I don't have JMD Compressor.The background music of Raycity is modified by modifying the original background music's information recorded on JMDFile,and writing a simple program to recrypt the new data stream again.I have started writing the Jmd Compressor, Please wait a few times, thank you.
Oh my
JMD Compressor please.
I don't have JMD Compressor.The background music of Raycity is modified by modifying the original background music's information recorded on JMDFile,and writing a simple program to recrypt the new data stream again.I have started writing the Jmd Compressor, Please wait a few times, thank you.
還沒辦法,就連我傳給Raycity的車子封包Raycity Client都無法處裡(若處理會發生空值現象),所以現在最先要做的是讓選角畫面有車
@@DFgGGtda 不同服务器的客户端处理的方式都不一样吗?比如数据库可以让TH客户端进入角色界面,但SEA的客户端却无法连接到数据库
@@DFgGGtda 大佬 我似乎发现了一些有趣的东西 有兴趣一起研究交流一下吗 dc#0908