Dr Conrad Vine - Russia & Ukraine at War - Spiritualism - Satan impersonates Christ!

  • Опубликовано: 2 мар 2022
  • "There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is "present truth" that the flock needs now. I have seen the danger of the messengers running off from the important points of present truth, to dwell upon subjects that are not calculated to unite the flock and sanctify the soul. Satan will here take every possible advantage to injure the cause." {EW 63}
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Комментарии • 29

  • @rickvelez6120
    @rickvelez6120 2 года назад +2

    Let's all lift up the banner of JESUS and carry on to what's coming ahead of us and knowing that OUR GOD has put these men to lead the way to truth. Our family will be praying for you all in this Journy to the new Canan, New Jerusalem. Thank you all and let us all pray for one another. May the HOLY SPIRIT continue to guide you all. Blessings!!!

  • @Harvest01
    @Harvest01 2 года назад +7

    Excellent dialogue for these times. Many blessings for courage, strength, endurance and hope.

  • @susiwakeman4271
    @susiwakeman4271 2 года назад +5

    Amen x fabulous, thank you x much love and God Bless from the UK xx

  • @pearlsamlal1950
    @pearlsamlal1950 2 года назад +4

    I pray everyone that listen to these information will take heed what THE SPIRIT SAYS

  • @susiwakeman4271
    @susiwakeman4271 2 года назад +4

    Amen Pastor Conrad xx

  • @tdapple1
    @tdapple1 2 года назад +3

    Beautiful. Thank You 🙏 all so much for so many wise words of wisdom from Jesus.

  • @nicolagrant5450
    @nicolagrant5450 2 года назад +3

    Great stuff. God bless all three...🙏🏾

  • @yvonnelassley1355
    @yvonnelassley1355 2 года назад +3

    God bless!!

  • @adventmissionary2895
    @adventmissionary2895 2 года назад +6

    Very informative.....Lord help us to persevere till the end. It's not going to be easy on our own as we can relate from Covid mandates.

  • @marjoriefortney1136
    @marjoriefortney1136 2 года назад +1

    Wonderful truth. Thank you

  • @buffabee9956
    @buffabee9956 2 года назад +1

    Thank you. Lots of discussion I agreed with 🥰❤👍

  • @nikihalbal1
    @nikihalbal1 2 года назад +1


  • @pearlsamlal1950
    @pearlsamlal1950 2 года назад +1


  • @juanitamoffatt1496
    @juanitamoffatt1496 2 года назад +1

    You must be watching Messengers of Present Truth! Devaney Haupt with the test statement hehe 🧡💛🧡

  • @vlndfee6481
    @vlndfee6481 2 года назад +3

    L...TQ etc weakens your army.

  • @Lulu4Him
    @Lulu4Him 2 года назад

    When are we to get out of the cities? Is it when the Sunday Law passes?

  • @vlndfee6481
    @vlndfee6481 2 года назад +2

    Read Joshua... chaper 10 and 11
    Kings of south.. kings from north

  • @brianplassan2793
    @brianplassan2793 2 года назад

    When will this man talk about the abomination in the church ? Or will he seek the favour of man like Wilson?

    • @msladymack1960
      @msladymack1960 2 года назад +1

      The sinners in Zion will be "shaken out" and the abominations will go with them...until then the wheat and tares shall grow together and the angels themselves with separate the wheat from the chaff... We are simply called to be faithful unto death.

  • @mavismonrose7902
    @mavismonrose7902 2 года назад

    Revelation 12 has only 17 verses

  • @bbell873
    @bbell873 2 года назад

    To understand who Jesus and who God is, we will have to look into another dimension. Of course, you have to realize to us there is one God and that is the Father 1 Cor8:6. First Corinthians starting at chapter fifteen in verse twelve, explains a human body can be either celestial or terrestrial. A terrestrial person is of the earth while a heavenly person would be from heaven; they look similar, yet somehow, each is different.
    And to understand how we look like those in heaven, we can find several books in Scripture that verify this. One example was when Jacob was alienated from his brother Esau. As boys, Jacob had hijacked Esau's birthright causing Jacob to be estranged from his brother. Jacob knew Esau was angry with him, so he fled his native land and worked for a man called Laban. Laban was a harsh taskmaster, but the Lord blessed Jacob. Laban used Jacob like a slave, yet Jacob prospered, and he gained most of Laban's wealth. Jacob acquiring most of Laban's livestock angered Laban's sons, who wanted vengeance.
    Yet, the Lord was with Jacob and told him to return to his homeland. Returning home Jacob was concerned Esau would hold a grudge against him and even want to kill him. Even so, as the Lord commanded, he traveled back to his hometown when God's angels met him.
    It doesn't appear Jacob realized the men he met were angels. But later that night, Jacob wrestled with one of these men. Apparently, in those days, men would bestow a blessing on others they challenged. And Jacob realized the type of divine blessing he received could only be given to him by God's angel and not a man Gn 32.
    So we find those in heaven appear like men and not wind..
    Even the New Testament tells us to entertain strangers as we too could be visited by those from heaven, Heb 13:2.
    Next, it is understood Christ’s grave was empty and upon his resurrection, the apostles touched him and even ate with them Lk 24:39-43. So like those in heaven we know Christ has a celestial body.
    Now the way the Bible explains this spiritual dimension, we're told the Spirit of God is like that of a person’s body; For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; we have been all made to drink into one Spirit, 1Cor 12:13. In other words, our body is the temple where God's Spirit dwells. All the saints of God receive the same Spirit and it is somehow connected.
    So like an egg that has different components our body is like the shell. The white of the egg being our spirit and those possessed by God would have the yoke being the Spirit of God.
    Now the way the story of Christ unfolds is to understand: In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same (Jesus) was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.
    In other words, the God-head portion of God's Spirit is where all the power of God comes from. Thus, when this power is released it is via words, and what He says comes into being. Thereby in the beginning the Father in Christ said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters, Gn 1:6. What God pronounces came into being. He doesn’t transform himself into what He communicated, but rather what He says comes to fruition.
    Then prior to Christ being born, the angel of God came unto Mary and explained how the Holy Ghost, which is Christ's Father, would come upon her and she would be with child, Lk 1:35. Thereby, after God’s word was spoken unto Mary she was found with child.
    At which point Jesus a celestial being in heaven, changed form, and became an embryo implanted in Mary. The portion of God's Holy Spirit that had been in Christ was the sovereign portion of God's Spirit, which is the Father. At that time He departed Christ’s body and stayed in heaven when Christ was born. Thereby, Christ was born a terrestrial man and was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin, Heb4:15.
    After Christ had grown up he went into the wilderness and was baptized by John. At which point Jesus received the Holy Spirit. The portion of the Spirit that Christ received at that time was like the body of the Spirit as the Father stayed in heaven.
    At that point, Christ went forth with the gospel and revealed God is a Spirit (Ghost). And they that worship him must worship him IN spirit and IN truth, Jn 4:24. To worship God IN Spirit is to worship him with our entire being. Not because we become a spirit or we couldn't worship him on earth.
    Upon Christ's crucifixion while in the grave his body went through a metamorphosis similar to a butterfly and he rose from the grave is a celestial body. To wit, he was born again and his grave was empty. The apostles even ate with him. For you see the body is the temple of God and without a body like Adam and Eve you are dead. Due to you would suffer separation from God.
    Satan thrown out of heaven was stripped of his celestial body impersonates God, and roams the earth as an evil spirit Lk 10:18.
    Christ warned us how our spirit could live yet suffer the same consequences as Satan if we follow Satan's lead Mk 9:44-48. Apparently, this was Satan's downfall as he assumed he didn't need God's Spirit in him to survive but instead thought he would be like God a spirit 2 Cor 4:4-7, Isa 14:12-14, Mt 12:28-50
    However, once Christ had finished telling us what the Father gave him to reveal, most of the population hated him and crucified him. As they couldn't accept the fact satan had been cast out of heaven making it possible for evil spirits to possess them.
    At which point they crucified Christ and while he was in the grave, the rebirth was accomplished and his body went through a lifecycle known as complete metamorphosis. Similar to what a butterfly would experience. Consequently, his earthly body changed back into the heavenly. He put on immortality, and the rebirth (born again) took witness. Thereby he was resurrected, his grave was empty.1 Corn 15:50-54.
    Before they executed Christ, He revealed while praying to the Father how the Father would glorify him with himself, Jn 17:5.” Revealing, he would receive the highest-ranking portion of God’s Holy Spirit back into him once he had risen. And those who receive Christ receive the portion of God's Holy Spirit that was in Jesus when he walked upon the earth. And this is the reason he told us the Father in me and I in you.

  • @bbell873
    @bbell873 2 года назад +1

    The end. The Beast
    Lawlessness and iniquity were already at work when Revelation in the Bible was written. People had already started another movement and were preaching another Jesus, 2 Cor 11, 2 Thes 2:7. And it was for this reason Revelation was penned in riddles and a conundrum to understand. For the abandonment of the truth had already begun and the mysteries of heaven were hidden from those of this world. And is now revealed in this last day, Mt 13:11, Rv 14:6.
    What Revelation tells is a perplexing story. And to paraphrase what it forewarns and says: is there are two beasts that come to power. The way the story unfolds in Revelation is the first beast will suffer a head wound and appears dead when a second beast emerges on the scene. The second beast acquires all the first beast's power and helps heal the first beast's head wound, whereby he restores the first beast.
    At which point, the second beast will make an image of the first beast causing it to say great things. And he will kill everyone who refuses to worship him or the image he has created.
    Now if that isn't enough the second beast has a number for his name, which is 666.
    To understand what Revelation is saying; You will have to realize when Jesus came he cast evil spirits out of many people. This enabled him to heal their ailments.
    One example of spirit possession was when, Jesus was in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, the spirit in this man cried out with a loud voice, saying, Leave us alone; what do we have to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? have you come to destroy us? I know you are the Holy One of God. At which point Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and cast the evil spirit out of him. Lk 4: 33-35. That verse in Scripture reveals the devil is an evil spirit that inhabits people and he knows Jesus is the Christ.
    In fact, later that day, when the sun was setting, many sick people were brought unto Christ; and Jesus laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them. And those who were possessed by devils came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that he was Christ, Lk 4: 40-41, Mt 8:16. So you see, evil spirits in people will confess Christ is the Son of God but obviously don’t follow his teachings.
    There are many other Scriptures that reveal this evil spirit's existence. And whether people believe in this presentation of the Bible or not, the beast is an evil spirit and the devil mentioned in Revelation!
    Then if you can understand the beast is an evil spirit, you will be able to interpret Revelation thirteen and Revelation seventeen. Whereas a beast would rise and it would have seven heads but these heads are actually mountains, Rv 17:9. As we know, on this day, there are seven continents that make up this world. And if you could visualize a continent rising out of the sea, you would know it is a huge mountain. Hence the seven heads on this beast are the seven continents because it was the devil's goal to deceive the entire world, Rv 12:9!
    ⁠ Now the first player or, as Revelation explained, the "first beast" was the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire ruled the world with an iron hand. They didn't accept Christ's teachings of evil spirits possessing them and they were in throes of Satan. They followed their own philosophies and once Christ was crucified; they persecuted the true Christians. Only God knows the atrocities they put them through. Whereby, it was given unto him (the evil spirit in them) to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations Rv 13:7. The world.
    Then Revelation explains the first beast would suffer a head wound and appear dead yet he would survive. So, one continent or that being one head on the beast was diffused. And of course, that was the Roman Empire (Europe). The Roman Empire was annihilated but after some years the continent was reestablished, however, they didn’t regain the power, she once enjoyed, Rv 13:3. This was because a second beast was rising. He appeared to have two horns like a lamb and spoke as a dragon, Rv 13:11. Having two horns like a lamb signifies two powers, and a lamb symbolizes Jesus.
    Approximately 666 AD history reveals during the Roman Empire’s demise there arose two apostate theologies fitting the description of a lamb. Both are divided into many issues but worship the same god in fact three of them. At first, they destroyed Israel and she was not a nation for nearly two thousand years Mth 24: 16-20.
    The teachings Christ brought were ignored and the doctrine of peace by force was adopted. Which eventually led to WWI and WWII. They made statues of those whom they killed even praying to them. They caused a movement that proclaimed to the world they were capable to lead all to Christ. These men saw how the true apostles called upon God's Spirit, and they assumed they could do the same thing. But because they were not established by the God of heaven, they caused those who followed them to receive an evil spirit whom they called the Holy Spirit. Even, 2 Corinthians 11:4 explains they preach another Jesus and take into them another spirit. This is in fact the abomination that brought ruin upon the world. Revelation explains this by saying; The second beast would cause the world to worship the first beast ( an evil spirit). Whereby people accepted another spirit in place of him who is Holy. Jn 2:18, 3Tim 3:17. Thus causing the world to worship the beast (an evil spirit) as God.
    Paul explained in Acts twenty, verse thirty, and thirty-one how these imposters were sitting with him. He warned how they would become apostate theologians. And explained how they would not spare the true church. But in fact, they would speak headstrong theology and would be against what Christ taught. They were obviously covetous and their goal was to make merchandise out of people and get followers to follow them. So, I hope you see, because it is one thing to sin which all of us are guilty of, but another thing to be governed by evil's depths. One example of a person who is governed by the depths of depravity is those who are serial killers. And if you knew a religious leader was conveying lies to his flock, causing them to die and end up in hell wouldn't you consider this leader a serial killer?
    And by all of this, I hope you are able to comprehend the beast is an evil spirit that influences people and if you are able to realize the first beast was an evil spirit that influenced the Roman Empire. The second beast was another population also influenced by this spirit. They would create an image of the first beast. Whereby the image would be likeness which would be another country with the same ambitions as the Empire.
    Sure there were wars that brought in the beginning of sorrows. WWI and WWII. But when the abomination of desolation is made known we find trouble not seen before. At which point we find a man will rise in power. And he will claim he is capable of saving the world. This is the man spoken of in Thessalonians. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not, Mt 24:26. “Those who see "him" will gaze at him, And consider him, saying: 'Is this the one who made the earth tremble, Isa 14:1

  • @aluzbrilhounaescuridao9486
    @aluzbrilhounaescuridao9486 2 года назад

    There is a thick cloud of deceit over the the multitude of saints of Christ’s Church. We have been made merchandise to many wolves, for they have steered us away from the truth preached by the apostles and the reformers such Wycliffe, John Knox, Huss and Martin Luther.
    So many died for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ and as witnesses of His light and truth.
    We have become empty lamps without oil, which is the truth, therefore incapable to produce light( faith in truth). And without truth, one cannot have true faith.
    “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found…”
    “Ask and it shall be given unto you”
    Seek the Lord in faith and His holy things, the heavenly and most precious truths with sincerity and He may unlock His promises to you. And that He may remove the veil of ignorance from your eyes , so that you seeing you may be able to perceive and that with your ears, you may be able to hear.
    God bless.