Previous Submarine Battle:видео.html *NEEDLESS to say this was a first try of NWX in beta state. Lots of bugs to fix etc then we'll give her another go.
Cold Waters is a game you guys can get on Steam, should be a decent trainer/information source for you guys to learn more about Submarine tactics and what not.
hey cap, do you know if cavitation or the subs' VLS is modeled? I have no idea what kind of missiles they carry, but i do know that our modern fast attacks have VLS launchers. as for cavitation, that is the creation and subsequent collapse of bubbles when you try to speed up too quickly. it makes a lot of noise, and can give away the location of a submarine, so subs *usually* speed up very slowly to prevent it. but if they get pinged and fired upon, then cavitation doesn't matter, so the boat's CO will order "ahead flank cavitate" which lets the throttlemen know that it's pucker time, and they need to throw the throttles wide open instead of slowly speeding up.
Surfacing a sub in the middle of an ASW fleet and baiting a swarm of Shipwrecks to be fired at you WHICH ALL MISS is some next level naval trolling, even if unintended. I salute it. 👍
As a former US Submariner I spent most of this video alternating between yelling at the screen and just shaking my head. This must be how professional pilots feel when watching noobs fly fighters in DCS. At a minimum I would encourage all the Grim Reapers to go back and read The Hunt for Red October and the sub parts of Red Storm Rising. I'm not saying that is War College material but at least it gives a basic idea of how to fight with and against a sub. P.S. - having been part of several fleet battle exercises I can tell you that no one can find a US sub that doesn't want to be found. And if your ASW frigate is active sonar all the time then it is just an easy target. My last sub got a couple hundred yards from the USS Eisenhower and they only found us after we launched a flare over the flight deck.
Well yeah my experience has shown that detecting a US boat near a battle group is close to impossible due to the ambient noise generated by nine surface ships going 10 knots or greater. The sub has all of the advantages.
I conducted ASW ( Awfully slow warfare ) back in the 1980s on Royal Navy frigates in the GIUK gap and hated it. Four months long towed array patrols, without a break, silent on all emitters six hours on, six hours off in heavy sea states. The subs definitely have the advantage of being able to hide in the thermal layers and are far more likely to kill the surface ship. Once hit, though, a surface combatant has the option to abandon ship, climb into liferafts, and await rescue. The sub, when hit and is several hundred metres below the surface, has no such option. Someone once said that looking for a sub with a surface ship is like looking for a gas leak with a match. Once you've found it, you'll wish you hadn't.
I’ve always been fascinated with submarine warfare. If you’re a surface ship you basically have to run under the assumption that the subs KNOW where you are at all times. That’s scary. lol mad respect for all the submariners out there.
Not necessarily. Some ASW surface ships are much quieter than you think. If you run silent (i.e., no radar emissions) it can be very hard for the sub to find the surface ship, too. Depending.
I am a former Bubblehead, All surface ships are Targets. that is what surface ships are. and his information about passive sonar not being extreemly precise is hogwash. and any boat commander that would use active sonar should be relieved of command
Surface sailor: You know what we call you submariners? Submariner: What? Surface sailor: Bubbleheads. Submariner: You know what we call you guys? Surface sailor: What? Submariner: Targets
Well, every submarine can be detected if they act stupid. Combined Arms bug made them surface inadvertently and the boys didn't really know a whole lot about what they were doing anyway so there's that. Ideally, all they needed to do was to stay under 20 knots and not stray into active sonar range but that would have made a pretty boring video.
@@hugeinjapan4635 no one is "Lucky" to detect an American submarine. That's like the time an Swedish submarine was capable of sneaking toward a whole Carrier group, I'm guessing they're "lucky"
"Sprint and drift" is the search type you were using with the escorts. It goes back to WW2 and is ideally used when you have 2 or more hunters to do it. One drifts and listens while the other/s run to their next point making noise. They then leap-frog, taking turns to drift, which is a very scary thing to do as they're a huge target at that point.
I haven't finished watching Cap, but congratulations to your partner and GR (and CH of course) for continuing to develop DCS at a high quality and so swiftly. For a first revision, I believe its extremely impressive as far as details and the strategic aspect of ASW. A couple of opinions. I'm sure the Shipwreck would be able to hit a surfaced boat, but DCS coding likely never took that scenario into consideration. With some balacing and integration of fully realized rendering of boats and torpedos, this could be extremely awesome. Russian and Chinese surface ships all have anti-submarine rocket launchers on deck as well, which would be awesome to see. Then all the navies also have anti-submarine missiles, which are effectively rocket boosters strapped to a torpedo and fired via VLS. A lot of possibilities in addition to the helicopters. The USN benefits massively from ASW helicopter oporations due to a carrier group having anywhere from 10 to 30 helicopters in the strike group. Finally, one comment on the Virginia class. As you know, the US government generally downplays their capabilities. Look at the F-22, F-35, LRASM, Abrams, AMRAAM, Sidewinder, Patriot, Aegis, etc. The US generally acknowledges they are quality systems and releases public weapon testing information in many cases. However, the one area where they actually boast and outright state they have a generation of development over their direct adversaries is when it comes to submarine technology. Every interview and article I've read including direct quotes indicates they would happily take the US submarines into combat with extreme confidence and be effective. They're basically underwater assassins.
i doubt the shipwrecks would ever be set to target submarines in real life. it would require significant effort, and it would never be needed, because subs are simply NOT on the surface long enough. however, there ARE (lots of) dedicated weapons designed to kill subs on the surface.
28:00 - *Sarcasm* "Yep, that is pretty realistic for the current state of accuracy of Russia's missiles." 🤣 31:20 - "Hey, this is the U.S. Navy's new Submarine warfare tactic to use to run the Russian's out of surface-to-surface missiles without having to fire a shot!" 😆 37:19 - *Sings the Titanic song* "And Cap's heart will go on ..."
Wow very impressive mod. A GREAT game for submarines is called Deep Blue Sea if you guys ever wanna check that out. On possible idea for an addition for the mod creator is to add the ability to fire not just different types of torpedoes but missiles as well. The calculator box is to create a firing solution for the torpedos.
using impacts on water to track torps on the surface is really smart for it being visible to us viewers. also, that strategy for the subs looks like what happens in cold waters.
Guys I really enjoyed this! It'll be VERY FUN once all the bugs are worked out and we can watch full naval battles then with not just ships and carriers but submarines to! Fixing to go watch the first one you mentioned CAP.
This naval battle was awesome. You are completely right, there are still a few bugs and there is definitely some learning required, but the excitement is so cool. Great Job.
"each of these subs has a name. this one here is North Dakota." ironically, i'm currently sitting just a few hundred feet from the actual North Dakota. i can see her from my office window. and yes, i'm watching GR at work.
I have no professional expertise in submarine warfare, and limited experience with Ww2 submarines in video games, but I’ve studied it all and these are Some of my totally amateur observations: 1. Y’all needed to spread out. Maybe assign sectors To watch and search. The northern ship went too far west and and the middle ship too far south and not far enough west. It needs to be handled similar to how you handle AShM missiles cause the goal needs to be the warships push the subs as far away from the carrier as possible. The only sub Cap should have been with is the one going straight west. 2. Target deconfliction. The middle and southern ships should have chased the sub coming straight for the carrier. Northern ship should have stayed looking for the northern sub. 3. Have a fleet GCI separate from all ship operators (ie an admiral controlling the fleet and captains controlling ships). Tap was overloaded trying to GCI, provide commentary, and keep his ship out of danger. he might’ve had the opportunity to plot, better evasive maneuvers had been able to be watching more closely for incoming torpedoes. 4. Within reason, drop sonobouys as you go to make sure nobody sneaks up behind you, the way the sub that sunk the carrier did.
I just want to tell you that this is an awesome addition to your set of tests. Every time you do a carrier fleet engagement in the SCS all I can think is that every CVBG has an SSN escort, and that SSN escort will be all over the opposing fleet before they get those fighters off the deck. Also, 3 Virginias are a bit overkill. 3 Virginias will sink one of the ships you are using for every adcap in their stores.
Lots of questions/issues. For example, are the torpedos guidable by wire? Can the ships surface to periscope depth to scan for radar emissions? Was there an isothermal layer? I'm not sure DCS is really ideal for sub/ASW simulation. Cold Waters did a really good job; here's hoping that the bigger fleet version will be released one day.
1) no wire 2) don't think so 3) I think so but not sure how realistic 4) correct BUT the cool thing about this is EVENTUALLY it could be integrated into a full naval and aerial scenario. We're a ways off that yet obviously.
The ability of Russian surface vessels detecting UK Astute or US Virginia SSNs at 10 miles, without helicopters, is laughable. A Swedish conventional sub, and an Australian conventional sub are both credited with a simulated kills 49:42 against US carriers during war games. The carriers had tight screening but were unable to pick up the subs. Subs are incredibly hard to detect. If a UK or US sub Skipper is detected at 10 miles out, their careers are over. Your model is badly flawed.
Talk to sub brief here on youtube. He is a retired sonar officer or operator. I believe he was on a Los Angeles class sub but not sure. Cool guy and does naval content and expert in the subject. I used to watch his Cold Waters videos. Cold Waters is a great sub game. Has layers modeled as well as the towed array.
CAP, you would have enjoyed the old DOS game Harpoon. Larry Bond and I think Tom Clancy had input into it. Planes, bases, ships, subs, ASW ASuW, AAW...all included. Hreat way to learn about active vs passive sensors on subs and ships, radar ranges, weapon ranges, detections by triangulation...all the good stuff. Thermoclines were een included. The full speed rush then slow down is called " sprint and drift"
Submarine Passive Sonar is VERY accurate on all data heading, speed, and distance. Active sonar just isn't used except for testing the system it makes you to much of a target. I am a former bubblehead. whoever told you that passive sonar is not extreemly precise, they LIED to you. Another thing, the only information people have about ASW opperations against our Virginia class or Ohio class is from Wargames. Where we basically tie both hands behind our backs and try to do origami with out feet.
Passive sonar is seemingly inaccurate here but it is possible to narrow the range down over multiple scan cycles. That tool has a special tab for doing just that. If you're, say, 30 nm from the thing you're tracking, you'll usually reach 1 nm accuracy or better in less than 5 minutes. The idea here is to not allow fleeting contacts to be pinpointed instantly and to give the players something interesting to do.
LOL, I completely agree with you of course. IRl, just like to a hammer everything is a nail. Every surface ship is about to be pounded by a US modern sub.
Man this takes me back to the bad old days when I first read The Hunt for the Red October. I’m a former chock and chain crewman but that book really educated me on how lucky I was to be alive lol. I feel like your escorts weren’t doing their jobs, Cap. They should have been set up to protect the carrier! Regardless, I like this mod a lot. I feel like it needs a better ASW option though. At least have P-3 and S-3s.
As soon as he retreated north when that sub in front of them emerged I knew they had lost. completely forgot about the 3rd sub. He shoulda circled down south behind his 2 sub hunters. Super cool video though, can't wait to see more naval pvp in the future
"Fun" fact: While the Admiral Kuznetsov is a bit of a joke as an Aircraft Carrier and Ship in general, it apparently has a Sonar that (at least some 25 years ago), wasn't just freakishly powerful, but also makes the most bone-chilling sounds as it goes up & down the frequency scale. 'SubBrief' (an ex USN Submariner & Sonarman) has a great video about it. From the way he tells it, I think it might still give him occasional nightmares 😄.
Seems like the NWX can be used to establish the intersection of two vessels/munitions. Add the current speed of the sub/torpedo, then answer the info(speed,range,bearing from you,target speed and its heading) with regards to the target ship/munitions . The result is the specific point where the two objects will occupy the same cup of water at a given time, as long as all values remain unchanged. The tabs allow three such ‘solutions’ at a time. Typing before the sim is run, so this answer may await me further in the video, so apologies in advance.
The tactic you describe is called "Sprint and drift" and is used by fast attack boats. When the sub is at a full or flank bell it is pretty much blind but making the most noise for someone else to hear. You only sprint to close the gap when you're fairly far away. For the drift you drop back to a 1/3 bell and listen. If you get a whiff of a contact it would be designated as Sierra 1 and so forth. When it is determined that it is a target you set up the tracking party and come up with a firing solution. At least that was how we did it back in the '80s... US and Brit boats were among the best, the Soviets sucked and the modern Swedish boats are scary quiet...
So I have met someone that apperently works on SSBN Ohio Class submarines (submersed Nuclear power balistic missle submarine) as a sonar technician and after asking him some questions he has told me carriers are big juicy targets for them and its SUPER hard if not impossible to detect their own submarine at least before it attacks, the secrets the government witholds from us Edit: he also adds that submarines trying to be stealthy almost never use active sonar as it will completely reveal your position when at first you were able to attack without them knowing
I use to work with surface ship sonar techs and they would tell me that if they were looking for an Ohio class, they would search for the quietest part of the ocean.
i'm definitely not a SME on this, but i did spend a fair bit of time with the Harpoon game system, which was, at the time (still might be) a VERY good simulation of modern naval combat. watching your report with great interest.
7:00 slight correction: the towed array is NOT the entire sensor capacity of the sub. it's just vastly better than what the sub alone can do. 9:45 slight correction: ALL undersea detection is based on SOUND, or being SOLID. passive sonar only detects sound. thus, any ship could "hide" from passive sonar by going silent, i.e. turning the engines off. not something you would necessarily want to do with surface ships, but certainly possible. 13:15 tactical note: there's not much point in dropping a sonobuoy BEHIND a ship. subs are only a threat from the FRONT arc. and, although the simulation probably gives you an infinite number of sonobuoys, they ARE limited consumables, especially in helicopters. indeed, the small number of sonobuoys a helicopter can carry makes them quite ineffective against undetected subs. but it's all the soviets have. and with the viking decommissioned, ... 14:05 ASW procedures: ending the tutorial there gives the subs a HUGE advantage. the really big problem surface ships have is LOCATING enemy subs BEFORE they launch torpedos. in modern times, ONE torpedo, launched properly, will sink ANY ship (except a carrier), guaranteed. therefore, you have to have a bunch of aircraft AHEAD of your ships, constantly using their detectors. that is a difficult process, and (wild guess) won't happen at all here. 17:00 tactical note: the main reason ships are pretty weak in detecting subs is they ALWAYS make noise. subs are typically slower than surface ships, so must get ahead of them, but then they can just sit and wait for the ships to stumble into the death trap. you make no mention of helicopter use. thus the plan you guys came up with should produce an automatic failure. now for the bad news: your carrier carries TWO Ka-27 ASW helos, and your frigates carry NONE. you need a dozen. in other words, you have NO CHANCE at all here. may as well scuttle your ships now. 19:00 i can answer that. your ships are making too bloody much NOISE to hear anything 19:50 sprint ... stop and listen ... repeat ... excellent tactic 20:00 NOOOO don't do that, especially not with the carrier 20:19 and kiss that frigate good-bye (except for the RoE) 21:45 sub range estimated 10 nm, torpedo range 5 nm, shooting now won't work. 25:45 no helicopters ... no hope 26:15 if this boat's rocking ... what ARE your guys doing? 27:00 woof ... at least SOMEONE on your team (the AI) knows what to do. and it is specifically THAT sub that was going to sink the carrier. crash DIVE, nimrod. you do know what the SUB in SUBmarine stands for, right ? 27:30 i think i just died laughing. are these anti-ship missiles unable to recognize subs? 28:45 remember, those are HUMANS you're facing. just a wild guess ... he surfaced to do a RADAR scan, then dropped back down when missiles started exploding all around him. 33:35 subs are faster on the surface. and remember the rules: the subs don't need to survive. they just need to keep the carrier away from the box edge. 35:45 i say again, those are HUMANS out there. VERY tricky. all of them prepared to die for mother russia (oh, right, die for uncle sam), if they can only stop the carrier. and while a carrier DOES expect to survive a single torpedo hit, it won't be happy, no sir. and these are soviets ... not american-style damage control over there. maybe you sink your own ship. 36:45 and so, exactly as i predicted, you had NO CHANCE at all. but overall, despite being only an early version of the sub-surface game expansion, it is already a first-rate simulation, and it clearly demonstrates why submarines are so deadly. and this doesn't even consider that if you can only get a sub near enough to enemy ships to give the cruise missiles a decent destination ... very well done by everyone involved
While it might not have been the intent if you just wanted torpedo attacks, the Virginias were missing Sub-Harpoon fired from the torpedo tubes and could have had up to a dozen anti-ship Tomahawks in the VLS, or 14 in Block III in the Virginia Payload Tubes, or the Virginia Payload Modules in Block V with 28 Tomahawks. On the Russian side, the Krivaks IIs have the SSN-14 ASW missile in the big bow launcher, plus RBU-6000 ASW rocket launchers, plus ASW torpedoes, while Kusnetsov has the UDAV-1 ASW rocket launcher. Both the UDAV and upgraded versions of the RBU have not just anti-submarine ordnance, but anti-torpedo rounds.
One other bug it appears to happen in MP is that once surfaced the subs appear to remain on the surface. I (Fire) briefly surfaced due to the same issue According to my f10, I was at 150ft when I was hit, but on caps screen i was still surfaced.
Well considering tomahawks are land attack missiles (for the time being at least), them conducting a TLAM strike would serve zero tactical benefit in this scenario.
Great concept. Loved the video. Leap frog tactics is solid, but you need to place your ships better. Cap, I think you should have stayed in the middle of box, slowly going due west. If you go flank, you're easier to detect as you know. The later they find you, the better, and you give time to escort ships to do their job. And I don't know how well sonar im modeled in game, but line of sight (sound) works in ASW. You could maybe hide in shadow of your boys hunting for subs making you even harder to detect. Can't wait for more.
As a submariner I can absolutely promise you no American sub would surface for any reason. All the Russian ships would have been dead before the first one was detected. This was not realistic at all and 3 Virginia class submarines is a severe overmatch for a small Russian ASW group.
That sub to the north had a better idea of how to attack you. I do agree that one shouldn't have sunk you, but they really went nuts with that. Kinda sad how that surfacing happens when you finish moving to a way point. Also, I'd fairly sure what was going on was the shipwrecks were trying to target a part of the sub that wasn't part of the hitbox. It's pretty cool to see this NWX work being done. I wonder how far they'll be able to take this. Also, I can see the phantom signals being legit, Cold Waters does show how you can have locations of targets can change as you get multiple readings and profile the submarine (if I got the wording right). It does seem like there's lot of different kinds of problems that probably never surfaces until now in a more public showing. I'm sure they might try to fix that eventually.
Go Stop Listen = Sprint and Drift. Sprint is high self noise so sprint to spot 5-10 Nm and then drift 5knts to listen and/or attack. Also sono buoys can set a picket line. Also, surface vessels would deploy a helo and dip or sono buoy..
So Virginia has a towed array but it also has passive sonar sensors on its sides. Also there are the vpm virginias. Which is variable payload module. Can carry anti ship missile and underwater drones. Also ever bit of these subs are designed not to make noise and the entire sub is coated in absorbent rubber like material. I’ve stood on it, it’s not rubber. The propulsor is also more like a turbine than a prop. The level of engineering in the Virginias is absolutely insane. It’s most definitely not that easy to detect them. They will dock a sub if it has any sound shorts at all. If they were vpm they would have missiles incoming at between 50-100 miles.
It became a comedy as soon as I saw a sub on the surface. The 1990 version of Red Storm Rising that I played on my Commodore 120 is so much more accurate.
Same with RSR. Couldnt play it any longer on modern PCs. However I found an online version of the game a few years ago during Covid. It really helped me get through the lockdowns. You might be able to find Harpoon online as well.@@NanoBurger
Years ago, late 1980's there was a PC game called The Hunt For Red October, at least I think that's what it was called. It was definitely a Tom Clancey themed PC game. ANYWAY, it was an early submarine warfare game. This battle brought back memories and submarine warfare thoughts I haven't had for almost 40 years.
Hey guys. Great 1st attempt. You might get ahold of Wolfpack359, another RUclipsr who specializes in sub warfare sims. He can really help with tactics and how to maximize the sub and ASW aspects of the game.
Not a submariner, former Royal Navy frigates. These guys.... I was shouting at them to slow down, stay passive, find the thermoclines and use your tails above and below! There's a reason why ASW is called Awfully Slow Warfare, and the RN is probably the best navy at this job, closely followed by the USN. Fun times!!
23:58 You're telling me, none of the Grim Reapers have read Hunt for Red October or Red Storm Rising?! Or any of the other really good Tom Clancy books that describe ASW in great detail?
Hello ! Let me ask In this game are there the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ulyanovskv (project 1143.7) and the aircraft carrier Orel (project 1153)?
This is so awesome BUT ...Not realistic - there's no tugboat to assist the poor old Kuznetsov! 8D The old girl has seen better days if they ever get her sailing again, after those fires, her dry-dock platform sank, and the crane falling on her. The tugboat is literal fire-support ... the other kind of fire. At least the Chinese got a couple of decent copies from her design which will continue her legacy [for better or worse]. Now if this was set in the 1980's against Los Angeles class, that'd be tasty! Would the USN send 1 sub or more given the nature of torpedoes to chase any random sonar ping? Insert random Hunt for Red Oktober memes ...
There are 'dead' zones for sonar. If the target is under the thermocline, there are dead distances. Think of a set of donuts (each one much bigger). So you might detect at 1 to 6, then 10 to 15 then...
Previous Submarine Battle:видео.html
*NEEDLESS to say this was a first try of NWX in beta state. Lots of bugs to fix etc then we'll give her another go.видео.htmlsi=xpv5uPPg9Y-gc5ZO
Would it be possible to run both this new Mod and the older Mod with Helicopters at the same time?🤔
Only redo the carrier battles that interest you with submarines and ballistics in either order
Cold Waters is a game you guys can get on Steam, should be a decent trainer/information source for you guys to learn more about Submarine tactics and what not.
hey cap, do you know if cavitation or the subs' VLS is modeled? I have no idea what kind of missiles they carry, but i do know that our modern fast attacks have VLS launchers. as for cavitation, that is the creation and subsequent collapse of bubbles when you try to speed up too quickly. it makes a lot of noise, and can give away the location of a submarine, so subs *usually* speed up very slowly to prevent it. but if they get pinged and fired upon, then cavitation doesn't matter, so the boat's CO will order "ahead flank cavitate" which lets the throttlemen know that it's pucker time, and they need to throw the throttles wide open instead of slowly speeding up.
Surfacing a sub in the middle of an ASW fleet and baiting a swarm of Shipwrecks to be fired at you WHICH ALL MISS is some next level naval trolling, even if unintended. I salute it. 👍
Honestly surprised the Shipwrecks didn't home on the tanker by mistake as close as the targeted sub was.
As a former US Submariner I spent most of this video alternating between yelling at the screen and just shaking my head. This must be how professional pilots feel when watching noobs fly fighters in DCS. At a minimum I would encourage all the Grim Reapers to go back and read The Hunt for Red October and the sub parts of Red Storm Rising. I'm not saying that is War College material but at least it gives a basic idea of how to fight with and against a sub.
P.S. - having been part of several fleet battle exercises I can tell you that no one can find a US sub that doesn't want to be found. And if your ASW frigate is active sonar all the time then it is just an easy target. My last sub got a couple hundred yards from the USS Eisenhower and they only found us after we launched a flare over the flight deck.
Well yeah my experience has shown that detecting a US boat near a battle group is close to impossible due to the ambient noise generated by nine surface ships going 10 knots or greater. The sub has all of the advantages.
Didn't Clancy also pen a non-fictional 688i book similar to "Fighter Wing?" I couldn't find it while patrolling Amazon, but I swear I remember it.
@@cheddar2648 I believe it was called SSN.
I was going to add a comment saying read Red Storm Rising 😃
@@cheddar2648Great book. He went on a patrol on a 688 and a British sub. Amazing access.
I conducted ASW ( Awfully slow warfare ) back in the 1980s on Royal Navy frigates in the GIUK gap and hated it. Four months long towed array patrols, without a break, silent on all emitters six hours on, six hours off in heavy sea states. The subs definitely have the advantage of being able to hide in the thermal layers and are far more likely to kill the surface ship. Once hit, though, a surface combatant has the option to abandon ship, climb into liferafts, and await rescue. The sub, when hit and is several hundred metres below the surface, has no such option.
Someone once said that looking for a sub with a surface ship is like looking for a gas leak with a match. Once you've found it, you'll wish you hadn't.
I’ve always been fascinated with submarine warfare. If you’re a surface ship you basically have to run under the assumption that the subs KNOW where you are at all times. That’s scary. lol mad respect for all the submariners out there.
Not necessarily. Some ASW surface ships are much quieter than you think. If you run silent (i.e., no radar emissions) it can be very hard for the sub to find the surface ship, too. Depending.
@@jaredjohnson8553Remember the report of how loud the Type 45 destroyer is? They could be heard by submarines from over 100 nautical miles away.
@@jaredjohnson8553lol😂 yeah, no. Surface ships are just targets.
I am a former Bubblehead, All surface ships are Targets. that is what surface ships are. and his information about passive sonar not being extreemly precise is hogwash. and any boat commander that would use active sonar should be relieved of command
@@weaverclips Once a bubblehead always a bubblehead.
Submarines once... Submarines twice... Holy.... Oops that's not fit for civilian servers.
Surface sailor: You know what we call you submariners?
Submariner: What?
Surface sailor: Bubbleheads.
Submariner: You know what we call you guys?
Surface sailor: What?
Submariner: Targets
Every navy in the world wishes it were that easy to detect a US SSN.
Pretty sure it's a country with good ASW to detect an American sub. It's countries with submarines we can't detect.
Well, every submarine can be detected if they act stupid. Combined Arms bug made them surface inadvertently and the boys didn't really know a whole lot about what they were doing anyway so there's that. Ideally, all they needed to do was to stay under 20 knots and not stray into active sonar range but that would have made a pretty boring video.
@@subjectc7505 you'd think. But the OPFOR has to get REALLY lucky, or the sub has to WANT to be found.
@@hugeinjapan4635 no one is "Lucky" to detect an American submarine. That's like the time an Swedish submarine was capable of sneaking toward a whole Carrier group, I'm guessing they're "lucky"
@@subjectc7505 a carrier group isn't a submarine. It's extremely easy for a sub to sneak up on a carrier group. That's kinda their thing.
i can't tell you happy i am to see you dipping into the ASW world. it's fascinating
dipping ... play on words ?
"Sprint and drift" is the search type you were using with the escorts. It goes back to WW2 and is ideally used when you have 2 or more hunters to do it. One drifts and listens while the other/s run to their next point making noise. They then leap-frog, taking turns to drift, which is a very scary thing to do as they're a huge target at that point.
Reapers being awesome, continually testing and pushing the boundaries of this remarkable sim. Light years ahead of so many other DCS channels. 👍🏻
I haven't finished watching Cap, but congratulations to your partner and GR (and CH of course) for continuing to develop DCS at a high quality and so swiftly. For a first revision, I believe its extremely impressive as far as details and the strategic aspect of ASW.
A couple of opinions. I'm sure the Shipwreck would be able to hit a surfaced boat, but DCS coding likely never took that scenario into consideration. With some balacing and integration of fully realized rendering of boats and torpedos, this could be extremely awesome. Russian and Chinese surface ships all have anti-submarine rocket launchers on deck as well, which would be awesome to see. Then all the navies also have anti-submarine missiles, which are effectively rocket boosters strapped to a torpedo and fired via VLS. A lot of possibilities in addition to the helicopters. The USN benefits massively from ASW helicopter oporations due to a carrier group having anywhere from 10 to 30 helicopters in the strike group.
Finally, one comment on the Virginia class. As you know, the US government generally downplays their capabilities. Look at the F-22, F-35, LRASM, Abrams, AMRAAM, Sidewinder, Patriot, Aegis, etc. The US generally acknowledges they are quality systems and releases public weapon testing information in many cases. However, the one area where they actually boast and outright state they have a generation of development over their direct adversaries is when it comes to submarine technology. Every interview and article I've read including direct quotes indicates they would happily take the US submarines into combat with extreme confidence and be effective. They're basically underwater assassins.
i doubt the shipwrecks would ever be set to target submarines in real life. it would require significant effort, and it would never be needed, because subs are simply NOT on the surface long enough.
however, there ARE (lots of) dedicated weapons designed to kill subs on the surface.
28:00 - *Sarcasm* "Yep, that is pretty realistic for the current state of accuracy of Russia's missiles." 🤣
31:20 - "Hey, this is the U.S. Navy's new Submarine warfare tactic to use to run the Russian's out of surface-to-surface missiles without having to fire a shot!" 😆
37:19 - *Sings the Titanic song* "And Cap's heart will go on ..."
27:27 I spilled my coffee when that anti-ship missile made a slight turn and missed the stationary submarine.
Well now we have a whole lot of battles to redo, cuz CV's always run with at least 1 sub :) I very much look forward to this
Subs can deploy with a CVBG but are not always in close contact. Many times the sub is off doing independent operations depending on its tasking.
Wow very impressive mod. A GREAT game for submarines is called Deep Blue Sea if you guys ever wanna check that out.
On possible idea for an addition for the mod creator is to add the ability to fire not just different types of torpedoes but missiles as well.
The calculator box is to create a firing solution for the torpedos.
Agreed, RUM-139 VL-ASROC, for example...
When i see a grim reaper mission with submarines i get excited. BUT still no English Electric Lightning for an inceptor missions re-run.
LOL the "AI" sacrificed 2 subs for a carrier. Bonus points for doing something no one in their right mind would ever do.
When did the boys become an AI? 🤣
@@lutfullahkarahanli About 3 years ago.
@@lutfullahkarahanli Oh wow I didn't realize the Subs were human controlled lol. Very Clever but not really in the spirit of an actual battle.
if the shoe was on the other foot the Russians would happily trade at that rate
using impacts on water to track torps on the surface is really smart for it being visible to us viewers. also, that strategy for the subs looks like what happens in cold waters.
Guys I really enjoyed this! It'll be VERY FUN once all the bugs are worked out and we can watch full naval battles then with not just ships and carriers but submarines to! Fixing to go watch the first one you mentioned CAP.
This naval battle was awesome. You are completely right, there are still a few bugs and there is definitely some learning required, but the excitement is so cool. Great Job.
"each of these subs has a name. this one here is North Dakota." ironically, i'm currently sitting just a few hundred feet from the actual North Dakota. i can see her from my office window. and yes, i'm watching GR at work.
Awesome and always work sticking with the detail.
Sub Brief/Jive Turkey is a great SME. Used to make a bunch of Cold Waters content. Former Navy sonarman.
I remember his rampage on a US Carrier Strike Force using an Alpha. It made me feel the terror the Navy had until they made the M48 ADCAP.
I have no professional expertise in submarine warfare, and limited experience with Ww2 submarines in video games, but I’ve studied it all and these are Some of my totally amateur observations:
1. Y’all needed to spread out. Maybe assign sectors To watch and search. The northern ship went too far west and and the middle ship too far south and not far enough west. It needs to be handled similar to how you handle AShM missiles cause the goal needs to be the warships push the subs as far away from the carrier as possible. The only sub Cap should have been with is the one going straight west.
2. Target deconfliction. The middle and southern ships should have chased the sub coming straight for the carrier. Northern ship should have stayed looking for the northern sub.
3. Have a fleet GCI separate from all ship operators (ie an admiral controlling the fleet and captains controlling ships). Tap was overloaded trying to GCI, provide commentary, and keep his ship out of danger. he might’ve had the opportunity to plot, better evasive maneuvers had been able to be watching more closely for incoming torpedoes.
4. Within reason, drop sonobouys as you go to make sure nobody sneaks up behind you, the way the sub that sunk the carrier did.
Without an MPA and/or dipper(s) in support, realistically, this scenario only ends in one way - a carrier on the bottom.
exactly ... and no vikings left
I just want to tell you that this is an awesome addition to your set of tests. Every time you do a carrier fleet engagement in the SCS all I can think is that every CVBG has an SSN escort, and that SSN escort will be all over the opposing fleet before they get those fighters off the deck.
Also, 3 Virginias are a bit overkill. 3 Virginias will sink one of the ships you are using for every adcap in their stores.
Really enjoy these kind of cat-and-mouse contests between human players. Please keep the ASW videos coming as you work out the bugs.
Lots of questions/issues. For example, are the torpedos guidable by wire? Can the ships surface to periscope depth to scan for radar emissions? Was there an isothermal layer? I'm not sure DCS is really ideal for sub/ASW simulation. Cold Waters did a really good job; here's hoping that the bigger fleet version will be released one day.
1) no wire
2) don't think so
3) I think so but not sure how realistic
4) correct BUT the cool thing about this is EVENTUALLY it could be integrated into a full naval and aerial scenario. We're a ways off that yet obviously.
The ability of Russian surface vessels detecting UK Astute or US Virginia SSNs at 10 miles, without helicopters, is laughable. A Swedish conventional sub, and an Australian conventional sub are both credited with a simulated kills 49:42 against US carriers during war games. The carriers had tight screening but were unable to pick up the subs. Subs are incredibly hard to detect. If a UK or US sub Skipper is detected at 10 miles out, their careers are over. Your model is badly flawed.
@@ohiobrian8993Conventional subs are very hard to detect. Nuke boats have to keep pumps running.
@@grimreapers 3 Virginia class submarines could carry up to 120 tomahawk block 5 missiles , which have anti ship capabilities
@@Dimitris_Datseris definitely true. but that's for another day
Talk to sub brief here on youtube. He is a retired sonar officer or operator. I believe he was on a Los Angeles class sub but not sure. Cool guy and does naval content and expert in the subject. I used to watch his Cold Waters videos. Cold Waters is a great sub game. Has layers modeled as well as the towed array.
CAP, you would have enjoyed the old DOS game Harpoon. Larry Bond and I think Tom Clancy had input into it.
Planes, bases, ships, subs, ASW ASuW, AAW...all included.
Hreat way to learn about active vs passive sensors on subs and ships, radar ranges, weapon ranges, detections by triangulation...all the good stuff. Thermoclines were een included.
The full speed rush then slow down is called " sprint and drift"
Super interesting that it showed me surfaced for that entire time. On my screen, I was submerged once I began changing course.
You are telling me there is a bug in game Grump? I don't believe you...
@@grimreapers I would never insinuate that DCS is flawed...
@@grimreapers Maybe you can change your mind if Grump provides his perspective. 😜
Submarine Passive Sonar is VERY accurate on all data heading, speed, and distance. Active sonar just isn't used except for testing the system it makes you to much of a target. I am a former bubblehead. whoever told you that passive sonar is not extreemly precise, they LIED to you. Another thing, the only information people have about ASW opperations against our Virginia class or Ohio class is from Wargames. Where we basically tie both hands behind our backs and try to do origami with out feet.
Passive sonar is seemingly inaccurate here but it is possible to narrow the range down over multiple scan cycles. That tool has a special tab for doing just that. If you're, say, 30 nm from the thing you're tracking, you'll usually reach 1 nm accuracy or better in less than 5 minutes. The idea here is to not allow fleeting contacts to be pinpointed instantly and to give the players something interesting to do.
LOL, I completely agree with you of course. IRl, just like to a hammer everything is a nail. Every surface ship is about to be pounded by a US modern sub.
Excellent add-on to say its still in development. Hope they get the anti-sub rocket mortars working too!
Man this takes me back to the bad old days when I first read The Hunt for the Red October. I’m a former chock and chain crewman but that book really educated me on how lucky I was to be alive lol.
I feel like your escorts weren’t doing their jobs, Cap. They should have been set up to protect the carrier!
Regardless, I like this mod a lot. I feel like it needs a better ASW option though. At least have P-3 and S-3s.
When you said 'there's my boys'
Should that not have been there's my buoys 😂
CAP you commentary is just awesome on all your videos
As soon as he retreated north when that sub in front of them emerged I knew they had lost. completely forgot about the 3rd sub. He shoulda circled down south behind his 2 sub hunters. Super cool video though, can't wait to see more naval pvp in the future
"Fun" fact:
While the Admiral Kuznetsov is a bit of a joke as an Aircraft Carrier
and Ship in general, it apparently has a Sonar that (at least some 25 years ago),
wasn't just freakishly powerful, but also makes the most bone-chilling sounds
as it goes up & down the frequency scale.
'SubBrief' (an ex USN Submariner & Sonarman) has a great video about it.
From the way he tells it, I think it might still give him occasional nightmares 😄.
Seems like the NWX can be used to establish the intersection of two vessels/munitions. Add the current speed of the sub/torpedo, then answer the info(speed,range,bearing from you,target speed and its heading) with regards to the target ship/munitions . The result is the specific point where the two objects will occupy the same cup of water at a given time, as long as all values remain unchanged. The tabs allow three such ‘solutions’ at a time. Typing before the sim is run, so this answer may await me further in the video, so apologies in advance.
Great battle! Hopefully the ships get naval countermeasures in the future!
The tactic you describe is called "Sprint and drift" and is used by fast attack boats. When the sub is at a full or flank bell it is pretty much blind but making the most noise for someone else to hear. You only sprint to close the gap when you're fairly far away. For the drift you drop back to a 1/3 bell and listen. If you get a whiff of a contact it would be designated as Sierra 1 and so forth. When it is determined that it is a target you set up the tracking party and come up with a firing solution. At least that was how we did it back in the '80s... US and Brit boats were among the best, the Soviets sucked and the modern Swedish boats are scary quiet...
So I have met someone that apperently works on SSBN Ohio Class submarines (submersed Nuclear power balistic missle submarine) as a sonar technician and after asking him some questions he has told me carriers are big juicy targets for them and its SUPER hard if not impossible to detect their own submarine at least before it attacks, the secrets the government witholds from us
Edit: he also adds that submarines trying to be stealthy almost never use active sonar as it will completely reveal your position when at first you were able to attack without them knowing
I use to work with surface ship sonar techs and they would tell me that if they were looking for an Ohio class, they would search for the quietest part of the ocean.
"It's quiet. _Too_ quiet..."
i'm definitely not a SME on this, but i did spend a fair bit of time with the Harpoon game system, which was, at the time (still might be) a VERY good simulation of modern naval combat. watching your report with great interest.
7:00 slight correction: the towed array is NOT the entire sensor capacity of the sub. it's just vastly better than what the sub alone can do.
9:45 slight correction: ALL undersea detection is based on SOUND, or being SOLID. passive sonar only detects sound. thus, any ship could "hide" from passive sonar by going silent, i.e. turning the engines off. not something you would necessarily want to do with surface ships, but certainly possible.
13:15 tactical note: there's not much point in dropping a sonobuoy BEHIND a ship. subs are only a threat from the FRONT arc. and, although the simulation probably gives you an infinite number of sonobuoys, they ARE limited consumables, especially in helicopters. indeed, the small number of sonobuoys a helicopter can carry makes them quite ineffective against undetected subs. but it's all the soviets have. and with the viking decommissioned, ...
14:05 ASW procedures: ending the tutorial there gives the subs a HUGE advantage.
the really big problem surface ships have is LOCATING enemy subs BEFORE they launch torpedos. in modern times, ONE torpedo, launched properly, will sink ANY ship (except a carrier), guaranteed. therefore, you have to have a bunch of aircraft AHEAD of your ships, constantly using their detectors. that is a difficult process, and (wild guess) won't happen at all here.
17:00 tactical note: the main reason ships are pretty weak in detecting subs is they ALWAYS make noise. subs are typically slower than surface ships, so must get ahead of them, but then they can just sit and wait for the ships to stumble into the death trap. you make no mention of helicopter use. thus the plan you guys came up with should produce an automatic failure.
now for the bad news: your carrier carries TWO Ka-27 ASW helos, and your frigates carry NONE. you need a dozen. in other words, you have NO CHANCE at all here. may as well scuttle your ships now.
19:00 i can answer that. your ships are making too bloody much NOISE to hear anything
19:50 sprint ... stop and listen ... repeat ... excellent tactic
20:00 NOOOO don't do that, especially not with the carrier
20:19 and kiss that frigate good-bye (except for the RoE)
21:45 sub range estimated 10 nm, torpedo range 5 nm, shooting now won't work.
25:45 no helicopters ... no hope
26:15 if this boat's rocking ... what ARE your guys doing?
27:00 woof ... at least SOMEONE on your team (the AI) knows what to do. and it is specifically THAT sub that was going to sink the carrier. crash DIVE, nimrod. you do know what the SUB in SUBmarine stands for, right ?
27:30 i think i just died laughing. are these anti-ship missiles unable to recognize subs?
28:45 remember, those are HUMANS you're facing. just a wild guess ... he surfaced to do a RADAR scan, then dropped back down when missiles started exploding all around him.
33:35 subs are faster on the surface. and remember the rules: the subs don't need to survive. they just need to keep the carrier away from the box edge.
35:45 i say again, those are HUMANS out there. VERY tricky. all of them prepared to die for mother russia (oh, right, die for uncle sam), if they can only stop the carrier. and while a carrier DOES expect to survive a single torpedo hit, it won't be happy, no sir. and these are soviets ... not american-style damage control over there. maybe you sink your own ship.
and so, exactly as i predicted, you had NO CHANCE at all.
but overall, despite being only an early version of the sub-surface game expansion, it is already a first-rate simulation, and it clearly demonstrates why submarines are so deadly.
and this doesn't even consider that if you can only get a sub near enough to enemy ships to give the cruise missiles a decent destination ...
very well done by everyone involved
after the main event ...
38:30 remember, that sub is out of ammo
While it might not have been the intent if you just wanted torpedo attacks, the Virginias were missing Sub-Harpoon fired from the torpedo tubes and could have had up to a dozen anti-ship Tomahawks in the VLS, or 14 in Block III in the Virginia Payload Tubes, or the Virginia Payload Modules in Block V with 28 Tomahawks.
On the Russian side, the Krivaks IIs have the SSN-14 ASW missile in the big bow launcher, plus RBU-6000 ASW rocket launchers, plus ASW torpedoes, while Kusnetsov has the UDAV-1 ASW rocket launcher. Both the UDAV and upgraded versions of the RBU have not just anti-submarine ordnance, but anti-torpedo rounds.
One other bug it appears to happen in MP is that once surfaced the subs appear to remain on the surface. I (Fire) briefly surfaced due to the same issue According to my f10, I was at 150ft when I was hit, but on caps screen i was still surfaced.
Good job guys. Nice addition to the channel's usual vids
Cap: "Whadda we do?"
Love it! lol
Cool concept, I feel like this has serious potential once the bugs and kinks get sorted/fixed.
A submarine capt POV with all the controls, periscope etc would be real sweet.
Cap - theres a sub to the north.
Also cap - im gonna go north towards the only sub we cant see.
So when are Royal Navy going to put my in command of one of the Queen Liz carriers? Oh...
@@grimreapers they have two, so you've got a spare.
@@iseriver3982I don't think they're as stupid as the Russians... 😂
The Virginia class would start this engagement by firing Tomohawks from the vls tubes and that would basically be that.
Well considering tomahawks are land attack missiles (for the time being at least), them conducting a TLAM strike would serve zero tactical benefit in this scenario.
sprint and drift is a perfectly valid tactic
Got to get my daily Reaper video in. This will do greatly.
This is by far the goofiest naval battle there is 😂
nice one looking good as always :)
Great concept. Loved the video. Leap frog tactics is solid, but you need to place your ships better. Cap, I think you should have stayed in the middle of box, slowly going due west. If you go flank, you're easier to detect as you know. The later they find you, the better, and you give time to escort ships to do their job. And I don't know how well sonar im modeled in game, but line of sight (sound) works in ASW. You could maybe hide in shadow of your boys hunting for subs making you even harder to detect.
Can't wait for more.
Cap, you should talk to Sub Brief about how naval battles go, he knows a lot and shows his stuff in several Cold Waters playthroughs.
Good idea.
Roger, I just want to get the basic add-on working first then we'll worry about proper tactics etc.
You guys Definitely need to do more videos like this 😊
Thanks Cap..."One Ping, and One Ping Only..."
Lol this was a fun one to watch!
As a submariner I can absolutely promise you no American sub would surface for any reason. All the Russian ships would have been dead before the first one was detected. This was not realistic at all and 3 Virginia class submarines is a severe overmatch for a small Russian ASW group.
Great game lads!
I liked it quite a bit.Looking forward to more
@Grim Reapers Anti submarine helos from the carrier and surface warships???
Yup that will be next step.
thank you
That sub to the north had a better idea of how to attack you. I do agree that one shouldn't have sunk you, but they really went nuts with that. Kinda sad how that surfacing happens when you finish moving to a way point.
Also, I'd fairly sure what was going on was the shipwrecks were trying to target a part of the sub that wasn't part of the hitbox.
It's pretty cool to see this NWX work being done. I wonder how far they'll be able to take this.
Also, I can see the phantom signals being legit, Cold Waters does show how you can have locations of targets can change as you get multiple readings and profile the submarine (if I got the wording right).
It does seem like there's lot of different kinds of problems that probably never surfaces until now in a more public showing. I'm sure they might try to fix that eventually.
that was fun... excellent if unusual sub tactics there
Not enough smoke coming out of the Kuznetsov. Also it's not on fire and the tugboats are missing. How does it even move?
I spoke to a sub sonar person many years age. He could hear cars driving on the highway.
Go Stop Listen = Sprint and Drift. Sprint is high self noise so sprint to spot 5-10 Nm and then drift 5knts to listen and/or attack. Also sono buoys can set a picket line. Also, surface vessels would deploy a helo and dip or sono buoy..
So Virginia has a towed array but it also has passive sonar sensors on its sides.
Also there are the vpm virginias. Which is variable payload module. Can carry anti ship missile and underwater drones.
Also ever bit of these subs are designed not to make noise and the entire sub is coated in absorbent rubber like material. I’ve stood on it, it’s not rubber. The propulsor is also more like a turbine than a prop. The level of engineering in the Virginias is absolutely insane. It’s most definitely not that easy to detect them. They will dock a sub if it has any sound shorts at all.
If they were vpm they would have missiles incoming at between 50-100 miles.
US: "Sprint and drift"
UK: "Peg it and slow down" 🙂
The subs thought they were surface ships. lol
It became a comedy as soon as I saw a sub on the surface. The 1990 version of Red Storm Rising that I played on my Commodore 120 is so much more accurate.
I played Harpoon for decades until computers wouldn't run it. It was 100% better than this simulation.
Same with RSR. Couldnt play it any longer on modern PCs. However I found an online version of the game a few years ago during Covid. It really helped me get through the lockdowns. You might be able to find Harpoon online as well.@@NanoBurger
Years ago, late 1980's there was a PC game called The Hunt For Red October, at least I think that's what it was called. It was definitely a Tom Clancey themed PC game. ANYWAY, it was an early submarine warfare game. This battle brought back memories and submarine warfare thoughts I haven't had for almost 40 years.
The game was(is) as you mention. It came with the paperback too! Still got my ZX Spectrum copy upstairs 👍
I went wild when i saw the South Dakota. Been on multiple rides with it
Physics models not visual meshed is what your looking for there cap for the torps
So from the words of a Submarine sonar tech aboard an SSBN, "Carriers are just big targets"
At this point we need a Cold Waters and DCS hybrid game
sprint and drift Capt!
Great Job
that sub skipper must of been kelsey grammer from up periscope movie lol my ship did asw in 80s an im still laughing
Hey guys. Great 1st attempt. You might get ahold of Wolfpack359, another RUclipsr who specializes in sub warfare sims. He can really help with tactics and how to maximize the sub and ASW aspects of the game.
Great video cap, will there be another add on for the p8 Poseidon for ANTI SUB warfare ?
Probably, first need to get ships and helicopters working together.
Read "Red Storm Rising," "Hunt for Red October," and I think there is a non-fiction Clancy title on the 688, but I couldn't find it.
Australia's getting a few of these (at some point in the future)!
Not a submariner, former Royal Navy frigates. These guys.... I was shouting at them to slow down, stay passive, find the thermoclines and use your tails above and below! There's a reason why ASW is called Awfully Slow Warfare, and the RN is probably the best navy at this job, closely followed by the USN. Fun times!!
Got sunk 150water ingress in hul gap? Or hit bottom?
How is it Grump and Simba never been in a match at the same time?
Maybe they are the same person???
There are so many aspects of Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW). surface vessels, submarines, helicopters, and fixed wing aircraft.
CAP I dont see the smog plume that should be trailing about 20 miles behind you, is that a bug? 🙂
I believe this is bug yes...
23:58 You're telling me, none of the Grim Reapers have read Hunt for Red October or Red Storm Rising?! Or any of the other really good Tom Clancy books that describe ASW in great detail?
Very very interesting
Hello !
Let me ask
In this game are there the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ulyanovskv (project 1143.7) and the aircraft carrier Orel (project 1153)?
This is so awesome BUT ...Not realistic - there's no tugboat to assist the poor old Kuznetsov! 8D
The old girl has seen better days if they ever get her sailing again, after those fires, her dry-dock platform sank, and the crane falling on her. The tugboat is literal fire-support ... the other kind of fire.
At least the Chinese got a couple of decent copies from her design which will continue her legacy [for better or worse].
Now if this was set in the 1980's against Los Angeles class, that'd be tasty! Would the USN send 1 sub or more given the nature of torpedoes to chase any random sonar ping? Insert random Hunt for Red Oktober memes ...
Where was the tugboat for the Kuznetsov?
I'm sensing a collaboration with subbrief.
30 year submarine Chief. LOL MOSS Decoys
So “Hunt For The Red October” when? 😂
For an introduction to sub warfare, read Tom Clancey's 'Red Storm Rising'.
Especially for some insights into how the thermoclines work (yes, there can be more than 1 at a time).
There are 'dead' zones for sonar. If the target is under the thermocline, there are dead distances. Think of a set of donuts (each one much bigger). So you might detect at 1 to 6, then 10 to 15 then...