2012-03-21 - Seerah - Yasir Qadhi - Part 27 - Lessons from the Hijrah (Emigration)
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- This Week's Topic:
"Lessons from the Hijrah (Emigration)"
A Mercy to Mankind - A detailed analysis of the life of Prophet Muhammad - from the original sources
Join Shaykh Yasir Qadhi as he gives a detailed analysis of the life of the Prophet (S) from the original sources and clarifies any misconceptions.
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I cant stop listening to these uploads. They are so detailed and engrossing. Thanks a lot guys for all your work, may Allah bless you for all your efforts. Can't wait for the next one!
I see no reason that why Madina is not affected by Coronavirus yet... SubhanAllah, our prophet's dua have saved the people of Madina... ( "no plague will enter madina" by the dua of prophet SAW.)
I am a big fan of sheykh abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi. I want to struggle to become his student one day, inshaAllah.
It would rather be better to be a student than "fan".
ashik iqbal fan because I like sheykh's tariqa to explain things and the way of eloquence.
Shazdin Khan inshallah
ashik iqbal he did say student
May Allah bless you for uploading all this sessions. I hope you will continue till end.
Ummi Ma’bad was elderly lady who lived as beduins in the desert of Khadid with her husband on the way to Medina. They were poor and her husband had gone out to look for water and food. She was in the sheepskin tent and Abu Bakr and the prophet came and asked permission to come in. She allowed them
Bc she was old and poor. She didn’t recognize them. She described him as handsome medium height and long hair. The prophet and Abu Bakr asked to buy food from her. She said we have no food. The prophet sws asked her permission to milk her old goat. She laughed and said “ok, but that day has long gone.” The prophet sws put his hand on the udder and it filled with milk. They took some milk and left. When her husband came back and saw milk he asked where did it come from? She told him the story and described the prophet and Abu Bakr. He said “those are the men the Quraysh are looking for. One claims to be a prophet.” Then she knew that he was a prophet and they both accepted Islam. The prophet sws also gave other people dawa in his way to Medina.
About 5 other people became Muslim. The prophet sws never stopped giving dawa even though his life was in danger.
They kept walking and they saw a caravan that did trade with Abu Bakr. They didn’t know about the bounty. That asked Abu Bakr “who is this man?” He did a tawreeah / double meaning response. “He is my guide guiding me to the path. “
We see that the prophet sws took every precaution to be safe. The camels were prepared. He came out at night and hid his face and took a different route. He had Abu Barks son listen to the people, they covers his tracks. He did all this while having the highest tawakkul in Allah. This is why he wasn’t scared. He knew he did what he had to do and left the rest up to Allah. Allah will take care of the rest. You don’t have to worry.
Why Medina ??
1. Originally called Yathrib. It was surrounded by volcanic rock. It had a river running under it that comes from the mountains. It allows the land to be very fertile. Allah told the prophet sws in a dream the he would move to a land of date palms. “I thought it might be Yamama or Hajr but it was Medina.” He knew it was Medina because they accepted Islam. “I was ordered to move to a city that would devour other cities. They called it Yathrib and now it’s Medina. Bad names are avoided and changed in Is Medina and Mecca. Medina had many names but he called only one or two. Yet had a negative connotation it was also called Teba, meaning good.
2. He made dua to Allah for love of Medina “O Alalh make Medina blessed to us. Make Medina more blessed than even Mecca. Some scholars say that Medina has more blessings than Mecca bc of this dua . The reward for praying in Mecca is 10,000. While the reward for Medina is 1,000. Scholars have different opinions about which has more but most say Mecca was always blessed since it’s creation. Ibraheem showed its blessings. Mecca is free from plague. In the blessed Masjid Al Aqsa the reward is 250 but it’s not a Harram. Medina was blessed after the prophet sws. He said “iman returns to Medina. Dajjal will never enter Medina or Mecca. “Allah will curse those who do crime and help criminals in Medina.” Medina is better for everyone if they only knew. No one leaves Medina except that Allah replaces that person with someone better.” “Who ever is patient of hardships in Medina or dies in Medina, I will intercede for him on the day of judgement.”
Umar said “O Allah I want to die a shaheed and in Medina .” Allah granted him this and over 10,000 sahabi buried in Junnathul Baki (Baki AlGharkath) All Of The prophets wives. Many close companions, major scholars. They prophet sws went to Baki Al Harkath to pray for it bc Jibreel told him to.
3. In Mecca, in the harram, many things are forbidden. In the Harram ,You can’t hurt anyone even the trees and plants are protected. The prophet sws said Allah gave me special permission to enter it to conquer it. There are only two Harrams in Islam. Mecca and Medina. Even the pagan Arabs refused to attack each other in the harram. It’s not permissible to attack another person who is fighting untouchable in the haram. You can’t even pluck the leaves of the trees and plants . Anyone who even desires to cause harm his punishment will be manifold.
4. Medina also had a strategic location. It was not too far or too close to Mecca. It’s also in the middle of the Hijaz. The Hijaz is in the middle of Arabia. Three of its sides are protected. Two sides have lava that dried up and is porous and soft, making it difficult to walk over. The third side in the south was covered densely with date palm trees. You can’t bring an army through these three sides. The last side was open and this is where the prophet sws dug the khundaq - trench a few miles wide.
5. Also, the city of Medina had never been conquered before. The 100 year civil war of Buwath left the elderly who were rigid on customs dead and the open minded youth were left.
6. The prophet sws had second cousins in Medina. Hashim his great grandfather had married a woman named Salma from Medina, daughter of the chief and she was strong willed and big merchant and very beautiful and had divorced many men. She told him that she wouldn’t leave Medina and that Thur children would live in Medina. Hashim agreed but he later died in Gaza. She gave birth to their son Shayba and kept it a secret from the Quraysh. He grew up inmedina but he had strong Qurayshi features. One Qurayshi saw him and asked him who his father was and he said Hashim. He went back and told Mutallib the brother of Hashim who came and snuck the kid away back to Mecca. He told everyone that it was his slave Abdul Muttalib. The prophet sws great grandmother was Salma from Medina so h had second cousins in Medina. The Arabs knew their lineage very very well. Abu Ayuub Al Ansari was the relative he stayed with in Medina first.
7. This also marked the new society in Medina where the two ancient groups of Arabs, the Kahtani Yemeni Arabs and the Adnani Hijaz Arabs who always had tensions with each other, are finally becoming united in Medina as the new Islamic State.
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, upload all the parts, May Allah Bless you
Jazakallah khair brother
سبحان الله
7. Removing Nationalism. This also marked the new society in Medina where the two ancient groups of Arabs, the Kahtani Yemeni Arabs (Aws. and Khazraj) and the Adnani Hijaz Arabs (All the tribes except Yayhrib), who always had tensions with each other, are finally becoming united in Medina as the new Islamic State. This erased for the first time in history the claims to tribal connections. It would soon spread and untie all the Arabs and do say with racism nationalism and tribalism for humans. This is part of what Islam came to do.
8. The people of Yathrib had two centuries of dealing with the Yahud, a monotheistic people so they were familiar with the concept of prophets. The Jews mocks them and later betrayed them but in the end became lost.
9. Many people on Hajj believe that Muzdalifa, Mina and other cities start exactly where the signs saying their names start. But these are modern maps and lines created recently, such as topographical maps. The prophet sws never made lines in the sand delineating the different cities. These are generic regions that the people agreed upon.
10. Medina does have vague general markers that the prophet sws mentioned, like Uhud and the volcanic plains.
11. The reward for 1000 times in Medina is in the prophet sws Masjid only. Not in the Rawda. The entire physical Masjid. Umar was the first to do an expansion of the prophet sws Masjid. He saw some people were hesitant to pray in the new part of the masjid. He said “Wallahi it’s all of the masjid even if we extended it to Dhul Hudayfah, the Miqath.
12. Mecca. The scholars differ on if the 10,000 times reward for Mecca is just in the masjid or all of the haram. Other scholars say it is the entire city of Mecca. They both have their opinions.
at 40:40... wasn't a journey from Mecca to Abyssinia technically shorter than a journey from Mecca to Medina? Mecca to Jeddha and hop on a boat... I may be completely wrong,
الحمد لله
Please upload Part 24 and 25? Jzk
Where is tasawwu in sura Taubah.?
الله اكبر