It's not a secret that the Basarab dynasty had Cuman origins although after the first generation they had mixed with Vlach/Romanian nobility. The legendary Negru Vodă is either Basarab I or his father Thocomerius. Now talk about Gelu, Glad and Menumorut, as well as Litovoi and his brother Bărbat that were Vlachs, not Cumans and preceded the Cumans as rulers of territories in Romania.
@@RhiannonSenpai yes CUMAN origins but CUMANS where not TURKS but germanics ... aka OSTROGOT/VIZIGOT origins, see my comment bellow and notice that the Romanian word BALTAG is not a TURKISH originated word BUT A GERMANIC originated word, coming from the germanic words BELT + DAG /DAGGER = UN PUMNAL/ O TOPORIȘCĂ PURTAT/Ă LA CINGĂTOARE adică exact ceea ce inseamna cuvântul BALTAG in limba română! Also there never was a TOCOMERIUS... but a TOGOMAURUS... the german cronicles are much closer when recorded his name as TOGOMUR... TOGOMAURUS comes from TOGĂ + MAUR (BLACK)... as in NEGRU VODĂ or as in MURG, AMURG, MURĂ. Purtătorul de TOGĂ NEAGRĂ... si asta pentru că BASARAB vine de la BASSAREUS (traco geticul nume al zeitatii vinului) care avea si atributul de PURTĂTOR DE TOGĂ... vezi semnificatia numelui BASSAREUS pe internet...dar pune intrebarea in engleza caci in Română te bagă în bălării...
@@destiaptah2197 The Cumans were Turkic people from Central Asia but they mixed with Europeans like Vlachs/Romanians, Hungarians and maybe Germanic people as well. But they're not originally Germanic, they're Central Asians originally, deal with it.
Thanks Mr. Llywelyn. Well presented and researched. Particularly the illustrative maps as leaders, battles, alliances and treaties emerge. Love you are focusing on România and its history since for leisure I am learning the Romance language the British education system forgot to mention.
@@BenLlywelyn The Empire founded by the two Vlach brothers in 1185 was Vlach not Bulgarian. Read my Quora response on why Romanians call the Second Bulgarian Empire as Vlacho-Bulgar Empire by Roma Mater
Год назад+1
@@BenLlywelyn oh yah espetialy the romanian one did you read the latest gentical discoveries about the rumanians of cours not id dus not suit your nerative
@@BenLlywelyn Oy ,again with the nazi shit ! When will you stop playing those shity cards (never 🤣 ) they are getting old and boring .Especially with what is going on in Gaza .Genocide and displacement of population .I really don't know ho is the real nazi anymore .Wait nazi comes from Nationalsozialismus , that means Nationalist so that includes all the people on Earth 🙃ho love there nation and history . Maybe you wanted to say sociopaths or schizophrenic's people ho think they are above everyone else cause.......(many reasons here ).
Ben I’ve subscribed- thank you, as an American I’ve been fascinated by the Romanians’ history for a long time and you’re finally shedding light on the vaguest most nebulous part of their history.
Hi, the region was under turkik rule for a long time. Pechenegs, Cumans, etc. The vlachs are mentioned many times as fighing same as cumans (horses, archers, etc). The word black is actually a translation from this turkik languages, and means also north. so black vlachs and black cumans are the ones to the north (in this case north of danube) for some reason the one south of danube are the white ones (white is west in turkik). It is possible that the notion of colors and cardinal directions to have remained stamped in the region and Radu Negru to be The Radu from North.
Our Hystory books in school basically cover 2 major periods : the first is focused on Dacia, the beginnings and the battles with the Roman Empire and aftermath. And then the beginning of Țara Românească (our name for Wallachia, which is a germanic name of our historical region, if I remember correctly) and transition to modern Romania (beginning, medieval times, the nationalism "awakening" movement trend which manifested itself here in 1848, and modern Romania).The battle of Posada is covered extensively and regarded as a pivotal moment in our history, as you correctly explained. A very nice review with a unique focus on important administrative and war moments, and also on concepts (names, potential origins, local habits). It is nice to see someone put passion in explaining important details, rather than just reading from a script. Congratulations! Fun fact : celts managed to arrive in some parts of Transilvania :)
Thank you very much. Multumesc. Like your country, in Wales, we learn a lot about the Romans coming, and then it skips over the most important elements - our construction as a Welsh people during the Middle Ages - to the Reformations and then beginnings of the British Empire, which is mostly English History and not from a Welsh perspective. The British Empire is an important part of Welsh History, but to leave out the dynasty of Aberffraw, Glyndŵr and Welsh Laws and customs is absurd at best.
@@BenLlywelyn Well, this is news to me. Sad news. Of course the British Empire is a whole subject by itself. But to cover very minimally key Welsh History aspects is indeed wrong. I can only think of an ideea that might work : lobby for changing the school History curriculum and putting the emphasis where it is due! This sets the correct foundation for the Welsh identity, and it also creates a sense of pride.
Год назад
reason is becouse you got no history before the 13 century as vlachs
Romanian school history books cover this period rather briefly. It Is good to see an external view on it. Would be great if you consider looking and presentin the period after roman left till tge arival of the Huns. Also the conquest of Transilvania which took a few hundreds of years.
Год назад+4
lol transilvania never was romanian lan they got it as a present from Stalin in 1918
@ Transylvania at around 1000ad was organized in three kingdoms, 3 states, derived from Dacia, which was a province of the Roman Empire. These kingdoms were established gradually after the retreat of the Romans. These were conquered gradually by Hungary, established by the huns in the Panonic region. I would like to see the research and view of an external party, a british will do just fine. He is far enough. 😊
The Bulgarians were not Slavs in the beginning. It was a tribe from Central Asia that arrived on the territory of today's Bulgaria and conquered the area populated by Slavs and Romanized Thracians. In time, the Slavic element would prevail (linguistic and as leaders). The first Bulgarian empire also extended north of the Danube for a while.
@@EduardMicuthere was Bulgaria on the Volga these Turkish Tribes moved into bizantine territory around the 670’s taking Moesia from the empire in time they mixed with the numerous Slavs and the less numerous Romanized Thracians( proto-Vlahs) and some Greek speaking elements to form the basis of the Bulgarian state slowly the Slavs assimilated everybody excluding some vlahs some stayed in the newly formed state and some moved north of the Danube?! Maybe?! This is a topic of debate with no clear answer or archeological proof for know.
@@Marcelocostache some things just make sense and all we can do is to give our best guess regarding the topic. I'm not sure where I read that the Huns and the Bulgars worked together when they invaded this side of Europe. Why are Bulgarians considering that they are Thracians?
@@EduardMicu I don’t think Bulgarians consider themselves entirely Thracians! Their first state was clearly a mixture between Bulgars, Slavs and Thracians, or what was left of the Thracians by the end of the 7th century. Thracians were living mostly in the area south of the Balkan mountains, where Bulgars initially settled north of the range. Then they gradually mixed. Also, by necessity (for very survival), they united against a common and very powerful enemy- the Eastern Roman Empire. I think modern Bulgarians accept it was a union between Bulgars and Slavs with some remaining Thracians. But mostly Slavs. The Slavs were numerous and the Bulgars were fewer (possibly only a few thousand people).
@@EduardMicu let me know where you read this because the Bulgarians appeared on the European Stage around 250 years after the Huns! Thank you and Happy Christmas 🎄 to all.
Hello Ben, I am a Romanian, but unlike other idiots who speak Romanian and imagine themselves to be Romanians... I know a little bit more about our history and that is because I like to read and to look for as many sources as possible when searching for historical truth! We now know from 3-4 paleogenetic studies (one made by Hamburg University) that at least 65% of the genetics of modern Romanians is directly RELATED to the population who inhabited present Romanian areal since 5-7000 years ago... so, to make it SHORT... ROMANIANS ARE FROM HERE AND NOT FROM SOUTH OR NORTH. About ethnonim CUMAN.... indeed, names like COMAN, COMANESCU and COMANECI or toponim COMANA are names of CUMAN origins... but CUMANS where NEVER TURKS... in spite some rumour based build up histories about 1000 years ago. Please do not forget that Histrory is not a science and never was and never will be an objective discipline... and that is because usually there are only some documents to describe a historical event and those documents may based on rumours, gossip, may be a sort of denigration of a King against other King... or may be a mixture of all the above! So, about CUMANS... in 2014 the Romanian academy initiated /sponsored a genetic study on the remains of the descendants of CUMAN leaders from BASARAB dinasty... and surprize, surprize... the genetic pattern fit to NORDIC - GERMANIC population and not to an ASIAN/ TURKISH /MONGOLOID type of population... but this was NEVER a big surprise for the Romanian academy and most of the Romanian historians who never endorsed this bogus theory of CUMANS being of Turkish origins... who where a small population anyway compared to rest of Romanians... just like the Scandinavian leaders of Russia in the begining of the Russian history. These ethnonims are usually starting from a LEADER of that group and have a meaning in the language sponken by those people... and first lets notice that the ethnonim CUMAN ends with the suffix MAN = HUMAN in indoeuropean languages... so, only from this we can spot the fact that CUMANS where never ever a Turkic population but an indo european population... of ostrogotic/vizigotic origins.... according to the genetic study from 2014. The name CUMAN... you can see it in germanic populations of today like for example the former glory of AJAX AMSTERDAM whose name is RONALD KOEMAN... but KOEMAN it is pronounced CUMAN/COMAN in Romanian phonetics! The name BASARAB is not a turkish derived name or anything like that but a LOCAL / ancient name/ word coming from the ancient TRACO GETIC deity called BASSAREUS which was the equivalent of the Greek Dyonisos and to Roman God Bachus... who where all of them CENTRAL DEITIES of these people and ALL OF THEM THEY WHERE DEITIES OF WINE and VINE ... from which actually comes the word DI +VINO = DIVINO aka DIVINE which actully means in latin : OF WINE... aka VINE deities where central deity figures in many ancient traditions... see the Jesus Christ symbolistic of WINE being the BLOOD OF CHRIST/ THE BLOOD OF GOD... or how JESUS transformed water in wine! here a link about the TRACO GETIC wine deity called BASSAREUS: BASARAB, of course was a NICKNAME and it means THE ANOINTED ONE/ THE DIVINE ONE and also THE CARRIER OF THE TOGUE because the ancient BASSAREUS had this attribute as well. The CUMAN leaders where mixed up with Romanians and these MEDIEVAL Romanian leaders /founders where not slavic or turkish but ROMANIANS with also a GERMANIC ancestry coming from the KOEMANS! So, no surprise in the fact the toponim BESSARABIA aka BASARABIA (in Romanian) aka nowaday Republic of Moldavia is also from historical point of view THE RICHEST WINE REGION of the Romanian areal... and they even have BIG UNDERGROUND WINE CELL called CRICOVA... which even has STREETS with names... like an underground small city dedicated to WINE... And toponim BASARABIA it is related to the nick name BASARAB ... like for instance NEAGOE BASARAB one of the medieval ROMANIAN Prince who was a descendant of NEGRU VODĂ whose SON took the nickname BASARAB THE FIRST. So, no surprise also that TODAY in Bulgaria (former south TRACIAN territory) in the TRACIAN VALLEY... they also have a brand of wine called BASSARIA. And also, a very important detail, when the Romanian archeologists analized the remains of BASARAB dinasty descedants they found in their tomb a ROYAL RING which is identical to the ROYAL RING of the PRINCE OF WALES called BLACK HARRY ... BLACK HARRY = NEGRU ARIE in Romanian. So no surprize that KING CHARLES when ever comes to vizit Romania...enfasizes the fact that HE IS A BLOOD RELATIVE of the Romanian/Wallachian medieval ruller VLAD ȚEPEȘ/ VLAD DRACULA... who was the nephew of MIRCEA THE OLD and also cousin with STEFAN THE GREAT OF MOLDAVIA ... and all of them they where the descendants of NEGRU VODĂ! Also notice the fact that the ancient BASSAREUS was also a sort a divinity associated with FOXES and in medieval Wallachia the commerce with FOX FURS was a ROYAL MONOPOLY... and that is because the ROMANIAN RULLERS USED FOX FURS FOR THEIR ROYAL DRESSING... JUST LIKE HOUSE OF WALES in England... see the british name HALIFAX as in the name LORD HALIFAX aka HOLLY FOX... also there is no happenstance in the fact that the ROMANIAN NATIONAL FOLKLORIC DANCE named CALUȘARII exists as well ONLY in England (and maybe in Portugal or Spain too as some people say) and it is called MORITZ DANCE or ROYAL DANCE... and its interesting the fact that MORITZ comes from MAURITIO in Italian and MAURICE in French... who comes from latin MAURUS = BLACK And I heard that even bristish names like MOORE, MURRAY which corespond to Romanian MURARU, MURĂRESCU are in fact related to the latin word MAURUS = MOORISH in english = BLACK... like also romanian words MURG = BLACK HORSE and A+ MURG = AMURG = TWILLIGHT aka getting DARK but also to the fruit which in Romanian it is called MURĂ = BLACK BERRY! And also keep in mind that the COAT OF ARMS of both HOUSE OF WALES and the BASARAB dinasty included simbols of the RED DRAGON and the MOORISH HEAD/HEADS... like also in SARDINIA or FLORENCE in Italy.
@De Sti A PTAH2129 👍 - extraordinare conexiuni - CINSTE DUMNEAVOASTRĂ ! 👍 Cu adevărat, *deşteaptă* CORECTARE ! 🤗🤗 Vorba aceea: "de unde eşti?" *"D'ACIA!"* 👍🤭 DACĂ ISTORICII servesc pe cei ce plătesc, *osele din peşteri* (ex.: craniul din Peştera Muierii) [RO] 'vorbesc' ('vorbeşte') despre *legătura genetică* (a contemporanilor, localnicilor, cu oase din peşteri), doveding *continuitatea* OSULUI NEAMULUI [VLOHI demult, ROMĂNI astăzi] de-a lungul ultimilor 30,000+ ani - mii de ani de *supraviețuire* în pofida toturor năvălitorilor si a tuturor dezastrelor ... 'VECINII' *cumpără, fură* ARDEALUL bucată cu bucată, si chiar şi oamenii; DEZMEMBREAZĂ UNITATEA NAȚIONALĂ TERITORIALĂ - alții fură resursele, ei n-au un strop de petrol acasā, dar l-au acaparat, pe-al ROMĂNIEI, furată ca pe vremea fanariotă - *trădători sunt colaboratorii cu năvălitorii:* unii chiar schimbă numele lor si a copiilor lor ... pt. vize, pt. pomeni băneşti, pt. paşapoarte "cu acces" - "nimic nu-i nou sub soare": *trădătorii se aleg singuri* ... ... cu- sau fără- pămînt, LIMBA ŞI CREDINŢA rămîn liantul vaşniciei ..., *statorniciei* ..., CU VOIA DOMNULUI ...
Thank you so much for these videos on the origins of Romania. I know there are debates about some of the historical data, but I appreciate your effort, I am learning more than I remember learning in school about our country's origin.
After Aurelian / Roman retreat, different rules became independent but with close relationship with "old Rome" & Constantinopole ( Bizantin Empire) . Invaders just was waves , come & go never settled down.
Even if the names where Slavic, it didn't mean that they were not Romanians. Litovoi name is slavic but his brother name was Bărbat meaning man (male person) in Romanian. The had already assimilated the Slavs at that point.
If Romanians would of came from somewhere else the historical chronicles should of told us about it .they would write about an invasion of Vlachs of nowadays Romania .But they do not exist .We were here from the beginning of time.
@@BenLlywelyn Even so ,constant or slow migration of shepherds wouldn't ' go unnoticed by the early medieval sources. At some point they would have complained about more and more shepherds coming in Valachia and Moldavia. This is the theory of someone called Roesler,an Austrian that came with this theory that Walachians migrated from the south of the Danube and invaded Transylvania and the rest of the nowadays Romania .He could give no historical proof of this happening. History is not based on suppositions and hints but on proven historical facts .
@@BenLlywelyn Shepherd don't migrate though. As a shepherd you have a main home in a mountain or hilly region and you have a secondary fixed location in a river valley. Anyone who has ever tended sheep understands how difficult it is to travel 20 kilometers with them. Large scale migration is completely out of the question. Moreover the idea that the vast majority of a population only have a single occupation is kind of ridiculous.
The theory of the Cuman origin of the founders of the Wallachia state was abandoned a long time ago after genetic analyzes were done on the son of Basarab I, buried at the Arges Court.
@@BenLlywelynsure, but if the Bassarabs were of Lower Danube descent that doesn't makes them Cumans while Cumans were of turcik or germanic origin... Anyway, we need more DNA testings to clear things out even more✌️❤️
ROMANIAN COUNTRY. 1310-1352. GENETIC STUDIES: BASARAB I, the founder of the Romanian Country, was Romanian without any genetic connection with the Cumans. Neagu Djuvara lied shamelessly. Error! Filename not specified. The Cuman theory of the Bessarabians promoted by Neagu Djuvara has nothing to do with historical reality. And to make the lies uttered by Neagu Djuvara complete, he also made Basarab I a Catholic, although the churches built by him were built in the purest Orthodox Byzantine style. But, lo and behold, recently Cluj researchers sponsored by the Romanian Academy and Transylvanian Studies Center have genetically analyzed the grave of a founding member of the Bessarabian family: the famous Vlaicu Vodă. On October 28, 2014, at the Romanian Academy in Bucharest, the communication "Tomb 10 from St. Nicholas Church in Curtea de Argeş" took place. The deceased from Tomb 10 ("Vlaicu Vodă") died shortly before the construction of the Argeş II Church (today's church), erected at the earliest around 1350, being buried in the Argeş I Church (dating from the years 1230-1260), being it is most likely one of the unnamed sons of Basarab I mentioned in a document from 1335; There were no elements that genetically linked the deceased to communities or individuals of Cuman origin. Genetic research shows that the Bessarabians were ethnic Romanians, related to the Orthodox voivodes from Maramureş, who prepared the revolt against the Hungarian Crown and the "dismounting" in Moldova, which led to the foundation of the new medieval Romanian state east of the Eastern Carpathians. In conclusion, the "Cuman theory" of Neagu Djuvara, like the demystifying books of Lucian Boia, is part of the "European" direction of falsification of Romanian History. In the opinion of these "falsifiers of history" our original ancestors must have had Cuman and Catholic origins, only they should not be Orthodox Romanians. However, the science of genetics rehabilitated the historical truth: the Bessarabians were Romanians of Orthodox religion. Răspunde
Neagu Djuvara practices artifice in the book, bypasses some documents, interprets others as he sees fit to support his thesis. Neagu Djuvara succeeds in translating all these documents, for him there is no doubt that Basarab was a Cuman Catholic. Thocomerius is for Djuvara "Toctamir" ("hardened iron" in Turkic languages), so Cuman. The variant that Thocomerius in the Latin transcription could be Tihomir is not taken into account. That all the Hungarian documents say about Basarab that he was schismatic (orthodox) has almost no importance for Neagu Djuvara ( „Basarab, filium Thocomerii, scismaticum, infidelis Olahus Nostris”. ) - He says that it was actually slander from the Hungarian king to distance the voivode from the Pope. The theory of the Cuman origin of the Bessarabian dynasty brought a lot of money to the accounts of the old nonagenarian historian, deceiving the good faith of Romanian readers and defying historical logic. Neagu Djuvara lived many years abroad and returned to his old age to write our history. Which is in contradiction with the Romanian Academy. Neagu Djuvara , a venerable lover of Romanian history.
That all the Hungarian documents say about Basarab that he was schismatic (orthodox) "Basarab, filium Thocomerii, schismaticum, infidelis Olahus Nostris". Based on this document, issued by the Hungarian chancellery, Neagu Djuvara builds in his work, "Thocomerius - Negru Vodă, a voivode of Cuman origin at the beginning of the Wallachia", an entire Cumano-Romanian history regarding the foundation of the Wallachia. Attributing to the name Thocomer a Turanic or Cumanic origin (through excess of zeal, the name is also Latinized, Thocomerius), the author of the work sticks strictly to the name of the historical character, ignoring the historical events of the time, which took place in the area of Eastern Europe and, above all, interpreting in in favor of his hypothesis the existing documents of those times and later. His hypothesis will find many followers among Romanian historians and researchers, but also among foreigners. In an excess of zeal, he will go so far as to compile an astonishing "pedigree", asserting that Thocomerius, with his Tatar-Cuman name of Toq-tamir, would be a son of Monke Temur, the inn of the Golden Horde, grandson of Batu-han, and through him a descendant of Genghis Khan.
Great video. I just discovered your channel yesterday. I did a Y-DNA test and discovered that I am haplogroup E-V13, my family is from Poland in the Sub-Carpathian region (South-East). I was shocked because I thought for sure I would have been R1a or R1b. I discovered that Vlachs lived in Lesser Poland in the Carpathians, so I believe that is where my ancestry comes from.
This "semi-nomadic" theory is not an explanation of the Romanian ethnogenesis, but a hinder in understanding early Romanian history because it only generates contradictions. Groups of people had to move during that period but why should it they be shepherds, it's quite absurd theory fabricated by Austria-Hungary.
All nations are a fusion of contradictions. Welsh are the native British but the inheritors of the Roman Empire. Germans are a nation but many peoples. Romanians arose out of semi-nomadic vlachs yet had a land of their own.
Год назад+1
yah you vlach only remember the 54 yeasr of ausrto hungaria if you read proper history Hungary existed from the 8 century 1000 year before the austro hungarian empire but that is not in your vlachian interest is it
@@BenLlywelyn great! the logic behind is like the name Puskas: Puska=Gun, Puskas=man with a gun. So all names ending with -es or -as has high chance of Hungarian origin.
There's a lot more to "Vlachs" than just Wallachia in the Balkans. For example, my 'people' are today a clan in Montenegro called "Vasojević" ( which could be related to a leader called Vaso, or to a time when these people were referred to as 'Vlachs' ). Everyone who tested their Y-DNA from the Vasojević clan has a "Vasojević modal haplotype" which forms a distinct subclade of the E1b-V13 haplogroup. The ancestor to all these people lived in 1st century AD city od Zara ( Zadar ) and was buried there in a Liburnian grave. There's pretty much no reason NOT to think that this clan or tribe are Romanized Liburnians who later became Slavicized ( and probably because of this Romano-something identity, they were called Vlachs ). The earliest I could find mentions in 12th and 14th century census refer to them also as "Holmians", but the later 16th and 17th century Ottoman and Venetians mention them just as Orthodox population. This "Holmian" or "Koman" mentions are also interesting, which could mean just "people" from the same origin of the word as Latin homini, but could also stem from the Greek word for the Balkans peninsula "Haimos". So, genetically, pretty much unrelated to Romanian Vlachs, and probably linguistically only related through Romanization. btw. the TMRCA ( most recent male ancestor ) to Vasojević E1b-V13 are the Kuč clan ( 2800 years ago ), and other Balkan peoples like Greeks, Albanians and Romanians are over 4500 years ago TMRCA.
1. You say that the vlachs moved in the beginning of the 13th century, but if you read the Diplomma of the Joannites issued by the Hungarian king Béla IV in 1247, that timeline you presented makes no sense, it is just Hungarian tendencious theory. 2. Danube was never a barrier, Constatine the Great reconstructed/made a bridge over it. Even a person who cannot swim can cross it on a log, as my great-grandfather did when he was taken prisoner during the Bulgarian-Romanian war. 2. Vlachs are attested in Transylvania in Gesta Hungarorum, but the Hungarian dismiss it just because it doesn't fit their narrative with the "first comming". 3. Romanian language has spread from Transsylvania, that is from an area where the Proto-Romanians lived together with Hungarians, because there are words in the Romanian basic vocabulary that entered at a very early stage, that do not exist in Aromanian. 4. All major rivers in Transsylvania preserved the names they had during antiquity and their forms in Romanian reflect the normal outcome of the phonetical evolution from Latin to Romanian. So the Proto-Romanian people appeared in a vast area both North and South of Danube where they lived mixed with other peoples, SLavs, Hungarians, etc. What is most important they were Christians, with all that entails, unlike the other peoples, Christianity provided their cohesion as a group, besides the complex well-preserved language inherited from Latin.
It is not one or the other. These were a semi-nomadic people in many places, that is not to say all. Romanians arose out of several different groups of Vlachs slowly merging under the pressure of other groups like the Slavs, Cumans, and later Hungarians.
Ben the formation of Wallachian state was exactly the result of the destruction of Cumans and Hungarian influence by the Mongols. The main Christian vocabulary in Romanian is purely Latin derived and has nothing to with Slavic, Greek or Classical ecclesiastic Latin of the Catholic church. Has clearly evolved directly from Latin and Vulgar Latin in its unique way. At Hungarian expand in Transylvania the country was Orthodox already and the Vlachs were always recorded as Orthodox, under Constantinople jurisdiction, not under Rome. If we agree that are the descendants of east Romans by language then we also have to accept that the east Romans were Christians since 313 edict of Milan and Orthodox since 451 AD ecumenical council of Calchedon, when the Orthodoxy was imposed by Pope Leo along empress Pulcheria, against the Monophisite doctrine mostly promoted by the Greeks of Alexandria and Antioch, supported by the ethnic Greek empress Eudokia, wife of Theodosius II. Bessarabs were Bessi Vlachs, also known as Thracians of central Balkans, a strongly religious cast of Roman Christians during Iustinian. According to medievalist historian John Fine the Bessi Thracians were Vlachs and from their monks were sent by Iustinian to build and protect st Catherine monastic complex in Sinai Peninsula, around 550 AD. Is said that the Bessi Thracian - Vlach language was still spoken in Sinai peninsula by 9 century, but is also mentioned that at Muslim Arabs take over of the Sinai Pneninsula most of the Bessi returned from Arabia and settled along the Dacians in south Carpathian mountains, where they founded SINAIA monastic complex. Therefore the Bessarab is their combined identity of Bessi (returned) from Arabia and from this name also derived Bessarabia. Byzantine general Kekaumenos, who married the daughter of the Vlach ruler Nicolitza Delphnas - the Dolphine (title) of Great Valahia from south Balkans tells that the Bessi from the Danube and Dacians from Sava river invaded south Balkans to take back THEIR lands from the Greeks, given that the Bessi lands spread around the Rodhope mountains, parts of Thessaly and Macedonia and their old capital was at Uscudava, later Adrianople. According to this contemporary source and others no one can invoke any sort of Turkic origin of the Bessi Vlachs. As I said ThocoMerius was clearly a Greek Latin Christian name and had nothing to do with Cumans. Radu Negru or Negru Voda existed, because he also appears in the Serbian Chronicles of cneaz Minutin, by 1282, as related to a transport of 10,000 armors, from the Vlachs of Ragusa - Dalmatia, to the ruler of Wallachia, Negru Voda, to be used in the conflict against Hungarians. Only that the Serbian allies of Hungarians intercepted the convoy, appropriated the armors and used them for themselves to attack and expand the Serbian control under Milutin towards the south and west. Until then not a king but a warlord. Negru could be a common Romanian name, just like there could be Black or White names in English, while Radu as Ive mentioned was also a common Pelasg name, few Millenia in the Balkans and west Anatolia, before anyone heard about Slavs.
Farcas coms from the Hurgarian name of the wolf. It is possible to be a tranlation of his name Lupu (in Romamanian) or Vâlcu (from wolf in slavic languages an Lithuanian)
The Romanians (Vlachs) and the Bulgarians were for centuries in the big Bulgarian empire. The coming from the east pra_Bulgarians mixed with the Dachians to the north of Danube and formed the Vlachs (Ballachians/Wallachians). At the same time another groups of the pra-Buulgarians crossed the Danube and mixed with the Thracians, Macedonian and the Slavs. The Thracians and the Dachians were of ethnically same origin. So the modern Bulgarians and Romanians (Ballachians/Wallachians) are brothers.
It may seem strange, but Romanians and Bulgarians are almost indistinguishable genetically, because we overwhelmingly have the same ancestors for thousands and thousands of years, regardless of what history tells us or not, or the language we speak. I was really lucky to find two Bulgarians with haplogroup G2a near Velico Tarnovo, with whom I have practically the same mutations on the Y chromosome from a common ancestor who lived 2500-3500 years ago!... All my ancestors from whom I know for 5-6 generations are from the Getic Plateau area in Romania.
@@popacristian2056 Еxactly. Language reforms in the 19th century distanced the current Romanian language from the Bulgarian language. Accordingly, the modernization of Bulgarian further divides us.
Romania should be much larger then it is today. But unfortunately the Russian Soviets took the North Eastern corner of Romania, known as Basarabia, Moldova as the spoils of war and tried to forcefully Russify that region. Unfortunately to this day, there's still a wedge between the two regions of Romania stil driven by Russian imperialism desires. 3:44
Nations change borders, shrink, expand, regrow, die, rebirth, expand and shrink again. I would be wary of wanting terroriry back if you are quite big already - it can lead to other nations feeling anger towards you instead of peace and friendship.
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lol sinteit forte norocosm ca ati tradat aliati vostri si ati primit transilvania ca un cadou dela stalin
Soy boy... stop with this rusophoby bullshit... the Russians have always been our allies, until we were pushed by the Nazis to invade Russia. Without Russia, Transylvania still belonged to Hungary.
Expansion from the South to North Est is somehow against to all other migrations in history. Can you give some sources that are saying that the romanians came from the south?
Very interesting presentation. Might have been of interest to show a map of Wallachia with all the rivers you mentioned, and the towns. The first capital at Campulung was, as the name says, in a valley between mountains. In time, the capital will migrate southwards towards the plains.
In Romania there are places called Comănești, Coman, as well surnames Comănescu, Coman etc… which are not rare… Basarab Basarabean is also pronounced Besarab, Besarabean, as surname is not common… Ovid mentions Bessi as people living around that areas…Also Ovid in Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto asked to be forgiven if he writes some words in local spoken language, because he learned the language and sometimes he doesn’t realize the difference… also he mentions that there is nobody to speak Latin… I tried to find these words and not able to find in translations… I will try in original Latin version written by Ovid, not translated….if I can find it the original version! These antique writings best to be read in original versions. Translations are not the most fidel copies. Thank you Ben ! Your videos are the most interesting and captivating that I can find!❤❤❤❤
The Cumans or Kumans were a Turkic nomadic people from Central Asia comprising the western branch of the Cuman-Kipchak confederationThe name is derived from the Cumans who once ruled the region. Its first written record dates from 1657, and its first presence on a map from the 1696 The Cumans were themselves attacked and defeated by the Mongol Empire; most Cumans fled to Hungary,By the 1220s, many were concentrated to the east of Hungary, in areas later known as Moldavia and Bessarabia. 🤔
Interesting! Romanian for enemy is dusman exactly as in Turkish/Cuman. Do you know older or another form for enemy? That territory didn’t have enemy until Cumans came by?
The coat of arms of Prince Cândea from Ţara Haţegului and the oldest Romanian tricolor (XIII century). For those who don't know, the Romanians were organized from ancient times around local leaders who ruled a county or a country each, such as the Country of Bîrsei , the Country of Haţeg , the Country of Criş , the Country of Maramureş , etc. which can also be found in the times ancient and even prehistoric. The neolithic treasures from Cucuteni, Coţofeneşti, Agighiol, Peretu and Portile de Fier correspond to administrative centers (Cucuteni is one such example), which can later be found both in archaeological research and in ancient historical records about the Dacians and in medieval ones about Romanians. The Roman Catholic documents from the 13th century (the diplomas of the Ionian and Teutonic knights with reference to the Romanians, in which the 13th-century knights Ioan, Litovoi, Seneslau, Farcaş are mentioned, or the chronicle of the anonymous notary of King Bela III of Hungary , which mentions the 9th-century Hungarian invasion of Arpad and the clashes with the princes Gelu, Glad, Menumorut, Salanus, Ahtum, etc.) confirms this type of state organization. Starting with the emergence of kingdoms (Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, etc.) in the immediate vicinity of the old principalities, the Romanian counties/banates lose their historical meaning, unable to cope with political, military (and sometimes even cultural) pressure. Such a Romanian principality is the Land of Haţeg . We know about the existence of the Cândea princes at the head of Haţeg County from several documents from the 14th and 15th centuries. In the 15th century, Cândea submitted to Hungarian authority and converted to Roman Catholicism. Along with the conversion to Roman Catholicism came the Hungarianization of the name Cândea into Kendeffi. The end of the 13th century also brings with it huge pressure from the papacy, which forces the Hungarians to destroy any trace of Romanian autonomy in Transylvania. Finally, under the weight of those pressures, the existence of the Romanian principalities in Transylvania, Moldavia and Muntenia came to an end and the emergence of the Romanian Feudal States. Cneaz Cândea family made their own coat of arms, of Orthodox, Crusader and Romanian inspiration at the same time. The coat of arms of the Cândea princes contains the tricolor surrounding the Byzantine cross with Crusader reminiscences. Unfortunately, at St. Maria Orlea, the Orthodox episcopal church of Haţeg, after the defeat of the Romanian princes and the forced conversion to Roman Catholicism, accompanied by the forced Hungarianization in the century. XV, another fresco was painted over the original fresco, by the Serbian painter mentioned above. However, you can still see the colors of the Romanian tricolor surrounding the votive fresco of the (for now) anonymous prince Cândea who built the episcopal church in Orlea. The old Christian and Romanian coat of arms can still be seen under the plaster...
Congratulations! You did a great job summarizing the establishment of the first Romanian state. If you have the time and the inclination, take a look at the history of the Balkan Vlachs -- starting with the seven centuries of Latin as the language of the state during the Roman and early Byzantine Empires, followed by the invasions of the Goths, Huns, Bulgars, Avars, Slavs, etc, followed by the translation of the Bible into Slavonic, followed by the estabishment of Slavic states (Bulgarian, Croat, Serb, Bosnian), followed by the Bulgaro-Vlach empire. Vlachs are mentioned in the Balkans throughout the middle ages in Byzantine, Serb, Croat, Hungarian, Italian sources. An interesting question: how did it happen that in the Balkans - which were for seven centuries under Roman and Byzantine rule - today there is no Romance state while in Dacia, which was in the Roman empire only one and half centuries today there is a Romance state?
I would say transhumance has a lot to do with it. And slow migration - over several centuries, and a gradual core emerging between different Vlach groups and Romanian growing up between them as a lingua franca of the northern Balkans as Slavs coming in a splitting groups off from each other.
@@mihaiilie8808Goths are not Getae. Goths were a Germanic tribe that invaded Roman Dacia in the third century AD. The Getae were a Thracian tribe that inhabited the eastern part of Dacia in the third century BC. Two separate people that lived during two separate times.
@@mihaiilie8808Gots were similar to Vandals as well the Gets were a different branch of Daces. Remember that Burebista unified a multitude of tribes. It says that he banished the Celts but we have still a strong Celtic presence. The Vlach were the Francs the Vallons. After the fall of Roman Empire during Constantine is unclear whether if Latin Bizanthin language has been used as universal language to convert different tribes from different erhnicities and cultures. Now we forgot about the Roman exiled poet Ovidius. He mentioned the Barbarians etc. So under the ocupied Roman Dacia it was a strong Dacian presence there. Things got complicated under Bulgarians, Hungarians, and other invaders
It is amazing how confused many people are about various aspects that end up forming the identity of a nation, by making a hurry-scurry jumble of linguistic, genetic and cultural characteristics. Genetics doesn't matter that much. Take the example of Hungarians. The ancient Magyar warrior elite was numerically thin and got genetically assimilated into the preexisting European population (formed by various Romanized and Slavic populations living in Pannonia) . This is why Hungarians of today are genetically indistinguishable from the neighboring peoples. On the other hand, the ancient Magyars managed to impose their language that survived and forms the core of the Hungarian identity. They also gave the ethnonym, i.e. the name of the nation. The story is different with the Bulgars. The ancient warrior elite that established the Bulgarian state south of the Danube was also numerically thin and got genetically assimilated by the preexisting Slavic and Romanized populations of the Balkan peninsula. However, unlike the Magyars, the Bulgars could not impose their Turkic language. Their only remaining contribution to the Bulgarian identity is the ethnonym, the name of the nation. These are two sides of the same old story: some migratory tribes coming from the East in the second half of the first millennium A.D., becoming the ruling elites over preexisting European populations of various ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, getting genetically assimilated, but managing to impose the name of the nation and/or their language on the conquered populations. Bref, genetics is mostly irrelevant for the identity of a nation or ethnic group. What matters most is the language and culture. In the end, we are all descendants of various Indo-european tribes and of ancient Neolithic populations. What gives us our different identities are the language and the culture, not the genetic makeup.
@@BenLlywelyn Gelu, Glad and Menumorut at some point, 3 kingdoms of legend at the same time in the western half of current day Romania, until they got conquered 1 by 1. So legends say.
🤔Although the Gesta Hungarorum, which was written after 1150, does not indicate the enemies of the conquering Hungarians (Magyars) known from earlier annals and chronicles, it refers to local rulers-including Gelou-who are not mentioned in other primary sources. Consequently, historians debate whether Gelou was a historical person or an imaginary figure created by the unidentified author of the Gesta Hungarorum.most toponyms recorded by the chronicler in connection with Gelou's duchy are of Magyar origin.
RADU NEGRU = Radu the Black - our historian Florin Horvath descovered documents in the Vatican Archaives which change completely the origin of Radu Negru believed to be Cuman according to a Hungarian historian László Rásonyi. The old medieval texts write about being the grandson of the French Templar Gilbert of Doyen who married (probably) a Hungarian noble woman named Clara in Făgăraș. They had a son named Radu who married Margo Bucura, daughter of a Bessarab noble in 1239. They had a son named also Radu who is supported by the Templars (Guillaume of Beaujeu) in Lyon (France) for his plan to Descăleca into the Valachia in 1272. In the whole European written history of all times there is NOT a single text saying that the Vlachs (Romanians) migrated northward to today Romania as the Hungarian and German historians claim.
In the medieval archives there are hundreds of contemporary data about the migration of the Vlachs, which the Romanian propagandist historians hide from the Romanians!
@@Ταργιτάος1 - simple talk. Proofs, please ? In the whole European written history of all times there is NOT a single text saying that the Vlachs (Romanians) migrated northward to today Romania. Anna Comnena in her "Alexiad" mentions a run away of the Vlahs from the Balkans due to a war with the Byzantines. That is all, nothing else in 1900 years.
There is a lot of information misinformation out there. If you dig in Viena archives you will see all the way to 18 century dacian king not Romanian or Valahian. Then you see in the surrounding countries calling Rumanians. Then in Vatican you find Valahians. And if you research China archives and find Dax Ius. You pick one you like and enjoy the story.
aba ... baba in Turkish means "dad", father ; in Etruscan "apa" = father... in Croatian "baba" means old woman; standard "baka" (grandmother), in Polish: babcia [pronounced as: bab-chia] ...
At the root of the Romanians are the geto Dacian culture (trakia) Bulgarians before they became Slavic they were trakians like the geto Dacians the name vlach is used by the foreigners to describe the trakians
2:00 The Bulgars were not Slavic, they were Turkic. They established a state where the population was Slavic but they, the Turkic invaders, were the rulers. In time they were absorbed, only their name remained.
It is a shame you have not put more effort, but relied in outdated and old information . Do yourself an fever and do your homework proper like evidence including resent genetic studies and further publications.
@@ventzesalvdjoundjolov684 Recent genetic studies are clear enough: there is great similarity between all the peoples in the region. Romanians are closest to Bulgarians. And even Hungarians are not much different genetically than their neighbors, their difference is strictly cultural and linguistic. So what's your claim?
@@BenLlywelyn yes you touched a very intricate complex subject! I just read Phrygian cap history, which goes to Trojans from Troy ( Aenea founder of Rome) which Romans described as wearing Phrygian cap and called them Phrygian Dacian peoples and represented on the sculptures accompanying Emperor Trajan in Rome, to Gauls with Phrygian cap on Emperor Constantin Arch, to Galatians ( Galati-Romania) to Gallia Celtica , to Germanic Walhaz from Valcae (Vâlcea-Romania), to Celtic and Romance speakers in medieval germanic languages ex. Welsh, Waals, Vlachs and more…. Really fascinating history! Dacians were very spread on large areas in antiquity, no wonder that Romanian language survived until today. Even Julius Caesar and Augustus and others claimed the ancestry from Dardanoi Daci. It’s s-o much the more you read the more one finds out about our history! Also did you see the Biblical texts mentioned of the Dacian branch…and Celtic branch.
The second bulgarian empire aka the Vlaho-Bulgarian Empire was ruled by people who had an least a Valahian heritage from one side of the family tree. The Asan dynasty had at least half Valahian aka Romanian origin despite what modern scholars have to say. So Romania is nothing more than the national coalization of the earlier Dacian peoples into a centralized state. Note the Dacians were tribes that were hard to rule under a single government so their various tribes were a ok with being ruled by others so far as the rulership didn't opress them. That's why we have maps depicting Cumania and such, but that was a mere political map since the people were mostly indigenous.
@@BenLlywelyn you missed the point. I'm not saying Romania is Dacia, I'm saying the same tribes were politically ruled over by foreign rule until modern times.
The Romanian culture persisted over the centuries in the Carpathian highlands, in the 3 regions of Romania: Transilvania, Tara Romaneasca and Moldova. Here are the oldest villages and towns of Romania. Written texts that can be dated are great proofs of historical events, but the lack of written texts is not proof of - the unique culture and the language are sufficient. After the Hunnic invasion of the fist millennium, the Dacian tribes in Transilvania were subjugated in the same area that was previously under Roman control for 170 years, but the specific culture & language endured for 1000 years, despite the strategy of ethnic cleansing and assimilation of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Similar things happened in the other 2 regions, which were highways for numerous Asian invasions: the specific culture and language were strong enough to keep their unicity. The Carpathian mountains were natural fortresses, while the lowlands were protected by dark forests and people that know how to fight invaders. Even the Turkish Empire learned that it was better to just extract tribute, rather than try to completely occupy Tara Romaneasca and Moldova. The Romanian language is interesting because we understand each other anywhere in Romania. And the old churches have hundreds-of-years-old texts, written with Cyrillic alphabet, that are still understandable Romanian.
Yes. Same happened with the Scots, Irish and Welsh people I would think. We were fortunate though that our Magyar friends did not practice a strategy of extermination when they were strong and us weak. And we are not persecuting our friends in Transylvania, I think.
Nowadays one can find the village Râu Bărbat, (Barbat river) where there actualy flows a river called the same way. The Rau Barbat river flows into Strei river, the confluence being in Pui village. There îs also another thing to take into attention i.e. in medieval otoman documents Walachia, or Țara romanesca, was called Karawala jia meaning The Black Walachia. The otomans also named the Black sea as the Black sea, i.e. Karadeniz, meaning the șea to the North, reffering to the geographical posion of the sea în respect to the Otoman lands. Regarding the names of White wlachs and Black wlachs, there May be another meaning, like the White cumans and Black cumans, i.e. the cumans from the native land and those migrated cumans that established the New realm of the cumans at the outskirts of the carpathian mountains. There is more to debate, but not here.
Ben makes a very serious error from the very start of the video. Vlach does not mean Romanian. Vlach means Romance language speaker, and it encompasses populations that are not Romanians such as the Dalmatians, the Balkan Vlachs. Moreover in the middle ages the term Vlach also encompassed the Italians on the northern Adriatic coast. Saying Vlach is like saying Celt, it does cover Wales but it also covers Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, Galicia, Cornwall.
Actually, the first Vlach state documented is in Gesta Hungarorum, where it say's a Vlach duke ruled Transylvania when the Magyar's arrived, so somewhere in c.893-907. But the ever first medieval state was that one founded by the two Vlach brother's Asan and Peter in Paristrion after the revolt of the Vlach's in 1185
Yes but this document is very ... shall I say non-convenient , for the Hungarian nationalist narrative, which kind of tries to claim that the Transylvanian area (didn't have this name back then of course) was... empty-ish, when the Hungarian tribes first came to the area. So despite this document being of Hungarian origin, they just claim its not true and it was written like a century or 2 after the events so it may have misinterpreted real Hungarian history... that is for sure more convenient. :)
@@virgils1060 I would say either 2 or 3. Because the original Gesta could have been written either during the reign of King Béla I or Béla II, as Anonymous didn't use regnal numbers which appeared in use in the 13th century. However, neither did other Gesta's, yet the other one's are taken seriously
@@virgils1060 sure... and yet its still the oldest document there is about events of the area...Instead some prefer to take more seriously... theories that appeared at Hungarian courts as late as 18th century if not even later... very strange.
Man , nicknames are more used in Romanian valah dacian historia than actual names, and to this day we know people more by there nicknames than actual name(especially in the country side). Vlad Țepeș(țepeș nikcname), stefan cel mare (cel mare nickname), ioan voda cel viteaz sau cel cumplit ( viteaz/cumplit are nicknames) and so on and on, most nicknames com from past grandfathers and in time became actual names and so so so
This is a Byzantine tradition. Unlike westerners, Byzantines does not count their rulers by numbers (Charles the 1st, Henry the 5th), but by nicknames. Like Constantine Copronymos (the 5th), Basil Bulgarokhtonos (the 2nd), Michael Kalaphates (the 5th) and so on. Vlachs and Moldavians use a similar way of naming the rulers. For example, there are several princes named Vlad. But each one carry a specific nickname: Dracul (Vlad the 2nd), Draculea (Vlad the 3rd), the Monk (Vlad the 4th), the Younger (Vlad the 5th), the Drowned (Vlad the 6th) and so on. Vlachs and Moldavians took this tradition of distinguishing people by nicknames from Byzantines.
The name "Radu" is Romanian (Vlach) *borrowed from Slavic which originally was written as "Rad" aka Radoslav and Radomir. So the name Radu Negru Vodă is purely Romanian, however thr name Radu being borrowed and Vodă being shortened for "Voievode"
@@SlaviSokol _Radu_ is pure Romanian (Vlach) form of the slavic _Rad_ such as _Radoslav_ and _Radomir._ The name Radu is always found to Vlach/Romanian people and not Slav's.
21:53 Dan Alexe, the historian who wrote "Dacopatia", in his new book "De-a Dacii și Romanii" believes the the name Basarab to be of Iranian origins. He's not saying that Basarab was Iranian but that the cumans spoke also iranian. Farsi to be precise. Basarab is means "the edge of the water" or "at the head of the water". But apparently his book and theory has been "disproven" or something like that by other historians.
Mai degraba Basarab vine din limba dacilor ca bouilabaise din ocittan( Dacian language - visigoths are dacians like Iordanes, Isidor of Seville, poet Claudius say). Bouilabaise e ciorba din cap De peste a dacilor facuta pe teritoriul Frantei 😂. Dan Alexe e un prost. A vazut Arab si acum ne face ca suntem sin Arabia Saudita 😂. E deja anulat ca nici macar cuman nu era cum spune Djuvara, Un troll mult Mai mare ca nea Dan. Analizele ADN i au desfiintat pe idiotii astia rauvoitori.
How Slavic speaking Wallachians changed their cyrillic writing and Slavic language into Romance language? In there language and even their names and surnames, in their cities, rivers and regions still lives Slavic language
Probably the confusion in your question comes from the fact that there is a continuous process of slavization of Romanian speakers outside Romania's borders.
I think Litovoi might not be a Slavic name. It is a combination of Greek and Latin. Lithos = stone(in Greek), and voi is a word derived from Latin volere which means will. So the name Litovoi means "will of stone".
@@mihaiilie8808 Yes, we romanians were taught that SLAV came later in Romania, but, going deeper in the history, the GETAE fought the Persians and asked the SLAV to help them. The SLAVS turned them down, the GETAE, defeated the Persians and after, the GETAE, went to get revenge on the SLAVS, and..... it SPLIT them into SLAVS of the NORTH and SLAVS of the SOUTH...
Thank you Ben. I really I enjoyed your video. Basarab indeed, is a name of Cuman (Kuman) origine. Perhaps the Cumans represented an ethnic layer in the formation of the Romanian modern people. There are evidences for this, there are city and villages named like: Comana, Comănești.... and names which are very commons like Coman, Comanescu and even Comaneci... You remember maybe Nadia Comaneci, the woman gymnast... so Comaneci name is a trace of the Cuman layer, a trace if you want, in the Romanian people heritage. All the bests and greetings from Ploiesti, Romania, somewhere in Wallachia.
@@BenLlywelyn I am a Romanian, but unlike other idiots who speak Romanian and imagine themselves to be Romanians... I know a little bit more about our history! Indeed, names like COMAN, COMANESCU and COMANECI or toponim COMANA are names of CUMAN origins... but CUMANS where NEVER TURKS... in spite some rumour based build up histories about 1000 years ago. Please do not forget that Histrory is not a science and never was and never will be an objective discipline... and that is because usually there are only some documents to describe a historical event and those documents may based on rumours, gossip, may be a sort of denigration of a King against other King... or may be a mixture of all the above! So, about CUMANS... in 2014 the Romanian academy initiated /sponsored a genetic study on the remains of the descendants of CUMAN leaders from BASARAB dinasty... and surprize, surprize... the genetic pattern fit to NORDIC - GERMANIC population and not to an ASIAN/ TURKISH /MONGOLOID type of population... but this was NEVER a big surprise for the Romanian academy and most of the Romanian historians who never endorsed this bogus theory of CUMANS being of Turkish origins... who where a small population anyway compared to rest of Romanians... just like the Scandinavian leaders of Russia in the begining of the Russian history. These ethnonims are usually starting from a LEADER of that group and have a meaning in the language sponken by those people... and first lets notice that the ethnonim CUMAN ends with the suffix MAN = HUMAN in indoeuropean languages... so, only from this we can spot the fact that CUMANS where never ever a Turkic population but an indo european population... of ostrogotic/vizigotic origins.... according to the genetic study from 2014. The name CUMAN... you can see it in germanic populations of today like for example the former glory of AJAX AMSTERDAM whose name is RONALD KOEMAN... but KOEMAN it is pronounced CUMAN/COMAN in Romanian phonetics! The name BASARAB is not a turkish derived name or anything like that but a LOCAL / ancient name/ word coming from the ancient TRACO GETIC deity called BASSAREUS which was the equivalent of the Greek Dyonisos and to Roman God Bachus... who where all of them CENTRAL DEITIES of these people and ALL OF THEM THEY WHERE DEITIES OF WINE and VINE ... from which actually comes the word DI +VINO = DIVINO aka DIVINE which actully means in latin : OF WINE... aka VINE deities where central deity figures in many ancient traditions... see the Jesus Christ symbolistic of WINE being the BLOOD OF CHRIST/ THE BLOOD OF GOD... or how JESUS transformed water in wine! here a link about the TRACO GETIC wine deity called BASSAREUS: BASARAB, of course was a NICKNAME and it means THE ANOINTED ONE/ THE DIVINE ONE and also THE CARRIER OF THE TOGUE because the ancient BASSAREUS had this attribute as well. The CUMAN leaders where mixed up with Romanians and these MEDIEVAL Romanian leaders /founders where not slavic or turkish but ROMANIANS with also a GERMANIC ancestry coming from the KOEMANS! So, no surprise in the fact the toponim BESSARABIA aka BASARABIA (in Romanian) aka nowaday Republic of Moldavia is also from historical point of view THE RICHEST WINE REGION of the Romanian areal... and they even have BIG UNDERGROUND WINE CELL called CRICOVA... which even has STREETS with names... like an underground small city dedicated to WINE... And toponim BASARABIA it is related to the nick name BASARAB ... like for instance NEAGOE BASARAB one of the medieval ROMANIAN Prince who was a descendant of NEGRU VODĂ whose SON took the nickname BASARAB THE FIRST. So, no surprise also that TODAY in Bulgaria (former south TRACIAN territory) in the TRACIAN VALLEY... they also have a brand of wine called BASSARIA. And also, a very important detail, when the Romanian archeologists analized the remains of BASARAB dinasty descedants they found in their tomb a ROYAL RING which is identical to the ROYAL RING of the PRINCE OF WALES called BLACK HARRY ... BLACK HARRY = NEGRU ARIE in Romanian. So no surprize that KING CHARLES when ever comes to vizit Romania...enfasizes the fact that HE IS A BLOOD RELATIVE of the Romanian/Wallachian medieval ruller VLAD ȚEPEȘ/ VLAD DRACULA... who was the nephew of MIRCEA THE OLD and also cousin with STEFAN THE GREAT OF MOLDAVIA ... and all of them they where the descendants of NEGRU VODĂ! Also notice the fact that the ancient BASSAREUS was also a sort a divinity associated with FOXES and in medieval Wallachia the commerce with FOX FURS was a ROYAL MONOPOLY... and that is because the ROMANIAN RULLERS USED FOX FURS FOR THEIR ROYAL DRESSING... JUST LIKE HOUSE OF WALES in England... see the british name HALIFAX as in the name LORD HALIFAX aka HOLLY FOX... also there is no happenstance in the fact that the ROMANIAN NATIONAL FOLKLORIC DANCE named CALUȘARII exists as well ONLY in England (and maybe in Portugal or Spain too as some people say) and it is called MORITZ DANCE or ROYAL DANCE... and its interesting the fact that MORITZ comes from MAURITIO in Italian and MAURICE in French... who comes from latin MAURUS = BLACK And I heard that even bristish names like MOORE, MURRAY which corespond to Romanian MURARU, MURĂRESCU are in fact related to the latin word MAURUS = MOORISH in english = BLACK... like also romanian words MURG = BLACK HORSE and A+ MURG = AMURG = TWILLIGHT aka getting DARK but also to the fruit which in Romanian it is called MURĂ = BLACK BERRY! And also keep in mind that the COAT OF ARMS of both HOUSE OF WALES and the BASARAB dinasty included simbols of the RED DRAGON and the MOORISH HEAD/HEADS... like also in SARDINIA or FLORENCE in Italy.
@@lunadeargint540 Really? He had an PH.D. in history. Who are you? Are you graduated in history or you just like to speak about your opinion even if you dont master it? Tipic romanesc. Judeca un om cu doctorat in istorie dupa ce aude si el pe la televizor. Cel putin ai curiozitatea si citeste in acest link:
@@christian2M 1. A theory is a theory, you don't have to have a Ph. D. but some common sense and not all historians accept it. 2. There are texts preserved in the Cuman language, so I don't know what you get with your theory with the Thracians.
First king Stephen I , King Saint Stephen , name at birth is Voicu (Romanian) maghiar form is Vojk, . Vojk =Voicu. That time all Romanian names were written in Maghiar form…many Romani had to rewrite their names the correct way…
Hi Ben. Nice synthesis! I apologise for my fellow Romanians who are a bit too "patriotic" and deffensive in the comments. I personally enjoy your clips and I actually learned some new things about my country from you. I also wanted to ask you something. You know when in the video you talk about the transhumance/local shepards creating resistance against the borders and laws of king Bela? Where did you get your info about that? I'm really interested in that story, I would like to know more about it.
Thank you. It is similar to what happened here in Wales. We don't really have records of this in Romania, but if a shephard population with its own transhumance Law rubs up against a state of feudal property Law, I think those two are not compatablea and will lead to conflict, like it did in Wales, Scotland, Albania, Armenia and others.
Hi Ben. Sorry to bother you further on this, but I wanted to ask you about the shepherd resistance in some of the countries you mentioned (Wales, Scotland, Armenia and Albania). I am writing an essay about anarchist resistance in contemporary movements, but I am very interested in the history of anarchism...even if in these older cases these populations didn't even know they were anarchic in their position. So if you know any good source or article where I could get some more insight from I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
I would not say shephard resistance is quite what I mean, but rather a society built around movement, be it of the courts or seasonal life styles. The Laws of Hywel Dda might be of interest - traditional Welsh Laws. This article about Scottish 'shielings' may be of use:
I listened a little to what you were saying, but I'll save it for tonight because I fell asleep on my feet. However, if you think so, that the amalgam of eternal geopolitical wars evolved here, making us fall asleep, why would I listen to you except to have sleepy motivation? Greetings from the "land of dreams, of sleepers" Romania. Thanks for your effort sir! Слава Украïни! Glory to Ukraine!🇷🇴🇺🇦
The initial phase of Vlach migration/(re-)colonisation of what once had been Roman Dacia & Scythia minor most likely happened under Bulgarian rule as the Lands across the Danube were known as Bulgaria across the Danube and were (at least nominally) under control of the 1st Bulgarian Empire. Between the 6 and 9th centuries (basically after Emperor Mauric's death in 602- he had been the last east Roman/Byzqntine emperor to actively protect & enforce the Danubian border and even successfully campaigning across the Danube in what is now Walachia/Romani) the former Roman/Byzantine area had been devastated by Avar & Slavs and the Slavs which were a more sedentary population then settled in this area and when the Turkic (proto)Bukgars arrived the Slavs and (later) Vlachs were progressively integrated into the newly established Bulgarian State. In later Byzantine times (after the reconquest & reintegration of the terrotories that belonged to the 1st Bulgarian Empire in 1018) by Byzantium other Turkic elementa like Pechemegs and Cumans would arrive and the Cuman element would play an important role for the Hungarian, Bulgarian and the Danubian Vlach principalities. So, IMHO the Vkach/Romanian polities began to form as an offshoot of the 2nd Bulgarian Empire when a local Vlach elite (consiting of a mix of Slavic & Romance elements but with the Romance element being linguistically dominant) formed. Zupan, Voivod, Bogdan, Vlad Radu ,Mircea, are all titles and names of early Vlach/Romanian mobility which are obviously rooted in Slavonic.
I disagree with parts of this comment. We obviously have no idea of the role of the Vlach's in the *old Bulgarian Empire. For a matter of fact, the Vlach's are started to be mentioned in the 10th century around Macedonia. However, the _'Second Bulgarian Empire'_ was never Bulgarian, completely misinformative. The Vlach's, together with the two Vlach brother's Asan and Peter formed an Empire after the successful revolt of Tarnovo in 1185. But because of the non-legitimate position of the Asan Dynasty, Tsar Kaloyan (nicknamed: John the Vlach) claimed succession of the *old Bulgarian Tsar's. This proves a _translatio Imperii,_ however that doesn't change the fact that the Empire was Vlach. Edit: Before you respond, please check my Quora response on Why Romanians call the Second Bulgarian Empire as Vlacho-Bulgar Empire, by me, "Roma Mater"
@@BenLlywelyn Nah, I disagree. First there was no "Bulgarian Empire's" only one, the old one between 681-1018. The so called _'Second Bulgarian Empire'_ was a Vlach Empire, founded by the revolting Vlach's of Tarnovo. Please check my Quora response on why Romanian's refer to the Second Bulgarian Empire as Vlacho-Bulgar Empire by Roma Mater (which is me)
@@InAeternumRomaMater It wasn't a homgoenous Vlach population nor was it a Vlach Empire alone- it was rooted in a Tradition of the 1st Bulgarian Empire and it combined Vlach, Bulgarian, and Cuman ethnic elements.
What is fascinating about the Balkans (defined very broadly to include Romania and Hungary, and maybe even Slovakia) is how closely related they are to each other, in spite of the great diversity of languages. The genetic history is also fascinating, as they are the result of at least a dozen waves of invasions from all directions, as well as ancient European hunter-gatherers. You have to remember that the south-eastern part of Europe is often the first part of Europe to be invaded by outsiders, whether it was farmers from Anatolia and the Levant 8000 years ago, or pastoralists from the Steppe 5000 years ago or Slavs from the swampy forests of Belarus 1500 years ago or Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples 1000 years ago. Also, as late as the 19th century, people would often speak different languages and practice different religions as you went from village to village, There was tremendous diversity even locally, but with the formation of nation-states in the late 19th Century, and all the terrible wars and disruptions of the 20th century, the languages and cultures have been greatly uniformized within the different states.
This is wrong, the first romanian state was established in Transilvania somewhere in the 6th century and it's last and first ruler known was Gelu the Romanian that sold his sovernty to Bulgarians
Gelou died in 904. can't be 6th century. And he was the leader of a state formation with a Romanian (Vlach) and Slavic population, not the Ruler of Romania.
@@BenLlywelyn It's the debated Gesta Hungarorum. In essence, there are 2 main theories of the Romanian origin: Daco-Roman Continuity Theory, and the Immigrationist Theory. The Hungarians support the immigrationist theory so that we can say "We were the first in Transylvania". Because if the Romanians are from the Dacians, then the Romanians were the first in Transylvania and this goes against Hungarian irrendentism of Transylvania since they lost it at Trianon. There are plenty of sources talking about the early history of the Romanians: Gesta Hungarorum, Tales of the Bygone Years (aka Russian Primary Chronicle, also talks about the Romanians), the names Blakumen or Blökumenn is mentioned in Nordic sagas dating between the 11th and 13th centuries, with respect to events that took place in either 1018 or 1019 somewhere at the northwestern part of the Black Sea and believed by some to be related to the Vlachs. Egils saga. The 11th-century Persian writer, Gardizi, wrote about a Christian people "from the Roman Empire" called N.n.d.r, inhabiting the lands along the Danube. He describes them as "more numerous than the Hungarians, but weaker". Historian Adolf Armbruster identified this people as the Romanians. Hungarian historiography identifies this people as the Bulgarians, because of course it does, despite the Bulgarians not being "from the Roman Empire". There were also 2 Vikings saga I forgot about Nulember (not the correct word, something like this Saga talking about the Romanians), and another saga.
@@BenLlywelyn Nobody can realy tell what realy happened after the fall of the Gepids in the Carpathian basin. We can only use archeological proof just like in the history of your Celtic kingdoms before the invasion of the Aglo-Saxon pepoles
The diference between modern maps and older then 1st WW maps is that the second are not ethnic/national maps and the first are. The pre 1st WW maps depict the territory where a certain group of people ruled, not the ethnicities in that area, so when you see borders change, does not mean that migration happened. The idea that Vlachs migreted from the south of Danube and then migreted to Transilvania is totally wrong. They were the local population before the migration of Hungarians, Bulgars, Cumans and others came, but theyr presence there was not crystalized into states because of the many waves of migration.The Vlachs/Romanians were the local population and the majority, but the maps depict the extension of the influence/jurisdiction of the ruling ethnic group and only that name appears on the map(Pecenegs, Avars, Cumans, Hungarians etc.).
@@BenLlywelyn who was one people back then? No one. Also, my main point was not that. My main point was that the Vlachs did not migrate from south of Danube to the North and then to Transilvania. See Gesta Hungarorum, which has as a main point the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian basin. See the mentions about the Vlachs in Panonia and Transilvania, the rivers and places names.
Not Wallachia, but Țara Românească. The people there never called themselves Vlachs; that's the name others called them. They called themselves Romanian from the very formation of the state and before.
@@destiaptah2197 Hell yes they did. There's do document where the voievode didn't sign himself as voivode of Ungro-Valahia, it is even on the tomb of Radu de la Afumați
@@InAeternumRomaMater Nope, that was putted later due to the Church influence coming from the Greeks. VLAH/VALAH its not a germanic exonim but a Greek colportated one coming from the ancient messopotamian word FALAH = PEASANT/LAND WORKER/ RUSTIC/ RED NECK/ BOORISH/YOKEL. The word FALAH still exist today in Arabic and in Hebrew, with the same meaning as PEASANT/LAND WORKER The greek word VLACHOS is the equivalent/translation of the english word BUMPKIN/ BOORISH/YOKEL... BOORISH comes from celtic/germanic BOUR/BOR/BUR = PEASANT/LAND WORKER and NEIGH+BOUR YOKEL comes from YOK = JUG in Romanian aka CEL CARE TRAGE LA JUG! The ethnonim RUMÂN means PEASANT/LAND WORKER and NEIGH+BOUR The word RUMÂNIE means FORCED LAND WORKING... RUMÂN = VLACH/FALAH = GET/GHETOI GHETOI it relatet to romanian word GHERȚOI/GHIOLBAN sau GHETE ori GHEBE... care toate se refera la PĂMÂNT intr-un fel sau altul, fie că e vorba de cel care munceste pământul sau calcă pe pământ cu Ghetele sau niste Ciuperci care cresc in PĂMÂNT precum GHEBELE... vezi și JGHEAB = cel care aduce apa ploii de pe acoperiș... pe pământ ... sau verbul a ÎNJGHEBA sau GHEONOAIA sau GAIA = MUMA PĂDURII/ MAMA PĂMÂNT!
@@destiaptah2197 You are definitely one of those stupid idiots with no university degree yet claims stuff without scholary backing. Whatever the case, your comment has nothing to do with my point. The term was used for the state officially, we have it on maps, documents and coins, the term Unrgo-Valahia literally mean's Wallachia next to Hungary, because there were multiple Vlach state's, one of them Moldavia, in itself referred sometimes as Valahia, or as the Voievode's wrote "Moldo-Valahia"
Diolch, Ben!!! I am proud that I was born in the Wallachian lands. I would be born here the second time! I also know the tragedy of the Welsh country subjugation of by English aristocracy . . . What was Hungary and Habsburgs for Transylvania was England for you
No,off course you are not right. Hungary was the first Kingdom,that created real country from Transylvania with,schools,Road and railway network,churches,towns and villages. Wlach people moved into Transylvania in the 13th century from the Balkans. Well documented. Even the romanian church belonged to a district in the south of Albánian church,where the vlachs came from originally.
Before 1800, ethnicity was not really important, but hierarchical order was. Therefore a lot of ethnic vlach could become noble as well, if he was fidel to the king, and got nobility letter from the king, eg, by military services (see Janos Hunyadi as a great example). Therefore the stereotypia that poor vlach people were opressed by the agressive Hungarian nobility is false. More generally poor people were opressed by nobility regardless of ethnicity.
interesting view from an welsh person; you present the history of Romania better than some native romanian scholars . I would like to introduce you the Corpus Draculianum channel on youtube, specialized in Ottomanism and Romanian history (the owner is romanian) keep up the good work.
that is because Ben does not seem to push neither dacomaniac nor pan-slavic propaganda bs but is presenting a neutral foreigner's view based on some historic references and in the context of what happened with other populations in Europe. Most of native romanian scholars push propaganda as history alone is not profitable in Romania.
Год назад
introduce him to daniel roxin thre big romanain historian lol
@@BenLlywelyn We born with this language, she was enriched over time. It is normal. Why we understand The East and The West. We are on the crossroad of both. The romanization lasted some hundred years not thousands. The free dacians are living now.
@@BenLlywelyn From what I've learned in high school we are the continuation of the unitary Dacian state made by Burebista which suffered a linguistic change to Latin and then Slavonic as a result of the need of the citizens to actually be a functional part of the societies that they're living in so speak the official language of the empire that they're gouverned by.
@@BenLlywelyn Another theory that I've heard is that the Dacians used Latin since its inception as a language understood by all the peoples inhabiting it like the different Dacian tribes, the Getae, the Celts, Germanic tribes, Scythians etc
@@ProjectMirai64Well very similarly to us Bulgarians. We changed a language and name just like you Romanians, but are still genetically mostly Thracian. In fact Bulgarians and Romanians are one of the most genetically similar peoples on the Balkans. We're both about the same % slavic actually and since Thracians and Dacians were almost indistinguishable culturally and genetically, it's only logical. Not to mention the centuries of shared medieval history.
Iordanes - Getica ; Carlo Troya - Fasti Getici o Gotici ; Nicolo Zeno - The books of the Geths ; Frederic Guillaume Bergmann - 1 = Geths and the genealogy of the Nordic peoples , 2 = Les Getes 1859 ; Alexandre Rodevalt , Georgeta Cardos - Paleogenetic Studies regarding the Romanian people . Here is just a small part of some works that you should study , when you want to find out the true history of a nation that is thousands of years old , such as the Romanian nation . What you say there , can convince those who do not know history . Its not the first time you make unfounded claims about history . Try to separate politics from history . There is a lot to say on this topic , and you have a lot to learn . So in conclusion , i will ask you a question : what were the Wallachians called before ? ( google translate )
Maybe you ask the question, how did the Wallachians call themselves before (and after) the year 1300: the Dacian (or Geto-Dacian) identity was lost after 500 AD, they no longer considered themselves Dacians (Bulgarian inscriptions - which interacted with the North Danube and South Transylvanian population since 650 AD, with the First Bulgarian Empire - they don't write about Dacians, but about a population that called itself "Wallach") Before someone mentions it, they certainly didn't call themselves "Romanian" yet , because the Romanian Academy itself admits that the notion and identity of "Romanian" appeared only after the XV sec.
@@szaboattila844 but how about Tudor Vladimirescu in a letter to a greek merchant calling himself and the vlahs dacians or others before and after him ? Is that dacopati ?🤔So you see ? It was not lost just hidden under the carpet cause they are scared of us finding out ho we truly are and what could we do if we truly united under one banner,at least the 65% of us ho still have the genes . We called ourselfs by region like today but as a " nation " depends on the persons choice .Historians don't see true a normal persons eye only true academics and politics wiev that is why they are fucking up history .
@@scorilo6779 : (T.Vladimirescu lived in the period when, for some 250 years, the identity of "Romanian" was embraced - he mentioned the "ancestors" Dacians and Wallachians, in order to inspire patriotically, the anti-Fanariot revolutionaries!) I have not said that the Dacians did not exist. I mentioned only after 500 AD they strangely disappeared from history (strange in the sense that we do not know that the Dacians suffered any decisive defeat after 500 AD, which would logically explain their disappearance from history and from inscriptions, after that date ) - just as the Avars, Pechenegs, Goths, Cumans, etc. disappeared - as a people - from Transylvania, a territory (or part of it) that each of the above-mentioned peoples ruled between 450-500 AD until around 700 AD , when they disappeared from history - just like - the "Dacians" also disappeared, I repeat, after 600 AD, no one mentioned the existence of the Dacian people, in their place appeared a people who considered themselves "Wallachians" and not " Dacians" - as mentioned by all the neighbors, but especially the Bulgarians, with whom they had the closest relations between 650 AD and 1200 AD !
6. The name "Barbat" is not clear in it's meaning: Hungarians also have it as a family name Borbáth up to this day, and in Bulgarian it means simply "struggle". 7. Negru means Black, which in Cuman means the North. So Negru Vodă, would therefore be the Count of the North, Făgăraș being northwoards from where the 17th century chronicle wrote, Wallachia.
Numele “Bărbat” e cât se poate de clar, înseamnă “man” în engleză. Deci Ben are dreptate. “Negru” la fel, e limpede ce înseamnă. “Black” in engleză, referindu-se la pielea lui de culoare măslinie.
@@danielciufu1622 Negru nu se referă la piele, ci la zona geografică din care provenea. Negru pentru cumani, ca pentru toate popoarele turcice însemna Nord.
Dude you should focus first on your history! You start on the left foot from the begining, modifing the history of a country you don t know it. The history of Romania starts long before with territories and population long before your civilization begun. Starting from the year 1000 is like erasing more than half of Romania history. You should do your homework better and you should quit lecturing lessons you don t know.
If you can do better, make your own videos. If you don't like mine, you don't have to watch. This was about Wallachia, not Gothic civil wars in the 4th century.
@@BenLlywelyn Do you think he knows anything about the gothic civil wars? 😂 Keep up the good work regardless of what people think. You do make a lot of mistakes but even if you present the truth a lot of people will say it's wrong. If that gets your views it's all good.
Romanians are former thracians/dacians, then they became former Bulgarians and after they acsepted latin alphabet and implanted "roman legions" ansestry we got modern Romanians - a new created by France and Greece very vital and energetic nation which I love much as my brothers.❤
Dude, you don't have it. The grimaces, the theatricals, the screwing of the eyes, your oratory drama skills, why?, why?, uf... And things like Mongols went back, why, who knows...Well, perhaps because Ogedei died in December 1241 and a new kurultai was to decide the next Great Khan. And then this transhumance as the Vlach law...How about Lex Antiqua Vallachorum, and the principles of living in obste...? how to interact with others, invading peoples etc. Yep, the Pechenegs and Cumans did provide ghulams/mamluks for various polities which they usurped later as Turks did habitually, perhaps Kalka River 1223 should have been mentioned and more about Cuman role in military leadership, aiding Hungary, treasonous Hungarian nobility.... But really dude, please, do something else or learn to do it better, be less theatrical, study a little more; such as what was the ethos of the ancient sedentary people and that of the roaming and invading nomadic warring people whether Oghurs, Bulghars, Magyars, various Oghuz tribes such as Pechenegs, Kipchaks and so on. Try harder, good luck.
I don't mind his mimic, he is nice, but he just repeats some absurd theories about "semi-nomadic " people. Their are not logic, these theories contradict themselves. Yes Lex Antiqua Valahorum is not about shepherding. I wonder why these people are so obssessed with shepherds, maybe because they have no idea about what shepherding is, just fabricating theories from some dusty offices.
Vlach = Welsh or Walsh. R1b folks are in about equal parts Celtic and synthetic Hungarian Turkish Uralic speakers. There are a huge number of words shared between Indo-European & Uralic speakers but the construction of the languages are different. Uralic and Sanskrit-Celtic speakers interacted & intermarried with each other all the way from Germany to Northern China. The Black Sea was at one time a Celtic Lake. Crimea = Cymraeg The best DNA match for the Saka B Tagar culture that flourished in "The Valley of the Kings" around the Altai (gold) mountains is found today in the British Isles. Would you call a Son of Saka a Saxon? I recall as a child going with my father on a business visit to a very Scottish man named McTaggart. As a child I implicitly thought that all words & names had meaning but no one could tell ne what McTaggart meant. Very much later I stumbled on the name again & learned that it meant "Son of those who honor the Bairds!" In ancient times, before reading & writing was common, culture, knowledge, religion & morality were transmitted through stories that were often repeated endlessly in poetry & song as in the Gathas!
@@BenLlywelyn It is one thing to be isolated & uneducated & therefore ignorant about many things. It is another thing to be stubbornly ignorant and to bask in ignorance! How do you think the Welsh people got from Central Asia to Wales, Ben?
15:55 Literal translation is horse dismount; Very interesting video, because in Romania there's no mention of Bulgaria at all in the history books. I guess that's the upside of objective history. All romanian history teachers say that there's an information gap between 274 (the Aurelian withdrawal) and ~1300, the time Radu Negru founded Valahia, due to the history records being lost to time. Although the name is Valahia, the common name used throughout is "The Romanian Country".
Urmașii dacilor (romanizati) apar mentionati la nunta lui Attila apoi după 535AD începe ,, gaura neagra"in istoria lumii din cauza mișcărilor de refugiați. migranți... ce erauin căutare de zone prielnice vietii....
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It's not a secret that the Basarab dynasty had Cuman origins although after the first generation they had mixed with Vlach/Romanian nobility. The legendary Negru Vodă is either Basarab I or his father Thocomerius.
Now talk about Gelu, Glad and Menumorut, as well as Litovoi and his brother Bărbat that were Vlachs, not Cumans and preceded the Cumans as rulers of territories in Romania.
@@RhiannonSenpai yes CUMAN origins but CUMANS where not TURKS but germanics ... aka OSTROGOT/VIZIGOT origins, see my comment bellow and notice that the Romanian word BALTAG is not a TURKISH originated word BUT A GERMANIC originated word, coming from the germanic words BELT + DAG /DAGGER = UN PUMNAL/ O TOPORIȘCĂ PURTAT/Ă LA CINGĂTOARE adică exact ceea ce inseamna cuvântul BALTAG in limba română!
Also there never was a TOCOMERIUS... but a TOGOMAURUS... the german cronicles are much closer when recorded his name as TOGOMUR...
Purtătorul de TOGĂ NEAGRĂ... si asta pentru că BASARAB vine de la BASSAREUS (traco geticul nume al zeitatii vinului) care avea si atributul de PURTĂTOR DE TOGĂ...
vezi semnificatia numelui BASSAREUS pe internet...dar pune intrebarea in engleza caci in Română te bagă în bălării...
SRI ? 😂 ca si serviciu ? 🤣 sau altceva?
@@destiaptah2197 The Cumans were Turkic people from Central Asia but they mixed with Europeans like Vlachs/Romanians, Hungarians and maybe Germanic people as well. But they're not originally Germanic, they're Central Asians originally, deal with it.
Greetings from Bulgaria to our Romanian brothers!
Buna sa-ti fie inima !
Greetings back, brothers & neighbors!
greetings brother
Greetings brother!
Bună Frate !!!!
I am Hungarian and I love Romania. That is all.
Right back at you from a romanian. We are east european brothers ❤
@@averagejoe-trading8403 nah, we are central eu , east is ukraina
Despite our leaders stupidity, I believe that we can be best friends!
I am happy to see more videos about my country's history. Thank you and much appreciate the effort you put in.
Much love from Romania 🇷🇴 ❤
Very nice of you. Glad that you enjoyed this.
There's no need of such materials if they missinform!!
Ai 78 de like-uri, tu si cei 78 sunteti prea prosti sa intelegeti ca asta uraste Romania si face propaganda pentru Unguroi!
Thanks Mr. Llywelyn. Well presented and researched. Particularly the illustrative maps as leaders, battles, alliances and treaties emerge. Love you are focusing on România and its history since for leisure I am learning the Romance language the British education system forgot to mention.
Thank you very much for that. Glad the maps were to your liking - as I have been working to improve those. Romanian is a nice language - very layered.
Ben, you're one hell of a narrator.
You should be doing this on TV or on a podcast.
Very kind. I grew up watching those archaeological documentary types. Kind of liked them
@@BenLlywelyn The Empire founded by the two Vlach brothers in 1185 was Vlach not Bulgarian. Read my Quora response on why Romanians call the Second Bulgarian Empire as Vlacho-Bulgar Empire by Roma Mater
@@BenLlywelyn oh yah espetialy the romanian one did you read the latest gentical discoveries about the rumanians of cours not id dus not suit your nerative
Genetics do not determine language or culture. The Nazis tried that - it failed.
@@BenLlywelyn Oy ,again with the nazi shit ! When will you stop playing those shity cards (never 🤣 ) they are getting old and boring .Especially with what is going on in Gaza .Genocide and displacement of population .I really don't know ho is the real nazi anymore .Wait nazi comes from Nationalsozialismus , that means Nationalist so that includes all the people on Earth 🙃ho love there nation and history .
Maybe you wanted to say sociopaths or schizophrenic's people ho think they are above everyone else cause.......(many reasons here ).
Greetings to brother Romania from Bulgaria!
Very kind. A happy new year to you.
Ben I’ve subscribed- thank you, as an American I’ve been fascinated by the Romanians’ history for a long time and you’re finally shedding light on the vaguest most nebulous part of their history.
Thank you for subscribing.
hi Ben. Thank you for this great video on Romania's history. By the way "descalecat" means "geting off the saddle"
Thank you very much.
Hi, the region was under turkik rule for a long time. Pechenegs, Cumans, etc. The vlachs are mentioned many times as fighing same as cumans (horses, archers, etc). The word black is actually a translation from this turkik languages, and means also north. so black vlachs and black cumans are the ones to the north (in this case north of danube) for some reason the one south of danube are the white ones (white is west in turkik). It is possible that the notion of colors and cardinal directions to have remained stamped in the region and Radu Negru to be The Radu from North.
Our Hystory books in school basically cover 2 major periods : the first is focused on Dacia, the beginnings and the battles with the Roman Empire and aftermath. And then the beginning of Țara Românească (our name for Wallachia, which is a germanic name of our historical region, if I remember correctly) and transition to modern Romania (beginning, medieval times, the nationalism "awakening" movement trend which manifested itself here in 1848, and modern Romania).The battle of Posada is covered extensively and regarded as a pivotal moment in our history, as you correctly explained. A very nice review with a unique focus on important administrative and war moments, and also on concepts (names, potential origins, local habits). It is nice to see someone put passion in explaining important details, rather than just reading from a script. Congratulations! Fun fact : celts managed to arrive in some parts of Transilvania :)
Thank you very much. Multumesc. Like your country, in Wales, we learn a lot about the Romans coming, and then it skips over the most important elements - our construction as a Welsh people during the Middle Ages - to the Reformations and then beginnings of the British Empire, which is mostly English History and not from a Welsh perspective. The British Empire is an important part of Welsh History, but to leave out the dynasty of Aberffraw, Glyndŵr and Welsh Laws and customs is absurd at best.
@@BenLlywelyn Well, this is news to me. Sad news. Of course the British Empire is a whole subject by itself. But to cover very minimally key Welsh History aspects is indeed wrong. I can only think of an ideea that might work : lobby for changing the school History curriculum and putting the emphasis where it is due! This sets the correct foundation for the Welsh identity, and it also creates a sense of pride.
reason is becouse you got no history before the 13 century as vlachs
Lol hungarian troll
Romanian school history books cover this period rather briefly. It Is good to see an external view on it. Would be great if you consider looking and presentin the period after roman left till tge arival of the Huns. Also the conquest of Transilvania which took a few hundreds of years.
lol transilvania never was romanian lan they got it as a present from Stalin in 1918
@ Stalin never ruled USSR at the time!!😂
@😅 From Stalin? In 1918?
Are you a troll? You can't possibly be this stupid and ignorant.@
@ Transylvania at around 1000ad was organized in three kingdoms, 3 states, derived from Dacia, which was a province of the Roman Empire. These kingdoms were established gradually after the retreat of the Romans. These were conquered gradually by Hungary, established by the huns in the Panonic region. I would like to see the research and view of an external party, a british will do just fine. He is far enough. 😊
The Bulgarians were not Slavs in the beginning. It was a tribe from Central Asia that arrived on the territory of today's Bulgaria and conquered the area populated by Slavs and Romanized Thracians. In time, the Slavic element would prevail (linguistic and as leaders). The first Bulgarian empire also extended north of the Danube for a while.
It's assumed, Attila the Hun turned up with several tribes and some of them were Bulgars.
@@EduardMicuthere was Bulgaria on the Volga these Turkish Tribes moved into bizantine territory around the 670’s taking Moesia from the empire in time they mixed with the numerous Slavs and the less numerous Romanized Thracians( proto-Vlahs) and some Greek speaking elements to form the basis of the Bulgarian state slowly the Slavs assimilated everybody excluding some vlahs some stayed in the newly formed state and some moved north of the Danube?! Maybe?! This is a topic of debate with no clear answer or archeological proof for know.
@@Marcelocostache some things just make sense and all we can do is to give our best guess regarding the topic. I'm not sure where I read that the Huns and the Bulgars worked together when they invaded this side of Europe. Why are Bulgarians considering that they are Thracians?
@@EduardMicu I don’t think Bulgarians consider themselves entirely Thracians! Their first state was clearly a mixture between Bulgars, Slavs and Thracians, or what was left of the Thracians by the end of the 7th century. Thracians were living mostly in the area south of the Balkan mountains, where Bulgars initially settled north of the range. Then they gradually mixed. Also, by necessity (for very survival), they united against a common and very powerful enemy- the Eastern Roman Empire.
I think modern Bulgarians accept it was a union between Bulgars and Slavs with some remaining Thracians. But mostly Slavs. The Slavs were numerous and the Bulgars were fewer (possibly only a few thousand people).
@@EduardMicu let me know where you read this because the Bulgarians appeared on the European Stage around 250 years after the Huns! Thank you and Happy Christmas 🎄 to all.
Hello Ben,
I am a Romanian, but unlike other idiots who speak Romanian and imagine themselves to be Romanians... I know a little bit more about our history and that is because I like to read and to look for as many sources as possible when searching for historical truth!
We now know from 3-4 paleogenetic studies (one made by Hamburg University) that at least 65% of the genetics of modern Romanians is directly RELATED to the population who inhabited present Romanian areal since 5-7000 years ago... so, to make it SHORT... ROMANIANS ARE FROM HERE AND NOT FROM SOUTH OR NORTH.
About ethnonim CUMAN.... indeed, names like COMAN, COMANESCU and COMANECI or toponim COMANA are names of CUMAN origins... but CUMANS where NEVER TURKS... in spite some rumour based build up histories about 1000 years ago.
Please do not forget that Histrory is not a science and never was and never will be an objective discipline... and that is because usually there are only some documents to describe a historical event and those documents may based on rumours, gossip, may be a sort of denigration of a King against other King... or may be a mixture of all the above!
So, about CUMANS... in 2014 the Romanian academy initiated /sponsored a genetic study on the remains of the descendants of CUMAN leaders from BASARAB dinasty... and surprize, surprize... the genetic pattern fit to NORDIC - GERMANIC population and not to an ASIAN/ TURKISH /MONGOLOID type of population... but this was NEVER a big surprise for the Romanian academy and most of the Romanian historians who never endorsed this bogus theory of CUMANS being of Turkish origins... who where a small population anyway compared to rest of Romanians... just like the Scandinavian leaders of Russia in the begining of the Russian history.
These ethnonims are usually starting from a LEADER of that group and have a meaning in the language sponken by those people... and first lets notice that the ethnonim CUMAN ends with the suffix MAN = HUMAN in indoeuropean languages... so, only from this we can spot the fact that CUMANS where never ever a Turkic population but an indo european population... of ostrogotic/vizigotic origins.... according to the genetic study from 2014.
The name CUMAN... you can see it in germanic populations of today like for example the former glory of AJAX AMSTERDAM whose name is RONALD KOEMAN... but KOEMAN it is pronounced CUMAN/COMAN in Romanian phonetics!
The name BASARAB is not a turkish derived name or anything like that but a LOCAL / ancient name/ word coming from the ancient TRACO GETIC deity called BASSAREUS which was the equivalent of the Greek Dyonisos and to Roman God Bachus... who where all of them CENTRAL DEITIES of these people and ALL OF THEM THEY WHERE DEITIES OF WINE and VINE ... from which actually comes the word DI +VINO = DIVINO aka DIVINE which actully means in latin : OF WINE... aka VINE deities where central deity figures in many ancient traditions... see the Jesus Christ symbolistic of WINE being the BLOOD OF CHRIST/ THE BLOOD OF GOD... or how JESUS transformed water in wine!
here a link about the TRACO GETIC wine deity called BASSAREUS:
BASARAB, of course was a NICKNAME and it means THE ANOINTED ONE/ THE DIVINE ONE and also THE CARRIER OF THE TOGUE because the ancient BASSAREUS had this attribute as well.
The CUMAN leaders where mixed up with Romanians and these MEDIEVAL Romanian leaders /founders where not slavic or turkish but ROMANIANS with also a GERMANIC ancestry coming from the KOEMANS!
So, no surprise in the fact the toponim BESSARABIA aka BASARABIA (in Romanian) aka nowaday Republic of Moldavia is also from historical point of view THE RICHEST WINE REGION of the Romanian areal... and they even have BIG UNDERGROUND WINE CELL called CRICOVA... which even has STREETS with names... like an underground small city dedicated to WINE...
And toponim BASARABIA it is related to the nick name BASARAB ... like for instance NEAGOE BASARAB one of the medieval ROMANIAN Prince who was a descendant of NEGRU VODĂ whose SON took the nickname BASARAB THE FIRST.
So, no surprise also that TODAY in Bulgaria (former south TRACIAN territory) in the TRACIAN VALLEY... they also have a brand of wine called BASSARIA.
And also, a very important detail, when the Romanian archeologists analized the remains of BASARAB dinasty descedants they found in their tomb a ROYAL RING which is identical to the ROYAL RING of the PRINCE OF WALES called BLACK HARRY ... BLACK HARRY = NEGRU ARIE in Romanian.
So no surprize that KING CHARLES when ever comes to vizit Romania...enfasizes the fact that HE IS A BLOOD RELATIVE of the Romanian/Wallachian medieval ruller VLAD ȚEPEȘ/ VLAD DRACULA... who was the nephew of MIRCEA THE OLD and also cousin with STEFAN THE GREAT OF MOLDAVIA ... and all of them they where the descendants of NEGRU VODĂ!
Also notice the fact that the ancient BASSAREUS was also a sort a divinity associated with FOXES and in medieval Wallachia the commerce with FOX FURS was a ROYAL MONOPOLY... and that is because the ROMANIAN RULLERS USED FOX FURS FOR THEIR ROYAL DRESSING... JUST LIKE HOUSE OF WALES in England... see the british name HALIFAX as in the name LORD HALIFAX aka HOLLY FOX...
also there is no happenstance in the fact that the ROMANIAN NATIONAL FOLKLORIC DANCE named CALUȘARII exists as well ONLY in England (and maybe in Portugal or Spain too as some people say) and it is called MORITZ DANCE or ROYAL DANCE... and its interesting the fact that MORITZ comes from MAURITIO in Italian and MAURICE in French... who comes from latin MAURUS = BLACK
And I heard that even bristish names like MOORE, MURRAY which corespond to Romanian MURARU, MURĂRESCU are in fact related to the latin word MAURUS = MOORISH in english = BLACK... like also romanian words MURG = BLACK HORSE and A+ MURG = AMURG = TWILLIGHT aka getting DARK but also to the fruit which in Romanian it is called MURĂ = BLACK BERRY!
And also keep in mind that the COAT OF ARMS of both HOUSE OF WALES and the BASARAB dinasty included simbols of the RED DRAGON and the MOORISH HEAD/HEADS... like also in SARDINIA or FLORENCE in Italy.
@De Sti A PTAH2129 👍 - extraordinare conexiuni - CINSTE DUMNEAVOASTRĂ ! 👍 Cu adevărat, *deşteaptă* CORECTARE ! 🤗🤗
Vorba aceea: "de unde eşti?" *"D'ACIA!"* 👍🤭
DACĂ ISTORICII servesc pe cei ce plătesc, *osele din peşteri* (ex.: craniul din Peştera Muierii) [RO] 'vorbesc' ('vorbeşte') despre *legătura genetică* (a contemporanilor, localnicilor, cu oase din peşteri), doveding *continuitatea* OSULUI NEAMULUI [VLOHI demult, ROMĂNI astăzi] de-a lungul ultimilor 30,000+ ani - mii de ani de *supraviețuire* în pofida toturor năvălitorilor si a tuturor dezastrelor ...
'VECINII' *cumpără, fură* ARDEALUL bucată cu bucată, si chiar şi oamenii; DEZMEMBREAZĂ UNITATEA NAȚIONALĂ TERITORIALĂ - alții fură resursele, ei n-au un strop de petrol acasā, dar l-au acaparat, pe-al ROMĂNIEI, furată ca pe vremea fanariotă - *trădători sunt colaboratorii cu năvălitorii:* unii chiar schimbă numele lor si a copiilor lor ... pt. vize, pt. pomeni băneşti, pt. paşapoarte "cu acces" - "nimic nu-i nou sub soare": *trădătorii se aleg singuri* ...
... cu- sau fără- pămînt, LIMBA ŞI CREDINŢA rămîn liantul vaşniciei ..., *statorniciei* ..., CU VOIA DOMNULUI ...
multumesc ! mi a mers la suflet commentul tau 👏👏
Vlad Dracula was grandson of Mircea the Elder.
We should be careful about genetics. The DNA did not determine culture, linguistics, architecture, beliefs or politics in those early times.
@@flxjay8985 Correct... as I allready stated in my above comment:
"...VLAD DRACULA... who was the nephew of MIRCEA THE OLD..."
Thank you so much for these videos on the origins of Romania. I know there are debates about some of the historical data, but I appreciate your effort, I am learning more than I remember learning in school about our country's origin.
Multumesc pentru câ. Glad to help your journey.
After Aurelian / Roman retreat, different rules became independent but with close relationship with "old Rome" & Constantinopole ( Bizantin Empire) .
Invaders just was waves , come & go never settled down.
Invaders like the Tates Bros :))
invaders like the vlachs in the 13 century lol
Even if the names where Slavic, it didn't mean that they were not Romanians. Litovoi name is slavic but his brother name was Bărbat meaning man (male person) in Romanian. The had already assimilated the Slavs at that point.
Most probably yes.
If Romanians would of came from somewhere else the historical chronicles should of told us about it .they would write about an invasion of Vlachs of nowadays Romania .But they do not exist .We were here from the beginning of time.
Violent invasions and slow migrations of shepherds over centuries, are 2 most different things.
@@BenLlywelyn Even so ,constant or slow migration of shepherds wouldn't ' go unnoticed by the early medieval sources. At some point they would have complained about more and more shepherds coming in Valachia and Moldavia. This is the theory of someone called Roesler,an Austrian that came with this theory that Walachians migrated from the south of the Danube and invaded Transylvania and the rest of the nowadays Romania .He could give no historical proof of this happening. History is not based on suppositions and hints but on proven historical facts .
@@BenLlywelyn Shepherd don't migrate though. As a shepherd you have a main home in a mountain or hilly region and you have a secondary fixed location in a river valley. Anyone who has ever tended sheep understands how difficult it is to travel 20 kilometers with them. Large scale migration is completely out of the question.
Moreover the idea that the vast majority of a population only have a single occupation is kind of ridiculous.
That is very nice super thanks from you. It is appreciated. Now I can sleep even better. Good feelings.
@@BenLlywelyn what can I say, you deserve it for your time spent to research and for your dedication and passion for history. Sleep well Ben!
The theory of the Cuman origin of the founders of the Wallachia state was abandoned a long time ago after genetic analyzes were done on the son of Basarab I, buried at the Arges Court.
Genetics do not determine culture.
@@BenLlywelynsure, but if the Bassarabs were of Lower Danube descent that doesn't makes them Cumans while Cumans were of turcik or germanic origin...
Anyway, we need more DNA testings to clear things out even more✌️❤️
ROMANIAN COUNTRY. 1310-1352. GENETIC STUDIES: BASARAB I, the founder of the Romanian Country, was Romanian without any genetic connection with the Cumans. Neagu Djuvara lied shamelessly.
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The Cuman theory of the Bessarabians promoted by Neagu Djuvara has nothing to do with historical reality. And to make the lies uttered by Neagu Djuvara complete, he also made Basarab I a Catholic, although the churches built by him were built in the purest Orthodox Byzantine style.
But, lo and behold, recently Cluj researchers sponsored by the Romanian Academy and Transylvanian Studies Center have genetically analyzed the grave of a founding member of the Bessarabian family: the famous Vlaicu Vodă. On October 28, 2014, at the Romanian Academy in Bucharest, the communication "Tomb 10 from St. Nicholas Church in Curtea de Argeş" took place.
The deceased from Tomb 10 ("Vlaicu Vodă") died shortly before the construction of the Argeş II Church (today's church), erected at the earliest around 1350, being buried in the Argeş I Church (dating from the years 1230-1260), being it is most likely one of the unnamed sons of Basarab I mentioned in a document from 1335;
There were no elements that genetically linked the deceased to communities or individuals of Cuman origin.
Genetic research shows that the Bessarabians were ethnic Romanians, related to the Orthodox voivodes from Maramureş, who prepared the revolt against the Hungarian Crown and the "dismounting" in Moldova, which led to the foundation of the new medieval Romanian state east of the Eastern Carpathians.
In conclusion, the "Cuman theory" of Neagu Djuvara, like the demystifying books of Lucian Boia, is part of the "European" direction of falsification of Romanian History.
In the opinion of these "falsifiers of history" our original ancestors must have had Cuman and Catholic origins, only they should not be Orthodox Romanians. However, the science of genetics rehabilitated the historical truth: the Bessarabians were Romanians of Orthodox religion.
Neagu Djuvara practices artifice in the book, bypasses some documents, interprets others as he sees fit to support his thesis.
Neagu Djuvara succeeds in translating all these documents, for him there is no doubt that Basarab was a Cuman Catholic. Thocomerius is for Djuvara "Toctamir" ("hardened iron" in Turkic languages), so Cuman. The variant that Thocomerius in the Latin transcription could be Tihomir is not taken into account. That all the Hungarian documents say about Basarab that he was schismatic (orthodox) has almost no importance for Neagu Djuvara ( „Basarab, filium Thocomerii, scismaticum, infidelis Olahus Nostris”. ) - He says that it was actually slander from the Hungarian king to distance the voivode from the Pope. The theory of the Cuman origin of the Bessarabian dynasty brought a lot of money to the accounts of the old nonagenarian historian, deceiving the good faith of Romanian readers and defying historical logic. Neagu Djuvara lived many years abroad and returned to his old age to write our history. Which is in contradiction with the Romanian Academy. Neagu Djuvara , a venerable lover of Romanian history.
That all the Hungarian documents say about Basarab that he was schismatic (orthodox) "Basarab, filium Thocomerii, schismaticum, infidelis Olahus Nostris".
Based on this document, issued by the Hungarian chancellery, Neagu Djuvara builds in his work, "Thocomerius - Negru Vodă, a voivode of Cuman origin at the beginning of the Wallachia", an entire Cumano-Romanian history regarding the foundation of the Wallachia. Attributing to the name Thocomer a Turanic or Cumanic origin (through excess of zeal, the name is also Latinized, Thocomerius), the author of the work sticks strictly to the name of the historical character, ignoring the historical events of the time, which took place in the area of Eastern Europe and, above all, interpreting in in favor of his hypothesis the existing documents of those times and later. His hypothesis will find many followers among Romanian historians and researchers, but also among foreigners.
In an excess of zeal, he will go so far as to compile an astonishing "pedigree", asserting that Thocomerius, with his Tatar-Cuman name of Toq-tamir, would be a son of Monke Temur, the inn of the Golden Horde, grandson of Batu-han, and through him a descendant of Genghis Khan.
Great video. I just discovered your channel yesterday. I did a Y-DNA test and discovered that I am haplogroup E-V13, my family is from Poland in the Sub-Carpathian region (South-East). I was shocked because I thought for sure I would have been R1a or R1b. I discovered that Vlachs lived in Lesser Poland in the Carpathians, so I believe that is where my ancestry comes from.
Thank you for the subscription. The Slovak / Czechia / southern Polish ridges have a fascinating history.
Your video is amazing!
Kind indeed. Thank you.
This "semi-nomadic" theory is not an explanation of the Romanian ethnogenesis, but a hinder in understanding early Romanian history because it only generates contradictions. Groups of people had to move during that period but why should it they be shepherds, it's quite absurd theory fabricated by Austria-Hungary.
All nations are a fusion of contradictions. Welsh are the native British but the inheritors of the Roman Empire. Germans are a nation but many peoples. Romanians arose out of semi-nomadic vlachs yet had a land of their own.
yah you vlach only remember the 54 yeasr of ausrto hungaria if you read proper history Hungary existed from the 8 century 1000 year before the austro hungarian empire but that is not in your vlachian interest is it
Farcas is a Hungarian based name meaning wolf
More reading about Hungarian is in my future I am sure!
Farcas = Lupu from forced maghiarisation of romanians in Transilvanya.😉But keep listening to foreigners and vote to rule you . Iobagule
@@BenLlywelyn great! the logic behind is like the name Puskas: Puska=Gun, Puskas=man with a gun. So all names ending with -es or -as has high chance of Hungarian origin.
There's a lot more to "Vlachs" than just Wallachia in the Balkans.
For example, my 'people' are today a clan in Montenegro called "Vasojević" ( which could be related to a leader called Vaso, or to a time when these people were referred to as 'Vlachs' ).
Everyone who tested their Y-DNA from the Vasojević clan has a "Vasojević modal haplotype" which forms a distinct subclade of the E1b-V13 haplogroup. The ancestor to all these people lived in 1st century AD city od Zara ( Zadar ) and was buried there in a Liburnian grave.
There's pretty much no reason NOT to think that this clan or tribe are Romanized Liburnians who later became Slavicized ( and probably because of this Romano-something identity, they were called Vlachs ).
The earliest I could find mentions in 12th and 14th century census refer to them also as "Holmians", but the later 16th and 17th century Ottoman and Venetians mention them just as Orthodox population.
This "Holmian" or "Koman" mentions are also interesting, which could mean just "people" from the same origin of the word as Latin homini, but could also stem from the Greek word for the Balkans peninsula "Haimos".
So, genetically, pretty much unrelated to Romanian Vlachs, and probably linguistically only related through Romanization.
btw. the TMRCA ( most recent male ancestor ) to Vasojević E1b-V13 are the Kuč clan ( 2800 years ago ), and other Balkan peoples like Greeks, Albanians and Romanians are over 4500 years ago TMRCA.
1. You say that the vlachs moved in the beginning of the 13th century, but if you read the Diplomma of the Joannites issued by the Hungarian king Béla IV in 1247, that timeline you presented makes no sense, it is just Hungarian tendencious theory. 2. Danube was never a barrier, Constatine the Great reconstructed/made a bridge over it. Even a person who cannot swim can cross it on a log, as my great-grandfather did when he was taken prisoner during the Bulgarian-Romanian war. 2. Vlachs are attested in Transylvania in Gesta Hungarorum, but the Hungarian dismiss it just because it doesn't fit their narrative with the "first comming". 3. Romanian language has spread from Transsylvania, that is from an area where the Proto-Romanians lived together with Hungarians, because there are words in the Romanian basic vocabulary that entered at a very early stage, that do not exist in Aromanian. 4. All major rivers in Transsylvania preserved the names they had during antiquity and their forms in Romanian reflect the normal outcome of the phonetical evolution from Latin to Romanian. So the Proto-Romanian people appeared in a vast area both North and South of Danube where they lived mixed with other peoples, SLavs, Hungarians, etc. What is most important they were Christians, with all that entails, unlike the other peoples, Christianity provided their cohesion as a group, besides the complex well-preserved language inherited from Latin.
It is not one or the other. These were a semi-nomadic people in many places, that is not to say all. Romanians arose out of several different groups of Vlachs slowly merging under the pressure of other groups like the Slavs, Cumans, and later Hungarians.
No any proof of this theory. First mention of Vlachs in the region only from the 13th century.
Treasure of a channel. I'm learning more about my country here than I was taught in school
Thank you.
Ben the formation of Wallachian state was exactly the result of the destruction of Cumans and Hungarian influence by the Mongols.
The main Christian vocabulary in Romanian is purely Latin derived and has nothing to with Slavic, Greek or Classical ecclesiastic Latin of the Catholic church. Has clearly evolved directly from Latin and Vulgar Latin in its unique way.
At Hungarian expand in Transylvania the country was Orthodox already and the Vlachs were always recorded as Orthodox, under Constantinople jurisdiction, not under Rome. If we agree that are the descendants of east Romans by language then we also have to accept that the east Romans were Christians since 313 edict of Milan and Orthodox since 451 AD ecumenical council of Calchedon, when the Orthodoxy was imposed by Pope Leo along empress Pulcheria, against the Monophisite doctrine mostly promoted by the Greeks of Alexandria and Antioch, supported by the ethnic Greek empress Eudokia, wife of Theodosius II.
Bessarabs were Bessi Vlachs, also known as Thracians of central Balkans, a strongly religious cast of Roman Christians during Iustinian. According to medievalist historian John Fine the Bessi Thracians were Vlachs and from their monks were sent by Iustinian to build and protect st Catherine monastic complex in Sinai Peninsula, around 550 AD. Is said that the Bessi Thracian - Vlach language was still spoken in Sinai peninsula by 9 century, but is also mentioned that at Muslim Arabs take over of the Sinai Pneninsula most of the Bessi returned from Arabia and settled along the Dacians in south Carpathian mountains, where they founded SINAIA monastic complex. Therefore the Bessarab is their combined identity of Bessi (returned) from Arabia and from this name also derived Bessarabia.
Byzantine general Kekaumenos, who married the daughter of the Vlach ruler Nicolitza Delphnas - the Dolphine (title) of Great Valahia from south Balkans tells that the Bessi from the Danube and Dacians from Sava river invaded south Balkans to take back THEIR lands from the Greeks, given that the Bessi lands spread around the Rodhope mountains, parts of Thessaly and Macedonia and their old capital was at Uscudava, later Adrianople. According to this contemporary source and others no one can invoke any sort of Turkic origin of the Bessi Vlachs.
As I said ThocoMerius was clearly a Greek Latin Christian name and had nothing to do with Cumans.
Radu Negru or Negru Voda existed, because he also appears in the Serbian Chronicles of cneaz Minutin, by 1282, as related to a transport of 10,000 armors, from the Vlachs of Ragusa - Dalmatia, to the ruler of Wallachia, Negru Voda, to be used in the conflict against Hungarians. Only that the Serbian allies of Hungarians intercepted the convoy, appropriated the armors and used them for themselves to attack and expand the Serbian control under Milutin towards the south and west. Until then not a king but a warlord.
Negru could be a common Romanian name, just like there could be Black or White names in English, while Radu as Ive mentioned was also a common Pelasg name, few Millenia in the Balkans and west Anatolia, before anyone heard about Slavs.
Thank you.
the way you explain things is pure gold. congrats!
Diolch / Thank you.
Farcas coms from the Hurgarian name of the wolf. It is possible to be a tranlation of his name Lupu (in Romamanian) or Vâlcu (from wolf in slavic languages an Lithuanian)
Ben is a brilliant man! Much respect for you great work!
Thank you.
The Romanians (Vlachs) and the Bulgarians were for centuries in the big Bulgarian empire. The coming from the east pra_Bulgarians mixed
with the Dachians to the north of Danube and formed the Vlachs (Ballachians/Wallachians). At the same time another groups of the pra-Buulgarians
crossed the Danube and mixed with the Thracians, Macedonian and the Slavs. The Thracians and the Dachians were of ethnically same origin.
So the modern Bulgarians and Romanians (Ballachians/Wallachians) are brothers.
It may seem strange, but Romanians and Bulgarians are almost indistinguishable genetically, because we overwhelmingly have the same ancestors for thousands and thousands of years, regardless of what history tells us or not, or the language we speak.
I was really lucky to find two Bulgarians with haplogroup G2a near Velico Tarnovo, with whom I have practically the same mutations on the Y chromosome from a common ancestor who lived 2500-3500 years ago!... All my ancestors from whom I know for 5-6 generations are from the Getic Plateau area in Romania.
It is good to be brotherly friends.
@@popacristian2056 Еxactly. Language reforms in the 19th century distanced the current Romanian language from the Bulgarian language. Accordingly, the modernization of Bulgarian further divides us.
@@milenpetev811 Genetics does not really know about artificial borders, culture and language spoken.
Thank you!
I appreciate this video a lot ❣️
Love from Romania ❤
Another one next week!
🇧🇬❤🇷🇴 Greetings to all my Romanian brothers! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to our Bulgarian brothers!
Orthodox Christmas is on 7th January as I know. Greetings to Orthodox brothers from Serbia.
Merry Christmas
@@xZxOxVxnobody cares? what is your point.
They were initially defence marks, vasals of the Hungarian king.
They revolted against the Hungarians and eventually became ottoman vasals.
Romania should be much larger then it is today. But unfortunately the Russian Soviets took the North Eastern corner of Romania, known as Basarabia, Moldova as the spoils of war and tried to forcefully Russify that region. Unfortunately to this day, there's still a wedge between the two regions of Romania stil driven by Russian imperialism desires. 3:44
Nations change borders, shrink, expand, regrow, die, rebirth, expand and shrink again. I would be wary of wanting terroriry back if you are quite big already - it can lead to other nations feeling anger towards you instead of peace and friendship.
lol sinteit forte norocosm ca ati tradat aliati vostri si ati primit transilvania ca un cadou dela stalin
Soy boy... stop with this rusophoby bullshit... the Russians have always been our allies, until we were pushed by the Nazis to invade Russia. Without Russia, Transylvania still belonged to Hungary.
not enough already all the lands stolen from your neighbors?
@@BenLlywelyn You right ! For example what happened to Hungary.
The algorithm has been good to me. Excellent work
Thank you for your visit.
Expansion from the South to North Est is somehow against to all other migrations in history. Can you give some sources that are saying that the romanians came from the south?,Romania%20between%201920%20and%201940.
Bărbat as a name or nick name means the guy is the embodiment of the strength and virility of a man. He is not a guy, he is the guy.
Very interesting presentation. Might have been of interest to show a map of Wallachia with all the rivers you mentioned, and the towns. The first capital at Campulung was, as the name says, in a valley between mountains. In time, the capital will migrate southwards towards the plains.
Fair comment.
In Romania there are places called Comănești, Coman, as well surnames Comănescu, Coman etc… which are not rare… Basarab Basarabean is also pronounced Besarab, Besarabean, as surname is not common… Ovid mentions Bessi as people living around that areas…Also Ovid in Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto asked to be forgiven if he writes some words in local spoken language, because he learned the language and sometimes he doesn’t realize the difference… also he mentions that there is nobody to speak Latin… I tried to find these words and not able to find in translations… I will try in original Latin version written by Ovid, not translated….if I can find it the original version! These antique writings best to be read in original versions. Translations are not the most fidel copies. Thank you Ben ! Your videos are the most interesting and captivating that I can find!❤❤❤❤
Thank you for watching them!
The Cumans or Kumans were a Turkic nomadic people from Central Asia comprising the western branch of the Cuman-Kipchak confederationThe name is derived from the Cumans who once ruled the region. Its first written record dates from 1657, and its first presence on a map from the 1696 The Cumans were themselves attacked and defeated by the Mongol Empire; most Cumans fled to Hungary,By the 1220s, many were concentrated to the east of Hungary, in areas later known as Moldavia and Bessarabia. 🤔
Interesting! Romanian for enemy is dusman exactly as in Turkish/Cuman. Do you know older or another form for enemy? That territory didn’t have enemy until Cumans came by?
As a Romanian, I feel flattered of the attention given.
The coat of arms of Prince Cândea from Ţara Haţegului and the oldest Romanian tricolor (XIII century).
For those who don't know, the Romanians were organized from ancient times around local leaders who ruled a county or a country each, such as the Country of Bîrsei , the Country of Haţeg , the Country of Criş , the Country of Maramureş , etc. which can also be found in the times ancient and even prehistoric.
The neolithic treasures from Cucuteni, Coţofeneşti, Agighiol, Peretu and Portile de Fier correspond to administrative centers (Cucuteni is one such example), which can later be found both in archaeological research and in ancient historical records about the Dacians and in medieval ones about Romanians.
The Roman Catholic documents from the 13th century (the diplomas of the Ionian and Teutonic knights with reference to the Romanians, in which the 13th-century knights Ioan, Litovoi, Seneslau, Farcaş are mentioned, or the chronicle of the anonymous notary of King Bela III of Hungary , which mentions the 9th-century Hungarian invasion of Arpad and the clashes with the princes Gelu, Glad, Menumorut, Salanus, Ahtum, etc.) confirms this type of state organization.
Starting with the emergence of kingdoms (Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, etc.) in the immediate vicinity of the old principalities, the Romanian counties/banates lose their historical meaning, unable to cope with political, military (and sometimes even cultural) pressure.
Such a Romanian principality is the Land of Haţeg . We know about the existence of the Cândea princes at the head of Haţeg County from several documents from the 14th and 15th centuries.
In the 15th century, Cândea submitted to Hungarian authority and converted to Roman Catholicism.
Along with the conversion to Roman Catholicism came the Hungarianization of the name Cândea into Kendeffi.
The end of the 13th century also brings with it huge pressure from the papacy, which forces the Hungarians to destroy any trace of Romanian autonomy in Transylvania.
Finally, under the weight of those pressures, the existence of the Romanian principalities in Transylvania, Moldavia and Muntenia came to an end and the emergence of the Romanian Feudal States. Cneaz Cândea family made their own coat of arms, of Orthodox, Crusader and Romanian inspiration at the same time.
The coat of arms of the Cândea princes contains the tricolor surrounding the Byzantine cross with Crusader reminiscences.
Unfortunately, at St. Maria Orlea, the Orthodox episcopal church of Haţeg, after the defeat of the Romanian princes and the forced conversion to Roman Catholicism, accompanied by the forced Hungarianization in the century. XV, another fresco was painted over the original fresco, by the Serbian painter mentioned above.
However, you can still see the colors of the Romanian tricolor surrounding the votive fresco of the (for now) anonymous prince Cândea who built the episcopal church in Orlea.
The old Christian and Romanian coat of arms can still be seen under the plaster...
Arpad could make a good video.
Congratulations! You did a great job summarizing the establishment of the first Romanian state. If you have the time and the inclination, take a look at the history of the Balkan Vlachs -- starting with the seven centuries of Latin as the language of the state during the Roman and early Byzantine Empires, followed by the invasions of the Goths, Huns, Bulgars, Avars, Slavs, etc, followed by the translation of the Bible into Slavonic, followed by the estabishment of Slavic states (Bulgarian, Croat, Serb, Bosnian), followed by the Bulgaro-Vlach empire. Vlachs are mentioned in the Balkans throughout the middle ages in Byzantine, Serb, Croat, Hungarian, Italian sources. An interesting question: how did it happen that in the Balkans - which were for seven centuries under Roman and Byzantine rule - today there is no Romance state while in Dacia, which was in the Roman empire only one and half centuries today there is a Romance state?
I would say transhumance has a lot to do with it. And slow migration - over several centuries, and a gradual core emerging between different Vlach groups and Romanian growing up between them as a lingua franca of the northern Balkans as Slavs coming in a splitting groups off from each other.
The goths are natives not invaders, they are the getae also known as dacians.
Visigoths and gepids.
@@mihaiilie8808Goths are not Getae. Goths were a Germanic tribe that invaded Roman Dacia in the third century AD. The Getae were a Thracian tribe that inhabited the eastern part of Dacia in the third century BC.
Two separate people that lived during two separate times.
@@UlpianHeritor We all know your a troll and that the goths are the getae like every ancient source say.
@@mihaiilie8808Gots were similar to Vandals as well the Gets were a different branch of Daces. Remember that Burebista unified a multitude of tribes. It says that he banished the Celts but we have still a strong Celtic presence. The Vlach were the Francs the Vallons. After the fall of Roman Empire during Constantine is unclear whether if Latin Bizanthin language has been used as universal language to convert different tribes from different erhnicities and cultures. Now we forgot about the Roman exiled poet Ovidius. He mentioned the Barbarians etc. So under the ocupied Roman Dacia it was a strong Dacian presence there.
Things got complicated under Bulgarians, Hungarians, and other invaders
It is amazing how confused many people are about various aspects that end up forming the identity of a nation, by making a hurry-scurry jumble of linguistic, genetic and cultural characteristics.
Genetics doesn't matter that much. Take the example of Hungarians. The ancient Magyar warrior elite was numerically thin and got genetically assimilated into the preexisting European population (formed by various Romanized and Slavic populations living in Pannonia) . This is why Hungarians of today are genetically indistinguishable from the neighboring peoples. On the other hand, the ancient Magyars managed to impose their language that survived and forms the core of the Hungarian identity. They also gave the ethnonym, i.e. the name of the nation.
The story is different with the Bulgars. The ancient warrior elite that established the Bulgarian state south of the Danube was also numerically thin and got genetically assimilated by the preexisting Slavic and Romanized populations of the Balkan peninsula. However, unlike the Magyars, the Bulgars could not impose their Turkic language. Their only remaining contribution to the Bulgarian identity is the ethnonym, the name of the nation.
These are two sides of the same old story: some migratory tribes coming from the East in the second half of the first millennium A.D., becoming the ruling elites over preexisting European populations of various ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, getting genetically assimilated, but managing to impose the name of the nation and/or their language on the conquered populations.
Bref, genetics is mostly irrelevant for the identity of a nation or ethnic group. What matters most is the language and culture. In the end, we are all descendants of various Indo-european tribes and of ancient Neolithic populations. What gives us our different identities are the language and the culture, not the genetic makeup.
The first Vlach ruler in this area was Gelou. Documented by Hungarians themselves. app. 400 years before Basarab.
We do not have much to go on there.
@@BenLlywelyn Gelu, Glad and Menumorut at some point, 3 kingdoms of legend at the same time in the western half of current day Romania, until they got conquered 1 by 1. So legends say.
🤔Although the Gesta Hungarorum, which was written after 1150, does not indicate the enemies of the conquering Hungarians (Magyars) known from earlier annals and chronicles, it refers to local rulers-including Gelou-who are not mentioned in other primary sources. Consequently, historians debate whether Gelou was a historical person or an imaginary figure created by the unidentified author of the Gesta Hungarorum.most toponyms recorded by the chronicler in connection with Gelou's duchy are of Magyar origin.
RADU NEGRU = Radu the Black - our historian Florin Horvath descovered documents in the Vatican Archaives which change completely the origin of Radu Negru believed to be Cuman according to a Hungarian historian László Rásonyi. The old medieval texts write about being the grandson of the French Templar Gilbert of Doyen who married (probably) a Hungarian noble woman named Clara in Făgăraș. They had a son named Radu who married Margo Bucura, daughter of a Bessarab noble in 1239. They had a son named also Radu who is supported by the Templars (Guillaume of Beaujeu) in Lyon (France) for his plan to Descăleca into the Valachia in 1272.
In the whole European written history of all times there is NOT a single text saying that the Vlachs (Romanians) migrated northward to today Romania as the Hungarian and German historians claim.
In the medieval archives there are hundreds of contemporary data about the migration of the Vlachs, which the Romanian propagandist historians hide from the Romanians!
@@Ταργιτάος1 - simple talk. Proofs, please ? In the whole European written history of all times there is NOT a single text saying that the Vlachs (Romanians) migrated northward to today Romania. Anna Comnena in her "Alexiad" mentions a run away of the Vlahs from the Balkans due to a war with the Byzantines. That is all, nothing else in 1900 years.
There is a lot of information misinformation out there. If you dig in Viena archives you will see all the way to 18 century dacian king not Romanian or Valahian.
Then you see in the surrounding countries calling Rumanians.
Then in Vatican you find Valahians.
And if you research China archives and find Dax Ius.
You pick one you like and enjoy the story.
Vatican sounds a bit Da Vinci Code.
As for China - it is a Communist regime and I will trust nothing it says.видео.htmlsi=_mtWkCplNGFqsOYb
aba ... baba in Turkish means "dad", father ; in Etruscan "apa" = father... in Croatian "baba" means old woman; standard "baka" (grandmother), in Polish: babcia [pronounced as: bab-chia] ...
Also Bărbat, mai bărbat, means man , strong, powerful.
At the root of the Romanians are the geto Dacian culture (trakia) Bulgarians before they became Slavic they were trakians like the geto Dacians the name vlach is used by the foreigners to describe the trakians
2:00 The Bulgars were not Slavic, they were Turkic. They established a state where the population was Slavic but they, the Turkic invaders, were the rulers. In time they were absorbed, only their name remained.
Earlier on yes, and that is fascinating, I had no idea.
It is a shame you have not put more effort, but relied in outdated and old information . Do yourself an fever and do your homework proper like evidence including resent genetic studies and further publications.
@@ventzesalvdjoundjolov684 Recent genetic studies are clear enough: there is great similarity between all the peoples in the region. Romanians are closest to Bulgarians. And even Hungarians are not much different genetically than their neighbors, their difference is strictly cultural and linguistic. So what's your claim?
Very interesting! Thanks Ben!
My pleasure! Thank you for watching.
@@BenLlywelyn yes you touched a very intricate complex subject! I just read Phrygian cap history, which goes to Trojans from Troy ( Aenea founder of Rome) which Romans described as wearing Phrygian cap and called them Phrygian Dacian peoples and represented on the sculptures accompanying Emperor Trajan in Rome, to Gauls with Phrygian cap on Emperor Constantin Arch, to Galatians ( Galati-Romania) to Gallia Celtica , to Germanic Walhaz from Valcae (Vâlcea-Romania), to Celtic and Romance speakers in medieval germanic languages ex. Welsh, Waals, Vlachs and more…. Really fascinating history! Dacians were very spread on large areas in antiquity, no wonder that Romanian language survived until today. Even Julius Caesar and Augustus and others claimed the ancestry from Dardanoi Daci. It’s s-o much the more you read the more one finds out about our history! Also did you see the Biblical texts mentioned of the Dacian branch…and Celtic branch.
The second bulgarian empire aka the Vlaho-Bulgarian Empire was ruled by people who had an least a Valahian heritage from one side of the family tree. The Asan dynasty had at least half Valahian aka Romanian origin despite what modern scholars have to say. So Romania is nothing more than the national coalization of the earlier Dacian peoples into a centralized state. Note the Dacians were tribes that were hard to rule under a single government so their various tribes were a ok with being ruled by others so far as the rulership didn't opress them. That's why we have maps depicting Cumania and such, but that was a mere political map since the people were mostly indigenous.
Romania is not Dacia. Sorry.
@@BenLlywelyn you missed the point. I'm not saying Romania is Dacia, I'm saying the same tribes were politically ruled over by foreign rule until modern times.
The Romanian culture persisted over the centuries in the Carpathian highlands, in the 3 regions of Romania: Transilvania, Tara Romaneasca and Moldova. Here are the oldest villages and towns of Romania. Written texts that can be dated are great proofs of historical events, but the lack of written texts is not proof of - the unique culture and the language are sufficient.
After the Hunnic invasion of the fist millennium, the Dacian tribes in Transilvania were subjugated in the same area that was previously under Roman control for 170 years, but the specific culture & language endured for 1000 years, despite the strategy of ethnic cleansing and assimilation of the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Similar things happened in the other 2 regions, which were highways for numerous Asian invasions: the specific culture and language were strong enough to keep their unicity. The Carpathian mountains were natural fortresses, while the lowlands were protected by dark forests and people that know how to fight invaders. Even the Turkish Empire learned that it was better to just extract tribute, rather than try to completely occupy Tara Romaneasca and Moldova.
The Romanian language is interesting because we understand each other anywhere in Romania. And the old churches have hundreds-of-years-old texts, written with Cyrillic alphabet, that are still understandable Romanian.
Being surrounded by other language groups would make you grow closer together and unified, I would think.
Yes. Same happened with the Scots, Irish and Welsh people I would think.
We were fortunate though that our Magyar friends did not practice a strategy of extermination when they were strong and us weak. And we are not persecuting our friends in Transylvania, I think.
@@razvanonero Contrary, magyars integrated a lot of nations coming from east and west: Jasi, Kuns (Coumans), Germans, later Jews
Nowadays one can find the village Râu Bărbat, (Barbat river) where there actualy flows a river called the same way. The Rau Barbat river flows into Strei river, the confluence being in Pui village. There îs also another thing to take into attention i.e. in medieval otoman documents Walachia, or Țara romanesca, was called Karawala jia meaning The Black Walachia. The otomans also named the Black sea as the Black sea, i.e. Karadeniz, meaning the șea to the North, reffering to the geographical posion of the sea în respect to the Otoman lands. Regarding the names of White wlachs and Black wlachs, there May be another meaning, like the White cumans and Black cumans, i.e. the cumans from the native land and those migrated cumans that established the New realm of the cumans at the outskirts of the carpathian mountains. There is more to debate, but not here.
Ben makes a very serious error from the very start of the video. Vlach does not mean Romanian. Vlach means Romance language speaker, and it encompasses populations that are not Romanians such as the Dalmatians, the Balkan Vlachs. Moreover in the middle ages the term Vlach also encompassed the Italians on the northern Adriatic coast.
Saying Vlach is like saying Celt, it does cover Wales but it also covers Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, Galicia, Cornwall.
Interesting thought on Celt / Vlach.
Actually, the first Vlach state documented is in Gesta Hungarorum, where it say's a Vlach duke ruled Transylvania when the Magyar's arrived, so somewhere in c.893-907.
But the ever first medieval state was that one founded by the two Vlach brother's Asan and Peter in Paristrion after the revolt of the Vlach's in 1185
Yes but this document is very ... shall I say non-convenient , for the Hungarian nationalist narrative, which kind of tries to claim that the Transylvanian area (didn't have this name back then of course) was... empty-ish, when the Hungarian tribes first came to the area. So despite this document being of Hungarian origin, they just claim its not true and it was written like a century or 2 after the events so it may have misinterpreted real Hungarian history... that is for sure more convenient. :)
The problem with Gesta Hungarorum is that it was written three centuries after the arrival of the Magyars in Pannonia.
@@virgils1060 I would say either 2 or 3. Because the original Gesta could have been written either during the reign of King Béla I or Béla II, as Anonymous didn't use regnal numbers which appeared in use in the 13th century. However, neither did other Gesta's, yet the other one's are taken seriously
@@virgils1060 sure... and yet its still the oldest document there is about events of the area...Instead some prefer to take more seriously... theories that appeared at Hungarian courts as late as 18th century if not even later... very strange.
@@virgils1060 Why should it be a problem, it is very usual with history writing, more a rule than an exception.
Man , nicknames are more used in Romanian valah dacian historia than actual names, and to this day we know people more by there nicknames than actual name(especially in the country side). Vlad Țepeș(țepeș nikcname), stefan cel mare (cel mare nickname), ioan voda cel viteaz sau cel cumplit ( viteaz/cumplit are nicknames) and so on and on, most nicknames com from past grandfathers and in time became actual names and so so so
Another thing we Welsh and Romanians have in common then.
This is a Byzantine tradition. Unlike westerners, Byzantines does not count their rulers by numbers (Charles the 1st, Henry the 5th), but by nicknames. Like Constantine Copronymos (the 5th), Basil Bulgarokhtonos (the 2nd), Michael Kalaphates (the 5th) and so on.
Vlachs and Moldavians use a similar way of naming the rulers. For example, there are several princes named Vlad. But each one carry a specific nickname: Dracul (Vlad the 2nd), Draculea (Vlad the 3rd), the Monk (Vlad the 4th), the Younger (Vlad the 5th), the Drowned (Vlad the 6th) and so on.
Vlachs and Moldavians took this tradition of distinguishing people by nicknames from Byzantines.
Keep up the good work!
Farkas means wolf in Hungarian, Cneze aka Kenéz is a Hungarian title and herteg aka herceg means prince in Hungarian.
The people were always there.
The people, probably, but what languages did they speak?
@@BenLlywelyn It's not really that important.
'Farkas' is Hungarian word. It means 'wolf'
Yes Rada / Rado means : joy, glad to. But it also means : Council, advice, to control. Voyvoda ( Duke) literally : warleader
Fascinating. Thanks.
The name "Radu" is Romanian (Vlach) *borrowed from Slavic which originally was written as "Rad" aka Radoslav and Radomir. So the name Radu Negru Vodă is purely Romanian, however thr name Radu being borrowed and Vodă being shortened for "Voievode"
@@InAeternumRomaMater So borrowing or pure ? You can't have both. Vojvoda is a compound of Voj (boj,vojna) and Voda (vodca,vodiť,vodič). War- Leader
@@SlaviSokol They are Slavic loanwords, but the outcome is Romanian, you don't have Radu or vodă in Slavic, it's pure Romanian language.
@@SlaviSokol _Radu_ is pure Romanian (Vlach) form of the slavic _Rad_ such as _Radoslav_ and _Radomir._ The name Radu is always found to Vlach/Romanian people and not Slav's.
21:53 Dan Alexe, the historian who wrote "Dacopatia", in his new book "De-a Dacii și Romanii" believes the the name Basarab to be of Iranian origins. He's not saying that Basarab was Iranian but that the cumans spoke also iranian. Farsi to be precise. Basarab is means "the edge of the water" or "at the head of the water".
But apparently his book and theory has been "disproven" or something like that by other historians.
Thank you. Dan Alex is right about Dacopathy being nonsense.
@@BenLlywelyn yes he is. Although this new book feel a bit hateful towards our own people. I could be exaggerating.
Mai degraba Basarab vine din limba dacilor ca bouilabaise din ocittan( Dacian language - visigoths are dacians like Iordanes, Isidor of Seville, poet Claudius say).
Bouilabaise e ciorba din cap De peste a dacilor facuta pe teritoriul Frantei 😂.
Dan Alexe e un prost. A vazut Arab si acum ne face ca suntem sin Arabia Saudita 😂.
E deja anulat ca nici macar cuman nu era cum spune Djuvara, Un troll mult Mai mare ca nea Dan. Analizele ADN i au desfiintat pe idiotii astia rauvoitori.
How Slavic speaking Wallachians changed their cyrillic writing and Slavic language into Romance language? In there language and even their names and surnames, in their cities, rivers and regions still lives Slavic language
The Latin alphaet was put in place 'officially' in 1859 with the establishment of Romania.
Would you make one video about that big change? That would be great, there aren't many clear explanations of how that happened. @@BenLlywelyn
Your question is meaningless. Wallachians are called speakers of the Romanian language, not Slavic language!
Probably the confusion in your question comes from the fact that there is a continuous process of slavization of Romanian speakers outside Romania's borders.
This episode was epic!
Thank you. Cheers.
I think Litovoi might not be a Slavic name. It is a combination of Greek and Latin. Lithos = stone(in Greek), and voi is a word derived from Latin volere which means will. So the name Litovoi means "will of stone".
Good one!
But a lot of these Slavic words are older than Latin and native dacian.
Yes, we romanians were taught that SLAV came later in Romania, but, going deeper in the history, the GETAE fought the Persians and asked the SLAV to help them.
The SLAVS turned them down, the GETAE, defeated the Persians and after, the GETAE, went to get revenge on the SLAVS, and..... it SPLIT them into SLAVS of the NORTH and SLAVS of the SOUTH...
@@mihaiilie8808 🤣🤣🤣
You mean from before the Mongols? Are you sure ? 😉
Litovoi is geto dacian name the ending oi is geto dacian see the dacian name Daizus Komozoi
What about the Vlahs BEFORE the year of 1000(one thousand) in Transilvania, Valachia & Moldova?
That is beyond this video.
lol if you went to school in history ther was no vlachs or moldovans before 13 century
Very interesting topic!
Negru Voda. There's also "The ballad of Negru Voda" in wich he is described.
Medieval literature is undervalued today.
@@BenLlywelyn Anyway, nice channel. I subscribed.
Thank you Ben. I really I enjoyed your video. Basarab indeed, is a name of Cuman (Kuman) origine. Perhaps the Cumans represented an ethnic layer in the formation of the Romanian modern people. There are evidences for this, there are city and villages named like: Comana, Comănești.... and names which are very commons like Coman, Comanescu and even Comaneci... You remember maybe Nadia Comaneci, the woman gymnast... so Comaneci name is a trace of the Cuman layer, a trace if you want, in the Romanian people heritage. All the bests and greetings from Ploiesti, Romania, somewhere in Wallachia.
Appreciated. You could say Cuman was common. 😉 Best regards.
@@BenLlywelyn I am a Romanian, but unlike other idiots who speak Romanian and imagine themselves to be Romanians... I know a little bit more about our history!
Indeed, names like COMAN, COMANESCU and COMANECI or toponim COMANA are names of CUMAN origins... but CUMANS where NEVER TURKS... in spite some rumour based build up histories about 1000 years ago.
Please do not forget that Histrory is not a science and never was and never will be an objective discipline... and that is because usually there are only some documents to describe a historical event and those documents may based on rumours, gossip, may be a sort of denigration of a King against other King... or may be a mixture of all the above!
So, about CUMANS... in 2014 the Romanian academy initiated /sponsored a genetic study on the remains of the descendants of CUMAN leaders from BASARAB dinasty... and surprize, surprize... the genetic pattern fit to NORDIC - GERMANIC population and not to an ASIAN/ TURKISH /MONGOLOID type of population... but this was NEVER a big surprise for the Romanian academy and most of the Romanian historians who never endorsed this bogus theory of CUMANS being of Turkish origins... who where a small population anyway compared to rest of Romanians... just like the Scandinavian leaders of Russia in the begining of the Russian history.
These ethnonims are usually starting from a LEADER of that group and have a meaning in the language sponken by those people... and first lets notice that the ethnonim CUMAN ends with the suffix MAN = HUMAN in indoeuropean languages... so, only from this we can spot the fact that CUMANS where never ever a Turkic population but an indo european population... of ostrogotic/vizigotic origins.... according to the genetic study from 2014.
The name CUMAN... you can see it in germanic populations of today like for example the former glory of AJAX AMSTERDAM whose name is RONALD KOEMAN... but KOEMAN it is pronounced CUMAN/COMAN in Romanian phonetics!
The name BASARAB is not a turkish derived name or anything like that but a LOCAL / ancient name/ word coming from the ancient TRACO GETIC deity called BASSAREUS which was the equivalent of the Greek Dyonisos and to Roman God Bachus... who where all of them CENTRAL DEITIES of these people and ALL OF THEM THEY WHERE DEITIES OF WINE and VINE ... from which actually comes the word DI +VINO = DIVINO aka DIVINE which actully means in latin : OF WINE... aka VINE deities where central deity figures in many ancient traditions... see the Jesus Christ symbolistic of WINE being the BLOOD OF CHRIST/ THE BLOOD OF GOD... or how JESUS transformed water in wine!
here a link about the TRACO GETIC wine deity called BASSAREUS:
BASARAB, of course was a NICKNAME and it means THE ANOINTED ONE/ THE DIVINE ONE and also THE CARRIER OF THE TOGUE because the ancient BASSAREUS had this attribute as well.
The CUMAN leaders where mixed up with Romanians and these MEDIEVAL Romanian leaders /founders where not slavic or turkish but ROMANIANS with also a GERMANIC ancestry coming from the KOEMANS!
So, no surprise in the fact the toponim BESSARABIA aka BASARABIA (in Romanian) aka nowaday Republic of Moldavia is also from historical point of view THE RICHEST WINE REGION of the Romanian areal... and they even have BIG UNDERGROUND WINE CELL called CRICOVA... which even has STREETS with names... like an underground small city dedicated to WINE...
And toponim BASARABIA it is related to the nick name BASARAB ... like for instance NEAGOE BASARAB one of the medieval ROMANIAN Prince who was a descendant of NEGRU VODĂ whose SON took the nickname BASARAB THE FIRST.
So, no surprise also that TODAY in Bulgaria (former south TRACIAN territory) in the TRACIAN VALLEY... they also have a brand of wine called BASSARIA.
And also, a very important detail, when the Romanian archeologists analized the remains of BASARAB dinasty descedants they found in their tomb a ROYAL RING which is identical to the ROYAL RING of the PRINCE OF WALES called BLACK HARRY ... BLACK HARRY = NEGRU ARIE in Romanian.
So no surprize that KING CHARLES when ever comes to vizit Romania...enfasizes the fact that HE IS A BLOOD RELATIVE of the Romanian/Wallachian medieval ruller VLAD ȚEPEȘ/ VLAD DRACULA... who was the nephew of MIRCEA THE OLD and also cousin with STEFAN THE GREAT OF MOLDAVIA ... and all of them they where the descendants of NEGRU VODĂ!
Also notice the fact that the ancient BASSAREUS was also a sort a divinity associated with FOXES and in medieval Wallachia the commerce with FOX FURS was a ROYAL MONOPOLY... and that is because the ROMANIAN RULLERS USED FOX FURS FOR THEIR ROYAL DRESSING... JUST LIKE HOUSE OF WALES in England... see the british name HALIFAX as in the name LORD HALIFAX aka HOLLY FOX...
also there is no happenstance in the fact that the ROMANIAN NATIONAL FOLKLORIC DANCE named CALUȘARII exists as well ONLY in England (and maybe in Portugal or Spain too as some people say) and it is called MORITZ DANCE or ROYAL DANCE... and its interesting the fact that MORITZ comes from MAURITIO in Italian and MAURICE in French... who comes from latin MAURUS = BLACK
And I heard that even bristish names like MOORE, MURRAY which corespond to Romanian MURARU, MURĂRESCU are in fact related to the latin word MAURUS = MOORISH in english = BLACK... like also romanian words MURG = BLACK HORSE and A+ MURG = AMURG = TWILLIGHT aka getting DARK but also to the fruit which in Romanian it is called MURĂ = BLACK BERRY!
And also keep in mind that the COAT OF ARMS of both HOUSE OF WALES and the BASARAB dinasty included simbols of the RED DRAGON and the MOORISH HEAD/HEADS... like also in SARDINIA or FLORENCE in Italy.
Basarab of Cuman origin is a theory by Neagu Giuvara, unfortunately he is not a good historian.
@@lunadeargint540 Really? He had an PH.D. in history. Who are you? Are you graduated in history or you just like to speak about your opinion even if you dont master it? Tipic romanesc. Judeca un om cu doctorat in istorie dupa ce aude si el pe la televizor. Cel putin ai curiozitatea si citeste in acest link:
@@christian2M 1. A theory is a theory, you don't have to have a Ph. D. but some common sense and not all historians accept it. 2. There are texts preserved in the Cuman language, so I don't know what you get with your theory with the Thracians.
First king Stephen I , King Saint Stephen , name at birth is Voicu (Romanian) maghiar form is Vojk, . Vojk =Voicu. That time all Romanian names were written in Maghiar form…many Romani had to rewrite their names the correct way…
Yes and Jesus was Romanian too from the Iasi region.
wrong. It is from Turkic origin, Bajk. BTW it is not Vojk, it is VAJK. Poor St Istvan, if he knew he was a romanian :)))))
Good content! Next you may talk about Rep of Moldova and its identity issues. It would be interesting.
Yes it would be interesting.
Hi Ben. Nice synthesis! I apologise for my fellow Romanians who are a bit too "patriotic" and deffensive in the comments.
I personally enjoy your clips and I actually learned some new things about my country from you.
I also wanted to ask you something. You know when in the video you talk about the transhumance/local shepards creating resistance against the borders and laws of king Bela? Where did you get your info about that? I'm really interested in that story, I would like to know more about it.
Thank you. It is similar to what happened here in Wales. We don't really have records of this in Romania, but if a shephard population with its own transhumance Law rubs up against a state of feudal property Law, I think those two are not compatablea and will lead to conflict, like it did in Wales, Scotland, Albania, Armenia and others.
I see, yeah, it makes sense. I will look into it. Thanks Ben!
Hi Ben. Sorry to bother you further on this, but I wanted to ask you about the shepherd resistance in some of the countries you mentioned (Wales, Scotland, Armenia and Albania). I am writing an essay about anarchist resistance in contemporary movements, but I am very interested in the history of anarchism...even if in these older cases these populations didn't even know they were anarchic in their position. So if you know any good source or article where I could get some more insight from I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
I would not say shephard resistance is quite what I mean, but rather a society built around movement, be it of the courts or seasonal life styles. The Laws of Hywel Dda might be of interest - traditional Welsh Laws. This article about Scottish 'shielings' may be of use:
Thanks Ben, this is a very interesting and useful link.
Sir, you know something, a little, but mainly you’re misinforming learners.
You are allowed an opinion.
Happy Holidays / Sărbători fericite
I listened a little to what you were saying, but I'll save it for tonight because I fell asleep on my feet. However, if you think so, that the amalgam of eternal geopolitical wars evolved here, making us fall asleep, why would I listen to you except to have sleepy motivation? Greetings from the "land of dreams, of sleepers" Romania. Thanks for your effort sir!
Слава Украïни!
Glory to Ukraine!🇷🇴🇺🇦
The initial phase of Vlach migration/(re-)colonisation of what once had been Roman Dacia & Scythia minor most likely happened under Bulgarian rule as the Lands across the Danube were known as Bulgaria across the Danube and were (at least nominally) under control of the 1st Bulgarian Empire.
Between the 6 and 9th centuries (basically after Emperor Mauric's death in 602- he had been the last east Roman/Byzqntine emperor to actively protect & enforce the Danubian border and even successfully campaigning across the Danube in what is now Walachia/Romani) the former Roman/Byzantine area had been devastated by Avar & Slavs and the Slavs which were a more sedentary population then settled in this area and when the Turkic (proto)Bukgars arrived the Slavs and (later) Vlachs were progressively integrated into the newly established Bulgarian State.
In later Byzantine times (after the reconquest & reintegration of the terrotories that belonged to the 1st Bulgarian Empire in 1018) by Byzantium other Turkic elementa like Pechemegs and Cumans would arrive and the Cuman element would play an important role for the Hungarian, Bulgarian and the Danubian Vlach principalities.
So, IMHO the Vkach/Romanian polities began to form as an offshoot of the 2nd Bulgarian Empire when a local Vlach elite (consiting of a mix of Slavic & Romance elements but with the Romance element being linguistically dominant) formed.
Zupan, Voivod, Bogdan, Vlad Radu ,Mircea, are all titles and names of early Vlach/Romanian mobility which are obviously rooted in Slavonic.
I disagree with parts of this comment. We obviously have no idea of the role of the Vlach's in the *old Bulgarian Empire. For a matter of fact, the Vlach's are started to be mentioned in the 10th century around Macedonia. However, the _'Second Bulgarian Empire'_ was never Bulgarian, completely misinformative. The Vlach's, together with the two Vlach brother's Asan and Peter formed an Empire after the successful revolt of Tarnovo in 1185. But because of the non-legitimate position of the Asan Dynasty, Tsar Kaloyan (nicknamed: John the Vlach) claimed succession of the *old Bulgarian Tsar's. This proves a _translatio Imperii,_ however that doesn't change the fact that the Empire was Vlach.
Edit: Before you respond, please check my Quora response on Why Romanians call the Second Bulgarian Empire as Vlacho-Bulgar Empire, by me, "Roma Mater"
Byzantium was a major player, and shaped much of the Bulgarian Empire's attitude in seeking friends further north - Vlachs - to withstand them.
@@BenLlywelyn Nah, I disagree. First there was no "Bulgarian Empire's" only one, the old one between 681-1018. The so called _'Second Bulgarian Empire'_ was a Vlach Empire, founded by the revolting Vlach's of Tarnovo. Please check my Quora response on why Romanian's refer to the Second Bulgarian Empire as Vlacho-Bulgar Empire by Roma Mater (which is me)
@@BenLlywelyn Did you watch my Quora response?
@@InAeternumRomaMater It wasn't a homgoenous Vlach population nor was it a Vlach Empire alone- it was rooted in a Tradition of the 1st Bulgarian Empire and it combined Vlach, Bulgarian, and Cuman ethnic elements.
What is fascinating about the Balkans (defined very broadly to include Romania and Hungary, and maybe even Slovakia) is how closely related they are to each other, in spite of the great diversity of languages. The genetic history is also fascinating, as they are the result of at least a dozen waves of invasions from all directions, as well as ancient European hunter-gatherers. You have to remember that the south-eastern part of Europe is often the first part of Europe to be invaded by outsiders, whether it was farmers from Anatolia and the Levant 8000 years ago, or pastoralists from the Steppe 5000 years ago or Slavs from the swampy forests of Belarus 1500 years ago or Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples 1000 years ago. Also, as late as the 19th century, people would often speak different languages and practice different religions as you went from village to village, There was tremendous diversity even locally, but with the formation of nation-states in the late 19th Century, and all the terrible wars and disruptions of the 20th century, the languages and cultures have been greatly uniformized within the different states.
This is wrong, the first romanian state was established in Transilvania somewhere in the 6th century and it's last and first ruler known was Gelu the Romanian that sold his sovernty to Bulgarians
Gelou died in 904. can't be 6th century. And he was the leader of a state formation with a Romanian (Vlach) and Slavic population, not the Ruler of Romania.
@@BenLlywelyn It's the debated Gesta Hungarorum. In essence, there are 2 main theories of the Romanian origin: Daco-Roman Continuity Theory, and the Immigrationist Theory. The Hungarians support the immigrationist theory so that we can say "We were the first in Transylvania". Because if the Romanians are from the Dacians, then the Romanians were the first in Transylvania and this goes against Hungarian irrendentism of Transylvania since they lost it at Trianon. There are plenty of sources talking about the early history of the Romanians: Gesta Hungarorum, Tales of the Bygone Years (aka Russian Primary Chronicle, also talks about the Romanians), the names Blakumen or Blökumenn is mentioned in Nordic sagas dating between the 11th and 13th centuries, with respect to events that took place in either 1018 or 1019 somewhere at the northwestern part of the Black Sea and believed by some to be related to the Vlachs. Egils saga. The 11th-century Persian writer, Gardizi, wrote about a Christian people "from the Roman Empire" called N.n.d.r, inhabiting the lands along the Danube. He describes them as "more numerous than the Hungarians, but weaker". Historian Adolf Armbruster identified this people as the Romanians. Hungarian historiography identifies this people as the Bulgarians, because of course it does, despite the Bulgarians not being "from the Roman Empire". There were also 2 Vikings saga I forgot about Nulember (not the correct word, something like this Saga talking about the Romanians), and another saga.
@@BenLlywelyn Before juging my arguments read the Nibelungenlied and then you will find Wallachians in the 4th century after Christ
@@BenLlywelyn Nobody can realy tell what realy happened after the fall of the Gepids in the Carpathian basin. We can only use archeological proof just like in the history of your Celtic kingdoms before the invasion of the Aglo-Saxon pepoles
The diference between modern maps and older then 1st WW maps is that the second are not ethnic/national maps and the first are. The pre 1st WW maps depict the territory where a certain group of people ruled, not the ethnicities in that area, so when you see borders change, does not mean that migration happened. The idea that Vlachs migreted from the south of Danube and then migreted to Transilvania is totally wrong. They were the local population before the migration of Hungarians, Bulgars, Cumans and others came, but theyr presence there was not crystalized into states because of the many waves of migration.The Vlachs/Romanians were the local population and the majority, but the maps depict the extension of the influence/jurisdiction of the ruling ethnic group and only that name appears on the map(Pecenegs, Avars, Cumans, Hungarians etc.).
I don't think it is as simple as that. Vlachs were not one people.
@@BenLlywelyn who was one people back then? No one.
Also, my main point was not that. My main point was that the Vlachs did not migrate from south of Danube to the North and then to Transilvania. See Gesta Hungarorum, which has as a main point the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian basin. See the mentions about the Vlachs in Panonia and Transilvania, the rivers and places names.
Not Wallachia, but Țara Românească.
The people there never called themselves Vlachs; that's the name others called them.
They called themselves Romanian from the very formation of the state and before.
Yes, but diplomatically the Voievode's referred to it as Wallachia
@@InAeternumRomaMater Nope!
@@destiaptah2197 Hell yes they did. There's do document where the voievode didn't sign himself as voivode of Ungro-Valahia, it is even on the tomb of Radu de la Afumați
@@InAeternumRomaMater Nope, that was putted later due to the Church influence coming from the Greeks.
VLAH/VALAH its not a germanic exonim but a Greek colportated one coming from the ancient messopotamian word FALAH = PEASANT/LAND WORKER/ RUSTIC/ RED NECK/ BOORISH/YOKEL.
The word FALAH still exist today in Arabic and in Hebrew, with the same meaning as PEASANT/LAND WORKER
The greek word VLACHOS is the equivalent/translation of the english word BUMPKIN/ BOORISH/YOKEL...
YOKEL comes from YOK = JUG in Romanian aka CEL CARE TRAGE LA JUG!
GHETOI it relatet to romanian word GHERȚOI/GHIOLBAN sau GHETE ori GHEBE... care toate se refera la PĂMÂNT intr-un fel sau altul, fie că e vorba de cel care munceste pământul sau calcă pe pământ cu Ghetele sau niste Ciuperci care cresc in PĂMÂNT precum GHEBELE... vezi și JGHEAB = cel care aduce apa ploii de pe acoperiș... pe pământ ... sau verbul a ÎNJGHEBA sau GHEONOAIA sau GAIA = MUMA PĂDURII/ MAMA PĂMÂNT!
@@destiaptah2197 You are definitely one of those stupid idiots with no university degree yet claims stuff without scholary backing. Whatever the case, your comment has nothing to do with my point. The term was used for the state officially, we have it on maps, documents and coins, the term Unrgo-Valahia literally mean's Wallachia next to Hungary, because there were multiple Vlach state's, one of them Moldavia, in itself referred sometimes as Valahia, or as the Voievode's wrote "Moldo-Valahia"
Diolch, Ben!!!
I am proud that I was born in the Wallachian lands.
I would be born here the second time!
I also know the tragedy of the Welsh country subjugation of by English aristocracy . . .
What was Hungary and Habsburgs for Transylvania was England for you
Multumesc Ioan. Appreciez.
No,off course you are not right. Hungary was the first Kingdom,that created real country from Transylvania with,schools,Road and railway network,churches,towns and villages. Wlach people moved into Transylvania in the 13th century from the Balkans. Well documented. Even the romanian church belonged to a district in the south of Albánian church,where the vlachs came from originally.
😂Wallachian vampire Rome-an emigrant
Before 1800, ethnicity was not really important, but hierarchical order was. Therefore a lot of ethnic vlach could become noble as well, if he was fidel to the king, and got nobility letter from the king, eg, by military services (see Janos Hunyadi as a great example). Therefore the stereotypia that poor vlach people were opressed by the agressive Hungarian nobility is false. More generally poor people were opressed by nobility regardless of ethnicity.
interesting view from an welsh person;
you present the history of Romania better than some native romanian scholars .
I would like to introduce you the Corpus Draculianum channel on youtube, specialized in Ottomanism and Romanian history (the owner is romanian)
keep up the good work.
Multumesc pentru el. I have now subscribed to him.
that is because Ben does not seem to push neither dacomaniac nor pan-slavic propaganda bs but is presenting a neutral foreigner's view based on some historic references and in the context of what happened with other populations in Europe. Most of native romanian scholars push propaganda as history alone is not profitable in Romania.
introduce him to daniel roxin thre big romanain historian lol
no, this roxin guy is a impostor and a fake.
10:22 Farcas / Farkas is actually a Hungarian name, it translates into "wolf".
Romanians are getae/dacians! Always've been in Carpathians regardless the maps!
Doesn't matter. We are here in our land. Crăciun liniștit și cu bucurii alături de cei dragi!
People's change languages, it does not mean they are gone.
@@BenLlywelyn We born with this language, she was enriched over time. It is normal. Why we understand The East and The West.
We are on the crossroad of both.
The romanization lasted some hundred years not thousands.
The free dacians are living now.
Awesome video! Wasn't Burebista technically the first ruler tho?
This would lead to a discussion over what Romania is.
@@BenLlywelyn From what I've learned in high school we are the continuation of the unitary Dacian state made by Burebista which suffered a linguistic change to Latin and then Slavonic as a result of the need of the citizens to actually be a functional part of the societies that they're living in so speak the official language of the empire that they're gouverned by.
@@BenLlywelyn Another theory that I've heard is that the Dacians used Latin since its inception as a language understood by all the peoples inhabiting it like the different Dacian tribes, the Getae, the Celts, Germanic tribes, Scythians etc
@@ProjectMirai64Well very similarly to us Bulgarians. We changed a language and name just like you Romanians, but are still genetically mostly Thracian. In fact Bulgarians and Romanians are one of the most genetically similar peoples on the Balkans. We're both about the same % slavic actually and since Thracians and Dacians were almost indistinguishable culturally and genetically, it's only logical. Not to mention the centuries of shared medieval history.
@@fairextl Very true brother
Iordanes - Getica ; Carlo Troya - Fasti Getici o Gotici ; Nicolo Zeno - The books of the Geths ; Frederic Guillaume Bergmann - 1 = Geths and the genealogy of the Nordic peoples , 2 = Les Getes 1859 ; Alexandre Rodevalt , Georgeta Cardos - Paleogenetic Studies regarding the Romanian people . Here is just a small part of some works that you should study , when you want to find out the true history of a nation that is thousands of years old , such as the Romanian nation . What you say there , can convince those who do not know history . Its not the first time you make unfounded claims about history . Try to separate politics from history . There is a lot to say on this topic , and you have a lot to learn . So in conclusion , i will ask you a question : what were the Wallachians called before ? ( google translate )
Before what?
@@BenLlywelyn Before the lies
Maybe you ask the question, how did the Wallachians call themselves before (and after) the year 1300: the Dacian (or Geto-Dacian) identity was lost after 500 AD, they no longer considered themselves Dacians (Bulgarian inscriptions - which interacted with the North Danube and South Transylvanian population since 650 AD, with the First Bulgarian Empire - they don't write about Dacians, but about a population that called itself "Wallach") Before someone mentions it, they certainly didn't call themselves "Romanian" yet , because the Romanian Academy itself admits that the notion and identity of "Romanian" appeared only after the XV sec.
@@szaboattila844 but how about Tudor Vladimirescu in a letter to a greek merchant calling himself and the vlahs dacians or others before and after him ? Is that dacopati ?🤔So you see ? It was not lost just hidden under the carpet cause they are scared of us finding out ho we truly are and what could we do if we truly united under one banner,at least the 65% of us ho still have the genes . We called ourselfs by region like today but as a " nation " depends on the persons choice .Historians don't see true a normal persons eye only true academics and politics wiev that is why they are fucking up history .
@@scorilo6779 : (T.Vladimirescu lived in the period when, for some 250 years, the identity of "Romanian" was embraced - he mentioned the "ancestors" Dacians and Wallachians, in order to inspire patriotically, the anti-Fanariot revolutionaries!) I have not said that the Dacians did not exist. I mentioned only after 500 AD they strangely disappeared from history (strange in the sense that we do not know that the Dacians suffered any decisive defeat after 500 AD, which would logically explain their disappearance from history and from inscriptions, after that date ) - just as the Avars, Pechenegs, Goths, Cumans, etc. disappeared - as a people - from Transylvania, a territory (or part of it) that each of the above-mentioned peoples ruled between 450-500 AD until around 700 AD , when they disappeared from history - just like - the "Dacians" also disappeared, I repeat, after 600 AD, no one mentioned the existence of the Dacian people, in their place appeared a people who considered themselves "Wallachians" and not " Dacians" - as mentioned by all the neighbors, but especially the Bulgarians, with whom they had the closest relations between 650 AD and 1200 AD !
6. The name "Barbat" is not clear in it's meaning: Hungarians also have it as a family name Borbáth up to this day, and in Bulgarian it means simply "struggle".
7. Negru means Black, which in Cuman means the North. So Negru Vodă, would therefore be the Count of the North, Făgăraș being northwoards from where the 17th century chronicle wrote, Wallachia.
Numele “Bărbat” e cât se poate de clar, înseamnă “man” în engleză. Deci Ben are dreptate. “Negru” la fel, e limpede ce înseamnă. “Black” in engleză, referindu-se la pielea lui de culoare măslinie.
I think the two names might come from the same root word as the Romanian one as 'ember' also means man or person in Hungarian.
@@danielciufu1622 Negru nu se referă la piele, ci la zona geografică din care provenea. Negru pentru cumani, ca pentru toate popoarele turcice însemna Nord.
Dude you should focus first on your history! You start on the left foot from the begining, modifing the history of a country you don t know it. The history of Romania starts long before with territories and population long before your civilization begun. Starting from the year 1000 is like erasing more than half of Romania history. You should do your homework better and you should quit lecturing lessons you don t know.
If you can do better, make your own videos.
If you don't like mine, you don't have to watch.
This was about Wallachia, not Gothic civil wars in the 4th century.
@@BenLlywelyn Do you think he knows anything about the gothic civil wars? 😂
Keep up the good work regardless of what people think.
You do make a lot of mistakes but even if you present the truth a lot of people will say it's wrong.
If that gets your views it's all good.
Shame that we don't have historians speaking this lvl beautiful history but thank you for giving your insight about it ❤❤❤
You are welcome.
Many of the romanian names are spelled wrongly, many facts and interpretations are also wrong.
Thank you for watching.
Romanians are former thracians/dacians, then they became former Bulgarians and after they acsepted latin alphabet and implanted "roman legions" ansestry we got modern Romanians - a new created by France and Greece very vital and energetic nation which I love much as my brothers.❤
Dude, you don't have it. The grimaces, the theatricals, the screwing of the eyes, your oratory drama skills, why?, why?, uf... And things like Mongols went back, why, who knows...Well, perhaps because Ogedei died in December 1241 and a new kurultai was to decide the next Great Khan. And then this transhumance as the Vlach law...How about Lex Antiqua Vallachorum, and the principles of living in obste...? how to interact with others, invading peoples etc. Yep, the Pechenegs and Cumans did provide ghulams/mamluks for various polities which they usurped later as Turks did habitually, perhaps Kalka River 1223 should have been mentioned and more about Cuman role in military leadership, aiding Hungary, treasonous Hungarian nobility.... But really dude, please, do something else or learn to do it better, be less theatrical, study a little more; such as what was the ethos of the ancient sedentary people and that of the roaming and invading nomadic warring people whether Oghurs, Bulghars, Magyars, various Oghuz tribes such as Pechenegs, Kipchaks and so on. Try harder, good luck.
I don't mind his mimic, he is nice, but he just repeats some absurd theories about "semi-nomadic " people. Their are not logic, these theories contradict themselves. Yes Lex Antiqua Valahorum is not about shepherding. I wonder why these people are so obssessed with shepherds, maybe because they have no idea about what shepherding is, just fabricating theories from some dusty offices.
You are welcome good fellow, to make a video of your own if you think you can do better. There are not many videos on this, and I did my best.
Vlach = Welsh or Walsh.
R1b folks are in about equal parts Celtic and synthetic Hungarian Turkish Uralic speakers. There are a huge number of words shared between Indo-European & Uralic speakers but the construction of the languages are different.
Uralic and Sanskrit-Celtic speakers interacted & intermarried with each other all the way from Germany to Northern China.
The Black Sea was at one time a Celtic Lake.
Crimea = Cymraeg
The best DNA match for the Saka B Tagar culture that flourished in "The Valley of the Kings" around the Altai (gold) mountains is found today in the British Isles. Would you call a Son of Saka a Saxon?
I recall as a child going with my father on a business visit to a very Scottish man named McTaggart. As a child I implicitly thought that all words & names had meaning but no one could tell ne what McTaggart meant. Very much later I stumbled on the name again & learned that it meant "Son of those who honor the Bairds!"
In ancient times, before reading & writing was common, culture, knowledge, religion & morality were transmitted through stories that were often repeated endlessly in poetry & song as in the Gathas!
Crimea and Cymraeg are not related. Nice try.
@@BenLlywelyn It is one thing to be isolated & uneducated & therefore ignorant about many things. It is another thing to be stubbornly ignorant and to bask in ignorance! How do you think the Welsh people got from Central Asia to Wales, Ben?
Romanians drop their 'vlach' identity once the modern Romanian state was created.
Exactly. A serious refabrication of history was done around the creation of modern Romania.
cheers to pronouncing correctly so much Romanian words !
Ha! Multumesc pentru câ.
15:55 Literal translation is horse dismount;
Very interesting video, because in Romania there's no mention of Bulgaria at all in the history books. I guess that's the upside of objective history.
All romanian history teachers say that there's an information gap between 274 (the Aurelian withdrawal) and ~1300, the time Radu Negru founded Valahia, due to the history records being lost to time. Although the name is Valahia, the common name used throughout is "The Romanian Country".
Thank you.
Urmașii dacilor (romanizati) apar mentionati la nunta lui Attila apoi după 535AD începe ,, gaura neagra"in istoria lumii din cauza mișcărilor de refugiați. migranți... ce erauin căutare de zone prielnice vietii....
Thank you work!