one negative thing is that gameplay is diffrent and u want make vision first and engage first before enemy with r and somtetimes it cant be hard but its op af
Honestly, I start to wonder what elo these tier lists are even for, because they do not reflect the power level of champions in high elo at all. Well, to a degree they do, but a ton of it is just inaccurate.
Change ksante stats as much you like, but since the latest patch he feels so clumsy to play and its no fun to play him anymore, they should make him like he was before
They do it because he has low win rate (mostly from lower elo players, since he is quite hard to play) even tho he's notorious in higher elos and pro play. It goes beyond me how they buff him
I dunno where this negativity is coming from, I myself am loving this patch. Games got more chill, fair, less "enemy Katarina/Draven/Zed got 3 kills early so we can ff". All of the champions I adore got stronger as a result, especially Bard feels like a dream right now.
Yay last patch i literally went like: "Damn fizz in ranqued is kinda boring since if i dont snowball i lose, and in high elo hes useless, so ill try hwei he seems cool" now hes on OP tier
Funny to see all the comments complaining about a "tank meta" evertime an assassin can't kill a tank in one spell rotation xD The only problem with this meta is that tank do a bit to much damage. But everyone talking about unkilable tank meta are overeacting or didn't try to play tank.
i was so ready to type that you guys are sleeping on Annie since she can burn through tanks with burn build yet in squishy comps she can oneshot the entire team with burst builds. but you put her in S (try Annie) ganks are not a 1v2 anymore on mid
Hey skill capped, im a gm mid laner with 2nd role fill. I do want to get challenger, is skill capped still the right place? Or is the last part of getting better just talent? You say you guarentee a 5 division increase but thats obv impossible for master/gm players. Id like to get a bit of coaching and vod reviews on what i can do better in order to win more games. Pls let me know, yours Mikjer
A lot of true damage is percent based. 5% of 100hp and 5% of 1 million hp take the same amount of hits to reach zero. Healing/sheilding mitigates true damage, not more health in most situations.
Kat players just super sad now. Her ratio is already bad. Laning is never been existant. She only rely on snowball via item leads. Now all damaging items are nerfed. Everyone is just tankier. Just unable to find a way to win the game to be honest
I get why Udyr is OP-tier in the jungle but Shyvana, Warwick and also Amumu despite the nerfs have way higher winrates in the jungle than viego, so why are they not in the op tier?
You guys should add Dr Mundo jungle to like, B or A tier, he's around a ~51.5% WR low elo and ~50.5% WR high elo, players like NattyNatt are doing a good job highlighting his strengths. Core build is Heartsteel->Spirit Visage/unending despair based on what damage is prevalent->then the other->then you build tank or you can throw in a Titanic Hydra if you need the damage
Consider dropping irelia down a tier or two - item nerfs hit her hard especially with wit's end and poor scaling ㅠㅠ. Lethal tempo isn't great for her in early to midgame to compensate
Ksante still looses too much resists in r and doesnt heal enogught you cant cancle it anymore and the jaksho bug got fixed also the e range nerf is kinda too much and the q hitbox and attackrange For an exchanche his w deals too much damage and his ult gives way to much attackspeed wich is a random powercreep
@@citizencj3389 titanic hydra lost onhit passive. Now only shockwave deal dmg so it doesnt give u signle target bonus dmg outside of it active which makes tytanic dewd on reksai. U dont know anything man ur arguments are made up without support in anything real. Wdym engage brusiers are buffed, aside from fact that engage brusier class doesnt exist how tf are they buffed like do u have brain?
All the zoomers complaining about games taking too long as if anyone enjoyed being 2 items above every other player in your game and still getting one shot by "that one fucking champion" because their power spike was too strong 😂 you man definitely mever experienced old league of legends man, this is the best patch in a very long time (they'll still fuck it up so ill enjoy it while i can)
Rank Up Fast At ➡www.skill-capped.com/lol#update1419
Imo hubris is really strong this patch cuz it's the strongest snowball item as games are longer and more snowballing
Why no Brand Love?
6:30 Apparently Morgana got hit so hard, that she has fallen from S-tier to "forgot to include her".
She hasn't been included in mid for a long time either lol
Was she actually in S-tier for jg?
@@ImaskarDonoyeah bro one of the fastest and healthiest clears in the entire game + insane utility with shield root and ult
@@ImaskarDonoher w did insane dmg to jungle creeps so she had amazing clear
I'd imagine with slower games and her being a good power farmer and having good relevancy at all stages of the game that she's totally fine atm. Probably A or S tier still
Tank mains are really enjoying this patch
you'd think but mages and on-hit adc's being the meta means its not that much better than last patches unless ofcourse enemy team doesnt have tank buster adc and mages
Gwen mains are also liking this patch - Gwen main
And so is vayne
@@joelhulkko1756yeah and imagine riot is buffing kraken and thought about bork buff aswell 😅
Bro is it just me but this is the worst patch in a long time i usually dont complain about the meta but some champs are just unplayable rn
Yea most of my champions feel like minions
well the patch is a bit weird, especially for adc. Since all ad adcs except for statikk abusers, are absolutely unplayable. this tierlist doens't really cover how much power ad adcs have lost compared to apcs in botlane
Mid lane isnt too bad, its mostly top lane being murdered by nasus
actually i like this because supports got buffed and i can be a better playmaker and influence the game positively for my team. support feels like the carry role for me.
Twisted fate is a pee shooter
Surprised that Mundo is only A tier despite the fact that warmogs is still good and a lot of his bullies fell off the meta
I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out as S. Long games and tanks being strong means he's going to shine
In my experience it's because he's soft countered by actual tanks unlike most other juggernauts. Peeps like Ornn and Tahm can't kill him but they don't care about him and outscale in everything but damage
Late game is the weakest for tanks even during tank meta, because gold cost don't matter when everyone have 6 items alr. Item reliant stat ball tank with no hard CC like Mundo is the most invincible mid game and useless late game when dmg carries have completed %hp dmg and pen items. Also Vayne still exist and is not a ban prio even for Mundo.
Viego always being so strong is already driving me crazy
fr fr his basic abilities are such a snore fest
As a riven main ill say you forgot to talk about her. Almost all best items for riven like cleaver, eclipse, and sundered sky got less AD so she is in a very weak spot right now and in most matchups you basically just cant play if you are not an otp.
Been a otp this season and this patch hurts bad in some match ups. Rip.
My god i damn near lost two games because my riven top was useless and rushing lethality like a dog.
Too bad riven is inherently broken by design, so fuck that champ she should always be in a weak spot
Same with irelia
Garen lost movespeed on items, thats why hes weaker
He lost a ton of ms and AD (lost like 50 AD and 5% armor pen on his standard build). He doesn't have the damage he did last patch, let alone he's lost nearly half the movement speed from items
@@Brenmaster24 very good
Should be deleted from the game tbh
I guess I will be stuck playing bruiser Khazix for the next 10 patches, well played Riot you achieved exactly what you want and deleted the Assassin class from this game.
Thats really good ngl
Kill the ADC and you have a free game. It literally couldn’t get any easier
This isnt as east as it sounds , you could ward and you also have anogher player whose job is to keep you alive
They managed to destroy adc and assassins at once 🤡 🤡
I been building heartsteel for every single jg champ and the item works everytime its just the best item in the game hahaha
Wait, you didn't explain why Fiora was ranked OP tier in this patch and suddenly droppped to A tier in the mid patch
Watching the 8k hp chogath walk at me with 3 armor items as an ASHE WITH LETHAL TEMPO AND ALMOST FULL BUILD (including Blade of the Ruined King, the only tank shred still in the game for ADC's) and just dying from him pressing R because it deals over half my hp in true damage
Why they decided to remove every single piece of tank shred from the ADC in role and then buff tanks is beyond me
how does chogath walks at you and hits R if he does not have any gap closing at all?
link op gg
@@umcaraai1991 because he has Q? And it's not like I can just not try to kill him when he's walking right through my base wtf are you talking about
And the main issue I'm making a point about is that ADC's literally have no way to do anything about tanks unless they are specifically designed around killing them(Vayne & Kogmaw). They nerfed or removed any form of tank shred from ADC items and then buffed tank items this patch, meaning that they literally cannot do anything about getting one shot by the class that's effectively immune to the one thing they do
im ngl if u r truly full build as u say (especially w botrk) there should b no way chogath is killing u as ashe unless u messed up lol. try shiv > runaans > LDR/MorRem next time maybe?
@@pandora5573 I had kraken, bork, mortal reminder, FD, and was mostly to my last item (had negatron cloak)
Still literally not seeing his healthbar move even when he had 3 non armor items
Obviously I couldn't play perfect but who can? I shouldn't have to play perfectly to win that fight, especially when he wasn't either
I think it's an issue when his thornmail was doing a higher percentage of my HP than my autos are to him when he only has 3 armor items, and if he gets anywhere close he can W or E and then kill me with ult doing well over 1k true damage
Another split, another patch with juggernauts dominating top lane meta.
u mean tanks?
@HassanKhan-wq3tk is this tank meta in the room right now?
7/10 champs in highest pickrate are bad matchups for tanks. 3/20 most picked champs are tanks. Ornn at 11 and Shen/Ksante at 18/19
Do you even know what juggernauts are?? in the top 15 winrate toplaners there is probably only 1 or 2 juggernauts. The rest are tanks or fighters...
@@Victorvonbass ur blind
@Okami400 sort by pickrate. If a champ wins often and isn't common it isn't the meta. The meta is what you actually see when you queue up.
The clip of Skarner walking menacingly towards the camera with the mosstomper jungle pet lookin' derpy made my day, good on ya Skillcapped!
Oh, and great breakdown too
i have a 57% wr yorick mid - first buy Fated Ashes, first complete item - trinity force, finish liandrys, Serylda's, Malignance, last item situational tank item.
very nice, now I must play 50 mins game and wait to lose instead 25 mins game. Tank meta is trash
swain is super strong now, slow fights and super to kill. he doesnt die now and has consistent sustained damage.
just had a swain in my last game 0 and 13 XD
so i found myself binge watching the guide videos from this channel without any real aim to learn enything but since i started binging, i've found that nowadays i always have tons of gold when backing, and its not even about CS but actually paying attention to my dead time - and more gold started earning me more wins even if im losing lane and only playin quickplay good stuff! 👍
Garen from OP to B is a bit too harsh, still feels very strong and everyone else also lost MS and overall power. Vlad, Mundo not in S?
Mundo def OP tier, you just have to farm well, build full tank and at lvl 16 youre literally unkillable
So glad to see skarner in a good spot, i love him so much so it makes it better to see that he's really good right now
Singed feels so good to play right now, he actually has time to get where he needs to be and the longer the fight, the more his poison has an impact
just started playing again after 10+ years. There's both good and bad things regarding my experiance playing. Feels laggy and choppy? And i have a PC that should be able to handle 10 WoW clients on at same time. But i tried out all the old Champs and got some new... The two that really stuck to me was A Sol and Karma. I can't remember having this much fun playing mid and support, Ever. Sure A Sols early game is abyssmal. But his late game... Oh Boy! Even with only 5 games on him thusfar. Im having alot of fun and even manage 1v1 fights coming ontop.
The game is laggy because of the inclusion of the virus known as vanguard. It will drop your fps, disconnect you at the worst times and so on.
I also started to play again after 10 years and first ranked match with Blitzcrank was op. They killed me after 30 minutes first time.
You recommend to play LeBlanc for Assassin mid while there are Naafiri and Diana in S Tier?
14:26 Weird. There seem to be more APC than ADC S-tier champions this patch.
Yeah adc is trash this season. I'm mostly playing APC in bot and dumpster the ebemy adc with unpeelable damage while they scale or try to hit me with them nerf early items
@@solemvow6281cope harder
@@solemvow6281i play apc cassio/leona or cassio/nautilus. And if my mid is ad cassio/galio
It just makes no sense how some champ’s weakness would be early game and they go Doran shields , fleet and outsustain to their power spikes (cough akali, yone , kassadin) . They need to lock starter items to classes .
im otp yas, but main ire and kat too. I swap the pool including syndra this patch, 5 games 5 victorys with 4'5 kda. So op play with broken champs
I get the pick rate is low but should have Morde Jung up there. Maybe more for a low elo tier list, he’s the #1 counter to Amumu.
NGL, Crit Jinx getting 3 items is more of a "this game went long" or "Jinx got a lot of early gold"
Jinx with Shiv + Krakken + BORK has been feeling much better since you can do dmg consistently early/mid
As someone, who just started playing Kassadin and Vladimir a lot, I indeed like this patch... I just like being 1/10 and when i hit lvl 11+, killing everyone.
I main Aphelios. His WR is usually low because he's complicated and hard to play correctly. Now his WR is low because of both that and they nerfed his best items to the point where he is just a caster minion :(
Riot need to give riftmaker's true damage or kayles true damage back on her passive, literally cannot kill tanks right now
The fizz prediction was so off😂
Can you take a closer look at Warwick top in this patch? I've slammed a bunch of games in a row with lethal tempo/grasp and it feels so broken. Items getting nerfed for less dmg and more prevalence of tanks let's Warwick heal way more during extended duels. Lethal tempo isn't as broken as it was before but still enough to let you win any 1v1 early.
found the sex offender
I still trink pta is better than lt. but grasp is nice too
@Lion7802 definitely in a short trade PTA feels better. I feel like a lot of top champs are trying to all-in levels 1-3 and lethal tempo + barrier + passive healing + Q heal can't lose.
Feels like a few seasons ago ww top that was unbeatable, albeit worse obviously.
Its interesting that ADC is still a list here, since BOT is completely dominated by control mages at the moment. I get that ADC is a role (marksman?) but if you want to play meta, apart from Kog and Nilah, the top 10 winrate for this patch is all mages. Swain at the top, Veigar, lux, karthus, seraphine, brand, Hwei and even Yasuo rank a step above 90% of the ADCs playing the game right now. I think this needs to be mentioned skillcapped!
Play fiddlestick top he is hidden op vs tanks or bruisers u got cc heal a lot huge stustain, huuge range, safe, clear wards setup ganks , awesome teamfights with r, and ofc liandry and big burn dmg, only one negative thing is that gameplay is diffrent and u want make vision first and engage first before enemy with r and somtetimes it cant be hard but its op af
j4 in a tier is crazy hes def still S
Being able to play Kalista again is so nice
le blanc has always been just different. great to see shes still up there.
Honestly, I start to wonder what elo these tier lists are even for, because they do not reflect the power level of champions in high elo at all. Well, to a degree they do, but a ton of it is just inaccurate.
Twitch quietly moved down a tier without indication. My rat does in fact feel terrible to play. Picked up The Kog and feel unstoppable.
and yet again eve is just sitting there chilling while every champ around her is moving on :) nice stuff
For me, gnar will always be A or S. He adapts a lot and always has good machups.
Had riot delayed 14.19 onto 14.21 we couldve played vs worlds players in soloq
I never found success in damage garen so I’ve always played him with 1 tank item and then rest bruiser items
Change ksante stats as much you like, but since the latest patch he feels so clumsy to play and its no fun to play him anymore, they should make him like he was before
Top lane is unplayable rn, if you main a fighter champion. That's why I move to mid.
Lee Sin before 30-35 minutes is S tier. Afterwards he’s B or even C.
Honeslty you guys should make a D tier for akali skarner and TF for the top lane
Surprised you guys are still putting KSante in c tier. He feels quite stronger now
They do it because he has low win rate (mostly from lower elo players, since he is quite hard to play) even tho he's notorious in higher elos and pro play. It goes beyond me how they buff him
would nasus not be a good pick in the jungle, still new to game?
I dunno where this negativity is coming from, I myself am loving this patch. Games got more chill, fair, less "enemy Katarina/Draven/Zed got 3 kills early so we can ff". All of the champions I adore got stronger as a result, especially Bard feels like a dream right now.
guuuuyyyss plzzz, u should consider putting Mundo on OP tier, watch how much mundo is insanely strong with his mains
I’m annihilating with mundo
They moved viego up into op jungle tier and didn't talk about why
Kayle was S Tier last Tierlist and now last place in A. Still too high ranked. I think the item changes hit her hard.
Yay last patch i literally went like: "Damn fizz in ranqued is kinda boring since if i dont snowball i lose, and in high elo hes useless, so ill try hwei he seems cool" now hes on OP tier
Funny to see all the comments complaining about a "tank meta" evertime an assassin can't kill a tank in one spell rotation xD The only problem with this meta is that tank do a bit to much damage. But everyone talking about unkilable tank meta are overeacting or didn't try to play tank.
Best patch in years. 9-5 buffed as shit
i was so ready to type that you guys are sleeping on Annie since she can burn through tanks with burn build yet in squishy comps she can oneshot the entire team with burst builds. but you put her in S (try Annie) ganks are not a 1v2 anymore on mid
Hey skill capped, im a gm mid laner with 2nd role fill. I do want to get challenger, is skill capped still the right place? Or is the last part of getting better just talent? You say you guarentee a 5 division increase but thats obv impossible for master/gm players. Id like to get a bit of coaching and vod reviews on what i can do better in order to win more games. Pls let me know, yours Mikjer
Where can i see the hotfixes? Client won't show me the patch notes and i can't find hot fixes anywhere else
no mention of why fiora got bumped way down?
Something I do not understand. HP has overall increased while the resistances got overall reduced.
Now, why is true damage being promoted so much?
A lot of true damage is percent based. 5% of 100hp and 5% of 1 million hp take the same amount of hits to reach zero. Healing/sheilding mitigates true damage, not more health in most situations.
Kat players just super sad now. Her ratio is already bad. Laning is never been existant. She only rely on snowball via item leads. Now all damaging items are nerfed. Everyone is just tankier. Just unable to find a way to win the game to be honest
3rd item IE garen is honestly better than dead mans plate
Veigar (mid) didn't make it into S after all?
In the predictions he was S but here he's back in A.
I get why Udyr is OP-tier in the jungle but Shyvana, Warwick and also Amumu despite the nerfs have way higher winrates in the jungle than viego, so why are they not in the op tier?
putting ksante C its the biggest troll when you can 1v5 with 3 items
4:03 Irelia actually dropped to C-tier
What tier is Maokai?
Don't tell me Maokai isn't a toplaner because Hector convinced me to start playing him from his smurf commentary vid.
Can they just buff a little bit heimer's turrets? 😭
From OP to B tier without any direct nerfs. Thanks Riot.
Well, my boy Warwick is S tier top and jungle, I'm happy!
Akshan is without a doubt in C tier. He was already terrible before the changes.
ok but why yone and yasuo are not mentioned they loving the runes i tried it it's like they re different champs now
When will the mentioned Amumu hotfix arrive?
Can someone else test yorick support? Ive been doing great.
Galio still Broken. Im happy.
Played him for the first time yesterday and won all 3 games. I find I run out of mana really quick though which is annoying
After all that buffs, my trist still stays in C, GAHDDAMN.
You guys should add Dr Mundo jungle to like, B or A tier, he's around a ~51.5% WR low elo and ~50.5% WR high elo, players like NattyNatt are doing a good job highlighting his strengths.
Core build is Heartsteel->Spirit Visage/unending despair based on what damage is prevalent->then the other->then you build tank or you can throw in a Titanic Hydra if you need the damage
Swain is op af right now
Where’s Morgana for Jungle?
Consider dropping irelia down a tier or two - item nerfs hit her hard especially with wit's end and poor scaling ㅠㅠ. Lethal tempo isn't great for her in early to midgame to compensate
Ksante still looses too much resists in r and doesnt heal enogught you cant cancle it anymore and the jaksho bug got fixed also the e range nerf is kinda too much and the q hitbox and attackrange
For an exchanche his w deals too much damage and his ult gives way to much attackspeed wich is a random powercreep
why is fiora not in s tier, she builds the same exact thing as camille
Build Hearsteel on Garen
Swain will love this meta
Ksante q dmg changed from 70-90 to 80-200??? Something went wrong there my dear friends of skill capped?
But where is ryze on the mid tier list? I swear that champ is sleeper broken rn
Poppy is more viable in jg now ??
how tf reksai isnt c tier. she is full early all her items went to shi the most, she wasnt good before this changes either.
Titanic hydra rush is good. Engage bruiser aka divers are buffed this patch. 1
@@citizencj3389 titanic hydra lost onhit passive. Now only shockwave deal dmg so it doesnt give u signle target bonus dmg outside of it active which makes tytanic dewd on reksai. U dont know anything man ur arguments are made up without support in anything real. Wdym engage brusiers are buffed, aside from fact that engage brusier class doesnt exist how tf are they buffed like do u have brain?
I feel like there's some slight bias coming from you considering your profile picture
@@nick-rp1uj real
@@nick-rp1uj huh....I'm just saying reksai is fine. She's statistically doing fine.
Anivia still in s, ya love to see it 🎉🎉
Yasuo has dropped significantly despite expectations that he would improve with the return of Lethal Tempo...
New lethal tempo is ass, also inflation hits hard on crit item
How did viego just shoot up to OP tier?? His placement makes no sense
so we aren't going to talk about why viego is in OP tier now? did I miss a video or something😂
9:00 Where is Garen Mid?
ezreal dindt even make the tier list
All the zoomers complaining about games taking too long as if anyone enjoyed being 2 items above every other player in your game and still getting one shot by "that one fucking champion" because their power spike was too strong 😂 you man definitely mever experienced old league of legends man, this is the best patch in a very long time (they'll still fuck it up so ill enjoy it while i can)
bro Mundo is NOT A tier
it's Z tier
Oh so they're buffing ksante because he's hard enough to play in low elo. Nice. Showmaker will love it
how to play yi this meta?
answer pls :D
Ornn mains edging rn - ornn main player.