im really really surprised like how everyone in comment section is so cute and really sweet i always thought comments are like people there are rude but wow people thank you for raising up my view that there still are some good world atleast online if not in real
I hope my family or friends don’t see this. Very few people listen nor care when you simply tell them you’re “lonely”. So express it in poetry. Make them feel the same thing you feel for just a moment. Don’t say “I feel really lonely”, say. “Everything is quiet, and I’m frozen in time. It’s cold, and dark, I can’t see where I’m going, there’s no path to follow, but I can feel the grass and flowers beneath my feet. I have nobody but the flowers to keep me company while I pick them, but even they will wilt away in my presence. What happens when I pick the last flower? Will more flowers grow, or will they stop growing in this dark, quiet, and cold place? Can you help me find a light to make sure there’s more flowers to pick before I pick the last one? Maybe I’ll spot a path while looking, where I can see the warm sun again and brighter flowers will bloom in sunshine. Maybe if I find that path again, time will melt and no longer be stuck, so I can move on. Will you help me look?” It doesn’t matter how “cringe” or “stupid” it is. Expressing your feelings in poetry will always help you describe better what you’re feeling. Don’t be shy to use metaphors, similes, hyperboles, or whatever you think will help give you some clarity within yourself and others. Writing your feelings out, and rereading what you just wrote is like a breath of fresh air, for those that may not understand their own feelings. Poetry is a beautiful way of coping, and reaching out for help. Whoever is reading this, thank you for reading til the end, and I hope your future days will be filled with joy and laughter. If the sun refuses to shine for you, remember what you just read.☀️🪄🫂
Your poetry was beautiful... I must thank you also... I really needed to hear the fact that I don't have to be ashamed of expressing myself... Thank you
This picture reminds me of the steeps of Altai, the place where i was born and lived for a long time before moving away. I havent seen anything similar to this landscapes in a while. The terrain there is pretty much like in Kazakhstan. You can go to a field full of wildflowers and look tens of kilometers far. In the summer the weather became a crybaby - one week its so hot you cant stay in the sun even for thirty minutes, and the other week it was raining like in the jungles of amazonia. The clouds just appeared out of nowhere, soft, gigantic and dark. They were carrying so missed water with them, slowly approaching so low you'd think if they hang just a bit lower you could touch them. Covering landscapes like giant eyelids, they took all the sunlight away. The sky was crying the day i moved away. Only i didnt shed a tear for the place that once was my home. Even questioning myself if i've ever truly felt home since then. Little update: thank you all for such pleasant words and thoughts. Seems like there are many of you, craving for a place they've once been. Feel free to share your stories. Maybe you'll find someone near you sharing the same experience... Good night
Я так хорошо понимаю эту тоску по родным местам. Мне не хватает степей, где точно так же собираются облака и можно глядеть до самого горизонта на много километров вперед. Давно там не была, и хотя мир вокруг уже не кажется таким же незнакомым и чужим, как раньше, и появилось новое место, которое я зову домом, того ощущения покоя и пространства я нигде не испытывала, как на малой родине. Когда-нибудь я ее обязательно снова навещу.
To all of you out there feeling scared to move on don’t be scared. Every journey starts with a first step. This life goes on way longer than you think. You’ll experience a great many things you didn’t even know were coming. Be brave. Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. There are so many adventures waiting for you that you never knew were coming. Some of you will live in new places. Some will have families. Some will be financially successful. Some won’t. But they’ll be happy. Some will cry for a time. Nobody cries forever. Will all work out? Well, sometimes it works out great, other times pain comes. Are you listening to this music relaxing for a moment? Take it as a small win. A few minutes of peace in a storm. Remember you can have everything and still be depressed, or you could be digging in the mud in a cold rainstorm enjoying the physical challenge of tiring yourself out and toughening yourself up. Sometimes you don’t know what will make you happy. Sometimes happiness a surprise. The drama melting away.
Hey there, birdie. You did amazing today, I know I know you couldn't do it all. But you did something right? That counts. Don't be the person who would look for happiness to arrive at a schedule, somewhere in the future. If you have time to spare, buy yourself a small treat or check in with your neighbor's dog, visit your nearby park. Call your friends, they might be waiting for your call, who knows? Your day is yours, one currency that you can choose to spend. Now you know, spend it as you like. You deserve this.
For anyone out there who don't feel confident enough. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Don't let others define the world for you. Get up and grab the opportunities. Have an awesome day!
Broski I ain’t even depressed or anything, I’m just tired as hell. I feel bad for all the people in this comment section, and truly hope they get better though. Hopefully y’all will find a happiness in your life that keeps you going, or maybe already have one, and hold it close and care for it or them dearly. I truly hope all the ones who feel mental, or even physical, pain heal their wounds and scars of the past or now, and can look back at them and say.. “Hey, I survived that. I was able to live through that, and live to tell the tale.. that’s an accomplishment.” So good night, or have a good day. Get good rest and I wish you well.
I commend everyone for fighting the silent battle that you fight. It’s the part of life that is hardest and creates the greatest conflict within us but gets the least praise despite being a universal condition of life. For some it’s abuse from another person behind closed doors, for others it’s a lack of food when home from school, an innate refusal of one’s own image, the feeling of not being close to anyone, or just never having anyone close in the first place. Thank you for fighting this battle, I promise you have progressed more than you could possibly believe to be true about yourself
I feel I exist to guide and aid. I am here to love, feel, to help people and to assist but I never truly feel like I belong anywhere. It‘s like I‘m meant to be a lesson and a reminder to people and that is my purpose in life.
You can find a person that exists for help(in short) and you can both guide, heal and exist for eachother (Im not sure if what I just said to you will help but sometimes I feel like that too) I mean that you can find your path for eachother and you won’t be alone anymore If one of you are feeling down the other can help The only thing is that you need to find that person and then you’ll be finally be happy
Well, I had a therapist for a bit, but I somehow could never get around to the fact that that person is getting paid to listen to me talk about worries, even if I never quite said what truly bothered me.
Wanna know something better yet? We have more paths and opportunities than we know to win. It is like at some point you have the keys in your hand and realize there always was a door nearby. The thing is maybe back in the days we weren’t ready to open that door yet. But with understanding and learning we can move forward more effectively.
I’ve been holding in all the pain this whole time. Today was the first day I broke. I couldn’t control myself, burst out into tears in front of my family. But now, now I just feel empty. I can’t even feel the pain anymore. I feel like nothing….
@Wren_sings I know how u the corners I always bursts out tears ..but no one can listen.....maybe only walls , ceiling or floor may feel.....I have become an emotionless and heartless person....I feel like I'm a waste.......Just let u know we all drowning in the same ocean...
The clock is ticking, I have a disease knowing one day I sleep and I will not wake up again, my mistakes have been many I am sorry that I wasn’t good enough.
I hope you are still awake, alive, and reading this. You are enough, you are always enough. Nothing in this world matters more than yourself. Live the rest of the time that you have happily, with no doubt in your heart. Make these days the moments that you will remember for eternity and smile at them.⭐
I don’t if you’re seeing this but just so you know I love you. I don’t know u cause you’re a stranger but I’m good at picking the right people. Love you and sweet dreams love ❤️
Oh, wow. I think I needed something like this. I've been thinking far too much lately. It feels like my mind has gone off the rails and is spinning endlessly into the darkness. It's terrifying, and I don't know if it'll ever stop. I can't help thinking that everything I am, everything I've ever done, has been a lie. I feel as though I'm lying not only to those around me, but to myself as well. Exaggerating my struggles, generating problems that were never really there, and for what? None of it makes sense, but neither does the alternative. I've always been an incredibly intelligent person, and this isn't the first time that I've found that to be a negative thing. Nothing is simple. Nothing is certain. I want to live without having to question every aspect of existence without reprieve. I want to pass on without regret. But all I have now is resentment for the way I've lived, and uncertainty for the future. But even as I'm writing this, listening to these songs, all of it seems so distant. It seems like things might truly be okay. I may not know what the future holds, but I can find peace in the fact that I have the power to change it. Nothing is set in stone, and while that certainly means a good thing will never last forever, it also means that any negativity is always temporary. The sun will rise again, and dawn will never cease to break over the darkness and bring us each new day. I cannot stop moving. I cannot allow myself to idle in life. The moment I become complacent is the moment that my dreams turn to ash. As long as I am continuously working toward something, anything is possible. No dream is too lofty, and no bar too high. I will continue to reach for the stars, and someday, I hope I will become one myself. This music has helped me to reminisce; to find myself once more and to centre my mind in the place it needs to be. I am exactly where I need to be. There is nothing I could have done differently, because time has already moved on. All that's left is for me to do the same. I'm ready. I will rise like the sun over the horizon beyond my window, I will focus myself, and I will take a step forward. And someday, I will be able to look back and take pride in the fact that I did.
I also feel like I need to constantly be doing something, if I'm not taking the most efficient route through something it seems like a meaningless waste of time, but I found that the one thing that isn't true for, for me is painting nature, I hope you can find something to do that helps you to slow down and take the break you weren't sure you needed, and don't become a dream yet, I try to use my efficiency to help others, often more than I help myself and Even though it seems selfless it makes me happy as well, the thank yous feels nice to wether or not it's ethical to do something nice just so I can hear it, maybe helping others achieve their dreams can help you to feel like you ARE doing something with your life, but I think that your doing plenty with your life already as someone who I think can feel similar to you, making money, setting aside a name and fortune and making a family to ensure they can be happy is nice but it doesn't fit everyone, you dont need to do that and you only have one life so do what makes you the most happy, if you like gaming the most then work towards being able to game, if you like art then work towards bettering yourself as an artist, I hate seeing how much people think they MUST do something with their life to help others, when you really don't need to, I do it because it makes me happy and I feel no issues when I'm doing it, but not everyone is like that
Wow i resonate deeply with your thoughts! This was extremely well written! We will continue to fight even tho we sometimes get lost in overthinking, as long as we’re still breathing we have every opportunity in the world to achieve anything
Feel hated? The world may hate you but God Almighty will not, he still loves you my friend, do not give up for God has instilled within you a purpose, but you must come to him first, do not worry and stay humble. May He who sits on the throne of the heavens have compassion on you, Love you and God bless.
the length of the video is perfect to wake up put this up meditate the whole day eat or watch the nature go for a walk and return to meditating without any social media or entertainment to then go back to sleep. No one will do this i know but think about it you invest only one day of your life to do this and it will affect at least the whole month or the whole year after
я чувствовала себя плохо последние 10 лет. все время думала, что просто ленюсь и капризничаю. год или два назад (время так летит, уже не помню, отстойное время было) я начала терапию. Сначала тревожно-депрессивное расстройство, затем шизоаффективное, в итоге биполярное и я все еще не уверена в диагнозе. Кучу денег отдала, покупала эти идиотские лекарства с мерзкими побочками, а лучше не становилось. Мне было хорошо месяц, пока я вновь не провалилась в депрессию и прекратила терапию. Деньги закончились, да и желание. Я набрала вес из-за таблеток и, кажется, иногда ненавижу себя за это. Все время жалею обо всем. Пытаюсь отвлечься разными хобби, занялась спортом, слежу за питанием, но ничего не меняется. Уже долго ничего не меняется. А сейчас я все время кричу на близких и много плачу. Я знаю, что это временно. Что мне опять станет лучше и за ночью всегда приходит день, но сейчас, именно сейчас, мне очень страшно и грустно. И некому об этом рассказать, потому что не хочу портить всем настроение. Никто меня не спасет кроме самой себя. Не знаю как лечиться и что вообще со мной, все слишком сложно. Но опять переставать чувствовать что-либо тоже не хочу, это еще страшнее. Проблемы абсолютно везде: в семье, на работе, на учебе, в личной жизни - ничего не получается. и так ужасно бесит, что все, что радовало меня раньше и казалось спасением, теперь чувствуется непосильным грузом. как будто нет выхода, как будто я провалилась в кучу дерьма и меня засасывает все глубже. я даже не знаю какая я без своих приколов с ментальным расстройством. какая я вообще настоящая.
انا آسفه لاني لا اعرف ان اتكلم لغتك لاكن اريد انقول لك ان كل شي سيتغير لا شيء يبقى كما هو لا الاشخاص و لا الاحداث كل شي يتغير هذه هي الحياه انت.المسؤول عن حياتك انت القادر على تغيرها لا دواء سوف يغيرك و لاطبيب سوف يغيرك و لا شخص يستطيع ان يغيرك لاكن انت القادر على تغير نفسك لا يوجد شيء مستحيل و نحن من نصنع المستحيل و الله يساعدنا في ذلك ف اؤمن بنفسك و بالله و سوف تنجو من كل شي لا شيء يتاخر لاكن ياتي في الوقت المناسب ثق بقدراتك حتى ان كان شي ليس. لديك القدره عليه فانت اصنع قدرتك لا تبقي شي. في حياتك يعتمد على شخص معين اعتمد على نفسك فقط فلا يوجد شي افضل من نفسك تجاهل كل ما يزعج ابدا من جديد حاول و قاوم و انت قادر على كل شي فكل الناس نفس شيء جميعنا خلقنا من طين لاكن ما يختلف هو ثقتك بنفسك مقاومتك اعتمادك على نفسك محاولتك تفكيرك و نجاحك و الاشخاص الناجحين لا يختلفون عنا لاكن هم استغلو فرصهم في النجاح فانت تستطيع انا لا اعرفك لاكن اعرف انك تستطيع فقط ثق بالله و بنفسك و ثق بي ايضا 🌚🫀🫀✨🫶🏻
When I put this video on... the chaos in my head just disappears, my mind is clear and everything around me gets quiet while the music gets louder Have a good day yall! And if someone hasn't told you this today: You matter!❤ Your Life is worth living!❤ I love you!❤
Sometimes when I get sad I get angry. When I get angry, I act like a scared animal. I hate it, I don't want to rip things and growl and snap at people. I want to be held gently. There's a reason I feel more connected with everything other than people. People do not understand my fear like a dog can. I wish I was an animal, any other one than a man-made monster. A Frankenstein of questions with no answers, no breaks or commas or periods. A run-on sentence of a broken child's mind. One year. It took one year for me to think like this. I may not believe in gods, but I pray they let me heal.
You will be free one day. Maybe the day when you'll fell your true and authentic power. For sure, you matter. Don't be worry for anything. It's only a journey in this world
I noticed there's a trend in the comments, some are dark and some are encouraging, as if RUclips recommends this video to people going through hard times. Well it nailed it with me
Whenever I am alone, I enjoy to write poems about my own feelings. Mainly to understand myself better because I cannot express myself via normal conversations. Though, I also hope that others may understand the meaning behind these poems, yet I am too afraid to show them to people I know or those who I am close with. So, I wanted to share my recent poem here. Also, I wanted to tell everyone that sometimes writing about your emotions or feelings, maybe even struggles can help a little. Expressing onself through the means of art or literature is a good step forward. And to those who see no meaning in anything, keep going and try to stay positive. I know that it WILL be hard because I understand that feeling myself. But because of that I want to try helping others to feel a little better about themselves and importantly understand themselves! The weeping willow O' willow why do you cry? Why are you never satisfied? The willow sighs, allowing the breeze to calm her mind. O' child of nature, some things may never be nurtured. A bird may fly, yet it may also die. the flowers they bloom, but they await their doom. A willow like me can only see, before even my leaves do not want me. The child was suprised, they did not expect the willows cries. O' willow why do you cry? Even your leaves aren't satisfied! The willow hums a playfull song, before saying: sometimes, not even the sun will come.
Hmm interesting, I hated poems in my childhood days but now when I am slowly learning about the sadness of this world I am just loving the warmth I get from those lines Life was and will be beautiful again It still is but there's a lot of work to do so can't really enjoy it that much but still I am grateful that I still get some time for introspection ...❤❤❤
Hey you! Yes, you, I'm talking to you, pal! Need something?... Well, don't just stand there. Come and take a seat with me and watch as the stary sky starts to rise. Now, let me give you some words of wisdom. Sometimes, things happen for a reason. But dont worry! After all is said and done, something new and beautiful comes out to blossom. No matter the thunder, no matter the rain, no matter the rainy skies. Because after all is said and done fellow person, there will always be light that then shines and never dissapoints. No matter the cost of whatever you went through you got through it. Your still here and that's ALL that matters. Nobody in this world has a say so on yourself except you. For I and many others want you to know how beautiful you are and what you have came to be. Stay awesome out there ok? I.... WE believe in you. That's what matters. ❤
Not just you ♥️ it calms me. I live in the middle of nature and I think it’s the way humans were made to live. The sky is poetry and more valuable than any possession in my opinion! ♥️✨🔮
Whoever made this: you are a genius. You are in touch with the universe. With the divine. You are connecting with me and everyone else who listens to this at a divine level. You are me, i am you, we are all one, and music like this is what transcends my soul into that. Into the experience. Of divinity. Blessings to all who listen to this, my spirit is with you.
If anyone happens to come across this message, I just want you to know: no matter where you are in the world, I'm wishing you a beautiful day and a life full of happiness, peace, and fulfilled dreams. You are incredible, and you are enough. I believe in you, always! 💖✨💖✨💖
Thank you for your kind and inspiring words. They are very much appreciated. Let's all continue to spread positivity and kindness to everyone around us.
The amount of kindness in this comment section, combined with the gentle melodies of this video, makes it all the more worth it for me to come back... time, and time again. :)
One of my friends tried suicide last night,he wasn’t successful thankfully.he texted me and I quote “if I did it you guys would be as depressed as me,I’m sparing you.” And I was so happy,I was crying and shaking at the thought he would kill himself,I’m ok now and he’s taking a break from the internet.i don’t know him irl but I’m so glad he didn’t do it.I apologize if this brought your mood down but I just wanted to vent,storms always make me happy and calm so thank you to whoever posted this,and if you.the reader,are thinking about suicide or self harm..?don’t do me you have people who love you and would sob if you even said you were gonna do it,I know it,the world sucks and so does life,but you gotta’re strong.i can feel it,you’re strong enough to fight the urge of suicide.i love you,and I’m proud of you,reader. Have a good day,feel free to vent under this comment,ok?
Hey, kid. You’re gonna be ok. You’ve been through some really tough stuff. Stuff you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy, even though those enemies did that to you. You’re making it. You have survived. You are thriving and sometimes you don’t even know it. I want you to realize that living your life, after this all, is the greatest triumph. Living is poetry- it is art- every move you make and thought that precipitates it are a gorgeous brushstroke on the canvas of the great everything. And it’s just that- art. You don’t have to be what you’d call “good” at art in order to MAKE ART. Art is being done by your very existence. There is no right or wrong way to paint. May you be blessed with joy in this artistic movement as you find your style, recreate yourself, and evolve. And paint that gorgeous tapestry. Your life is full of strength and creativity even when you don’t think you have either of those things. You are filled to the brim with the essence of the great everything. I call it god but you can call it whatever you want. I love you. ♥️✨🔮 When I’m struggling I talk to myself in my head and I address myself as “kid” so i wonder if it helps anyone else. The higher me feels like a big brother or sister that I never had. Bless yall
Hey babe, Hearing all these sentences made me feel very good. You did a good job. You survived. I needed to remember these. Thank you. You made me feel like I was talking to myself
I cried I just want to say that I love you all guys I hope you’re living your your best and if you’re not I hope that you will I know sometimes it doesn’t feel like that but all of us here are not alone. We have eachother. The feelings cannot be written and cannot be told or even expressed Maybe its something like endlessly falling somewhere warm or not - like going through clouds, they can be either puffy and soft or stormy like moments in your life Maybe this is all I could say but I cannot express or say other things
Hey mate! Yeah you! Come on sit down, oh are you worried about the dark clouds? Come on you'll be fine I brought a umbrella just incase. But anyways I just wanna say that no matter how hard things are you gotta keep pushing through it aright? I'm proud of you mate even if it was just getting up out of bed, I'm proud❤
The past always haunts me when everything is fine even though it isn't my fault.. I don't know whether I'll be here again or not, but today I'm grateful for the presence of family, friends and the first love. I'm afraid of the future,the past and wish time would stop here.
Good Day All To those whom are reading this whether your going through a rough faze ,trying to find yourself in dark ,Seeking peace and Happiness like myself,It’s Not going to be easy especially if your doing it the right way ,A lot of things will happen to lead you a stray and give in to things that aren’t right .I emplore to have Courage ,Faith and Trust in God
I feel as if I am here despite the great distance from these wonderful areas. May God be glorified and Glory be to Him, the Creator, the Innocuous, the Creator, the Photographer. Even this music suits this ordinary world.
I had no choice but to leave my entire life behind, and the only man I could ever think of as a father, because I was too young to live alone, then. My mother, brother, and I moved in with my mother’s friend for a couple months… and it took a toll on my health. Everything wasn’t worth it, most nights I cried and cried because I didn’t want to be alive and I felt that the world and everything around was too small and meaningless in the grand scheme of things, so it wouldn’t really matter if I just died. Right? We moved to an air b n b to be closer to family so we could have something or someone to lean on, and I should have leaned away from the fear and grief and into the people I love. But I didn’t, I couldn’t… or maybe I wouldn’t. I started to cut myself, “You spoke to harshly, what if that person is sad…? Punish yourself,” thoughts would swirl around like a disease, like a murderous and cold and violent, corrupted weed meant to kill. And I almost did. I found friends but they didn’t help, so I surrounded myself with negativity for having no real friends. I cried most nights, praying that if there was a god out there, they would take me and never bring me back. I wondered if maybe I should seek religion, but that made things worse. I’m an atheist, so thinking about everything and how a god or goddess out there might despise me because of my actions… it killed me even more. I felt numb. More than that, like there was no purpose left in the beautiful being I am, when all it was, was me not being able to see straight. So I confided in my mother, who helped me quit self harm. I practiced and still do practice self care and love, I taught myself I deserved to live and change the world in a great way. The world is so small, it seems as if nothing has meaning. But when you think about everything, you realize that your actions can change others, other beings in the great cycle of life. You are meant to love and be loved. Live for all the beautiful things that outweigh the bad, and look for positives in all situations. Look for your love.💚🌺⏳🥀⏳⏳⏳🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Im sorry you had to go through this but afterall you found someone who could love you and someone you could love I hope youre living the best of your life with your mother you could ever imagine
You cannot deny the existence of God. He is the one who created you. How dare you say I am an atheist? Review some books, the Quran. You will feel positive energy after hearing it. Leave all the nonsense that surrounds you. Save your mind and heart. You are connected to God. Believe in Him and He will guide you.
for every one who read this I love you and I am proud of you you are strong don't give up everything will be okay and the bad days will pass my love I'm here for you I love you
Hey, its 3:03 am rn. Just remember that life is beautiful. Whatever your struggle, you endured 5000x that before you were even born. You can and will do it. Please try for the love of god. It will get better. That girlfriend, great physique, or that promotion, it will all happen. Step out of your comfort zone. I currently weigh 170lbs at 13. I am trying, if i.can do it, you can too. Just remember, you fought for this opportunity, dont waste it.
I hope that one day, I will be confident enough to ask people to stay and to stop pushing them away. I'm tired of losing good people because of my fear of being rejected. I want to have the strength to take risks, ask questions, and approach the people I find interesting. I want to be open with those I love. I wish that I will one day be brave enough to hold on because of my fear. Because acting on something that causes fear is hard, and that creates growth. I want to grow. I want to hold tightly to those who are genuine and kind; who care for me and only wish the best for the world.❤ I wish to be strong enough to hold on.❤
To everyone in these comments right now: while we may not know each other, I just want you to know that the one thing I’m certain of is that you are enough. You’re alive right now for a reason, alright? Even at your lowest when you feel trapped in bed or in your own mind. It doesn’t make you any less important of a life than anyone else on this earth. I know it’s hard, trust me, but you’re doing what you can to get by and that’s good enough. Remember, every step you take in life, even something as seemingly trivial as getting up every day, is still a step. Small actions in your day-to-day are still something. You can do this, you can survive this. If you think nobody cares, I do. We all do around here, as I’m sure you’ve already read from the other comments here. We’re all rooting for each other, and you’re not alone. I wish you all the love and support the world can offer you. Have a great day, and I appreciate you for sticking around.
Even now there is hope for the tomorrow they do not see. See it yourself because for them there is no tomorrow. Live better and fail. Just be glad that you can because for you there will always be our tomorrow.
My life has been like hell these days,as a 21 yo person my parents treat me like I'm their stepson which is so badly. I could be mad but it's nothing but waste my energy😥
@@LuxLisbon32 easier said than done sometimes, maybe find someone who'll help you move out if you cant work where you are - a trusted family member, a friend to room with who understands your situation. and maybe dont tell your parents if you think it'll make it worse.
it feels like you are lying in the most comfortable place you want and then you fall asleep and realize when you wake up life goes on and everything is okay even though it is hard to live it.
As someone who went through a rough time with depression at the age of 11 I can promise you that it does get better if you try and want it to. Sure not everything will workout the way you planned it to. Sometimes we got to go through rough changes to find who we really want to be and who we really are. My depression state lead me to finding my true self and learning how to love myself even when I couldn't like myself a little bit. I've spent my first few teenage years trapped in this ugly mindset of thinking that life was over for me and that I was not worth anything. However my perspective has changed sm now. I am 16 years old now and I can guarantee you that I love living the life I'm in, I am actually doing stuff that are worth my time. I have learned to treat myself with respect and kindness, to treat others the same way. I have learned new stuff about myself that I wouldn't have thought I would ever know. I am in a better state of mind. Just keep in mind that in order to grow again you've got to go through changes even if they're not good ones. Change is a good thing, it's part of the journey.💓
The luxury of being in the nature I vibe with the most, free and without anything to rush nor worry about - it's just something I couldn't have. Take me here please. Nature is the best therapy but I'm stuck in this sick, hot and humid place where the nights are sweaty and uncomfortable.
I implore you to go to Idaho right now for a similar vibe ♥️ I live in the desert now but I’ll never forget thunderstorms in Idaho & Montana when I was younger. You could park your car and just watch the storm roll by. Healing. ♥️
@@enlightenmentbarbie going to america alone is out of my budget, yes I live in Malaysia, blessed with tropical weather, rainforests and beaches, but I've always hated the hot and humid weather here, making me sweat a lot. That's why I said, being in the nature "i vibe with the most" 💓
I hope you know how much i love you At first everything was difficult and it was hard for you to accept me, and then you fell in love with my way of being, with how I was and with my intelligence, and you wanted to take advantage of that, so time went by and you fell in love wo deeply with me. Now you say that I'm not enough for you. That breaks my heart so much
Sometimes life hurts, a lot. But just know that, in the long run, as ironic as it is, you'll grow from the experience. Cry, scream, laugh, do whatever you want to express the emotions inside of you. Don't hold it all inside alone. You are your own person, and you are amazing. Don't ever forget that.
Life is strange it’s like standing in a flower field alone watching the beautiful night sky but knowing there are people staring and judging you while stuck in place screaming for help but no one cares to listen but all you do is wait for something or someone good to past by and help you, save you. You realize then that a stranger cares a whole lot more than the people surrounding you.
I understand, I feel some sort of ways similar. I've been a person that's gone through a lot of things, and I just put up a tough exterior most times. I'd love to hear more about your situation, if you're comfortable talking about it?
I know it's not my place to ask, but I like hearing people out. Is there anything that makes you feel that way? Anything specific that makes it feel like it's all too much? I'm willing to listen, if you're comfortable sharing. Just know, wether you believe it or not, people care.
@@minimee1712 Well, I posted that comment 2 months ago. I can't remember what I was even bitching about XD. Anyway, I notice you're trying to help people on here, I'd like to thank you for that, really. ^_^
These videos helpe sleep. I am deeply traumatized and can not sleep without sound, yet so much music has sudden drops or pitches that finding music can be hard. To everyone struggling. I see you. I am you. We are together. You are not alone in this world.
Im not sad I have no reason to be Its just feels empty Because i can be happy I can experience all emotions. I'm loud and happy But its missing something. I feel like a crybaby because i cry about things i don't know. Like that But im just so confused. I dont knoe what i want with my life I always need someone to tell me what i want because thats how it was forced upon me I just don't know anymore
Now it's raining hard outside my window, it's hitting my windows, slowly brightening the sky. Everyone in my house is asleep. I had a terrible sleepless night and feel tired and confused.i have many plans, and absolutely don't have a force to deal with them today.
ci sono giorni in cui ci si sente talmente giù da non ricordare neanche il perché ci si sente così. Si hanno così tanti pensieri in testa che anche solo provare a fissarne uno sembra impossibile, eppure è sempre colpa di un piccolo pensiero solitario se si scatena una reazione del genere. Un pensiero solitario come la persona che lo ospita. Quello che però effettivamente nessuno pensa è che nessuno dei due è davvero solo, perché alla fine uno fa compagnia all' altro, e tutto ciò che serve e conoscersi meglio a vicenda per fare in modo che tutto quell' intrecciarsi scombina di pensieri non sia qualcosa di nocivo, ma qualcosa che aiuti noi stessi a capire cosa farne della nostra vita.
I never minded being alone. To be completley honest most time I prefered being alone. The peace and quietness it came along with it. Being able to breath in peace as I walked around the park. Though there came at time when for the first time I didn't feel alone. I felt lonely. A sence of dread would come over me as I walked by those very same trees. The air smelled different and my chest would tighned. Laying across an open field as I used to, but this time without a sensention in my heart. I no longer wanted to be alone. What I didn't know was that it wasn't that I disliked being alone. Just that I hated feeling lonely. Knowing that I had no one by my side. No one to cry or laugh with. This feeling would often fade with time. But that walk around the park never managed to be the same. The smell was never the same. The whole in my chest was never filled. But wasn't this my fault. Since I never minded being alone. I actually prefered it.
I don't know what started happening in my mind. All my problems started coming to my mind and I also found solutions. I found solutions to all my problems in just 2 minutes. I don't know how it happened, but it happened. 🤞❤
I wish I could tell my parents that I'm doing my best ....I do study and I'm so sorry to them that I don't get the expected results..... Yeah I may have hurted them or maybe I did...but I never meant to .... yeah I even accept I fell in love with a boy..I loved him but God had some other plans.....but I was never distracted from my studies....I know I'm not putting my 100 percent but I swear I'm trying my best Really ...... I love u mumma papa hope I make u proud one day rather than just a disappointment..... . . Haha ....I'm just a teen and the smallest child from a middle class family thus nobody really pays attention to me ... Just was expressing my feelings Sorry to everyone...🙃🥀
спасибо вам, люди чьи комментарии я читаю уже около часа. Друг береги огонь в своей груди, идя сквозь ураганы и дожди, держись за добрые мысли, осталось немного, терпи. Разойдутся тучи, ветер стихнет в степи. Не вешай носа, иди. Проходи мимо меня, скажу - счастливой дороги. Останусь я средь дождя, подводят меня ноги. Иди - не жалей, не грусти. Идущий - найдет, нашедшему не нужно идти. Привет от всей широкой души из России
Hey guys. I see a lot of people in here that are very depressed and struggling. I just wanted to say that it gets better. There is this comic I like of this person going through the ups and downs of life, and the universe reminding them that “nothing is forever.” Sometimes the person would be thankful that their sadness would stop eventually, and other times they would be sad that a happy moment had to end. I think it’s important to remember that nothing lasts forever. There are bad and terrible things in life, but there’s also a lot of good. And I’m not gonna say “just be positive” because I know that’s not how it works, but knowing that your struggles will not last forever and that it gets better is important. I want you guys to know that there are people in this world who care for you, you just have to reach out to them. I promise you that there are people in your life that love you. And one day you will love yourself too. Stay safe, stay alive, love yall. 💜💜🫂
i was on a hunt to find a video like this, so deep and nostalgic to places I've never been... also am I the only one who thought the clouds were moving edit: nvm
I'm so sorry you feel that, I think it's really hard... I am writing to say that you are important and I am sure that there are people who are ready to help you. Sorry, I’m writing through a translator, but I think that life changes and you can find a way out
Not being able to do anything while watching my dreams fall into the water and knowing that I am the one who caused this and knowing that there is no turning back makes me feel emotions that I cannot describe...
I just want to be alone in a house I can call my own with no other people background voices, listening to music like this on low volume just me myself and I making me my happy meal with no questioning me if I feel like staying in bed without talking so be it, no one to ask why cause they wouldn’t understand anyways
im really really surprised like how everyone in comment section is so cute and really sweet i always thought comments are like people there are rude but wow people thank you for raising up my view that there still are some good world atleast online if not in real
videos like these tend to have the most sweetest comments section !! :)
real 🤍🥹
I hope my family or friends don’t see this.
Very few people listen nor care when you simply tell them you’re “lonely”. So express it in poetry. Make them feel the same thing you feel for just a moment. Don’t say “I feel really lonely”, say.
“Everything is quiet, and I’m frozen in time. It’s cold, and dark, I can’t see where I’m going, there’s no path to follow, but I can feel the grass and flowers beneath my feet. I have nobody but the flowers to keep me company while I pick them, but even they will wilt away in my presence. What happens when I pick the last flower? Will more flowers grow, or will they stop growing in this dark, quiet, and cold place? Can you help me find a light to make sure there’s more flowers to pick before I pick the last one? Maybe I’ll spot a path while looking, where I can see the warm sun again and brighter flowers will bloom in sunshine. Maybe if I find that path again, time will melt and no longer be stuck, so I can move on. Will you help me look?”
It doesn’t matter how “cringe” or “stupid” it is. Expressing your feelings in poetry will always help you describe better what you’re feeling. Don’t be shy to use metaphors, similes, hyperboles, or whatever you think will help give you some clarity within yourself and others. Writing your feelings out, and rereading what you just wrote is like a breath of fresh air, for those that may not understand their own feelings. Poetry is a beautiful way of coping, and reaching out for help.
Whoever is reading this, thank you for reading til the end, and I hope your future days will be filled with joy and laughter. If the sun refuses to shine for you, remember what you just read.☀️🪄🫂
Nice word and you have good taste about poetry, bay the way can you be my friend, cuz i interested who someone like poetry
@@estehtik1005 I’m always happy to make friends!
i really needed that
@@SoupedFN 🤍🤍🤍
Your poetry was beautiful...
I must thank you also... I really needed to hear the fact that I don't have to be ashamed of expressing myself... Thank you
Everything will be fine in the end. If everything is bad now, then this is not the end.
It's important not to remember it when it's fine :)
but it also can be even worse at the end. so nah
Lana is that you ?
I keep telling myself this, but i think i needed someone else to tell me. Thank you.
om shanti om?
no matter how it ended, i will carry her smile and laugh with me for the rest of my life
Your cells will forever remember her energy for your years will pass before you yet that memory is alive, standing still, forever felt.
Whenever I smile or laugh.... It's him laughing in me
I can feel you cause I would do the same after some years still love her like the first days 😢
This picture reminds me of the steeps of Altai, the place where i was born and lived for a long time before moving away. I havent seen anything similar to this landscapes in a while. The terrain there is pretty much like in Kazakhstan. You can go to a field full of wildflowers and look tens of kilometers far. In the summer the weather became a crybaby - one week its so hot you cant stay in the sun even for thirty minutes, and the other week it was raining like in the jungles of amazonia. The clouds just appeared out of nowhere, soft, gigantic and dark. They were carrying so missed water with them, slowly approaching so low you'd think if they hang just a bit lower you could touch them. Covering landscapes like giant eyelids, they took all the sunlight away.
The sky was crying the day i moved away. Only i didnt shed a tear for the place that once was my home.
Even questioning myself if i've ever truly felt home since then.
Little update: thank you all for such pleasant words and thoughts. Seems like there are many of you, craving for a place they've once been.
Feel free to share your stories.
Maybe you'll find someone near you sharing the same experience...
Good night
a beautiful comment from a beautiful soul
как красиво написано.... у вас великая душа
Poetry ❤️🌹😎
Я так хорошо понимаю эту тоску по родным местам. Мне не хватает степей, где точно так же собираются облака и можно глядеть до самого горизонта на много километров вперед. Давно там не была, и хотя мир вокруг уже не кажется таким же незнакомым и чужим, как раньше, и появилось новое место, которое я зову домом, того ощущения покоя и пространства я нигде не испытывала, как на малой родине. Когда-нибудь я ее обязательно снова навещу.
I Love you if your reading this, know that your life is worth living and life is precious
ohh,thank you. i'm very happy now
love you too
Love you too ❤
love u toi
Love you too saya sayang kamu love @@Maeliaalpld
To all of you out there feeling scared to move on don’t be scared.
Every journey starts with a first step.
This life goes on way longer than you think.
You’ll experience a great many things you didn’t even know were coming.
Be brave. Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
There are so many adventures waiting for you that you never knew were coming.
Some of you will live in new places.
Some will have families.
Some will be financially successful.
Some won’t. But they’ll be happy.
Some will cry for a time. Nobody cries forever.
Will all work out?
Well, sometimes it works out great, other times pain comes.
Are you listening to this music relaxing for a moment? Take it as a small win. A few minutes of peace in a storm.
Remember you can have everything and still be depressed, or you could be digging in the mud in a cold rainstorm enjoying the physical challenge of tiring yourself out and toughening yourself up.
Sometimes you don’t know what will make you happy.
Sometimes happiness a surprise. The drama melting away.
Hey there, birdie. You did amazing today, I know I know you couldn't do it all. But you did something right? That counts. Don't be the person who would look for happiness to arrive at a schedule, somewhere in the future. If you have time to spare, buy yourself a small treat or check in with your neighbor's dog, visit your nearby park. Call your friends, they might be waiting for your call, who knows? Your day is yours, one currency that you can choose to spend. Now you know, spend it as you like. You deserve this.
thank you so much. i needed this.
Thank you ❤❤❤
I needed this so much thank you
For anyone out there who don't feel confident enough. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Don't let others define the world for you. Get up and grab the opportunities. Have an awesome day!
Broski I ain’t even depressed or anything, I’m just tired as hell.
I feel bad for all the people in this comment section, and truly hope they get better though. Hopefully y’all will find a happiness in your life that keeps you going, or maybe already have one, and hold it close and care for it or them dearly. I truly hope all the ones who feel mental, or even physical, pain heal their wounds and scars of the past or now, and can look back at them and say.. “Hey, I survived that. I was able to live through that, and live to tell the tale.. that’s an accomplishment.”
So good night, or have a good day. Get good rest and I wish you well.
I’m tired too
And it’s because it’s 5:24 AM
I commend everyone for fighting the silent battle that you fight. It’s the part of life that is hardest and creates the greatest conflict within us but gets the least praise despite being a universal condition of life. For some it’s abuse from another person behind closed doors, for others it’s a lack of food when home from school, an innate refusal of one’s own image, the feeling of not being close to anyone, or just never having anyone close in the first place.
Thank you for fighting this battle, I promise you have progressed more than you could possibly believe to be true about yourself
True thoughts.. projected to the right people. Thank you!
This is the most validating comment here
I feel I exist to guide and aid.
I am here to love, feel, to help people and to assist but I never truly feel like I belong anywhere.
It‘s like I‘m meant to be a lesson and a reminder to people and that is my purpose in life.
Same 💔
You can find a person that exists for help(in short) and you can both guide, heal and exist for eachother (Im not sure if what I just said to you will help but sometimes I feel like that too)
I mean that you can find your path for eachother and you won’t be alone anymore
If one of you are feeling down the other can help
The only thing is that you need to find that person and then you’ll be finally be happy
You do pretty well. I know this feeling and i'm sure you have this beautiful way for yourself. You can do it for yourself too and that's matter
man, the comments of this video motivate myself better than all those things that my therapist said.
Well, I had a therapist for a bit, but I somehow could never get around to the fact that that person is getting paid to listen to me talk about worries, even if I never quite said what truly bothered me.
Wanna know something better yet? We have more paths and opportunities than we know to win.
It is like at some point you have the keys in your hand and realize there always was a door nearby.
The thing is maybe back in the days we weren’t ready to open that door yet.
But with understanding and learning we can move forward more effectively.
I’ve been holding in all the pain this whole time.
Today was the first day I broke. I couldn’t control myself, burst out into tears in front of my family. But now, now I just feel empty. I can’t even feel the pain anymore. I feel like nothing….
What specifically caused you to break down into tears? What pain are you holding? If you're comfortable sharing, I'd be willing to listen.
You know it's good that you let yourself be vulnerable for once so proud of you 💝😊
You let it all out. You are free, you can heal
@Wren_sings I know how u the corners I always bursts out tears ..but no one can listen.....maybe only walls , ceiling or floor may feel.....I have become an emotionless and heartless person....I feel like I'm a waste.......Just let u know we all drowning in the same ocean...
The clock is ticking, I have a disease knowing one day I sleep and I will not wake up again, my mistakes have been many I am sorry that I wasn’t good enough.
I hope you are still awake, alive, and reading this. You are enough, you are always enough. Nothing in this world matters more than yourself. Live the rest of the time that you have happily, with no doubt in your heart. Make these days the moments that you will remember for eternity and smile at them.⭐
I don’t if you’re seeing this but just so you know I love you. I don’t know u cause you’re a stranger but I’m good at picking the right people. Love you and sweet dreams love ❤️
@@sofibelovolenko Thank you, Praying everyday.
@@Beanie-ci8yj Thank you darling.
it isnt your fault, youre still alive for a reason
Oh, wow.
I think I needed something like this.
I've been thinking far too much lately. It feels like my mind has gone off the rails and is spinning endlessly into the darkness. It's terrifying, and I don't know if it'll ever stop. I can't help thinking that everything I am, everything I've ever done, has been a lie. I feel as though I'm lying not only to those around me, but to myself as well. Exaggerating my struggles, generating problems that were never really there, and for what? None of it makes sense, but neither does the alternative. I've always been an incredibly intelligent person, and this isn't the first time that I've found that to be a negative thing. Nothing is simple. Nothing is certain. I want to live without having to question every aspect of existence without reprieve. I want to pass on without regret. But all I have now is resentment for the way I've lived, and uncertainty for the future.
But even as I'm writing this, listening to these songs, all of it seems so distant. It seems like things might truly be okay. I may not know what the future holds, but I can find peace in the fact that I have the power to change it. Nothing is set in stone, and while that certainly means a good thing will never last forever, it also means that any negativity is always temporary. The sun will rise again, and dawn will never cease to break over the darkness and bring us each new day.
I cannot stop moving. I cannot allow myself to idle in life. The moment I become complacent is the moment that my dreams turn to ash. As long as I am continuously working toward something, anything is possible. No dream is too lofty, and no bar too high. I will continue to reach for the stars, and someday, I hope I will become one myself.
This music has helped me to reminisce; to find myself once more and to centre my mind in the place it needs to be. I am exactly where I need to be. There is nothing I could have done differently, because time has already moved on. All that's left is for me to do the same. I'm ready.
I will rise like the sun over the horizon beyond my window, I will focus myself, and I will take a step forward. And someday, I will be able to look back and take pride in the fact that I did.
I also feel like I need to constantly be doing something, if I'm not taking the most efficient route through something it seems like a meaningless waste of time, but I found that the one thing that isn't true for, for me is painting nature, I hope you can find something to do that helps you to slow down and take the break you weren't sure you needed, and don't become a dream yet, I try to use my efficiency to help others, often more than I help myself and Even though it seems selfless it makes me happy as well, the thank yous feels nice to wether or not it's ethical to do something nice just so I can hear it, maybe helping others achieve their dreams can help you to feel like you ARE doing something with your life, but I think that your doing plenty with your life already as someone who I think can feel similar to you, making money, setting aside a name and fortune and making a family to ensure they can be happy is nice but it doesn't fit everyone, you dont need to do that and you only have one life so do what makes you the most happy, if you like gaming the most then work towards being able to game, if you like art then work towards bettering yourself as an artist, I hate seeing how much people think they MUST do something with their life to help others, when you really don't need to, I do it because it makes me happy and I feel no issues when I'm doing it, but not everyone is like that
Wow i resonate deeply with your thoughts! This was extremely well written! We will continue to fight even tho we sometimes get lost in overthinking, as long as we’re still breathing we have every opportunity in the world to achieve anything
I’m alone.
But I have the moon.
I’m here.
Feel hated? The world may hate you but God Almighty will not, he still loves you my friend, do not give up for God has instilled within you a purpose, but you must come to him first, do not worry and stay humble. May He who sits on the throne of the heavens have compassion on you, Love you and God bless.
the length of the video is perfect to wake up put this up meditate the whole day eat or watch the nature go for a walk and return to meditating without any social media or entertainment to then go back to sleep. No one will do this i know but think about it you invest only one day of your life to do this and it will affect at least the whole month or the whole year after
It'd have to be a nice cold winter day for me, or a nice cold rainy day.
I would do it one day thanks!
The comments make me feel so safe, I want to cry for 16 hours. You are all so beautiful and special.
I realized... We adore the heroes more when we were younger, but understand the bad guys more when we're older...
я чувствовала себя плохо последние 10 лет. все время думала, что просто ленюсь и капризничаю. год или два назад (время так летит, уже не помню, отстойное время было) я начала терапию. Сначала тревожно-депрессивное расстройство, затем шизоаффективное, в итоге биполярное и я все еще не уверена в диагнозе. Кучу денег отдала, покупала эти идиотские лекарства с мерзкими побочками, а лучше не становилось. Мне было хорошо месяц, пока я вновь не провалилась в депрессию и прекратила терапию. Деньги закончились, да и желание. Я набрала вес из-за таблеток и, кажется, иногда ненавижу себя за это. Все время жалею обо всем. Пытаюсь отвлечься разными хобби, занялась спортом, слежу за питанием, но ничего не меняется. Уже долго ничего не меняется. А сейчас я все время кричу на близких и много плачу. Я знаю, что это временно. Что мне опять станет лучше и за ночью всегда приходит день, но сейчас, именно сейчас, мне очень страшно и грустно. И некому об этом рассказать, потому что не хочу портить всем настроение. Никто меня не спасет кроме самой себя. Не знаю как лечиться и что вообще со мной, все слишком сложно. Но опять переставать чувствовать что-либо тоже не хочу, это еще страшнее. Проблемы абсолютно везде: в семье, на работе, на учебе, в личной жизни - ничего не получается. и так ужасно бесит, что все, что радовало меня раньше и казалось спасением, теперь чувствуется непосильным грузом. как будто нет выхода, как будто я провалилась в кучу дерьма и меня засасывает все глубже. я даже не знаю какая я без своих приколов с ментальным расстройством. какая я вообще настоящая.
Всё обязательно наладится. Мы не знакомы, но я уверена, что ты справишься со всеми проблемами и будешь счаслива
эти слова, наверное, мало помогут, но держись, со временем всё плохое пройдет и всё обязательно станет лучше.
انا آسفه لاني لا اعرف ان اتكلم لغتك لاكن اريد انقول لك ان كل شي سيتغير لا شيء يبقى كما هو لا الاشخاص و لا الاحداث كل شي يتغير هذه هي الحياه انت.المسؤول عن حياتك انت القادر على تغيرها لا دواء سوف يغيرك و لاطبيب سوف يغيرك و لا شخص يستطيع ان يغيرك لاكن انت القادر على تغير نفسك لا يوجد شيء مستحيل و نحن من نصنع المستحيل و الله يساعدنا في ذلك ف اؤمن بنفسك و بالله و سوف تنجو من كل شي لا شيء يتاخر لاكن ياتي في الوقت المناسب ثق بقدراتك حتى ان كان شي ليس. لديك القدره عليه فانت اصنع قدرتك لا تبقي شي. في حياتك يعتمد على شخص معين اعتمد على نفسك فقط فلا يوجد شي افضل من نفسك تجاهل كل ما يزعج ابدا من جديد حاول و قاوم و انت قادر على كل شي فكل الناس نفس شيء جميعنا خلقنا من طين لاكن ما يختلف هو ثقتك بنفسك مقاومتك اعتمادك على نفسك محاولتك تفكيرك و نجاحك و الاشخاص الناجحين لا يختلفون عنا لاكن هم استغلو فرصهم في النجاح فانت تستطيع انا لا اعرفك لاكن اعرف انك تستطيع فقط ثق بالله و بنفسك و ثق بي ايضا 🌚🫀🫀✨🫶🏻
When I put this video on... the chaos in my head just disappears, my mind is clear and everything around me gets quiet while the music gets louder
Have a good day yall! And if someone hasn't told you this today:
You matter!❤
Your Life is worth living!❤
I love you!❤
Everything is going to work out. If your reading this I hope you have peace, love, and wealth. And a relationship with Jesus Christ. God Bless You.
Thank you😌🤲
Как же спокойно... ✨🌛
Музыка - #Богиня dv_vb
Музыка - язык #Вселенной к нам...
Dark days always need a shining star like you, no matter how bright you shine, my dove. Keep on going, I know you are strong. ♡
Sometimes when I get sad I get angry. When I get angry, I act like a scared animal.
I hate it, I don't want to rip things and growl and snap at people. I want to be held gently.
There's a reason I feel more connected with everything other than people. People do not understand my fear like a dog can. I wish I was an animal, any other one than a man-made monster.
A Frankenstein of questions with no answers, no breaks or commas or periods.
A run-on sentence of a broken child's mind.
One year. It took one year for me to think like this.
I may not believe in gods, but I pray they let me heal.
You will be free one day. Maybe the day when you'll fell your true and authentic power. For sure, you matter. Don't be worry for anything. It's only a journey in this world
I noticed there's a trend in the comments, some are dark and some are encouraging, as if RUclips recommends this video to people going through hard times. Well it nailed it with me
Me pasa lo mismo y me duele leer los comentarios son tan dolorosos porque alguna ves intentaron suicidarse al igual que yo
Anything specifically happening with you? I don't want to take any guesses, but I'd assume heartbreak or something similar?
Whenever I am alone, I enjoy to write poems about my own feelings. Mainly to understand myself better because I cannot express myself via normal conversations. Though, I also hope that others may understand the meaning behind these poems, yet I am too afraid to show them to people I know or those who I am close with. So, I wanted to share my recent poem here. Also, I wanted to tell everyone that sometimes writing about your emotions or feelings, maybe even struggles can help a little. Expressing onself through the means of art or literature is a good step forward. And to those who see no meaning in anything, keep going and try to stay positive. I know that it WILL be hard because I understand that feeling myself. But because of that I want to try helping others to feel a little better about themselves and importantly understand themselves!
The weeping willow
O' willow why do you cry?
Why are you never satisfied?
The willow sighs,
allowing the breeze to calm her mind.
O' child of nature,
some things may never be nurtured.
A bird may fly,
yet it may also die.
the flowers they bloom,
but they await their doom.
A willow like me can only see,
before even my leaves do not want me.
The child was suprised,
they did not expect the willows cries.
O' willow why do you cry?
Even your leaves aren't satisfied!
The willow hums a playfull song,
before saying: sometimes, not even the sun will come.
Hmm interesting,
I hated poems in my childhood days but now when I am slowly learning about the sadness of this world
I am just loving the warmth I get from those lines
Life was and will be beautiful again
It still is but there's a lot of work to do so can't really enjoy it that much but still I am grateful that I still get some time for introspection ...❤❤❤
Hey you! Yes, you, I'm talking to you, pal! Need something?... Well, don't just stand there. Come and take a seat with me and watch as the stary sky starts to rise. Now, let me give you some words of wisdom. Sometimes, things happen for a reason. But dont worry! After all is said and done, something new and beautiful comes out to blossom. No matter the thunder, no matter the rain, no matter the rainy skies. Because after all is said and done fellow person, there will always be light that then shines and never dissapoints. No matter the cost of whatever you went through you got through it. Your still here and that's ALL that matters. Nobody in this world has a say so on yourself except you. For I and many others want you to know how beautiful you are and what you have came to be. Stay awesome out there ok? I.... WE believe in you. That's what matters. ❤
thank you 😭🫶🏼
Thank you soo much thanks a lot
Thank u ❤
Oh, am I the only one who likes to fall asleep to such music or look at the sky and nature, a not be sad?
No ,you re not
Not just you ♥️ it calms me. I live in the middle of nature and I think it’s the way humans were made to live. The sky is poetry and more valuable than any possession in my opinion! ♥️✨🔮
Whoever made this: you are a genius. You are in touch with the universe. With the divine. You are connecting with me and everyone else who listens to this at a divine level. You are me, i am you, we are all one, and music like this is what transcends my soul into that. Into the experience. Of divinity. Blessings to all who listen to this, my spirit is with you.
If anyone happens to come across this message, I just want you to know: no matter where you are in the world, I'm wishing you a beautiful day and a life full of happiness, peace, and fulfilled dreams. You are incredible, and you are enough. I believe in you, always! 💖✨💖✨💖
Thank you for your kind and inspiring words. They are very much appreciated. Let's all continue to spread positivity and kindness to everyone around us.
The amount of kindness in this comment section, combined with the gentle melodies of this video, makes it all the more worth it for me to come back... time, and time again. :)
One of my friends tried suicide last night,he wasn’t successful thankfully.he texted me and I quote “if I did it you guys would be as depressed as me,I’m sparing you.” And I was so happy,I was crying and shaking at the thought he would kill himself,I’m ok now and he’s taking a break from the internet.i don’t know him irl but I’m so glad he didn’t do it.I apologize if this brought your mood down but I just wanted to vent,storms always make me happy and calm so thank you to whoever posted this,and if you.the reader,are thinking about suicide or self harm..?don’t do me you have people who love you and would sob if you even said you were gonna do it,I know it,the world sucks and so does life,but you gotta’re strong.i can feel it,you’re strong enough to fight the urge of suicide.i love you,and I’m proud of you,reader. Have a good day,feel free to vent under this comment,ok?
thanks... a lot.
@@Void083 of course.please feel free to vent
Hey, kid. You’re gonna be ok. You’ve been through some really tough stuff. Stuff you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy, even though those enemies did that to you. You’re making it. You have survived. You are thriving and sometimes you don’t even know it. I want you to realize that living your life, after this all, is the greatest triumph. Living is poetry- it is art- every move you make and thought that precipitates it are a gorgeous brushstroke on the canvas of the great everything.
And it’s just that- art. You don’t have to be what you’d call “good” at art in order to MAKE ART. Art is being done by your very existence. There is no right or wrong way to paint. May you be blessed with joy in this artistic movement as you find your style, recreate yourself, and evolve. And paint that gorgeous tapestry. Your life is full of strength and creativity even when you don’t think you have either of those things. You are filled to the brim with the essence of the great everything. I call it god but you can call it whatever you want. I love you. ♥️✨🔮
When I’m struggling I talk to myself in my head and I address myself as “kid” so i wonder if it helps anyone else. The higher me feels like a big brother or sister that I never had.
Bless yall
Hey babe, Hearing all these sentences made me feel very good. You did a good job. You survived. I needed to remember these. Thank you. You made me feel like I was talking to myself
I am the host of a DID system. Our primary protector calls me kid. This really helped. Thank you for this.
you don't have to always be strong. just be, and try to enjoy the simple things in life. sending love and support to whoever is reading this
Why do this type of RUclips videos always have the best backgrounds ever?? Dude wtf.
The best community in the comments, too (imo).
I cried
I just want to say that I love you all guys
I hope you’re living your your best and if you’re not I hope that you will
I know sometimes it doesn’t feel like that but all of us here are not alone. We have eachother.
The feelings cannot be written and cannot be told or even expressed
Maybe its something like endlessly falling somewhere warm or not - like going through clouds, they can be either puffy and soft or stormy like moments in your life
Maybe this is all I could say but I cannot express or say other things
Hey mate! Yeah you! Come on sit down, oh are you worried about the dark clouds? Come on you'll be fine I brought a umbrella just incase. But anyways I just wanna say that no matter how hard things are you gotta keep pushing through it aright? I'm proud of you mate even if it was just getting up out of bed, I'm proud❤
Thank you…
Comments that show a good side of the world of so-called hope
The past always haunts me when everything is fine even though it isn't my fault.. I don't know whether I'll be here again or not, but today I'm grateful for the presence of family, friends and the first love. I'm afraid of the future,the past and wish time would stop here.
Are you fine ???
Luv you
16 hours is.. awesome
Good Day All
To those whom are reading this whether your going through a rough faze ,trying to find yourself in dark ,Seeking peace and Happiness like myself,It’s Not going to be easy especially if your doing it the right way ,A lot of things will happen to lead you a stray and give in to things that aren’t right .I emplore to have Courage ,Faith and Trust in God
I feel as if I am here despite the great distance from these wonderful areas. May God be glorified and Glory be to Him, the Creator, the Innocuous, the Creator, the Photographer. Even this music suits this ordinary world.
I love him. He gives me hope. I'll forever cherish him 💖♾️
I had no choice but to leave my entire life behind, and the only man I could ever think of as a father, because I was too young to live alone, then. My mother, brother, and I moved in with my mother’s friend for a couple months… and it took a toll on my health. Everything wasn’t worth it, most nights I cried and cried because I didn’t want to be alive and I felt that the world and everything around was too small and meaningless in the grand scheme of things, so it wouldn’t really matter if I just died. Right?
We moved to an air b n b to be closer to family so we could have something or someone to lean on, and I should have leaned away from the fear and grief and into the people I love. But I didn’t, I couldn’t… or maybe I wouldn’t.
I started to cut myself, “You spoke to harshly, what if that person is sad…? Punish yourself,” thoughts would swirl around like a disease, like a murderous and cold and violent, corrupted weed meant to kill. And I almost did. I found friends but they didn’t help, so I surrounded myself with negativity for having no real friends. I cried most nights, praying that if there was a god out there, they would take me and never bring me back. I wondered if maybe I should seek religion, but that made things worse. I’m an atheist, so thinking about everything and how a god or goddess out there might despise me because of my actions… it killed me even more. I felt numb. More than that, like there was no purpose left in the beautiful being I am, when all it was, was me not being able to see straight. So I confided in my mother, who helped me quit self harm. I practiced and still do practice self care and love, I taught myself I deserved to live and change the world in a great way.
The world is so small, it seems as if nothing has meaning. But when you think about everything, you realize that your actions can change others, other beings in the great cycle of life. You are meant to love and be loved. Live for all the beautiful things that outweigh the bad, and look for positives in all situations. Look for your love.💚🌺⏳🥀⏳⏳⏳🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Im sorry you had to go through this but afterall you found someone who could love you and someone you could love
I hope youre living the best of your life with your mother you could ever imagine
You cannot deny the existence of God. He is the one who created you. How dare you say I am an atheist? Review some books, the Quran. You will feel positive energy after hearing it. Leave all the nonsense that surrounds you. Save your mind and heart. You are connected to God. Believe in Him and He will guide you.
Life before death
Strength before weakness
Journey before destination
I believe in you. We can do this
I hear it again, its the thought, that all i need is to live and do what i want, be loved, and love
There’s a life after earth . We will be okay . Do good , do your part , love , spread light and positivity .
for every one who read this I love you and I am proud of you you are strong don't give up everything will be okay and the bad days will pass my love I'm here for you I love you
Hey, its 3:03 am rn. Just remember that life is beautiful. Whatever your struggle, you endured 5000x that before you were even born. You can and will do it. Please try for the love of god. It will get better. That girlfriend, great physique, or that promotion, it will all happen. Step out of your comfort zone. I currently weigh 170lbs at 13. I am trying, if i.can do it, you can too. Just remember, you fought for this opportunity, dont waste it.
Welcome indra in Jammu
Jabh phir se baarish hoghi
Jai Mata Vaishno Devi ji
y'all I stopped my work to see which vid is this ...absolutely magical from the first minute
I hope that one day, I will be confident enough to ask people to stay and to stop pushing them away. I'm tired of losing good people because of my fear of being rejected. I want to have the strength to take risks, ask questions, and approach the people I find interesting. I want to be open with those I love. I wish that I will one day be brave enough to hold on because of my fear. Because acting on something that causes fear is hard, and that creates growth. I want to grow. I want to hold tightly to those who are genuine and kind; who care for me and only wish the best for the world.❤
I wish to be strong enough to hold on.❤
Nothing in life is guaranteed, the only thing I want is to feel alright and I feel close to it.
To everyone in these comments right now: while we may not know each other, I just want you to know that the one thing I’m certain of is that you are enough. You’re alive right now for a reason, alright? Even at your lowest when you feel trapped in bed or in your own mind. It doesn’t make you any less important of a life than anyone else on this earth. I know it’s hard, trust me, but you’re doing what you can to get by and that’s good enough. Remember, every step you take in life, even something as seemingly trivial as getting up every day, is still a step. Small actions in your day-to-day are still something. You can do this, you can survive this. If you think nobody cares, I do. We all do around here, as I’m sure you’ve already read from the other comments here. We’re all rooting for each other, and you’re not alone. I wish you all the love and support the world can offer you. Have a great day, and I appreciate you for sticking around.
Even now there is hope for the tomorrow they do not see. See it yourself because for them there is no tomorrow. Live better and fail. Just be glad that you can because for you there will always be our tomorrow.
My life has been like hell these days,as a 21 yo person my parents treat me like I'm their stepson which is so badly. I could be mad but it's nothing but waste my energy😥
i hope you can get some distance from them soon
Get a job, save money and move out!
@@LuxLisbon32 easier said than done sometimes, maybe find someone who'll help you move out if you cant work where you are - a trusted family member, a friend to room with who understands your situation. and maybe dont tell your parents if you think it'll make it worse.
I know the pain buddy, I'm going through them same these days, keep your head up and know there are greener pastures to come 🖤
I hope you doing Will life is Hard but iş ok l fell you my friend
it feels like you are lying in the most comfortable place you want and then you fall asleep and realize when you wake up life goes on and everything is okay even though it is hard to live it.
As someone who went through a rough time with depression at the age of 11 I can promise you that it does get better if you try and want it to. Sure not everything will workout the way you planned it to. Sometimes we got to go through rough changes to find who we really want to be and who we really are. My depression state lead me to finding my true self and learning how to love myself even when I couldn't like myself a little bit. I've spent my first few teenage years trapped in this ugly mindset of thinking that life was over for me and that I was not worth anything. However my perspective has changed sm now. I am 16 years old now and I can guarantee you that I love living the life I'm in, I am actually doing stuff that are worth my time. I have learned to treat myself with respect and kindness, to treat others the same way. I have learned new stuff about myself that I wouldn't have thought I would ever know. I am in a better state of mind. Just keep in mind that in order to grow again you've got to go through changes even if they're not good ones. Change is a good thing, it's part of the journey.💓
The luxury of being in the nature I vibe with the most, free and without anything to rush nor worry about - it's just something I couldn't have.
Take me here please. Nature is the best therapy but I'm stuck in this sick, hot and humid place where the nights are sweaty and uncomfortable.
I implore you to go to Idaho right now for a similar vibe ♥️ I live in the desert now but I’ll never forget thunderstorms in Idaho & Montana when I was younger. You could park your car and just watch the storm roll by. Healing. ♥️
@@enlightenmentbarbie going to america alone is out of my budget, yes I live in Malaysia, blessed with tropical weather, rainforests and beaches, but I've always hated the hot and humid weather here, making me sweat a lot. That's why I said, being in the nature "i vibe with the most" 💓
Круто, что видео идёт 16 часов. Как раз на четыре ночи хватило, спасибо!
Thanks to for this upload 🖤 i need this < 3
I love it so sweet and relxing💗
Me too, going to daydream and try to think about good things only 💜
I hope you know how much i love you
At first everything was difficult and it was hard for you to accept me, and then you fell in love with my way of being, with how I was and with my intelligence, and you wanted to take advantage of that, so time went by and you fell in love wo deeply with me. Now you say that I'm not enough for you. That breaks my heart so much
महान् सङ्गीतं सर्वेभ्यः अनुशंसयामि
Sometimes life hurts, a lot. But just know that, in the long run, as ironic as it is, you'll grow from the experience. Cry, scream, laugh, do whatever you want to express the emotions inside of you. Don't hold it all inside alone. You are your own person, and you are amazing. Don't ever forget that.
Life is strange it’s like standing in a flower field alone watching the beautiful night sky but knowing there are people staring and judging you while stuck in place screaming for help but no one cares to listen but all you do is wait for something or someone good to past by and help you, save you. You realize then that a stranger cares a whole lot more than the people surrounding you.
I understand, I feel some sort of ways similar. I've been a person that's gone through a lot of things, and I just put up a tough exterior most times.
I'd love to hear more about your situation, if you're comfortable talking about it?
@@minimee1712 I’m not comfortable talking about it but thank you🫶🏽
I read all comments in this section. Very good community and big up for everyone
Sometimes it feels all too much. Id like to be there, in that stormy field. Resting under the clouds as they hide me from the sun.
I know it's not my place to ask, but I like hearing people out. Is there anything that makes you feel that way? Anything specific that makes it feel like it's all too much?
I'm willing to listen, if you're comfortable sharing. Just know, wether you believe it or not, people care.
@@minimee1712 Well, I posted that comment 2 months ago. I can't remember what I was even bitching about XD. Anyway, I notice you're trying to help people on here, I'd like to thank you for that, really. ^_^
@@Sweet.t0.dream. Oh understood lol. Regardless, hope you're doing great. Have a good day!
Such a beautiful landscape. I would love to live here.
very nice, it always allows me to reset and organize everything in my head i love that
These videos helpe sleep. I am deeply traumatized and can not sleep without sound, yet so much music has sudden drops or pitches that finding music can be hard. To everyone struggling. I see you. I am you. We are together. You are not alone in this world.
no matter what was the situation is , i will stand strong and made my loved ones proud .
Im not sad
I have no reason to be
Its just feels empty
Because i can be happy
I can experience all emotions.
I'm loud and happy
But its missing something.
I feel like a crybaby because i cry about things i don't know. Like that
But im just so confused. I dont knoe what i want with my life
I always need someone to tell me what i want because thats how it was forced upon me
I just don't know anymore
Now it's raining hard outside my window, it's hitting my windows, slowly brightening the sky. Everyone in my house is asleep. I had a terrible sleepless night and feel tired and confused.i have many plans, and absolutely don't have a force to deal with them today.
Anything wrong in particular? Is there anything that makes you feel that way?
ci sono giorni in cui ci si sente talmente giù da non ricordare neanche il perché ci si sente così. Si hanno così tanti pensieri in testa che anche solo provare a fissarne uno sembra impossibile, eppure è sempre colpa di un piccolo pensiero solitario se si scatena una reazione del genere. Un pensiero solitario come la persona che lo ospita. Quello che però effettivamente nessuno pensa è che nessuno dei due è davvero solo, perché alla fine uno fa compagnia all' altro, e tutto ciò che serve e conoscersi meglio a vicenda per fare in modo che tutto quell' intrecciarsi scombina di pensieri non sia qualcosa di nocivo, ma qualcosa che aiuti noi stessi a capire cosa farne della nostra vita.
I never minded being alone.
To be completley honest most time I prefered being alone.
The peace and quietness it came along with it.
Being able to breath in peace as I walked around the park.
Though there came at time when for the first time I didn't feel alone.
I felt lonely.
A sence of dread would come over me as I walked by those very same trees.
The air smelled different and my chest would tighned.
Laying across an open field as I used to, but this time without a sensention in my heart.
I no longer wanted to be alone.
What I didn't know was that it wasn't that I disliked being alone.
Just that I hated feeling lonely.
Knowing that I had no one by my side.
No one to cry or laugh with.
This feeling would often fade with time.
But that walk around the park never managed to be the same.
The smell was never the same.
The whole in my chest was never filled.
But wasn't this my fault.
Since I never minded being alone.
I actually prefered it.
I don't know what started happening in my mind. All my problems started coming to my mind and I also found solutions. I found solutions to all my problems in just 2 minutes. I don't know how it happened, but it happened. 🤞❤
everyone deserves to be happy
can't help thinking about this person when closing my eyes
I wish I could tell my parents that I'm doing my best ....I do study and I'm so sorry to them that I don't get the expected results.....
Yeah I may have hurted them or maybe I did...but I never meant to .... yeah I even accept I fell in love with a boy..I loved him but God had some other plans.....but I was never distracted from my studies....I know I'm not putting my 100 percent but I swear I'm trying my best
Really ......
I love u mumma papa hope I make u proud one day rather than just a disappointment.....
. Haha ....I'm just a teen and the smallest child from a middle class family thus nobody really pays attention to me ... Just was expressing my feelings
Sorry to everyone...🙃🥀
Beautiful views and relaxing music. Thank you for the video ❤
спасибо вам, люди чьи комментарии я читаю уже около часа. Друг береги огонь в своей груди, идя сквозь ураганы и дожди, держись за добрые мысли, осталось немного, терпи. Разойдутся тучи, ветер стихнет в степи. Не вешай носа, иди. Проходи мимо меня, скажу - счастливой дороги. Останусь я средь дождя, подводят меня ноги. Иди - не жалей, не грусти. Идущий - найдет, нашедшему не нужно идти.
Привет от всей широкой души из России
Hey guys. I see a lot of people in here that are very depressed and struggling. I just wanted to say that it gets better. There is this comic I like of this person going through the ups and downs of life, and the universe reminding them that “nothing is forever.” Sometimes the person would be thankful that their sadness would stop eventually, and other times they would be sad that a happy moment had to end. I think it’s important to remember that nothing lasts forever. There are bad and terrible things in life, but there’s also a lot of good. And I’m not gonna say “just be positive” because I know that’s not how it works, but knowing that your struggles will not last forever and that it gets better is important. I want you guys to know that there are people in this world who care for you, you just have to reach out to them. I promise you that there are people in your life that love you. And one day you will love yourself too. Stay safe, stay alive, love yall. 💜💜🫂
it feels... different. i love it.
i was on a hunt to find a video like this, so deep and nostalgic to places I've never been... also am I the only one who thought the clouds were moving
edit: nvm
haha the clouds are moving
haha they are moving
How should I pass? Eyes open or closed?
Yould live
I'm so sorry you feel that, I think it's really hard... I am writing to say that you are important and I am sure that there are people who are ready to help you. Sorry, I’m writing through a translator, but I think that life changes and you can find a way out
Maybe I can help you somehow?
mad edgy bruh
Instead of that. You should pass a flower to someone😊
Not being able to do anything while watching my dreams fall into the water and knowing that I am the one who caused this and knowing that there is no turning back makes me feel emotions that I cannot describe...
I hope that one day, I find what I've been truly looking for.
i have a message for you
i love you even in the worst situation your in im always here for you🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🩷
live in the moment. don't waste a single second, because during that time you could've changed the world.
Time flies... all that's left for us is to shape our lives
Indeed, time waits for no one. It's up to us to make the best out of it.
Closing your eyes does not make a demons disappear, it only makes you blind.
-A wise man-
Quien pa ser amigos amantes a las buenas energías y vibras 😮😊
Dont think anything. Just focus in it. Turn off the light. and feel how deep you can fall.
Evrenin sonu bile gelse iyi insanlar daima vardjr❤
I just want to be alone in a house I can call my own with no other people background voices, listening to music like this on low volume just me myself and I making me my happy meal with no questioning me if I feel like staying in bed without talking so be it, no one to ask why cause they wouldn’t understand anyways
The song for 36:56 is amazing I love it!