Sarvam bramhamayam - Madhuvanti - Sadashiva Brahmendra - Palghat Ramprasad

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • From the concert held on 12th Aug 2021 on the occasion of my father Sri N Ramakrishnan's 80th birthday held at Arkay Cultural center.
    Palakkad Sri. Ramprasad
    Nagai Sri Sriram
    Sri NC Bharadwaj
    Sri KV Gopalakrishnan
    sarvam brahmamayam rE rE
    caraNam 1
    kim vacanIyam kima vacanIyam kim racanIyam kima racanIyam
    caraNam 2
    kim paThanIyam kima paThanIyam kim bhajanIyam kima bhajanIyam
    caraNam 3
    kim bOddhavyam kima bOddhavyam kim bhOktavyam kima bhOktavyam
    caraNam 4
    sarvatra sadA hamsa dhyAnam kArtavyam bhO mukti nidAnam
    Meaning: Contributed by S Balasubramanian
    Everything is Brahma Mayam; All is just the Almighty's presence.
    1. What may be spoken and what may not be spoken, what can be created and what may not be created (in relation to poetry or otherwise)
    2. What may be studied and what not to be studied, what may be recited and what may not be recited
    3. What may be taught and what may not be taught; what may be enjoyed and what may not be enjoyed - everything is HIS creation and HIS work.
    4. So, always immerse yourself in HIS dhyaanam and that will take you towards 'salvation'
    The short message of this song is do not enter into arguments and discussions as to what is right and what is wrong; all that would be meaningless and unnecessary. What is meaningful is 'Pray HIM' and 'Merge in HIM"

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