Clams In The High Backcountry

  • Опубликовано: 28 окт 2023
  • It's late October, the temperatures are dropping as well as the snow level. Nothing beats a good hot meal while relaxing in the great backcountry of the PNW. #pnw #washington #nature

Комментарии • 5

  • @rickdavidson9786
    @rickdavidson9786 8 месяцев назад +1

    Very nice, great footage. There is truly some beautiful country out there.

  • @denverdial8828
    @denverdial8828 6 месяцев назад +2

    after seeing your post on facebook i came here to find some constructive critisiam, (yes i know my spelling is atroshis),
    i actually found my self likeing your video more then i thought i would. im just not sure who your audience is? its themed like a smooth relaxing video about the back coutry but you spent the whole time makeing food. now that meal sure did seem quite delicious, and i would love to make it my self, and i feel like i could figure it out from your video just not that easily.
    pick your audience, is this suposed to be a relaxing video about the beuty of the back country, or an instrustional video on how to make clam pasta.
    also thumbnails are very important, i would include a picture of you dumping the clams into the pasta. thats an interesting and intreging photo that would grab my atention.
    have a gimic, a thing that is all you, something you do every time, so that when someone comes back they notice it and feel at home cause its familiar to them
    get a co host, haveing someone to talk to makes for great content. differing opinions alowing you to have converstions that are interesting. i listen to the WAN show by LTT. its 3-5 hours of two people just talking about tech and i wish it lasted 10-20 hours I love it!!! most of the time they are just swapping stories back and forth and just having a good time.
    if you can't find a good co host, get your son or brother in volved, they might be willing to and because you allready know them it should help keep the natural feel of your videos.
    present information that people want to know. like you talk about using a lighter cause its stupid to use flint and steel, lighter are easier. and thats true, but people don't come to youtube for the easy and boring, they want the fun and exiting, the drama of wether or not you will manage to get your fire started, (even if its way over dramatsiesed), do it cause its fun not cause its easy. i use flint and steel with charcloth every chance i get cause i want to get better at it, and i have gotten way better. and i find it just about as easy as a lighter.
    now if you want to do something the easy way either don't put it on camera its boring, or show us exactly how to make it so easy, shoe us how you made your fire starter brick instead of just listing off the ingredients, i would love to try making that but their wasn't enough info in this video to do so. make a seperate video talking about just the fire starters the tell your viewer to go watch that video if they want to learn. then later when they are trying to remember how to make it they won't have to remeber that its hiden in a video about clams rather their is an entire video that will show up in the search menu when they go looking for dan's fire starters.
    most importantly, good thumpnails, and good titles.

    • @DansBackcountry
      @DansBackcountry  6 месяцев назад +1

      Hey, I actually really appreciate this. I'm definitely going to be considering all of this very good feedback that you have provided me going forward. It is nice to actually have people provide real constructive criticism that I can actually implement. Thank you so much, sincerely

    • @vees991
      @vees991 5 месяцев назад +1

      I enjoyed the video. It was nice and relaxing, great scenic views. But was confused, thinking it was going to be more towards shellfishing. A catch and cook would be cool.