ALL Italian Expressions with CI that Italians Use Every Day (unmissable Italian class!) 🇮🇹

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • The particle ci in Italian always cause troubles to foreign students, especially when it interacts with idioms! Therefore, in the following lesson we are going to explain the meaning and how to use the Italian idioms including CI!
    📝 Written Explanation:
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    The most common expressions including CI in Italian
    1) pensarCI
    In addition to the meaning of thinking of someone or something ("-Pensi mai al tuo ex? -Sì, ci penso spesso") (Do you ever think of your ex-boyfriend? -Yes, I often think of him)), this verb means "solving a problem, finding a solution" and it's used when there's a difficulty, an obstacle and we a person who can and/or must solve it.
    Example: "- Bisogna organizzare l’evento di questo sabato con gli investitori, ci pensi tu? - D’accordo, ci penso io! Ma sappi che mi dovrai un favore!" (-We must organize Saturday's event with the investors! Alright I got it! But you owe me a favor!)
    You must not confuse it with the expression non pensarci proprio (not a chance!), which means "having no intention or not wanting to do that specific thing"
    Example: "- Potresti chiedere un favore al capo da parte mia? - Non ci penso proprio!" (-Could you ask the boss for a favor for me? Not a chance!)
    2) volerCEne
    This verb is mainly used in exclamatory expressions, with the meaning of "taking a long time or much effort"
    Example: "Quand'è il tuo compleanno? - Eh tra 10 mesi! Ce ne vuole ancora!" (-When's your birthday? -Eh, it's in ten months! It's going to take long!)
    "Organizzerò una festa in discoteca e tu e Riccardo siete invitati! Io ci verrò sicuramente, ma Riccardo non ama molto le discoteche: ce ne vorrà per convincerlo" (I'll throw a disco party and you and Riccardo are invited! I'll be there for sure, but Riccardo doesn't like disco clubs very much: it will take some time to convince him)
    3) crederCI
    This verb means "believing in someone or something"
    Example: "- Tu credi in Dio? - Sì, ci credo!" (-Do you believe in God? -Yes, I believe in Him!)
    The expression E ci credo! (no surprise!) is used when we want to reply to someone who's saying something that seems obvious to us as if to say that there are no doubts on what they're saying.
    Example: "-Ieri sono andato all'addio al celibato di Gianluca, e adesso ho un terribile mal di testa! -E ci credo! Avrai sicuramente bevuto moltissimo!" (Yesterday I went to Gianluca's bachelor party and now I have a terrible headache! -No surprise! You surely drank a lot!)
    4) prenderCI gusto
    This expressions indicates the repeating of an action that we previously considered to be boring, useless and even bothering, but over time it gives an increasing pleasure in doing it.
    Example: "- Ehi, ma tu non odiavi lo yoga e adesso lo pratichi? -Sì, ma durante il mio viaggio in India ci ho preso gusto e ora non riesco a farne a meno!" (-Ehi, weren't you the one who hated yoga and now you're practicing it? -Yes, but during my trip to India I got into it and now I can't get enough of it!)
    5) saperCI fare (con)
    Questa espressione means “to be skilled, to be good, to be competent in their job or in any other activity".
    Example: "Quell'uomo è stato ingiustamente accusato di furto...Per fortuna il suo avvocato ci sapeva fare e ha dimostrato la verità! (That guy was falsely accused of theft... luckily his attorney was good and uncovered the truth!)
    Saperci fare con qualcuno (to be able to deal with) means “being able to behave appropriately with a person or a category of people, mostly to realize their own goals"
    Example: "Luca è un vero Dongiovanni! Ci sa fare con le donne! - Ma ci sa fare anche con i bambini, infatti i miei figli lo adorano e giocano sempre con lui!" (Luca is a real womanizer! He has a way with women! - But he knows how to handle children as well, in fact my children adore him and they always play with him!)
    9) metterCIsi
    The verb “mettercisi” means doing something earnestly and seriously, so much to reach a good result
    Example: "Il capo vuole che il progetto sia pronto per giovedì prossimo… Se ti ci metti, sono sicura che non lo deluderai!" (The boss wants the project to be done by Thursday... If you really try I'm sure you won't disappoint him)
    👇🏽 We suggest that you also watch these Italian lessons: 👇🏽
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