Just started the game. At the frozen guardian boss now and feel like I'm missing something. I've beaten many many MVs over the years from blasphemous to monster boy. And i just simply cannot beat this boss due to the stupid tracking balls and having no health upgrades. I'm at a loss and I'm just gonna have to put the game down which sucks cause it's really cool.
Knight witch soon. It's surprisingly good. Pretty damn tough too.
All i wanted to know in less than 100 seconds. Nice.
I loved it as well! Curious to know your thoughts on Knight Witch and/or Astronite
That will wait for a long time, only Rogue Trader for me for the next few months.
Just started the game. At the frozen guardian boss now and feel like I'm missing something. I've beaten many many MVs over the years from blasphemous to monster boy. And i just simply cannot beat this boss due to the stupid tracking balls and having no health upgrades. I'm at a loss and I'm just gonna have to put the game down which sucks cause it's really cool.