如此愛你 love you by this way 飛鳥愛上飛鳥 When a flying bird loves a flying bird 不是自由 not freedom 天空愛上飛鳥 Only the sky falling in love with the flying bird 才是擁有 It is possession 允許你來 allow you to come 允許你走 allow you to go 我的愛就這麼無怨這麼無憂 My love without complaint without regret 落花愛上落花 When falling flowers love falling flowers 無法守候 unable to guard unable to wait 大地愛上落花 Only the earth falling in love with the falling flowers 才能永久 It is forever 陪著你喜 happy with you 陪著你愁 sad with you 我的愛就這麼深沉這麼濃厚 My love so deep so rich 我願如此 如此愛你 I wish wish to love you by this way 給你天空 give you the sky 給你大地 give you the land 然後靜靜 靜靜化作風景 Then quietly quietly turn into a landscape 去裝點那 to decorate that 最美麗的你 the most beautiful of you 讓我如此 如此愛你 let me love you by this way 做你的天空 be your sky 你的大地 be your earth 然後默默 默默給你勇氣 Then silently silently give you the courage 讓你去做 let you be 做你自己 be yourself
Happy Eid 2020, Asalum Alaikum, we are all One with God's Love made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through the whole spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ. We are all waiting for the return of Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace for Heaven on Earth. There is no division with Christ's Love and He says ' by their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them. Jesus Christ is returning quickly, Amen, we must choose to turn away from sin to be able to put on the crown of incorruptability for the crown of righteousness to attain to the crown of immortality to not die from sin for the crown of Life for the crown of God's Glorious Love, the Positive Golden Halo of Love from our body resonating with Love for Light throughout our body. The Revelation crowns represent the governing thoughts we choose for Life with true faith in action where we cannot 'Positively Die'. Genesis 2:17. We must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, for we positively die with bad knowledge and fearful thoughts. We must only think good. There is too much knowledge of fear and bad in this world and the law has not been fully upheld for fullness of God's Spirit of Love who is Jesus Christ. Greed and sin with gross immorality are idolized on screen and the internet allowing bad and fearful, stressful thoughts to govern many minds to fear and doubt. Only through God's Laws for Love being upheld can we attain to faith which is a gift from God's Love when we can uphold God's Love, the 10 Commandments every moment of every day for the whole spirit of Love to beareth the fruits of Love, Joy, Faith with Kindness, Mildness, Goodness with Patience and Long Suffering with Self Control not to sin: not to hurt or abuse another in mind, body or spirit for Peace and the Golden Rule of Love for Twofold Peace: Jerusalem for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love, through Jesus Christ, The whole spirit of Love Anointed. The Anointed One, namely Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste Twofold Peace: Jerusalem for New Jerusalem, the Holy City, The Heavenly City: Zion for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth, Revelation 21 and 22. Amen. Come Lord Jesus Come...Jesus Christ is coming quickly. Put on our crowns of positive and faithful thoughts for Christ, for The Christ consciousness and Oneness with God's Love. There is only One Love. The law leads to Faith which leads to Christ. Galatians 3: 24. Faith is the gift of observing the laws for Love to prevail and God does prove He is Love because His #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love, through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom...Jesus Christ is returning quickly.🕊💖🕊 To be changed just as the twinkling of an eye is our nervous system change from fear to Love where we humbly and willingly serve God every moment of every day with faith and grace, Amen. Ameen.Shalom...healing for All Nations. WELLFARE Not warfare. Life on our paradise Earth for Eden restored as promised for The Promised Land to come. All thanks, glory and honour and praise be to our God who causes Love to become whole and One in us, whole in our body, The Temple where Love does dwell, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing for All Nations...🕊💖🕊Amen, we must choose to turn away from sin to be able to put on the crown of incorruptability for the crown of righteousness to attain to the crown of immortality to not die from sin for the crown of Life for the crown of God's Glorious Love, the Positive Golden Halo of Love from our body resonating with Love for Light throughout our body. The Revelation crowns represent the governing thoughts we choose for Life with true faith in action where we cannot 'Positively Die'. Genesis 2:17. We must train our minds to think good. There is too much knowledge of bad in this world and the law has not been fully upheld. Greed and sin with gross immorality are idolized on screen and the internet allowing bad and fearful, stressful thoughts to govern many minds to fear and doubt. Only through God's Laws for Love being upheld can we attain to faith which is a gift from God's Love when we can uphold God's Love, the 10 Commandments every moment of every day. 🕊💖🕊 Amen, Ameen. Shalom. Namaste Twofold Peace: Jerusalem for New Jerusalem, the Holy City, The Heavenly City: Zion for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth, Revelation 21 and 22. Amen. Come Lord Jesus Come...Jesus Christ is coming quickly. Put on our crowns of positive and faithful thoughts for Christ, for The Christ consciousness and Oneness with God's Love. There is only One Love. The law leads to Faith which leads to Christ. Galatians 3: 24. Faith is the gift of observing the laws for Love to prevail and God does prove He is Love because His #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love, through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom...Jesus Christ is returning quickly.🕊💖🕊 To be changed just as the twinkling of an eye is our nervous system change from fear to Love where we humbly and willingly serve God every moment of every day with faith and grace, Amen. Ameen.Shalom...healing for All Nations. WELLFARE Not warfare. Life on our paradise Earth for Eden restored as promised for The Promised Land to come. All thanks, glory and honour and praise be to our God who causes Love to become whole and One in us, whole in our body, The Temple where Love does dwell, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing for All Nations... Shalom Aleichem, Asalam Alaikum, Peaceful blessings to all, God willing in English, Insha Allah in Arabic We are all One through God's Love made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...🕊💖🕊 Check out this vision I was granted of God's Shekinah sun, the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds. ruclips.net/video/Js81kd91AK4/видео.html Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear ruclips.net/video/5QBQRqquQu0/видео.html All thanks glory, honour and praise be to God through Jesus Christ, The Anointed One, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste...Twofold Peace for All Nations for New Jerusalem, The Heavenly City for Heaven on Earth, Zion to which all Nations will stream... 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
指揮很棒。邀請作曲者劉新誠老師接受喝采的一幕竟成絕響! 慟。
這是今年國家音樂廳演出嗎? 如果是我也是當場淚下
扎拉西姆 • 多多能活出上帝的愛,人在愛中被成全才有自由與美麗,讓人感悟譜出這樣美麗的生命樂章,真是令人感動,以人的認知角度要活出如此聖潔寬闊的愛情確實不容易。神將聖潔的美好意念放在人的心中,讓人思想有了正確的答案,人性被昇華去愛人,就不會想佔為己有,愛到無私豁達,有的是尊重,謙卑與自由釋放,便不再有罪行、有傷害,不再有混亂,在愛情中沒有成全,轄制人或被轄制發生種種的悲劇無不令人觸目驚心難過,如此為著人活得單純幸福美好,今天神的生命教育實在刻不容緩,能體會從上帝的愛裏被尊重,才能以愛和尊重活出神所要我們活的生命層次一愛與和平。扎拉西姆 • 多多愛的理念與日月同輝,在人間贏得的是尊敬與懷念。 他向神獻出如此美麗榮耀的冠冕。
"扎拉西姆 • 多多, 中國廣東省漢人,為一虔誠的佛教徒. 扎西拉姆為其法名, 多多則是朋友間的暱稱."
love you by this way
When a flying bird loves a flying bird
not freedom
Only the sky falling in love with the flying bird
It is possession
allow you to come
allow you to go
My love without complaint without regret
When falling flowers love falling flowers
unable to guard unable to wait
Only the earth falling in love with the falling flowers
It is forever
happy with you
sad with you
My love so deep so rich
我願如此 如此愛你
I wish wish to love you by this way
give you the sky
give you the land
然後靜靜 靜靜化作風景
Then quietly quietly turn into a landscape
to decorate that
the most beautiful of you
讓我如此 如此愛你
let me love you by this way
be your sky
be your earth
然後默默 默默給你勇氣
Then silently silently give you the courage
let you be
be yourself
父母對子女的 愛 如果能無私灌溉 任其翱翔 亦若是
感謝 作你天空 作你大地 給你勇氣做你自己 太優美動人 動聽 ! !
今天 感受到默默的做你依靠 很近 很近 好感動!謝謝
Beautiful poem and lucid voice. thanks for uploading.
让你去做 让你去做 做你自己
for ~ 天下父母的神曲!
莫要對孩子過度擔憂 與 掌控
過度擔憂 = 變成不斷詛咒
過度掌控 = 失去親子關係
謝謝分享 歌詞優美動聽!
台大合唱團 2024 冬季音樂會《聲默》
NTU Chorus 2024 Winter Concert - Even When He Is Silent
★ 學生享 8 折優惠,當日入場須出示學生證。
★ 持有新竹市市民卡、新竹市文化局演藝廳會員卡或新竹縣政府文化局演藝廳會員卡其一,可享 9 折優惠,當日入場須出示相關證件。
★ 團購 8 張以上享 85 折優惠,15 張以上享 75 折優惠
★ 購買 1000 元贊助票者,憑票券可於當日兌換禮品乙份與本場音樂會之節目冊乙本。
★ 購買 1500 元或 2000 元贊助票者,憑票券可於當日兌換禮品乙份與本場音樂會之節目冊乙本。
◎佛瑞 Gabriel Fauré /《安魂曲》Requiem, Op.48
◎Prayer of the Children /arr. Andrea Klouse
◎In Flanders Fields /Greg Gilpin
◎Even When He Is Silent /Kim André Arnesen
◎After the War /arr. Mark Sirett
◎O Love/Elaine Hagenberg
或洽詢票務:許先生 0984-387-316
葉先生 0939-932-927
#聲默 #EvenWhenHeIsSilent
#台大合唱團 #NTUChorus
Harmonies delightful.
Very good from korea
Subhan Allah Mashallah 😍🤩😃 love u all off u
好想買這首樂譜 (口水
岐岐睇睇 請問可以在哪裡購買樂譜?
Pana Musica 全方位音楽
No. 21-1號, Zhongshan South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
+886 2 2327 8518 g.co/kgs/pnT32x
service@panamusica.com (+886 2-2327-8518)
Is the pianist blood related to ingwen?
Happy Eid 2020, Asalum Alaikum, we are all One with God's Love made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through the whole spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ. We are all waiting for the return of Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace for Heaven on Earth. There is no division with Christ's Love and He says ' by their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them. Jesus Christ is returning quickly, Amen, we must choose to turn away from sin to be able to put on the crown of incorruptability for the crown of righteousness to attain to the crown of immortality to not die from sin for the crown of Life for the crown of God's Glorious Love, the Positive Golden Halo of Love from our body resonating with Love for Light throughout our body. The Revelation crowns represent the governing thoughts we choose for Life with true faith in action where we cannot 'Positively Die'. Genesis 2:17. We must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, for we positively die with bad knowledge and fearful thoughts. We must only think good. There is too much knowledge of fear and bad in this world and the law has not been fully upheld for fullness of God's Spirit of Love who is Jesus Christ. Greed and sin with gross immorality are idolized on screen and the internet allowing bad and fearful, stressful thoughts to govern many minds to fear and doubt. Only through God's Laws for Love being upheld can we attain to faith which is a gift from God's Love when we can uphold God's Love, the 10 Commandments every moment of every day for the whole spirit of Love to beareth the fruits of Love, Joy, Faith with Kindness, Mildness, Goodness with Patience and Long Suffering with Self Control not to sin: not to hurt or abuse another in mind, body or spirit for Peace and the Golden Rule of Love for Twofold Peace: Jerusalem for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love, through Jesus Christ, The whole spirit of Love Anointed. The Anointed One, namely Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste Twofold Peace: Jerusalem for New Jerusalem, the Holy City, The Heavenly City: Zion for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth, Revelation 21 and 22. Amen. Come Lord Jesus Come...Jesus Christ is coming quickly. Put on our crowns of positive and faithful thoughts for Christ, for The Christ consciousness and Oneness with God's Love. There is only One Love. The law leads to Faith which leads to Christ. Galatians 3: 24. Faith is the gift of observing the laws for Love to prevail and God does prove He is Love because His #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love, through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom...Jesus Christ is returning quickly.🕊💖🕊
To be changed just as the twinkling of an eye is our nervous system change from fear to Love where we humbly and willingly serve God every moment of every day with faith and grace, Amen. Ameen.Shalom...healing for All Nations. WELLFARE Not warfare. Life on our paradise Earth for Eden restored as promised for The Promised Land to come. All thanks, glory and honour and praise be to our God who causes Love to become whole and One in us, whole in our body, The Temple where Love does dwell, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing for All Nations...🕊💖🕊Amen, we must choose to turn away from sin to be able to put on the crown of incorruptability for the crown of righteousness to attain to the crown of immortality to not die from sin for the crown of Life for the crown of God's Glorious Love, the Positive Golden Halo of Love from our body resonating with Love for Light throughout our body. The Revelation crowns represent the governing thoughts we choose for Life with true faith in action where we cannot 'Positively Die'. Genesis 2:17. We must train our minds to think good. There is too much knowledge of bad in this world and the law has not been fully upheld. Greed and sin with gross immorality are idolized on screen and the internet allowing bad and fearful, stressful thoughts to govern many minds to fear and doubt. Only through God's Laws for Love being upheld can we attain to faith which is a gift from God's Love when we can uphold God's Love, the 10 Commandments every moment of every day. 🕊💖🕊 Amen, Ameen. Shalom. Namaste Twofold Peace: Jerusalem for New Jerusalem, the Holy City, The Heavenly City: Zion for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth, Revelation 21 and 22. Amen. Come Lord Jesus Come...Jesus Christ is coming quickly. Put on our crowns of positive and faithful thoughts for Christ, for The Christ consciousness and Oneness with God's Love. There is only One Love. The law leads to Faith which leads to Christ. Galatians 3: 24. Faith is the gift of observing the laws for Love to prevail and God does prove He is Love because His #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love, through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom...Jesus Christ is returning quickly.🕊💖🕊
To be changed just as the twinkling of an eye is our nervous system change from fear to Love where we humbly and willingly serve God every moment of every day with faith and grace, Amen. Ameen.Shalom...healing for All Nations. WELLFARE Not warfare. Life on our paradise Earth for Eden restored as promised for The Promised Land to come. All thanks, glory and honour and praise be to our God who causes Love to become whole and One in us, whole in our body, The Temple where Love does dwell, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing for All Nations... Shalom Aleichem, Asalam Alaikum, Peaceful blessings to all, God willing in English, Insha Allah in Arabic We are all One through God's Love made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...🕊💖🕊 Check out this vision I was granted of God's Shekinah sun, the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds.
Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear
All thanks glory, honour and praise be to God through Jesus Christ, The Anointed One, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste...Twofold Peace for All Nations for New Jerusalem, The Heavenly City for Heaven on Earth,
Zion to which all Nations will stream...
如此的愛,只好給他天空,給他大地,然後自我圓滿,自我幸福的,給他自由,做最美麗的自己(他,和 自己)