It's probably because it's a sulfate-free shampoo, you will have to shampoo your hair twice to get it to lather and to get it clean. Some people need a more heavy duty shampoo with sulfates and for others it's just fine.
But what is better for really long hair , damaged ends, which always tingling? Angel series or Hydrate - Me ? What do you suggest ? My hair is light color, natural, not colored .
I noticed you only applied on the outer hair...what about all the hair on the inside?
Is angel wash supposed to lather? I bought a trial size from my local salon and this feel like a conditioner rather than a shampoo
It's probably because it's a sulfate-free shampoo, you will have to shampoo your hair twice to get it to lather and to get it clean. Some people need a more heavy duty shampoo with sulfates and for others it's just fine.
But what is better for really long hair , damaged ends, which always tingling? Angel series or Hydrate - Me ? What do you suggest ? My hair is light color, natural, not colored .
Repair :) or Smooth
i miss born.again. And Gritty Business for that matter
Why don't you use a person with damage hair to believe it.