I think that's a very bad analogy. I rather see a beginner tracer limit testing than not. Mechanics are easier to improve compared to decision making, instincts, learning duels, and learning the maps. Those things won't really improve by not going for plays "because the mechanics are not yet there to compliment them" but mechanics will improve (even faster) by going for them.
As someone who used to play like this, they're definitely anxious/afraid. You can see it in the jittery movement. The times when I was calm, my mouse movements were much smoother.
It was because my sensitivity was very high and I over-adjust quite a bit. I submitted this clip a month or two ago, Me and my coach have been working on fixing things like this. But yes I suppose being anxious could be apart of it. I don't particularly remember this game and how I was feeling but that may be a factor!
@@WoostyOW I also think the jittering is because the sensitivity is way too high. I'd say you should decrease it pretty drastically, go down to like 40% of your current sens or something and see if you can get used to the lower one
@@WoostyOWbro 25 is a hell sensity. Mayyyyybe just maybe i dont want to say do this but maybe you can relax a lil bit i played exactly like you very shaky very hyperactive and this nervous game style did me panicking in almost every situation. Since i stoppped with this „nervous playstyle“ i got instantly out of bronze noe im gold/plat with dps. But everyone can decide how its their gamestyle and what makes fun for you.
1 minute in, already see this player's biggest problem to work on: - They play as if they have an enemy Tracer chasing them around 24/7. Brother, chill. You don't need to apply 1000 apm constantly. 90% of the time no one is targeting you, especially here in Bronze. Just take a breath, keep about 1 blink distance minimum at all times, and just shoot targets from short off angles. Fight for the off angle and your right to keep it, don't just hard chase elims only. You don't need to drop into the face of an Ana who isn't even fighting you. Just stay on high ground and shoot from there. When people DO look at you to fight you, THEN you move. Until then, just stay calm and pew pew. Rinse and repeat. Thank you for listening to my Tracer TED Talk. Enjoy the free sr.
Damn. I'm not even Bronze and thia works for me since I love playing Tracer and I "carry" games with her while fighting them at melee range. Only thing I don't do that this guy did was engage without recall and that puts me on Diamond with ease.
@@ragingdemon1344 The Tracer fundamentals work all the way to GM, it just scales with mechanical skill over time as you put more hours into active practice sessions etc. Great to hear you found some of it useful too :)
your first rookie mistake is judging a player with only 1 minute evidence. Yeah you can tell most of their issues with one minute but it's not a good thing to generally judge a player based on 1 minute of gameplay, that's called bad judgement.
@@AegisEdge I would not call it judgement, but rather assessment. Critique taken though, and your point is fair. While I wrote my comment after 1 minute of viewtime, I did not post it immediately. I went through the rest of the vid, both to double check that it wasn't a major fluke on my end, and also to see if there would be anything more pressing to deal with first -but there was not. So my presumption held true. With that said, here's the deal. I have coached 100s of players, many of them Tracer players (as it's a specialty of mine), and there are some subsets of patterns that you tend to see across almost every single person, depending on where in their improvement journey they are. These are very specific fundamentals, that when presented consistently especially in a short time frame, you immediately can understand most of the knock-on effects and symptoms. Usually content creators only address these symptoms on a case-by-case basis, which is why most content creators offer fine advice but not actually anything tangible that those players can actively work with to improve their playstyle and mindset etc. With that out of the way, within the first minute I saw about 10 major mistakes, but they all had the exact same key root, which is that this player is playing faster than their capacity to read the game actually can keep up with. Now, from experience I tend to be good at spotting why this happens (aka cause) and how they then effectively try to cope with it (aka effect). So when the cause and effect of a major fundamental gameplay aspect is evident within the first minute across multiple mistake samples, that is already more than enough to work out something specific that this person should actively practice, in order to dismantle existing habits and then form new, better ones. Now, the key here is that there are other types of mistakes present throughout the game too, other misconceptions about the game and how to play that hero, that map, etc. Lots of things to dive into. Things like "don't expose yourself to more than one enemy at a time", or "don't cheat your way to value by neglecting your general hero advantages for the sake of pursuing short term spur-of-the-moment goals", or "map pathing is the main default aspect to Tracer at any moment, both during downtime and uptime, and is contextualized to the map and the position of your team + the enemy team" etc. But when coaching someone, especially a Bronze player, it's very important that you only focus on one major aspect at a time for them to work on, otherwise the practice goals become too intangible and too broad, and chances are that the consistency of practice will suffer, and they won't see meaningful progress. Overworking yourself and trying to hard force engages and chase elims over maintaining strong angles, that is a major issue especially with Tracer, because her flexible kit gives players the agency to commit more mistakes more often, without realizing because the harsh penalty often isn't there. So if you can start by addressing this specific issue and build better habits, that will have a natural trickle-down effect on other issues that were also present, and give the player more tools to better address those issues too in the future. This is probably way too much of a text wall for what you wrote, but I am writing it also for the sake of others who may actually take something beneficial from this in terms of what to look for, and how to prioritize practice goals. It's the most important aspect of coaching (oneself too), and is often fairly overlooked by those with less experience with vod reviews.
And he will never be able to understand why. being low bronze in these games for an extended peirod of time, is indicative of things such as learning disability's, lack of efficient problem solving skills and below average to insanely low IQ. study's have been done on this in the last few years. Its not looking good for the player here. Not in game and not in real life.
Its funny how often in low ranks that people will group up and work as a team on offense, but somehow on defense they just fall apart. It's almost like they think cuz long enough there is time they are in no rush so they can group up. But on defense they treat every inch as a devastating loss so they will throw themselves on the cart hoping that their solo ult or something will just stop the cart moving.
YES even in Plat (I know that isn't saying much but it's a fair bit better than Bronze), I've seen (more often than I'd like) teammates (especially tanks) who think they need to MAKE space on defense, instead of HOLD space. People like pressing W and don't understand you don't need to be constantly pushing forward when a teamfight is won. But people also don't like feeling like they are doing nothing, especially since teammate flaming is so common and these lower ranks don't understand what playing defensively is. The "fall back" comm is very useful, but teammates usually take their sweet time reacting to it. Also by the time you realize you should hit the comm for an overextending teammate, it may already be too late for them.
Maybe because im exclusively only a tank player i dont really see this that often but i would of thought holding space was better than taking space because it gets harder to fight a team the closer you get to there spawn apart from taking space to position your team on a more favourble choke /angle@@karamei
@@shiftygypsy89migh41i feel like its way too early for that, the game is so fresh that the skill level is not balanced in lower ranks and is all over the place sometimes
3:47 That could be a replay viewer bug and not the player. During gameplay, yes the player can control the camera while emoting. But in the replay viewer, the spectator controls the camera during the emote. So the player might have third person peeked during the game, but it wont show on Flats' view.
counterpoint - the third person camera has a short range and this range gets shorter if it hits a wall. based on geometry, if you're closer to the wall such that the third person camera is parallel, you can have much more visibility than if you were to be at a larger angle. A counterpoint to flat's assumption is that it's a reasonable idea for the tracer to be camping the health pack, since they know a sombra is prowling about it's a high potential that they could get lit up at any time. Sitting on the health pack means that as soon as they take the damage, they'd heal it back. However, the issue with this logic that they might have had is if the sombra instead starts with a hack; which would, while not hitting the tracer, instead hit the health pack and potentially lead to a duel where the sombra has a heal in the middle of the fight. Another issue is that the mega would only heal the first burst of damage, either a virus or a bullet, meaning the rest of the magdump would still go through. Or, this is bronze, and they didn't think this hard, and sitting was cute.
bro, the only advice that can be given here is to lower the mouse sensitivity slider by at least 2 times, and breathe easy. Mechanics in overwatch are incredibly important, but you won't hit the enemy if you hold down the left mouse button like no tommorow
@@WoostyOWI am a gold tracer. You can get to gold man I believe!! Just stop panicking with recall. Try to use it only when you can’t blink to a healthpack easily or get hit with something like an Ashe/Hanzo/Cree/widow/Mei that takes out most of your hp. Try to see if you can fall back to your team too! Try to shoot from an angle where only one person can see you and always blink so that they have to turn around to shoot you.
@commentbot9510 Noted, this footage is old footage from a couple months ago though. I have been doing better and I'm almost in Gold myself now. Appreciate you 🙏🥂
People in Plat are mostly people from gold that had to suffer more than Rammatra to rank up and take the game way too seriously to avoid going back to gold.
@@mr.mcchillin5303 no I'm just bad and I think the ranked games were putting me in bad games or something cuz I rolled while also dying/not contributing as a support.
He won't though. statistics are against him. studys over the last few years. correlate low teir ranked play for extended periods of time, to undiagnosed mental illness such as learning disability's and below average to concerningly low IQ. im not saying you are mentaly ill if you start in bronze due to jumping into the deap end to early or end up in bronze after not playing for awhile. I'm talking a period of extended bronze level play that lasts more than 1 month. That is indicative of mental or social issues.
I have been using aim training in Overwatch more recently and often! I can't get myself to play aimlabs. I have an ADHD brain so I get bored there so quickly. Im hoping with time though It will get better! I haven't played an FPS before overwatch so Im not doubting it will take a while
@@WoostyOW A little bit of warm up here and there on a code like VAXTA is not a bad idea, but don't train your aim too much on shooting bots. There's ultimately no replacement for shooting at real players in varied scenarios. Time is the big key, but it is good to focus on one aspect of your aim in a match and try to take feedback in real time. Also, tip videos can be very helpful. Take a few and try them out, some may improve your aim near instantly, some will be a work in progress.
"Mechanics definitely need a little bit of improvement" is putting it nicely. This man got like a 25% accuracy when he's not shooting at a big ol tank.
bronze players will never improve. thats the point of these videos. Bronze meens you have some problems that exist outside of the game. Be it low IQ, Problem with authority, Hostile personality, Learning disability, or other undiagnosed mental issues. studys have been done. low teir/Bronze players are actually mentally ill irl alot of the time. They do not have the capacity to do better.
Honestly he's pretty good for a bronze player. Tracer is one of the hardest heroes to play due to low hp and intense aim tracking needed. I hope he keeps getting better!
You want to charge pulse. Pulse doesn't charge if its ready. Use it so you can charge pulse. If you stop moving your recall dies, you need to distance yourself from three seconds ago to do that recall dodge/doubleback. You need to find a 'still place' if you move right (don't waste time) you can literally calmly walk into their backline, like you belong there and start shooting. 1v1 a melee thing, blink through them, only shoot from behind. Recalling to be behind your chaser is nifty sometimes (bait, you don't have to 'shoot to kill')
Aside from needing to become better mechanically a huge thing that helps these kinds of players is just turning their sensitivity down a bit. The amount of shots this tracer missed from overflicking was ridiculous and honestly could be solved very easily.
She very clearly says "you're mine now" in the background -but that said with all that's going on I can understand why a Bronze player may not notice it among everything else they're paying (too much) attention to
@@GodofPing Thats fair. I think its just something that you learn to do when you have experience going against a lot of sombras due to the heroes you play. Sombras voicelines, hack or virus sounds are sounds that instictively make me look more than other sounds because you need to listen for them always to play on a hero that is hard countered by sombra. Having said that he is in bronze so i don't expect him to notice it until he improves the rest of his gameplay.
@@Real_MisterSir now that i think about it, i dont really see much sombras in my rank, and it also doesnt help that i dont play with sound half the time
I feel like they need to switch their thoughts about pulse and recall. Pulse is a button if you're playing tracer right you get pulse every fight, but recall is your ult that can instantly return you to full hp
I miss playing tracer, I was never good but she was always so fun to blink around for 1v1s and annoying backlines, I don't play overwatch 2 cause it just seems like such a pain of an experience that I don't want to deal with it again ontop of losing my old account with all my ow1 skins that I lost the password to so that's really killed it for me tbh, I low-key hope rivals adds a character like tracer who can blink around, idk what marvel character it can be but I can dream
Honestly every single thing this player is good at is immediately cheapened by how bad their mechanics are. There were so many instances of them just shoot their gun and hitting nothing or drawing an outline of their target
Fun fact in the lower ranks of bronze to Gold I would say you will have a teammate or team that will hold their ults like it's a Christmas gift and won't use it to help the team land also bad timing and ult usage 😂
Bro is jittery and nervous. Definitely needs to lower sens a bit and needs to work on blink/recall usage. They use their blinks too often and they use their recall very unnecessarily only to go in aggro without recall and die. They're not bad, they just need to fix these mistakes and they can easily be gold/plat. And also positioning and awareness, but that's typical.
he has the tracer gene in him. bros hitting diamond once he cleans up mechanics and game sense. my advice is to lower sens by 1, try to keep some blinks for engagements, and start playing into tracers advantages
@@dannyfz At the time my Sensitivity was above 20 I believe! It since has been lowered to around 7 and has worked much better. My biggest problem at this moment is Trigger Discipline! I have been working on it with my coach and few other things! One step at a Time
"Do you have a headset" mf has the Sennheiser HD 600s or something. These are like default audiophile headphones, the average player isnt going to have the best headphones on a free 2 play lol
you don't need expensive ones to use them and get directional sounds. I've been using £20 ones for years and they're good enough to hear when someone's behind me
Dudes gotta turn down his sense and learn to 180 without it, can’t land shots if you’re flicking past the dude literally every time. Better than I ever did on tracer though
This person plays like they drink 2-3 energy drinks before every gaming session. He needs to just slow down and chill out because his aim is just off the charts sometimes to the point he misses 75% of his shots and tickles whatever he does hit due to fall off. On a positive note, he's got decent mechanical skill for his rank but his overall awareness needs to improve if he really wants to climb.
In my opinion, this looks like a bought account. An account that is old is SUPER hard to rank up on. They belong higher than broze, idk if league at all obviously, but def higher.
I have a genuine question. How do you know when to "walk"? Is it situational? ive heard the term many times but never understood and would it work with doomfist? or is it more for like orisa/rein/etc
Funny part is that people play like this and wonder why they don't climb while the truth is that all this bullshit would get him stomped even in mid gold. Because just people remembering that you're there, chasing you like dogs and having that 5% awareness would leave a bronze killed every 10 sec.
Just slow down your aim and you can climb pretty easily. You ahd yrouble shooting the pylon multiple times because of how quickly you were shaking your mouse
This feels like a Tracer player that shouldnt be playing Tracer (yet). They have no confidence in their fights, their aim is all over the place, and they are just now understanding the concepts of "flanks" and "picks". Not to be down on them, but they definitely need to learn more about the basics, learn to panic less, and... well, aim for Gold before professionals. Because no offense, but Overwatch, and it's proleague, will likely be dead long before anyone currently in Bronze is able to reach that skill level.
He better be 16 or younger if he wants to make Top 500, let alone pro, starting from bronze. Nobody tell him almost every top 500 streamer he watches was never lower than diamond. You either have it or you dont.
Studys have been done on this as well, saddly unlike video games cause bad things. the study's have shown, low rank in online games after 100s of hours. Is correlated with some form of mental or social issue on the players part. Be that low IQ, problems with authority, living in poverty, Communication issues, lack of support and real friendships. mental health issues across the board ranging from depression, learning disability's, anger issues, time management issues. Being low bronze for more than a month of serious play, is indicative that you need to go and check on your mental health. These are troubled and unwell folk
@@CometaTheBurrito420 no studys have been conducted. low level players that are there for more than a month are there due to undiagnosed metnal illness in many cases. Any thing from depression to learning disablity. If you play the game every day and don't get better you have a problom and its likely a serious learning disability. or social issue. These are the nasty truths.
I genuinely never understand how people can be bronze. Like I know people that I've been playing from 2016 and their bronze yet I just started this year and I'm already diamond? This is also my first FPS and I do not play any shooter games my most games I play used to be stardew valley in Minecraft 😂 I would also play slime rancher in Terraria those would be my only games I play.
I have not watched the video yet but here are my guesses Map:Eichewalde Blips herself off the map Recalls at such a bad timing Recalls right at a ult Map: all maps Misses pulls grenade Gets one kill with the pulse grenade Hits tank with ult only deletes 75% hp only to be zen ulted and mercy pocket
Definitely doing to much. If you ever see this comment brother there is no need to move your mouse so much. I feel like you were missing so many shots because you were overloading yourself. Take a deep breath and calm down please.
You really don't need any coaching in bronze, just play the game, and once you hit diamond, that's when coaching matters more. They literally just need to play the game more
hes months in lmao. you can tell hes watched guides on playing tracer already but lacks in non-tracer aspects. lots of gamesense issues and thats where some slight coaching can come in
also it's funny that in lore reason, widowmaker heartbeat slowed down a lot so she turned blue, and the reason is to make her a better killer, still hands, calmed and collected. The same way when u play fps, if u panick too much your aim is gonna be shit like this.
this is the mechanical definition of learning how to speedrun a rubix cube by twisting and spinning one really fast, before learning how to solve one
equivalent might be a better word
That's one way to put it
I think that's a very bad analogy. I rather see a beginner tracer limit testing than not. Mechanics are easier to improve compared to decision making, instincts, learning duels, and learning the maps. Those things won't really improve by not going for plays "because the mechanics are not yet there to compliment them" but mechanics will improve (even faster) by going for them.
As someone who used to play like this, they're definitely anxious/afraid. You can see it in the jittery movement. The times when I was calm, my mouse movements were much smoother.
i can feel the sweaty palms through their gameplay😭
It was because my sensitivity was very high and I over-adjust quite a bit. I submitted this clip a month or two ago, Me and my coach have been working on fixing things like this. But yes I suppose being anxious could be apart of it. I don't particularly remember this game and how I was feeling but that may be a factor!
@@WoostyOW I also think the jittering is because the sensitivity is way too high. I'd say you should decrease it pretty drastically, go down to like 40% of your current sens or something and see if you can get used to the lower one
@@Huqe It was at about 25 it's now and has been down to 6 or 7 for about a month or so. A little after the VOD in the video. Has been much better
@@WoostyOWbro 25 is a hell sensity. Mayyyyybe just maybe i dont want to say do this but maybe you can relax a lil bit i played exactly like you very shaky very hyperactive and this nervous game style did me panicking in almost every situation. Since i stoppped with this „nervous playstyle“ i got instantly out of bronze noe im gold/plat with dps. But everyone can decide how its their gamestyle and what makes fun for you.
1 minute in, already see this player's biggest problem to work on:
- They play as if they have an enemy Tracer chasing them around 24/7.
Brother, chill. You don't need to apply 1000 apm constantly. 90% of the time no one is targeting you, especially here in Bronze. Just take a breath, keep about 1 blink distance minimum at all times, and just shoot targets from short off angles. Fight for the off angle and your right to keep it, don't just hard chase elims only. You don't need to drop into the face of an Ana who isn't even fighting you. Just stay on high ground and shoot from there. When people DO look at you to fight you, THEN you move. Until then, just stay calm and pew pew. Rinse and repeat.
Thank you for listening to my Tracer TED Talk. Enjoy the free sr.
Damn. I'm not even Bronze and thia works for me since I love playing Tracer and I "carry" games with her while fighting them at melee range.
Only thing I don't do that this guy did was engage without recall and that puts me on Diamond with ease.
@@ragingdemon1344 The Tracer fundamentals work all the way to GM, it just scales with mechanical skill over time as you put more hours into active practice sessions etc. Great to hear you found some of it useful too :)
your first rookie mistake is judging a player with only 1 minute evidence. Yeah you can tell most of their issues with one minute but it's not a good thing to generally judge a player based on 1 minute of gameplay, that's called bad judgement.
I will Keep these in mind Thank you for your Ted Talk
@@AegisEdge I would not call it judgement, but rather assessment. Critique taken though, and your point is fair. While I wrote my comment after 1 minute of viewtime, I did not post it immediately. I went through the rest of the vid, both to double check that it wasn't a major fluke on my end, and also to see if there would be anything more pressing to deal with first -but there was not. So my presumption held true.
With that said, here's the deal. I have coached 100s of players, many of them Tracer players (as it's a specialty of mine), and there are some subsets of patterns that you tend to see across almost every single person, depending on where in their improvement journey they are. These are very specific fundamentals, that when presented consistently especially in a short time frame, you immediately can understand most of the knock-on effects and symptoms. Usually content creators only address these symptoms on a case-by-case basis, which is why most content creators offer fine advice but not actually anything tangible that those players can actively work with to improve their playstyle and mindset etc.
With that out of the way, within the first minute I saw about 10 major mistakes, but they all had the exact same key root, which is that this player is playing faster than their capacity to read the game actually can keep up with. Now, from experience I tend to be good at spotting why this happens (aka cause) and how they then effectively try to cope with it (aka effect). So when the cause and effect of a major fundamental gameplay aspect is evident within the first minute across multiple mistake samples, that is already more than enough to work out something specific that this person should actively practice, in order to dismantle existing habits and then form new, better ones.
Now, the key here is that there are other types of mistakes present throughout the game too, other misconceptions about the game and how to play that hero, that map, etc. Lots of things to dive into. Things like "don't expose yourself to more than one enemy at a time", or "don't cheat your way to value by neglecting your general hero advantages for the sake of pursuing short term spur-of-the-moment goals", or "map pathing is the main default aspect to Tracer at any moment, both during downtime and uptime, and is contextualized to the map and the position of your team + the enemy team" etc. But when coaching someone, especially a Bronze player, it's very important that you only focus on one major aspect at a time for them to work on, otherwise the practice goals become too intangible and too broad, and chances are that the consistency of practice will suffer, and they won't see meaningful progress.
Overworking yourself and trying to hard force engages and chase elims over maintaining strong angles, that is a major issue especially with Tracer, because her flexible kit gives players the agency to commit more mistakes more often, without realizing because the harsh penalty often isn't there. So if you can start by addressing this specific issue and build better habits, that will have a natural trickle-down effect on other issues that were also present, and give the player more tools to better address those issues too in the future.
This is probably way too much of a text wall for what you wrote, but I am writing it also for the sake of others who may actually take something beneficial from this in terms of what to look for, and how to prioritize practice goals. It's the most important aspect of coaching (oneself too), and is often fairly overlooked by those with less experience with vod reviews.
This is someone who watched high level Tracer players do stuff but has no idea why they are doing it
And he will never be able to understand why. being low bronze in these games for an extended peirod of time, is indicative of things such as learning disability's, lack of efficient problem solving skills and below average to insanely low IQ. study's have been done on this in the last few years. Its not looking good for the player here. Not in game and not in real life.
That’s cruel 😂
It’s nice to have a spectating session that’s less roast-ey and more educational
Its funny how often in low ranks that people will group up and work as a team on offense, but somehow on defense they just fall apart. It's almost like they think cuz long enough there is time they are in no rush so they can group up. But on defense they treat every inch as a devastating loss so they will throw themselves on the cart hoping that their solo ult or something will just stop the cart moving.
YES even in Plat (I know that isn't saying much but it's a fair bit better than Bronze), I've seen (more often than I'd like) teammates (especially tanks) who think they need to MAKE space on defense, instead of HOLD space. People like pressing W and don't understand you don't need to be constantly pushing forward when a teamfight is won. But people also don't like feeling like they are doing nothing, especially since teammate flaming is so common and these lower ranks don't understand what playing defensively is. The "fall back" comm is very useful, but teammates usually take their sweet time reacting to it. Also by the time you realize you should hit the comm for an overextending teammate, it may already be too late for them.
@@karameiPlat is better than bronze by not a small margin
Maybe because im exclusively only a tank player i dont really see this that often but i would of thought holding space was better than taking space because it gets harder to fight a team the closer you get to there spawn apart from taking space to position your team on a more favourble choke /angle@@karamei
@@ColeBresnehen yeah that was a joke
@@borzoilover4156 yes exactly
Was scared we were only getting Marvels videos. Glad to see OW bronze vids are still here
Now he jsut needs to move to Rivels bronze lol
@@shiftygypsy89migh41i feel like its way too early for that, the game is so fresh that the skill level is not balanced in lower ranks and is all over the place sometimes
@@shiftygypsy89migh41Or he can just... do both
@@topkekkek2135 that would be the fun part. you would get such a disparity between "good and bad".
He can still do both. it feels like people are so desperate for him to "abandon" this game.
6:16 completely believable Venture being defeated with Dino Nuggets
3:47 That could be a replay viewer bug and not the player. During gameplay, yes the player can control the camera while emoting. But in the replay viewer, the spectator controls the camera during the emote. So the player might have third person peeked during the game, but it wont show on Flats' view.
counterpoint - the third person camera has a short range and this range gets shorter if it hits a wall. based on geometry, if you're closer to the wall such that the third person camera is parallel, you can have much more visibility than if you were to be at a larger angle.
A counterpoint to flat's assumption is that it's a reasonable idea for the tracer to be camping the health pack, since they know a sombra is prowling about it's a high potential that they could get lit up at any time. Sitting on the health pack means that as soon as they take the damage, they'd heal it back. However, the issue with this logic that they might have had is if the sombra instead starts with a hack; which would, while not hitting the tracer, instead hit the health pack and potentially lead to a duel where the sombra has a heal in the middle of the fight. Another issue is that the mega would only heal the first burst of damage, either a virus or a bullet, meaning the rest of the magdump would still go through.
Or, this is bronze, and they didn't think this hard, and sitting was cute.
I'm surprised no one mentioned that this guy literally never has a blink spare, he uses it off cooldown and never has 2 in pocket always 1 or 0
Yeah, I submitted this clip a month or two ago. Have been working on using resources sparingly. My coach has definitely pointed that out
@@WoostyOWis that acc u?
@Yedobat ShadowTracer is my account yes
@@WoostyOW cool
bro, the only advice that can be given here is to lower the mouse sensitivity slider by at least 2 times, and breathe easy. Mechanics in overwatch are incredibly important, but you won't hit the enemy if you hold down the left mouse button like no tommorow
The rocket hammer in my hand:
0:48 My questions is: What aren't they running Talon Tracer?
If their battletag is ShadowTracer, Talon Tracer would be an ideal skin for them right?
I don't like that skin Much, looks too emo
That's the point lol
Tracer got the Reaper treatment, which would mean Reaper might either be dead/normal/with his powers but happy
@@tuckmasterg Fair. But she still looks too happy being emo. she should have a frown ☹️
this person is better than some gold players, their passion is their strenght
@@WoostyOWI am a gold tracer. You can get to gold man I believe!! Just stop panicking with recall. Try to use it only when you can’t blink to a healthpack easily or get hit with something like an Ashe/Hanzo/Cree/widow/Mei that takes out most of your hp. Try to see if you can fall back to your team too! Try to shoot from an angle where only one person can see you and always blink so that they have to turn around to shoot you.
@commentbot9510 Noted, this footage is old footage from a couple months ago though. I have been doing better and I'm almost in Gold myself now. Appreciate you 🙏🥂
@ nice good job!!
the jittering around is killing me man
My sensitivity was at like 25 at the time. Its now down to 7 I believe
@@WoostyOW 25???? Holy shit, what eDPI is that even?
0:40 “oh you guys were cooked form the start!” 😭😭 bro I can’t
Bro people in plat are so mean i wanna go back to gold 😭😭
They are. And they get worse the higher you go... and the more likely they'll throw and pre-tilt. It's absolute madness. 😅😢
People in Plat are mostly people from gold that had to suffer more than Rammatra to rank up and take the game way too seriously to avoid going back to gold.
@@Nefusk4n SUFFUUURRR AS I HAVE 😭😭😭😭
They hit diamond 1 time and now anyone in plat is holding them back. It’s a plague
@@mr.mcchillin5303 no I'm just bad and I think the ranked games were putting me in bad games or something cuz I rolled while also dying/not contributing as a support.
There are a lot of potentials, the reactions are really good, just need to train the tracking and the shoot in general and you climb easily after
He won't though. statistics are against him. studys over the last few years. correlate low teir ranked play for extended periods of time, to undiagnosed mental illness such as learning disability's and below average to concerningly low IQ. im not saying you are mentaly ill if you start in bronze due to jumping into the deap end to early or end up in bronze after not playing for awhile. I'm talking a period of extended bronze level play that lasts more than 1 month. That is indicative of mental or social issues.
I have been using aim training in Overwatch more recently and often! I can't get myself to play aimlabs. I have an ADHD brain so I get bored there so quickly. Im hoping with time though It will get better! I haven't played an FPS before overwatch so Im not doubting it will take a while
@@WoostyOW A little bit of warm up here and there on a code like VAXTA is not a bad idea, but don't train your aim too much on shooting bots. There's ultimately no replacement for shooting at real players in varied scenarios. Time is the big key, but it is good to focus on one aspect of your aim in a match and try to take feedback in real time. Also, tip videos can be very helpful. Take a few and try them out, some may improve your aim near instantly, some will be a work in progress.
"Mechanics definitely need a little bit of improvement" is putting it nicely. This man got like a 25% accuracy when he's not shooting at a big ol tank.
bronze players will never improve. thats the point of these videos. Bronze meens you have some problems that exist outside of the game. Be it low IQ, Problem with authority, Hostile personality, Learning disability, or other undiagnosed mental issues. studys have been done. low teir/Bronze players are actually mentally ill irl alot of the time. They do not have the capacity to do better.
Yes I do struggle with holding down the trigger. Trigger discipline is probably one of my worst traits right now
@@WoostyOW no not trigger discipline your tracking just needs work. either lower the sens or spend some time in VAXTA working on your tracking
Honestly he's pretty good for a bronze player. Tracer is one of the hardest heroes to play due to low hp and intense aim tracking needed. I hope he keeps getting better!
Compared to other vods this guy actually isnt bad, i can tell this guy has skill just isnt experienced in the game
He looks like he had a tad too much coffee before starting up overwatch. Jesus
God, I love the DK64 music. It gets me feeling a type of way.
“You guys were cooked from the start”😂😂😂
9:37 if they stuck cart they mightve capped in their faces lmao
I see we dug up an oldie. Love the vids as always!
You want to charge pulse. Pulse doesn't charge if its ready. Use it so you can charge pulse. If you stop moving your recall dies, you need to distance yourself from three seconds ago to do that recall dodge/doubleback.
You need to find a 'still place' if you move right (don't waste time) you can literally calmly walk into their backline, like you belong there and start shooting. 1v1 a melee thing, blink through them, only shoot from behind. Recalling to be behind your chaser is nifty sometimes (bait, you don't have to 'shoot to kill')
Aside from needing to become better mechanically a huge thing that helps these kinds of players is just turning their sensitivity down a bit. The amount of shots this tracer missed from overflicking was ridiculous and honestly could be solved very easily.
Damn, i love bronzes videos, can't stop watching them all
Am i the only one who couldnt hear the sombra uncloaking over soldiers shooting???? 2:23
i mean you can clearly hear her voiceline so you should be turning around for it.
@@ashonline77oh shit there was one ngl i think i was to focussed on trying to hear her uncloak that i completely ignored the voiceline lmao
She very clearly says "you're mine now" in the background -but that said with all that's going on I can understand why a Bronze player may not notice it among everything else they're paying (too much) attention to
@@GodofPing Thats fair. I think its just something that you learn to do when you have experience going against a lot of sombras due to the heroes you play.
Sombras voicelines, hack or virus sounds are sounds that instictively make me look more than other sounds because you need to listen for them always to play on a hero that is hard countered by sombra. Having said that he is in bronze so i don't expect him to notice it until he improves the rest of his gameplay.
@@Real_MisterSir now that i think about it, i dont really see much sombras in my rank, and it also doesnt help that i dont play with sound half the time
I feel like they need to switch their thoughts about pulse and recall. Pulse is a button if you're playing tracer right you get pulse every fight, but recall is your ult that can instantly return you to full hp
I miss playing tracer, I was never good but she was always so fun to blink around for 1v1s and annoying backlines, I don't play overwatch 2 cause it just seems like such a pain of an experience that I don't want to deal with it again ontop of losing my old account with all my ow1 skins that I lost the password to so that's really killed it for me tbh, I low-key hope rivals adds a character like tracer who can blink around, idk what marvel character it can be but I can dream
On defense I was thinking this guy could be at least gold if he had better mechanics. Then round 2 happened.
Normalin normalin
Honestly every single thing this player is good at is immediately cheapened by how bad their mechanics are. There were so many instances of them just shoot their gun and hitting nothing or drawing an outline of their target
Yeah my trigger discipline isnt the greatest! Been working on it with my coach!
This person needs to lower their sens a fair amount.
Why am I hearing mario music in the video? LOL!
Fun fact in the lower ranks of bronze to Gold I would say you will have a teammate or team that will hold their ults like it's a Christmas gift and won't use it to help the team land also bad timing and ult usage 😂
Bro is jittery and nervous. Definitely needs to lower sens a bit and needs to work on blink/recall usage. They use their blinks too often and they use their recall very unnecessarily only to go in aggro without recall and die. They're not bad, they just need to fix these mistakes and they can easily be gold/plat. And also positioning and awareness, but that's typical.
we want spectating bronze in marvel rivals
I can see this guy def getting to low gold. Not owcs material yet but shows promise to climb a bit
he has the tracer gene in him. bros hitting diamond once he cleans up mechanics and game sense. my advice is to lower sens by 1, try to keep some blinks for engagements, and start playing into tracers advantages
@@dannyfz At the time my Sensitivity was above 20 I believe! It since has been lowered to around 7 and has worked much better. My biggest problem at this moment is Trigger Discipline! I have been working on it with my coach and few other things! One step at a Time
@@WoostyOW dope. i run the 7 sens too. 20 is actually crazy. but yea one thing at a time; all the improvements add up and really make a difference
Back to it huh
Back tuah
You can tell how old the footage is by the red name tag kid. There's no "back to it"
someone will inprove reducing the sensivity i think
This guy could use a couple more hours on Ape Escape if you ask me. Overwatch is great and all but I just wish there was more content on that game.
Flats hands way to small and dainty for a man of his stature😂
You can tell how old the footage is by the red name tag
I submitted this VOD a couple months ago I believe. Yes been a little!
meleetracer XD
"Do you have a headset" mf has the Sennheiser HD 600s or something. These are like default audiophile headphones, the average player isnt going to have the best headphones on a free 2 play lol
you don't need expensive ones to use them and get directional sounds. I've been using £20 ones for years and they're good enough to hear when someone's behind me
What is a good sensitivity setting in Overwatch for Tracer at 800 DPI?
I’m a diamong tracer main and I use 4.5, but most top players use anything from 4 to 7 at that dpi (closer to 4 though).
within a minute dang
Dudes gotta turn down his sense and learn to 180 without it, can’t land shots if you’re flicking past the dude literally every time. Better than I ever did on tracer though
My sensitivity was above 20 in the VOD, It has since been lowered to around 6 or 7!
Where can I get these bronze games. Cause I swear I don't get these
This person plays like they drink 2-3 energy drinks before every gaming session. He needs to just slow down and chill out because his aim is just off the charts sometimes to the point he misses 75% of his shots and tickles whatever he does hit due to fall off. On a positive note, he's got decent mechanical skill for his rank but his overall awareness needs to improve if he really wants to climb.
this is so random but what is the name of the song/track playing in the background? It starts @ 3:10
The Jitter aim tells me he has too high Mouse sense or he needs to learn to control it.
I think every match has a aimbotter in it on Overwatch
In my opinion, this looks like a bought account. An account that is old is SUPER hard to rank up on. They belong higher than broze, idk if league at all obviously, but def higher.
I have a genuine question. How do you know when to "walk"? Is it situational? ive heard the term many times but never understood and would it work with doomfist? or is it more for like orisa/rein/etc
A slightly lower sens would have fixed their aim tenfold
We need more chat D:
BRO I have shadowtracer in my friends list 😂 ain’t no way and I was low silver when I friended them
Why would you not include the whole introduction text from him in this video?
But where's the roast, Flats?
What’s the ost at 3:25 ???
Funny part is that people play like this and wonder why they don't climb while the truth is that all this bullshit would get him stomped even in mid gold. Because just people remembering that you're there, chasing you like dogs and having that 5% awareness would leave a bronze killed every 10 sec.
It's Bronze and they have Jade.... should've say something.
I believe in them. Don’t let your dreams be dreams. But I dunno why you want to be in OW esports. Like Flats said, you earn very little money from it.
eye emojis
eye emojis
Shoot for the moon i guess
Just slow down your aim and you can climb pretty easily. You ahd yrouble shooting the pylon multiple times because of how quickly you were shaking your mouse
My life expectancy rose when I stopped playing this game. Its death will see a healthy future.
I wish if Flats was mean like the old times. Now he’s just kinda honest and safe but neither really- just like OW…😢
Drop your sensitivity.. like ALOT.. and less melee well your improvinging your mechanical aim, then once your aim is better, weave in melee
My sensitivity was about 20 in the VOD, It has since been lowered to about 6 or 7~
Marvel bronze when? think it would be fun to see since there's such a disparity between the "good and down right terrible" in bronze/Silver right now.
It's all downright terrible in Marvel Rivals too, don't you worry.
@@westarrr thats the good part.
If this is owcs skill then owl would still be alive
This feels like a Tracer player that shouldnt be playing Tracer (yet). They have no confidence in their fights, their aim is all over the place, and they are just now understanding the concepts of "flanks" and "picks". Not to be down on them, but they definitely need to learn more about the basics, learn to panic less, and... well, aim for Gold before professionals. Because no offense, but Overwatch, and it's proleague, will likely be dead long before anyone currently in Bronze is able to reach that skill level.
I've never heard Flats talk so much trash about a player who's probably better than him as Tracer.
💀 I thought he was pretty tame on my gameplay compared to other videos honestly
He better be 16 or younger if he wants to make Top 500, let alone pro, starting from bronze. Nobody tell him almost every top 500 streamer he watches was never lower than diamond. You either have it or you dont.
Studys have been done on this as well, saddly unlike video games cause bad things. the study's have shown, low rank in online games after 100s of hours. Is correlated with some form of mental or social issue on the players part. Be that low IQ, problems with authority, living in poverty, Communication issues, lack of support and real friendships. mental health issues across the board ranging from depression, learning disability's, anger issues, time management issues. Being low bronze for more than a month of serious play, is indicative that you need to go and check on your mental health. These are troubled and unwell folk
The words of a hardstuck silver
@@CometaTheBurrito420 no studys have been conducted. low level players that are there for more than a month are there due to undiagnosed metnal illness in many cases. Any thing from depression to learning disablity. If you play the game every day and don't get better you have a problom and its likely a serious learning disability. or social issue. These are the nasty truths.
Brother what
@@1Meepman Just telling truths m'lord.
Yaaay, more Overwatch content! ❤ Fully respect the Rivals mix, but it's just not for me.
I genuinely never understand how people can be bronze. Like I know people that I've been playing from 2016 and their bronze yet I just started this year and I'm already diamond? This is also my first FPS and I do not play any shooter games my most games I play used to be stardew valley in Minecraft 😂 I would also play slime rancher in Terraria those would be my only games I play.
I think its a skill issue on my part. Some people are just quicker to learn. Most have to pound repetition into their brain! Lol
I never play as tracer and even i know this person is playing trash
This hurts to watch
I have not watched the video yet but here are my guesses
Blips herself off the map
Recalls at such a bad timing
Recalls right at a ult
Map: all maps
Misses pulls grenade
Gets one kill with the pulse grenade
Hits tank with ult only deletes 75% hp only to be zen ulted and mercy pocket
When are you going to start making videos like this for Marvel Rivals?
Lil bro aspiring to make like $10 an hour 😂
I want to watch this video but jfc tracer gameplay makes me queasy. Ggwp or grgr IDC, I hate tracers
Is this a switch player?
Definitely doing to much. If you ever see this comment brother there is no need to move your mouse so much. I feel like you were missing so many shots because you were overloading yourself. Take a deep breath and calm down please.
You really don't need any coaching in bronze, just play the game, and once you hit diamond, that's when coaching matters more. They literally just need to play the game more
hes months in lmao. you can tell hes watched guides on playing tracer already but lacks in non-tracer aspects. lots of gamesense issues and thats where some slight coaching can come in
First one 45 s ;)
naw tracer shooting tank is never fine unless the tank is the only last person left.
You job is too harass their supports and squishy.
also it's funny that in lore reason, widowmaker heartbeat slowed down a lot so she turned blue, and the reason is to make her a better killer, still hands, calmed and collected. The same way when u play fps, if u panick too much your aim is gonna be shit like this.
no this is incorrect, VERY incorrect.
@@nemnymeria7873 lol true XD
That’s sooo weird to see first person shooter after 40 hours on rivals lol… I don’t even think I could play OW at my rank now
more rivals pls
Boy 👎
Early af 😮
early yess
Why is bro still making ow2 content 😭🙏 he don't even play the game anymore