:) Yep, are just Sweet bread balls fried in sunflower oil and filled with different fruit jams or chocolate spread or cheese spread. In the modern days, however, the donuts with holes reappeared.
Yeah that’s what Romanian get for being nice. Hungarian never played nice, they treated the Austrian that lived within Hungary like shit . Not that the Austrians are any better they’re the same maybe worse.. I think Austrian and Hungarian deserve each other. Maybe they should unite and both go up north.
The Hungarian chroniclers confirm the fact that when the Hungarians came to Europe, 1,100 years ago, the Romanians were here, the Hungarians needing almost 300 years to conquer Transylvania. -"The Romanians are the descendants of the Getae and the old Roman colonies." Huszti Andras, Vienna - 1791, in the book Old and New Dacia. The notary Anonimus, author of the work Gesta Hungarorum, said in the 12th century, referring to Pannonia, that: "This country is inhabited by Slavs, Bulgarians and Blachii (Romanians - n.n.)". There were duchies led by Romanian dukes descended from the ancient Dacians. They fought with the native population. - Referring to the inhabitants of Transylvania, A. de Genaro, senior de Szek, son-in-law of the Hungarian count Teleki Emerik, wrote the following in Paris, in 1845: "The Wallachians (Romanians - n.n.) are in Transylvania the oldest inhabitants of the earth. " (Les Transylvania et ses habitants - Paris, 1845) Etc...Etc...
'''''' PhD Alexander Rodewald: The genetic origin of the Romanian people.''''' Germany - 2012 In Romania, two very serious paleogenetic studies have been carried out that clearly prove that today's inhabitants of Romania are genetically linked in a solid way to the populations that lived in these lands 3,000 - 4,000 - 5,000 years ago, something that it proves the autochthonousness of the Romanians and a multi-millenary continuity in these lands. The results of a German-Romanian paleogenetic study, held at the Institute of Human Biology and Anthropology from the University of Hamburg, Germany (PhD Alexander Rodewald), suggests the keeping of a genetic core of old populations from the Broze and Iron Age in Romania , which has been transmitted to the actual Romanian population, probably through the Geto-Dacian people, These results suggest that a genetic continuity might have existed for about 5000-6000 years, from the Brazen Age to nowadays, and, throughout this whole time, conserved in the genetic structure of the current population from the Romanian territory. PhD Alexander Rodewald.
Being a székely myself, the word probably comes from the word "székelj" or "szék" meaning "to throne" or simply "throne/chair". But that's just a speculation among here. Also there is a saying here in Székelyföld that goes: "Minden székely magyar, de nem minden magyar székely" meaning "All székely are hungarian, but not all hungarian are székely". The tension between the romanians and the székelys really did fire up during the communist regime of Nicolae Ceaucescu where, as you state, the romanisation began. The ripples of this are still in notion this day, as many people from both sides like to cause conflict and uproar about pointless things and reject the reality we live in today. But thankfully that's not the majority. We share many customs and traditions and our history is entwined, now more so than ever perhaps. And most importantly; we share the same homeland and I am sure that people prefer peace and compromises in their homes more than bitterness and conflict.
Na és mit szeretnének a székelyek, ha maguk dönthetnének a sorsukról? Ez valahogyan sohasem szokott kiderülni az ilyen videókból és szempont sem szokott lenni, pedig érdekes, sőt fontos lenne szerintem. Milyen lenne a helyzet, ha a székelyeken múlna?
@@Akitlosz The situation would be the same. Romania's constitution forbids federalization and in order to modify the constitution a national majority is needed. Which of course will not happen.
According to the 2021-2022 census, we no longer have any Szeklers in Romania. They all declared themselves Hungarians. They gradually lost their identity, and today they imagine themselves to be Hungarians. In reality, their history is a dramatic one, being victims of the Hungarian policy of forced Hungarianization. Under the leadership of the specialists of the Institute of Archaeogenomics within the Humanities Research Center (BTK AGI) of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH), the ancient paternal and maternal lines of descent in the Odorheiu Secuiesc area, in Transylvania, were investigated. In this region, the history of the Szeklers goes back in time to the 12th century and there are many scientific theories about their origin. The results of genetic research carried out now show a predominantly local composition of the population, i.e. East-Central and South-East European, with moderate admixture with neighboring populations. They are not Hungarians. The Csángós = The Romanians from Moldova converted to Catholicism and were forced to Hungarianize. And entice with various facilities. This is known in the region, and genetic tests prove it. This is how the Hungarian population grew everywhere. Forced Hungarianization. And they write false history.
@@mariadespina80The people is always the victim of one or other political agenda, just as now. Be it any country. I don't consider myself hungarian, only in the language. I think people refer to that, when you live in a country of foreign language, ethnicities lose their distinction and they just become what they natively speak. If we would use only common sense, the székely people are vastly distinct from the hungarians and anyone could see that.
“You cannot have a country that looks like a donut”… South Africa would like to have a word. In all seriousness, I’m Hungarian and have a lot of friends from Transylvania. Most of the problems nowadays are purely political and people have come to terms with each other. Things get boisterous when sports is involved but in general people live in harmony. Romanians are nice people in a quite frankly stunning country! I can’t wait to explore it myself!
Hungarian ellections : We will have back Transilvania Romanian elections : we will never accept this Plp on Transilvania: tomorrow we have to work and take care of the kids ...
This issue hits me personally as a Romanian from Transylvania with Magyar-Romanian family members and friends. I just want to note that the issue is a Romanian one, and has little to do with Hungary. The Szekely and Transylvanian Saxons are part of our family, and I believe that we Romanians have demonstrated our tolerance towards our minorities, as we even elected a Transylvanian Saxon as our president. The thing with 'federalization' of the country for the sake of preserving Szekely rights, well, I simply don't see why that would be necessary. Szekely rights, culture and language are already protected and preserved under current minority laws. Moreover, Romania and Hungary are part of the EU, and the border between them will disappear as soon as Romania joins Schengen. Therefore, there is no solution to a problem that doesn't exist. I don't see how federalizing Romania practically changes anything for the Szekely. If Romania federalizes it should be for its own reasons, not to give Orban's Hungary a symbolic victory.
1 Timothy 1:4 *..nor give heed to fables and endless GENEALOGIES, which cause disputes, rather than godly edification which is in FAITH* TITUS 3:9 *..AVOID foolish disputes, GENEALOGIES, CONTENTIONS and striving about the LAW; for they are unprofitable and useless*
i am half romanian and half hungarian(mother side is hungarian)and was born in Hungary. I knew about the Avar theory but as far as the word "Szekely",in hungarian comes from the word "Szek" which means "Chair". During the Interwar period in Romania we had a county named "3 Scaune" which means "3 Chairs". As far I heard from others,"the "Szekely" got their name after the Avar turks who were in the Panonian Plain swore allegiance to the Hungarian Crown and were put as border guards-basically "enthroned/"enchaired" along the border. And with time they were gradually magyarised. But hey,I can be wrong,since the history of the Hungarians has a pretty obscure beginning.
Yes, the most probable origin of the Szeklers is the avar one, although the kabara variant, also a Turkish population, cannot be neglected. The stubbornness of not learning the Romanian language may also be due to the fact that they lost their language once again.
Tatăl meu e oltean iar mama e unguroaică,eu sunt născut și crescut în oltenia dar locuiesc la București. Oamenii ăștia ar trebui să iasă mai des din casă,fiindcă lumea e mai vastă decât cred!
Se pare că tu nu ieşi mai des din "casa" ta, sau mai bine zis din mentalitatea asta prostească cu "românii au fost şi vor fi întotdeauna aici"! Pentru că e clar că habar nu ai despre istoria şi cultura reală a maghiarilor şi secuilor, dar nici despre istoria reală a vlahilor deveniţi români doar în secolul al 18-lea nu prea ştii nimic! Marea problemă este că voi ați învățat doar minciunile istoricilor şi dascălilor români crescuţi şi îndoctrinat de propagandiştii ceauşişti, iar și astăzi trăiţi în această mocirlă uriaşă a minciunii, de aceea sunteți tot mai mulţi din ce în ce mai bolnavi psihic!
@@abrisszebeni9192 she get married with a Romanian and live on the full Romanian place u loose the bet from the start but u can live with hate not my problem
*"There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in the possession of the rightfull owner, or that has not been taken away, from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by FORCE and bloodshed"* Mark Twain
First comment. One in favour of peace and understanding. Not all Hungarians want to unite with Hungary and I hope in the future to find solutions to feel both at home in Romania 🇷🇴🤝🇭🇺❤️
1 Timothy 1:4 *..nor give heed to fables and endless GENEALOGIES, which cause disputes, rather than godly edification which is in FAITH* TITUS 3:9 *..AVOID foolish disputes, GENEALOGIES, CONTENTIONS and striving about the LAW; for they are unprofitable and useless*
Maghiarii si secuii au mult mai multe drepturi in Romania decat au romanii in Ungaria. Faptul ca nu se simt ca acasa in Romania este alegerea lor nu problema noastra a românilor. Sunt inscriptii bilingve nu doar in administratie, au parte de invatamant in limba materna iar multi dintre ei isi bat joc la propriu de limba română nedorind sa o invete, au partid prezent in Parlamemtul Romaniei, au participat in majoritatea guvernarilor si daca acum nu au ministri cel putin au secretari de stat, statul maghiar nu este impiedicat sa faca investitii in Transilvania. In concluzie: asa zisele probleme ale maghiarilor din Romania sunt o marota pe care ne-o pun in fata cu tupeu. Si se mai dau si crestini.🤦♂️
@@l.e.i.4111 Cine a zis ca secuii sau maghiarii din Romania nu se simt acasa in Romania? Am prieteni apropiati si secui si maghiari si nu am intalnit nici un secui sau maghiar care nu se simte acasa in Romania! Ce spune Orban nu reprezinta perspectiva secuilor si maghiarilor din Romania. Eu sunt din Transilvania cu radacini din toate natiile Transilvaniei, si cred ca majoritatea locuitorilor din regiunea asta sunt amestecati, si traiesc in pace de multa vreme, nu vad sa fie incalcate drepturile vreuneia, deci eu zic ca lucrurile stau bine asa cum sunt. :) Foarte multi din orasul meu vorbesc si romana si maghiara, si cred ca e foarte bine asa. Vecina mea unguroaica Mariko néni a fost baby-sitter pentru copiii mei si am tot rugat-o sa-i invete ungureste.
Hi Ben, I admire your desire to grow your audience interested in the Romanian language and/or history. I would be, however, a bit more cautious when launching opinions or recommendations, such as the federalisation, you may find then lots of unhappy audiences, especially in the current geopolitical climate. The rights of minorities are formally addressed in the country as in all EU MS.
Thanks, man, don't have time today to listen to it, the title drew my attention. Some outsiders love to impose on us how to live, which clothes to wear etc. Thank you people but no thank you.
It is impressive to hear a version so far from reality. In Transylvania, the most rights are granted to ethnic minorities, and I say ethnic because they are Romanians as a nationality. Check what are the rights of ethnic Romanians in Hungary, Serbia and Ukraine, after which you can say that there is a need for a solution to the situation of the Szeklers. They have schools where they teach in their language, theaters, festivals, sports clubs, no one prevents them from keeping their traditions and then where is their problem! The problem is not with the Szeklers in Romania, it is with the Hungarian government, where the rhetoric leaves the impression that there is a problem and many take it for granted.
As from Denmark and EU WW1 and WW2 should be a learner and a NO MORE STOP. The open border is a better better solation. You can still have Yout ID in the more soft version. Here all equal according Human Rights apart from the majory rule in Hungary.
Just to add, Romanians have their schools in Hungary too but there are so few that even in Romanian schools almost half of the class are Hungarian staudent because well, you got the better deal.
@@agentf672 children of Romanian schools in Hungary are not Hungarians, but children who do not speak Romanian at all, Magyarization is so deep, that they go to schools formally, and only Romanian language lessons are taught there in Romanian, everything else is in Hungarian!!!! Moreover, all Romanian associations in Hungary are filled with Hungarians from Transylvania, who “democratically” vote on anti-Romanian decisions, for example, holding meetings in Hungarian!!! Therefore, all this Hungarian props with “national autonomies” is nothing but theater
My teacher told me that Székely comes from the Hungarian word szék meaning chair or seat. In this case this would be metaphoric representing a seat of government. In other words, the Székelys were organised into a state or province. This would not be the only instance of a province actually calling itself province (the French Provence comes to mind). The German word for Transylvania is Siebenbürgen (seven castles), and the historic Transylvanian shield also has seven castles.
Siebenburgen is actually the name of the Saxon union in Transilvania, not the hole territory. A more appropriate translation in English for the chair is "hold" here with the meaning of a land to defend , live on and not leave. Probably it was a form of punishment by the maghyars to keep the szekelly under control, while giving them the responsibility to protect the border. The central Romania where they can be found today is an area of microclimate , colder than the surroundings and not very good to settle in medieval period.
Faceți vă rog, un material și cu românii din Ungaria! Oare acela este cumva pământ românesc? Oare de ce după o oră și jumatate de călătorit prin Bulgaria, la Silistra de exemplu, bulgarii născuți până în 1944, au buletine romanești? Voivodina în Serbia, 273 de sate unde se vorbește românește! De ce? În orașul meu comunitatea maghiară numără mai puțin de 1000 de persoane, însă apare ca fiind de 5000, oamenii traiesc în bună vecinatate, frumos, armonios, nimeni nu își dorește altceva, cunosc bine comunitatea maghiarilor fiind apropiat lor, nimeni ju își dorește regionalizare, autonomie, etc..., doar politicul dorește aceasta! Politicul dezbină, oamenii sunt uniți orice nationalitate ar avea, orice religie ar împărtăși! Unde își vâră politicul coada, oamenii se despart și se omoară pentru o palmă de pământ, pentru un dumnezeu, nimanui fiindu-i de folos!
Cum să fie Ungaria pământ românesc, când din toate datele reale primii valahi s-au mutat acolo doar în secolul al 18-lea? Eu trăiesc în Transilvania, unde au trăit şi toţi străbunii mei, care cu toţii s-au considerat în primul rând maghiari transilvăneni! Străbunicii mei n-au ştiut română, pentru că niciodată n-au avut vecini români până în secolul al 20-lea, când aşa deodată s-au trezit cu zeci de mii de români veniţi din toate părţile "României mari"! În anii '70 şi '80 încă nu se duşmăneau foarte mult românii cu maghiarii de aici, dar eu care citeam aproape toate revistele şi cărţile istorice de specialitate, apărute aici în limba română, mi-am dat seama că istoricii ceauşişti au pornit deja propaganda antimaghiară, pe care o induceau frumos în subconştientul românilor, începând chiar de la şcoala primară! Dar eu mai citeam şi ce apărea în străinătate, şi ştiam foarte bine că nici 10% nu era adevărat din ce au scris istoricii ceauşişti despre istoria maghiarilor şi românilor, sau despre istoria Transilvaniei! Iar de atunci am citit nenumărate date autentice, din arhivele naţionale, dar şi foarte multe date noi din ştiinţele istoriei acceptate mai ales în occident, care contrazic aproape tot ce aţi învăţat voi despre istoria acestor regiuni şi popoare! Maghiarii au toate datele că voi aţi fost minţiţi de mici copii cu tot felul de poveşti fantasmagorice, pentru că din toate datele reale ale arhivelor şi din ştiinţele istoriei reiese clar că Transilvania n-a fost niciodată majoritar românesc până în secolul al 18-lea! Dar atunci Partium, care înseamnă de multe secole: "părţile din vest ale regatului Ungariei", cum era Timiş, Bihor, Arad, Satu Mare?! Unde românii n-au fost majoritari nici în secolul al 19-lea! Există datele din arhivele reale din Viena, Transilvania şi arhivele Ungariei, unde se arată clar că vlahii au fost în minoritate până în secolul al 18-lea! Românii au devenit majoritari doar între anii 1740 şi 1760 perioada în care au migrat sute de mii de valahi din voievodatele române, mai ales din cauza sărăciei şi a opresiunii domnitorilor fanarioţi! Există datele clare cu primii cneazi valahi stabiliţi în Transilvania începând din anul 1210 când regele Ungariei a dat un decret ca aceştia şă fie aşezaţi pe pământurile regale ale Ungariei! Papa Grigore al IX-lea i-a trimis o scrisoare prinţului Ungariei Bela al IV-lea, cerându-i „în numele lui Dumnezeu” să acorde azil „acelor săraci refugiați valahi” care doreau să scape de stăpânirea aspră a cumanilor! Maghiarii au ascultat şi le-au acordat azil valahilor, iar primele trei grupuri de imigranți vlahi au intrat în Transilvania dinspre sud și au fost așezați, sub proprii căpetenii, în raioanele Fogaras - Făgăraș, Hunyad- Huniad și Bánság - Banat, pe pășuni montane special desemnate, numite în actele regale drept „Silva Vlachorum", Pădurea Vlahilor. Acești imigranți vlahi, care au primit azil în Regatul Ungar, și alții care au urmat mai târziu, au devenit strămoșii românilor transilvăneni. Oficial au fost numiți Vlahi, din care numele maghiar Oláh și numele german Valah a derivat, spre deosebire de rumelieni și de mai târziu români care nu au intrat în cercul cultural occidental, ci au rămas la est și la sud de Carpați sub influența bizantină și mai târziu slavă, evoluând în cele din urmă la sfârșitul secolului al 19-lea în România. În datele din 1247 noii refugiați vlahi au obținut permisiunea de a intra în raioanele Hátszeg - Haţeg și Máramaros - Maramureş din Transilvania. În 1253 Guillaume Rubruquis" trimisul francez în Bulgaria a descris imperiul lui Aszen ca fiind "de la Dunăre până la Constantinopol, inclusiv Vlahia în Munții Balcanii de Jos." Prin urmare, Valahia mai exista la acea vreme şi în Balcani, dar sub dominație bulgară, în timp ce acei vlahi care au încercat să se deplaseze spre nord trecând Dunărea, au căzut sub stăpânirea cumanilor. În 1290 trei proprietari de pământ maghiari din raioanele transilvănene Hunyad și Fehér au primit permisiunea regelui Andras al III-lea de a aduce niște muncitori vlahi „de la sudul munților”. În 1291 adunarea de la Gyulafehérvér - Alba Iulia i-a recunoscut pe vlahii transilvăneni ca „națiune”” cu drepturi egale cu celelalte națiuni membre sub Sfânta Coroană Unagară! În 1358 Márk, un arhivar regal maghiar scria în cronicile sale despre Transilvania: „este cea mai bogată parte a Regatului Ungariei” unde „orașele maghiare și săsești (germane) înfloresc cu industrie și comerț, în timp ce pământurile fertile ale fermierilor unguri produc vinuri foarte bune, vite grase și grâne din belșug pentru pâine. Înaltul munților, unde păstorii vlahi își îngrijesc oile și duc la piețe brânzeturi gustoase." După toate datele reale pe care le avem, lingviştii specialişti în toponime sunt de acord că nu există nume de aşezări sau nume geografice de origine valahă - română dinainte de secolul al 13-lea în Regatul Ungariei ce cuprindea tot Bazinul Carpatic! Concluzia istoricilor şi lingviştilor consacraţi e că o populaţie mai numeroasă care s-a stabilit măcar un secol pe undeva, trebuia să lase urme de denumiri de așezări, de râuri - pârâuri - munți și văi pe undeva! Foarte puţine popoare au dat nume de localități și nume geografice atât de logice, cu semnificaţie, cum au făcut secuii şi maghiarii. Regestrum Varadense din Regatul Maghiar (registrul orădean) conţine circa 711 de denumiri de localităţi şi circa 2500 de nume de persoane, înregistrate în perioada anilor 1205 şi 1238. Niciun nume sau denumire de localitate din acest registru nu are origini româneşti! Doar aşa se explică faptul că românii, care au fost minţiţi că ar avea strămoşi daci şi romani, nu au ridicat niciun oraş în Transilvania, dar nici în Banat sau Crişana! Ba mai mult, cuvântul românesc oraş provine din cuvântul străvechi din limba maghiară varas - város, care apare la maghiari de peste 1000 de ani! Tot așa și în istoria Transilvaniei, din toate arhivele medievale la sfârşitul secolului al 13-lea găsim doar 3 denumiri ale localităților din cele 511 care aveau origini româneşti! Încă nu vă e destul de clar că numai în secolul 13-lea au început românii să se stabilească în Transilvania?! Care este motivul pentru care niciun râu sau pârâu din Transilvania, Banat, Crișana şi Maramureş nu are nume cu origini româneşti, dar majoritatea acestora - peste 80% sunt clar din limba maghiară sau proto-maghiară! Ungurii nu falsifică datele reale din istorie, dar se pare că alţii (austriecii, germanii, evreii stabiliţi în Ungaria, românii, cehii, slovacii ş.a.m.d.) ne-au falsificat şi ne falsifică în continuare originile reale! Majoritatea românilor sunt induşi în eroare cu etnogeneza maghiarilor, fără să ştie măcar că cronicarii maghiari din Evul Mediu au scris despre etnogeneza multimilenară a magorilor-maghiarilor, care începe cu Nemroth - Nimród, care a fost primul rege din lume şi care apare şi în Biblie! Simon de Keza scrie că Nimród a avut doi fii, Hunor şi Magor, de la care au provenit sciţii numiţi huni şi maghiari! Dar despre aceştia au scris şi cronicarii străini, şi istoricii sunt de acord că această mitologie e mult mai străveche, are cel puţin 3 mii de ani! Titus Flavius Iosepphus a scris în secolul I d.Hr. că de la Magog provin toţi magorienii, care sunt cu toţii sciţi! Iar Iordanes a scris în secolul al 6-lea în cartea Getica, că "hunugorii care sunt numiţi şi sabiri, au locuit în Scythia, în Dacia şi apoi iar Scythia." Iordanes descrie în capitopul 28 că goţii ajung în Scythia, iar în cartea 29 scrie că Iosepphus aminteşte de Magog cu poporul lui ce aparţine sciţilor şi care vorbeşte limba sciţilor! În capitolul 33 aminteşte că gepizii au ajuns în Scythia de vest, şi descrie că aici sunt două mari fluvii, "Danuvius et Tisia"- Dunărea şi Tisa! Au fost descoperite mii de date despre ungarii - hungarii şi magorii care au fost numiţi sciţii europeni, dar în ultimii ani s-a dovedit şi în ştiinţele istoriei că aceştia nu au greşit, ca de exemplu cu miile de date arheologice, antropologice, toponomastice, etnografice, criptografice şi mai nou arheogenetice şi din genetica populaţiei! Citez din datele publicate de vreo doi ani în străinătate, tradus din rezultatele arheogenetice şi din genetica populaţiei ale cercetătorilor din Institutul de Cercetare ale Ungariei: „Strămoșii maghiarilor care trăiesc astăzi sunt prezenți în mod continuu în Bazinul Carpatic de mii de ani - acest lucru a fost evidențiat de o cercetare publicată recent, care a folosit o nouă metodă pentru a examina genetica popoarelor care trăiau în regiune astăzi și în trecut. În timpul lucrărilor de cercetare, a fost creată o nouă bază de date, care conține datele a 16.000 de genomi mitocondriali ai 172 de populații antice și vii. Sistemul lor de conectare a fost cartografiat folosind inteligența artificială. Metoda a fost folosită pentru a examina fostele și actualele populații maghiare din Bazinul Carpaților și s-a constatat că majoritatea maghiarilor de astăzi provin dintr-o populație din epoca cuprului (4500 î.Hr. - 2800 î.Hr.) și epoca bronzului (2800 î.Hr. - 700 î.Hr.)." Rezultatele arheogeneticienilor au arătat clar că maghiarii de azi provin în mare parte de la populaţia din cimitirele mari ale ungaro-secuilor, care au fost numiţi greşit „avari" şi „onoguri", pentru că s-a demonstrat cu date clare că aceştia vorbeau o limbă arhaică ungară - maghiară!
@@szakaattila7899bai sceleratule, Ungaria e pamant romanesc care a facut parte din Dacia. Gepizii din Transilvania sunt daci inruditi cu vizigotii din Buzau si cu ostrogotii lui Atilla. Teodoric, nume celt, ostrogotii erau celtici deci daci, nu germanici si exact ungurii din ziua de azi. Vizigotii vlahi i au invatat sa scrie si sa citeasca, i au crestinat cu religia ariana pe ostrogotii lui Atilla. Buzoienii astia daci, i au crestinat pe germanici si au denumit Suedia, Finlanda si Danemarca, Dacia, in acte oficiale. Gotland, inima germanicilor e o colonie de buzoieni daci, geti sau vizigoti adica. Deaia au aia daikones, getsi denumiri de triburi. Genetic esti romanas de al nostru bai Atila doar ca nu stii tu istoria romanilor. 😂 In 410 buzoienii daci au distrus imperiul Roman si adus evul mediu pentru 1000 de ani, dupa care toata europa a fost a noastra, deaia se numea Scandinavia Dacia, occitania in Franta si Spania. Oficial nu recunoastem asta ca sa fim mai prietenosi cu Italia ca ne place columna lui Traian. Concluzia e :nu te pune cu noi ca te facem praf. Traiesti in Romania, esti roman si tre sa ai respect pentru tara in care traiesti cum si eu as avea daca as locui in Ungaria sau oricare alta tara. Daca nu te intereseaza istoria romanilor e ok sa o eviti dar nu veni cu minciuni dinastea si fantezii deplasate. Ia citeste tu mai bine ce spune Iordanes, ca vizigotii sunt dacii sau getii, gepizii sunt exact ca vizigotii dar mai inceti, deaia si numele lor era o insulta. Inceti, adica relaxati asa ca ardelenii din ziua de azi. Iar ostrogotii sunt dacii cuceriti de Atilla. Tot daci erau, celtici, europeni, vorbeau o limba asemanatoare cu romana nu maghiara.
@@szakaattila7899Am angajat un saxon si o unguroaica ca ne testeze Adn ul. Ia vezi ce au descoperit. ruclips.net/video/dIoAHWd00xE/видео.htmlsi=Nc6k-fn7y-TEcz5-
@@szakaattila7899 " Naționalitățile au trăit ca cetățeni români cu drepturi depline, într-o totală libertate; la reforma agrară le-a revenit pământ… Trebuie să mă refer la umanitate… La sentimente omenești când arăt atrocitățile fără seamăn care s-au comis pe pământul Transilvaniei după ocupație… Mândrul pământ al Transilvaniei s-a transformat într-o amarnică golgotă unde se petrec cele mai groaznice evenimente. Oamenii sunt închiși cu sutele, cu miile sunt bătuți, sunt torturați în mod cumplit. Asasinatele și execuțiile se țin lanț și toate acestea doar pentru că unica vină a nenorocitelor victime este aceea de a se fi născut români… pe pământul Golgotei din Transilvania, unde vântul suflă leșurile celor spânzurați, unde cadavrele martirilor asasinați cu o sălbatică cruzime vestesc că instinctul bestial s-a eliberat și barbarismul și răzbunarea joacă dansul sălbatic al morții… A chinui… cu un vandalism necruțător oameni lipsiți de apărare este nemaiîntâlnit în istoria statelor civilizate ale Europei. Nu-mi rămîne altceva decât să mă rușinez că m-am născut secui-maghiar și să reneg faptul că am învățat prima oară să mă rog lui Dumnezeu în limba maghiară. - Gyorgy Ferenczy, Golgota Transilvaniei, Arad, 1940. " cersipamantromanesc.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/marturia-a-unui-ziarist-secui-in-1940-ma-rusinez-ca-m-am-nascut-secui-maghiar-si-reneg-si-faptul-ca-am-invatat-prima-oara-sa-ma-rog-lui-dumnezeu-in-limba-maghiara-video/
@@szakaattila7899Attila úr, de ce ai uitat să ne demonstrezi că ungurii sunt urmaşii dacilor? " Veniți în secolul al IX-lea în Europa, migratorii unguri au cucerit toată Transilvania după trei secole de efort militar. Cu toate acestea, populația românească a fost mereu majoritară în Ardeal, conform TUTUROR recensămintelor făcute pe parcursul veacurilor în această parte de țară. Și pentru că, din punct de vedere genetic, ungurii nu au putut să se impună (imensa majoritate a cetățenilor maghiari de astăzi neavând nicio legătură cu migratorii asiatici, din punct de vedere genetic), aceștia au forțat maghiarizarea populațiilor pe care le-a supus, maghiaritatea fiind, în realitate, un concept ideologic și nu o expresie a unei realități etnice. În lupta lor disperată pentru supraviețuire identitară și pentru justificarea unor drepturi istorice în Transilvania, în secolele trecute, ungurii au pretins că sunt urmașii dacilor. Și când spun asta, vă asigur că nu este o glumă! " Vezi de la min. 3 - ruclips.net/video/qqR4HApzPHM/видео.html . România are graniţă la apus cu Ungaria şi Serbia. De unguri ne leagă frăţia ungaro-română. Dacă cu ungurii suntem fraţi, în schimb cu sârbii suntem prieteni. Explicaţia constă în faptul că: fraţii ţi-i dă Dumnezeu, prietenii ţi-i alegi singur! culturaromana.ro/miodrag-stanojevic-sunteti-un-popor-imbecil-de-tolerant/
Yea but that battle was directed by Michael the Brave. A lot of these szekely are maghiarised romanians that are recent and a relic from the autrohungarian empire. They are natives. I also think they were rejected and ended up in the mountains not that they got there to protect the borders of the austrohungarian empire. Basically the got into the woods to avoid romanians.
@@BenLlywelyn They are romanians with romanian ID, Romanian passport, etc, just the ethnicity is magyar or secui. The hole in the map, you dont know this, but those are wildest areas of Romania and with verry scarce population for how big they look on map, just 400 000 people in both countyes put together, like a small to medium city but spread on a large, low populated area. So there is no hole in Romania map. I personally consider them a valuable coulture and that we should be taught more about it as romanians. Friendship and they should get their rights in Romania so that they feel romanian while we sould make efforts to preserve and show their coulture. They have rights, people in parliament and universities in their language.
@@BenLlywelyn I have to be with @mihaiilie8808 on this one. Big battle on the border of Valachia and Ottoman Empire and we talk about Bathory but not about Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul) ? Otherwise, good work !
@@oilydoubloonz6001 Precisely because of this confusion is essential to use the proper terms. In 1859 the pricipality of Moldova is clearly between Carpathian and Prut river. Moldovans also live between Prut and Nistru, in a Russian Empire governorate named Bessarabia (occupied by Russia from Moldova in 1812). Later in 1859 Moldova united with Wallachia. The new country was named ”The United Principalities of Moldova and Wallachia”. Moldova remained between Carpathians and Prut. Bessarabia is still between Prut and Nistru. In 1862 The United Principalities shortens its name to ”Romania”. Moldova still rmains between Carpathians and Prut. Bessarabia still remains between Prut and Nistru. Etc. Moldova always remained near the Carpatian, with all its historic capitals (Baia, Siret, Suceava, Iași), with all the tombs of its medieval rulers, with most of the Moldovans (twice as many as in Bessarabia). Now, after the collapse of USSR, former Bessarabia named by bolsheviks ”Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic” declares independence under the name ”Republic of Moldova” - not simply ”Moldova” - because they know very well where the real, mother Moldova is. Look in the Constitution, you will find the name of the state ”Republic of ...”! If the vast vast majority of people will deny Moldova is in Romania, then us - Moldovans in the original Moldova - will have to forbid the usage of this name (like Greece with North Macedonia); which would be a shame, because across the border imposed by USSR are literary our brothers, the same people. However, we cannot allow the result of a crime (Russian annexation of some Moldovan lands) steal our name. So, that is Republic of Moldova, not Moldova.
"Székelylike" population can be found in Hungary, next to the border of Hungary with Austria in the "Őrség" region too... So the "frontier troops" version seems to me the most likely one....
The Hungarian historian György Györffy (1917-2000) wrote that the Szekelys are nothing but Bulgarians arrived in today Romania in 679. They belonged to the Eskil tribe named later in Hungarian language as Szekely. Their language was totally different from Hungarian and disapperead in the XVIII century being Magyarized. If we accept the results of his researches' then the origin of them is solved. Moreover, it seems to be logic since all details match his conclusion.
Orbán is NOT revisionist. This is really a big misunderstanding. We , hungarians only want our rights to be assured in Romania, that is Orbán is trying to achiev. This idea that Orbán is revisionist is provocative and shows a lack of knowledge about Orbán. Székelys deserves autonomy, which if would have been given Romania would be a better place for all nations living there. Unfortunately Romanian politics were shovinistic under the communist era, and still it is. We don't want to give up our culture and language. We survived under powerful empires like Ottoman and Habsburg, then the Soviets. I hope in the 21. century is not only about survival, hopefully will be a better understanding between the nations, that could lead to friendly relationship of tolerance. Orbán was succesful in making friendship between serbs and hungarians, hopefully he will succeed here as well.
It is not about Trianon. It is about today rights. All minorities in Europe have autonomy, but Hungarians in Romania have not. Just see the autonomy the Austrians have in Italy. Or Welsh can live in Wales. Basks. Katalans. Why only us who can not achieve these rights? It is because the Romanian shovinism. Someone says here below that they are tolerant...they even have a saxon prime minister...well that guy is not a saxon, it is only his name. Hungarian kings have brought the Saxons to Transylvania, they lived there for 700 years together with us. Then as Transylvania have been given to Romanians at the XX. century, the Saxons disappeared in 50 years- it happened because the Romanian tolerance of course. One million Hungarians also vanished- again because of Romanian tolerance.
Whilst I can understand Hungarians feel that Treaty of Trianon hurt them, I would not agree that it was wrong to them. Yes, they have ruled over Transylvania for a long time. However that territory was not theirs, just as Wales does not belong to England (though Wales is in GB). Hungarians just ruled over it, and quite brutally many time. Romanians have always been a majority there, just like Welsh people in Wales. An Empire disappeared, this is what happened. Just like the Roman Empire, just like the Ottoman Empire, just like the British Empire, etc.
@@BenLlywelyn Hello! exactly! the Hungarians were barely a majority (officially 54%) in the Kingdom of Hungary and a clear minority in the regions they have lost. By this measure, Mongolia could also be screaming in agony for their "lost" lands... There aren't "millions" of hungarians in Romania - just 1002151 out of 19000000. The Hungarian political party from Romania, has been present in all the ruling coalitions in Romania, for the last 30 years. Hungarians in Romania have access to state funded education in their language, at all levels including University and wherever they are more than 20%, they can use their own language in the relation with any authority. The "Romaniazation" after 1918 is quite debatable, while the Magyarization pre-1918 and the bad treatment of Romanians in Transilvanya is quite well supported by evidence. Few clarifications: Romania did not "attacked" Hungary, Romania was at war with Hungary, as no peace treaty existed between them. The communist did not leave from power, they were ousted by the Romanian army, thus eliminating a communist springboard in the heart of Europe. Have a very nice day!! 🙂
You could have focused a bit more on the role that Hungarian Nationalism & Quest for Independence played in 1848 and how the Hungarian's struggle for their own rights including their own Kingdom within the Austrian Empire also meant the powerlessness & subjugation of the Romanian population in Transsylvania.... The Romanian-Hungarian enmity's roots stem from this struggle for political & national identity.
My friend, they are no longer over a million! There are no more than 900,000 Hungarians. The Saxons and the Szeklers, who are not Hungarians,are in the middle of Romania because they were displaced there to defend the borders of the Hungarian kingdom and at the Great Union of the Romanian countries they caught them except in the center of the country! The rest is just history and must remain in the past! SZEKELY LAND does not exist ! It was invented by the propaganda from Budapest!Peace is the most important thing! P.S. NO FEDERALIZATION ! Hungarians in Romania,in the great majority of them being Romanians forcibly Hungarianized, have all the possible and impossible rights in the world! Practically, they are positively "discriminated"!
Fascinating history of Hungary and Romania. Thank you Mr. Llywelyn. Particularly as it arrived at the contemporary situation from the perspective of Hungary.
Many of them are not even Székelys or Hungarians. A significant percentage of them are Magyarized Romanians who embraced the Hungarian language and culture in exchange for rights and freedoms that Romanians did not have in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The process of magyarization of Romanians in Transylvania was a brutal and unjust one. Starting from the 19th century, the policy of magyarization was implemented by the Hungarian government with the aim of assimilating the national minorities in the region. This included encouraging the use of the Hungarian language, restricting the cultural, political, and religious rights of Romanians, and even changing the names of some individuals to Hungarianize them. There were severe restrictions on the Romanian language, with Romanians being forced to speak and learn Hungarian more, and Romanian schools and churches were discouraged or closed. In addition, public domains and administration were largely controlled by ethnic Hungarians, limiting the chances of Romanians to advance in the social and political hierarchy. Furthermore, there was a policy of colonizing Romanians from other regions of Transylvania with ethnic Hungarians, in order to change the demographic balance in favor of the Hungarians. These actions had a significant impact on the identity and culture of Romanians in Transylvania.
@@BenLlywelyn NO it doesn't go both ways. My greatgrandfather came to southern România, from Transilvania, at the end of 19th century bz of the persecutions. Why do you think you know the TRUTH better than Romanians who lived there? During the 2nd WW, when Vienna agreed to give that region back to Hungary ( Romania at that time didn'tlook like a donut, rather like a fork) the Hungarians killed many Romanians in barbaric way... threw them from balconies and cut their fingers if they tried to grab on the rails.
@@WillMakeYouFreeSorry, but those were the Romanian armys actions... They began massacre "not enough loyal" Romanians, who refuse to take terrorist actions against the Hungarian forces.
Now even the Romanian GDP per capita has surpassed Hungary. It happened these days, being at the price of 20,000. PPP per capita in Romania is much higher than in Orban's country. Romania is booming. We could say that it is a prosperous country and Hungary is no longer. Hungary had a good perspective in the 90s.
That's right! But because you are Romanians, you never keep your promises. You are the most dishonest people in Europe. Everyone knows you by that. The facts speak for themselves...
Even the ethnic map of 1910*, I don't think the Trianon tragedy makes sense unless one believes in Hungarian imperialism. Austria lost in the same way as Hungary. Losing all the lands where the Austrians weren't the ethnic majority. But you don't see Austria complaining about this like Hungary does. To any nationality at Trianon except Hungary, Trianon wasn't a punishment at all, it was an act of liberation that came after centuries of subjugation. On top of that, the Hungary that was left, while it was smaller kept the core Hungarian territories, it was more of a Hungary for Hungarians as they made up the vast majority of the population there. So the argument that suggest that Trianon was a fundamentally flawed or unjust exercise is only really true if you believe in the righteousness of Hungarian empire-building. * -> Several demographers, Teich Mikuláš, Dušan Kováč, Martin D. Brown, Seton-Watson, Robert William, Owen Johnson, Kirk Dudley; believe that the 1910 census was manipulated by exaggerating the percentage of the speakers of Hungarians. Pointing to the discrepancy between an improbably high growth of the Hungarian-speaking population and the decrease of percentual participation of speakers of other languages due to Magyarization in the Kingdom of Hungary in the late 19th century.
Ben, I think you have a bad idea. In that "Sekelyfold" (Covasna-Harghita-Mures) that you see on the map as a donut hole (hole in Romania), Hungarians represent 60%. 40% of that "donut hole" are not Hungarians. What shoud we do next ? Do we federalize Sekelyfold and getting another hole in the donut hole?
@@abrisszebeni9192 Daca iei Covasna + Harghita da, 80% maghiari, dar daca vrei sa cuprinzi si jud. Mures , atunci, Covasna+ Harghita+Mures raportul devine 60%. la 40%. Deci, ramane cum am spus mai sus.
A much more acute cultural and civilizational problem was the emigration of the Saxons and other Germans after 1990 (in Germany). However, this was the initiative of the German government, which created facilities for them to immigrate. It may have been a good solution for individuals, but an 800-year-old culture was almost destroyed.
fun fact nobody speaks of is that according to the previous population census they were about 600 ( six hundred ) szekely in transylvania (probably the rest of them declared themselves "hungarians"; for the latest one i didn't find data). how can someone give two and a half counties to some six hundred people?
There are actually already plenty of countries that look like doughnuts. If you look at a detailed map of Europe there are bits of Spain surrounded by France, also the borders between Belgium and NL and Switzerland and Germany etc show plenty of enclaves and counter enclaves and at least one counter counter enclave. There is a street in Büsingen in Switzerland where half the houses are technically in Germany even though they are surrounded on all sides by Switzerland, and the simple act of carrying out the trash or fetching the mail involves crossing an international border. There is one pub where the bar where you order your drink is in Switzerland but the table where you sit down to drink it is in Germany. There is a footpath near the German Belgium border which is technically Belgium even though the fields on either side are Germany so the mere act of bending over to tie your shoelaces may involve crossing a border. All of this came to be because of convoluted dealings in history that no longer have any relevance today, but the borders remain. None of this prevents anybody from going about their normal lives.Especially in the age of internet communications and Schengen, this should be less of a problem than it was in the past. So there may be good reasons why Szekelyföld should or should not be part of this or that country, but having a convoluted border is not one of them.
There will never be a federal Romania. Romanians are the vast majority and we’ll never go for that. Hungarians are welcome to live among us and contribute to the country’s economy and well being, however this talk of privileged rights and self determination are out of place. We are now in the EU - if they don’t like it here, they’re welcome to move to Hungary or any other EU country. Let’s also not forget there is a not so insignificant Romanian minority in Hungary, who has no special rights or Romanian language schools.
@@BenLlywelyn they moan everywhere, no matter the conditions. If it were up to them, they would raise the hungarian flag, and change the official language to hungarian in every single building they occupy. just look at how they are blackmailing the Ukrainians now !! with the same minority rights bs. narrative. don't believe Orban's propaganda, or Putin's propaganda for that matter... who has managed to cause this mass hysteria for one simple reason: divide et impera 🙂
@@BenLlywelyn Hungarians will always complaining about Trianon and about rights of minorities. They ask for teritorial autonomy based on ethnic criteria, something they will never get from the governament from Bucharest. Romania respect the minorities rights, they have education in their language, they can speak their language in local institutions, they have bilingual signs in every city, village, railway station and so on... They have their ethnic party inside romanian parliament. And hungarian minority is well treated inside Romania.
9 месяцев назад+5
redskirvian remebre the turks were in hungary for 150 years and of course there is majority romanians now thanks to your graet lider ceucescu when he tranfered 3 miilion romanians from moldova muntenia oltenia to break up te hungarian majority but don't warri history is changing
I've always thought my father had been Hungarian. And then I tested my DNA with remarkable results. I have 0 (zero) Hungarian blood. My father's family must have been forced to assume a Hungarian identity, during the rule of Transylvania by Hungary. My family must have experienced immense hardship under Hungary. All Romanians in Transylvania have experienced this and the tenssions between our peoples are still real, present and can cause future wars. And there will never be a Federal Romania either. Romania is a national state. Period. Hungarians can learn in their language, can have political parties (their political party UDMR is often part of the government in Romania). They have more rights than Romanians have in Hungary. The issue is Hungarians behave with us the way Palestinians behave with the state of Israel. Their fundamental problem is not how many rights we give them. Their main problem is we exist.
Maybe you have the problem, that we exist. You expulse from Transylvania the germans, the jews - remember Ceausescu how sold them to West Germany and Israel, and now lokk the number of hungarians: Year Pop. ±% 1930 1,425,507 - 1956 1,587,675 +5.9% 1966 1,619,592 +2.0% 1977 1,713,928 +5.8% 1992 1,620,199 −5.5% 2002 1,431,807 −11.6% 2011 1,227,623 −14.3% 2022 1,002,151 −18.4% National composition of Transylvania: According to census data, the Hungarian population of Transylvania decreased from 25.5% in 1920 to 17.9% in 2011. Romanianization of the Transylvanian population was also affected by the fact that 300,000 Germans emigrated to West Germany. The West German state paid Romania the equivalent of US$2,632 per ethnic German emigrant, as of 1983.[13] Also, about 50,000 Jews who survived the Holocaust emigrated to Israel on similar terms.
Ethnic changes in Transylvania: 1910 - romanians: 53.8% hungarians: 31.6% germans: 10.7% - Austro-Hungarian population census (based on primary used language) 1919 - romanians: 57.3% hungarians: 25.5% germans: 10.6% - Romanian statistics 2011 - romanians: 70.6% hungarians: 17.9% germans 0.4% - Romanian population census
In Romania, Szeklers and Hungarians are half/half. There are 500,000 Szeklers and 500,000 Hungarians. The Szeklers are compact (2 and a half counties) and the Hungarians are spread throughout Transylvania. The Szeklers are a Turanian population Hungarianized in the Middle Ages and the Hungarians are Finno-Ugric (at least in terms of language).
Romania is a national state in name only, it is federal actually. It has 41 county's with large nuggets and local autonomy and we'll paid politicians. What we actually need is less fragmented local institution and less politicians and a more unified vision of development. Certainly we do not need ethnic autonomy and administrative jobs for people based on their ethnicity. This is why in Romania we had Jewish prime ministers, Hungarian prime ministers, German president, etc. Not so much diversity in country's around us.
Got 2 things to note: 1. Szekelys are magyarized khazars who intermingled with the local population (slavs and vlachs of Gelou) ( *This is my take* . To anyone seeing this, please document yourself more, maybe I am wrong. ) 2. We, Romanians, were not mad at the Hungarians because they came from unknown lands and took part of our territory, we were mad because they not only conquered the Romanians from Transylvannia, but because they didn't give any rights to the romanians from there and considered us as slaves without capability of being educated.. Other than that, as a Romanian with many relatives from Transylvannia, I pray and wish nothing but love, peace and prosperity with the Magyars nowadays. 🇷🇴❤️☦️❤️🇭🇺
"2. We, Romanians, were not mad at the Hungarians because they came from unknown lands..." Of course you were not mad, as were not even there. The Bulgars were there, the Ostrogoths were there and lots of other people were there but you people were still under the Bulgar rule deep in the Balkans..
The federalist solution for Romania was the topic of my PhD research and thesis at the University of Bucharest. I never got to finish the research as I had to abruptly quit my studies at that point. I can tell you this much though: federalisation is the "N-word" of romanian political discourse. Taboo. It translate as creating the legal framework for separatist claims. I don't agree, my solution was a bit more elegant - the level of authonomy given to the Székelys in that region was not much larger than the one given to other regions like Banat or Oltenia, with constituional provisions against separatism. There's also the issue of enclavisation. Witch is the real danger. And one more thing: you seem to regard the Székelys as distinct from the Hungarians, but I'm not sure they really regard themselves as that diffrent. Certainly they see themselves (much more) diffrent from Romanians. So the coehision of a Federation and the risk of enclavisation are in question.
I think the Székelys were more different to Hungarians than they are now, and that they have moved toward Romanians out of political interest and need - but I emphasise that I do not know these people, this is from reading and listening, nothing more.
@@BenLlywelyn, Sure, I get that. And you are right, historically speaking, politically though... "The Szeklers have always been aware that they are the keepers of the oldest and purest Hungarian traditions, that their historical mission is to protect the Hungarian nation and Hungary, that they are the most authentic tribe among the Hungarians. Consequently, we, the Szeklers, will declare ourselves Hungarians when we are asked today, even on the occasion of the census, and this will also be done by our descendants" - Szekler National Council, Cluj-Napoca, January 20, 2022
Huns settled there no earlier than Attila over the old Dacian population. Like the Huns there were other migratories settling there. After the Huns there were other migratories settling there as well. Some assimilated easier ( Slavs, pecenegs, etc) some were more awkward to assimilate (szekely, tartars, etc). Just the same as Britain (see the Welsh), the Anatolian peninsula (see the Kurdish population). There are quite a few “donuts and crescents” in this world;)
Romanian here, szekelys are indeed a very weird group. They live right in the heart of the country in a small pocket, they don't speak romanian and always ask for autonomy. They do have local autonomy like all counties in Romania but they ask for total independence. Which is never gonna happen because first of all they never existed as a country on its own as they were always a small part of Transylvania. They are hardcore Orban fans and that is the biggest problem and they re pro-Russia too which is another major problem. They enjoy rights like no other ethnic group in the civilised world, education in Hungarian, local administration is in Hungarian, courts of law in Hungarian, their political party has guaranteed seats in the Parliament regardless of the number of votes they get and they re still not happy. Truth is they don't want rights, which they already have, they want privileges. Which is not fair and they still got even a lot of those. Dunno man.. szekelys are like I said.. weird. Kinda disliked by everyone cause not even the proper hungarians like them very much. But anyway.. they re not many so we let them be and live the way they please as long as they don't stir shit up too much. Which they re regularly trying but everyone got used to their tantrums by now so nobody is really taking them too seriously anymore
You missed something significant, even the War dead in Székelyföld are not left in peace if they happen to be of Hungarian origin. You guys always forget everything that may not be to your liking.
From a Transylvanian who likes history, well done! I like to listen to your perspective, because I find it to be informed and fair, and you are a good story-teller - in the good sense of the word, of course. :)
Min. 5:11 - the Magyars didn't cross the Carpathian Mts into Transylvania coming from Moldavia, but crossing the Verecke Pass from Galitsia to Slovakia into the Pannonian Plane in 895 AD. They attacked and entered Transylvania in 904 AD - the conquest lasted until the XIII century.
@@BenLlywelyn - It did. It was a gradual coquest, not a fast one. Hungarians focused first towards Western Europe, then being vanquished, they turned to Byzance, again vanquished, they finally invaded Transylvania c. 1000 AD - first rulers being Orthodox Christians - they were located to Western Transylvania, not the whole area. The conquest lasted til XIII c. reaching the Eastern mountains of today Romania. In 1241 the Mongols crossed those mountains into Transylvania without any resistence since there was not yet a Hungarian organised presence. The Vlachs mentioned in Gesta Hungarorum by Anonymus were not warriors and anyway, they have been annihilated in 904.
Today there are around 900 000 ethnic Hungarians in Romania, and they have more rights than the Romanians in their own country, and they are still not pleased, bc they want the whole Transylvania! When I say they have more rights than the Romanians I mean they have all the rights of the common Romanian person and in addition they have Hungarian citizenship and they can vote for politicians in Hungary via mail!...so this is an additional right...
Actually it is rather about 1200000, and the 'additional rights' you mentioned are there for any romanian too, who has double citizenship, be it Italian, Spanish, French, Moldovan, Russian, Ucrainian etc.
Saying they want to join Hungary is very simplistic... What most Romanian commentators don't understand about the Székelys is that they were just as exclusivist in the 1000 years of the Kingdom of Hungary as they are today in Romania. Székelys were essentially an exception to the rule. They enjoyed collective rights of the nobility, while not being noble. Meaning they were poor as a peasant, but like the nobility they only answered to the king, and provided military service in return. Essentially they were peasants with the rights of counts. Needless to say they guarded these special rights very jealously, and often rose up against Hungary when their rights were threatened. In a hypothetical scenario where Transylvania would be part of Hungary, they would be just as exclusivist as in Romania today. By the way there is no historic parallel to this anywhere. As to their ethnicity they are the closest thing to an actual Hungarian, related to Avars and Chechens. It's not that they are a separate people, but rather that "mainstream" Hungarians (ie. those who didn't enjoy Székely privileges) mixed with various people, most notably Slavs. So the average Hungarian doesn't look like a Hungarian 1000 years ago, while Székelys still do.
Romania will never be a federal state! Nobody in Romania consider something like this to be an option. No way! Your conclusion is totally wrong! No matter Romania being monarchy, communist or today democracy there is Article no.1 in the Constitution of Romania which is unchanged: ''Romania is a national state, sovereign and independent, unitary and indivisible.'' I strongly suggest you not to offend the Romanians with such assumptions or recommendations.
That depends. The possible union with Republic of Moldova could open the Pandora's box, to be able to unite with East-Moldova we may be reorganized as a federation with Găgăuzia, Transnistria and Szekelyfold as subjects of this federation.
Relax buddy, a federal state does not preclude anything in the existing Constitution. You also should not get your pants in the bunch so easily. Romania is a complex country. It will be so in the future. Transylvania was actually not part of Romania for a far longer time than being part of Romania.
@@MrBoazhorribilis All Romanian provinces were not part of Romania far longer than being part of. Irrelevant. What is relevant is the will of these provinces to unite, which they fought for and succeeded.
@@ionbrad6753 All is relevant in history. Romanians were not the only ones calling this beautiful land home. The Szeklers were there for a thousand years , predating any Romanian state. I would call that relevant historical reality. If not for WW1 and the Treaty of Trianon, the situation today might have been totally different. But it is not. Romania , in my opinion, has the right to demand the security and integrity of its borders and the Szeklers have an equal right to live in their lands without obstructions as Romanian citizens. Remember, history is fluid.
For some time I have been transcribing names from the personnel records of the Austro Hungarian military records for infantry regiment 5 that was garrisonned in Satu Mare. The origin of the recruits was varied. They were recruited from Transcarpathia, Slovakia, the Budapest region, the Austrian province of Galicia and the Csik and Udvarhely districts which I now understand to be Szekelyfold. The records were written by German speakers so the Christian names are usually German rather than Hungarian. That is Johanne rather than Janos. From the Csik and Udvarhely districts, recruits have surnames that are mostly Hungarian or Transylvanian saxon. It is rare to see a surname that is clearly Romanian. But sometimes, the Christian name will be written as Juon or the surname might also include the father's name. For example Kovats aluj Dumitru (Kovats of Dimitri ( son of Dmitri)). In these cases I assume the person was a Romanian speaker. The Austro- Hungarian army accepted recruits from all religions from all parts of the empire. The upper ranks were clearly held by the better educated. But there was also opportunity for advancement in the lower ranks. There are cases of advancement by Jewish recruits for example. It is amazing that they were able to functipn. Just in this one regiment there was a diversity of languages. There would have been German, Hungarian, Carpathorusyn/Ukrainian, Slovak, Czech, Romanian and Transylvanian Saxon. I know that a good proportion of recruits from Transcarpathia would have been illiterate. I wonder how they dealt with the different languages on a day to day basis,
History not hysteria. We use examples from the past to better understand ourselves. But also keep in mind the present reality and identity of the present population. Today’s Magyars are as much Atilla’s people as the Greeks are Socrate’s peers. If you scroll this on your iPhone 15 you have nothing in common with the people that lived 200 years ago. But some cynical operators in public domain may use this “borsch” to cook some nasty nationalist propaganda
Love the video! (Half hun and székely here) Few additions: - My solution for the problem would be a Federal European Union. Because in that, either every language is protected everywhere to the same degree or there would be no protection at all. Therefore everyone would be in the same country, even every hungarian, romanian, (also german, dutch...) and without the donut :D - As far as I know, Székely in english is Szekler. (So you don't have to sweat when you pronounce the Hungarian word.) Ps.: I never knew that the Szeklers helped Romanian revolts. That was a surprise.
Thank you. The issue with a Federal European Union is eastern European nations have a justified concern of multi-state imperialism after the communist years, and France will not ratify any treaty forcing it to respect its minority languages.
Please do not confuse Hungarians : (which are mixed with Romanians and are millions , i and my family are also mixed Hungarian/Romanian) and Szekely : which are only like 3k people. Szekelys are not Hungarian. And I as a Romanian , consider Hungary as family (ps: every Romanian Principality "Transylvania , Wallachia and Moldova" was born after they took indipendence from Hungary)
Romania's independence was not given against Hungary. Leave the lies! The Romanian war of independence was fought against the Ottoman/Turkish empire. After the first world war, we (Romania ) also recovered Transylvania. Which was populated with an overwhelming majority of ethnic Romanians. Stop the misinformation. No Romanian principality fought for independence against Hungary. And that idea in those long ages...Hungary does not exist; there is an Austro-Hungarian empire led by Habsburg kings.
@@biyoubiyou1446 If we take a history book and look a little, we notice that the current Romania is located on the old settlement of the former Dacian ghetto capital ... named Dacia. But the geto-thracian empire was much larger. After the partial conquest of Dacia by the Romans, the Romanian principalities were formed over time. Romanian ednogenesis is a mixture of Roman, Dacian ,and Slavic DNA.
It would be a different matter if it were Hungary considered a friend not a dubious servant of Russia with hidden revisionist claims. With Schengen the borders are thinning but now Orban wants to thicken them by coming with the emigrants donut like the Austrians otherwise.
Humgarians are ancient romanian population that mixed up with some huns and forgot their origins. Dacia was in the land of Hungary too. So, the hungarians, in the middle of Romania, are romanians, the amesic type. DNA proves this.
Yes, but what if romanians are the lost people of Atlantis who forgot their origins and became roman then the hungry romans founded hungary then they renamed the romans to romani then thats the Atlantis-roman-romanian continuation theory
Genetic map show us Romanian are from balkan continuum (Croats, Serbs, Bulgar) and Hungarian are from slav continuum (Ceh, Slovak, Polish, Ukrain) Sekely and transilvanian maghiar are same as romanian.
@@TheJmkovacs Today's Hungarians are genetically much less Slavic than, for example, the Romanians and the Balkan peoples, since according to the latest population genetics research, the ancestors of the vast majority of Hungarians lived here in the Carpathian basin 4 - 5 thousand years ago, when in all research the Slavs ancestors lived much further north, today's Belarus and even further north! Quotes from the website of the Hungarian Research Institute: "The presence of the ancestors of today's Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin has been continuous for thousands of years" "A new database of 16,000 mitogenomes of 172 ancient and living populations has been created and investigated their connection system based on artificial intelligence method. The new algorithm recognizes all haplogroup correlations, regardless of the time of the process behind the correlation. A new methodological article (1) has been published in the journal Molecular Genetics and Genomics by the researchers of the Archaeogenetic Research Center of the Hungarian Research Institute, the Department of Genetics of the University of Szeged, the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science." "The Carpathian Basin is an unbreakable unit / Applying the method to the investigation of the former and present-day populations of the Carpathian Basin, the authors found that the vast majority of the present-day population is from a Copper Age (4500 BC-2800 BC) - Bronze Age (2800 BC-700 BC) can be traced back to a basic population, while immigration from the eastern steppe region seems to have had a smaller genetic impact on the population in the tenth-eleventh centuries." In any case, the vast majority of historians accept that the Slavs only started to migrate from the north to the south during the time of the Avars, and only then were they first mentioned by writers of the Byzantine Empire, since no one knew they existed until then! But there has already been a consensus among historians and linguists that this entire Slavic region began to wake up mainly in the time of Cyril and Methodius, since these people also taught them to write, and this is how the Cyrillic alphabet developed. And then the picture comes together completely when you understand these data, since archaeogenetics mostly confirms this, but also research on the history of place names, that the Proto-Ugric people lived here even before the Indo-European peoples!
Apart from Hungarian, there is no other language in which the role of the "gy" (palatal) sound is significant, or is used at all. With "gy" there is no country or nationality name, except in Hungarian lungage. Archaeological found: Alsótárlaka (Tărtăria) 7000-YEAR-OLD RUNIC WRITING item used by Seklers alphabet with "gy" inscription. History should be always together with linguistics, archaeology, and the relevant chapters of social science. Great job!
Runes you say?😂 7000 years old? Boy, the germanic runes are invented by a vlach, in Buzau. The ostrogoths of Atilla wrote with vlach made runes( letters made by Ulfillas).
@@mihaiilie8808 În anul 1961renumitul arheolog Nicolae Vlassa în apropierea Tartariei (Tatárlaka) a descoperit obiecte cu importata de istorie al scrisului,din care pe una stiinta istoriei,de atunci o numeste amuletul din Tartaria. Obiectele gasite atunci au fost duse în muzeul condus de dvs.
@@mihaiilie8808 There were never runes written by the Vlachs, this is a Roxinist lie, because the runic structure of the Carpathian Basin is perfectly built for the Proto-Hungarian language, as any expert says! There were several experts who deciphered runic texts from the 6th - 7th and 8th centuries, such as the historian archaeologist and linguist Vékony Gábor, who came to the conclusion that the majority population led by the Avar elites spoke the Proto-Hungarian language, that's why they were called them Western chroniclers Hungarians and Ugrians! This is science and not a Roxinist tale, since several texts have been known for more than a century in Western records where Avaria is also called Hungary. And there is also the name "Sarwar" - Sárvár from the time of the Avars, which is an ancient Hungarian place name made up of the words sár and vár, which even in today's Hungarian language means a fortress built of mud! Dr. Fehér Bence, a historian in antiquity and a philologist in classical languages and literature, deciphered several of these texts from the Avar period, based on the decipherment he says that we can already know for sure that they spoke a Hungarian language! He also said that anthropologists have noticed this contradiction for a long time, which is now confirmed by archaeological and archaeogenetic data, that when Árpád's tribes came, the majority of the population here was the local population, who would have lived here for many millennia, and then historians believe that it is much more likely that the local population would have spoken the predecessor of the Hungarian language and not the other way around! And the most eloquent trace of this Hungarian population is the wrongly called Hungarian-Szekler runic writing, because such writings were only found here in the Carpathian Basin, starting from some Cimmerian and Scythian vases and ending with various objects of use from the Sarmatian-Hunic period and Avar period. However, the names "Ungarus" and "Hungarorum" appear in foreign sources long before the 9th century, referring to the Hungarians of the Carpathian Basin, such as in 760: "Via Ungarorum", or in the 790s Paulus Deaconus: "Hungarian". Or Liutprand in the epitaph of a Lombard king, in the Annales Rotomagenses and in Annales Gemmeticenses and Annales Uticenses in 793: "regnum Hungarorum/Karolus rex vastat". Or Paulus Orosius, who lived during the time of the Huns and wrote that the country occupied by the Huns was called Hungary! Or the rhetor Priscos who was received in the royal court of Attila, and wrote about the Hungarians who were also called Onogurs! In his work Etymologiarium sive originum by St. Isidore of Seville (560-636), an early Christian writer, the name Onogur appears as Ugn, Ung, Ugri, or Ungri, depending on the copyist's reading, but in this quote "Hungnos" also refers to the Hungarians! "Hugnos antea Hunnos vocatos, postremo a rege suo Avares appellatos, qui prius in ultima Maeotide inter glacialem Tanaim et Massagetarum inmanes populos habitaverunt. Deinde pernicibus equis Caucasi rupibus, feras gentes Alexandri claustra cohibente, eruperunt, et orientem viginti annis tenuerunt captivum, et ab Aegyptiis atque Aethiopibus annuum vectigal exegerunt.” By the way, the Huns and Hungarians are often connected with the Massagegetas, as well as with the Scythians, so Scythians-Agathyrsi-Thyssagetae-Massagetae-Getae-Huns-Hungarians-Magorians-Sabirs are all from the same culture! Iordanes a Roman writer of Goth origin, who wrote in the 6th century about the "Hunugors" in the book called "Getica" the following: "The Hunugors, who are also called Sabirs, lived first in Scythia and in Dacia, then again in Scythia. " In chapter 28 it says that the Goths arrived in western Scythia, and in chapter 29 it describes that those who live here are the people who come from Magog, who belong to the Scythians and speak the language of the Scythians! In chapter 33 he mentions that the Gepids arrived in the west of Scythia and describes that there are two big rivers here, Danuvius et Tisia - Danube and Tisa! So, it seems that western Scythia was in the Carpathian Basin, where Transylvania is also located, the homeland of the Szeklers and Hungarians, and Romanian historians don't want you to know about that! There is already a lot of evidence that this Ugric language was not spoken by the elites of the Avars also called Juan-juan, or by the elites of the Huns called Xiongnu, but by the aborigines of the Copper Age and Bronze Age! I think this is also related to what was recently announced by the American professor Dr. Péter Révész, who deciphered the inscription on the plinth of the sphinx statue found at Potaissa - Turda from the 3rd century, of which some clear drawings remain of archaeologists! This statue could have been made during the Roman province of Dacia, when quite a few Dacian subjects still lived here! Just type in the RUclips search engine: Mysterious Inscription on Ancient Sphinx is Desciphered - Peter Revesz. However, there are runic researches that have shown, which every Hungarian can clearly see, that several signs engraved in Neolithic stone or clay tablets have been found in the Carpathian basin, which are the same as the signs of the Hungarian-Szekler runic writing, and there are seven such signs on the 7,000-year-old Tatárlaka - Tărtăria disk! Anyway, the linguists researching toponyms proved exactly that the Romanian Tărtăria is a late adaptation of the Hungarian Tatárlaka, only in mirror translation, which sounds quite stupid, just like in 99% of the Romanian translations are from the ancient Hungarian language for settlements and geographical names in Transylvania and Partium! Bishop Antun Vrančić probably knew something when he wrote the following about the Hungarians and Szeklers from Transylvania in the 16th century: "They have the same customs and the same laws and language as the other Hungarians of Pannonia..." "...the Hungarians who they live in Transylvania, they are often called Dacians, while those from the kingdom are called Pannons, they still have the same language."
A magyarul beszélők közül kimaradt észak Erdély- azaz Parthium- Arad, Temesvár...stb... Aztán ott vannak a Csángók, akik ősi magyar beszédet, gyönyörűen tisztán beszélik és persze a Moldovai Csángók...akik szintén beszélnek magyarul... Tehát a Fánk talán éppen Nagy Britanniában van, ahol próbálják elmesélni, hogy Wallachia-Wales és nem mBrit... A magyar történelmet "beszélők" még azt is tudják, hogy a scytta-szittya- scott- ugyanaz a genetika, csak valamiért nagyon nem szeretik a NŐI genetikát vizygálni...Talán azért, nehogy valamilyen lényeges dolog kiderüljön... Nekünk van egy Walesi Bárd- versünk, amely összeköthető a Déli- Vlachokkal, akik nem Románok, hanem egyszerűen egy Adriai tenger menti föld terület, Havasalfölddel együtt... Ezt a területet valamikor a történelem RÁMA néven emlegette, nem véletlenül... Gondolom Ráma neve akkor is ismerős Walesben, ha csak a Brit- Román rokonságról beszélnek...Azaz, nincs fánk...Fánk az USA sütije és ezt is magyarok vitték ki, ahogy a palacsintát és sok mást....A Fánk egyébként azért nemzeti süti a Magyar, ősi Hun és Scyta népeknél,- mert az Univerzum működésének fázisát mutatja be... Ezt úgy hívjuk- Tórusz...
Very interesting video, living east of Huganagay I didn't know much about the roots of Hungarian irredentism. I am familiar with the post-WWI history and the so-called trauma of the Trianon, but I haven't gotten down this rabbit hole. Hungarians have their diasporas in the neighboring countries that were parts of the Austro-Hungary, and looks like it should not be a problem anymore but it still is. Victor Orban, IMO, is a very talented populist, and fostering Hungarian irredentism, which seems to me, to be part of his populist strategy that makes him popular at home and causes a lot of tensions with the neighbors. Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine are at odds with the Hungarian government due to its ''Trianon traumatized'' policy. So since the big ''population exchange'' like it was after WWII is not an option anymore, which I consider would be the best solution, -- please don't tell me that I incite ethnic cleansing -- and federalization of these countries is not an option either, that could create more problems rather than solve one. Why don't the Hungarians just accept the reality as it is and live on?
@@BenLlywelyn I totally agree with that. And I think that tribalism, nationalism, and even xenophobia to some extent are natural to all human beings. Biological diversity is needed for the very existence of our species, as well as social cohesion. Common language, faith, and customs create cohesive social entities like a tribe a clan, or a family. A variety of tribes, ethnic groups, and nations creates cultural diversity. Unfortunately, sometimes xenophobia escalates into hatred and the cultures collide with each other. And sometimes it takes on a very ugly form. Being a member of the tribe, a quite ancient one I cherish my people's cultural heritage, Tomorrow evening I will say again, 'Next year in Jerusalem'. At the same time, I'm interested in other cultures. I like different cultures and languages, therefore I subscribed to your channel. And yes, I like some cultures more than others, and I don't think it's a crime. I only wish we could live and let live.
Federalisation is not possible nor probable for the forseeable future. The Hungarians have a lot of rights, but some still dream the imperial dream. Este o vorbă: nemulțumitului i se ia darul.
Hungary lost the territories where they were a minority, what you expect? If magyars want to go back to Hungary, nobody will stop them, but they will not have independence in Romania
Hello Ben, Again I like your videos! I read more from Ovid, still translation, the more I read more interesting information I find! He writes about people’s he meets at Tomis 2000 more years ago, Thracian Gets and Bessi, and Scythians, he can recognize Scythians by accent and he can write in Getic measures! 2000 years ago these peoples languages were different and today are still different after being together for more than 2000 years, living together! He also writes: there are Greeks there but speaking Getic with Greek accent! ❤
@@BenLlywelyn Hi Ben, again I found interesting: searching Thracian words and PIE words: In internet is the word “ Mânz “ in a Thracian inscription in Bulgaria , the only connection is with same Mânz in Romanian, meaning same in Thracian and Romanian: young horse. Also word “Zi” translates in English God, in Greek Zeus . The secret is: I am telling you the internet doesn’t know! “ Zi” in Romanian is “Day”, most common word in Romanian language! Ce zi frumoasa! Să ai o Zi frumoasă! Is like Hello, Hi, have a good one! In English, Zi is also from Zamolxes, Zi is also God! Dumnezeu! Also “ Obraz “ is image of God! I was surprised to find this word so old in Romanian language and in internet and no body knows what means in Romanian!❤️
This happened rather in reverse in the last hundred years, there is already a lot of data about how the Transylvanian Hungarian families became Romanian in the big cities, because logically, it makes no sense for the Romanians to turn into Hungarians under Romanian rule! And if you are now coming up with the lie that this happened even before the great Romanian unification, then there are thousands of real facts for this as well, that Romanians did not live much in the Hungarian and Saxon cities, only barely 2-3% were Romanian residents in Várad - Oradea, In Temesvár - Timisoara, Arad, Brassó - Brasov and Kolozsvár - Cluj, but more than 95% of Romanians lived in villages under Hungarian rule until 1919!
To quote S.O.A.D., "Forgivness is The ultimate sacrifice. Eloquence belongs, To the conqueror." A group takes over a land 1k years ago, settle in, but then align themselves on the losing side of a couple of modern wars, then the true ancestoral people regain control of the land around them... and we get a donut?
You say that The Treaty of Trianon made a terrible injustice to Hungary. In fact, it gave the right of self-determination to the Romanians in Transylvania. They were always a majority there. Even your maps show that. What is really just, to leave millions of Romanians under foreign rule or to keep it like that just because you feel pitty for the Szekelys? I'm not gonna talk about all Hungarians, let it be clear, they are generally nice, but some of them make fun of my ancestors because they were uneducated and poor. This is because they were treated like animals under Austrian and/or Hungarian rule over centuries. And, again, I'm not gonna blame the living Hungarians for something that happened in the past. But these are facts. Romanians we're NOT ALLOWED to go to school, NOT ALLOWED to own lands or accumulate wealth and, of course, NOT ALLOWED to make decision for themselves. And making fun of these people is injust and shows the character of the people who do that. You look from the Szekelys' perspective, but have you looked from the Romanians' perspective? And are you serious when you talk about "romaniazation"? Have you read about the Apponyi laws? Do you know the book wrote by Simon Telkes, named "How to magyarize family names"? If you don't, make some research about them. These things happened under Hungarian rule, they're not conspiracy theories. What you call "romaniazation", was, in fact, a REromaniazation, people who had Romanian ancestors changed back their names and declared their real identity. And even like that, there are still Romanians that have Hungarian names nowadays. You can identify them easliy, because their names are written Romanian style. I'm not gonna deny that the Romanian state made abuses... I'm sure they did, as any other state in the world, but, generally speaking, under their rule, the REAL Hungarians were allowed to keep their names and identity. Today, they are able to learn in their native language up to university level. Not to mention that they have all the rights any Romanian has, to organize cultural events and express themselves in any way they want. Something that Romanians under Hungarian rule didn't even dream of. They only gained a few rights in the 19th century, but after they rebelled and with other countries' help. The federalization is a bad idea, at least now, when Romanians still remember the way their ancestors were treated in Transylvania. And it will solve nothing, anyway, the Szekelys will gain nothing extra from it. Just some pride, maybe. But they will isolate themselves even more than they are doing now and they live in a poor industrialized area. This will turn against them.
I am a Szekely man who lived 2/3 of his life in the states but I remember I had a very pleasant time as a child in Transylvania growing up with nothing but Romanian children who treated me as if I was one of their own . Even though I am of Saxon and Szekely bloodline from the Austrian-Hungarian nativity of Transylvania. I see Romanians as my fellow Transylvanian brothers and sisters and we are one family !
ARTICOLUL 1 Statul român. (1) România este stat naţional, suveran şi independent, unitar şi indivizibil. I don't see Federalism is a threat to unity. Germany. America. Canada. But.. It is not my country.
@@BenLlywelyn case by case issue, would not apply to Romania. not after what we went through. no sane Romanian would accept this. Now, if we talk about economic or administrative reformed regions, sure ! but NOT CULTURAL.
@@BenLlywelyn Federalisation will not happen because Romania is a young country. Politically and adminitratively. The 1st Romanian mediaval states were founded in the XIV th century, quite late, and we are talking about the modern Romania onyl from the XIXth century. This why amongst Romanians there is a massive frustration towards Hungarians because the oldest settlements in Transylvania are Hungarians and Saxons. And it has all the young countries problems if we think about nationalism and fear of loosing control. Same as Slovakia. If any one will tell you about Dacia.. Well.. it is an expired myth without any historical, archelogical or linguistical proof. We would need though a descentrlisation but Bucharest is a control freak city. All the best
@@szabolcstyukodi9035 It's not really that young, it's older than Germany or Italy, but that's not the problem, but the fact that you declare null all the archaeological remains that don't use Hungarians.
My father (Romanian) grew up on the border of Hungary and spoke Hungarian very well. Even though the village was part Romania, they were persescuted by the Hungarian speaking population which was a majority in that city. Today, the Hungarians have all the rights necessary to study in their own language. The constant fight between Hungarians and Romanians is stupid. We need to come together and respect each other.
I am partially szekely, partially romanian. So I might give an objective answer. Ben , first of all, the hungarians, as a warlike people have always conquered more teritory than they could rule, manage. Since their aliance with the Szekely people. There was always a "look down" of the hungarians over the Szekely whom were called "black hungarians" by the magyars( black is also an old turkic tribal denomination)... Since the aparition of the ideas of national states and nationalities, especially the revolutions of 1848, most Szekely people have identify themselvs as hungarians. But their ethnonime still exists and has old roots. Today , most of the szekely are ok with living in Romania. They live in peace with their felow romanian neighbours. There are more differences between romanians coming from different regions of Romania ( Moldova and Oltenia for exemple) than between szekelys and romanians of Transylvania. Their customs are very alike. Romanians and Szekely live together since 1000 years but romanians of all regions of Romania live together since 100 years. So there is no need for federalisation. Living in the European Union is enough. That is why EU was created. To stop disensions between peoples of Europe. I think the comparision between the "federalism" of the UK or Germany and the eventual federalisation of Romania is totally inapropriate. But this is another discution, and anyway not enough space here, not even on You tube... Thank you Ben for your interest in the history of our area. God bless the noble Welsh people !!
In Romania, the county council and mayors are a kind of state within a state everywhere. We also call them "local barons". Formally, they respect the laws, but in practice, they exercise more power than they should (abuse of power, corruption). Maybe there will be an administrative reorganization of larger regions and the Szeklers will maybe "unify", but I don't think the problem of "local lords" will disappear. They are a plague on democracy, economic development, and the freedom of individuals
So...Slovakia...bye...a piece of Ukraine ...bye...a good piece of Croatia...bye...a good piece of Serbia...bye and a huge piece of Romania ...bye as well. All these just to satisfy a nation that is from the Urals, therefore not even from Pannonia. CVT had this saying: o m...e, o m...e nu vor ei? Once again: Greetings from Trianon.
@@BenLlywelynBen dear, it can be evem more than 1000 years if this is the truth it's the truth and nothing else but the truth. I am refering to their origins because they weren't here when for instance Romans did fight with Dacians in Transylvania back in 105-106AD. As for wanting peace or not it's not that Romanians who are searching for problems but Hungarians who are inventing problems. My grand parents had to migrate to Moldova from Transilvania because of the Hungarians and I have friends with Hungarian type family name despite the fact that they were Romanian. They were forced to change their name from Romanian to Hungarian. I.e. Fechete (Fekete) from Negru which means black or Naghi (Nagy) from Mare which means Big. etc. Since you are passionate of studying history maybe you'll do a research of all consequences of the Diktate of Viena ( August 1940) for Romania. As a conclusion, Nicolae Iorga (the greatest Romanian historian) used to say: Any people that forgets his history is tempted to repeat the same mistakes from the past. PS Greetings from Trianon is a wish full of sarcasm. Literally is wishing to all Hungarians that dream about the Great Hungary that size of their country since 1920 is the right size and they should stop asking for more land. These lands were not empty when they came here together with other migrating people/tribes.✌️
@@l.e.i.4111 Here is some original and contemporary archival information from the archives, which proves, for example, that no Vlachs lived in Transylvania at that time! Pope Gregory IX in 1234 sent a letter to Béla, Prince of Transylvania (later King Béla IV. asking him "in the name of God" to grant asylum to "those poor Vlach refugees" who wished to escape the harsh rule of the Cumans! The asylum was granted, and the first three groups of Vlach immigrants entered Transylvania from the South, and were settled, under their own chieftans, in the Forgaras, Hunyad and Bánság districts, on specially designated mountain-pastures called in the royal documents as "Silva Vlachorum", Forest of the Vlachs. These Vlach immigrants, who received asylum within the Hungarian Kingdom, and others who followed later, became the ancestors of the Transylvanian Rumanians. Officially they were called Vlachs, from which the Hungarian name Olach and the German name Wallach derived, in contradistinction to the Rumelians and later Rumanians who did not enter the Western culture-circle but stayed East and South of the Carpathians under Byzantine and later Slavic influence. In 1241 the Mongol invasion" led by Batu Khan, swept through Hungary. King Béla IV lost the battle of Mohi, and fled to Austria. After the Mongols left, the king returned in 1242, and began to rebuild the devastated country. Several districts, especially on the Great Hungarian Plain, were left without population, making it possible for Serbians, Vlachs and Slovaks to seep into some of these empty lands, and establish a few scattered settlements! In 1247 new Vlach refugees gained permission to enter the Hátszeg and the Máramaros districts in Transylvania. Here, too, the Romanians have no idea that these are all ancient Hungarian names, which linguists everywhere onthe world know, such as Fogaras, which comes from the ancient Hungarian word for tooth, or Hátszeg, our two ancient Hungarian compound words, hát and szeg, or Máramaros, mára and maros again from two ancient Hungarian words, but these do not mean anything in Romanian, neither Haţeg, nor Făgăraş and nor Maramureş! And Transylvania is full of such ancient Hungarian place names and geographical names, but even place name researchers and linguists agree that there are no names of Romanian origin anywhere in the Carpathian Basin, neither in Transylvania nor in the Partium or Marámaros - Maramureş before the 13th century! In 1253 Guillaume Rubruquis French envoy to Bulgaria described the empire of l5 Zar Michael Aszen as "reaching from the Danube river to Konstantinopol, including Vlachia in the lower Balkan Mountains." Vlachia therefore still existed at that time on the Balkan, under Bulgarian domination, while those Vlachs who tried to move Northward by crossing the Danube, fell under the rule of the Cumans. In 1290 three Hungarian landowners in the Transylvanian districts of Hunyad and Fehér received permission from King András III to bring in some Vlach laborers "from South of the mountains." In 1358 Mark, royal archivist wrote in his chronicles concerning Transylvania: "lt is the richest part of the Hungarian Kingdom" where "Hungarian and Saxon cities bloom with industry and commerce, while the fertile lands of Hungarian farmers produce good wine, fat cattle, and plenty of grain for bread. High upon the mountains Vlach herdsmen tend to their sheep, and bring down good tasting cheese to the market-places." In 1385 a new influx of Vlach immigrants was settled into the Szilágy district, establishing ten villages on the royal estate of Aranyosmedgyes. In 1505 Vatican census estimated the total population of Hungary to be about four million souls, of which 77% were Hungarians, so there were more than three million Hungarians, and the rest Germans, Croatians, Slovaks, Serbians and Vlachs. (In the same time the total population of England was four million also, while that of the Austrian Empire, including Bohemia and Silezia, five million, and that of France eight million.) Every consecrated historian already admits that in the years before the Mohács battle, Hungarians lived in the majority in the entire Carpathian basin, in the original territories of the Hungarian kingdom, and this Vatican survey also confirms this! Moreover, regarding the Vlachs, it is clear that at that time there were not even a hundred thousand in the territory of the kingdom, which also included Transylvania, since according to the data, the Hungarians numbered more than 3 million ( 77%), then the Croats numbered at least half a million, while the German-speaking people also numbered at least 3 hundred thousand, and even then the Slovaks and Serbs were there!
@@l.e.i.4111 : adica in loc sa-l "maghiarizeze" direct Fekete l-au maghiarizat numindul Fechete ( respectiv l-au inscris in acte Naghi in loc de Nagy) ? Probabil socoti ca inaintasii fostului primar de Baia-Mare se numeau "Rotaru" iar ungurii l-au maghiarizat-o in Chereches (de la : Kerekes=Rotaru). Oare nu pare mai logic ca sa intamplat invers , adica numele unguresti sau romanizat ( de la Fekete in Fechete ? ). S-au tu nu esti prieten cu logica " ? ( dupa rationamentul tau de drogat cu prenadez , o sa spui ca numele meu "Szabo" sa maghiarizat dupa numele "romanesc" de "Sabău" , si nu vicaversa) Un sfat : schimba prenadezul cu aurolac , ca cu asta , dai in mintea copiilor !)
One tiny thing: it's pronounced "Mohatsh", but whatever... Everything else is spot on. It was nice hearing about all these from another perspective. Thank you!
Exactly! Hungarians are Mongols that came from the north Romanians were nice enough to let them stay, but now they want to change things… Should Quebec in Canada become part of France even though the English won the war? Centre of Switzerland was, and is populated by old Romanians. They still speak the old Romanian, but the Swiss is getting rid of them and the language should the Romanians have done the same to those Mongols. Just like the Hungarian did to the Germanics that lived in Hungary.?
@@tedmaziromanians come from the byzantine empire and hungarians come from the urals and also the first hungarian settlers in transylvania appeared in the 9th century and the romanians only in the late 15th century
@@abrisszebeni9192 you’ve spoken like every Hungarian Dacians, (Romanians) have been in the region for over 7000 years. Hungarians, (Huns) are Mongolians. Just so you know, I love Hungarians! My Wife is Hungarian. My kids are half Hungarian. Do a DNA TEST! You will be a mix of Germanic, Romanian and Mongolian.
We will never accept a "federal" Romania. The "federation" is the shortest way to dissolution so: Romania will always be a "national" state. Szekelys / Hungarians have all the rights here in Romania. Nobody endangers their identity (Szekely identity was endangered and destroyed by the Magyars, not by Romanians). So: they can have anything but autonomy / separation. We will never accept separation. I mean...they may leave (if they want) but the land will stay here. And nobody forces them to leave... They can live on that land because they inhabited it for hundreds of years and yes it can be considered as "their" land, too. But that land also belongs to the "national" Romania and this situation will never change again.
A critical information that is missing the the ancestors of the ancestors of current Romanians were invited to Transylvania only in the 13th country when Tatars eliminated the almost entire population (even most big cities were rendered flat ash) and the Hungarian king at that time tried to solve the extremely scarce population/area by inviting other nationalities from over the borders. The ones that stayed on the other side of the borders, out of the Carpathian Basin founded (or already had, I don't remember now) Wallachia. By the time (much, much, much later) Wallachia and part of Moldova united as Romania. By trianon, Romanians already kept claiming that there were in the Carpathian Basin longer ago than the Hungarians (in a Reddit post, one Romanian told me that "Romania already existed" before the Hungarians arrived to the Carpathian Basin. According to him, it is taught as clear truth in Romanian schools), so after trianon, they took it as reunification. With this important detail added, the problem gets much more clearer. Why don't the Székelys just dissolve in Romania? Because the Székely "minority" is the actual native nation there and the Romanians are the ones having been "placed" there through historic and political reasons. If at least they would admit it, but no, they still claim "birthright" over an area that was gifted them only because the west wanted a smaller, weaker Hungary; also advertise Roman Empire origins (for which they choose this name, Romania, after the unification of Wallachia and part of Moldova) AND despite the rubbish that other posts claim here about how mch autonomy Székelys get, many Székelys told me themselves, directly, about how their language and symbols get banned in certain schools, offices or entire cities. So no, it's not the Székelys who are against a peaceful coexistence, nor is that expected after an actual invasion. The video contains many truths, but also has sentences placed here and there that orignate from western anti-Hungarian propaganda. For example, I listened to politican's speeches and no, Orbán said nothing that was so bad for Romania, doesn't want to rewrite borders (reclaim stolen territories was the program of the governments between the two world wars, but as an understandable right) and is much better to the neighbors than the various communists governments were between 2002-2010. Also, if trianon was so bad as you say (and it was, and was even more) it must be reflected in something, can't everything happen then on like it was nothing. And the 40 years of communist eastern block just made it worse. The start is giving minorities a good amount of autonomy and also without committing crimes against them (that is just something that doesn't seem to be what countries are usually doing in Europe and elsewhere, as I see). Also, giving voting rights for Hungarians in the Hungarian elections, even if they are physically not in Hungary seems absolutely correct. They are big in number together, very close to current Hungarian borders and are out of current Hungarian borders without having moved, so it's not their fault.
Blatant anti-Hungarian lies, without any evidence, spread by Daniel Roxin and the Iron Guardist - Neofascist Romanians! Among the Hungarians in Romania, there are no surnames of pure Romanian origin and Hungarianized in some form, because this is what determines who has what surname and not their first name! First names were often biblical or ancient Greek names for Hungarians as well, for example the most common names are József, Sándor, Ferenc, István, András, Márk, Mátyás, Tamás, Lukács, which names are either not used very much by Romanians or are pronounced quite differently , but there are many more of these than János, yet a propagandist always uses the names of János and Ioan as a basis, because he is not interested in the truth, since he did not even bother to learn a little Hungarian! But seriously, I'm asking how there can be such an ancient Hungarian name as Farkas in many families in Romania Fărcaş, or a Fodor -Fodorean, or a Faragó - Fărăgău, a Kovács - Covaciu, a Kádár - Cădărean, a Szabó - Sabău, a Kerekes - Chereces, a Varga -Vargău, Almás - Almăşan, Both - Bota, Király - Chirali, Szijjártó - Sighiartău, Szűcs - Suciu, and I could write many more such names, names that have been Romanized for several generations! Because if someone knows both languages well, he quickly realizes that these were never Romanian names, since they all have an ancient Hungarian meaning. So these are not Magyarized names, but the other way around, hundreds of thousands of Hungarians have already been Romanized, and otherwise, there are no Hungarian surnames of Romanian origin, only like Oláh or Román, which says that someone came from there, but this has nothing to do with the Hungarianization of thes names! So these people lie so blatantly that it screams to the heavens, and I say that God will curse them and the signs are already visible! Because there is definitely someone here who betrayed himself in another video and wrote that they hate the Hungarian language on principle and hate everything that is Hungarian in this country! And then you can understand why Hungarians are discriminated and excluded almost everywhere in Romania, because this country is full of people who gather like this! Otherwise, they would not go so far as to systematically destroy the Hungarian monuments, cemeteries, Hungarian inscriptions, the names of Hungarian personalities, the symbols of the Hungarians in Romania, since what happened in the Hungarian military cemetery in the Úz valley is not an isolated case, many more of this happened in Transylvania, only these are kept silent in the Romanian media!
Taking into account that the Romanians have lived on these lands for about 5000-7000 years and the Hungarians came to their lands a few hundred years ago from the steppes of Mongolia, it would be correct for them to return either to Mongolia or to Hungary. How would it be for Romanians from Italy or Germany or England to demand autonomy in the areas where they live compactly?
Ahm...they exist in their own enclave, where they are speaking their own language, learn at their own schools in their own language, have their own traditions. If you do not go there generally you do not have problems with them. I was there when i was in grade school. We were in passing, and we stopped at a motel to sleep. Me and some friends went to buy chips and soda. When we asked for a Cola the lady hit us with "nem tudom". We look at her she look at us and had a back and forth "O cola va rog! (A coke please)" "Nem tudom."( i believe it means i dont understand) "Nu nem tudom, o cola.(Not nem tudom, a coke)" At the end we assumed this is how this people called coke. "Da, un nem tudom, va rog!" (Yes, a nem tudom, please!) Nem tudom? Da, din aia vrem!( Yes, that one we want!) In the end she finally gave us that coke, we said thank you and farewell and we left. We didn't understood what is going until a few year later. Most of the time they are just offended that romanians do not speak their language and have problems communicating because everyone around them spoke hungarian.
Dear Ben, thanks for this informative video. As a Hungarian speaker and citizen myself, please, allow me some remarks: 1.) the pronunciation of "Székely" will be correct, if you just flip your two vowels...:) 2.) Of course, the 1848 revolution was very much Hungarian, started in fact at Pest and Buda. 3.) Although I have not been following all of Orbán's speeches I cannot recall one single instance when he was belligerent or truly revisionist. Actually a referendum gave the electorial vote (in 2004, back then Orbán with his party being in the opposition) for Hungarian ethnic people living outside our present borders. What Orbán's goverment does do is to actively help those people, e.g. with education programs. 4.) Your idea of a federal Rumania sounds--ti put it in Welsh--"yn dda iawn". Diolch!
The cause of Romanian frustration has 4 pillars: *1. Their migratory past from the southern Balkans in the high medieval period, what they covered by a ridiculous nationalist NATIVIST fantasy (Daco-Roman theory), which based on wishfull thinking. This baseless wannabee propaganda theory was created by the political-cultural organization "Transylvanian School" during the Romanian national awakening period. For further info LINK: daco-roman.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-problems-of-daco-roman-theory.html *2. The Late nomadic lifestyle of their Wallachian Vlach ancestors: (They were the latest nomadic people in Europe, until the early modern era.) See what do the Western academic historians write about that: For further info LINK: daco-roman.blogspot.com/2021/02/romanians-latest-nomadic-ethnic-group.html *3. Romanians belong to the semi-Asiatic (traditionally West-hater) Orthodox civilization, wich always produced shocking low/negligible contribution in the development of science & technology, society and in general level of infrastructure. Around 80% of thepopulation of Orthodox countries were still illiterate in the eve of WW1. For further info LINK: orthodox-eurasian-civiliazation.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-asianization-of-greco-roman.html Especially, it's worth to memorize the 16 points. *4. Their less European look (90% of them look like turkic-balkanite combo) due to their less European genetics. Similar to the Eastern Slavs, Romanians have Asiatic mongoloid admixture, due to their state-founder Cuman Turkic overlords. (see modern Autosomal genetic admixture researches) Around 90% of the Romanian population have black hair brown eyes and olive skintone, and many of them have oriental vibe in their look. Their south-Balkanite origin genetic pool makes them one of the many typical Gypsy looking nations of the Balkans. Here are mass pictures and videos about Romanians. LINK: anthropology159.blogspot.com/2021/03/romanians.html
Romanians do not come from Dákok they are bizantine Latin speaking people who migrates north during the 15th and 16th century and afger the ottoman wars the hungarian population decreased in transylvania so cheap labour in the form of Romanians was brought in and as we know the worst living conditions the more children, so after a few centuries the romanian population became biggerso please read a fucking history book before commenting
There is no proof that those ten tribes passed through Transylvania. Their history says they break through the Verecke Pass in the north, fighting Slavs and Romanian shepherds. The same route was taken by almost every invader from the east in ancient times (Cimmerians, Scythians and Sarmatians), circumventing the Carpathian basin. Besides that, in romanian history their attacks and conquests come from the west by the Mureș river in the south and by Someș river in the north. Even their dialectical characteristics are split by these two routes. Today, only the ”Csángó” preserve some archaic characteristics, pre-language reforms (19th century).
@@BenLlywelynCsángó dialect is super interesting, it was so isolated for centuries that it resembles the earliest written records of Hungarian language (12th-13th century) more than modern Hungarian, their vocabulary is less influenced by slavic and germanic, for example the world hammer in modern Hungarian is called kalapács, which comes from slavic klepač, but in csángó its verő, which means hitter (ver-hit) the origins of that world is unkown.
Because Romania's name is tided to the name of a nationality, Hungarians feel like they now have to call themselves Romanians. I think, as a Romanian from Targu Mures, that Transsylvania should be an independent multiethnic country, like Switzerland.
But what Romanian, most of whom are from Transylvania, would tolerate his country being called Hungary? Independent Moldova, Transylvania as well, independent Muntenia would be a step forward and would reach like 1848. Who would it suit? Let's also create a Unio Trium Nationem and we would solve the problems of the majority Romanians, because they have stretched too far, right?
At the end of the day it is up to Szekelys and Vlach Romanians to work out a compromisr between them as friends. Whatever works best for them both is fine.
Independent pe pl mea, esti un ratat. Sunt din Maramureș, ruperea țări nu e in interesul românilor, daca vrei să trăiești într-un stat multiethnic Mars in Switzerland și trăiește cu islamicii de acolo. Aici e Romania, stat unitar și indivizibil. Voi ungurii tot imperii vreți, până o sa vă ștergem de pe hartă de tot într-o bună zi.
I'm a romanian from Cluj and I reject the independence ! I am from the same culture togheter with moldovians and valachians why would I want to live in an other country ! This idea is worse than the breakup of Yugoslavia ( same people different religions ) this would result in 3 countries same people same religion nighboring eachother. Would make us look like the most imbecile nation on Earth
we know from recent dna datas that the magyar 7 tribes invasion 1100 years ago hardly made any dna changes /max 5-10%/ so was not a mass migration rather only elit change similar like when 10.000 norman/french knights ruledover england ...and today avar dnas in hungary 0.1%
@@BenLlywelyn Indeed... today hungarian have 4% asian dnas from conquer magyars but they still managed a country named after them and a uniqe language spread and still in use in central-europe
Romania is an unitary and indivisible state, federalization however would mean big trouble but unfortunately some traitor politicians are trying hard to push it through. If you ask me, none of the Romanian government members deserve to stay alive for what they did to that country and the people for the last 34 years.
@@BenLlywelyn No, it is even worst! Federalization is not an option. I think you do not understand, something like this means betrayal. Please try to find out what happen with traitors during the time in Romania, I am not going to tell you right now but, I can tell you there is no forgiveness or mercy for betrayal.
@@davidionescu2103 What you're suggesting is a betrayal of fundamental human rights. Unless you mean to say Romanians are not humans. Or that Romanians can choose to revoke someone's humanity. What is your criteria for classing federalisation as betrayal anyway? The same constitution created and promoted by those you hate for destroying the country?
@@SaurianSavior It is betrayal because is against the will of Romanians and against the national interest, it is not about human rights or any minority rights. Every country in the world has minorieties, but the existence of minorities is not a reason for federalization. There are laws to protect the minorities rights in Romania and these laws are according to Peace Treaty of Trianon. Romania respects all the commitments made towards the ethnic minorities living in our country in accordance with all the international treaties signed by our country.
@@davidionescu2103 Romanians also want federalisation, you can't just speak for everyone, and it is not against the national interest. In fact, centralization is against the interests of everyone but Bucharest. Where the public funding is funnelled into the pockets of corrupt politicians. I want my taxes to benefit the municipality and the region I live in, where funding has been withheld for political reasons according to the whims of those corrupt politicians.
@@BenLlywelynsome people here in the east are very frustrated with the slow progress and cant accept the real issue lies with us eastern europeans, so they look for a boogieman. Just ignore them, theyre a loud minority (although its true issues do exist, such as the culturally far left western states trying to force their far left culture down the throaths of the culturally rightist eastern europeans)
@@BenLlywelynit would be perfect if the EU ,would really be an union , actually it is not , so when you are talking about westerners seeking refugee in east , actually this is an economical occupation , while you are destroying Romanian or Polish …etc businesses , with the help of your governments , “THE EUROPEAN FAMILY “ the narrative is correct , people are being manipulated to think the opposite , yes FAMILY , you are the parents and us the children . You are not talking with an idiot Ben , I’m an antreprenor with a master degree in economical science , I know what I am talking about
When Hungarian officials come to your country and they take photos next to border markings that have been intentionally painted to look like the Hungarian flag and they hold speeches in which they praise the fact that Transylvania it’s theirs and a great injustice has been committed …..that says a lot. A wound made by your oppressor may heal but never we should forget the hundreds of years that we struggled in order to reunite and suffered at their hands so history will not repeat.
In the summer of 1940, Romania was forced to cede the Northern Adeal to Hungary. The Vienna Dictatorship. We are talking about a territory of over 43 thousand km2, almost half of the surface of Transylvania. The tracks can be seen in the clip on this route. Only three days after the entry of the Hungarian occupying army, a series of ferocious massacres began against the Romanian civilian population. In just 11 days, approximately 1,000 Romanians were murdered. The most affected by murders was Sălaj county, where 477 Romanians, women, children, and Orthodox priests were massacred . Many atrocities that cannot be written. '''''' Chronicle of the anonymous notary - Gesta Hungarorum. Anonymus, formerly the notary of King Bela III of Hungary (1173 - 1196), this conclusion based on his own statement and it is assumed that the chronicle was written around the year 1200. I read it. -Transylvania, the center of Dacia and the Romanians, rich in all resources, was always conquered, subjugated and robbed by the rich, the Romans, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Soviet Union. As much gold was extracted, hundreds of tons remained in the ground. 1st place in the world. This is the battle for Transylvania. The truth. Congratulations for your effort to properly document yourself about the Romanians. The country that did not know how to promote itself. Allowing someone else to create a false history...
Stick to languages and leave politics aside; I live in Transylvania. The Szekelys no longer live on the fringes of an empire but in the middle of a country. Therefor they must pay taxes for collective defense so fiscal autonomy is out of the questions. It's a dangerous neighborhood as you can see. Culturally they already have every right in the book a minority could dream of, including state-funded Theater and Opera in Hungarian, as well as education from kindergarten to university in Hungarian. Economically Bucharest has greatly favored Transylvania over every other region; most highways have been built here; most railways have been built here. In fact it's high time for Bucharest to invest more in Oltenia and Moldova and the other Moldova as well. Secondly, the rest of the Hungarians (the other half a million) don't want them to have autonomy; if they get autonomy they all lose political power in Bucharest. Not even Budapest wants to lose political power in Bucharest but they agitate the Szekelys so they will vote for ethno-nationalism when they vote in the Hungarian elections. So please, stick to languages and leave politics aside.
@@BenLlywelyn Don't thank me, stop making historical revisionist content. That's exactly what Putin and Orban are doing. You might do it out of concern for ethnic minorities and preservation of languages while the other two are aiming at "divide and conquer". From the point of view of Putin you'd be what's called "a useful idi0t". And don't tell me you don't see it too. What if Putin supported Welsh independence to weaken the UK and eventually have Putin rule over you? That's our reality whether you see it or not. Your generation might end up rejoicing at another empire supporting your cause while your children will live in a political arrangement with even less individual freedoms and respect for rule of law and fewer ethnic minority rights, as they do in Russia. Romania is part of NATO and the EU as is wholeheartedly pro EU values, even if not as progressive, and that is the best the Szekelys could hope to get given that we live at the crossroads of empires.
Before romanian invasion, it was a romanian secession/ independence. They declared their independence in Hungarian parliament and at Alba Iulia gathering.
Nice video! I am a half Hungarian from Transylvania and I love the history, culture and diversity of our country Romania!
Locals know that authentic Romanian doughnuts don't have holes in the middle
:) Yep, are just Sweet bread balls fried in sunflower oil and filled with different fruit jams or chocolate spread or cheese spread.
In the modern days, however, the donuts with holes reappeared.
Yeah that’s what Romanian get for being nice.
Hungarian never played nice, they treated the Austrian that lived within Hungary like shit . Not that the Austrians are any better they’re the same maybe worse.. I think Austrian and Hungarian deserve each other. Maybe they should unite and both go up north.
a.k,a. gogosi?
The Hungarian chroniclers confirm the fact that when the Hungarians came to Europe, 1,100 years ago, the Romanians were here, the Hungarians needing almost 300 years to conquer Transylvania.
-"The Romanians are the descendants of the Getae and the old Roman colonies."
Huszti Andras, Vienna - 1791, in the book Old and New Dacia.
The notary Anonimus, author of the work Gesta Hungarorum, said in the 12th century, referring to Pannonia, that: "This country is inhabited by Slavs, Bulgarians and Blachii (Romanians - n.n.)". There were duchies led by Romanian dukes descended from the ancient Dacians. They fought with the native population.
- Referring to the inhabitants of Transylvania, A. de Genaro, senior de Szek, son-in-law of the Hungarian count Teleki Emerik, wrote the following in Paris, in 1845: "The Wallachians (Romanians - n.n.) are in Transylvania the oldest inhabitants of the earth. " (Les Transylvania et ses habitants - Paris, 1845) Etc...Etc...
'''''' PhD Alexander Rodewald: The genetic origin of the Romanian people.''''' Germany - 2012
In Romania, two very serious paleogenetic studies have been carried out that clearly prove that today's inhabitants of Romania are genetically linked in a solid way to the populations that lived in these lands 3,000 - 4,000 - 5,000 years ago, something that it proves the autochthonousness of the Romanians and a multi-millenary continuity in these lands.
The results of a German-Romanian paleogenetic study, held at the Institute of Human Biology and Anthropology from the University of Hamburg, Germany (PhD Alexander Rodewald), suggests the keeping of a genetic core of old populations from the Broze and Iron Age in Romania , which has been transmitted to the actual Romanian population, probably through the Geto-Dacian people, These results suggest that a genetic continuity might have existed for about 5000-6000 years, from the Brazen Age to nowadays, and, throughout this whole time, conserved in the genetic structure of the current population from the Romanian territory. PhD Alexander Rodewald.
Being a székely myself, the word probably comes from the word "székelj" or "szék" meaning "to throne" or simply "throne/chair". But that's just a speculation among here. Also there is a saying here in Székelyföld that goes: "Minden székely magyar, de nem minden magyar székely" meaning "All székely are hungarian, but not all hungarian are székely". The tension between the romanians and the székelys really did fire up during the communist regime of Nicolae Ceaucescu where, as you state, the romanisation began. The ripples of this are still in notion this day, as many people from both sides like to cause conflict and uproar about pointless things and reject the reality we live in today. But thankfully that's not the majority. We share many customs and traditions and our history is entwined, now more so than ever perhaps. And most importantly; we share the same homeland and I am sure that people prefer peace and compromises in their homes more than bitterness and conflict.
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Na és mit szeretnének a székelyek, ha maguk dönthetnének a sorsukról? Ez valahogyan sohasem szokott kiderülni az ilyen videókból és szempont sem szokott lenni, pedig érdekes, sőt fontos lenne szerintem. Milyen lenne a helyzet, ha a székelyeken múlna?
@@Akitlosz The situation would be the same. Romania's constitution forbids federalization and in order to modify the constitution a national majority is needed. Which of course will not happen.
According to the 2021-2022 census, we no longer have any Szeklers in Romania. They all declared themselves Hungarians. They gradually lost their identity, and today they imagine themselves to be Hungarians. In reality, their history is a dramatic one, being victims of the Hungarian policy of forced Hungarianization.
Under the leadership of the specialists of the Institute of Archaeogenomics within the Humanities Research Center (BTK AGI) of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH), the ancient paternal and maternal lines of descent in the Odorheiu Secuiesc area, in Transylvania, were investigated.
In this region, the history of the Szeklers goes back in time to the 12th century and there are many scientific theories about their origin.
The results of genetic research carried out now show a predominantly local composition of the population, i.e. East-Central and South-East European, with moderate admixture with neighboring populations. They are not Hungarians.
The Csángós = The Romanians from Moldova converted to Catholicism and were forced to Hungarianize. And entice with various facilities. This is known in the region, and genetic tests prove it. This is how the Hungarian population grew everywhere. Forced Hungarianization. And they write false history.
@@mariadespina80The people is always the victim of one or other political agenda, just as now. Be it any country. I don't consider myself hungarian, only in the language. I think people refer to that, when you live in a country of foreign language, ethnicities lose their distinction and they just become what they natively speak. If we would use only common sense, the székely people are vastly distinct from the hungarians and anyone could see that.
“You cannot have a country that looks like a donut”… South Africa would like to have a word.
In all seriousness, I’m Hungarian and have a lot of friends from Transylvania. Most of the problems nowadays are purely political and people have come to terms with each other. Things get boisterous when sports is involved but in general people live in harmony. Romanians are nice people in a quite frankly stunning country! I can’t wait to explore it myself!
Would South Africa be more like cottage cheese in shape?
@@BenLlywelyn Or Swiss cheese?
Hungarian ellections : We will have back Transilvania
Romanian elections : we will never accept this
Plp on Transilvania: tomorrow we have to work and take care of the kids ...
This issue hits me personally as a Romanian from Transylvania with Magyar-Romanian family members and friends. I just want to note that the issue is a Romanian one, and has little to do with Hungary. The Szekely and Transylvanian Saxons are part of our family, and I believe that we Romanians have demonstrated our tolerance towards our minorities, as we even elected a Transylvanian Saxon as our president. The thing with 'federalization' of the country for the sake of preserving Szekely rights, well, I simply don't see why that would be necessary. Szekely rights, culture and language are already protected and preserved under current minority laws. Moreover, Romania and Hungary are part of the EU, and the border between them will disappear as soon as Romania joins Schengen. Therefore, there is no solution to a problem that doesn't exist. I don't see how federalizing Romania practically changes anything for the Szekely. If Romania federalizes it should be for its own reasons, not to give Orban's Hungary a symbolic victory.
spot on !
1 Timothy 1:4 *..nor give heed to fables and endless GENEALOGIES, which cause disputes, rather than godly edification which is in FAITH*
TITUS 3:9 *..AVOID foolish disputes, GENEALOGIES, CONTENTIONS and striving about the LAW; for they are unprofitable and useless*
bine spus frate! cum sunt toate acum sunt bine, daca se va ajunge la "dorinta" ungurilor va fi varsare de sange...
Your country. It is a wonderful one. I wish it well.
Best comment so far, it’s hard for people that are not from Transylvania to understand the local ways
i am half romanian and half hungarian(mother side is hungarian)and was born in Hungary. I knew about the Avar theory but as far as the word "Szekely",in hungarian comes from the word "Szek" which means "Chair". During the Interwar period in Romania we had a county named "3 Scaune" which means "3 Chairs". As far I heard from others,"the "Szekely" got their name after the Avar turks who were in the Panonian Plain swore allegiance to the Hungarian Crown and were put as border guards-basically "enthroned/"enchaired" along the border. And with time they were gradually magyarised. But hey,I can be wrong,since the history of the Hungarians has a pretty obscure beginning.
Yes, the most probable origin of the Szeklers is the avar one, although the kabara variant, also a Turkish population, cannot be neglected. The stubbornness of not learning the Romanian language may also be due to the fact that they lost their language once again.
@@CocoSon-zj5oj also they have their own Runic alphabet,which I think is of turkic origin.
only for you vlachs is obscure
cry me a river....
Scaun insemna judet pe timpuri.
Tatăl meu e oltean iar mama e unguroaică,eu sunt născut și crescut în oltenia dar locuiesc la București. Oamenii ăștia ar trebui să iasă mai des din casă,fiindcă lumea e mai vastă decât cred!
Se pare că tu nu ieşi mai des din "casa" ta, sau mai bine zis din mentalitatea asta prostească cu "românii au fost şi vor fi întotdeauna aici"! Pentru că e clar că habar nu ai despre istoria şi cultura reală a maghiarilor şi secuilor, dar nici despre istoria reală a vlahilor deveniţi români doar în secolul al 18-lea nu prea ştii nimic! Marea problemă este că voi ați învățat doar minciunile istoricilor şi dascălilor români crescuţi şi îndoctrinat de propagandiştii ceauşişti, iar și astăzi trăiţi în această mocirlă uriaşă a minciunii, de aceea sunteți tot mai mulţi din ce în ce mai bolnavi psihic!
I would bet a large sum of money that your mother is greatly dissapointed in what you believe
@@abrisszebeni9192 How would you know that?
@@abrisszebeni9192 she get married with a Romanian and live on the full Romanian place u loose the bet from the start but u can live with hate not my problem
*"There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in the possession of the rightfull owner, or that has not been taken away, from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by FORCE and bloodshed"* Mark Twain
First comment. One in favour of peace and understanding. Not all Hungarians want to unite with Hungary and I hope in the future to find solutions to feel both at home in Romania
Thank you, Balak. Peace is a better hope, indeed.
1 Timothy 1:4 *..nor give heed to fables and endless GENEALOGIES, which cause disputes, rather than godly edification which is in FAITH*
TITUS 3:9 *..AVOID foolish disputes, GENEALOGIES, CONTENTIONS and striving about the LAW; for they are unprofitable and useless*
Maghiarii si secuii au mult mai multe drepturi in Romania decat au romanii in Ungaria. Faptul ca nu se simt ca acasa in Romania este alegerea lor nu problema noastra a românilor.
Sunt inscriptii bilingve nu doar in administratie, au parte de invatamant in limba materna iar multi dintre ei isi bat joc la propriu de limba română nedorind sa o invete, au partid prezent in Parlamemtul Romaniei, au participat in majoritatea guvernarilor si daca acum nu au ministri cel putin au secretari de stat, statul maghiar nu este impiedicat sa faca investitii in Transilvania.
In concluzie: asa zisele probleme ale maghiarilor din Romania sunt o marota pe care ne-o pun in fata cu tupeu. Si se mai dau si crestini.🤦♂️
@@l.e.i.4111 Cine a zis ca secuii sau maghiarii din Romania nu se simt acasa in Romania? Am prieteni apropiati si secui si maghiari si nu am intalnit nici un secui sau maghiar care nu se simte acasa in Romania! Ce spune Orban nu reprezinta perspectiva secuilor si maghiarilor din Romania. Eu sunt din Transilvania cu radacini din toate natiile Transilvaniei, si cred ca majoritatea locuitorilor din regiunea asta sunt amestecati, si traiesc in pace de multa vreme, nu vad sa fie incalcate drepturile vreuneia, deci eu zic ca lucrurile stau bine asa cum sunt. :) Foarte multi din orasul meu vorbesc si romana si maghiara, si cred ca e foarte bine asa. Vecina mea unguroaica Mariko néni a fost baby-sitter pentru copiii mei si am tot rugat-o sa-i invete ungureste.
Sure you don't want because Hungarians from Hungary don't see you like Hungarians, but like some kind of Gypsies .
Hi Ben, I admire your desire to grow your audience interested in the Romanian language and/or history. I would be, however, a bit more cautious when launching opinions or recommendations, such as the federalisation, you may find then lots of unhappy audiences, especially in the current geopolitical climate. The rights of minorities are formally addressed in the country as in all EU MS.
Thank you. Cannot please everyone, no matter what someone will not like my opinion.
@@BenLlywelyn beware of people who like your opinion when discussing history 😂
History has the word story in it, and everyone sees the same story from a different angle.
@@BenLlywelyn That's just in English too. Not a too universal saying.
Thanks, man, don't have time today to listen to it, the title drew my attention. Some outsiders love to impose on us how to live, which clothes to wear etc. Thank you people but no thank you.
It is impressive to hear a version so far from reality. In Transylvania, the most rights are granted to ethnic minorities, and I say ethnic because they are Romanians as a nationality. Check what are the rights of ethnic Romanians in Hungary, Serbia and Ukraine, after which you can say that there is a need for a solution to the situation of the Szeklers.
They have schools where they teach in their language, theaters, festivals, sports clubs, no one prevents them from keeping their traditions and then where is their problem!
The problem is not with the Szeklers in Romania, it is with the Hungarian government, where the rhetoric leaves the impression that there is a problem and many take it for granted.
As from Denmark and EU WW1 and WW2 should be a learner and a NO MORE STOP.
The open border is a better better solation. You can still have Yout ID in the more soft version.
Here all equal according Human Rights apart from the majory rule in Hungary.
Just to add, Romanians have their schools in Hungary too but there are so few that even in Romanian schools almost half of the class are Hungarian staudent because well, you got the better deal.
@@agentf672 children of Romanian schools in Hungary are not Hungarians, but children who do not speak Romanian at all, Magyarization is so deep, that they go to schools formally, and only Romanian language lessons are taught there in Romanian, everything else is in Hungarian!!!! Moreover, all Romanian associations in Hungary are filled with Hungarians from Transylvania, who “democratically” vote on anti-Romanian decisions, for example, holding meetings in Hungarian!!! Therefore, all this Hungarian props with “national autonomies” is nothing but theater
@@NichiforAlbu In the 1680 census, 1/3 of the Budapest population declared themselves Romanians. How do you explain that they disappeared?
My teacher told me that Székely comes from the Hungarian word szék meaning chair or seat. In this case this would be metaphoric representing a seat of government. In other words, the Székelys were organised into a state or province. This would not be the only instance of a province actually calling itself province (the French Provence comes to mind). The German word for Transylvania is Siebenbürgen (seven castles), and the historic Transylvanian shield also has seven castles.
Siebenburgen is actually the name of the Saxon union in Transilvania, not the hole territory. A more appropriate translation in English for the chair is "hold" here with the meaning of a land to defend , live on and not leave. Probably it was a form of punishment by the maghyars to keep the szekelly under control, while giving them the responsibility to protect the border. The central Romania where they can be found today is an area of microclimate , colder than the surroundings and not very good to settle in medieval period.
We will never become “the donut” on the world map!! The “fish” shape is good enough 😅
Atunci eu stau deoparte. Nu-i cunosc, nu mă bag🤷🏻
@@biyoubiyou1446nup sunt Român , dacii sunt în cărțile de istorie.
Nope, we are not fishy....
Faceți vă rog, un material și cu românii din Ungaria! Oare acela este cumva pământ românesc? Oare de ce după o oră și jumatate de călătorit prin Bulgaria, la Silistra de exemplu, bulgarii născuți până în 1944, au buletine romanești? Voivodina în Serbia, 273 de sate unde se vorbește românește! De ce? În orașul meu comunitatea maghiară numără mai puțin de 1000 de persoane, însă apare ca fiind de 5000, oamenii traiesc în bună vecinatate, frumos, armonios, nimeni nu își dorește altceva, cunosc bine comunitatea maghiarilor fiind apropiat lor, nimeni ju își dorește regionalizare, autonomie, etc..., doar politicul dorește aceasta! Politicul dezbină, oamenii sunt uniți orice nationalitate ar avea, orice religie ar împărtăși! Unde își vâră politicul coada, oamenii se despart și se omoară pentru o palmă de pământ, pentru un dumnezeu, nimanui fiindu-i de folos!
Cum să fie Ungaria pământ românesc, când din toate datele reale primii valahi s-au mutat acolo doar în secolul al 18-lea? Eu trăiesc în Transilvania, unde au trăit şi toţi străbunii mei, care cu toţii s-au considerat în primul rând maghiari transilvăneni! Străbunicii mei n-au ştiut română, pentru că niciodată n-au avut vecini români până în secolul al 20-lea, când aşa deodată s-au trezit cu zeci de mii de români veniţi din toate părţile "României mari"! În anii '70 şi '80 încă nu se duşmăneau foarte mult românii cu maghiarii de aici, dar eu care citeam aproape toate revistele şi cărţile istorice de specialitate, apărute aici în limba română, mi-am dat seama că istoricii ceauşişti au pornit deja propaganda antimaghiară, pe care o induceau frumos în subconştientul românilor, începând chiar de la şcoala primară! Dar eu mai citeam şi ce apărea în străinătate, şi ştiam foarte bine că nici 10% nu era adevărat din ce au scris istoricii ceauşişti despre istoria maghiarilor şi românilor, sau despre istoria Transilvaniei! Iar de atunci am citit nenumărate date autentice, din arhivele naţionale, dar şi foarte multe date noi din ştiinţele istoriei acceptate mai ales în occident, care contrazic aproape tot ce aţi învăţat voi despre istoria acestor regiuni şi popoare! Maghiarii au toate datele că voi aţi fost minţiţi de mici copii cu tot felul de poveşti fantasmagorice, pentru că din toate datele reale ale arhivelor şi din ştiinţele istoriei reiese clar că Transilvania n-a fost niciodată majoritar românesc până în secolul al 18-lea! Dar atunci Partium, care înseamnă de multe secole: "părţile din vest ale regatului Ungariei", cum era Timiş, Bihor, Arad, Satu Mare?! Unde românii n-au fost majoritari nici în secolul al 19-lea! Există datele din arhivele reale din Viena, Transilvania şi arhivele Ungariei, unde se arată clar că vlahii au fost în minoritate până în secolul al 18-lea! Românii au devenit majoritari doar între anii 1740 şi 1760 perioada în care au migrat sute de mii de valahi din voievodatele române, mai ales din cauza sărăciei şi a opresiunii domnitorilor fanarioţi! Există datele clare cu primii cneazi valahi stabiliţi în Transilvania începând din anul 1210 când regele Ungariei a dat un decret ca aceştia şă fie aşezaţi pe pământurile regale ale Ungariei! Papa Grigore al IX-lea i-a trimis o scrisoare prinţului Ungariei Bela al IV-lea, cerându-i „în numele lui Dumnezeu” să acorde azil „acelor săraci refugiați valahi” care doreau să scape de stăpânirea aspră a cumanilor! Maghiarii au ascultat şi le-au acordat azil valahilor, iar primele trei grupuri de imigranți vlahi au intrat în Transilvania dinspre sud și au fost așezați, sub proprii căpetenii, în raioanele Fogaras - Făgăraș, Hunyad- Huniad și Bánság - Banat, pe pășuni montane special desemnate, numite în actele regale drept „Silva Vlachorum", Pădurea Vlahilor. Acești imigranți vlahi, care au primit azil în Regatul Ungar, și alții care au urmat mai târziu, au devenit strămoșii românilor transilvăneni. Oficial au fost numiți Vlahi, din care numele maghiar Oláh și numele german Valah a derivat, spre deosebire de rumelieni și de mai târziu români care nu au intrat în cercul cultural occidental, ci au rămas la est și la sud de Carpați sub influența bizantină și mai târziu slavă, evoluând în cele din urmă la sfârșitul secolului al 19-lea în România. În datele din 1247 noii refugiați vlahi au obținut permisiunea de a intra în raioanele Hátszeg - Haţeg și Máramaros - Maramureş din Transilvania. În 1253 Guillaume Rubruquis" trimisul francez în Bulgaria a descris imperiul lui Aszen ca fiind "de la Dunăre până la Constantinopol, inclusiv Vlahia în Munții Balcanii de Jos." Prin urmare, Valahia mai exista la acea vreme şi în Balcani, dar sub dominație bulgară, în timp ce acei vlahi care au încercat să se deplaseze spre nord trecând Dunărea, au căzut sub stăpânirea cumanilor. În 1290 trei proprietari de pământ maghiari din raioanele transilvănene Hunyad și Fehér au primit permisiunea regelui Andras al III-lea de a aduce niște muncitori vlahi „de la sudul munților”. În 1291 adunarea de la Gyulafehérvér - Alba Iulia i-a recunoscut pe vlahii transilvăneni ca „națiune”” cu drepturi egale cu celelalte națiuni membre sub Sfânta Coroană Unagară!
În 1358 Márk, un arhivar regal maghiar scria în cronicile sale despre Transilvania: „este cea mai bogată parte a Regatului Ungariei” unde „orașele maghiare și săsești (germane) înfloresc cu industrie și comerț, în timp ce pământurile fertile ale fermierilor unguri produc vinuri foarte bune, vite grase și grâne din belșug pentru pâine. Înaltul munților, unde păstorii vlahi își îngrijesc oile și duc la piețe brânzeturi gustoase."
După toate datele reale pe care le avem, lingviştii specialişti în toponime sunt de acord că nu există nume de aşezări sau nume geografice de origine valahă - română dinainte de secolul al 13-lea în Regatul Ungariei ce cuprindea tot Bazinul Carpatic! Concluzia istoricilor şi lingviştilor consacraţi e că o populaţie mai numeroasă care s-a stabilit măcar un secol pe undeva, trebuia să lase urme de denumiri de așezări, de râuri - pârâuri - munți și văi pe undeva! Foarte puţine popoare au dat nume de localități și nume geografice atât de logice, cu semnificaţie, cum au făcut secuii şi maghiarii. Regestrum Varadense din Regatul Maghiar (registrul orădean) conţine circa 711 de denumiri de localităţi şi circa 2500 de nume de persoane, înregistrate în perioada anilor 1205 şi 1238. Niciun nume sau denumire de localitate din acest registru nu are origini româneşti! Doar aşa se explică faptul că românii, care au fost minţiţi că ar avea strămoşi daci şi romani, nu au ridicat niciun oraş în Transilvania, dar nici în Banat sau Crişana! Ba mai mult, cuvântul românesc oraş provine din cuvântul străvechi din limba maghiară varas - város, care apare la maghiari de peste 1000 de ani! Tot așa și în istoria Transilvaniei, din toate arhivele medievale la sfârşitul secolului al 13-lea găsim doar 3 denumiri ale localităților din cele 511 care aveau origini româneşti! Încă nu vă e destul de clar că numai în secolul 13-lea au început românii să se stabilească în Transilvania?! Care este motivul pentru care niciun râu sau pârâu din Transilvania, Banat, Crișana şi Maramureş nu are nume cu origini româneşti, dar majoritatea acestora - peste 80% sunt clar din limba maghiară sau proto-maghiară! Ungurii nu falsifică datele reale din istorie, dar se pare că alţii (austriecii, germanii, evreii stabiliţi în Ungaria, românii, cehii, slovacii ş.a.m.d.) ne-au falsificat şi ne falsifică în continuare originile reale! Majoritatea românilor sunt induşi în eroare cu etnogeneza maghiarilor, fără să ştie măcar că cronicarii maghiari din Evul Mediu au scris despre etnogeneza multimilenară a magorilor-maghiarilor, care începe cu Nemroth - Nimród, care a fost primul rege din lume şi care apare şi în Biblie! Simon de Keza scrie că Nimród a avut doi fii, Hunor şi Magor, de la care au provenit sciţii numiţi huni şi maghiari! Dar despre aceştia au scris şi cronicarii străini, şi istoricii sunt de acord că această mitologie e mult mai străveche, are cel puţin 3 mii de ani! Titus Flavius Iosepphus a scris în secolul I d.Hr. că de la Magog provin toţi magorienii, care sunt cu toţii sciţi! Iar Iordanes a scris în secolul al 6-lea în cartea Getica, că "hunugorii care sunt numiţi şi sabiri, au locuit în Scythia, în Dacia şi apoi iar Scythia." Iordanes descrie în capitopul 28 că goţii ajung în Scythia, iar în cartea 29 scrie că Iosepphus aminteşte de Magog cu poporul lui ce aparţine sciţilor şi care vorbeşte limba sciţilor! În capitolul 33 aminteşte că gepizii au ajuns în Scythia de vest, şi descrie că aici sunt două mari fluvii, "Danuvius et Tisia"- Dunărea şi Tisa! Au fost descoperite mii de date despre ungarii - hungarii şi magorii care au fost numiţi sciţii europeni, dar în ultimii ani s-a dovedit şi în ştiinţele istoriei că aceştia nu au greşit, ca de exemplu cu miile de date arheologice, antropologice, toponomastice, etnografice, criptografice şi mai nou arheogenetice şi din genetica populaţiei! Citez din datele publicate de vreo doi ani în străinătate, tradus din rezultatele arheogenetice şi din genetica populaţiei ale cercetătorilor din Institutul de Cercetare ale Ungariei: „Strămoșii maghiarilor care trăiesc astăzi sunt prezenți în mod continuu în Bazinul Carpatic de mii de ani - acest lucru a fost evidențiat de o cercetare publicată recent, care a folosit o nouă metodă pentru a examina genetica popoarelor care trăiau în regiune astăzi și în trecut. În timpul lucrărilor de cercetare, a fost creată o nouă bază de date, care conține datele a 16.000 de genomi mitocondriali ai 172 de populații antice și vii. Sistemul lor de conectare a fost cartografiat folosind inteligența artificială. Metoda a fost folosită pentru a examina fostele și actualele populații maghiare din Bazinul Carpaților și s-a constatat că majoritatea maghiarilor de astăzi provin dintr-o populație din epoca cuprului (4500 î.Hr. - 2800 î.Hr.) și epoca bronzului (2800 î.Hr. - 700 î.Hr.)."
Rezultatele arheogeneticienilor au arătat clar că maghiarii de azi provin în mare parte de la populaţia din cimitirele mari ale ungaro-secuilor, care au fost numiţi greşit „avari" şi „onoguri", pentru că s-a demonstrat cu date clare că aceştia vorbeau o limbă arhaică ungară - maghiară!
@@szakaattila7899bai sceleratule, Ungaria e pamant romanesc care a facut parte din Dacia.
Gepizii din Transilvania sunt daci inruditi cu vizigotii din Buzau si cu ostrogotii lui Atilla.
Teodoric, nume celt, ostrogotii erau celtici deci daci, nu germanici si exact ungurii din ziua de azi.
Vizigotii vlahi i au invatat sa scrie si sa citeasca, i au crestinat cu religia ariana pe ostrogotii lui Atilla.
Buzoienii astia daci, i au crestinat pe germanici si au denumit Suedia, Finlanda si Danemarca, Dacia, in acte oficiale.
Gotland, inima germanicilor e o colonie de buzoieni daci, geti sau vizigoti adica. Deaia au aia daikones, getsi denumiri de triburi.
Genetic esti romanas de al nostru bai Atila doar ca nu stii tu istoria romanilor. 😂
In 410 buzoienii daci au distrus imperiul Roman si adus evul mediu pentru 1000 de ani, dupa care toata europa a fost a noastra, deaia se numea Scandinavia Dacia, occitania in Franta si Spania.
Oficial nu recunoastem asta ca sa fim mai prietenosi cu Italia ca ne place columna lui Traian.
Concluzia e :nu te pune cu noi ca te facem praf. Traiesti in Romania, esti roman si tre sa ai respect pentru tara in care traiesti cum si eu as avea daca as locui in Ungaria sau oricare alta tara.
Daca nu te intereseaza istoria romanilor e ok sa o eviti dar nu veni cu minciuni dinastea si fantezii deplasate.
Ia citeste tu mai bine ce spune Iordanes, ca vizigotii sunt dacii sau getii, gepizii sunt exact ca vizigotii dar mai inceti, deaia si numele lor era o insulta.
Inceti, adica relaxati asa ca ardelenii din ziua de azi.
Iar ostrogotii sunt dacii cuceriti de Atilla. Tot daci erau, celtici, europeni, vorbeau o limba asemanatoare cu romana nu maghiara.
@@szakaattila7899Am angajat un saxon si o unguroaica ca ne testeze Adn ul. Ia vezi ce au descoperit. ruclips.net/video/dIoAHWd00xE/видео.htmlsi=Nc6k-fn7y-TEcz5-
@@szakaattila7899 " Naționalitățile au trăit ca cetățeni români cu drepturi depline, într-o totală libertate; la reforma agrară le-a revenit pământ… Trebuie să mă refer la umanitate… La sentimente omenești când arăt atrocitățile fără seamăn care s-au comis pe pământul Transilvaniei după ocupație… Mândrul pământ al Transilvaniei s-a transformat într-o amarnică golgotă unde se petrec cele mai groaznice evenimente. Oamenii sunt închiși cu sutele, cu miile sunt bătuți, sunt torturați în mod cumplit. Asasinatele și execuțiile se țin lanț și toate acestea doar pentru că unica vină a nenorocitelor victime este aceea de a se fi născut români… pe pământul Golgotei din Transilvania, unde vântul suflă leșurile celor spânzurați, unde cadavrele martirilor asasinați cu o sălbatică cruzime vestesc că instinctul bestial s-a eliberat și barbarismul și răzbunarea joacă dansul sălbatic al morții… A chinui… cu un vandalism necruțător oameni lipsiți de apărare este nemaiîntâlnit în istoria statelor civilizate ale Europei. Nu-mi rămîne altceva decât să mă rușinez că m-am născut secui-maghiar și să reneg faptul că am învățat prima oară să mă rog lui Dumnezeu în limba maghiară. - Gyorgy Ferenczy, Golgota Transilvaniei, Arad, 1940. " cersipamantromanesc.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/marturia-a-unui-ziarist-secui-in-1940-ma-rusinez-ca-m-am-nascut-secui-maghiar-si-reneg-si-faptul-ca-am-invatat-prima-oara-sa-ma-rog-lui-dumnezeu-in-limba-maghiara-video/
@@szakaattila7899Attila úr, de ce ai uitat să ne demonstrezi că ungurii sunt urmaşii dacilor? " Veniți în secolul al IX-lea în Europa, migratorii unguri au cucerit toată Transilvania după trei secole de efort militar. Cu toate acestea, populația românească a fost mereu majoritară în Ardeal, conform TUTUROR recensămintelor făcute pe parcursul veacurilor în această parte de țară.
Și pentru că, din punct de vedere genetic, ungurii nu au putut să se impună (imensa majoritate a cetățenilor maghiari de astăzi neavând nicio legătură cu migratorii asiatici, din punct de vedere genetic), aceștia au forțat maghiarizarea populațiilor pe care le-a supus, maghiaritatea fiind, în realitate, un concept ideologic și nu o expresie a unei realități etnice.
În lupta lor disperată pentru supraviețuire identitară și pentru justificarea unor drepturi istorice în Transilvania, în secolele trecute, ungurii au pretins că sunt urmașii dacilor. Și când spun asta, vă asigur că nu este o glumă! " Vezi de la min. 3 - ruclips.net/video/qqR4HApzPHM/видео.html . România are graniţă la apus cu Ungaria şi Serbia. De unguri ne leagă frăţia ungaro-română. Dacă cu ungurii suntem fraţi, în schimb cu sârbii suntem prieteni. Explicaţia constă în faptul că: fraţii ţi-i dă Dumnezeu, prietenii ţi-i alegi singur! culturaromana.ro/miodrag-stanojevic-sunteti-un-popor-imbecil-de-tolerant/
Battle of Giurgiu and no mention of Michael the Brave but instead Bathory? 😂
Mihai is mentioned elsewhere. 😀
Yea but that battle was directed by Michael the Brave.
A lot of these szekely are maghiarised romanians that are recent and a relic from the autrohungarian empire.
They are natives.
I also think they were rejected and ended up in the mountains not that they got there to protect the borders of the austrohungarian empire.
Basically the got into the woods to avoid romanians.
They are Magyars now and are there to stay. Best to be friends.
@@BenLlywelyn They are romanians with romanian ID, Romanian passport, etc, just the ethnicity is magyar or secui.
The hole in the map, you dont know this, but those are wildest areas of Romania and with verry scarce population for how big they look on map, just 400 000 people in both countyes put together, like a small to medium city but spread on a large, low populated area.
So there is no hole in Romania map.
I personally consider them a valuable coulture and that we should be taught more about it as romanians.
Friendship and they should get their rights in Romania so that they feel romanian while we sould make efforts to preserve and show their coulture.
They have rights, people in parliament and universities in their language.
@@BenLlywelyn I have to be with @mihaiilie8808 on this one. Big battle on the border of Valachia and Ottoman Empire and we talk about Bathory but not about Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul) ? Otherwise, good work !
Moldova gave the autonomy to the gagauz and now the heads of this region make a lot of trouble to entire country.
Thei leaders pro Putin all the way
For example?
Moldova did not gave any autonomy. Moldova is part of Romania.
You mean "Republic of Moldova". That "Republic of ~" is essential.
@@ionbrad6753 i wouldnt say its essential. the vast vast majority of people will think of the country of moldova and not the region within romania
@@oilydoubloonz6001 Precisely because of this confusion is essential to use the proper terms. In 1859 the pricipality of Moldova is clearly between Carpathian and Prut river. Moldovans also live between Prut and Nistru, in a Russian Empire governorate named Bessarabia (occupied by Russia from Moldova in 1812).
Later in 1859 Moldova united with Wallachia. The new country was named ”The United Principalities of Moldova and Wallachia”. Moldova remained between Carpathians and Prut. Bessarabia is still between Prut and Nistru.
In 1862 The United Principalities shortens its name to ”Romania”. Moldova still rmains between Carpathians and Prut. Bessarabia still remains between Prut and Nistru.
Moldova always remained near the Carpatian, with all its historic capitals (Baia, Siret, Suceava, Iași), with all the tombs of its medieval rulers, with most of the Moldovans (twice as many as in Bessarabia).
Now, after the collapse of USSR, former Bessarabia named by bolsheviks ”Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic” declares independence under the name ”Republic of Moldova” - not simply ”Moldova” - because they know very well where the real, mother Moldova is. Look in the Constitution, you will find the name of the state ”Republic of ...”!
If the vast vast majority of people will deny Moldova is in Romania, then us - Moldovans in the original Moldova - will have to forbid the usage of this name (like Greece with North Macedonia); which would be a shame, because across the border imposed by USSR are literary our brothers, the same people. However, we cannot allow the result of a crime (Russian annexation of some Moldovan lands) steal our name. So, that is Republic of Moldova, not Moldova.
"Székelylike" population can be found in Hungary, next to the border of Hungary with Austria in the "Őrség" region too... So the "frontier troops" version seems to me the most likely one....
The Hungarian historian György Györffy (1917-2000) wrote that the Szekelys are nothing but Bulgarians arrived in today Romania in 679. They belonged to the Eskil tribe named later in Hungarian language as Szekely. Their language was totally different from Hungarian and disapperead in the XVIII century being Magyarized. If we accept the results of his researches' then the origin of them is solved. Moreover, it seems to be logic since all details match his conclusion.
Orbán is NOT revisionist. This is really a big misunderstanding. We , hungarians only want our rights to be assured in Romania, that is Orbán is trying to achiev. This idea that Orbán is revisionist is provocative and shows a lack of knowledge about Orbán. Székelys deserves autonomy, which if would have been given Romania would be a better place for all nations living there. Unfortunately Romanian politics were shovinistic under the communist era, and still it is. We don't want to give up our culture and language. We survived under powerful empires like Ottoman and Habsburg, then the Soviets. I hope in the 21. century is not only about survival, hopefully will be a better understanding between the nations, that could lead to friendly relationship of tolerance. Orbán was succesful in making friendship between serbs and hungarians, hopefully he will succeed here as well.
The Treaty of Triannon is painful, and I understand that.
It is not about Trianon. It is about today rights. All minorities in Europe have autonomy, but Hungarians in Romania have not. Just see the autonomy the Austrians have in Italy. Or Welsh can live in Wales. Basks. Katalans. Why only us who can not achieve these rights? It is because the Romanian shovinism. Someone says here below that they are tolerant...they even have a saxon prime minister...well that guy is not a saxon, it is only his name. Hungarian kings have brought the Saxons to Transylvania, they lived there for 700 years together with us. Then as Transylvania have been given to Romanians at the XX. century, the Saxons disappeared in 50 years- it happened because the Romanian tolerance of course. One million Hungarians also vanished- again because of Romanian tolerance.
Whilst I can understand Hungarians feel that Treaty of Trianon hurt them, I would not agree that it was wrong to them. Yes, they have ruled over Transylvania for a long time. However that territory was not theirs, just as Wales does not belong to England (though Wales is in GB). Hungarians just ruled over it, and quite brutally many time. Romanians have always been a majority there, just like Welsh people in Wales.
An Empire disappeared, this is what happened. Just like the Roman Empire, just like the Ottoman Empire, just like the British Empire, etc.
Empires should be left in the past.
Is that the one who disappeared Austro-Hungarian empire..?
@@BenLlywelyn Hello! exactly! the Hungarians were barely a majority (officially 54%) in the Kingdom of Hungary and a clear minority in the regions they have lost. By this measure, Mongolia could also be screaming in agony for their "lost" lands... There aren't "millions" of hungarians in Romania - just 1002151 out of 19000000. The Hungarian political party from Romania, has been present in all the ruling coalitions in Romania, for the last 30 years. Hungarians in Romania have access to state funded education in their language, at all levels including University and wherever they are more than 20%, they can use their own language in the relation with any authority. The "Romaniazation" after 1918 is quite debatable, while the Magyarization pre-1918 and the bad treatment of Romanians in Transilvanya is quite well supported by evidence. Few clarifications: Romania did not "attacked" Hungary, Romania was at war with Hungary, as no peace treaty existed between them. The communist did not leave from power, they were ousted by the Romanian army, thus eliminating a communist springboard in the heart of Europe. Have a very nice day!! 🙂
@@BenLlywelyn Totally agree.
@@mikebasarabeanu9347 Yes, this is what I meant
Interesting discussion.
You could have focused a bit more on the role that Hungarian Nationalism & Quest for Independence played in 1848 and how the Hungarian's struggle for their own rights including their own Kingdom within the Austrian Empire also meant the powerlessness & subjugation of the Romanian population in Transsylvania....
The Romanian-Hungarian enmity's roots stem from this struggle for political & national identity.
My friend, they are no longer over a million! There are no more than 900,000 Hungarians. The Saxons and the Szeklers, who are not Hungarians,are in the middle of Romania because they were displaced there to defend the borders of the Hungarian kingdom and at the Great Union of the Romanian countries they caught them except in the center of the country! The rest is just history and must remain in the past! SZEKELY LAND does not exist ! It was invented by the propaganda from Budapest!Peace is the most important thing! P.S. NO FEDERALIZATION ! Hungarians in Romania,in the great majority of them being Romanians forcibly Hungarianized, have all the possible and impossible rights in the world! Practically, they are positively "discriminated"!
Fascinating history of Hungary and Romania. Thank you Mr. Llywelyn. Particularly as it arrived at the contemporary situation from the perspective of Hungary.
Very kind of you. And much appreciated. Hungary's history is an epic and far from finished. It has many chapters to be heard yet, I am sure.
Many of them are not even Székelys or Hungarians. A significant percentage of them are Magyarized Romanians who embraced the Hungarian language and culture in exchange for rights and freedoms that Romanians did not have in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The process of magyarization of Romanians in Transylvania was a brutal and unjust one. Starting from the 19th century, the policy of magyarization was implemented by the Hungarian government with the aim of assimilating the national minorities in the region. This included encouraging the use of the Hungarian language, restricting the cultural, political, and religious rights of Romanians, and even changing the names of some individuals to Hungarianize them.
There were severe restrictions on the Romanian language, with Romanians being forced to speak and learn Hungarian more, and Romanian schools and churches were discouraged or closed. In addition, public domains and administration were largely controlled by ethnic Hungarians, limiting the chances of Romanians to advance in the social and political hierarchy.
Furthermore, there was a policy of colonizing Romanians from other regions of Transylvania with ethnic Hungarians, in order to change the demographic balance in favor of the Hungarians.
These actions had a significant impact on the identity and culture of Romanians in Transylvania.
It goes both ways, absolutely.
@@BenLlywelyn NO it doesn't go both ways. My greatgrandfather came to southern România, from Transilvania, at the end of 19th century bz of the persecutions.
Why do you think you know the TRUTH better than Romanians who lived there?
During the 2nd WW, when Vienna agreed to give that region back to Hungary ( Romania at that time didn'tlook like a donut, rather like a fork) the Hungarians killed many Romanians in barbaric way... threw them from balconies and cut their fingers if they tried to grab on the rails.
@@WillMakeYouFreeSorry, but those were the Romanian armys actions... They began massacre "not enough loyal" Romanians, who refuse to take terrorist actions against the Hungarian forces.
@@xerxen100 You heard about Ip and Trasnea, you are only left with the stories of the descendants of horthysts?
Now even the Romanian GDP per capita has surpassed Hungary. It happened these days, being at the price of 20,000. PPP per capita in Romania is much higher than in Orban's country. Romania is booming. We could say that it is a prosperous country and Hungary is no longer. Hungary had a good perspective in the 90s.
I always heard Székelys were frontier troops and throughout history, their position as border guards remained.
BTW Your video is great!
Probably so.
They don't want to join Hungary but they do want autonomy. Which is fair to be honest because we did promise them autonomy back in 1918.
They cant electry wheelchairs and better roads.
That's right! But because you are Romanians, you never keep your promises. You are the most dishonest people in Europe. Everyone knows you by that. The facts speak for themselves...
Even the ethnic map of 1910*, I don't think the Trianon tragedy makes sense unless one believes in Hungarian imperialism. Austria lost in the same way as Hungary. Losing all the lands where the Austrians weren't the ethnic majority. But you don't see Austria complaining about this like Hungary does. To any nationality at Trianon except Hungary, Trianon wasn't a punishment at all, it was an act of liberation that came after centuries of subjugation. On top of that, the Hungary that was left, while it was smaller kept the core Hungarian territories, it was more of a Hungary for Hungarians as they made up the vast majority of the population there. So the argument that suggest that Trianon was a fundamentally flawed or unjust exercise is only really true if you believe in the righteousness of Hungarian empire-building.
* -> Several demographers, Teich Mikuláš, Dušan Kováč, Martin D. Brown, Seton-Watson, Robert William, Owen Johnson, Kirk Dudley; believe that the 1910 census was manipulated by exaggerating the percentage of the speakers of Hungarians. Pointing to the discrepancy between an improbably high growth of the Hungarian-speaking population and the decrease of percentual participation of speakers of other languages due to Magyarization in the Kingdom of Hungary in the late 19th century.
They were looking for a KFC and took a wrong turn at Debrecen...
Ben, I think you have a bad idea. In that "Sekelyfold" (Covasna-Harghita-Mures) that you see on the map as a donut hole (hole in Romania), Hungarians represent 60%. 40% of that "donut hole" are not Hungarians. What shoud we do next ? Do we federalize Sekelyfold and getting another hole in the donut hole?
Székelyland is all around 80 percent hungarian
The "donut hole" in the map includes the Mures area. Check it again.@@abrisszebeni9192
@@abrisszebeni9192 Daca iei Covasna + Harghita da, 80% maghiari, dar daca vrei sa cuprinzi si jud. Mures , atunci, Covasna+ Harghita+Mures raportul devine 60%. la 40%. Deci, ramane cum am spus mai sus.
A much more acute cultural and civilizational problem was the emigration of the Saxons and other Germans after 1990 (in Germany). However, this was the initiative of the German government, which created facilities for them to immigrate. It may have been a good solution for individuals, but an 800-year-old culture was almost destroyed.
No! Federalization will bring war,and as a Romanian i dont agree to split a country of 20 milion Romanians for 700.000 szekely.
No one sensible wants war.
fun fact nobody speaks of is that according to the previous population census they were about 600 ( six hundred ) szekely in transylvania (probably the rest of them declared themselves "hungarians"; for the latest one i didn't find data). how can someone give two and a half counties to some six hundred people?
There are no 20 million romanians! Where did you get this?
@@napkalamona -You are idiot! Inform you well,next time.
16,5m Romanians youve ment.
There are actually already plenty of countries that look like doughnuts. If you look at a detailed map of Europe there are bits of Spain surrounded by France, also the borders between Belgium and NL and Switzerland and Germany etc show plenty of enclaves and counter enclaves and at least one counter counter enclave. There is a street in Büsingen in Switzerland where half the houses are technically in Germany even though they are surrounded on all sides by Switzerland, and the simple act of carrying out the trash or fetching the mail involves crossing an international border. There is one pub where the bar where you order your drink is in Switzerland but the table where you sit down to drink it is in Germany. There is a footpath near the German Belgium border which is technically Belgium even though the fields on either side are Germany so the mere act of bending over to tie your shoelaces may involve crossing a border. All of this came to be because of convoluted dealings in history that no longer have any relevance today, but the borders remain. None of this prevents anybody from going about their normal lives.Especially in the age of internet communications and Schengen, this should be less of a problem than it was in the past. So there may be good reasons why Szekelyföld should or should not be part of this or that country, but having a convoluted border is not one of them.
There is no territory of substantial size
There will never be a federal Romania. Romanians are the vast majority and we’ll never go for that. Hungarians are welcome to live among us and contribute to the country’s economy and well being, however this talk of privileged rights and self determination are out of place. We are now in the EU - if they don’t like it here, they’re welcome to move to Hungary or any other EU country. Let’s also not forget there is a not so insignificant Romanian minority in Hungary, who has no special rights or Romanian language schools.
Show the Hungarians in Hungary you treat your minority cultures better then. 😀
@@BenLlywelyn they moan everywhere, no matter the conditions. If it were up to them, they would raise the hungarian flag, and change the official language to hungarian in every single building they occupy. just look at how they are blackmailing the Ukrainians now !! with the same minority rights bs. narrative. don't believe Orban's propaganda, or Putin's propaganda for that matter... who has managed to cause this mass hysteria for one simple reason: divide et impera 🙂
@@BenLlywelyn Hungarians will always complaining about Trianon and about rights of minorities. They ask for teritorial autonomy based on ethnic criteria, something they will never get from the governament from Bucharest.
Romania respect the minorities rights, they have education in their language, they can speak their language in local institutions, they have bilingual signs in every city, village, railway station and so on... They have their ethnic party inside romanian parliament. And hungarian minority is well treated inside Romania.
redskirvian remebre the turks were in hungary for 150 years and of course there is majority romanians now thanks to your graet lider ceucescu when he tranfered 3 miilion romanians from moldova muntenia oltenia to break up te hungarian majority but don't warri history is changing
I've always thought my father had been Hungarian. And then I tested my DNA with remarkable results. I have 0 (zero) Hungarian blood. My father's family must have been forced to assume a Hungarian identity, during the rule of Transylvania by Hungary. My family must have experienced immense hardship under Hungary. All Romanians in Transylvania have experienced this and the tenssions between our peoples are still real, present and can cause future wars. And there will never be a Federal Romania either. Romania is a national state. Period. Hungarians can learn in their language, can have political parties (their political party UDMR is often part of the government in Romania). They have more rights than Romanians have in Hungary. The issue is Hungarians behave with us the way Palestinians behave with the state of Israel. Their fundamental problem is not how many rights we give them. Their main problem is we exist.
Maybe you have the problem, that we exist. You expulse from Transylvania the germans, the jews - remember Ceausescu how sold them to West Germany and Israel, and now lokk the number of hungarians:
Year Pop. ±%
1930 1,425,507 -
1956 1,587,675 +5.9%
1966 1,619,592 +2.0%
1977 1,713,928 +5.8%
1992 1,620,199 −5.5%
2002 1,431,807 −11.6%
2011 1,227,623 −14.3%
2022 1,002,151 −18.4%
National composition of Transylvania: According to census data, the Hungarian population of Transylvania decreased from 25.5% in 1920 to 17.9% in 2011.
Romanianization of the Transylvanian population was also affected by the fact that 300,000 Germans emigrated to West Germany. The West German state paid Romania the equivalent of US$2,632 per ethnic German emigrant, as of 1983.[13] Also, about 50,000 Jews who survived the Holocaust emigrated to Israel on similar terms.
Ethnic changes in Transylvania: 1910 - romanians: 53.8% hungarians: 31.6% germans: 10.7% - Austro-Hungarian population census (based on primary used language)
1919 - romanians: 57.3% hungarians: 25.5% germans: 10.6% - Romanian statistics
2011 - romanians: 70.6% hungarians: 17.9% germans 0.4% - Romanian population census
Well I do hope for peace and friendship.
You are a very nice woman!
@@0Joska Correct. Shall we make children for you?
In Romania, Szeklers and Hungarians are half/half. There are 500,000 Szeklers and 500,000 Hungarians. The Szeklers are compact (2 and a half counties) and the Hungarians are spread throughout Transylvania. The Szeklers are a Turanian population Hungarianized in the Middle Ages and the Hungarians are Finno-Ugric (at least in terms of language).
Interesting ❤
Romania is a national state in name only, it is federal actually. It has 41 county's with large nuggets and local autonomy and we'll paid politicians. What we actually need is less fragmented local institution and less politicians and a more unified vision of development. Certainly we do not need ethnic autonomy and administrative jobs for people based on their ethnicity. This is why in Romania we had Jewish prime ministers, Hungarian prime ministers, German president, etc. Not so much diversity in country's around us.
Romania is astoundingly diverse, it is true.
Got 2 things to note:
1. Szekelys are magyarized khazars who intermingled with the local population (slavs and vlachs of Gelou) ( *This is my take* . To anyone seeing this, please document yourself more, maybe I am wrong. )
2. We, Romanians, were not mad at the Hungarians because they came from unknown lands and took part of our territory, we were mad because they not only conquered the Romanians from Transylvannia, but because they didn't give any rights to the romanians from there and considered us as slaves without capability of being educated.. Other than that, as a Romanian with many relatives from Transylvannia, I pray and wish nothing but love, peace and prosperity with the Magyars nowadays. 🇷🇴❤️☦️❤️🇭🇺
All the way down the Danube, the way is peace.
@@BenLlywelyn Yup!
It's been such a great video!
We can learn from those Khazars. The youngest ones are at least 800 years old.
Maybbe they put vodka their cars only.
"2. We, Romanians, were not mad at the Hungarians because they came from unknown lands..."
Of course you were not mad, as were not even there. The Bulgars were there, the Ostrogoths were there and lots of other people were there but you people were still under the Bulgar rule deep in the Balkans..
@@freebozkurt9277 Yes, we were under bulgar rule. And so what's your point? Wanna argue? No thanks.
The federalist solution for Romania was the topic of my PhD research and thesis at the University of Bucharest. I never got to finish the research as I had to abruptly quit my studies at that point. I can tell you this much though: federalisation is the "N-word" of romanian political discourse. Taboo. It translate as creating the legal framework for separatist claims. I don't agree, my solution was a bit more elegant - the level of authonomy given to the Székelys in that region was not much larger than the one given to other regions like Banat or Oltenia, with constituional provisions against separatism. There's also the issue of enclavisation. Witch is the real danger.
And one more thing: you seem to regard the Székelys as distinct from the Hungarians, but I'm not sure they really regard themselves as that diffrent. Certainly they see themselves (much more) diffrent from Romanians. So the coehision of a Federation and the risk of enclavisation are in question.
I think the Székelys were more different to Hungarians than they are now, and that they have moved toward Romanians out of political interest and need - but I emphasise that I do not know these people, this is from reading and listening, nothing more.
@@BenLlywelyn, Sure, I get that. And you are right, historically speaking, politically though...
"The Szeklers have always been aware that they are the keepers of the oldest and purest Hungarian traditions, that their historical mission is to protect the Hungarian nation and Hungary, that they are the most authentic tribe among the Hungarians. Consequently, we, the Szeklers, will declare ourselves Hungarians when we are asked today, even on the occasion of the census, and this will also be done by our descendants" - Szekler National Council, Cluj-Napoca, January 20, 2022
@@TripleCoreHD Like the Gagauz, they are the most authentic Russians among the Turks. Only the address changed.
Huns settled there no earlier than Attila over the old Dacian population. Like the Huns there were other migratories settling there. After the Huns there were other migratories settling there as well. Some assimilated easier ( Slavs, pecenegs, etc) some were more awkward to assimilate (szekely, tartars, etc). Just the same as Britain (see the Welsh), the Anatolian peninsula (see the Kurdish population). There are quite a few “donuts and crescents” in this world;)
Romanian here, szekelys are indeed a very weird group. They live right in the heart of the country in a small pocket, they don't speak romanian and always ask for autonomy.
They do have local autonomy like all counties in Romania but they ask for total independence. Which is never gonna happen because first of all they never existed as a country on its own as they were always a small part of Transylvania.
They are hardcore Orban fans and that is the biggest problem and they re pro-Russia too which is another major problem.
They enjoy rights like no other ethnic group in the civilised world, education in Hungarian, local administration is in Hungarian, courts of law in Hungarian, their political party has guaranteed seats in the Parliament regardless of the number of votes they get and they re still not happy. Truth is they don't want rights, which they already have, they want privileges. Which is not fair and they still got even a lot of those.
Dunno man.. szekelys are like I said.. weird. Kinda disliked by everyone cause not even the proper hungarians like them very much. But anyway.. they re not many so we let them be and live the way they please as long as they don't stir shit up too much. Which they re regularly trying but everyone got used to their tantrums by now so nobody is really taking them too seriously anymore
Well, why not add a little politics to the 13th-century history. Good show.
Yep, they will never be allowed to divide the nation... no matter how hard they wish it.
A position similar to that of the Gagauz people from the Republic of Moldova. Only they passed on the Russian as ardent fans.
You missed something significant, even the War dead in Székelyföld are not left in peace if they happen to be of Hungarian origin. You guys always forget everything that may not be to your liking.
As though Hungarians never existed.@@hunguy3280
From a Transylvanian who likes history, well done! I like to listen to your perspective, because I find it to be informed and fair, and you are a good story-teller - in the good sense of the word, of course. :)
❤România❤ 👍😘😉🇹🇩🥰
Min. 5:11 - the Magyars didn't cross the Carpathian Mts into Transylvania coming from Moldavia, but crossing the Verecke Pass from Galitsia to Slovakia into the Pannonian Plane in 895 AD. They attacked and entered Transylvania in 904 AD - the conquest lasted until the XIII century.
The conquest did not last that long, surely.
@@BenLlywelyn - It did. It was a gradual coquest, not a fast one. Hungarians focused first towards Western Europe, then being vanquished, they turned to Byzance, again vanquished, they finally invaded Transylvania c. 1000 AD - first rulers being Orthodox Christians - they were located to Western Transylvania, not the whole area. The conquest lasted til XIII c. reaching the Eastern mountains of today Romania. In 1241 the Mongols crossed those mountains into Transylvania without any resistence since there was not yet a Hungarian organised presence. The Vlachs mentioned in Gesta Hungarorum by Anonymus were not warriors and anyway, they have been annihilated in 904.
Today there are around 900 000 ethnic Hungarians in Romania, and they have more rights than the Romanians in their own country, and they are still not pleased, bc they want the whole Transylvania! When I say they have more rights than the Romanians I mean they have all the rights of the common Romanian person and in addition they have Hungarian citizenship and they can vote for politicians in Hungary via mail!...so this is an additional right...
Actually it is rather about 1200000, and the 'additional rights' you mentioned are there for any romanian too, who has double citizenship, be it Italian, Spanish, French, Moldovan, Russian, Ucrainian etc.
Romanians leaving abroad have the same rights as dual citizens. And rightfully so. What is the problem?
Saying they want to join Hungary is very simplistic... What most Romanian commentators don't understand about the Székelys is that they were just as exclusivist in the 1000 years of the Kingdom of Hungary as they are today in Romania. Székelys were essentially an exception to the rule. They enjoyed collective rights of the nobility, while not being noble. Meaning they were poor as a peasant, but like the nobility they only answered to the king, and provided military service in return. Essentially they were peasants with the rights of counts. Needless to say they guarded these special rights very jealously, and often rose up against Hungary when their rights were threatened. In a hypothetical scenario where Transylvania would be part of Hungary, they would be just as exclusivist as in Romania today. By the way there is no historic parallel to this anywhere.
As to their ethnicity they are the closest thing to an actual Hungarian, related to Avars and Chechens. It's not that they are a separate people, but rather that "mainstream" Hungarians (ie. those who didn't enjoy Székely privileges) mixed with various people, most notably Slavs. So the average Hungarian doesn't look like a Hungarian 1000 years ago, while Székelys still do.
These identities are indeed very complex, layered and rich.
Romania will never be a federal state! Nobody in Romania consider something like this to be an option. No way! Your conclusion is totally wrong! No matter Romania being monarchy, communist or today democracy there is Article no.1 in the Constitution of Romania which is unchanged: ''Romania is a national state, sovereign and independent, unitary and indivisible.''
I strongly suggest you not to offend the Romanians with such assumptions or recommendations.
That depends. The possible union with Republic of Moldova could open the Pandora's box, to be able to unite with East-Moldova we may be reorganized as a federation with Găgăuzia, Transnistria and Szekelyfold as subjects of this federation.
@@dumitrumarusi426 Republic of Moldova can join Romania only in conditions offered by Romania.
Relax buddy, a federal state does not preclude anything in the existing Constitution. You also should not get your pants in the bunch so easily. Romania is a complex country. It will be so in the future. Transylvania was actually not part of Romania for a far longer time than being part of Romania.
@@MrBoazhorribilis All Romanian provinces were not part of Romania far longer than being part of. Irrelevant. What is relevant is the will of these provinces to unite, which they fought for and succeeded.
@@ionbrad6753 All is relevant in history. Romanians were not the only ones calling this beautiful land home. The Szeklers were there for a thousand years , predating any Romanian state. I would call that relevant historical reality. If not for WW1 and the Treaty of Trianon, the situation today might have been totally different. But it is not. Romania , in my opinion, has the right to demand the security and integrity of its borders and the Szeklers have an equal right to live in their lands without obstructions as Romanian citizens. Remember, history is fluid.
For some time I have been transcribing names from the personnel records of the Austro Hungarian military records for infantry regiment 5 that was garrisonned in Satu Mare. The origin of the recruits was varied. They were recruited from Transcarpathia, Slovakia, the Budapest region, the Austrian province of Galicia and the Csik and Udvarhely districts which I now understand to be Szekelyfold. The records were written by German speakers so the Christian names are usually German rather than Hungarian. That is Johanne rather than Janos. From the Csik and Udvarhely districts, recruits have surnames that are mostly Hungarian or Transylvanian saxon. It is rare to see a surname that is clearly Romanian. But sometimes, the Christian name will be written as Juon or the surname might also include the father's name. For example Kovats aluj Dumitru (Kovats of Dimitri ( son of Dmitri)). In these cases I assume the person was a Romanian speaker. The Austro- Hungarian army accepted recruits from all religions from all parts of the empire. The upper ranks were clearly held by the better educated. But there was also opportunity for advancement in the lower ranks. There are cases of advancement by Jewish recruits for example. It is amazing that they were able to functipn. Just in this one regiment there was a diversity of languages. There would have been German, Hungarian, Carpathorusyn/Ukrainian, Slovak, Czech, Romanian and Transylvanian Saxon. I know that a good proportion of recruits from Transcarpathia would have been illiterate. I wonder how they dealt with the different languages on a day to day basis,
History not hysteria. We use examples from the past to better understand ourselves. But also keep in mind the present reality and identity of the present population. Today’s Magyars are as much Atilla’s people as the Greeks are Socrate’s peers. If you scroll this on your iPhone 15 you have nothing in common with the people that lived 200 years ago. But some cynical operators in public domain may use this “borsch” to cook some nasty nationalist propaganda
Love the video! (Half hun and székely here)
Few additions:
- My solution for the problem would be a Federal European Union. Because in that, either every language is protected everywhere to the same degree or there would be no protection at all. Therefore everyone would be in the same country, even every hungarian, romanian, (also german, dutch...) and without the donut :D
- As far as I know, Székely in english is Szekler. (So you don't have to sweat when you pronounce the Hungarian word.)
Ps.: I never knew that the Szeklers helped Romanian revolts. That was a surprise.
Thank you. The issue with a Federal European Union is eastern European nations have a justified concern of multi-state imperialism after the communist years, and France will not ratify any treaty forcing it to respect its minority languages.
Please do not confuse Hungarians : (which are mixed with Romanians and are millions , i and my family are also mixed Hungarian/Romanian)
and Szekely : which are only like 3k people.
Szekelys are not Hungarian.
And I as a Romanian , consider Hungary as family (ps: every Romanian Principality "Transylvania , Wallachia and Moldova" was born after they took indipendence from Hungary)
Thank you.
Romania's independence was not given against Hungary. Leave the lies! The Romanian war of independence was fought against the Ottoman/Turkish empire. After the first world war, we (Romania ) also recovered Transylvania.
Which was populated with an overwhelming majority of ethnic Romanians. Stop the misinformation. No Romanian principality fought for independence against Hungary. And that idea in those long ages...Hungary does not exist; there is an Austro-Hungarian empire led by Habsburg kings.
@@marianpaulculita729Mama Dacia e România
@@biyoubiyou1446 If we take a history book and look a little, we notice that the current Romania is located on the old settlement of the former Dacian ghetto capital ... named Dacia. But the geto-thracian empire was much larger. After the partial conquest of Dacia by the Romans, the Romanian principalities were formed over time. Romanian ednogenesis is a mixture of Roman, Dacian ,and Slavic DNA.
It would be a different matter if it were Hungary
considered a friend
not a dubious servant of Russia with hidden revisionist claims. With Schengen the borders are thinning but now Orban wants to thicken them by coming with the emigrants donut like the Austrians otherwise.
The Republic of Ireland is like a half- doughnut around Northern Ireland . Which seemed like a good idea at the time.
A sausage roll with a chunk bitten out.
Transylvania is literally bigger than Hungary itself.
Trianon was definitely fair😂
A big area!
Learn some history or mind your own business.
Humgarians are ancient romanian population that mixed up with some huns and forgot their origins. Dacia was in the land of Hungary too. So, the hungarians, in the middle of Romania, are romanians, the amesic type. DNA proves this.
DNA does not say what language or culture you belonged to. Nor do we know much about the Huns anyway.
Yes, but what if romanians are the lost people of Atlantis who forgot their origins and became roman then the hungry romans founded hungary then they renamed the romans to romani then thats the Atlantis-roman-romanian continuation theory
Genetic map show us Romanian are from balkan continuum (Croats, Serbs, Bulgar) and Hungarian are from slav continuum (Ceh, Slovak, Polish, Ukrain) Sekely and transilvanian maghiar are same as romanian.
Well, you should read up a little about Hungarians "are from Slav continuum"
@@TheJmkovacs If you have something to say, where is the link? Else, shut up. I read a lot about gene marker distribution.
@@TheJmkovacs Today's Hungarians are genetically much less Slavic than, for example, the Romanians and the Balkan peoples, since according to the latest population genetics research, the ancestors of the vast majority of Hungarians lived here in the Carpathian basin 4 - 5 thousand years ago, when in all research the Slavs ancestors lived much further north, today's Belarus and even further north!
Quotes from the website of the Hungarian Research Institute:
"The presence of the ancestors of today's Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin has been continuous for thousands of years"
"A new database of 16,000 mitogenomes of 172 ancient and living populations has been created and investigated their connection system based on artificial intelligence
method. The new algorithm recognizes all haplogroup correlations, regardless of the time of the process behind the correlation. A new methodological article (1) has been published in the journal Molecular Genetics and Genomics by the researchers of the Archaeogenetic Research Center of the Hungarian Research Institute, the Department of Genetics of the University of Szeged, the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science."
"The Carpathian Basin is an unbreakable unit / Applying the method to the investigation of the former and present-day populations of the Carpathian Basin, the authors found that the vast majority of the present-day population is from a Copper Age (4500 BC-2800 BC) - Bronze Age (2800 BC-700 BC) can be traced back to a basic population, while immigration from the eastern steppe region seems to have had a smaller genetic impact on the population in the tenth-eleventh centuries."
In any case, the vast majority of historians accept that the Slavs only started to migrate from the north to the south during the time of the Avars, and only then were they first mentioned by writers of the Byzantine Empire, since no one knew they existed until then! But there has already been a consensus among historians and linguists that this entire Slavic region began to wake up mainly in the time of Cyril and Methodius, since these people also taught them to write, and this is how the Cyrillic alphabet developed. And then the picture comes together completely when you understand these data, since archaeogenetics mostly confirms this, but also research on the history of place names, that the Proto-Ugric people lived here even before the Indo-European peoples!
@@TheJmkovacshungarians aren't even slavs
Apart from Hungarian, there is no other language in which the role of the "gy" (palatal) sound is significant, or is used at all. With "gy" there is no country or nationality name, except in Hungarian lungage. Archaeological found: Alsótárlaka (Tărtăria) 7000-YEAR-OLD RUNIC WRITING item used by Seklers alphabet with "gy" inscription. History should be always together with linguistics, archaeology, and the relevant chapters of social science. Great job!
If I had 7 lifetimes, 1 of them would be spent in the mid-lower danube region to learn about this cultural space properly.
Runes you say?😂 7000 years old?
Boy, the germanic runes are invented by a vlach, in Buzau.
The ostrogoths of Atilla wrote with vlach made runes( letters made by Ulfillas).
@@mihaiilie8808 Boy! Nu știu cine a scris runele. Trebuie să ai dreptate. Ar merita publicat. 🙂
@@mihaiilie8808 În anul 1961renumitul arheolog Nicolae Vlassa în apropierea Tartariei (Tatárlaka) a descoperit obiecte cu importata de istorie al scrisului,din care pe una stiinta istoriei,de atunci o numeste amuletul din Tartaria. Obiectele gasite atunci au fost duse în muzeul condus de dvs.
@@mihaiilie8808 There were never runes written by the Vlachs, this is a Roxinist lie, because the runic structure of the Carpathian Basin is perfectly built for the Proto-Hungarian language, as any expert says! There were several experts who deciphered runic texts from the 6th - 7th and 8th centuries, such as the historian archaeologist and linguist Vékony Gábor, who came to the conclusion that the majority population led by the Avar elites spoke the Proto-Hungarian language, that's why they were called them Western chroniclers Hungarians and Ugrians! This is science and not a Roxinist tale, since several texts have been known for more than a century in Western records where Avaria is also called Hungary. And there is also the name "Sarwar" - Sárvár from the time of the Avars, which is an ancient Hungarian place name made up of the words sár and vár, which even in today's Hungarian language means a fortress built of mud! Dr. Fehér Bence, a historian in antiquity and a philologist in classical languages and literature, deciphered several of these texts from the Avar period, based on the decipherment he says that we can already know for sure that they spoke a Hungarian language! He also said that anthropologists have noticed this contradiction for a long time, which is now confirmed by archaeological and archaeogenetic data, that when Árpád's tribes came, the majority of the population here was the local population, who would have lived here for many millennia, and then historians believe that it is much more likely that the local population would have spoken the predecessor of the Hungarian language and not the other way around! And the most eloquent trace of this Hungarian population is the wrongly called Hungarian-Szekler runic writing, because such writings were only found here in the Carpathian Basin, starting from some Cimmerian and Scythian vases and ending with various objects of use from the Sarmatian-Hunic period and Avar period. However, the names "Ungarus" and "Hungarorum" appear in foreign sources long before the 9th century, referring to the Hungarians of the Carpathian Basin, such as in 760: "Via Ungarorum", or in the 790s Paulus Deaconus: "Hungarian". Or Liutprand in the epitaph of a Lombard king, in the Annales Rotomagenses and in Annales Gemmeticenses and Annales Uticenses in 793: "regnum Hungarorum/Karolus rex vastat". Or Paulus Orosius, who lived during the time of the Huns and wrote that the country occupied by the Huns was called Hungary! Or the rhetor Priscos who was received in the royal court of Attila, and wrote about the Hungarians who were also called Onogurs!
In his work Etymologiarium sive originum by St. Isidore of Seville (560-636), an early Christian writer, the name Onogur appears as Ugn, Ung, Ugri, or Ungri, depending on the copyist's reading, but in this quote "Hungnos" also refers to the Hungarians! "Hugnos antea Hunnos vocatos, postremo a rege suo Avares appellatos, qui prius in ultima Maeotide inter glacialem Tanaim et Massagetarum inmanes populos habitaverunt. Deinde pernicibus equis Caucasi rupibus, feras gentes Alexandri claustra cohibente, eruperunt, et orientem viginti annis tenuerunt captivum, et ab Aegyptiis atque Aethiopibus annuum vectigal exegerunt.” By the way, the Huns and Hungarians are often connected with the Massagegetas, as well as with the Scythians, so Scythians-Agathyrsi-Thyssagetae-Massagetae-Getae-Huns-Hungarians-Magorians-Sabirs are all from the same culture!
Iordanes a Roman writer of Goth origin, who wrote in the 6th century about the "Hunugors" in the book called "Getica" the following: "The Hunugors, who are also called Sabirs, lived first in Scythia and in Dacia, then again in Scythia. " In chapter 28 it says that the Goths arrived in western Scythia, and in chapter 29 it describes that those who live here are the people who come from Magog, who belong to the Scythians and speak the language of the Scythians! In chapter 33 he mentions that the Gepids arrived in the west of Scythia and describes that there are two big rivers here, Danuvius et Tisia - Danube and Tisa!
So, it seems that western Scythia was in the Carpathian Basin, where Transylvania is also located, the homeland of the Szeklers and Hungarians, and Romanian historians don't want you to know about that!
There is already a lot of evidence that this Ugric language was not spoken by the elites of the Avars also called Juan-juan, or by the elites of the Huns called Xiongnu, but by the aborigines of the Copper Age and Bronze Age! I think this is also related to what was recently announced by the American professor Dr. Péter Révész, who deciphered the inscription on the plinth of the sphinx statue found at Potaissa - Turda from the 3rd century, of which some clear drawings remain of archaeologists! This statue could have been made during the Roman province of Dacia, when quite a few Dacian subjects still lived here! Just type in the RUclips search engine: Mysterious Inscription on Ancient Sphinx is Desciphered - Peter Revesz. However, there are runic researches that have shown, which every Hungarian can clearly see, that several signs engraved in Neolithic stone or clay tablets have been found in the Carpathian basin, which are the same as the signs of the Hungarian-Szekler runic writing, and there are seven such signs on the 7,000-year-old Tatárlaka - Tărtăria disk! Anyway, the linguists researching toponyms proved exactly that the Romanian Tărtăria is a late adaptation of the Hungarian Tatárlaka, only in mirror translation, which sounds quite stupid, just like in 99% of the Romanian translations are from the ancient Hungarian language for settlements and geographical names in Transylvania and Partium!
Bishop Antun Vrančić probably knew something when he wrote the following about the Hungarians and Szeklers from Transylvania in the 16th century: "They have the same customs and the same laws and language as the other Hungarians of Pannonia..." "...the Hungarians who they live in Transylvania, they are often called Dacians, while those from the kingdom are called Pannons, they still have the same language."
A magyarul beszélők közül kimaradt észak Erdély- azaz Parthium- Arad, Temesvár...stb... Aztán ott vannak a Csángók, akik ősi magyar beszédet, gyönyörűen tisztán beszélik és persze a Moldovai Csángók...akik szintén beszélnek magyarul... Tehát a Fánk talán éppen Nagy Britanniában van, ahol próbálják elmesélni, hogy Wallachia-Wales és nem mBrit... A magyar történelmet "beszélők" még azt is tudják, hogy a scytta-szittya- scott- ugyanaz a genetika, csak valamiért nagyon nem szeretik a NŐI genetikát vizygálni...Talán azért, nehogy valamilyen lényeges dolog kiderüljön... Nekünk van egy Walesi Bárd- versünk, amely összeköthető a Déli- Vlachokkal, akik nem Románok, hanem egyszerűen egy Adriai tenger menti föld terület, Havasalfölddel együtt... Ezt a területet valamikor a történelem RÁMA néven emlegette, nem véletlenül... Gondolom Ráma neve akkor is ismerős Walesben, ha csak a Brit- Román rokonságról beszélnek...Azaz, nincs fánk...Fánk az USA sütije és ezt is magyarok vitték ki, ahogy a palacsintát és sok mást....A Fánk egyébként azért nemzeti süti a Magyar, ősi Hun és Scyta népeknél,- mert az Univerzum működésének fázisát mutatja be... Ezt úgy hívjuk- Tórusz...
A magyar szép nyelv.
@@BenLlywelyn Like the russian language 🤣
@@kermitvonklausenberg2025 Said by a romanian-german ?
Mindegyik nyelv szep maganak de a magyar logikus ,matematikas gyokok ragok tomkelege, egyszolvan osnyelv.@@BenLlywelyn
@@MegaSzekely egyetértek veled!
Very interesting video, living east of Huganagay I didn't know much about the roots of Hungarian irredentism. I am familiar with the post-WWI history and the so-called trauma of the Trianon, but I haven't gotten down this rabbit hole. Hungarians have their diasporas in the neighboring countries that were parts of the Austro-Hungary, and looks like it should not be a problem anymore but it still is. Victor Orban, IMO, is a very talented populist, and fostering Hungarian irredentism, which seems to me, to be part of his populist strategy that makes him popular at home and causes a lot of tensions with the neighbors. Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine are at odds with the Hungarian government due to its ''Trianon traumatized'' policy. So since the big ''population exchange'' like it was after WWII is not an option anymore, which I consider would be the best solution, -- please don't tell me that I incite ethnic cleansing -- and federalization of these countries is not an option either, that could create more problems rather than solve one. Why don't the Hungarians just accept the reality as it is and live on?
Identity and meaning matter to all human beings. We are tribal, we are clan based, and find higher causes in belonging that make life worth living.
@@BenLlywelyn I totally agree with that. And I think that tribalism, nationalism, and even xenophobia to some extent are natural to all human beings. Biological diversity is needed for the very existence of our species, as well as social cohesion. Common language, faith, and customs create cohesive social entities like a tribe a clan, or a family. A variety of tribes, ethnic groups, and nations creates cultural diversity. Unfortunately, sometimes xenophobia escalates into hatred and the cultures collide with each other. And sometimes it takes on a very ugly form. Being a member of the tribe, a quite ancient one I cherish my people's cultural heritage, Tomorrow evening I will say again, 'Next year in Jerusalem'. At the same time, I'm interested in other cultures. I like different cultures and languages, therefore I subscribed to your channel. And yes, I like some cultures more than others, and I don't think it's a crime. I only wish we could live and let live.
Federalisation is not possible nor probable for the forseeable future. The Hungarians have a lot of rights, but some still dream the imperial dream. Este o vorbă: nemulțumitului i se ia darul.
Imperialismul nu este un vis bun. Mai bine să visezi la o soție care poate găti.
@@BenLlywelyn spune cel care s-a născut într-un imperiu ?
@@biyoubiyou1446ce imperiu? 😂
@@BenLlywelyn in Romania până si bărbații știu găti :😀
I appreciate. You pointed the essential.
Thank you.
Hungary lost the territories where they were a minority, what you expect? If magyars want to go back to Hungary, nobody will stop them, but they will not have independence in Romania
Hello Ben, Again I like your videos! I read more from Ovid, still translation, the more I read more interesting information I find! He writes about people’s he meets at Tomis 2000 more years ago, Thracian Gets and Bessi, and Scythians, he can recognize Scythians by accent and he can write in Getic measures! 2000 years ago these peoples languages were different and today are still different after being together for more than 2000 years, living together! He also writes: there are Greeks there but speaking Getic with Greek accent! ❤
Thank you! 2000 years ago is indeed a long time.
@@BenLlywelyn Hi Ben, again I found interesting: searching Thracian words and PIE words: In internet is the word “ Mânz “ in a Thracian inscription in Bulgaria , the only connection is with same Mânz in Romanian, meaning same in Thracian and Romanian: young horse. Also word “Zi” translates in English God, in Greek Zeus . The secret is: I am telling you the internet doesn’t know! “ Zi” in Romanian is “Day”, most common word in Romanian language! Ce zi frumoasa! Să ai o Zi frumoasă! Is like Hello, Hi, have a good one! In English, Zi is also from Zamolxes, Zi is also God! Dumnezeu! Also “ Obraz “ is image of God! I was surprised to find this word so old in Romanian language and in internet and no body knows what means in Romanian!❤️
I believe that Maghyars of Romanian citizenship love more Romania than Hungary!
...because the peoples from other part of border are damn bad, rootlly bloodly evil persons, personal experience.
sure they due just wait and see you must be living in a valachian reality lol
Who stops you from going to the Hungarian one?
Actually with the new generations , they kinda do. Hell if we put some effort to attract young people from Hungary, we’ll probably be able to.
This happened rather in reverse in the last hundred years, there is already a lot of data about how the Transylvanian Hungarian families became Romanian in the big cities, because logically, it makes no sense for the Romanians to turn into Hungarians under Romanian rule! And if you are now coming up with the lie that this happened even before the great Romanian unification, then there are thousands of real facts for this as well, that Romanians did not live much in the Hungarian and Saxon cities, only barely 2-3% were Romanian residents in Várad - Oradea, In Temesvár - Timisoara, Arad, Brassó - Brasov and Kolozsvár - Cluj, but more than 95% of Romanians lived in villages under Hungarian rule until 1919!
To quote S.O.A.D., "Forgivness is The ultimate sacrifice. Eloquence belongs, To the conqueror."
A group takes over a land 1k years ago, settle in, but then align themselves on the losing side of a couple of modern wars, then the true ancestoral people regain control of the land around them... and we get a donut?
You say that The Treaty of Trianon made a terrible injustice to Hungary. In fact, it gave the right of self-determination to the Romanians in Transylvania. They were always a majority there. Even your maps show that. What is really just, to leave millions of Romanians under foreign rule or to keep it like that just because you feel pitty for the Szekelys? I'm not gonna talk about all Hungarians, let it be clear, they are generally nice, but some of them make fun of my ancestors because they were uneducated and poor. This is because they were treated like animals under Austrian and/or Hungarian rule over centuries. And, again, I'm not gonna blame the living Hungarians for something that happened in the past. But these are facts. Romanians we're NOT ALLOWED to go to school, NOT ALLOWED to own lands or accumulate wealth and, of course, NOT ALLOWED to make decision for themselves. And making fun of these people is injust and shows the character of the people who do that. You look from the Szekelys' perspective, but have you looked from the Romanians' perspective? And are you serious when you talk about "romaniazation"? Have you read about the Apponyi laws? Do you know the book wrote by Simon Telkes, named "How to magyarize family names"? If you don't, make some research about them. These things happened under Hungarian rule, they're not conspiracy theories. What you call "romaniazation", was, in fact, a REromaniazation, people who had Romanian ancestors changed back their names and declared their real identity. And even like that, there are still Romanians that have Hungarian names nowadays. You can identify them easliy, because their names are written Romanian style. I'm not gonna deny that the Romanian state made abuses... I'm sure they did, as any other state in the world, but, generally speaking, under their rule, the REAL Hungarians were allowed to keep their names and identity. Today, they are able to learn in their native language up to university level. Not to mention that they have all the rights any Romanian has, to organize cultural events and express themselves in any way they want. Something that Romanians under Hungarian rule didn't even dream of. They only gained a few rights in the 19th century, but after they rebelled and with other countries' help. The federalization is a bad idea, at least now, when Romanians still remember the way their ancestors were treated in Transylvania. And it will solve nothing, anyway, the Szekelys will gain nothing extra from it. Just some pride, maybe. But they will isolate themselves even more than they are doing now and they live in a poor industrialized area. This will turn against them.
Temption to add Austra-Hungary lost WW1
I am a Szekely man who lived 2/3 of his life in the states but I remember I had a very pleasant time as a child in Transylvania growing up with nothing but Romanian children who treated me as if I was one of their own . Even though I am of Saxon and Szekely bloodline from the Austrian-Hungarian nativity of Transylvania. I see Romanians as my fellow Transylvanian brothers and sisters and we are one family !
Glad your childhood was pleasant. A great gift toward a stable life.
NO to federalization ! Article 1 from the Constitution is sacrosanct & no amount of political and cultural whinging will change that !
ARTICOLUL 1 Statul român. (1) România este stat naţional, suveran şi independent, unitar şi indivizibil.
I don't see Federalism is a threat to unity. Germany. America. Canada.
But.. It is not my country.
@@BenLlywelyn case by case issue, would not apply to Romania. not after what we went through. no sane Romanian would accept this. Now, if we talk about economic or administrative reformed regions, sure ! but NOT CULTURAL.
@@BenLlywelyn Federalisation will not happen because Romania is a young country. Politically and adminitratively. The 1st Romanian mediaval states were founded in the XIV th century, quite late, and we are talking about the modern Romania onyl from the XIXth century. This why amongst Romanians there is a massive frustration towards Hungarians because the oldest settlements in Transylvania are Hungarians and Saxons. And it has all the young countries problems if we think about nationalism and fear of loosing control. Same as Slovakia. If any one will tell you about Dacia.. Well.. it is an expired myth without any historical, archelogical or linguistical proof. We would need though a descentrlisation but Bucharest is a control freak city. All the best
@@szabolcstyukodi9035 It's not really that young, it's older than Germany or Italy, but that's not the problem, but the fact that you declare null all the archaeological remains that don't use Hungarians.
My father (Romanian) grew up on the border of Hungary and spoke Hungarian very well. Even though the village was part Romania, they were persescuted by the Hungarian speaking population which was a majority in that city.
Today, the Hungarians have all the rights necessary to study in their own language.
The constant fight between Hungarians and Romanians is stupid. We need to come together and respect each other.
They can enrich Romania in my opinion.
I am partially szekely, partially romanian. So I might give an objective answer. Ben , first of all, the hungarians, as a warlike people have always conquered more teritory than they could rule, manage. Since their aliance with the Szekely people. There was always a "look down" of the hungarians over the Szekely whom were called "black hungarians" by the magyars( black is also an old turkic tribal denomination)... Since the aparition of the ideas of national states and nationalities, especially the revolutions of 1848, most Szekely people have identify themselvs as hungarians. But their ethnonime still exists and has old roots. Today , most of the szekely are ok with living in Romania. They live in peace with their felow romanian neighbours. There are more differences between romanians coming from different regions of Romania ( Moldova and Oltenia for exemple) than between szekelys and romanians of Transylvania. Their customs are very alike. Romanians and Szekely live together since 1000 years but romanians of all regions of Romania live together since 100 years. So there is no need for federalisation. Living in the European Union is enough. That is why EU was created. To stop disensions between peoples of Europe. I think the comparision between the "federalism" of the UK or Germany and the eventual federalisation of Romania is totally inapropriate. But this is another discution, and anyway not enough space here, not even on You tube... Thank you Ben for your interest in the history of our area. God bless the noble Welsh people !!
Thank you.
Are you romani?
In Romania, the county council and mayors are a kind of state within a state everywhere. We also call them "local barons". Formally, they respect the laws, but in practice, they exercise more power than they should (abuse of power, corruption). Maybe there will be an administrative reorganization of larger regions and the Szeklers will maybe "unify", but I don't think the problem of "local lords" will disappear. They are a plague on democracy, economic development, and the freedom of individuals
So...Slovakia...bye...a piece of Ukraine ...bye...a good piece of Croatia...bye...a good piece of Serbia...bye and a huge piece of Romania ...bye as well. All these just to satisfy a nation that is from the Urals, therefore not even from Pannonia.
CVT had this saying: o m...e, o m...e nu vor ei?
Once again: Greetings from Trianon.
After 1000 years. I would hardly say they are from the Urals now. But the best thing is peace here.
@@BenLlywelynBen dear, it can be evem more than 1000 years if this is the truth it's the truth and nothing else but the truth. I am refering to their origins because they weren't here when for instance Romans did fight with Dacians in Transylvania back in 105-106AD.
As for wanting peace or not it's not that Romanians who are searching for problems but Hungarians who are inventing problems. My grand parents had to migrate to Moldova from Transilvania because of the Hungarians and I have friends with Hungarian type family name despite the fact that they were Romanian. They were forced to change their name from Romanian to Hungarian. I.e. Fechete (Fekete) from Negru which means black or Naghi (Nagy) from Mare which means Big. etc.
Since you are passionate of studying history maybe you'll do a research of all consequences of the Diktate of Viena ( August 1940) for Romania.
As a conclusion, Nicolae Iorga (the greatest Romanian historian) used to say: Any people that forgets his history is tempted to repeat the same mistakes from the past.
Greetings from Trianon is a wish full of sarcasm. Literally is wishing to all Hungarians that dream about the Great Hungary that size of their country since 1920 is the right size and they should stop asking for more land. These lands were not empty when they came here together with other migrating people/tribes.✌️
@@BenLlywelyn Please make a video about Posada battle
@@l.e.i.4111 Here is some original and contemporary archival information from the archives, which proves, for example, that no Vlachs lived in Transylvania at that time! Pope Gregory IX in 1234 sent a letter to Béla, Prince of Transylvania (later King Béla IV. asking him "in the name of God" to grant asylum to "those poor Vlach refugees" who wished to escape the harsh rule of the Cumans! The asylum was granted, and the first three groups of Vlach immigrants entered Transylvania from the South, and were settled, under their own chieftans, in the Forgaras, Hunyad and Bánság districts, on specially designated mountain-pastures called in the royal documents as "Silva Vlachorum", Forest of the Vlachs. These Vlach immigrants, who received asylum within the Hungarian Kingdom, and others who followed later, became the ancestors of the Transylvanian Rumanians. Officially they were called Vlachs, from which the Hungarian name Olach and the German name Wallach derived, in contradistinction to the Rumelians and later Rumanians who did not enter the Western culture-circle but stayed East and South of the Carpathians under Byzantine and later Slavic influence. In 1241 the Mongol invasion" led by Batu Khan, swept through Hungary. King Béla IV lost the battle of Mohi, and fled to Austria. After the Mongols left, the king returned in 1242, and began to rebuild the devastated country. Several districts, especially on the Great Hungarian Plain, were left without population, making it possible for Serbians, Vlachs and Slovaks to seep into some of these empty lands, and establish a few scattered settlements!
In 1247 new Vlach refugees gained permission to enter the Hátszeg and the Máramaros districts in Transylvania. Here, too, the Romanians have no idea that these are all ancient Hungarian names, which linguists everywhere onthe world know, such as Fogaras, which comes from the ancient Hungarian word for tooth, or Hátszeg, our two ancient Hungarian compound words, hát and szeg, or Máramaros, mára and maros again from two ancient Hungarian words, but these do not mean anything in Romanian, neither Haţeg, nor Făgăraş and nor Maramureş! And Transylvania is full of such ancient Hungarian place names and geographical names, but even place name researchers and linguists agree that there are no names of Romanian origin anywhere in the Carpathian Basin, neither in Transylvania nor in the Partium or Marámaros - Maramureş before the 13th century!
In 1253 Guillaume Rubruquis French envoy to Bulgaria described the empire of l5 Zar Michael Aszen as "reaching from the Danube river to Konstantinopol, including Vlachia in the lower Balkan Mountains." Vlachia therefore still existed at that time on the Balkan, under Bulgarian domination, while those Vlachs who tried to move Northward by crossing the Danube, fell under the rule of the Cumans.
In 1290 three Hungarian landowners in the Transylvanian districts of Hunyad and Fehér received permission from King András III to bring in some Vlach laborers "from South of the mountains."
In 1358 Mark, royal archivist wrote in his chronicles concerning Transylvania: "lt is the richest part of the Hungarian Kingdom" where "Hungarian and Saxon cities bloom with industry and commerce, while the fertile lands of Hungarian farmers produce good wine, fat cattle, and plenty of grain for bread. High upon the mountains Vlach herdsmen tend to their sheep, and bring down good tasting cheese to the market-places."
In 1385 a new influx of Vlach immigrants was settled into the Szilágy district, establishing ten villages on the royal estate of Aranyosmedgyes.
In 1505 Vatican census estimated the total population of Hungary to be about four million souls, of which 77% were Hungarians, so there were more than three million Hungarians, and the rest Germans, Croatians, Slovaks, Serbians and Vlachs. (In the same time the total population of England was four million also, while that of the Austrian Empire, including Bohemia and Silezia, five million, and that of France eight million.)
Every consecrated historian already admits that in the years before the Mohács battle, Hungarians lived in the majority in the entire Carpathian basin, in the original territories of the Hungarian kingdom, and this Vatican survey also confirms this! Moreover, regarding the Vlachs, it is clear that at that time there were not even a hundred thousand in the territory of the kingdom, which also included Transylvania, since according to the data, the Hungarians numbered more than 3 million ( 77%), then the Croats numbered at least half a million, while the German-speaking people also numbered at least 3 hundred thousand, and even then the Slovaks and Serbs were there!
@@l.e.i.4111 : adica in loc sa-l "maghiarizeze" direct Fekete l-au maghiarizat numindul Fechete ( respectiv l-au inscris in acte Naghi in loc de Nagy) ? Probabil socoti ca inaintasii fostului primar de Baia-Mare se numeau "Rotaru" iar ungurii l-au maghiarizat-o in Chereches (de la : Kerekes=Rotaru). Oare nu pare mai logic ca sa intamplat invers , adica numele unguresti sau romanizat ( de la Fekete in Fechete ? ). S-au tu nu esti prieten cu logica " ? ( dupa rationamentul tau de drogat cu prenadez , o sa spui ca numele meu "Szabo" sa maghiarizat dupa numele "romanesc" de "Sabău" , si nu vicaversa) Un sfat : schimba prenadezul cu aurolac , ca cu asta , dai in mintea copiilor !)
One tiny thing: it's pronounced "Mohatsh", but whatever... Everything else is spot on. It was nice hearing about all these from another perspective. Thank you!
They should move to Hungary. If Hungary wants them that bad, that area is Romanian since the beginning of times.
Forced migration seldom ends well.
Hungarians are Mongols that came from the north Romanians were nice enough to let them stay, but now they want to change things…
Should Quebec in Canada become part of France even though the English won the war?
Centre of Switzerland was, and is populated by old Romanians. They still speak the old Romanian, but the Swiss is getting rid of them and the language should the Romanians have done the same to those Mongols. Just like the Hungarian did to the Germanics that lived in Hungary.?
@@tedmaziromanians come from the byzantine empire and hungarians come from the urals and also the first hungarian settlers in transylvania appeared in the 9th century and the romanians only in the late 15th century
@@abrisszebeni9192 you’ve spoken like every Hungarian
Dacians, (Romanians) have been in the region for over 7000 years.
Hungarians, (Huns) are Mongolians. Just so you know, I love Hungarians! My Wife is Hungarian. My kids are half Hungarian.
Do a DNA TEST! You will be a mix of Germanic, Romanian and Mongolian.
@@abrisszebeni9192 There is no document to signal such a migration. And I can say that you come from Mars
My answer is: stay the same. There is no need for any administrative changes. Do not fix what is not broken, even if it might not be all perfect.
There is indeed an argument that reforms can often cause problems.
@@BenLlywelyn Indeed so, Sir, the law of unintended consequences has a strange way of making itself relevant.
We will never accept a "federal" Romania. The "federation" is the shortest way to dissolution so: Romania will always be a "national" state. Szekelys / Hungarians have all the rights here in Romania. Nobody endangers their identity (Szekely identity was endangered and destroyed by the Magyars, not by Romanians). So: they can have anything but autonomy / separation. We will never accept separation. I mean...they may leave (if they want) but the land will stay here. And nobody forces them to leave... They can live on that land because they inhabited it for hundreds of years and yes it can be considered as "their" land, too. But that land also belongs to the "national" Romania and this situation will never change again.
Walking with a painted crow is called Federalization.
Transylvania 1000 years in Hungary, 100 years in RO. That is the fact.
You managed to persecute and clean out Hungarians from there, which we never did with Romanians.
You are so very wrong... That is only history. The fact is this: Transylvania is a part of Romania NOW. NOW! This is a fact.
A critical information that is missing the the ancestors of the ancestors of current Romanians were invited to Transylvania only in the 13th country when Tatars eliminated the almost entire population (even most big cities were rendered flat ash) and the Hungarian king at that time tried to solve the extremely scarce population/area by inviting other nationalities from over the borders.
The ones that stayed on the other side of the borders, out of the Carpathian Basin founded (or already had, I don't remember now) Wallachia. By the time (much, much, much later) Wallachia and part of Moldova united as Romania. By trianon, Romanians already kept claiming that there were in the Carpathian Basin longer ago than the Hungarians (in a Reddit post, one Romanian told me that "Romania already existed" before the Hungarians arrived to the Carpathian Basin. According to him, it is taught as clear truth in Romanian schools), so after trianon, they took it as reunification.
With this important detail added, the problem gets much more clearer. Why don't the Székelys just dissolve in Romania? Because the Székely "minority" is the actual native nation there and the Romanians are the ones having been "placed" there through historic and political reasons.
If at least they would admit it, but no, they still claim "birthright" over an area that was gifted them only because the west wanted a smaller, weaker Hungary; also advertise Roman Empire origins (for which they choose this name, Romania, after the unification of Wallachia and part of Moldova) AND despite the rubbish that other posts claim here about how mch autonomy Székelys get, many Székelys told me themselves, directly, about how their language and symbols get banned in certain schools, offices or entire cities.
So no, it's not the Székelys who are against a peaceful coexistence, nor is that expected after an actual invasion.
The video contains many truths, but also has sentences placed here and there that orignate from western anti-Hungarian propaganda. For example, I listened to politican's speeches and no, Orbán said nothing that was so bad for Romania, doesn't want to rewrite borders (reclaim stolen territories was the program of the governments between the two world wars, but as an understandable right) and is much better to the neighbors than the various communists governments were between 2002-2010.
Also, if trianon was so bad as you say (and it was, and was even more) it must be reflected in something, can't everything happen then on like it was nothing. And the 40 years of communist eastern block just made it worse. The start is giving minorities a good amount of autonomy and also without committing crimes against them (that is just something that doesn't seem to be what countries are usually doing in Europe and elsewhere, as I see). Also, giving voting rights for Hungarians in the Hungarian elections, even if they are physically not in Hungary seems absolutely correct. They are big in number together, very close to current Hungarian borders and are out of current Hungarian borders without having moved, so it's not their fault.
in 70% din cazuri....daca iei un maghiar (nu ungur) la scuturat istoric o sa aflii ca pe strabunicasu' il chema Ion, nu Janos.
Do a case study.
Blatant anti-Hungarian lies, without any evidence, spread by Daniel Roxin and the Iron Guardist - Neofascist Romanians!
Among the Hungarians in Romania, there are no surnames of pure Romanian origin and Hungarianized in some form, because this is what determines who has what surname and not their first name! First names were often biblical or ancient Greek names for Hungarians as well, for example the most common names are József, Sándor, Ferenc, István, András, Márk, Mátyás, Tamás, Lukács, which names are either not used very much by Romanians or are pronounced quite differently , but there are many more of these than János, yet a propagandist always uses the names of János and Ioan as a basis, because he is not interested in the truth, since he did not even bother to learn a little Hungarian! But seriously, I'm asking how there can be such an ancient Hungarian name as Farkas in many families in Romania Fărcaş, or a Fodor -Fodorean, or a Faragó - Fărăgău, a Kovács - Covaciu, a Kádár - Cădărean, a Szabó - Sabău, a Kerekes - Chereces, a Varga -Vargău, Almás - Almăşan, Both - Bota, Király - Chirali, Szijjártó - Sighiartău, Szűcs - Suciu, and I could write many more such names, names that have been Romanized for several generations! Because if someone knows both languages well, he quickly realizes that these were never Romanian names, since they all have an ancient Hungarian meaning. So these are not Magyarized names, but the other way around, hundreds of thousands of Hungarians have already been Romanized, and otherwise, there are no Hungarian surnames of Romanian origin, only like Oláh or Román, which says that someone came from there, but this has nothing to do with the Hungarianization of thes names!
So these people lie so blatantly that it screams to the heavens, and I say that God will curse them and the signs are already visible! Because there is definitely someone here who betrayed himself in another video and wrote that they hate the Hungarian language on principle and hate everything that is Hungarian in this country! And then you can understand why Hungarians are discriminated and excluded almost everywhere in Romania, because this country is full of people who gather like this! Otherwise, they would not go so far as to systematically destroy the Hungarian monuments, cemeteries, Hungarian inscriptions, the names of Hungarian personalities, the symbols of the Hungarians in Romania, since what happened in the Hungarian military cemetery in the Úz valley is not an isolated case, many more of this happened in Transylvania, only these are kept silent in the Romanian media!
Taking into account that the Romanians have lived on these lands for about 5000-7000 years and the Hungarians came to their lands a few hundred years ago from the steppes of Mongolia, it would be correct for them to return either to Mongolia or to Hungary. How would it be for Romanians from Italy or Germany or England to demand autonomy in the areas where they live compactly?
Ahm...they exist in their own enclave, where they are speaking their own language, learn at their own schools in their own language, have their own traditions. If you do not go there generally you do not have problems with them.
I was there when i was in grade school.
We were in passing, and we stopped at a motel to sleep. Me and some friends went to buy chips and soda. When we asked for a Cola the lady hit us with "nem tudom". We look at her she look at us and had a back and forth
"O cola va rog! (A coke please)"
"Nem tudom."( i believe it means i dont understand)
"Nu nem tudom, o cola.(Not nem tudom, a coke)"
At the end we assumed this is how this people called coke.
"Da, un nem tudom, va rog!" (Yes, a nem tudom, please!)
Nem tudom?
Da, din aia vrem!( Yes, that one we want!)
In the end she finally gave us that coke, we said thank you and farewell and we left.
We didn't understood what is going until a few year later.
Most of the time they are just offended that romanians do not speak their language and have problems communicating because everyone around them spoke hungarian.
Dear Ben, thanks for this informative video. As a Hungarian speaker and citizen myself, please, allow me some remarks: 1.) the pronunciation of "Székely" will be correct, if you just flip your two vowels...:) 2.) Of course, the 1848 revolution was very much Hungarian, started in fact at Pest and Buda. 3.) Although I have not been following all of Orbán's speeches I cannot recall one single instance when he was belligerent or truly revisionist. Actually a referendum gave the electorial vote (in 2004, back then Orbán with his party being in the opposition) for Hungarian ethnic people living outside our present borders. What Orbán's goverment does do is to actively help those people, e.g. with education programs. 4.) Your idea of a federal Rumania sounds--ti put it in Welsh--"yn dda iawn". Diolch!
Köszönöm. I should say Orbán's support of marriage and children is a very wise investment in his country's future.
@@BenLlywelyn Agreed. Sadly enough I cannot see that presently Rumania is keen on establishing federal authority within its borders.
Romania, dacs, ancient România is there before ungaryans to come from Mongolia. But hungaryans stole many teritoris, includid Transilvania.
The cause of Romanian frustration has 4 pillars:
*1. Their migratory past from the southern Balkans in the high medieval period, what they covered by a ridiculous nationalist NATIVIST fantasy (Daco-Roman theory), which based on wishfull thinking. This baseless wannabee propaganda theory was created by the political-cultural organization "Transylvanian School" during the Romanian national awakening period. For further info LINK: daco-roman.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-problems-of-daco-roman-theory.html
*2. The Late nomadic lifestyle of their Wallachian Vlach ancestors: (They were the latest nomadic people in Europe, until the early modern era.) See what do the Western academic historians write about that: For further info LINK: daco-roman.blogspot.com/2021/02/romanians-latest-nomadic-ethnic-group.html
*3. Romanians belong to the semi-Asiatic (traditionally West-hater) Orthodox civilization, wich always produced shocking low/negligible contribution in the development of science & technology, society and in general level of infrastructure. Around 80% of thepopulation of Orthodox countries were still illiterate in the eve of WW1. For further info LINK: orthodox-eurasian-civiliazation.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-asianization-of-greco-roman.html Especially, it's worth to memorize the 16 points.
*4. Their less European look (90% of them look like turkic-balkanite combo) due to their less European genetics. Similar to the Eastern Slavs, Romanians have Asiatic mongoloid admixture, due to their state-founder Cuman Turkic overlords. (see modern Autosomal genetic admixture researches) Around 90% of the Romanian population have black hair brown eyes and olive skintone, and many of them have oriental vibe in their look. Their south-Balkanite origin genetic pool makes them one of the many typical Gypsy looking nations of the Balkans. Here are mass pictures and videos about Romanians. LINK: anthropology159.blogspot.com/2021/03/romanians.html
Romanians do not come from Dákok they are bizantine Latin speaking people who migrates north during the 15th and 16th century and afger the ottoman wars the hungarian population decreased in transylvania so cheap labour in the form of Romanians was brought in and as we know the worst living conditions the more children, so after a few centuries the romanian population became biggerso please read a fucking history book before commenting
Hungarian András Lackfi freed Moldavia from the mongol golden horde and hungary helped establish the first moldavian principality. So stop crying.
@@decombatnfl3639 Learn historia. Real historia not what you learn in school.
@@decombatnfl3639 Moldova didn't nedd a help from hunarians. Is was better for everioane lile ungarians to stai in Mongolia.
Only a million Magyars left in Transylvania? Used to be 2.5 million.
romanians make more kids than magyars and the gypsies from romania make more kids than romanians and magyars together.
Is come from Asia.
There is no proof that those ten tribes passed through Transylvania. Their history says they break through the Verecke Pass in the north, fighting Slavs and Romanian shepherds. The same route was taken by almost every invader from the east in ancient times (Cimmerians, Scythians and Sarmatians), circumventing the Carpathian basin.
Besides that, in romanian history their attacks and conquests come from the west by the Mureș river in the south and by Someș river in the north. Even their dialectical characteristics are split by these two routes. Today, only the ”Csángó” preserve some archaic characteristics, pre-language reforms (19th century).
The Csángo sound interesting.
@@BenLlywelynCsángó dialect is super interesting, it was so isolated for centuries that it resembles the earliest written records of Hungarian language (12th-13th century) more than modern Hungarian, their vocabulary is less influenced by slavic and germanic, for example the world hammer in modern Hungarian is called kalapács, which comes from slavic klepač, but in csángó its verő, which means hitter (ver-hit) the origins of that world is unkown.
Szekely are NOT hungarians !
szekelys say they are hungarian so deal with it...only nazis can not accept freewill
@@latakicsi2183 no, they said they are dacians occupied by huns..
@@cinamar221 hahaha funnyboy hahaha
Greetings. How do you do. Thank you very much for sharing this part of history. Diolch.
You are welcome. Thank you for watching.
Because Romania's name is tided to the name of a nationality, Hungarians feel like they now have to call themselves Romanians. I think, as a Romanian from Targu Mures, that Transsylvania should be an independent multiethnic country, like Switzerland.
But what Romanian, most of whom are from Transylvania, would tolerate his country being called Hungary? Independent Moldova, Transylvania as well, independent Muntenia would be a step forward and would reach like 1848. Who would it suit? Let's also create a Unio Trium Nationem and we would solve the problems of the majority Romanians, because they have stretched too far, right?
At the end of the day it is up to Szekelys and Vlach Romanians to work out a compromisr between them as friends. Whatever works best for them both is fine.
Independent pe pl mea, esti un ratat. Sunt din Maramureș, ruperea țări nu e in interesul românilor, daca vrei să trăiești într-un stat multiethnic Mars in Switzerland și trăiește cu islamicii de acolo. Aici e Romania, stat unitar și indivizibil. Voi ungurii tot imperii vreți, până o sa vă ștergem de pe hartă de tot într-o bună zi.
I'm a romanian from Cluj and I reject the independence ! I am from the same culture togheter with moldovians and valachians why would I want to live in an other country ! This idea is worse than the breakup of Yugoslavia ( same people different religions ) this would result in 3 countries same people same religion nighboring eachother. Would make us look like the most imbecile nation on Earth
Transylvania is independent inside Romania!
we know from recent dna datas that the magyar 7 tribes invasion 1100 years ago hardly made any dna changes /max 5-10%/ so was not a mass migration rather only elit change similar like when 10.000 norman/french knights ruledover england ...and today avar dnas in hungary 0.1%
Like Visigoths in Spain, left only a marginal trace in the people.
@@BenLlywelyn Indeed... today hungarian have 4% asian dnas from conquer magyars but they still managed a country named after them and a uniqe language spread and still in use in central-europe
Romania is an unitary and indivisible state, federalization however would mean big trouble but unfortunately some traitor politicians are trying hard to push it through. If you ask me, none of the Romanian government members deserve to stay alive for what they did to that country and the people for the last 34 years.
'deserve to stay alive' ?
They are not war criminals.
@@BenLlywelyn No, it is even worst! Federalization is not an option. I think you do not understand, something like this means betrayal. Please try to find out what happen with traitors during the time in Romania, I am not going to tell you right now but, I can tell you there is no forgiveness or mercy for betrayal.
@@davidionescu2103 What you're suggesting is a betrayal of fundamental human rights.
Unless you mean to say Romanians are not humans. Or that Romanians can choose to revoke someone's humanity.
What is your criteria for classing federalisation as betrayal anyway? The same constitution created and promoted by those you hate for destroying the country?
@@SaurianSavior It is betrayal because is against the will of Romanians and against the national interest, it is not about human rights or any minority rights.
Every country in the world has minorieties, but the existence of minorities is not a reason for federalization. There are laws to protect the minorities rights in Romania and these laws are according to Peace Treaty of Trianon.
Romania respects all the commitments made towards the ethnic minorities living in our country in accordance with all the international treaties signed by our country.
@@davidionescu2103 Romanians also want federalisation, you can't just speak for everyone, and it is not against the national interest.
In fact, centralization is against the interests of everyone but Bucharest. Where the public funding is funnelled into the pockets of corrupt politicians.
I want my taxes to benefit the municipality and the region I live in, where funding has been withheld for political reasons according to the whims of those corrupt politicians.
Because of this "documentary", I will never watch any of your videos ever again in my life.
You don't like doughnuts?
Transilvania is România's land. Shame on You.😡
I did not say otherwise.
The Szekely were fine soldiers . They defended the border of Hungary against mongols .
It’s a pity that we killed each other for this piece of land ….now all the eastern and Central Europe is the colony of the west
You are our friends, not a colony.
@@BenLlywelyn skip the bullshit for Africa
@@BenLlywelynsome people here in the east are very frustrated with the slow progress and cant accept the real issue lies with us eastern europeans, so they look for a boogieman. Just ignore them, theyre a loud minority (although its true issues do exist, such as the culturally far left western states trying to force their far left culture down the throaths of the culturally rightist eastern europeans)
Eastern Europe is attractive for many westerners seeking to get aware from the obsessive far Left these days.
@@BenLlywelynit would be perfect if the EU ,would really be an union , actually it is not , so when you are talking about westerners seeking refugee in east , actually this is an economical occupation , while you are destroying Romanian or Polish …etc businesses , with the help of your governments , “THE EUROPEAN FAMILY “ the narrative is correct , people are being manipulated to think the opposite , yes FAMILY , you are the parents and us the children . You are not talking with an idiot Ben , I’m an antreprenor with a master degree in economical science , I know what I am talking about
They are free to go to Hungary Hungary if they do not like to live in Transilvania wich is Pamint Rominesc !
When the same lie is being told for too long the invader acts like he is the one being oppressed.
After 1000 years is someone an invader?
When Hungarian officials come to your country and they take photos next to border markings that have been intentionally painted to look like the Hungarian flag and they hold speeches in which they praise the fact that Transylvania it’s theirs and a great injustice has been committed …..that says a lot. A wound made by your oppressor may heal but never we should forget the hundreds of years that we struggled in order to reunite and suffered at their hands so history will not repeat.
In the summer of 1940, Romania was forced to cede the Northern Adeal to Hungary. The Vienna Dictatorship. We are talking about a territory of over 43 thousand km2, almost half of the surface of Transylvania. The tracks can be seen in the clip on this route.
Only three days after the entry of the Hungarian occupying army, a series of ferocious massacres began against the Romanian civilian population. In just 11 days, approximately 1,000 Romanians were murdered. The most affected by murders was Sălaj county, where 477 Romanians, women, children, and Orthodox priests were massacred . Many atrocities that cannot be written.
'''''' Chronicle of the anonymous notary - Gesta Hungarorum. Anonymus, formerly the notary of King Bela III of Hungary (1173 - 1196), this conclusion based on his own statement and it is assumed that the chronicle was written around the year 1200. I read it.
-Transylvania, the center of Dacia and the Romanians, rich in all resources, was always conquered, subjugated and robbed by the rich, the Romans, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Soviet Union. As much gold was extracted, hundreds of tons remained in the ground. 1st place in the world. This is the battle for Transylvania. The truth.
Congratulations for your effort to properly document yourself about the Romanians. The country that did not know how to promote itself. Allowing someone else to create a false history...
Stick to languages and leave politics aside; I live in Transylvania. The Szekelys no longer live on the fringes of an empire but in the middle of a country. Therefor they must pay taxes for collective defense so fiscal autonomy is out of the questions. It's a dangerous neighborhood as you can see.
Culturally they already have every right in the book a minority could dream of, including state-funded Theater and Opera in Hungarian, as well as education from kindergarten to university in Hungarian. Economically Bucharest has greatly favored Transylvania over every other region; most highways have been built here; most railways have been built here. In fact it's high time for Bucharest to invest more in Oltenia and Moldova and the other Moldova as well.
Secondly, the rest of the Hungarians (the other half a million) don't want them to have autonomy; if they get autonomy they all lose political power in Bucharest. Not even Budapest wants to lose political power in Bucharest but they agitate the Szekelys so they will vote for ethno-nationalism when they vote in the Hungarian elections.
So please, stick to languages and leave politics aside.
Multumesc prentru visionere.
@@BenLlywelyn Don't thank me, stop making historical revisionist content. That's exactly what Putin and Orban are doing. You might do it out of concern for ethnic minorities and preservation of languages while the other two are aiming at "divide and conquer". From the point of view of Putin you'd be what's called "a useful idi0t". And don't tell me you don't see it too. What if Putin supported Welsh independence to weaken the UK and eventually have Putin rule over you? That's our reality whether you see it or not.
Your generation might end up rejoicing at another empire supporting your cause while your children will live in a political arrangement with even less individual freedoms and respect for rule of law and fewer ethnic minority rights, as they do in Russia.
Romania is part of NATO and the EU as is wholeheartedly pro EU values, even if not as progressive, and that is the best the Szekelys could hope to get given that we live at the crossroads of empires.
Before romanian invasion, it was a romanian secession/ independence. They declared their independence in Hungarian parliament and at Alba Iulia gathering.
Fascinating history.
Not true !!! You need learn history !!!
Fascinating fals vallach "romanian" propaganda .@@BenLlywelyn