Update: 22520 orundum 25 yellow cards 81 OP Today I am at my grandma’s house so y’know that’s that. I have every material for lappland to be E2 and almost everything for weedy E2. Just waiting on the d32 steel for the last item from 4800 expeditioner points. For lappland I need her guard chips. Today I will now begin money farming. Edit: we played uno with my cousins and my aunt and mom. I won 2 in a row and then lost the 3rd one cause rng screwed me over. Praying rng doesn’t screw me over in the Lapp alter banner
Day 22:
It's raining. It's cold. Too cold.
My blanket is small and thin.
Me and my 8600 orundums waiting for Marcille
22520 orundum
25 yellow cards
81 OP
Today I am at my grandma’s house so y’know that’s that. I have every material for lappland to be E2 and almost everything for weedy E2. Just waiting on the d32 steel for the last item from 4800 expeditioner points. For lappland I need her guard chips. Today I will now begin money farming.
Edit: we played uno with my cousins and my aunt and mom. I won 2 in a row and then lost the 3rd one cause rng screwed me over. Praying rng doesn’t screw me over in the Lapp alter banner
24100 for lappy
status report:
i dip a few single pull yesterday on "guarantee 5★" and the result...
75yellow rocc