I really liked that video and I have one question. I'm curious: You say chicken raised in natural environment produces eggs with much more nutriment that those bought at the grocery. Do you have a link for any scientific analyses confirming this?
Can confirm: Chickens are guard dogs. When I had a small flock of hens (RI Reds), they were mischievous little devils that would peck/nip at everyone except me. Anyone else in the yard was fair game for them to torment. So much so, that when a small black bear wandered into the yard while I was tending the garden, the hens put themselves between me and the bear (before I'd noticed the bear). When I got up, the chickens charged at the bear, pecking at its head and flapping wings in its face. I didn't know bears could run that fast, but that thing tore out of the yard into the woods quicker than I could have made it to the house!🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔vs 🐻= 🤣🤣🤣
Our Roo will start screaming the second someone or something he doesn’t know pulls into our property. Now when he sees me or here’s my truck pull in he will crow until I let them all out of the coop. Lol
I have 6 RI reds and I'm so impressed by them! They are so smart and love to be cuddled. Its fun to watch them and learn their pecking order and communication. I have a brand new respect for chickens.
Well thanks for sharing that story!!! Taking care of your gal's really pays off! So when people try to make you feel silly for being good to them.... Well you just tell them the time they probably saved your life!!!!!!!!!!
3 tips I'd like to add here that I wish I knew at the beginning: - To deal with fluctuations in egg production due to season, age etc, learn to store eggs thru "water glassing". RUclips has a few good videos on this easy method. - Reduce your egg cost to under 50 cents per dozen by trying to incorporate natural feed anytime possible. When you weed your garden, toss the weeds into the pen. Start a worm bin that produces black gold for the garden but also tons of worms as feed. Chicken tractors are awesome in getting free food too. Even a bug zapper can produce a bit of food overnight. Get creative, just avoid citrus and onions (sour crop issues) - The best breed for your climate and temperatures is one with the correct size comb. A large comb is best in hot climates. The blood flow thru there cools the chicken off. Very small combs, like in this video, are best suited for very cold climates where the summer is short. If you switch that around the small comb ones may die of heat in Florida and large comb ones may get frostbite in Wisconsin. Hope this helps. I agree with not letting analysis paralysis get you. Good luck!
@@leskinney5544 I suggest using something with thermal mass. As an example, using a dozen old cinder blocks for a small partial wall/pen. As the sun warms up the blocks, they slowly release that heat at night so in the winter that may help. In the summer, if you keep the area shaded, the blocks will stay cooler than the rest of the area and you may find chickens snoozing under the cover next to the blocks. Some people use electric heaters and lights inside their coop during the winter, but I cant justify the fire risk. I've seen semi-open coops in the coldest of climates because air flow is more important than temperature. In your climate, I would suggest small comb breeds and during the summer provide lots of well ventilated areas that are shaded and plenty of water available.
I wouldn’t call it a myth per say, but in my experience, you can keep a happy solo chicken! Our leghorn we rescued from a meth addicted neighbor has never met another chicken in her life and was raised with a German Shepherd and Pitbull. It’s truly amazing how “dog like” her behavior is now. She comes when called, scratch/pecks at the door when she wants to come inside and even takes naps on the dog bed on top of the shepherd. Admittedly the chook doesn’t like to be in the yard by herself, but when the dogs accompany, she’s very content to scratch for insects. I have in fact observed the dogs digging a small ditch for the explicit propose of letting the cukuroo have a dust bath in it! Solo chickens just need surrogate family to live happy healthy lives!
My two cats came back with a chicken one day. They are all great friends and sleeps inside in the cat tree. They all stay together all day. The only problem have been it’s turned out to be a rooster and we live in suburbia. It’s ok now because we have adjusted their internal clock by light level so they don’t get up before 9. If we get more complaints we might consider chemical castration but most neighbors are very positive and their kids visit almost every day.
I had the same experience with a "stray" chicken. Oddly enough, I lived in town when this occurred. I came home from getting groceries one day and there was a young pullet walking around my yard. She was a really pretty 3-color breed (never looked it up). I assumed she fell off a truck, since no one in my neighborhood had chickens. While I was carrying in my groceries, she followed me into my house and perched on the back of my recliner. Lucky for her I have experience raising chickens. The year was 2020, so I really could appreciate a new friend. Since I was working from home, she became a constant companion. She would snuggle under my long hair when she was cold, made friends with my dog and followed me everywhere. When it was time for me to move AGAIN, I gave her to a little girl who lived on a farm. I went back to visit her once, and she was laying on a blanket, snugged up to the girl, who was just chilling with a book. She never would integrate with their flock, but preferred her little girlfriend.
I started with 4 chickens then I thought they were really cute so I got two more. Then about 7-8 months later I started working at tractor supply during baby chick season. Needless to say I now have 11 chickens and love it
i live on an over 50 acre land with my grandma and growing up i’ve always took care of chickens, specially bantams :) most 19 year olds go to party’s on the weekends then there’s me spending the whole day outside hanging with my chickens ahahah i just fell in love with the cute little things and grew attached, i might as well consider them my kids lol i’ve spent paychecks on food, treats, and supplies for them with no regrets 😂😂 i let them roam free in the yard whenever there’s nice days, i’m constantly checking them making sure they’re healthy and researching my dad thinks i’m nuts lol but i love learning new things about them they’re really such smart and special animals
For winter we would use subpar potatoes. Every morning we would cook up a pot of potatoes and when it cooled enough to touch we'd feed them the warm potatoes. It's anecdotal but it seemed to improve our winter yields and the chickens loved it! Also it saved the potatoes from the compost heap. If you want to compare quality look at the yolk colour. A rich deep yellow, orange or reddish yolk is a healthy egg. (Feeding chickens red peppers produces reddish yolks). Most commercial egg yolks tend to be pale yellow.
chickens are awesome! Litterally one my favorite projects of all time. I went all in as a total nube, oredered 14 chicks online. Ordered 14 hens...still ended up with a rooster but even that was not a negative. I can't imagine buying just 3 or 4, need 6 minimum, chickens need friends. I raised mine in a relatively small pen, that meant ALOT more cleaning, but that worked out too...all that went to the garden and all the garden weeds went back to the birds. Even though I couldn't let my birds roam free due to preditors, they had a constant supply of new things to pick at, some days I even walk down the road and gather wild raspberries for them. So I didn't run into feather picking issues, I kept them busy with new things to explore. That flock is long gone, but now I have new land to build a new farm and chickens are inbound...I just can't wait!
This is the second one of these "know before you get chickens" videos that I've watched. And I have to say, thank you. What I'm learning is that raising chickens is not for me. Maybe when I was younger it would have been. But I'm not physically able to do the work needed anymore. And I don't have the money to put into it. I'm good with my cats and my dog. And I'm better off buying eggs from someone else who is able to raise them. I'm glad to know that now.
Beginner setup is 3 hens,1 rooster, 1 guard dog, a big bedroom/coop, a big outdoor garden/ free range area/rotating pastures place, and of course a food and water troph.
When it comes to protection from predators. I use the standard military blue print for my chickens Land mines, claymores, razor wire, motion activated turrets, boiling tar(and feathers), assault squirrel catapults, trenches,a moat that has sharks with lasers mounted to their heads. They’ve been trained to use a switchboard for the claymores, resenting and firing catapults,and in trench warfare. But there’s a young upstart in the flock. He wants to take over the homestead for himself. And Rule with an iron hand. Trained in guerrilla tactics, wanted for trafficking narcoberries, chicken trafficking, henitution, illegal fights,he ambushes his unsuspecting master. Always planning, and every night he tries to take over. His name: El Polio Loco.
Yeah, we had someone like that. HAD. Little bugger would follow you around looking nonchalant and all innocent like, until you turned your back, then - WHAM! - a two inch claw right where you didn't want it! He could hit hard too! Punched through gumboots and all! The bruising on my wrist one time was worse than the hole he put in me. Called him red, coz he was a red Hyline rooster. Man, multi-animal dynamics can be funny. Got a muscovy drake at one point - called Count Quackula - and he earned his name! He would chase Red around and beat him up for fun, which calmed young Red down quite a bit. Had to break up a fight one time between The Count and two adult turkey toms: he had one tom by the tail, which was dragging him around the yard, and the other tom was chasing The Count trying to peck him off the other tom. The Count was a madman! Swapped him out for another drake that was hopefully a little more sane. Red attacked the missus one too many times, and that was it for him. Ambushed him late one night, and took him out of the gene pool. Kept the girls in line, though, and the predators away. Don't miss him at all really, except for the cat and mouse games that he and The Count would play each evening.
We got 34 chicks from an auction we went to, about a year ago, and got no eggs for 3-4 months but since then we have had nearly 2 dozen every day, and so far i think we have had about 2,000 eggs plus, These little girls are great producers, love to eat all your food scraps, and leftover vegetables, by free-ranging from our garden. Every one of these little workers have worked without complaining unless I am late with their feed, and they never have gone on strike, but are consistent produces of these little ovals of food. They are fed all they can eat and seem to be very happy. None of these will die of old age or disease, and they will not end up in any pot that i have. I will not be digging 34 graves for them, as i do not kill animals, unless in pain, so working on that problem when the time comes........... Then there are the 3 ducks, Quackers and his too mates, that's another story.
I started out 4 years ago with a pair that free-ranged but I just could not stop buying chicks & hatching eggs! Now I have apx. 200+ and have 5 incubators running right now lol. That pair I started with created a monster but I have found a way to turn it into a thriving business that I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing so it worked out lol. If not for Predators I'd have around 2k chickens.. no joke, I get hit hard every Spring.
I recommend becoming friends with local hunters. I go to various farms every year and Bow hunt Vermin (Racoons, Foxes, Coyotes) and the only thing I "Charge" is some spare firewood from their woods, that I collect and cut myself, and the pelts from the critters I shoot. I also usually get a couple chickens, or eggs, but all I ask is the Pelt (From what I hunt) and the Wood collection.
I agree with everything you say execept the "They are so easy" part. As a person who had indoor/outdoor cats all my long life, I can tell you one thing, even with a fantastic auto door to handle that part of the job, taking care of chickens takes a lot of work but, more importantly, you now have a daily - or twice daily - chore that YOU CANNOT forego ANY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Thinking of going for a couple of weeks to see that newborn grandchild? Not so fast buster! Feeling so sick you need to stay in bed for a day or two? Too bad. You've got chores. Broke your ankle? AWWWW. Guess you're going to learn how to dance with crutches on.
Think she is comparing to other farm animals or farm hobbies. I think they are ten times easier than other farm animals and chores. To add, I think ducks are ten times easier than chickens lol.
I'm an Aussie so you have to know my post is going to be very different! I had a good mate years ago who came from the Netherlands and he told me that one the most relaxing things to do if life is stressing you out too much is to go and watch chickens! One day I was up at his 20 acre property inland from Brisbane and he was showing me some day-old chicks he had bought. We sat there looking at them and drinking beer - and the next thing I knew, 3 hours had disappeared! And none of that had anything to do with drinking beer. When I had chickens of my own, I could easily lose an afternoon just sitting, watching them and drinking a coffee. If you want them for eggs or meat or just as pets, chickens will deliver all the time!
I I’ve had backyard chickens for about three years now. I have learned so much from on the job training with my girls, but one thing I wish I would’ve been a little more prepared for are the common sicknesses that chickens get, and different things you can do for common sicknesses that might save on some vet bills.
EXCELLENT VIDEO... and the price of EGGS are UNREAL right now... I paid $6.25 for a doz eggs!! Not Happy. Thank you so much for sharing this great video.
I have had my chickens for 3 years and found that getting a plastic owl has been the best deterrent from hawks coming in and having a snack. Here in Utah we have so many hawks and they will come into the city which I didn’t think would happen. Chickens are on everyone’s menu.
I had a pet chicken when I was a child and I taught her several tricks My family is from the countryside of my country and taking care of chickens was quite easy, probably because the weather was just fine and there are very few predators here, the only special thing they were provided from time to time were the ashes from the oven so they could bath more luxuriously. No one talked about different breeds either but all of this was about 50 years ago
We just picked up 10 chics of 5 different breeds Barred rock Amber link Silver lace Wyandotte Plymouth blue rocks Pearl starleghorn So far so good, let the adventure begin.
Thank you for this video! I wish I had known about sparkly windmills and sparkly garland to hang around the yard to keep predator birds away. We have an urban "sort of" homestead and we let our chickens out to free range in the yard when we can keep an eye on them, since we have dogs in the neighborhood. We used to let them out all day long, but had an incident with a dog and can't do that anymore. We had hawks dive down for the chickens until we put out the windmills and other garlands about 2 years ago. Since having these in our yard, we haven't had any problems with predator birds. I am so excited to share that we have 2 chickens in our flock that we raised since chicks and are about 9 years old. They were both still laying eggs last summer, stopped during the winter and one has started laying again (our good old Leghorn, Sunny! The Plymouth Rock, Clucky, is the other old lady we have)
I really enjoyed your talk. One of my neighbors has a lot of chickens. The last batch--three that survived tend to love jumping over the fence every day. I have enjoyed them so much. I found out today that they don't go into my neighbor's yard much anymore. They roost in our orange tree next to their property. Wow, I didn't know they slept in the tree. I have seen them get into the tree but I thought it was just temporary. My neighbor said they come over to get mash. But they come back over to our house to eat the bugs in our lush yard. We have a main backyard and a separated fence to the second half that has a garden. Most things are in pots. The chickens love pecking around the pots. Now that I know they're sleeping in the tree, I plan to get them some shelter as our neighbor gave his blessing to let us house them. I'm so green behind the ears. I appreciated your talk. We don't live out in the country side. It used to be more rural. But we have a half acre. We feel blessed compared to so many families.
Something I was told as a kid by a family who's had chickens for a few generations, dont feed chickens cracked eggs. Chickens love eggs and if they start getting used to eating eggs then they'll eventually start cracking their own. Also, don't need to refrigerate home grown eggs unless you aggressively clean them.
As long as you crush them up so much they can’t tell it’s an egg you won’t create egg eaters in my experience. But I always hardboil eggs and smash the crap out of them before I feed them back. Never had an egg eater.
My experience was, even if they ate eggs regularly, they maintained a strong aversion to breaking them open themselves. It's usually one individual in the flock doing the breaking if you get that problem. At the sound of an egg cracking they would all go hyperalert, and mob the site where it landed, pushing their heads down in a circle, lifting them to swallow with yolk running down their beak comically. Once I ate a fresh yet "bad" egg and it gave me an aversion to eating my own chicks' eggs, even after figuring out why. There was a big dead opossum carcass in the undergrowth that they were eating. This made the yolk taste strongly like carrion. I had hard boiled the egg and my GF bit half of it and I ate the other half. We both went chew-chew-chew-STOP... looked at each other with wide eyes for a second, then both simultaneously turned forward again and spat the eggs out with a loud messy PATOOOFFF! I noticed when they got into and ate my onion starts, the yolks tasted onion-y. Yolk production leaches beta carotene from every part of the chicken's body, so feed them grated carrots as a supplement. During an egg laying cycle, a hen's feathers and legs get more and more pale and dull looking. Then her egg laying cycle ends, she molts and starts putting out new brightly colored feathers and her legs go from dry and pale to moist and orange/yellow again. Then she starts laying again and the next cycle is under way.
I've known people that threw cracked eggs on the ground for the chickens to eat decade after decade and never had a problem with that. You do get a rare chicken that will crack eggs but that happens whether you give them eggs or not. I'm going to put this one under the category of old wive's tales.
I love roosters! My flock actually started with two roosters and an old hen! They had quite the dynamic, they were allowed complete free range of my yard which is about a quarter of an acre and we never had issues with predators until people started dumping raccoons in our area.. my boys never once fought and they would rarely mount my hen which was sweet of them cuz she was like 6 years old... Yeah I've got nearly 18 chickens now four of which happened to be roosters (two bantam and two standard) and I love them all!! I only planned for 10 all together but the addiction is real
I really enjoyed your video. I have had chickens for years, this will be the first year I have had chickens in AZ so I am going to learn what it is like to keep chickens in hot weather. I am a victum of chicken chreep. I only wanted to start this experiment with 4 chicks but somehow I wound up with 20, not sure how that happened. But, hay, chickens are fun [I think a chicken told me that].
We've found that the lightweight breeds do better here in AZ, the Mediterranean type breeds do very well for us too, the heavier breeds really struggle in the heat.. Making sure they have shade and and a lot of cool water is essential of course. I bought a misting system for the hottest days and it lowers the air temp around it by about 20 degrees. They love it.
I went to Safeway yesterday to get JoJo and they said it would be a 9 min wait. I went next door to check out Wilco. They had $1 chicks, I bought 38 and then went to the next Wilco and now have 61. Woke up this morning and wondered what they had at others and now I have 101 chicks. 🙏
One thing I wish I knew before building my first chicken coop was that I needed to consider my SECOND set of birds. What I mean is, I built my coop, put birds in it, but then after two years I wanted to add chicks to my adult flock and everything I read told me that I needed to raise my new chicks next to my existing birds, but keep them separated by some wire mesh. This is impossible using any basic coop design. Your average coop design has one door for the birds and one sleeping space, but to introduce new birds, I need two doors, two sleeping spaces, a wire mesh separating them and, most importantly, a way to remove that wire mesh at night when the youngins' are old enough to join the flock without disturbing them while they sleep.
Great video and info! I wish I would have known about chickens needing dust baths! Our chickens got lice the first year because we were not intentional about making sure they had a dry/dusty area to go to.
I live in South Florida (Vero Beach) and I'm getting ready to start raising chickens. It is mostly hot and humid right now, and It's that way the majority of the time. I will just make sure to keep ventilation as a main priority, and give them cool water and cool treats. Also, I am getting breeds that are built for this weather.
When I was younger I'd ask my aunt why we didn't put new hens with the old flock. She told me that the old flock would relentlessly bully new hens! It was a surprise to me how hens are like highschool girls, gosh
I have 5 nuggets and so far so good. They have a wonderful heating lamp and my husband insists on filter water LOL. Honestly though they're wonderful and we're building them a wonderful coop. I agree with the chicken addiction. I seriously want more but the town we live in only allows 4. Thanks for the video!!!
this is my first year with chickens, 10 chicks on reserve of 2 different breeds that will fit our temperament and climate :D your videos have been a great jumping off point!
I never comment on videos, but I want to say the biggest “I wish I knew before I got chickens…” was my dog rolling in the chicken poo on a frequent basis, my dog aims to please but doesn’t seem to understand that we don’t like that. Our dog is mostly indoors and our backyard isn’t big, but there was one day our dog got bathed three times!!! 🤢 But sometimes she’ll go a couple of weeks without rolling in the poo. Not that we wouldn’t have gotten chickens (or the dog) If we had known, but a heads up would’ve been nice. Lol
Really appreciate your videos! Your chicken videos are what made me have the confidence to get chickens for the first time this year. Got 6 cutie baby chicks and they are getting big so fast! All healthy and happy :)
I'm getting chickens from my boyfriend this year. I'll hatch them so I will have them since their first day of life to their last. They'll be my first so I'll only start with 4-5. I'm very excited. They'll have a coop but they'll be outside freely in day time
Thank you mainly for your compassion caring practices with your chickens. Wish I could keep roosters where I live, because I love the sound of their crowing and don't understand why people dislike that so! And why the sounds of lawn movers and leaf blowers are tolerated over the beautiful rooster calls.
In our area you can't have roosters because people use them for fighting and they're trying to stop that, it has nothing to do with the crowing. We are limited to 6 hens. We're looking into getting chickens, but we're in a rental so everything would have to be easy to break down and move if we move.
true, they are beautiful too.. but try having a rooster outside your bedroom window in the middle of the night when you are trying to sleep, it is an experience for sure!
The difference is most blowers, lawnmowers, chainsaws, etc don't go off any time of the day or night. Roosters crow whenever they want. I had a neighbor that raised 50+ roosters and it was a nightmare 😫
I’m from Racine Wisconsin and I’m new to the country life in Atlanta I have about 30 chickens and I’m a newbie in the game I just wanna say I love watching your videos and the information you give
We are looking into "water glassing" but you can also freeze eggs (no, not in the shell!). scramble a dozen eggs with a tsp of salt and pour them into an ice cube tray (we found a couple with large cubes so we get about 1 egg/cube, helps when your baking and the recipe calls for, say, 3 eggs, 3 cubes = 3 eggs, easy). once they're frozen we pop them out of the ice cube tray and put them in zip lock bags. I also saw a video where they put a number of scrambled eggs (what ever number works for you) into a zip lock and then froze them (freeze them on a flat surface so they're easy to stack in the freezer) and when you need them don't thaw them in the bag, peel the bag off the frozen eggs and thaw them in a bowl. That way you don't leave egg in the zip lock. I'm also experimenting with fermented feed (like probiotic fermented food) it seems to have increased egg production and the chickens love it. Here a link to a study done on fermented feed. ruclips.net/video/k-qs4-J2kdY/видео.html
I started water glossing last yr. It has been a God send to me. I put in a 5 gal bucket in my kitchen and that works well. So easy to do also, and I heard chickens will go up to 25$ very soon. Eggs will also become scare and very expensive.
I eat eggs everyday and started freezing them during the shortages of 2020. 1 large egg = 1/4 cup. I crack and mix about 8 eggs per pint jar then freeze
I'm considering starting up raising chickens and now I'm flooded with chicken raising videos in my feed. Lol this one was by far the most educational one I've seen so far. Lots of great tips that I appreciate hearing especially just starting to considering doing it after a while of just admiring homesteading. I wanted to start this year but I don't see that happening yet. What are those pretty fluffy headed chickens! They look like they have feathered hats on. So gorgeous.
I am a new chicken owner Rhode Island Red they came last Friday 10 in the mail...purchased galvanized tub and starter kit with brooder etc. pretty color eggs...we want more chickens later on great thought process we are vegetarians and have no plans on eating them. Love eggs 🥚 ✊🏾❤️❤️❤️✊🏾 new subscriber here...
Hey my wife was vegetarian/ vegan (whole food, quinoa, hemp and avocado style, not the oreo soy burger style) for nearly 12 years and had both hormone (vitamin d3 and k) problems even though she supplemented. She also had problems with her teeth due to lack of the bodies ability to perform mineral and vitamin uptake on a veg diet. The eggs (raw in raw milk if you can) are some of the single best things you can put into your body. I would highly recommend reconsidering your diet and eating the eggs.
“Social and Clingy” I can relate! Me and my family have 7 chickens that live outside of our fence (because of our old neighbor letting us), we have gone through many “generations” of chickens. When we got down to 5 chickens, we decided to get 2 more from out neighbors that live behind us since they have chicks and chickens. When we went to get them, there just was a batch of 1 month olds in a cage. We picked out 2 olive eggers (who are now named Snowy and Maple) They grew up being buddies, and love to be by each other. It’s so cute to watch them grow up by sides😍 Now that all 7 are together, they’ve become a whole flock💗
“Chicken math” is a lot like fishing math. My wife teases me that over my lifetime of fishing, the fish I caught - mostly trout, salmon, bass, perch, and bluegill - the true cost per pound of the small amount of fish we actually ate was probably over $200/lb. Ha ha!
I just like the clucks and purrs... so relaxing... I worked for a guy that had chickens, rabbits, ..... other animals. first 30 min and last 30 min of every day was caring/feeding them. It was my happy place before/after work.
❤️🐔we are getting chicks in April! I'm so exited, this would be our third year getting chickens/ducks. i can't imagine not having them by now. we live in the middle of nowhere so luckily we have no limits! Great video! I loved it!
I wish I had known that breeds known for being super quiet can still be super loud when they are excited. My county zoning allows chickens but my HOA restrictions do not. We got Buff Orpingtons known for being stealth chickens. But every time I open my back door they think someone might be bringing them something new and exciting to eat, and all of a sudden there is a chorus of Bwaahhhh's! LOL Thankfully we back to private property, have green space on one side and a deaf old woman on the other. But ours haven't even started laying yet, so I'm worried when they do it will be loud enough for neighbors across the street to hear.
I love that your chickens allow you to pet them. Mine allow me to pet them and pick them up and I talked to him and scratch underneath their bills and I just love chickens
The Struggle is REAL! Predator struggle that is... my BIGGEST challenge in northern Florida is the "DEATH from the SKY" dynamic. I solved all night time predation with my dogs.. but the assault from the air is unrelenting! We even had a Red Tail Hawk fly UNDER MY HOUSE to get a hen.. I hate keeping them all cooped in the pens, but the air assault is so challenging.
From what I heard hawks hate crows (to the point of where they’ll avoid them) so maybe try getting some crow-looking chickens? (Sumatras look pretty similar)
Make friends with ravens - a nesting pair of ravens (or even crows) will absolutely not tolerate hawks and owls in their territory. These birds can have issues on their own - such as egg stealing and chick predation. I've never had chick predation but I also don't let them outside when they are takeout size. There are ways to dissuade egg-stealing but in my opinion donating a few eggs is a small price to pay!
I started with one coop and only a cpl chickens now I have two coops and quite a few birds. Plans to build a big walk in coop this year and a dozen more birds
We are down in Tennessee, starting to see the thinning of grocery shelves and bought 10 road island reds and am already running into the pecking problems. Looks like I'll have more work ahead building a bigger coop/run.
I wish I known the feed would be so expensive, I would have made the alfalfa patch larger. I wish had known about egg bound and vent infection, but thankfully I found videos on the internet. I wish had partially covered the chicken run to protect the chickens from the temperature extremes; snow in winter and hot in summer.
Your videos have helped me a ton, I’ve had previous chicken experience (large flocks) but am starting a flock at a property I manage for the first time in years. It’s more daunting when they’re 100% your responsibility lol. So I have 25 total, 10 are straight run so… roosters galore. I’m definitely jumping in head first, but it should be fun. Amish coop arrived Friday and I’m building the run when the weather improves. Thanks again for the great videos, your enthusiasm is contagious btw. :)
Maybe the most important thing to keep in mind make sure you have a secure pen .My neighbor has 6 hens with a very secure pen and henhouse in addition to a hot wire around the fence.Keeps the varmits out.
As a chicken owner I have a great tip that I just learned: Get carrots, cracked pepper, and red cabbage from Walmart (cheapest) to supplement your feed. That’s how you get extra dark and rich yolks.
I just found your channel because I'm obsessed with learning about chickens and want some in the near future. We live in an apartment atm. But I LOVE your videos! Thanks for so much knowledge :) I can't wait to be able to get chicks!
I laughed at 6:47 when the little Polish was just standing there and she pushed her into the pen. They really have a hard time seeing with those feathers. We trim ours. I enjoyed your video.
If you do another one of these I'd suggest adding: 1. How long it takes to get eggs is probably longer than expected (for most people) and of course every breed is different. Some might be surprised when they get baby chicks instead of adult layers and it takes nearly a year before they see their 1st egg.
@@psilverz4848 Agriculture is destroying the planet. It is very frustrating how much miss information there is on this topic. Grazing can actually sequester far more carbon than forests at a much, much faster rate. If we grazed animals on a large enough scale, we could actually mitigate all human emissions. Growing plants can not do this. Plant agriculture uses massive amounts of fossil fuels and unlike grazing cattle, it doesn't mitigate its own emissions. The soil microbiome is killed with chemicals and that dead soil is lost rapidly, causing complete land infertility and desertification. Grazing animals is the fastest way to replenish these lands, bring the microbes back, give nutrients back, rehydrate, break up impaction, and build soil faster than any other process. It would take nature decades to build the amount of soil made in a couple of yrs of Grazing.
Totally agree with all of this! #10 so helpful for newbies I'm sure. I grew up in WI and now in FL so I feel your pain with the cold but there's pros and cons to living everywhere I suppose. ♡♡♡
Love your channel! I've got some experience with flocks in the past, but I'm starting my own now.. I have two groups of chicks, 14 are 5 weeks old and 11 are 4wk old. It doesn't sound like a big difference, but the older ones are fully feathered and in the outside coop now, while I've moved the other group into the larger brooder. I need to get them out of the basement, but the size difference is concerning and I'm not sure what will happen. The younger group is all chicks and the older group is straight run golden laced wyandottes and some leghorns.. so there will be roo's in there.
Great video . I had chickens growing up when I lived with my Grandparents . A nice little flock of Banty chickens , I think around 15 if my memory is correct. Our only predator was a weasel , which my Grandfather finally took care of with his old shotgun one day . But I really enjoyed those Banty chickens and those little eggs were delicious !!
Chickens need granite to break down their food. If they aren’t able to find hard tiny rocks that will help them then they will have health problems such as egg bound. Also make sure your coop has plenty of ventilation and has roost that they like. Most chickens like to roost on the highest roost. If you get a coop with roost close to the ground then they may not use them and they will just lay on the ground, which I’ve heard that it’s not good for them to not roost in the night. They usually are pooping while sleeping. I’ve seen one of my chickens with a dirty feather butt with poop hanging. I’m pretty sure it’s because she lays on the ground. I thought it might of been gleet. Make sure to have something’s in stock for chicken medical emergencies. Research, examine and look at plenty of opinions before you do anything to your chickens.
I’ve had chickens for a year and I got older ones from a friend that they were getting rid of due to age. So my what everyone should know is you are going to lose some. Especially having a larger flock. They get egg bound or get infections and sometimes they just drop dead for no apparent reason! Yes when that happens check your other chickens clean your coop. Do all the necessary precautions to make sure it wasn’t a catchable sickness but after you have done that. Don’t beat your self up because you think you failed. It’s going to happen it’s a part of the homestead and take it as a learning moment and then move on. I lost 1 due to mites and one due to old age this year. I can’t tell you how badly I beat my self up for the mites. But I treated it and now everyone is healthy as can be. I still obsessively check for mites with a flashlight every night 😁
I really enjoyed your video and found it informative! I have 5 baby Silkie Bantams (Petunia, Dolly, Rosebud, Daisy, and Big Bird), hopefully all female and 3 weeks old. I went with Silkies because if they aren't broody, they lay 2-3 eggs/week and they're 3/4 size eggs which is a good amount for me and my daughter. The chickens are supposedly very quiet (so far, not so!). They're molting and changing color! Big Bird was a definite yellowy buff and is becoming white. My cream-colored girls are turning gray with black. My medium gray is turning lighter gray with black. My black chick is turning bi-color black and dark gray. I didn't expect that! I recommend anyone getting chickens for the first time to get the coop and run in place BEFORE the chickens come. Don't buy some little thing that's way overpriced and not big enough. I've never built anything before and I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, saw straight with a line drawn, everything is a bit out of square, and there's nothing level anywhere BUT I built my coop & run myself. People need to think about things -- do you want to be up every morning when the sun comes up to let the chickens out of the coop? Get an automatic door. Be able to reach the eggs from outside the coop. Make sure the water coming off the roof flows toward the back if your nesting box is on the side. Make your access easy so that cleaning is easy. Have enough room for double the number of chickens. Make it predator proof.
Great job! Very thorough, and pleasantly delivered. 😊 we’ve had chickens in the past and look forward to having them again soon. Really enjoyed your video. Thanks for sharing!
I just want to say I LOVED your video!! These are great tips and you went about it in a serious but lighthearted way that made me want to sit and talk with you lol
I have been following your account for a while now and I so appreciate all of the information you have provided! I would love to hear if you had any insight on how your chicken care changed during / after pregnancy!
We are building our first coop. 8'x6' with 10' x 20' run. I'm putting sand in the coop. Sand seems to be one of the topics that are like the old Ford vs Chevy debate. These are our first chickens and you are not kidding about the opinions. I'm in Texas so the heat will be my biggest challenge. Thanks
I would add, people should begin researching chicken illnesses and wounds beforehand! That way you have an idea of what to look for so you can catch problems quick. Also, BIOSECURITY! Very, very important. learn it, plan for it, implement it. It will keep you from potentially losing your whole flock.
Good point! We lost several of our favorites to some mysterious illness. Also, they got what we think was chiggers while I was pregnant. It was awful cause the chiggers loved me.
@@nancyfahey7518 I had never heard of it before ours got them. We assumed it was some kind of mite until we looked at them under a magnifying glass + we also read that mites don’t bite people. Our chickens got garlic every day. We treated them naturally.
@@lauranilsen8988 hey Laura ....so the garlic really helped??? Also was wondering how you gave the garlic to your birds?? Did you put it in the water or did you just feed it to them raw?? Thanks....much appreciated!
Just got our 10 Easter Egger girls on Friday. Chicken math is already a problem! Building a 4x10 coop similar to yours so they’ll be ready to move in around 6 weeks (weather permitting).
Amazing video editing, mate! I work in digital marketing and I love your skill set on show with the editing here. Really great work. Please keep producing more :) (PS - I love your content... I don't have my chickens *yet* but I have a stock pile of empty egg cartons in my cupboard and an excitement towards owning my own poultry sooner rather than later... I just need to build a coup)
I’m in wisco and getting ready to take on yet another hobby. “Chicken Math”. I love it! Your videos are great. This 1 in particular. Keep up the good work.
I love all of this information and especially that you are also in Wisconsin! So grateful for al of this as we are embarking on beginning chicken raising! So excited for this. Love the chickens I have known through the years and my kids to are thrilled to finally be able to have our own friends
I saw someone put smooth rocks in their chick waterer. It keeps the chick's from accidental drownings.. if say anywhere from pebble to quarter size rocks would be fine. 😊 I don't have chickens yet! So for now I'm doing all the research I can! I also live in Wisconsin, so I'm glad you spoke about winters! ❤🐥
Just listened to your podcast. I love Marans (specifically French Cuckoo Maran)! I had one in CA and when I moved to MN I made sure I got another. It’s the one breed I would like to have more than one. I agree they are not underfoot, but they are quiet and not aggressive (even though my “Odelette” is the largest she is by no means a bully), plus the eggs… 👍
first time chicken owner. Started with 19 back in june and still have 19. They should be layin g soon in november. We got the blue and gold laced wyandotte chickens. We3 chose to keep the 2 roosters. I built a 40x70x55 coop. We use the fresh cut grass and then throw it in the run.
I am currently transitioning my chickens (12 + 1 bantam hen and 3 roosters) from a three acre free range environment where they had tons of scratch ground and vegetation, to a suburban neighborhood. Obviously I have to confine them and get rid of the roosters, which makes me sad. The backyard I have is quite large (maybe a quarter of an acre) and I already have a large chicken coop there ( just know fencing yet) Any ideas about chicken tractors and chicken tunnels you might suggest? I will be doing tons of gardening in my backyard too.
Part 2 is up! Thanks for all your great ideas! -- 10 MORE Things To Know About Backyard Chickens: ruclips.net/video/XcNCKKQJ3a4/видео.html
What do you think about quail
I heard to put rocks in the waterer for baby chicks so they don't drown.
I've never kept chickens but I'm ready now or after I learn how to care for them. I only want 3 or 4
I really liked that video and I have one question. I'm curious: You say chicken raised in natural environment produces eggs with much more nutriment that those bought at the grocery. Do you have a link for any scientific analyses confirming this?
Here in New York 6 chickens is the minimum so naturally I have 30.
Yo, i started with 2. And i said one more so here i am with 12 and 2 hens hatching in 2 weeks.
@@369Kaos I just did a count today we're currently up to 45
That’s that chicken math
Same her in Kentucky.( well the area im in.) But why 6 I wonder?
that’s so funny. Ha ha ha TFS 🤣
Can confirm: Chickens are guard dogs.
When I had a small flock of hens (RI Reds), they were mischievous little devils that would peck/nip at everyone except me. Anyone else in the yard was fair game for them to torment.
So much so, that when a small black bear wandered into the yard while I was tending the garden, the hens put themselves between me and the bear (before I'd noticed the bear). When I got up, the chickens charged at the bear, pecking at its head and flapping wings in its face. I didn't know bears could run that fast, but that thing tore out of the yard into the woods quicker than I could have made it to the house!🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔vs 🐻= 🤣🤣🤣
Our Roo will start screaming the second someone or something he doesn’t know pulls into our property. Now when he sees me or here’s my truck pull in he will crow until I let them all out of the coop. Lol
I have 6 RI reds and I'm so impressed by them! They are so smart and love to be cuddled. Its fun to watch them and learn their pecking order and communication. I have a brand new respect for chickens.
Reds are super bossy but they are such great layers and leaders!
As my mother would say...that's a good enough story for a free dinner!!!
Well thanks for sharing that story!!!
Taking care of your gal's really pays off!
So when people try to make you feel silly for being good to them.... Well you just tell them the time they probably saved your life!!!!!!!!!!
3 tips I'd like to add here that I wish I knew at the beginning:
- To deal with fluctuations in egg production due to season, age etc, learn to store eggs thru "water glassing". RUclips has a few good videos on this easy method.
- Reduce your egg cost to under 50 cents per dozen by trying to incorporate natural feed anytime possible. When you weed your garden, toss the weeds into the pen. Start a worm bin that produces black gold for the garden but also tons of worms as feed. Chicken tractors are awesome in getting free food too. Even a bug zapper can produce a bit of food overnight. Get creative, just avoid citrus and onions (sour crop issues)
- The best breed for your climate and temperatures is one with the correct size comb. A large comb is best in hot climates. The blood flow thru there cools the chicken off. Very small combs, like in this video, are best suited for very cold climates where the summer is short. If you switch that around the small comb ones may die of heat in Florida and large comb ones may get frostbite in Wisconsin.
Hope this helps. I agree with not letting analysis paralysis get you. Good luck!
Yes! I live in -40 Canadian prairies and really, the breed I've had the best success with is the Chantecler. Hard to beat that flat cushion comb!
what does one do when you have very hot summers and very cold winters?
We added a radiant heater in winter. For summer they love to hang out under the deck
@@leskinney5544 I suggest using something with thermal mass. As an example, using a dozen old cinder blocks for a small partial wall/pen. As the sun warms up the blocks, they slowly release that heat at night so in the winter that may help. In the summer, if you keep the area shaded, the blocks will stay cooler than the rest of the area and you may find chickens snoozing under the cover next to the blocks.
Some people use electric heaters and lights inside their coop during the winter, but I cant justify the fire risk. I've seen semi-open coops in the coldest of climates because air flow is more important than temperature.
In your climate, I would suggest small comb breeds and during the summer provide lots of well ventilated areas that are shaded and plenty of water available.
50 cents per dozen, eh? I call BS unless you're excluding several expenses.
Man. I love my chickens. They’re interesting little creatures
I wouldn’t call it a myth per say, but in my experience, you can keep a happy solo chicken! Our leghorn we rescued from a meth addicted neighbor has never met another chicken in her life and was raised with a German Shepherd and Pitbull. It’s truly amazing how “dog like” her behavior is now. She comes when called, scratch/pecks at the door when she wants to come inside and even takes naps on the dog bed on top of the shepherd. Admittedly the chook doesn’t like to be in the yard by herself, but when the dogs accompany, she’s very content to scratch for insects. I have in fact observed the dogs digging a small ditch for the explicit propose of letting the cukuroo have
a dust bath in it!
Solo chickens just need surrogate family to live happy healthy lives!
My two cats came back with a chicken one day. They are all great friends and sleeps inside in the cat tree. They all stay together all day. The only problem have been it’s turned out to be a rooster and we live in suburbia. It’s ok now because we have adjusted their internal clock by light level so they don’t get up before 9. If we get more complaints we might consider chemical castration but most neighbors are very positive and their kids visit almost every day.
That is Priceless
I had the same experience with a "stray" chicken. Oddly enough, I lived in town when this occurred. I came home from getting groceries one day and there was a young pullet walking around my yard. She was a really pretty 3-color breed (never looked it up). I assumed she fell off a truck, since no one in my neighborhood had chickens. While I was carrying in my groceries, she followed me into my house and perched on the back of my recliner. Lucky for her I have experience raising chickens. The year was 2020, so I really could appreciate a new friend. Since I was working from home, she became a constant companion. She would snuggle under my long hair when she was cold, made friends with my dog and followed me everywhere. When it was time for me to move AGAIN, I gave her to a little girl who lived on a farm. I went back to visit her once, and she was laying on a blanket, snugged up to the girl, who was just chilling with a book. She never would integrate with their flock, but preferred her little girlfriend.
I started with 4 chickens then I thought they were really cute so I got two more. Then about 7-8 months later I started working at tractor supply during baby chick season. Needless to say I now have 11 chickens and love it
i live on an over 50 acre land with my grandma and growing up i’ve always took care of chickens, specially bantams :) most 19 year olds go to party’s on the weekends then there’s me spending the whole day outside hanging with my chickens ahahah i just fell in love with the cute little things and grew attached, i might as well consider them my kids lol i’ve spent paychecks on food, treats, and supplies for them with no regrets 😂😂 i let them roam free in the yard whenever there’s nice days, i’m constantly checking them making sure they’re healthy and researching my dad thinks i’m nuts lol but i love learning new things about them they’re really such smart and special animals
I had chickens and lost them to owls, dogs. bobcats, opposuma ,skunks ;hawks etc. I gave up for now.
You should give those acres back to indigenous folks.
For winter we would use subpar potatoes. Every morning we would cook up a pot of potatoes and when it cooled enough to touch we'd feed them the warm potatoes. It's anecdotal but it seemed to improve our winter yields and the chickens loved it! Also it saved the potatoes from the compost heap.
If you want to compare quality look at the yolk colour. A rich deep yellow, orange or reddish yolk is a healthy egg. (Feeding chickens red peppers produces reddish yolks). Most commercial egg yolks tend to be pale yellow.
chickens are awesome! Litterally one my favorite projects of all time. I went all in as a total nube, oredered 14 chicks online. Ordered 14 hens...still ended up with a rooster but even that was not a negative. I can't imagine buying just 3 or 4, need 6 minimum, chickens need friends. I raised mine in a relatively small pen, that meant ALOT more cleaning, but that worked out too...all that went to the garden and all the garden weeds went back to the birds. Even though I couldn't let my birds roam free due to preditors, they had a constant supply of new things to pick at, some days I even walk down the road and gather wild raspberries for them. So I didn't run into feather picking issues, I kept them busy with new things to explore. That flock is long gone, but now I have new land to build a new farm and chickens are inbound...I just can't wait!
This is the second one of these "know before you get chickens" videos that I've watched. And I have to say, thank you. What I'm learning is that raising chickens is not for me. Maybe when I was younger it would have been. But I'm not physically able to do the work needed anymore. And I don't have the money to put into it. I'm good with my cats and my dog. And I'm better off buying eggs from someone else who is able to raise them. I'm glad to know that now.
Beginner setup is 3 hens,1 rooster, 1 guard dog, a big bedroom/coop, a big outdoor garden/ free range area/rotating pastures place, and of course a food and water troph.
When it comes to protection from predators. I use the standard military blue print for my chickens
Land mines, claymores, razor wire, motion activated turrets, boiling tar(and feathers), assault squirrel catapults, trenches,a moat that has sharks with lasers mounted to their heads.
They’ve been trained to use a switchboard for the claymores, resenting and firing catapults,and in trench warfare.
But there’s a young upstart in the flock.
He wants to take over the homestead for himself. And Rule with an iron hand. Trained in guerrilla tactics, wanted for trafficking narcoberries, chicken trafficking, henitution, illegal fights,he ambushes his unsuspecting master. Always planning, and every night he tries to take over.
His name:
El Polio Loco.
You could write the story for chickenrun 3 with ease.
What the heck!🤣
Yeah, we had someone like that. HAD. Little bugger would follow you around looking nonchalant and all innocent like, until you turned your back, then - WHAM! - a two inch claw right where you didn't want it!
He could hit hard too! Punched through gumboots and all! The bruising on my wrist one time was worse than the hole he put in me.
Called him red, coz he was a red Hyline rooster.
Man, multi-animal dynamics can be funny.
Got a muscovy drake at one point - called Count Quackula - and he earned his name! He would chase Red around and beat him up for fun, which calmed young Red down quite a bit. Had to break up a fight one time between The Count and two adult turkey toms: he had one tom by the tail, which was dragging him around the yard, and the other tom was chasing The Count trying to peck him off the other tom.
The Count was a madman!
Swapped him out for another drake that was hopefully a little more sane.
Red attacked the missus one too many times, and that was it for him. Ambushed him late one night, and took him out of the gene pool. Kept the girls in line, though, and the predators away. Don't miss him at all really, except for the cat and mouse games that he and The Count would play each evening.
@@paulav7961 I had a duck. Named him Darth Quackers
LOL! I really enjoyed your quick wit 🙂
We got 34 chicks from an auction we went to, about a year ago, and got no eggs for 3-4 months but since then we have had nearly 2 dozen every day, and so far i think we have had about 2,000 eggs plus, These little girls are great producers, love to eat all your food scraps, and leftover vegetables, by free-ranging from our garden. Every one of these little workers have worked without complaining unless I am late with their feed, and they never have gone on strike, but are consistent produces of these little ovals of food. They are fed all they can eat and seem to be very happy. None of these will die of old age or disease, and they will not end up in any pot that i have. I will not be digging 34 graves for them, as i do not kill animals, unless in pain, so working on that problem when the time comes...........
Then there are the 3 ducks, Quackers and his too mates, that's another story.
great video! very helpful!
In the Netherlands we have rooster flocks used in fruit tree orchards as a natural insect control 😁
I started out 4 years ago with a pair that free-ranged but I just could not stop buying chicks & hatching eggs! Now I have apx. 200+ and have 5 incubators running right now lol. That pair I started with created a monster but I have found a way to turn it into a thriving business that I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing so it worked out lol. If not for Predators I'd have around 2k chickens.. no joke, I get hit hard every Spring.
What types of predators are the worst and how might they be deterred?
@@TerryWendt get a Goose, , chase predators. if they bond with chicks...
I recommend becoming friends with local hunters.
I go to various farms every year and Bow hunt Vermin (Racoons, Foxes, Coyotes) and the only thing I "Charge" is some spare firewood from their woods, that I collect and cut myself, and the pelts from the critters I shoot. I also usually get a couple chickens, or eggs, but all I ask is the Pelt (From what I hunt) and the Wood collection.
Awesome where are you located?
I agree with everything you say execept the "They are so easy" part. As a person who had indoor/outdoor cats all my long life, I can tell you one thing, even with a fantastic auto door to handle that part of the job, taking care of chickens takes a lot of work but, more importantly, you now have a daily - or twice daily - chore that YOU CANNOT forego ANY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Thinking of going for a couple of weeks to see that newborn grandchild? Not so fast buster! Feeling so sick you need to stay in bed for a day or two? Too bad. You've got chores. Broke your ankle? AWWWW. Guess you're going to learn how to dance with crutches on.
I agree
Wait til you have kids!!
Think she is comparing to other farm animals or farm hobbies. I think they are ten times easier than other farm animals and chores. To add, I think ducks are ten times easier than chickens lol.
Our cousin has 5 gal gravity feeders and leaves her chickens for a couple weeks at a time to camp…. 🤷🏻♀️
I'm an Aussie so you have to know my post is going to be very different! I had a good mate years ago who came from the Netherlands and he told me that one the most relaxing things to do if life is stressing you out too much is to go and watch chickens!
One day I was up at his 20 acre property inland from Brisbane and he was showing me some day-old chicks he had bought. We sat there looking at them and drinking beer - and the next thing I knew, 3 hours had disappeared! And none of that had anything to do with drinking beer. When I had chickens of my own, I could easily lose an afternoon just sitting, watching them and drinking a coffee.
If you want them for eggs or meat or just as pets, chickens will deliver all the time!
I I’ve had backyard chickens for about three years now. I have learned so much from on the job training with my girls, but one thing I wish I would’ve been a little more prepared for are the common sicknesses that chickens get, and different things you can do for common sicknesses that might save on some vet bills.
and the price of EGGS are UNREAL right now...
I paid $6.25 for a doz eggs!! Not Happy.
Thank you so much for sharing this great video.
Thank you! I am SO ready to get those 9 baby chicks out of the bathtub and into their new coop! Four weeks old and a few more feathers needed….
Lol, I use the bathtub a lot myself
I have had my chickens for 3 years and found that getting a plastic owl has been the best deterrent from hawks coming in and having a snack. Here in Utah we have so many hawks and they will come into the city which I didn’t think would happen. Chickens are on everyone’s menu.
I had a pet chicken when I was a child and I taught her several tricks
My family is from the countryside of my country and taking care of chickens was quite easy, probably because the weather was just fine and there are very few predators here, the only special thing they were provided from time to time were the ashes from the oven so they could bath more luxuriously. No one talked about different breeds either but all of this was about 50 years ago
We just picked up 10 chics of 5 different breeds
Barred rock
Amber link
Silver lace Wyandotte
Plymouth blue rocks
Pearl starleghorn
So far so good, let the adventure begin.
Thank you for this video! I wish I had known about sparkly windmills and sparkly garland to hang around the yard to keep predator birds away. We have an urban "sort of" homestead and we let our chickens out to free range in the yard when we can keep an eye on them, since we have dogs in the neighborhood. We used to let them out all day long, but had an incident with a dog and can't do that anymore. We had hawks dive down for the chickens until we put out the windmills and other garlands about 2 years ago. Since having these in our yard, we haven't had any problems with predator birds. I am so excited to share that we have 2 chickens in our flock that we raised since chicks and are about 9 years old. They were both still laying eggs last summer, stopped during the winter and one has started laying again (our good old Leghorn, Sunny! The Plymouth Rock, Clucky, is the other old lady we have)
I really enjoyed your talk. One of my neighbors has a lot of chickens. The last batch--three that survived tend to love jumping over the fence every day. I have enjoyed them so much. I found out today that they don't go into my neighbor's yard much anymore. They roost in our orange tree next to their property. Wow, I didn't know they slept in the tree. I have seen them get into the tree but I thought it was just temporary. My neighbor said they come over to get mash. But they come back over to our house to eat the bugs in our lush yard. We have a main backyard and a separated fence to the second half that has a garden. Most things are in pots. The chickens love pecking around the pots. Now that I know they're sleeping in the tree, I plan to get them some shelter as our neighbor gave his blessing to let us house them. I'm so green behind the ears. I appreciated your talk. We don't live out in the country side. It used to be more rural. But we have a half acre. We feel blessed compared to so many families.
Something I was told as a kid by a family who's had chickens for a few generations, dont feed chickens cracked eggs. Chickens love eggs and if they start getting used to eating eggs then they'll eventually start cracking their own. Also, don't need to refrigerate home grown eggs unless you aggressively clean them.
As long as you crush them up so much they can’t tell it’s an egg you won’t create egg eaters in my experience. But I always hardboil eggs and smash the crap out of them before I feed them back. Never had an egg eater.
My experience was, even if they ate eggs regularly, they maintained a strong aversion to breaking them open themselves. It's usually one individual in the flock doing the breaking if you get that problem. At the sound of an egg cracking they would all go hyperalert, and mob the site where it landed, pushing their heads down in a circle, lifting them to swallow with yolk running down their beak comically.
Once I ate a fresh yet "bad" egg and it gave me an aversion to eating my own chicks' eggs, even after figuring out why. There was a big dead opossum carcass in the undergrowth that they were eating. This made the yolk taste strongly like carrion. I had hard boiled the egg and my GF bit half of it and I ate the other half. We both went chew-chew-chew-STOP... looked at each other with wide eyes for a second, then both simultaneously turned forward again and spat the eggs out with a loud messy PATOOOFFF! I noticed when they got into and ate my onion starts, the yolks tasted onion-y.
Yolk production leaches beta carotene from every part of the chicken's body, so feed them grated carrots as a supplement. During an egg laying cycle, a hen's feathers and legs get more and more pale and dull looking. Then her egg laying cycle ends, she molts and starts putting out new brightly colored feathers and her legs go from dry and pale to moist and orange/yellow again. Then she starts laying again and the next cycle is under way.
I've known people that threw cracked eggs on the ground for the chickens to eat decade after decade and never had a problem with that. You do get a rare chicken that will crack eggs but that happens whether you give them eggs or not. I'm going to put this one under the category of old wive's tales.
It's super addicting. Pure love and joy. I can't never live without them. Ducks are even funnier.
I love roosters! My flock actually started with two roosters and an old hen! They had quite the dynamic, they were allowed complete free range of my yard which is about a quarter of an acre and we never had issues with predators until people started dumping raccoons in our area.. my boys never once fought and they would rarely mount my hen which was sweet of them cuz she was like 6 years old...
Yeah I've got nearly 18 chickens now four of which happened to be roosters (two bantam and two standard) and I love them all!! I only planned for 10 all together but the addiction is real
"I do not have any chicken's...but you are very kind and I love listening to you about their care...just subscribed...love del"
I really enjoyed your video. I have had chickens for years, this will be the first year I have had chickens in AZ so I am going to learn what it is like to keep chickens in hot weather. I am a victum of chicken chreep. I only wanted to start this experiment with 4 chicks but somehow I wound up with 20, not sure how that happened. But, hay, chickens are fun [I think a chicken told me that].
We've found that the lightweight breeds do better here in AZ, the Mediterranean type breeds do very well for us too, the heavier breeds really struggle in the heat.. Making sure they have shade and and a lot of cool water is essential of course. I bought a misting system for the hottest days and it lowers the air temp around it by about 20 degrees. They love it.
I went to Safeway yesterday to get JoJo and they said it would be a 9 min wait. I went next door to check out Wilco. They had $1 chicks, I bought 38 and then went to the next Wilco and now have 61. Woke up this morning and wondered what they had at others and now I have 101 chicks. 🙏
Best chicken video I’ve watched so far! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
One thing I wish I knew before building my first chicken coop was that I needed to consider my SECOND set of birds. What I mean is, I built my coop, put birds in it, but then after two years I wanted to add chicks to my adult flock and everything I read told me that I needed to raise my new chicks next to my existing birds, but keep them separated by some wire mesh. This is impossible using any basic coop design. Your average coop design has one door for the birds and one sleeping space, but to introduce new birds, I need two doors, two sleeping spaces, a wire mesh separating them and, most importantly, a way to remove that wire mesh at night when the youngins' are old enough to join the flock without disturbing them while they sleep.
I,v heard that when you get baby chicks you need to touch their beaks to their drinking water so they can learn to drink by themselves
Great video and info! I wish I would have known about chickens needing dust baths! Our chickens got lice the first year because we were not intentional about making sure they had a dry/dusty area to go to.
Hello I just found your channel I am in Oklahoma I spent 9 months in Wisconsin back in 2015
I live in South Florida (Vero Beach) and I'm getting ready to start raising chickens. It is mostly hot and humid right now, and It's that way the majority of the time. I will just make sure to keep ventilation as a main priority, and give them cool water and cool treats. Also, I am getting breeds that are built for this weather.
What breeds are good for the heat? Also did you need dust bath for Florida?
@@tammythomason5554 yes always dust bath
When I was younger I'd ask my aunt why we didn't put new hens with the old flock. She told me that the old flock would relentlessly bully new hens! It was a surprise to me how hens are like highschool girls, gosh
I have 5 nuggets and so far so good. They have a wonderful heating lamp and my husband insists on filter water LOL. Honestly though they're wonderful and we're building them a wonderful coop. I agree with the chicken addiction. I seriously want more but the town we live in only allows 4. Thanks for the video!!!
I'm a newbie. I'm just building my chicken house. I live in Florida and I really appreciate everything you had to say today
this is my first year with chickens, 10 chicks on reserve of 2 different breeds that will fit our temperament and climate :D your videos have been a great jumping off point!
we have an acre of land and a coop from the previous owners :D
I enjoy learning from you. You have quality content. Thank you
I never comment on videos, but I want to say the biggest “I wish I knew before I got chickens…” was my dog rolling in the chicken poo on a frequent basis, my dog aims to please but doesn’t seem to understand that we don’t like that. Our dog is mostly indoors and our backyard isn’t big, but there was one day our dog got bathed three times!!! 🤢 But sometimes she’ll go a couple of weeks without rolling in the poo. Not that we wouldn’t have gotten chickens (or the dog) If we had known, but a heads up would’ve been nice. Lol
Dogs always seem to like to roll in s--t, no matter what kind it is, especially right after they have had a bath!
Keep the poop cleaned up should help the problem.
This is our second forray into chickens. Our first flock had 10 hens and 2 roosters. Current flock of 21 is about 22 days old.
Really appreciate your videos! Your chicken videos are what made me have the confidence to get chickens for the first time this year. Got 6 cutie baby chicks and they are getting big so fast! All healthy and happy :)
I'm getting chickens from my boyfriend this year. I'll hatch them so I will have them since their first day of life to their last. They'll be my first so I'll only start with 4-5. I'm very excited. They'll have a coop but they'll be outside freely in day time
Thank you mainly for your compassion caring practices with your chickens. Wish I could keep roosters where I live, because I love the sound of their crowing and don't understand why people dislike that so! And why the sounds of lawn movers and leaf blowers are tolerated over the beautiful rooster calls.
In our area you can't have roosters because people use them for fighting and they're trying to stop that, it has nothing to do with the crowing. We are limited to 6 hens. We're looking into getting chickens, but we're in a rental so everything would have to be easy to break down and move if we move.
true, they are beautiful too.. but try having a rooster outside your bedroom window in the middle of the night when you are trying to sleep, it is an experience for sure!
The difference is most blowers, lawnmowers, chainsaws, etc don't go off any time of the day or night. Roosters crow whenever they want. I had a neighbor that raised 50+ roosters and it was a nightmare 😫
Great info, straight to the point without much mindless fluff..THANK YOU for that!.
We’re a couple of months into our chicken journey. We love them! This is great info for newbies! Thanks for this video!
I’m from Racine Wisconsin and I’m new to the country life in Atlanta I have about 30 chickens and I’m a newbie in the game I just wanna say I love watching your videos and the information you give
We are looking into "water glassing" but you can also freeze eggs (no, not in the shell!). scramble a dozen eggs with a tsp of salt and pour them into an ice cube tray (we found a couple with large cubes so we get about 1 egg/cube, helps when your baking and the recipe calls for, say, 3 eggs, 3 cubes = 3 eggs, easy). once they're frozen we pop them out of the ice cube tray and put them in zip lock bags. I also saw a video where they put a number of scrambled eggs (what ever number works for you) into a zip lock and then froze them (freeze them on a flat surface so they're easy to stack in the freezer) and when you need them don't thaw them in the bag, peel the bag off the frozen eggs and thaw them in a bowl. That way you don't leave egg in the zip lock.
I'm also experimenting with fermented feed (like probiotic fermented food) it seems to have increased egg production and the chickens love it. Here a link to a study done on fermented feed.
Thank you ❤️
I started water glossing last yr. It has been a God send to me. I put in a 5 gal bucket in my kitchen and that works well. So easy to do also, and I heard chickens will go up to 25$ very soon. Eggs will also become scare and very expensive.
I eat eggs everyday and started freezing them during the shortages of 2020. 1 large egg = 1/4 cup. I crack and mix about 8 eggs per pint jar then freeze
I'm considering starting up raising chickens and now I'm flooded with chicken raising videos in my feed. Lol this one was by far the most educational one I've seen so far. Lots of great tips that I appreciate hearing especially just starting to considering doing it after a while of just admiring homesteading. I wanted to start this year but I don't see that happening yet. What are those pretty fluffy headed chickens! They look like they have feathered hats on. So gorgeous.
I am a new chicken owner Rhode Island Red they came last Friday 10 in the mail...purchased galvanized tub and starter kit with brooder etc. pretty color eggs...we want more chickens later on great thought process we are vegetarians and have no plans on eating them. Love eggs 🥚 ✊🏾❤️❤️❤️✊🏾 new subscriber here...
Omg great tip video and the dogs are so helpful
Hey my wife was vegetarian/ vegan (whole food, quinoa, hemp and avocado style, not the oreo soy burger style) for nearly 12 years and had both hormone (vitamin d3 and k) problems even though she supplemented. She also had problems with her teeth due to lack of the bodies ability to perform mineral and vitamin uptake on a veg diet. The eggs (raw in raw milk if you can) are some of the single best things you can put into your body. I would highly recommend reconsidering your diet and eating the eggs.
“Social and Clingy”
I can relate!
Me and my family have 7 chickens that live outside of our fence (because of our old neighbor letting us), we have gone through many “generations” of chickens.
When we got down to 5 chickens, we decided to get 2 more from out neighbors that live behind us since they have chicks and chickens. When we went to get them, there just was a batch of 1 month olds in a cage. We picked out 2 olive eggers (who are now named Snowy and Maple)
They grew up being buddies, and love to be by each other. It’s so cute to watch them grow up by sides😍
Now that all 7 are together, they’ve become a whole flock💗
“Chicken math” is a lot like fishing math. My wife teases me that over my lifetime of fishing, the fish I caught - mostly trout, salmon, bass, perch, and bluegill - the true cost per pound of the small amount of fish we actually ate was probably over $200/lb. Ha ha!
I just like the clucks and purrs... so relaxing... I worked for a guy that had chickens, rabbits, ..... other animals. first 30 min and last 30 min of every day was caring/feeding them. It was my happy place before/after work.
❤️🐔we are getting chicks in April! I'm so exited, this would be our third year getting chickens/ducks. i can't imagine not having them by now. we live in the middle of nowhere so luckily we have no limits! Great video! I loved it!
I live somewhere where it's literally always warm and sunny. It gets a bit samely. We enjoy our short winter with storms and thunder and rain.
I wish I had known that breeds known for being super quiet can still be super loud when they are excited. My county zoning allows chickens but my HOA restrictions do not. We got Buff Orpingtons known for being stealth chickens. But every time I open my back door they think someone might be bringing them something new and exciting to eat, and all of a sudden there is a chorus of Bwaahhhh's! LOL Thankfully we back to private property, have green space on one side and a deaf old woman on the other. But ours haven't even started laying yet, so I'm worried when they do it will be loud enough for neighbors across the street to hear.
I love that your chickens allow you to pet them. Mine allow me to pet them and pick them up and I talked to him and scratch underneath their bills and I just love chickens
The Struggle is REAL! Predator struggle that is... my BIGGEST challenge in northern Florida is the "DEATH from the SKY" dynamic. I solved all night time predation with my dogs.. but the assault from the air is unrelenting! We even had a Red Tail Hawk fly UNDER MY HOUSE to get a hen.. I hate keeping them all cooped in the pens, but the air assault is so challenging.
From what I heard hawks hate crows (to the point of where they’ll avoid them) so maybe try getting some crow-looking chickens? (Sumatras look pretty similar)
Make friends with ravens - a nesting pair of ravens (or even crows) will absolutely not tolerate hawks and owls in their territory.
These birds can have issues on their own - such as egg stealing and chick predation. I've never had chick predation but I also don't let them outside when they are takeout size. There are ways to dissuade egg-stealing but in my opinion donating a few eggs is a small price to pay!
I started with one coop and only a cpl chickens now I have two coops and quite a few birds. Plans to build a big walk in coop this year and a dozen more birds
We are down in Tennessee, starting to see the thinning of grocery shelves and bought 10 road island reds and am already running into the pecking problems. Looks like I'll have more work ahead building a bigger coop/run.
Likely the best single video on the internet about chicken ownership. Very informative and at the same time makes you seek MORE information.
I wish I known the feed would be so expensive, I would have made the alfalfa patch larger. I wish had known about egg bound and vent infection, but thankfully I found videos on the internet. I wish had partially covered the chicken run to protect the chickens from the temperature extremes; snow in winter and hot in summer.
Another very informative video. Unfortunately once again your favorite chicken gear link shows nothing just a blank page?
Your videos have helped me a ton, I’ve had previous chicken experience (large flocks) but am starting a flock at a property I manage for the first time in years. It’s more daunting when they’re 100% your responsibility lol. So I have 25 total, 10 are straight run so… roosters galore.
I’m definitely jumping in head first, but it should be fun. Amish coop arrived Friday and I’m building the run when the weather improves.
Thanks again for the great videos, your enthusiasm is contagious btw. :)
Your chicks are so cute you are a. Great owner.
Maybe the most important thing to keep in mind make sure you have a secure pen .My neighbor has 6 hens with a very secure pen and henhouse in addition to a hot wire around the fence.Keeps the varmits out.
Wisconsin is a beautiful state. I love the seasonal changes. You'll just have to dress a little warmer during the outdoor winter videos.
As a chicken owner I have a great tip that I just learned: Get carrots, cracked pepper, and red cabbage from Walmart (cheapest) to supplement your feed. That’s how you get extra dark and rich yolks.
Feeding alfalfa is the cheapest way to get dark yolks. It can be bought on its own or in feed.
Do you mix it all together Jordan?
@@jeda3047 Negative! I just throw stuff in their pen seperate, and it all ends up gone.
Wish we knew about sexing the chickens. I think we got 20 chickens in our first batch and we only got 2 females.
I just found your channel because I'm obsessed with learning about chickens and want some in the near future. We live in an apartment atm. But I LOVE your videos! Thanks for so much knowledge :) I can't wait to be able to get chicks!
Me 2 ... apt here. Just learning for the future. #dreamfarm #dreamhomestead
I laughed at 6:47 when the little Polish was just standing there and she pushed her into the pen. They really have a hard time seeing with those feathers. We trim ours. I enjoyed your video.
If you do another one of these I'd suggest adding: 1. How long it takes to get eggs is probably longer than expected (for most people) and of course every breed is different. Some might be surprised when they get baby chicks instead of adult layers and it takes nearly a year before they see their 1st egg.
The 2 sets of chicks I've had laid their first eggs in early fall of their first year -- that is, I got them in March, and by October they had laid.
@@psilverz4848 Agriculture is destroying the planet. It is very frustrating how much miss information there is on this topic. Grazing can actually sequester far more carbon than forests at a much, much faster rate. If we grazed animals on a large enough scale, we could actually mitigate all human emissions. Growing plants can not do this. Plant agriculture uses massive amounts of fossil fuels and unlike grazing cattle, it doesn't mitigate its own emissions. The soil microbiome is killed with chemicals and that dead soil is lost rapidly, causing complete land infertility and desertification. Grazing animals is the fastest way to replenish these lands, bring the microbes back, give nutrients back, rehydrate, break up impaction, and build soil faster than any other process. It would take nature decades to build the amount of soil made in a couple of yrs of Grazing.
Great info, thanks! I’ll be trying chickens for the first time this spring.
Totally agree with all of this! #10 so helpful for newbies I'm sure. I grew up in WI and now in FL so I feel your pain with the cold but there's pros and cons to living everywhere I suppose. ♡♡♡
Thank you so much for this! Loved the video, and your positive, encouraging attitude. A joy to watch! Sending my best from the UK.
Love your channel! I've got some experience with flocks in the past, but I'm starting my own now.. I have two groups of chicks, 14 are 5 weeks old and 11 are 4wk old. It doesn't sound like a big difference, but the older ones are fully feathered and in the outside coop now, while I've moved the other group into the larger brooder.
I need to get them out of the basement, but the size difference is concerning and I'm not sure what will happen. The younger group is all chicks and the older group is straight run golden laced wyandottes and some leghorns.. so there will be roo's in there.
Great video . I had chickens growing up when I lived with my Grandparents . A nice little flock of Banty chickens , I think around 15 if my memory is correct. Our only predator was a weasel , which my Grandfather finally took care of with his old shotgun one day . But I really enjoyed those Banty chickens and those little eggs were delicious !!
Chickens need granite to break down their food. If they aren’t able to find hard tiny rocks that will help them then they will have health problems such as egg bound. Also make sure your coop has plenty of ventilation and has roost that they like. Most chickens like to roost on the highest roost. If you get a coop with roost close to the ground then they may not use them and they will just lay on the ground, which I’ve heard that it’s not good for them to not roost in the night. They usually are pooping while sleeping. I’ve seen one of my chickens with a dirty feather butt with poop hanging. I’m pretty sure it’s because she lays on the ground. I thought it might of been gleet.
Make sure to have something’s in stock for chicken medical emergencies. Research, examine and look at plenty of opinions before you do anything to your chickens.
no that is geese and they use sand not granite
I’ve had chickens for a year and I got older ones from a friend that they were getting rid of due to age. So my what everyone should know is you are going to lose some. Especially having a larger flock. They get egg bound or get infections and sometimes they just drop dead for no apparent reason! Yes when that happens check your other chickens clean your coop. Do all the necessary precautions to make sure it wasn’t a catchable sickness but after you have done that. Don’t beat your self up because you think you failed. It’s going to happen it’s a part of the homestead and take it as a learning moment and then move on. I lost 1 due to mites and one due to old age this year. I can’t tell you how badly I beat my self up for the mites. But I treated it and now everyone is healthy as can be. I still obsessively check for mites with a flashlight every night 😁
I really enjoyed your video and found it informative! I have 5 baby Silkie Bantams (Petunia, Dolly, Rosebud, Daisy, and Big Bird), hopefully all female and 3 weeks old. I went with Silkies because if they aren't broody, they lay 2-3 eggs/week and they're 3/4 size eggs which is a good amount for me and my daughter. The chickens are supposedly very quiet (so far, not so!). They're molting and changing color! Big Bird was a definite yellowy buff and is becoming white. My cream-colored girls are turning gray with black. My medium gray is turning lighter gray with black. My black chick is turning bi-color black and dark gray. I didn't expect that! I recommend anyone getting chickens for the first time to get the coop and run in place BEFORE the chickens come. Don't buy some little thing that's way overpriced and not big enough. I've never built anything before and I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, saw straight with a line drawn, everything is a bit out of square, and there's nothing level anywhere BUT I built my coop & run myself. People need to think about things -- do you want to be up every morning when the sun comes up to let the chickens out of the coop? Get an automatic door. Be able to reach the eggs from outside the coop. Make sure the water coming off the roof flows toward the back if your nesting box is on the side. Make your access easy so that cleaning is easy. Have enough room for double the number of chickens. Make it predator proof.
Chickens do fine in excess heat also.... Bakersfield, ca does 100+days of 100°f 2 to 4 wks 110+
Great job! Very thorough, and pleasantly delivered. 😊 we’ve had chickens in the past and look forward to having them again soon. Really enjoyed your video. Thanks for sharing!
I just want to say I LOVED your video!! These are great tips and you went about it in a serious but lighthearted way that made me want to sit and talk with you lol
I have been following your account for a while now and I so appreciate all of the information you have provided! I would love to hear if you had any insight on how your chicken care changed during / after pregnancy!
We are building our first coop. 8'x6' with 10' x 20' run. I'm putting sand in the coop. Sand seems to be one of the topics that are like the old Ford vs Chevy debate. These are our first chickens and you are not kidding about the opinions.
I'm in Texas so the heat will be my biggest challenge.
I would add, people should begin researching chicken illnesses and wounds beforehand! That way you have an idea of what to look for so you can catch problems quick. Also, BIOSECURITY! Very, very important. learn it, plan for it, implement it. It will keep you from potentially losing your whole flock.
Good point...thank you Natalie....but what's biosecurity?
Good point! We lost several of our favorites to some mysterious illness. Also, they got what we think was chiggers while I was pregnant. It was awful cause the chiggers loved me.
I didn't know about chiggars. Just looked it up. Chiggars don't like garlic. The chicken eats the garlic, etc.
@@nancyfahey7518 I had never heard of it before ours got them. We assumed it was some kind of mite until we looked at them under a magnifying glass + we also read that mites don’t bite people. Our chickens got garlic every day. We treated them naturally.
@@lauranilsen8988 hey Laura ....so the garlic really helped???
Also was wondering how you gave the garlic to your birds??
Did you put it in the water or did you just feed it to them raw??
Thanks....much appreciated!
Your dogs are so adorable and smart they care for the chickens so well.
Just got our 10 Easter Egger girls on Friday. Chicken math is already a problem! Building a 4x10 coop similar to yours so they’ll be ready to move in around 6 weeks (weather permitting).
Same here! We got 6 of them on Friday. Been wanting some of that breed for a while. High five! Lol
Stumbled onto your channel, really like the quick no nonsense approach. Subscribed, thumbs up!
Amazing video editing, mate! I work in digital marketing and I love your skill set on show with the editing here. Really great work. Please keep producing more :)
(PS - I love your content... I don't have my chickens *yet* but I have a stock pile of empty egg cartons in my cupboard and an excitement towards owning my own poultry sooner rather than later... I just need to build a coup)
I’m in wisco and getting ready to take on yet another hobby. “Chicken Math”. I love it! Your videos are great. This 1 in particular. Keep up the good work.
I love all of this information and especially that you are also in Wisconsin! So grateful for al of this as we are embarking on beginning chicken raising! So excited for this. Love the chickens I have known through the years and my kids to are thrilled to finally be able to have our own friends
I saw someone put smooth rocks in their chick waterer. It keeps the chick's from accidental drownings.. if say anywhere from pebble to quarter size rocks would be fine. 😊 I don't have chickens yet! So for now I'm doing all the research I can! I also live in Wisconsin, so I'm glad you spoke about winters! ❤🐥
Just listened to your podcast. I love Marans (specifically French Cuckoo Maran)! I had one in CA and when I moved to MN I made sure I got another. It’s the one breed I would like to have more than one. I agree they are not underfoot, but they are quiet and not aggressive (even though my “Odelette” is the largest she is by no means a bully), plus the eggs… 👍
love Maran
first time chicken owner. Started with 19 back in june and still have 19. They should be layin g soon in november. We got the blue and gold laced wyandotte chickens. We3 chose to keep the 2 roosters. I built a 40x70x55 coop. We use the fresh cut grass and then throw it in the run.
I am currently transitioning my chickens (12 + 1 bantam hen and 3 roosters) from a three acre free range environment where they had tons of scratch ground and vegetation, to a suburban neighborhood. Obviously I have to confine them and get rid of the roosters, which makes me sad. The backyard I have is quite large (maybe a quarter of an acre) and I already have a large chicken coop there ( just know fencing yet)
Any ideas about chicken tractors and chicken tunnels you might suggest? I will be doing tons of gardening in my backyard too.