Rainy Night at the Tavern (Ambiance)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • On a cold, rainy night the party of adventurers takes shelter by the fire of the local tavern.

Комментарии • 37

  • @Aquarat86
    @Aquarat86 9 лет назад +18

    I love RUclips, you can find anything on here

    • @libertyprime2985
      @libertyprime2985 9 лет назад +12

      you can find some serious weird shit too...

    • @livale8337
      @livale8337 9 лет назад +3

      +Tomasz Pioszyk Not anything, I've been trying the past forever to find analysis videos on the tavern or inn in fiction, and this is all I can find.

    • @MercurialStatic
      @MercurialStatic 8 лет назад +1

      +Liam Powell I don't know why, but your comment makes me want to read The Name of the Wind.

    • @LeEnnyFace
      @LeEnnyFace 8 лет назад

      that's accurate

  • @dungeonmastermagisterium3906
    @dungeonmastermagisterium3906 8 лет назад +6

    this was extremely useful in my latest d&d campaign

  • @jacksonclithero8559
    @jacksonclithero8559 8 лет назад +5

    I sat at the table and looked around at all the jovial faces surrounding me. Everybody in the town seemed to be here. They were drunk, excited, and happy to be alive. I took another swallow of my drink, and watched as two men began to arm wrestle, cheered on by some surrounding tables. When one of them finally one a small cheer erupted around their table. They clapped each others backs and clinked their mugs together. I myself took another drink, emptying my glass. I looked to the innkeeper, who looked back, and gave him a nod. He hushed the room, then nodded at me. I stood, picked up my lute, looked around at the expectant faces, and began to play.

  • @jackiragnarikattegat1593
    @jackiragnarikattegat1593 6 лет назад

    Finnaly,i made it ...it was such a long journey ...now i am save..but for how long ,have they catch my trail yet or did they already now my location. It doesnt matter anymore my mission wil be complete when i meet my contact here ....i dont see him ,ahhhh gives me time to dry up a little bit next to the fire... now i need some ael........as soon as the tavern keeper but the ail on my table .....the sound of it woke me up from my thoughts...i just cant believe it..what i saw i just cant ...but i what i had seen was like in the olf folklore the storys of the old kingsss and dark lordss ,witches and orcs dwarfs and elfs, but these where black hooded riders...they had a smell of death and you couldnt see there faces but you could feel there eyes looking at you it ...wispering in your head with many voices speaking at once but yet saying the same thing ....words i do not want to repeat....i look a cross the room someone is watching me ...it must be him...my contact well lets finish my mission before i drink some more ael and get myself some rest

  • @BrianBilskiTube
    @BrianBilskiTube 7 лет назад

    This is wonderful. I like to play the Spotify playlist "Middle-earth Tavern" along with this ambient noise. Blend the volumes just right and be transported.

  • @Westerngee
    @Westerngee 11 лет назад

    oh that's great. thanks.

  • @TheSniperbot
    @TheSniperbot 10 лет назад

    Perfect for writing me story, thank you

  • @YingPar
    @YingPar 11 лет назад

    Very nice to have on hand for studying. Thanks for posting!

  • @Lumitikal
    @Lumitikal 11 лет назад

    perfect for a good old writing. Thanks ;)

  • @fuska213
    @fuska213 11 лет назад

    this is awesome what I put together is the skyrim soundtrack A winters tale , around the fire and the bannered Mare they all go with it!!!! :D

  • @d.whelan2595
    @d.whelan2595 8 лет назад

    I sit here drinking ale and this just tops it of perfectly!

  • @cosplayzombiekiller
    @cosplayzombiekiller 11 лет назад

    Makes me feel add if i were there. Now i can sleep :) thanks.

  • @geminibynature
    @geminibynature 9 лет назад +3

    Couple with the tavern music from the original Pirates of the Caribbean game, and it sounds homey :)

  • @Buskieboy
    @Buskieboy 8 лет назад

    I love it. I use this while reading my fantasy novels. Especially "Memory, Sorrow & Thorn" by Tad Williams.
    I would have liked to hear the occational laugh (male & female) in the distance (or various distances) as someone made a joke etc. Perhaps even a broken mug or bottle, but not too often! But excellent none the less! Thanks!

    @MARSHOMEWORLD 9 лет назад

    Love it, thanks!!

  • @YonaSoundcloud
    @YonaSoundcloud 9 лет назад +4

    With the Sun long set, and my final prayers of the day sung, I sat down at the bar and asked for a tankard of mead. "4 Darsun silver coins", the barkeep seemed pissed off, everyone round these parts was after all. With the wheat trade failing, people were struggling to eat. I felt eyes on the back of my head like beams of light; my accomplice, Sven, nudged my shoulder... "You think they'll buy our business proposition?". I merely shrugged, and took a sip of my mead. All around me I could hear the stories of travelling merchants and knights coming to rest. "The Reisun plains are wolf infested, a'v been hearin', and the red cross bandits have set up camp outside Taravale Keep!". Not the news we wanted to hear. Sven looked over at me, seems he heard it too. Turning away from each other we both take a swig of our drinks; seems we're out of luck.

  • @CreateGaming58
    @CreateGaming58 10 лет назад +7

    i miss the comments like these

  • @redknight85
    @redknight85 9 лет назад +5

    I guess I will give this role-playing thing a try:
    The ranger walked in from the stormy night, soaked to the bone, despite the cloak he wore. "Waterproof, my arse!", he grumbled. "If I ever see that swindling merchant again, I'll put my foot so far up his backside he'll be tasting boot leather!" With that out of his system, he trudged over to the counter and reserved a room for the next three nights from the innkeeper. That was when his contact was supposed to arrive. The local lord was, like many nobles with more greed than common sense, both over-taxing the peasantry and had confiscated all weapons in his domain. The lord had forgotten two crucial details, however. While his people may not have had much individually, if they pooled their money they could afford to hire a person like him to help them with their problem. And it didn't matter if all the weapons were seized if he brought his own from the outside. His contact had all the inside information about the most profitable tax routes and when the rumored weapons shipment was due to arrive. With money, weapons, and his help, these people might just stand a chance of getting rid of the idiot. But all that was for later. Right now he needed to get out of these wet clothes and get some hot food into his stomach. By the gods, was he hungry! He went upstairs to his room and changed into dry clothes. As he approached the door, he heard the tones of the voices downstairs change from quiet and casual to loud and hostile. He stepped out and looked over the railing into the main dining area just as the first punch was thrown. Soon the whole dining room had turned into a battlefield. An ear-to-ear grin slowly grew across his face. The food could wait. As he flung himself over the rail into the fight, three words left his lips. "IN CAYDEN'S NAME!!!"

    • @Njumkiy
      @Njumkiy 8 лет назад +1

      i think role playing is meant to be done with two or more people >.>

    • @redknight85
      @redknight85 8 лет назад

      ***** Thanks! Would you believe that it was my first time writing prose?

  • @hollowcat6756
    @hollowcat6756 7 лет назад

    Victor sat at the table in the corner of the tavern. The jovial voices of the other patrons and the crackling fire filling his ears. Oh what he wouldn't give to be home with his wife and daughter. But other things had to come first, like clearing his name, and squareing a debt with a blade to the neck. The door to the tavern opened, allowing the wind into the room causeing the candle flames to dance, "well..." Victor thought to himself "now I just need to clear my name" as Jinba walked through the door.

  • @livale8337
    @livale8337 9 лет назад +3

    The Midnight Glow Tavern. Those word were etched into the sign in-front of the building, and it couldn't be closer to the truth. Lillium, the Wood Elven Ranger, had found the tavern in her venture north, and from it's window's emitted the only light as far as the eye could see.
    Inside was a band of adventurers, a pair of local patrons, the barkeep, and a lone orc. The warm glow of the fireplace warmed Lillium's face as she pulled down her hood, revealing oak-colored skin and messy burgundy hair. The ranger sat herself down at a table in the corner with a bottle of sake.
    Her ears twitched as she overheard the other patrons. She overheard the local pair whispering of the Orc, their distrust of him. The adventurers also seemed to eye him from time to time, keeping one hand on their ale, and another on their blades.
    "He'll cause trouble, I know it" spoke the human adventurer to his gnomish accomplice "Orcs are always bad news."
    The Orc seemed unaware of the attention he drew, as he picked solemnly at his porridge. Then a slam of the door and the Orc looked straight up directly at the door, Lillium could see the hairs on his neck stand on end.
    In strode a heavily armored human knight, tall and proud, who promptly sat himself beside the Orc. Lillium noted the Orc's flinch as the knight slammed a fist in front of him on the table.
    "Come on, dearest friend!" the knight bellowed to the Orc, with the slightest hint of sarcasm, "You need not fear me, I swear I shall not harm you!" Mockery tainted his every word.
    The knight grabbed the Orc by the arm and dragged him out of the tavern, Lillium stealthily following suit. The knight had taken the Orc behind, the building, where he proceeded to kick the Orc down.
    "Miserable weasel! How dare you try to escape!" the knight said as he bashed the Orc further into the ground "You are my property and you shall act as such!"
    Acting out of pure instinct, Lillium knocked an arrow in her bow which landed in the knight's neck seconds later. She then helped the Orc back to his feet, smiling gently at him.
    "I'm sorry you had to go through that." she said, slipping a coin purse into his hand. "Just a tip, he's not going to be needed that armor anytime soon, and there is always work for a mercenary."
    As soon as the Midnight Glow Tavern disappeared behind the trees, so did the light, as Lillium continues her way north, new companion in tow and the stars as their guide.

  • @SavvyScribblin
    @SavvyScribblin 8 лет назад +2

    I love this. I don't do d&d (I certainly would if I had anyone nearby to play with) but this is very useful for background nose for writing. :) Thank you for making it!

  • @StrayCatMatt
    @StrayCatMatt  11 лет назад

    This link takes you back to my video here.

  • @filmting05
    @filmting05 9 лет назад

    Where are these sound froms? Did You make them youself, and can I use them for ambience in a commercial game without royalities or any such fees?

  • @nerothewizard
    @nerothewizard 7 лет назад

    Zobela held the mug up to the candlelight, and, satisfied that she had wiped up every last spot, set it in the bin next to the other clean ones. At last, the tub of dirty mugs had all been cleaned to a spotless shine. Her moment of satisfaction was short-lived, however, as Kurzag quickly and loudly dropped another bin behind the counter. She scowled at her half-orc employee. "Can't a lady get a moment's peace 'round 'ere?"
    He flashed her a toothy grin. "Not likely tonight, Miss Firebrew. We've picked up the pace quite a bit over the last couple of hours."
    "Aye," she said, rising up from the sink to stretch her back and turn to face the main dining area. "Aye, an' that we 'ave." She shooed Kurzag away and hissed, "Go on now, make sure you get all the tables cleaned off!"
    He gave her a mock salute and descended back into the chaos of the tavern's large room that was now teeming with guests. Zobela gave them the once-over. There was Flynn Featherfoot by the fire, grifting some poor, wide-eyed sap who would likely head home that night with a lighter coin purse thanks to the halfling's quick tongue and quicker fingers. There was Ylmae in the corner, sitting alone as usual with a mug that looked as though it had barely been touched; even after several conversations with the elf, Zobela couldn't quite figure out why she chose the Dragon's Belly as her evening hangout of choice, but at least she always paid for her drink and didn't start any trouble. Speaking of trouble, the long center table was the source of the most noise and the most suspicion for the night. The Foundry Boys, fresh off their day's labor, were already laying into the ale, and from the look of their empty mugs and waving arms, they were already two-and-a-half sheets to the wind and heading hard towards three. Zobela raised an eyebrow and muttered a reminder to herself to watch them tonight. The last thing she needed was a repeat of the brawl from two weeks ago. She still hadn't gotten all the bloodstains off the wall.
    The sink was full and the guests were following suit. It would be a good night in the Dragon's Belly.

  • @danielevans545
    @danielevans545 8 лет назад +2

    I wobbled into the tavern as human like as I could, I had not been bi-ped in years and it could only be a matter of minutes before I reverted back.
    I looked about for the blue hood Annuel said she'd be wearing but I couldn't see it anywhere, I leaned against a wall to try and hide my balance but all I could see were the weathered faces of woodsmen and hunters.....and the animal trophies on the walls.....and behind the bar....and the deer being roasted over the fire pit.
    Fear ran through me like an icy spike, I turned towards the door to leave and there just inside the doorway stood Annuel, blue hood down, skinning knife in hand and an evil grin that suddenly looked so at home on her face.
    She had brought the quarry to the hunters and I helped her do it. I thought of home, I thought of the grove in the Autumn, I thought of the nights spent with the herd keeping them safe from the poachers and hunters of Erdmont and I thought of running as I reverted back. I never stood a chance.

  • @zacharypugh4730
    @zacharypugh4730 7 лет назад +1

    Shadowy figures abounded in this old tavern. The lights danced around their saturnine faces and fell just shy of making them discernible. This was a place where a king could disappear if he so wanted. The traveler approached the counter. The barkeep paused for a moment and peered at her face, but like many she was a stranger. Perhaps she was looking for something, or perhaps she was being looked for. She said, "I'll have a pumpkin spice latte."
    "What size?"
    The traveler paused for a moment. "Grande," she said.
    "Would you like whipped cream on it?"
    "Sure. And what's the wi-fi password?"
    "No password. There's just a log-in page where you have to click 'I agree'."

  • @guerra_dos_bichos
    @guerra_dos_bichos 8 лет назад

    too busy