I made a perfume extrait with some (good quality) syntetic oud, wood and leather accords and a real oud tincture instead of the pure alcool, plus some other aromachemicals... I did put just one spray on the back of a sweater i wear at home and not only it lasted for weeks, but also survived 2 washing cicles. Now i only apply it like an attar on my skin.
Yes they can! I LOVE Gucci Bloom Profumo do Fiori, it lasts VERY long on my skin, 10-12+ hours. But at the end it has a very faint buttered popcorn smell. Not bad, but strange lol
Golden Oud and Oud 36 nuit don't come off from the clothes easily stays longer on jackets and sweaters. And that is how i love my fragrances 😎
You shouldn't spray on clothes unless you only wear one fragrance.
Good job 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I made a perfume extrait with some (good quality) syntetic oud, wood and leather accords and a real oud tincture instead of the pure alcool, plus some other aromachemicals...
I did put just one spray on the back of a sweater i wear at home and not only it lasted for weeks, but also survived 2 washing cicles.
Now i only apply it like an attar on my skin.
Yes they can! I LOVE Gucci Bloom Profumo do Fiori, it lasts VERY long on my skin, 10-12+ hours. But at the end it has a very faint buttered popcorn smell. Not bad, but strange lol
I would be interested to know what it smells like.
It's a woody smell like oud wood strong not for beginners or sweet smell lover it's hard and arabic smell
Dear ifi
I have a clone of "erba pura" by the house of "emmanuelle jane" and believe me bro : it sticks forever!
In my opinion no 😂
You are yet to find that fragrance 😀
Too much of a good thing is never a good thing