Why I left Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Leaving Jehovah's witnesses is a challenging thing to do. Most view it as a harmless religion full of kind people.
    In this video I explain why I believe it's harmful, and no longer associate with the "religion".
    There are many other reasons why people leave but this is my own experience.
    Please leave any thoughts or questions and I'll be happy to respond.
    This is not to hate on all Jehovah's witnesses, but on the fundamental beliefs of the religion (or cult) itself.

Комментарии • 256

  • @justinporter458
    @justinporter458 Год назад +56

    You left sister for the same reason I left, I dissociated in 2018 aged 57. I wish I had the internet in 1988 aged 27 when Watchtower hijacked my mind over the hope of seeing my dead mother again. Watchtower is a multi billion dollar publishing and Real Estate corporation masquerading as Christianity. I,m looking forward to watching more of your videos sister. Justin Porter ex jw ❤️

  • @bgramirez966
    @bgramirez966 Год назад +27

    What got me out is the lack of true love and compassion in the org. Being mistreated for no good reason. Ex Unbaptized JW here

    • @eabay2102
      @eabay2102 2 месяца назад +2

      Absolutely 💯 I grew up in it, but I managed to evade baptism. I used to tell people that I'd get baptized at the age of 30, just like Jesus. I was talked about, marked as a bad association... you name it. But I was unpnased. Now I'm completely out and living the best life ever 😆🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @ASMR_Orangely
      @ASMR_Orangely 2 месяца назад

      Mistreated? In what way?

  • @teresaw1207
    @teresaw1207 Год назад +22

    My husband and i left after age 65 because of the very same issues you raised. He was a much-loved elder. We were an exemplary family. It was so hard being shunned by family and friends that we had to move to another state. I'm so proud of you! For only having a 5th grade education, you express yourself amazingly well.

    • @isaiah30v8
      @isaiah30v8 3 месяца назад

      I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life.
      Matthew 7:13-14
      “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it.
      I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it:
      Isaiah 66:5
      Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
      [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME"
      I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses:
      "He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"!
      I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies.
      Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life:
      Mark 10:29-30
      Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE **
      I then ask them if they want to live forever.
      I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible.
      Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do.
      What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening!
      That's Good News ................... right!
      Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS.

  • @itsjustme6315
    @itsjustme6315 4 месяца назад +11

    You did such a great job with this video and good for you girl! You were brave and did the right thing! I'm working on getting up my nerve to get out myself. I have children that I'll lose and an elder for a husband. But, I'M LOSING MY MIND LIVING THIS LIFE! 😢😢😢 I'm moving on to your next video now. Thank you for being a voice for ones who can't speak themselves for various reasons!

  • @LaineyW1983
    @LaineyW1983 Год назад +17

    As former JW’s we were raised to hate parts of ourselves and nothing we do is ever good enough. We also were raised to be brutally judge mental with no compassion or love for anyone not a JW despite what may be said. I am about 18 years out, have done some therapy and still struggle daily to undo the damage done. I wish you well!

  • @riveravon5296
    @riveravon5296 Год назад +21

    Been in it for 50 years and been a Pimo for the last ten.
    I was to convention in the last weeke and noticed that Jesus was not mentioned in their program at all, very telling.
    I enjoyed listening to you and can agree in everything you say. Thanks.

    • @FantasyVisuals
      @FantasyVisuals Год назад +5

      There's a Kim and Mikey video where they show a convention clip , bunch of elders were asked who the second most mentioned person in the Bible is
      Guess what , they all got it wrong. Jesus is not relevant to them at all. Wow !

    • @ShoNuffSoulBro1
      @ShoNuffSoulBro1 Год назад

      Very telling indeed. In 2012 the Governing Body overturned previous GB doctrines including the claim that now they alone are the Faithful Slave. They’ve become prestigious celebrities. More recently they’ve been demanding loyalty and obedience claiming to be the voice of Jesus. They really have elevated and exulted themselves, to be on an equal level with Jesus.

    • @gjhartist3685
      @gjhartist3685 3 месяца назад +1

      I hope you can get out one day.

    • @clydewaldo3144
      @clydewaldo3144 3 месяца назад

      been going kingdom halls and conventions over 30 years so I know you are lying

    • @riveravon5296
      @riveravon5296 3 месяца назад +1

      @@clydewaldo3144 and I know your are a clapping seal.

  • @colinmelton3815
    @colinmelton3815 Год назад +20

    Well done. Ex JW myself, glad u are free, go live the real " best life ever! "

  • @marsdentubes
    @marsdentubes 4 месяца назад +5

    Good for you! I was also born and raised a JW (dad was what was called the presiding overseer/ Mom a regular pioneer/ older sister a regular pioneer). From a very young age I couldn't stand the hypocritical culture I was exposed to and seeing what goes on behind the scene that a lot of "regular" witness families aren't privy to. I left at 17 and have been the family scapegoat ever since but I NEVER have regretted it! It can be so hard at times but just remember YOU are doing the right thing and not being mislead anymore!! Welcome to reality my dear:) and NO MORE WASTING YOUR TIME :):)

  • @bryn6000
    @bryn6000 Год назад +69

    I would suggest (not having ever been associated with the Watchtower myself) that any person wishing to leave the organisation but baptised as a minor (under the legal age of consent in the jurisdiction) take professional legal advice BEFORE contacting ANYONE in the organisation. Written communication to the elders could contain a statement REPUDIATING YOUR BAPTISM on the grounds of absence of informed consent because of age. Consequently you will never have been baptised and thus never associated with the Watchtower. Elders should be made aware in writing that they individually, and the Watchtower, would jointly and severally be liable for any material loss or damage, emotional pain or suffering as a consequence of any (public) announcement made regarding yourself to the congregation or to anyone else. Make it clear that legal action for damages will inevitably follow if your statement of repudiation of baptism is ignored. If you can afford legal advice, have the letter drafted by a lawyer who has been made aware of the serious issues that disfellowshipping or disassociation can and do cause those involved. This could entail a less painful exit from the Jehovah's Witness cult. (This is not legal advice, merely a suggestion).

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +11

      I've never heard of doing that, it sounds like a great idea to try though.

    • @itsjustme6315
      @itsjustme6315 Год назад +3

      I like that! Great advice David

    • @christinesotelo7655
      @christinesotelo7655 Год назад +6

      Good. Damages should be sued for. Homes have been lost, financial misery and hardships to newly thrown-out people, suicides, deaths or PTSD from aftershock, childhood traumas, it is all cruel and unusual punishment that should be compensated for legally. The blood issue alone is consent to murder (accessory to?)...thank you for the advice. Problem may be that the poor broken hearted “apostate” is so exhausted and depressed that he or she hasn’t the strength to go through the process of legal action. That is where Advocates can be of such a great help. It literally may take months to pull that devastated person up again, like a “life coach”. Also more legal reps are needed to specialize in that field, such as attorneys who specialize in auto accidents or workmen’s comp. Otherwise, who knows what we go through? ❤

    • @trilithon108
      @trilithon108 Год назад +8

      The recent lawsuit in Norway was about the child abuse associated with disfellowshipping. It passed and now JW Org in Norway do not get the $1.5m they were getting as a religion 😒

    • @tun2w
      @tun2w Год назад

      If you want just to leave why not just leave? no one can force you to serve God. Why waste so much money just to hire a lawyer? And this will make you look like an apostate, sorry.
      Some people stop being a witnes for mental health reason (me, for example). People were disfellowshiped because they are considered unrepentant not because they are incapable. Congregation friends no longer come to visit me, but my family and I still communicate as usual.

  • @freedomparadisechick6564
    @freedomparadisechick6564 Год назад +27

    Welcome to your freedom!🎉 I was inside for more than 20 years and the Australian Royal Commission opened my eyes! Wishing you all the best, glad u left!😊

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +3

      Thank you! I wish you luck on your journey as well 💜

  • @scottbaxter4195
    @scottbaxter4195 3 месяца назад +4

    I enjoyed your video, and I can attest that what you said is 100% true. I too was once a pioneer, but not nearly for as long as you. Eight years as a Pioneer is no simple task. I appreciate that your video was not an attempt to defame the Witnesses, but rather to inform those who may be questioning if they want to become members, or to offer emotional support to those contemplating leaving the organization. It's a painful reality that those who once claimed to love us as "fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters" could so frivolously discard us thinking they are rendering a "sacred service to God". But that reality just confirms my belief that what I've left is truly a damaging cult and not Jehovah's organization.

  • @jeremyflemingii929
    @jeremyflemingii929 Год назад +8

    *i dont know how i ended up here, but i sure learned what i need to know that i dont want to be associated with Johovahs Witness!!!
    im a christian, and i grew up christian, but its not nailed into me like something i just have to do... it is important to believe in GOD, and that he gave his only begotten son, JESUS, John: 3-16 that Whosoever believeth in him, shall not parrish, but have ever-lasting life. Amen.*
    Thank You!!!
    You keep on keeping on, and dont let nobody tell you any different! You are a great person! You are great!
    Good Luck!
    Jeremy from Virginia

  • @danielecolla5767
    @danielecolla5767 Год назад +22

    Like in Canada the abuser elder who question the poor 13 years old girl who was abused by this guy who was part of the judicial committee. INSANE.
    Luckily the dad believed his daughter and took the matter to the police and the elder was arrested. Hastily, They left the religion and the elder was lucky he was not beaten up.

  • @symone3113
    @symone3113 Год назад +11

    You can’t get get DF’d unless you’re baptized but you sure will be shunned if you’re not DF’d….I didn’t write a letter, I simply happily faded…. I’m glad you’re free to be your authentic self…..❤❤🌈🔥🥰🎂🎉💯

  • @andracadicecrawford4256
    @andracadicecrawford4256 Год назад +26

    Welcome to your freedom. Great video sis...really proud of you.

  • @leptonsoup337
    @leptonsoup337 Год назад +15

    You are incredibly brave! Thank you for coming forward with your story. At the end of the day, you sound like a genuinely good person and I hope that this cult continues to see a decline in membership as people wake up and realize that A) they are miserable and B) this organization does not reflect the guidance of a "supreme being". Please stay strong and confident and keep speaking out!

  • @maddog46
    @maddog46 Год назад +20

    You did real good, and I'm very proud of you. That is a very hard thing too do. Thanks for getting out and welcome home.

  • @MoureeneTaylor
    @MoureeneTaylor Год назад +14

    Welcome to the rest of your life ❤

  • @stasacab
    @stasacab Год назад +16

    I was regular pioneer for years. In a lawyer's office, I came across a confidential file CSA involving a brother and his son. I reported it, the brother was promoted, victim killed himself.
    As a regular pioneer, I read the Bible cover to cover every year. I came across Joshua 10 : 13 and I could not believe it. Each time I read the Bible, I believed less and less. It was hard to go out in field service not believing any of it.
    WT 1989 edited bound volume. They can edit their own magazines, right, but they should mention that it is an edited version. Instead, some blamed that apostates print fake copies of old literature.
    Then there was this event where pretty high-up (missionaries and people in international building work) watched a "documentary" "The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark" provided by a JW that was selling all kinds of JW-related merchandize. I immediately noticed that the document was false, but those people believed all of it. The JWs were just gullible, not real truth seekers.

    • @m.weston7114
      @m.weston7114 Год назад +2

      I study law. How can you take confidential legal information from a law office and report it? Attorney / client confidentiality ? Not knowing all the details, glad you woke up to the hypocrisy of WATCHTOWER Corp.

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +3

      Sadly I've heard quite a few stories that end with that happening. They protect the ones who commit the crime, and ice out the victim. It's so sad, I'm glad you were able to wake up.

    • @mattmurdock2868
      @mattmurdock2868 Год назад +1

      Bible =Word of God.
      NWT=ever changing word of Watchtower.
      The word of God is true, the teachings from Watchtower are false, not found in scripture.

    • @isaiah30v8
      @isaiah30v8 3 месяца назад

      I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life.
      Matthew 7:13-14
      “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it.
      I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it:
      Isaiah 66:5
      Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
      [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME"
      I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses:
      "He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"!
      I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies.
      Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life:
      Mark 10:29-30
      Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE **
      I then ask them if they want to live forever.
      I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible.
      Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do.
      What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening!
      That's Good News ................... right!
      Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS.

  • @cassystwocents
    @cassystwocents Год назад +6

    So glad you are free sister. Please continue to seek the truth. You are an Israelite according to the Bible.

  • @mackaready1
    @mackaready1 Год назад +4

    Liked your story, thanks for sharing it on RUclips. I was raised as a Witness and left at 38 years old.

  • @emiliefowler
    @emiliefowler Год назад +6

    You are brave and this video is true based on my experiecets though it has been a long time since I left, everything you stated is accurate.
    I am so proud of you. I hope my brief story helps. I will really try to keep short.
    You are strong. We seem to have different personalities, but we still came out on the winning side and don't let any pull you back in.
    BTW I loved the video. You are powerful. You knew so many things were wrong.
    I had the misfortune of being born into that cult and my mother despised me because I interrupted her pioneering.
    My personality has always been, "I really don't care what you think" I think that helped me. I never wanted to go to the kingdom hall or field service. To sum it up I had a terrible childhood with all the beatings from both parents. I was a straight "A" student any parent would love to have but not them.
    By the time I was 10 I figured out it was all a bunch of BS. I had no way leave but I started planning. I was going to be a marine, but I was only 17 and you can't enlist until 18 without parents signatures. Fine I will wait until I'm 18. During my first physical I had ever had I was told I could never have children - fine, don 't care. By the time I was 18, I was 6 months pregnant. So I was kind of rejected, I don't know the technical term.
    I had to get away from my abusive parents so I m,was married to a man in the congregation who was abusive. When my son was 11 months, he honestly tried to kill us both. I confess to taking a knife to him. I couldn’t see through one eye and my breath was knocked out of me and my baby was black and blue. In those days domestic violence was not a felony.
    The "elders" encouraged me to get back with him and my response was very profane I admit.
    Yes, I lost all my friends and family. Really didn't care. I hated all of them anyway. I was only informed of my mother’s death because they needed my signature for cremation. I wa never invited to the services and never informed of my fathers' death.
    I went on to get my undergrad and master degrees.
    And yes I suffered abuse as child never reported.
    I disassociated myself and and never looked back.
    If you ever want to talk, please feel free.

  • @Charleneslife-23
    @Charleneslife-23 Год назад +10

    Appreciate you speaking your truth.
    JWs can be very hateful. The minute you leave, whether it’s through DF or DA the vast majority will vilify you. When I was DF for apostasy they were saying some nasty stuff about me. At the time my husband became seriously ill and there were witnesses asking my husband if he was sure I wasn’t trying to poison him.
    All the best to you. You’re still young. Live your authentic life.

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +2

      That's horrible! You both were going through a hard time and they tried to make it worse. Though I guess they do that a lot. I hope you're both doing better now. 💜

    • @ADP2085
      @ADP2085 Год назад +1

      😊 3:51 😅 4:44 25:45 25:45

  • @Farmgirlathart
    @Farmgirlathart Год назад +6

    I was in 40 years, raised my three children in it. It’s not the same organization I signed up for. You are wise for getting out so young but I feel for you. JW can only know the pain of coming out especially without your family. I am kind to them as a PIMO. Many work so hard and are so loyal that they are blind to what’s really going on, much is hidden from them. I was a pioneer also and I’m just trying to make my escape slowly. Good video, there are so many more subjects to discuss regarding their history and control.

  • @lifefullloved545
    @lifefullloved545 Год назад +6

    I loved the video. I am ex-JW since 2000. It’s great to see people opening their eyes and getting their lives back❤

  • @dantoinettetaylor1663
    @dantoinettetaylor1663 Год назад +13

    The victims of CSA and other abuses from others in the congregation that may require involving the secular authorities are asked to “Wait on Jehovah” and “ Leave it in Jehovah’s hand” because going to the authorities will “bring reproach upon Jehovah’s name”. SMH

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +5

      Then they to pretend they didn't try to stop people from going to the authorities, it's disgusting.

    • @FantasyVisuals
      @FantasyVisuals Год назад +3

      We had that problem in my JW family. It's synonymous with " don't bad mouth our organisation to outsiders " ( bite model ) But if it another church , wow it just how's how ungodly that church is.
      Matthew 25 " when you did not feed and clothe the least of my brother's , truly I say to you , you did not do it to me ," . And " if one stumbled one of the little ones , better for him to have a millstone around his neck "

  • @brycetorno
    @brycetorno Год назад +11

    Great video! On the topic of JWs badmouthing the householder, I remember telling them to their face “good news, God will soon destroy the wicked” and the minute their back is turned, we would all say shit like “I shotgun their house after Armageddon!” Or “oh well I tried to warn them, they’re bird food now”. It’s incredibly two-faced how they can be so nice to a worldly person, and then talk shit about them once they’re out of earshot. I hated how hypocritical that made me feel.

    • @karenmoody2763
      @karenmoody2763 Год назад +1

      So true ,no true friendship in the cult

    • @caribbeanman3379
      @caribbeanman3379 Год назад

      "but ... human imperfection" - common JW cop-out for why their sins are excusable while they judge everyone else in Christendom for theirs.

    • @karenmoody2763
      @karenmoody2763 Год назад +1

      @@caribbeanman3379 my thing is if you are god's mouthpiece and he speaks through you how can you be wrong

    • @caribbeanman3379
      @caribbeanman3379 Год назад +1

      @@karenmoody2763 JW response: "The light get's brighter". It's a feeble response that really points to some damning conclusions: Jehovah is an incompetent communicator; human imperfection's power to get God's message wrong is more powerful than holy spirit's power to communicate in a way that overcomes human imperfection; the mouthpiece is willfully disregarding what God is communicating in preference for its own false ideas; or they're lying when they claim to be directed by God. None of these options paint the JW religion in a scripturally tenable light.
      And the thing is Jesus own words imply that God would never communicate to them something that they are incapable for grasping and relaying to the followers correctly. Remember what he said: "I have many things to tell you but you are not able to bear them at present". So what does he do? He doesn't tell them. So according to the Bible, God would never communicate truths to them before they are able to grasp it correctly.

  • @christinesotelo7655
    @christinesotelo7655 Год назад +7

    This Presentation was excellent and I thank you! You are so well-spoken and represent all of us who have been through this! Yes, the shunning after disfellowshipping for some disagreement with a doctrine is horrible. To be considered dead truly plays with your sanity and has driven many to suicide. Loss of family or to be outed from your home is hellish. The governing body of old men mostly, is downright scarey. And it is true that as a new JW, you don’t even know about a governing body of a few men. You think it’s all Jehovah. I was disfellowshipped for rescuing my five year old son from standing alone in a long hallway while his classmates enjoyed Xmas cupcakes and singing. His little broken heart devastated me. So I rebelled and dragged home a Xmas tree and baked cupcakes and realized that WE DID NOT BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP A TREE! Maybe JWs were afraid they would in some pagan ritual, but we enjoyed its beauty and lights. My husband came home, saw me and the little kids singing and decorating and laughing and he reported us to the elders. I told the elders that while I was at it, let’s discuss the blood issue: I’d NEVER allow my child to die needlessly! I was thrown out, publicly humiliated, my husband was not allowed to speak or eat or sleep with me. Our home was broken up, I lost him and my JW brother. My husband had an affair but was never disfellowshipped! So I hear you and am happy that you have left such a horrible group of old men and frightened women. You are a wonderful Advocate for those leaving the cult. Thank you. ❤

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +1

      That is such an amazing story. I'm so sorry you went through that, I can't imagine how hard that was on you. But you are so courageous, and I'm sure your children are much happier. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story, I hope you've been able to heal. ❤

    • @christinesotelo7655
      @christinesotelo7655 Год назад

      @@theghostapostate ♥️

  • @theghostapostate
    @theghostapostate  Год назад +15

    So I realize I forgot to explain what the paradise earth belief is. That I mentioned @33:33
    Jehovah's witnesses believe that one day soon Armageddon will happen and anyone who is not one of Jehovah's witnesses will not live through it. And then after that there will be a paradise on earth for all Jehovah's witnesses, and those resurrected to live on. To put it simply lol.
    Also as someone pointed out, it was Jeffery Jackson in the Australian royal commission, I said the wrong member. Sorry for any confusion. ❤

    • @DecipheringWarship
      @DecipheringWarship Год назад +1

      Haha 33:33 perfect timing

    • @tammyg8031
      @tammyg8031 Год назад +3

      You did a great job telling your story. So, I'm glad that you are free. Hopefully, one day soon, your family will wake up. I love your empathy, compassion, and love for others.

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +2

      @@tammyg8031 Thank you 😊 💜

    • @SavedByJesusHeimatLiebe
      @SavedByJesusHeimatLiebe Год назад +3

      Jesus loves You and invites You to speak to Him directly. He is all You trully need, not some Organisation. To have Live in Abundance and choose His Peace which superseeds everything else. 😘🕊

    • @dantoinettetaylor1663
      @dantoinettetaylor1663 Год назад +2

      It was Jeffrey Jackson the Governing Body Member that was on the Australian Royal Commission. He’s Australian and was visiting there at the time when he was subpoenaed to go in and give testimony

  • @carmenortiz4446
    @carmenortiz4446 Год назад +6

    I've been doing some deep diving into the start of the Bible Students. That's what they were called before they were JW's. Charles Taze Russel was a Freemason. His uncle, William Russel was the founder of Skull and Bones chapter in Harvard. They do weird rituals there every year in some building on the property.
    Charles T. Russel ran a publishing company and the Bibles students sold everything they had to follow Jehovah, so they thought. So the ones that go door to door to sell the magazines were called publishers and the ones that join are called sponsors. Then the sponsors become publishers to recruit more sponsors. Until now when they're being exposed by God himself! Illuminati Freemasons keep it in the family and their God is Lucifer. And Masons are generational people. Tony Morris was removed and two put in his place. One of them was his son. I bet you any money, if anyone could track the lineage of the Governing body, they're probably related somehow to the 13 original families of the illuminati Freemasons. Or are part of it.

  • @petermcgregor5268
    @petermcgregor5268 Год назад +5

    Awesome story Elaine and thanks for sharing your story about being a witness really enjoyed your story about the pioneer sisters who had no sense of humor

  • @beyondwx
    @beyondwx Год назад +14

    As a former catholic it is absolutely wild to see how the GB has fully managed to recreate the Catholic Church despite ostensibly being Protestant.

  • @buckdharma64
    @buckdharma64 Год назад +4

    Hi from an X-JW from Norway.... Watched about 18 minutes and I love your story. Take care ❤

  • @sarcasm6669
    @sarcasm6669 Год назад +6

    Thanks for sharing your story. Definitely agree this group has changed so much from how it was when I was raised from childbirth in it until finding my way out thankfully in 2016. My parents were so paranoid that 'homeschool' was from the get go, with a string Major in Home Economics..... fortunately they did at least make sure we had a correspondence high school by mail and internet course at least. RBC was also definitely a way better time than whatever form it has devoved into now.

  • @calliopivogiatzis2235
    @calliopivogiatzis2235 Год назад +8

    They used to come to my door like they were entitled! They thought,in their dilutional minds that they were my friends and family!

  • @rochelle_johnston2703
    @rochelle_johnston2703 Год назад +4

    Thank you,
    I did like this video a lot and hope that you will do more.

  • @itsjustme6315
    @itsjustme6315 Год назад +7

    Thank you for your video and for sharing your story and thoughts!

  • @jeremyflemingii929
    @jeremyflemingii929 Год назад +3

    😲 thank you for letting us know all about your religion...
    I dont know how i got here, but im glad i ran across your page!!!
    I agree with everything you said, and im glad you got away from them!!! That is not how you treat people you love.
    Anyways, GOD BLESS YOU, and i with you the best!!!
    Jeremy from Virginia

  • @Trublu52
    @Trublu52 Год назад +8

    If you have not been out long you will be vulnerable please take care
    You are not alone reach out my wife and I can be of help

  • @gar12345able
    @gar12345able Год назад +4

    One of the best descisiion you've taken in your whole life. Those watchtower's witnesses prove again and again with facts and deeds how wrong they are. Jehovah is the one you must follow and his commandments. Deuteronomy 13:9.

  • @PrincessMargaretJoacquim1111
    @PrincessMargaretJoacquim1111 Год назад +4

    But now you have the opportunity to extend kindness to help such people. Vow 😍 you are the real You 😎

  • @lovermanski2
    @lovermanski2 Год назад +4

    Great video ❤️ welcome to REAL FREEDOM 💯

  • @derekohare138
    @derekohare138 Год назад +4

    Thanks for sharing. Stay strong.

  • @izkabelka9231
    @izkabelka9231 Год назад +3

    I can relate to what you're saying at 39:20 This is the first time I hear someone speak about this issue. Thank you for sharing this point of view!
    Even though I've been trying to change my views and "unlearn" the toxic beliefs for about 7 years, I still have this tendency too. Sometimes, if I see someone do or say something I disapprove of, I start feeling guilty for them and I feel like if I don't speak up and try to change their views, I'm a participant of their "sin". As a child and a teenager, I took this religion very seriously but I was extremely shy and felt very anxious about going out and preaching. So I've been growing up with constant subconscious feelings of guilt, or even blood-guilt. I remember someone saying this on our meeting that if you miss a chance to preach to someone, you're basically blood-guilty because you've had a chance to save their life. It's left me really traumatized because there were so many chances I've missed. I struggle with consequences of this mindset until this day and I'm 29-years old. But I'm keeping up and trying to transform my way of thinking. Wish you all the best on your journey too :)

    • @izkabelka9231
      @izkabelka9231 Год назад

      The feeling of "spiritual superiority" was a major red-flag that was repelling me from this community and taking part in preaching. I just wasn't able to put myself into this position. I've tried to find my own way but I'd always struggle. When I saw the other congregation members having this attitude while talking to others, I just wanted to keep my distance from it all.

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад

      @@izkabelka9231 It was exhausting listening to the constant drama and bashing of others. The guilty feeling is very difficult to get rid of. Sometimes I have the overwhelming feeling of guilt just from listening to the National anthem, so I totally understand the feeling. I'm so sorry you still struggle with it. It's not fair to grow up with that guilt. It's not your fault, you are by no means guilty for the actions of others. It's a very brave thing to leave, but the scars unfortunately last. I hope you've found ways to be kind to yourself on this hard journey. I deeply wish you the best with your healing process. 💜

  • @tonycutty598
    @tonycutty598 Год назад +2

    Your wisdom, honesty and gentleness shine out from this video. You display a total lack of judgmentalism for these people, which is remarkable since you were in it for so long. Kudos to you :)

  • @DoctorZaeus
    @DoctorZaeus Год назад +4

    Thank your sharing your story.

  • @c.t8958
    @c.t8958 Год назад +6

    Thanks for sharing your experience. 😊

  • @juliecunningham8680
    @juliecunningham8680 Год назад +3

    Great video, a few times I tried to leave and their answer was ‘ how is your mam going to feel when she comes back and your not there?’ My mam died when I was 21yrs old and never thought I would get over losing her, feel it’s like emotional blackmail.
    When I found out I was expecting my youngest son, I told a sister thinking it to be a happy occasion, she said to me the things Satan will do??
    After the meeting we would pass a church on the way home in the car and the sister I was with would say to my children they are all bad people in there, a lot of whom were my children’s school friends.
    I left in 2000 after my dad died, I was upset one night at a meeting and I said to an elder I was missing my dad and he said never mind you’ve plenty more dads in here!! And thought none of you are fit to untie my dads shoe laces!
    And I just wanted out, they visited me a few times and eventually got the message. I could kick myself now for being so gullible to join them in the first place. I still pray now but to the one true god who is a god of love that doesn’t want to destroy people if they don’t do as they say ❤

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад

      That's so messed up. I'm so sorry you went through all of that. Losing someone is hard enough without hearing all of that. And it's understandable to fall for it, they've always been good at manipulating people. Some of us just fell victim to it. I'm glad you're out now, I hope you're doing better.

    • @juliecunningham8680
      @juliecunningham8680 Год назад

      I’ve been out nearly 23years now but there’s such a lot you still remember and have to try and deprogram your mind to their way of thinking. I still feel confused about what happens when we die? As they used to say Hell is just the common grave of mankind and we are asleep in death, until the resurrection. Or do we go to heaven to be in the spirit realm? I feel now I don’t know what I believe anymore, I enjoy listening to all the exJW’s video podcasts.
      My dad fell out with me when he heard I’d been baptised, he said he couldn’t stand them, and hardly spoke to me after that and I loved him so much. But they would have a bible scripture to say that this would happen with families.
      Pleased all ok with you now too and we’ve woken up!!

  • @nuniegomez2970
    @nuniegomez2970 Год назад +4

    Great for you 👏👏👏 congratulations always nice to know another has disfellowshipped the sorry wt

  • @elliesambrook5929
    @elliesambrook5929 Год назад +3

    Xx. Welcome to freedom xx. And the real truth

  • @Lovealwayswins1
    @Lovealwayswins1 Год назад +3

    Thank you so much for sharing

  • @kdrazalotg-usa6345
    @kdrazalotg-usa6345 Год назад +6

    Great video and I love that you noticed some of the things I did, that maybe haven’t been mentioned as much! Like how the Governing Body are making themselves more important, and that it’s changed a lot! Oh, and I saw your other small videos, maybe they were shorts, anyway, you are good at doing that improv, or acting, or imitation I guess, and funny! You remind of my friend V Veronica) who does similar stuff. Anyway, glad you woke up! I wo ke up at like 57, and had faded a few times, but research finally freed me…

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад

      Thank you! I'm glad you were able to get free, it's a difficult situation to leave, best of luck to you!

    • @punothebear
      @punothebear Год назад

      What do you do now?

    • @mikeweston4061
      @mikeweston4061 Год назад +1

      @@punothebear What i did was actually read what the bible says a Christian is ! A follower of Christ, basically being a good person not involved in anything that comes from Satan !

  • @tammyg8031
    @tammyg8031 Год назад +11

    Protest details: be free 2023

  • @JWORGandY_EAR1975
    @JWORGandY_EAR1975 Год назад +3

    Wonderful 💯 to C, how many are leaving with their own unique story ❤

    • @ScottRock-mr6qk
      @ScottRock-mr6qk 10 месяцев назад

      I got news for you Prophetic. A lot of people leave a lot of religions. These people may not be your cup of tea but they are right on with who God is and who Jesus is too. I have 5 different Bible's that i read, study and compare and all match up with their Bible except John 1:1 other than that there's nothing different about their Bible when compared to other Bible's. And don't think that your religion is the greatest because there are things about it that you have no idea of what's going on with it. Did you know that all trinity believing religions are all just a branch off of the Catholics churches??? That's true. Catholics believe in the trinity and so do the Baptist but the Baptist say oh we believe in that but we don't worship or pray to saints so we're gonna do things our way. And so on and so forth. All of them!! And since they all follow suit with the Catholics, you'll be surprised to know that the Catholics are a branch off of the Holy Roman empire and they were just Pagans dressed up to be Christians. They weren't Christians at all, they were pagans and they incorporated their beliefs into the church that once was Jesus's churches after all the Disciples were killed off. They changed everything. Including adding the trinity. Constantine didn't give a Damn about Jesus or Christianity because he was a Pagan. At the Counsel of Nicea he was in such a hurry to end the discussion that he just said this is the way you will worship and that's that. And what was anyone going to do about it??? Nothing because he was the emperor. And anything he said you did. Or you died! So don't think your religion is soo high and Mighty because it's not.

  • @desertpointkennel
    @desertpointkennel 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for taking the time. You did a wonderful job. May God bless you.

  • @raylandry4282
    @raylandry4282 Год назад +7

    I left jw 2 months ago after several attacks from 2 members of the former congregation, stating we don't want mental I'll people in the organization. The second thing it was pertaining to my son who died at age 17 from a boating accident, your not allowed to mourn his death or remember him he's not going to be in paradise and so as well as for me. BTW I'm not baptized either.

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +2

      That is so cruel. I'm glad you left. I'm sorry you went through that.

    • @raylandry4282
      @raylandry4282 Год назад

      @@theghostapostate I grabbed everything related to jw and all my suits and ties tossed it out in the middle of my yard poured gas on it set it on fire. And then I went to war against jw posted no trespassing signs up that were signed to make legal. Already had 2 arrested for criminal trespassing.

  • @sweethoneybee8518
    @sweethoneybee8518 Год назад +2

    Thank you for sharing your experience :)… I watch videos like yours for inspiration that one day my JW husband will recognize these same things , not accept them and be disgusted to be identified as a JW.
    You are very right when you say the org has changed. I hear his meetings and keep up with the watchtowers… and they direct everyone to their website. It’s even on their business cards.
    I hope since leaving you have gotten a new Bible, read the scriptures/ Gods love letter to you…. Not just the 144,000, and come to know the true Jesus, the Son of God…. Not Micheal the archangel. Praying for your spiritual journey and am now following you:)

  • @Jeron_Benton
    @Jeron_Benton Год назад +3

    Excellent video ! I’m glad u did your research ! We all have our wake up call ! Mines was when we the elders lied to falsely disfellowshipp me and when I did my research on the ARC that’s what help me to wake up! …. Loving your videos (even your shorts lol) keep up the good work

  • @rolandbonillaex-jwdesprogr1966
    @rolandbonillaex-jwdesprogr1966 Год назад +2

    Thank you for sharing your testimony you're still very young girl ,I lost more than 30 years in that sect

  • @Marie.b
    @Marie.b Год назад +1

    Wow. I'm impressed. You are so young and so strong.. I've seen other videos of course about jws leaving but you get right into the heart of what's improtant,basically being a good person or at least growing to be a good person.. you've shown how the organisation works against that. You have opened my eyes to Jw's as people , the individual, and what you said about the worst parts of us, the judgemenalism, the putting others down etc, being basically fed and watered in the organisation really struck me. I have a sister in law in the jws. She went to college to become a social worker and now has a central role in the state run child and family serices and although i heard a comment that made me prick up my ears, i ultimatly thought she was a good caring person who wanted to help children. But now i can't marry the two, being a committed JW and working to 'protect' a society that you believe are 'worldly', worse have satan as their god. How can you in the one hand help to protect and improve the lives of the vulnerable in society if you are judgemental of them? Do you think getting these positions in society is a stratagic plan by JW org?

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад

      Thank you. 😊
      And also that is an excellent point. I do think that some jws are good people, just so indoctrinated that they don't see the hypocrisy in the own beliefs and vaules. I have seen some positions be used to either help give backing to their beliefs, protect the organization, or make them money. Such as scientists, lawyers, and real estate agents. I'm not sure how far they're willing to take it though. So some maybe purely motivated, while others may have an agenda. In my opinion lol.

  • @judyarellano6196
    @judyarellano6196 Год назад +1

    Thank you for your testimony! It greatly helps many of us cope with the Watchtower trauma.

  • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
    @seanrathmakedisciples1508 Год назад +2

    I’ve subscribed. I pray all blessings and favor over you and your family and ministry in Jesus name from Ireland ❤

  • @tomnohmy1273
    @tomnohmy1273 Год назад +3

    Why I left, I was never in it, leaving happened without Mr knowing it.

  • @joeylopez7978
    @joeylopez7978 Год назад +5

    No it wasn't just you. They always knit pick and tell you how everything you enjoy is wrong. They want to isolate and control you.

  • @carmenortiz4446
    @carmenortiz4446 Год назад +2

    I have studied with JW's for almost 30 years. All I really wanted to do was learn the Bible. But I'm an empath and my intuition always told me not to join and I never believed in shunning. I always had the question to everyone I studied with that Jesus never shunned anyone but the religious leaders, Demons and Satan. I did read the Bible twice. The 2 witness rule was written in the Hebrew Scriptures as part of their laws in Deuteronomy and Leviticus because there was no ransom sacrifice yet. In the case with King Solomon and the two women fighting over the living child, There were 2 witnesses. The 2 women. He simply found out who was telling the truth and acted accordingly. That's one great example.

  • @bryn6000
    @bryn6000 Год назад +3

    Excellent! Very well presented. Easy to listen to. Well done!

  • @user-bg1nw3wg2s
    @user-bg1nw3wg2s 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and Story. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for everyone who has challenges with their life experience. Keep up the good informative videos, and seek refuge in your Bible. Not any new translation just an old KJV would suffice. God bless

  • @jesse86jesse
    @jesse86jesse Год назад +1

    We used to be Catholic then brainwashed to JWs..I was 8 at the time..as a boy/teen/man the WT puts a lot of pressure on you to "do more" for the organization. I got baptized at 17..i procrastinated..due to my secret indecisiveness as to whether this was something I truly believed. Due to the fear of loosing everyone (family/friends) I got baptized. I didn't progress to ministerial servant much less elder since I didn't want it and was getting older so I was starting to care less about the consequences from fading or disfellowshipping. I faded completely in late twenties early 30s now I am what I always was..atheist.

  • @Trublu52
    @Trublu52 Год назад +3

    I hope you are doing well at this point, I am just getting out of the organization but if you need to talk please let me know and I will get you my contact info
    My hope is to help one’s trying to get out. Once you get out you worry about the ones still in
    We are here to help in any way we can you are not alone.

  • @rakeanomander1
    @rakeanomander1 Год назад +2

    Decent presentation, good story. Thank you for sharing. :-)

  • @rogerbonilla9958
    @rogerbonilla9958 Год назад +3

    Isaiah 11:7-9 There is truth to that! YET AS A DOCTRINE MADE BY MAN THEY DO NOT HAVE OR TEACH ALL TRUTH!

  • @JUDAH927
    @JUDAH927 Год назад +2

    That is discussing!!! How they treated you! Two old men with a thirteen year young lady RED! Flag!! Now that you tried religion , a cult , organization have you tried The True Jesus Christ? He will never tell you to work 50 hours field service that’s not in the Bible. I hope that cult didn’t push you away so that you won’t believe in Jesus Christ, He loves you and died for your sins and won’t beat you up when you mess up . God bless you .❤

  • @LaurenceWillis
    @LaurenceWillis 3 месяца назад

    My sister and I were raised as JWs but knew when we were young that somthing was off. Mom was devout, but Dad went 'inactive' for years (probably after discovering something messed up in the congregation). We kids both decided to not get baptized and each of us left home in our late teens.
    The teens in my congregation were intensely scrutanized - especially the Elder's kids - and almost bullied into getting baptized very young, unfortunately many sucumed to drinking or drugs because of the stress/abuse

  • @Maranatha49
    @Maranatha49 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for your testimony of getting away from them.
    Everything that they say and do is contradictory to their own doctrine.
    A doctrine created by mankind.
    Who are they to decide whether or not one qualifies to be baptised?!. Filth!!
    Preacher Robert Breaker on YT did a video on Charles Taze Russell (JW founder), if you or anyone is interested in knowing how it began in the 19th century.
    My mum has been in and out of it for decades, my sisters float around it too, but I want absolutely no part in it!
    I haven’t gone to any actual meetings in 20 years, but I did goto the “memorial” in 2022.
    I heard and saw what I needed to for closure.
    And now that I have been a born again Christian since Nov 2019, who actually knows what the Gospel is, unlike the JW’s who have been in “the truth” for an X amount of years look at you like you’re preaching something that is shunned.
    Recently, during the memorial video, I overheard blasphemous rubbish about Jesus.
    Months later, I still have steam blowing out of my ears and nostrils!
    When my mums beloved brothers and sisters in the faith would visit, I’d always tell them about everything that I now believe in which goes against their beliefs, and slowly but surely, they no longer visit.
    I can tell that they’re kind of setting her to the side because of not only my beliefs but because of my sister being DF’ed years ago. There’s just too much conflicting information and it shines light on their filthy teachings.
    As for the CSA part, those who are guilty of it will need more than a millstone to hide themselves from the Wrath of God! They’re disgusting to the core.
    I rejoice knowing that one day, this silly organisation will be dismantled by God alongside all the other cults inspired by satan that try and take people away from Jesus.
    And taking each other from their own families.
    “yeA, ThATs gOdLy!”
    Matthew 12:25-26 KJV
    And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: [26] And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

  • @liverpoolhw
    @liverpoolhw Год назад +3

    Does.anyone know what the background story was in thr shooting in hamburg ?

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад

      There's not a lot of back story unfortunately, he might have been angry with the witnesses, but I think he had some mental illness as well, given the prophetic dreams he claimed to have. It was such a tragedy for all involved though.

  • @m.weston7114
    @m.weston7114 Год назад +16

    Another JW bites the WATCHTOWER Corporate dust. WELCOME TO YOUR FREEDOM, embrace it. Do not sell yourself to anyone or anything that controls you in anyway. Learn from it. Be powerful within yourself, inspire others to also be powerful. ONE VOICE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. But you do not need to join a club or organization to be a powerful voice.

  • @travishager6156
    @travishager6156 5 месяцев назад

    I grew up around it. And I'm just now doing EXTENSIVE research. And all I can say is OMG.WOW

  • @patpryor
    @patpryor Год назад +1

    Great video. I hope that you make some more about your experiences and the actual practices of real JWs (not the idealized package presented at the door.)

  • @RCVideo-dh8cs
    @RCVideo-dh8cs Год назад +3

    Thank you for sharing your story. As of my viewing you have 3230 views you exceeded the 2 you predicted LOL. My hope is your video is viewed by other young ones that need verification that it is okay to leave. Wish you all the best. You now have the best life ever!😂

  • @jeanettebrooker9688
    @jeanettebrooker9688 Год назад +1

    It's a great video and well presented.
    It is broken down so none jws can understand.
    They have changed the bible.
    Hope you get a none jw bible and read Hebrews1.5 and 6.
    This clearly shows that Jesus is not the archangel Michael.
    Your video is not boring.
    I hope that this experience has not put you of the real Jesus.

  • @user-hs5xu8ot3k
    @user-hs5xu8ot3k Год назад +2

    On point Lil sis.x

  • @YamosDad
    @YamosDad 9 месяцев назад +1

    I was in a drama, it wasn't fun. Even if you had 1 line, you had to sacrifice every Saturday for 6 months for practice

  • @sim448
    @sim448 Год назад +2

    Where are you at now in your spiritual life (or lack of it)? do you still believe and follow christianity?

  • @nicosyiallouris1103
    @nicosyiallouris1103 3 месяца назад +2

    The days of the Cult are numbered

  • @jan75643
    @jan75643 Год назад +1

    I feel the same..Disgusted!❤

  • @LN78665
    @LN78665 Год назад +3

    It amazes me that they're so against Christianity yet the name itself "Jehovah" which is the only name they use actually originated from a Catholic monk. The original scriptures were in Hebrew and did not contain the letter J in it's vocabulary however, they somehow translated the tetragrammaton 'YHWH' into Jehovah and we are not sure of the exact pronunciation of the tetragrammaton but they have just RANDOMLY picked vowels of their liking to support this name yet it remains a uneducated guess just as Yahweh would also!!! This is the name that they emphasized as so important but if u used different vowels it would make the name sound entirely different 😂 They also say gods name has been removed from the scriptures so they added it some 7,000 times to their own version of the bible 😮 I guess they find little ways to look unique as if they have some hidden gem or the "so-called truth" and if you do some research outside of the organization you can quickly come to realize that maybe the reason they don't want you to research outside of the organization or look at so-called apostate material is so they will not lose you as a member of the organization😅 It also amazes me how many times they have been wrong about the end times coming not only after 1914 but also in 1975 amongst others yet don't the scriptures say beware of false prophets and if somebody prophesies in God's name and it doesn't come true then it's not from God!! According to the bible originally Jews are God's chosen people. Now they found a way to twist things and say God broke his promise to the Jews so that many many many centuries later they could form into God's chosen ones. I'm personally finding so much truth and answers from Judaism now. Particularly from Rabbi Tovia Singer on RUclips. He has really cleared things up for me and undone these cult lies I used to believe and when I started questioning things that weren't making sense as I got older Rabbi Tovia Singer really made sense to me!!

    • @buckroger6456
      @buckroger6456 Год назад +1

      What struck me odd, was that they are founded so to speak off of Charles Russell. Charles started a studied group to search for Bible truths. I started a study group with some JWs and thought I was going to get this deep chapter by chapter, book by book study. Well all I got was a PowerPoint presentation that's built around recruiting you into their church. Yet I told them from the very beginning that I wasn't interested in joining a church. What really started to bother me was their endless pestering of me to go to one of their meeting, despite the fact I've told them many times I can't because of my work schedule. Whenever I would ask about things I wanted to know about the Bible, they told me to go to their website smh. Needless to say I called the whole study thing off after one of the studies was how JWs are true Christians. That study reeked of the way the pharisees always acted like they were holier then thou.

    • @karenmoody2763
      @karenmoody2763 Год назад

      The name jehovah from what I understand was created by a Catholic Spanish monk in the 13 th century .


      Funny enough, before I left, I actually started using Yahweh when I'd say God's name. and praying to Yahweh. It made more sense, since from the very beginning that was his name in the bible. Obviously yes nobody knows how it's pronounced exactly, but it's possible it was passed down orally for thousands of years and is correct. But if nobody did know then there has to be a choice made and agreed on how to pronounce it. So I'm fine if at some point one way was chosen and accepted.

  • @symone3113
    @symone3113 Год назад +2

    “You can overthrow them”😂😂😂

  • @emformoon
    @emformoon Год назад +2

    Keep it up! Great content❤❤❤

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +1

      Thank you ❤

    • @emformoon
      @emformoon Год назад

      @@theghostapostate anytime fren

    • @Fargosportsmassage
      @Fargosportsmassage 8 месяцев назад

      ​@theghostapostate i am a PIMO for 10 years now...12 members family are inside this BABILONIAN CULT...but I have so many experience with jw that I would like to share... I know a sister in my congregation that had identically experiences like yours.. I suppose dame happen around the world inside this horror house...

  • @symone3113
    @symone3113 Год назад +4

    GBs are Televangelist now…😂😂😂

  • @janespitfire9884
    @janespitfire9884 Год назад +5

    turn up sound can barely hear it

    • @theghostapostate
      @theghostapostate  Год назад +2

      I didn't know that was a problem, I'll try to fix it in the future. Sorry about that.

    • @ricklee5802official.1Rope_fan
      @ricklee5802official.1Rope_fan Год назад

      ​@theghostapostate well done from Australia. Thank you for sharing. I grew up with a very strict elder as a father, equally strict, supportive elders wife for a mother. Look forward to your future posts.

  • @Sportliveonline
    @Sportliveonline 15 дней назад

    the problem is the ambiguity and cannot validate or verify some of the teachings

  • @leptonsoup337
    @leptonsoup337 Год назад +2

    Oh noes! Tight Pants Tony got REMOVED?! NOT TONY! But now where I am supposed to get my "good spiritual food"?! (what can I say? I really like rambling word salad with a side of dry salt-free crackers!)

  • @knitspired
    @knitspired 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks for sharing! ❤

  • @ZuluGirlInNewYork
    @ZuluGirlInNewYork Год назад +1

    Lol I always wondered why the people in the drama were so secretive about being part of the drama 😂

  • @adamp4614
    @adamp4614 Год назад +2

    Leave JW don't give up on Jesus. God bless you.

  • @youtubechess8396
    @youtubechess8396 Год назад +2

    Awwww, you're cute.

  • @ShoNuffSoulBro1
    @ShoNuffSoulBro1 Год назад +1

    You just gave me a great Halloween costume idea 💡😂. I’ll dress up like door knocking JW, but a zombie version, so I can really scare the tar outta someone 🧟‍♂️- magazines n’ brains , rrr r r r

  • @potatoman7475
    @potatoman7475 10 месяцев назад


  • @extraterrestrial4287
    @extraterrestrial4287 Год назад

    Does the bible agree with science?
    First page in the Bible-
    God separated the waters, the waters above from the waters below.
    The space in between the waters he called heaven. The waters below he gathered to its place to form the seas and the dry land.
    In the space between the waters he placed two great lights, one by day (sun)
    And one by night (moon)
    And also the stars.
    He also created birds to fly through heaven.

  • @JUDAH927
    @JUDAH927 Год назад +2

    Strange people