My idea for Mysterio would be all about complete paranoia. As a strategist he would heal with his primary fire which would be an energy beam and it would also deal damage. He would have the ability to change the character models of a team mate to look like him until they deal damage so the other team would have no idea who is who until you engage. His passive would be that he has a thick fog that follows him that would heal teammates around him and also would also obscure his body but leave his head as the only visible part of his body and taking headshot damage would remove the fog on a cooldown. He would also have an ability to make the audio cue of another player doing their ult so you can bait out other people’s ults or make the other team scramble. His last ability would be to create larger crit spots on enemies by giving them his big fish head helmet. His ult would be that he would throw out a big smoke screen and everyone inside of it would look like him and there would be no name tags or outlines for the other team so they wouldn’t know who is a friendly and who is an enemy
I once saw a post that suggested an idea for Mysterio’s ultimate if he was ever added. Basically every character in the game, for both teams, would become Mysterio. On top of this, friendly fire would turn on for the enemy team. It basically becomes the part of Old Man Logan where he accidentally kills all of the X-Men
Cool idea but might be difficult to implement if they have to give him the animations of every present and future character that gets added to the roster. Could work if everyone's abilities get replaced with Mysterio's, kinda like a reversed Loki ult.
My idea for Kraven would give him the ability to mark enemies as ‘hunted’ by hitting them with his skills (like he has a trap they can step in, or the hunting rifle marks them etc). Hunted enemies are revealed for a short duration and he has a passive that gives him movement speed towards marked enemies and maybe life steal against them too. If his ult was just the teamwide reveal, enemies would all be hunted so he’d also be buffed against the entire team
I really like your idea for Otto, though personally I think he could very easily be a vanguard too with a similar moveset (maybe trade healing for bonus damage or armor or something). Partly because he tends to have a big presence with his huge imposing arms, but also cause a lot of the time the arms are portrayed like… brutally strong and hard to escape the grasp of. That might just be the movies and the ps4 game but idk; a more support and technical vanguard makes a lotta sense. But strategist can work just as well (🤔 also I guess with Rhino, sandman, maybe Lizard and shocker, that’s a lotta Spidey adjacent tanks with already 2 in game, so variety’s fair 😅).
@@johndwyer1445i can see him functioning like a flying character by just staying above the enemies. Give him a kick ability and some guns, with his ult being some power stomps. This unironically sounds like a fun character to play! 😂
I think for Doc Oc, his tentacles should be his main mobility. So imagine a flying character but only up to the reach of the tentacles, with each tentacle automatically grabbing around him keeping him up.
I really like the tranq rifle idea with kraven. my idea initially was Dps, main attack is a spear thrust with his alternate fire being a throw. 2 moves, one where he does a huge jump and can slam down with his spear, and one where he dashes forward with his spear and can stick someone with it and would be able to drag them a short distance his passive would be bloodlusted tracking. If you hit someone with his alternate fire, they leave a red cloudy trail almost like spidersense but visible. You deal slightly more dmg to tracked targets and the tracking disappears if you dont damage them for 5s with a 10s cooldown to when you can track someone again. If you kill your prey, then it only has a 5s cd His ult could have him drinking the tonic from the comics that make him immortal/stronger, giving him bloodlust tracking on everyone infront of him, giving him 200 blue health, and if he kills them there is no cooldown between tracking so you can kill those who werent in the immediate fight.
I had imagined him as a sort of ambush hunter before Give him an Ashe-style Sniper/Hunting Rifle for a primary Give him a mobility option that lets him cling to walls and shoot from his "Hunters Perch", (but he can't wallwalk, so he's stuck in place) Then just Give him a beartrap to immobilize targets to let him line up a perfect headshot, and some Melee/pounce type ability with his spear to fall down on the heads of a wounded-but-still-alive target and finish them off
I would add some kind of trap into Kravens kit, like a tripwire or something like that, so that you could pounce onto that unsuspecting victim Nice video tho
The tentacles of octopi in real life actually have a degree of autonomy, so they can more efficiently perform tasks. I always thought the inclusion of that inspiration in the film was awesome
We need super team ups, allow 6 man team ups with abilities, could have one for the sinister 6, avengers, guardians of the galaxy, certain x-men, the thunderbolts, the list goes on. each super team up would obviously be about making the team function, eg the avengers have no supports so the team up could give healing abilities and/or damage resist. Also I wanna see Dr Doom and Ghost rider, but also my boy WARMACHINE, give him star lords flight abilities but slower, then give him big dakka and good HP, (make him a vanguard)
I'd like doc oc to be constantly "flying" above the ground, with limited height depending on the tentacles. But they could also catch onto walls with a nice range. This would make him the first "flying" healer/vanguard hybrid
For Sandman's ultimate, to keep with your "boss mode" idea... Maybe he could spread his sand out in a large circle that would catch any enemies within it and start to sink them into the sand, holding them in place while the team lays into them. Maybe during this "sand pit" form Sandman could be large but stationary in the center and throw globs of sand and debris at enemies. Just an idea. I still like what you came up with :)
I really like your ideas for these characters being in rivals, especially your kit for Sandman. I would've liked for his hammer or mace hands to have been incorporated somehow. An idea I had for his ultimate was he'd have a "hulked out" appearance but became a walking arsenal with 6 different weapon-based arms that he can use like the mario kart crazy 8 item. Each arm can be used once during the ultimate. The different arms I had in mind were a mace that side swipes, a hammer that knock backs, an axe that side swipes and launches up, a chainsaw that sticks and does bonus damage if it connects, a hand cannon that does aoe damage, and giant hand that grabs and incapacitates and enemy for a short duration. Also, if Electro is ever considered for the game, I hope he gets a team up ability with Thor considering their thunder and lighting powers.
i think it'd be really cool (probably wouldnt ever happen unless this game has like 500 characters) if all of them got added and they made them fit the 2-2-2 team comp
Hey you may never know how long this game lasts maybe one day they have a crazy amount. Different game but league of legends have over 150+ Different characters
I think if I were to have an ideal sinister six added, I would do doc ock (vanguard), sandman (vanguard) electro (duelist), vulture (strategist), mysterio (strategist) and kraven (duelist). I think they probably won’t add 6 characters in one season, but I could see most of these characters being added at some point. I’m most excited for Dr Doom, Ultron, and hopefully some more x men
For Kraven’s ultimate, I thought it could reveal all the enemies and give him movement speed towards them and it will last between 10 and 15 seconds. While in his ultimate, Kraven enters a rage mode in which his hunting rifle and spears are deactivated, however, his attacks are faster and he heals on every attack. Another perk could be that his double jump isn’t limited to walls anymore, but I think it’s already too much. And when he’s ultimate is pressed, Kraven yells: “THE HUNT BEGINS!” and you could hear it everywhere on the map.
1:26 I think doctor ock would be a good add still. He’s an interesting and varied character that can fill a lot of roles both gameplay wise and narratively. Doc ock has definitely become one of the most prominent Spider-Man villains and movement with the claws would be so sick. Especially if he also got wall climb🤩
What if Doc Ock can switch between modes (like swapping weapons); in one mode he walks on his own legs but it's slower, while he uses all four robot arms to attack (like venom but more powerful), and when you swap to his alt mode, he swaps two arms to use as legs, boosting his movement speed, but his dps is nerfed because he then only uses two arms to attack. Regardless, these designs are fire and as Octavius and Sandman are my two favorites of Spiderman's rogues gallery, you definitely did them justice and I think Doc Ock would make me a support main.
If they did Doc Ock justice and let you control multiple arms at once, he would basically immediately become the deadliest melee character with the highest skill ceiling.
I would argue that some would make the cut being too similar to other, like rhino being strong and punchy when we are getting the thing. Or vulture being a big wing flying guy should probably going to falcon. But with that said some are a must such as doc oc, green goblin, electro, mysterio and sandman could be very unique kits.
Omg I love Kraven but I don’t think he has enough in his kit I’d add a few things Another ability: Bear trap=Kraven sets down a bear trap that his hidden to enemy players and once stepped on by an enemy they will be stuck for like 4 seconds and it passively damages them for like 20 health a second it can be broken by their teammates tho ( also maybe he could have a passive or just an effect where his rifle does more damage to trapped enemies ) Then he could have a team up with black panther that enhances Kraven spear making it deal more damage and have a blast radius while applying a vibranium mark to enemies hit by it Idk just some ideas Kravens got so many options that could be used I also thought of an effect for his primary that only he can see where his primary fills up a narcotic bar on enemies a little bit for every shot and when it’s at 100 they pass out for like a few seconds idk
My concept of Mysterio, a new strategist. He will be able to fly like Storm: Primary Fire: Smoke and Mirrors- blow a green smoke, that damages enemies and heals allies. It would act like a flamethrower in terms of rate of fire and trajectory. Abilities: Seeing Double: temporarily summon multiple copies of you that mirror your actions. They do not cause damage to enemies or heal allies. They cannot be killed or removed until the ability has gone onto cool down. Escape Artist: Mysterio can summon green fog around him, which he can see through. He can then teleport up to a certain distance. When in the fog, he will also gain bonus health. Body Double: Mysterious can disguise himself as an enemy of his choice, until he attacks or uses an ability. He will lose the ability to fly if the character chosen cannot fly. He can then make an enemy appear as himself, who can then be damaged by their teammates. The teammate will appear as if they are flying, so as to keep up the illusion. Ultimate- Master of Illusion: Mysterio will cause all enemies within 30m of him to become Blind (similar to Cloak's ability) and see everyone as Mysterio. Health bars and teammate names are removed. Those under Mysterio's illusion can damage teammates.
Imagine playing Kraven and you all to hit a guy not too far in LoS but still a significant amount of damage and then you hit him again with your regular spear and then you shoot him with your rifle… that sounds fun
So these three plus Green Goblin, Electro, Rhino, Lizard, Scorpion, Mysterio, Vulture, and Shocker... Will you be including all Eleven of the Sinister Six 😂😂 or who will you pick? Im very excited for part 2
Honestly, all of this is brilliant. However, I think Sandman’s basic attack should be a combo type hit. Two normal punches into the delayed and slowed third punch, the Sand Fist. I could also see Sandman’s placing slightly visible sand piles on the ground that form when activated through an enemy’s proximity. Once defeated, the clone falls apart and eventually returns to Sandman with a bit of a cooldown. In the brief time period before the clone regroup inside of Sandman, the clones can be forcefully absorbed as shield, as your Sand Return move states. To get away, Last Grain would work well, but having it be a simple rewind back in place in the last few seconds (like Magic rewind team up or OW Tracer works) would allow Sandman’s escape to be used more immediate. Most of his kit seems to be focused on setup and planning, his escape route should be a relieve from that as a quick getaway. Last grain should also leave behind a sand trail that after you rewind that leads enemies to your destination. Good enemies could punish a low health Sandman, if they can follow him in time (psylock dash, cap running, venom dive). To me, it looks like his kit revolves around ambushing one or two targets at a time. With his clones, Sand Burst, and Sand Return, he would catch many isolated enemies off guard and/or add some map control in your team by blocking off routes. If Sandman takes on too much and things get dicey, his Last Grain ability would be the perfect escape… Considering they don’t follow the shiny glistening sand trail towards you. The ult sounds more like a team up with Storm. Instead he could grow into something like a gigantic Sandman, Beast, or castle and trap everyone within his radius into a giant sand sarcophagus, crushing a decent portion of damage out of them straight away and do chip damage for the rest of the duration of the ultimate. It doesn’t not move once activated and is meant as a tool to trap and weaken enemies. I loved this video and completely agree with both of your Doc Ock and Sandman build ideas. Just sharing how I thought he would work. W content, can’t wait to see the other sinister 3!
I feel like the octo bots being a heal over time thats cancelled by damage is insanely underpowered. Given its supposed to be his bread and butter heal, idk how he is ever supposed to get any healing done.
Imagine sand man as a vanguard he dashes foward turning into a sand cloud blinding and damaging his enemies while phasing through them and leaving a trail of sand where his teamates get healing and damage reduction he can increase his density increasing his damage resistance and output for his ult he turns into a stationary giant sand monster smashing with his fist on the floor around him and grabbing and throwing enemies for low damage but bonus damage if thrown against a wall his passive is while he stands in his sand trails he slowly heals and grows in size and damage output but slowing him down until he dashes again
Suggestion for Kraven: his slowing rifle has diminishing returns. If you try to reapply it to the same target within 5-6 seconds it will first be halved in duration then nullified
NICE Concepts Also question about Part 2 Is the last 3 members for part 2 ELECTRO, VULTURE and MYSTERIO or part will have different members of your Choice?
For sandmans ult id make him that big mud man and root him to wherever he is. And he can either slam his big hands or flick mud and sand for ppl who run away. Basically like rooting onto a point or rooting into an area to control it or something Kinda like spiderman 3
Or maybe even just extremely slow movement The lack of movement is because i want his slam to be lethal and the mud throw to be pretty strong close too
Sandman could also have an additional ability ware by directly interacting with the sand clones he can get them to turn into two different turret types one being a sand cannon that does splash damage and lowers enemy weapon accuracy and another that’s a sand castle that acts sort of like a force field groot wall hybrid that can’t damage and they will act independently like namors octopi’s
As much as I would like to see Doctor Octopus in Marvel Rivals, I would much prefer to see a different ock in Rivals. I mean, If we can have Lin Lie as Iron fist instead of Danny Rand WHy not have Carolyn Trainer, Olivia Octavius, or even Otoha Okutamiya in stead of Otto Octavius. Said ock Will still wear Alfred Molina’s iconic trench coat and the classic Ock Green & Yellow, not to mention game play fitting for a Multi-Limbed foe, but it would be someone new (from 2099 perhaps). If there is anyone who can make a new spin on one of Spidey’s enemies it would be NetEase
If Doc Ock was in the game, in Spider-Man No Way Home doesn’t he get ahold of Tom hollands suit which has Nano Tech and it upgrades his tentacles which now have Nano tech. Maybe that could be a team up Iron man won’t get anything from it but Doc Ock could get an Attack speed boost by 5 or 10%. 😅🤘
Doc Ock always felt like prime vanguard material, but I get that you'd want to change things up since Rhino and Sandman arguably fall into that category even more.
Love the concepts, but how high would Kravens knife damage be and would it deal headshot damgage. For examble 75 Bodyshot and 150 head shot with his knife. Otherwise I don´t know how good he would be, without that much damage in close combat. I am excited for the next part.
Doc oct should be a duelist or vanguard and his ult should be him getting a speed boost and anyone in a certain radius gets aim botted by his tentacles kinda like psylocks ultimate but more aoe instead of single target
My thoughts on a Sinister Six season are that you have 2 actual characters (Doctor Octopus and Sandman) while the other 4 members would be semi clones with light changes. Electro=Storm, Kraven=Black Panther, Mysterio=Loki, and after the other is released, Vulture=Falcon. Edit A lot of people seem to be missing the point of my comment. We should only expect 2 characters per season, Fantastic Four is an exception, they have confirmed that. We could get 3 separate seasons that give us 2 each, but I doubt we get them all together or complete it in the next decade. They could get the Fantastic Four treatment and get all six as characters who all have original move sets, I just don’t think it will happen for a team of villains. The most likely outcome is probably we don’t get them, probably one season with Doc Oct and Green Goblin as Spidey’s main villains. If we get one of the other two options, great, I just think it’s a case of us either getting some of them as echo fighters or not getting them at all. I would love to be wrong, I just wouldn’t be disappointed with this outcome. It also doesn’t need to be these 6 characters, I just picked them because they were the original Sinister Six. Most Spider-Man villains could play like other characters, Rhino and Thing, Beetle and Iron-Man, Lizard and Hulk. Again, I would love to be so wrong, I would love for six Spider-Man villains to have unique abilities, I just don’t think they will.
I think calling them clones is a bit disingenuous. These characters are older than most people and have decades of battles to draw moves from. Even if they'd be similar. Hulk and Ben are still different characters and going to be in the same game, and from the movesets play differently.
Nah that just feels cheap. Also we're getting 4 characters a season i think people are forgetting we're getting human torch and thing later this season
Call me a tad crazy I think we may get more characters per full season a total of 3 for the first half and the second half. I just think that these devs are too smart to drag stuff out this way waiting 45 days each time to introduce new heroes.
not a huge fan of kraven. he's a melee character with abilities that do more damage the farther he is away from his enemy...? he seems like he contradicts himself a bit. Other than that his kit seems sick.
Do you also take concepts from other willing participants? I'm asking because I have already made 3 concepts (Agatha Harkness, Carnage, and She-Hulk) and I want people to see and react to them
For my concept videos I really want to keep it to original ideas I've came up with, but given the number of people in the comments who have been putting their ideas in here I think a video where I look at the comments and see what others have came up with could be a good idea
Doc Oc as you described seems like the worst strategist in the game. The only mid fight healing he has (the most important thing about healers in this game) is something that obscures vision. And you didn't say if it's persistent or a one time effect, and if it is one time heal, then it is so so bad. Also the cloning station if it worked on your team would be 6x better than Rockets. Having to wait 10 extra seconds for it to work is not a big enough trade off for it to work more than twice. Even it working twice is really really good. He seems useless.
I miss spectacular Spider-Man. But if they're gonna do skins from even shows, they need to get the voice cast to do it plus that show what's done, dirty BLAME! Disney and greed..
Green Goblin would be so much fun
My idea for Mysterio would be all about complete paranoia. As a strategist he would heal with his primary fire which would be an energy beam and it would also deal damage. He would have the ability to change the character models of a team mate to look like him until they deal damage so the other team would have no idea who is who until you engage. His passive would be that he has a thick fog that follows him that would heal teammates around him and also would also obscure his body but leave his head as the only visible part of his body and taking headshot damage would remove the fog on a cooldown. He would also have an ability to make the audio cue of another player doing their ult so you can bait out other people’s ults or make the other team scramble. His last ability would be to create larger crit spots on enemies by giving them his big fish head helmet. His ult would be that he would throw out a big smoke screen and everyone inside of it would look like him and there would be no name tags or outlines for the other team so they wouldn’t know who is a friendly and who is an enemy
Bro I love how creative this was. Hope to see more comments of yours in the future!
"right behind you"- Mysterio before flipping the game
I once saw a post that suggested an idea for Mysterio’s ultimate if he was ever added. Basically every character in the game, for both teams, would become Mysterio. On top of this, friendly fire would turn on for the enemy team. It basically becomes the part of Old Man Logan where he accidentally kills all of the X-Men
No spoilers for part 2 but if I were to do Mysterio that would be along the lines of my idea for his ult
Cool idea but might be difficult to implement if they have to give him the animations of every present and future character that gets added to the roster. Could work if everyone's abilities get replaced with Mysterio's, kinda like a reversed Loki ult.
My idea for Kraven would give him the ability to mark enemies as ‘hunted’ by hitting them with his skills (like he has a trap they can step in, or the hunting rifle marks them etc). Hunted enemies are revealed for a short duration and he has a passive that gives him movement speed towards marked enemies and maybe life steal against them too. If his ult was just the teamwide reveal, enemies would all be hunted so he’d also be buffed against the entire team
I really like your idea for Otto, though personally I think he could very easily be a vanguard too with a similar moveset (maybe trade healing for bonus damage or armor or something). Partly because he tends to have a big presence with his huge imposing arms, but also cause a lot of the time the arms are portrayed like… brutally strong and hard to escape the grasp of. That might just be the movies and the ps4 game but idk; a more support and technical vanguard makes a lotta sense. But strategist can work just as well (🤔 also I guess with Rhino, sandman, maybe Lizard and shocker, that’s a lotta Spidey adjacent tanks with already 2 in game, so variety’s fair 😅).
Suggestions for Kraven’s ult lines.
1. Find meaning in the hunt!
2. Kraven hunts again!
That team up with doc ock and spiderman would be huge for spiderman so he has a way to get health back in a pinch no matter what
I just went through Spider-Man’s entire rogues gallery and, the menace has 259 villains, one of them being called Stilt man, fucking Stilt man
Stilt Man is technically a Daredevil villain but Spiderman has fought them before
Stilt man would kind of go hard
Wow, I bet only Batman has more villains
You already know stiltman would be a sick character for the game
@@johndwyer1445i can see him functioning like a flying character by just staying above the enemies. Give him a kick ability and some guns, with his ult being some power stomps.
This unironically sounds like a fun character to play! 😂
I think for Doc Oc, his tentacles should be his main mobility. So imagine a flying character but only up to the reach of the tentacles, with each tentacle automatically grabbing around him keeping him up.
30:38 you could also give this team up to human torch since he’s you know on fire and fire plus sand equals glass
Also the team up for the sinister six I think collectively it would be called sinister ideals
This Sandman concept has me wanting to be real so much all of these are great but the Sandman concept is SO GOOD
I really like the tranq rifle idea with kraven. my idea initially was Dps, main attack is a spear thrust with his alternate fire being a throw.
2 moves, one where he does a huge jump and can slam down with his spear, and one where he dashes forward with his spear and can stick someone with it and would be able to drag them a short distance
his passive would be bloodlusted tracking. If you hit someone with his alternate fire, they leave a red cloudy trail almost like spidersense but visible. You deal slightly more dmg to tracked targets and the tracking disappears if you dont damage them for 5s with a 10s cooldown to when you can track someone again. If you kill your prey, then it only has a 5s cd
His ult could have him drinking the tonic from the comics that make him immortal/stronger, giving him bloodlust tracking on everyone infront of him, giving him 200 blue health, and if he kills them there is no cooldown between tracking so you can kill those who werent in the immediate fight.
I had imagined him as a sort of ambush hunter before
Give him an Ashe-style Sniper/Hunting Rifle for a primary
Give him a mobility option that lets him cling to walls and shoot from his "Hunters Perch", (but he can't wallwalk, so he's stuck in place)
Then just Give him a beartrap to immobilize targets to let him line up a perfect headshot, and some Melee/pounce type ability with his spear to fall down on the heads of a wounded-but-still-alive target and finish them off
I would add some kind of trap into Kravens kit, like a tripwire or something like that, so that you could pounce onto that unsuspecting victim
Nice video tho
The tentacles of octopi in real life actually have a degree of autonomy, so they can more efficiently perform tasks. I always thought the inclusion of that inspiration in the film was awesome
Love these videos btw they are really well done
Glad you like them!
Some great pitches, and all really well thought out!
We need super team ups, allow 6 man team ups with abilities, could have one for the sinister 6, avengers, guardians of the galaxy, certain x-men, the thunderbolts, the list goes on. each super team up would obviously be about making the team function, eg the avengers have no supports so the team up could give healing abilities and/or damage resist.
Also I wanna see Dr Doom and Ghost rider, but also my boy WARMACHINE, give him star lords flight abilities but slower, then give him big dakka and good HP, (make him a vanguard)
I'd like doc oc to be constantly "flying" above the ground, with limited height depending on the tentacles. But they could also catch onto walls with a nice range. This would make him the first "flying" healer/vanguard hybrid
For Sandman's ultimate, to keep with your "boss mode" idea... Maybe he could spread his sand out in a large circle that would catch any enemies within it and start to sink them into the sand, holding them in place while the team lays into them. Maybe during this "sand pit" form Sandman could be large but stationary in the center and throw globs of sand and debris at enemies. Just an idea. I still like what you came up with :)
I really like your ideas for these characters being in rivals, especially your kit for Sandman. I would've liked for his hammer or mace hands to have been incorporated somehow. An idea I had for his ultimate was he'd have a "hulked out" appearance but became a walking arsenal with 6 different weapon-based arms that he can use like the mario kart crazy 8 item. Each arm can be used once during the ultimate. The different arms I had in mind were a mace that side swipes, a hammer that knock backs, an axe that side swipes and launches up, a chainsaw that sticks and does bonus damage if it connects, a hand cannon that does aoe damage, and giant hand that grabs and incapacitates and enemy for a short duration.
Also, if Electro is ever considered for the game, I hope he gets a team up ability with Thor considering their thunder and lighting powers.
These videos have so much quality!
Thank you so much
I think the sinister 6 being in 1 absolutely titanic season fits , with whats up with the fantastic 4 this season , maybe in afew years
One can dream 😂
10:30 glory to the healing meta, long may it reign
i think it'd be really cool (probably wouldnt ever happen unless this game has like 500 characters) if all of them got added and they made them fit the 2-2-2 team comp
Hey you may never know how long this game lasts maybe one day they have a crazy amount. Different game but league of legends have over 150+ Different characters
I like all your concepts, but Kraven sounds the most fun to me. I'd love to give that character a try.
I think if I were to have an ideal sinister six added, I would do doc ock (vanguard), sandman (vanguard) electro (duelist), vulture (strategist), mysterio (strategist) and kraven (duelist).
I think they probably won’t add 6 characters in one season, but I could see most of these characters being added at some point. I’m most excited for Dr Doom, Ultron, and hopefully some more x men
Awesome choices, interesting to see vulture as a strategist
@@Hamato_House I think vulture flying around buffing the other members makes sense. He could really be anything but a vanguard imo
For Kraven’s ultimate, I thought it could reveal all the enemies and give him movement speed towards them and it will last between 10 and 15 seconds. While in his ultimate, Kraven enters a rage mode in which his hunting rifle and spears are deactivated, however, his attacks are faster and he heals on every attack. Another perk could be that his double jump isn’t limited to walls anymore, but I think it’s already too much.
And when he’s ultimate is pressed, Kraven yells: “THE HUNT BEGINS!” and you could hear it everywhere on the map.
1:26 I think doctor ock would be a good add still. He’s an interesting and varied character that can fill a lot of roles both gameplay wise and narratively. Doc ock has definitely become one of the most prominent Spider-Man villains and movement with the claws would be so sick. Especially if he also got wall climb🤩
What if Doc Ock can switch between modes (like swapping weapons); in one mode he walks on his own legs but it's slower, while he uses all four robot arms to attack (like venom but more powerful), and when you swap to his alt mode, he swaps two arms to use as legs, boosting his movement speed, but his dps is nerfed because he then only uses two arms to attack.
Regardless, these designs are fire and as Octavius and Sandman are my two favorites of Spiderman's rogues gallery, you definitely did them justice and I think Doc Ock would make me a support main.
If they did Doc Ock justice and let you control multiple arms at once, he would basically immediately become the deadliest melee character with the highest skill ceiling.
I would argue that some would make the cut being too similar to other, like rhino being strong and punchy when we are getting the thing. Or vulture being a big wing flying guy should probably going to falcon. But with that said some are a must such as doc oc, green goblin, electro, mysterio and sandman could be very unique kits.
Omg I love Kraven but I don’t think he has enough in his kit
I’d add a few things
Another ability: Bear trap=Kraven sets down a bear trap that his hidden to enemy players and once stepped on by an enemy they will be stuck for like 4 seconds and it passively damages them for like 20 health a second it can be broken by their teammates tho
( also maybe he could have a passive or just an effect where his rifle does more damage to trapped enemies )
Then he could have a team up with black panther that enhances Kraven spear making it deal more damage and have a blast radius while applying a vibranium mark to enemies hit by it
Idk just some ideas Kravens got so many options that could be used
I also thought of an effect for his primary that only he can see where his primary fills up a narcotic bar on enemies a little bit for every shot and when it’s at 100 they pass out for like a few seconds idk
Just realised you gave the snare with the team up nice
It would be awesome to have the sinister six. They could all share a team up. The more members you have the stronger it gets.
Was thinking Kraven could have a stalk meter alla Michael Myers, of course adapted to this type of game
My concept of Mysterio, a new strategist. He will be able to fly like Storm:
Primary Fire: Smoke and Mirrors- blow a green smoke, that damages enemies and heals allies. It would act like a flamethrower in terms of rate of fire and trajectory.
Seeing Double: temporarily summon multiple copies of you that mirror your actions. They do not cause damage to enemies or heal allies. They cannot be killed or removed until the ability has gone onto cool down.
Escape Artist: Mysterio can summon green fog around him, which he can see through. He can then teleport up to a certain distance. When in the fog, he will also gain bonus health.
Body Double: Mysterious can disguise himself as an enemy of his choice, until he attacks or uses an ability. He will lose the ability to fly if the character chosen cannot fly. He can then make an enemy appear as himself, who can then be damaged by their teammates. The teammate will appear as if they are flying, so as to keep up the illusion.
Ultimate- Master of Illusion:
Mysterio will cause all enemies within 30m of him to become Blind (similar to Cloak's ability) and see everyone as Mysterio. Health bars and teammate names are removed. Those under Mysterio's illusion can damage teammates.
Imagine playing Kraven and you all to hit a guy not too far in LoS but still a significant amount of damage and then you hit him again with your regular spear and then you shoot him with your rifle… that sounds fun
Keep it up! :)
Thank you 🤘
so underrated
All I can think about this is "me and the boys"
So these three plus Green Goblin, Electro, Rhino, Lizard, Scorpion, Mysterio, Vulture, and Shocker... Will you be including all Eleven of the Sinister Six 😂😂 or who will you pick? Im very excited for part 2
Keeping the part 2 picks a surprise but there sure are so many to choose from 😂😂
vulture shocker and goblin i feel like are the rest
@@wahnanarevgoblin works fine as a solo character. Rhino needs to be in the Six though.
Nice video bro
Thank you
@Hamato_House I thing you are going far, and I hope so, PEAK CONTENT
Yes please
Daredevil would be so fun
Honestly, all of this is brilliant. However, I think Sandman’s basic attack should be a combo type hit. Two normal punches into the delayed and slowed third punch, the Sand Fist.
I could also see Sandman’s placing slightly visible sand piles on the ground that form when activated through an enemy’s proximity. Once defeated, the clone falls apart and eventually returns to Sandman with a bit of a cooldown. In the brief time period before the clone regroup inside of Sandman, the clones can be forcefully absorbed as shield, as your Sand Return move states. To get away, Last Grain would work well, but having it be a simple rewind back in place in the last few seconds (like Magic rewind team up or OW Tracer works) would allow Sandman’s escape to be used more immediate. Most of his kit seems to be focused on setup and planning, his escape route should be a relieve from that as a quick getaway. Last grain should also leave behind a sand trail that after you rewind that leads enemies to your destination. Good enemies could punish a low health Sandman, if they can follow him in time (psylock dash, cap running, venom dive).
To me, it looks like his kit revolves around ambushing one or two targets at a time. With his clones, Sand Burst, and Sand Return, he would catch many isolated enemies off guard and/or add some map control in your team by blocking off routes. If Sandman takes on too much and things get dicey, his Last Grain ability would be the perfect escape… Considering they don’t follow the shiny glistening sand trail towards you.
The ult sounds more like a team up with Storm. Instead he could grow into something like a gigantic Sandman, Beast, or castle and trap everyone within his radius into a giant sand sarcophagus, crushing a decent portion of damage out of them straight away and do chip damage for the rest of the duration of the ultimate. It doesn’t not move once activated and is meant as a tool to trap and weaken enemies.
I loved this video and completely agree with both of your Doc Ock and Sandman build ideas. Just sharing how I thought he would work. W content, can’t wait to see the other sinister 3!
Appreciate it, and love to see the creativity and conversation these vids are bringing, great ideas and adjustments for the build
@@Hamato_Houseno problem! Keep up the great content and thanks for sharing great ideas with the community!
I feel like the octo bots being a heal over time thats cancelled by damage is insanely underpowered. Given its supposed to be his bread and butter heal, idk how he is ever supposed to get any healing done.
I think Kraven should focus more on traps and poison, but with a leap ability similar to Hulk so he still has your pounce.
Imagine sand man as a vanguard he dashes foward turning into a sand cloud blinding and damaging his enemies while phasing through them and leaving a trail of sand where his teamates get healing and damage reduction he can increase his density increasing his damage resistance and output for his ult he turns into a stationary giant sand monster smashing with his fist on the floor around him and grabbing and throwing enemies for low damage but bonus damage if thrown against a wall his passive is while he stands in his sand trails he slowly heals and grows in size and damage output but slowing him down until he dashes again
Rhino, electro, Dr. Octopus, green goblin, scorpion and sand man would be absolutely peak for sinister six.
Suggestion for Kraven: his slowing rifle has diminishing returns. If you try to reapply it to the same target within 5-6 seconds it will first be halved in duration then nullified
NICE Concepts
Also question about Part 2
Is the last 3 members for part 2 ELECTRO, VULTURE and MYSTERIO or part will have different members of your Choice?
Keeping the members for part 2 a surprise
@@Hamato_House oh so it is a custom Group am I correct
Yeah I'm just picking 6 members who I think would be fun
For sandmans ult id make him that big mud man and root him to wherever he is. And he can either slam his big hands or flick mud and sand for ppl who run away.
Basically like rooting onto a point or rooting into an area to control it or something
Kinda like spiderman 3
Or maybe even just extremely slow movement
The lack of movement is because i want his slam to be lethal and the mud throw to be pretty strong close too
Sandman could also have an additional ability ware by directly interacting with the sand clones he can get them to turn into two different turret types one being a sand cannon that does splash damage and lowers enemy weapon accuracy and another that’s a sand castle that acts sort of like a force field groot wall hybrid that can’t damage and they will act independently like namors octopi’s
As much as I would like to see Doctor Octopus in Marvel Rivals, I would much prefer to see a different ock in Rivals. I mean, If we can have Lin Lie as Iron fist instead of Danny Rand WHy not have Carolyn Trainer, Olivia Octavius, or even Otoha Okutamiya in stead of Otto Octavius. Said ock Will still wear Alfred Molina’s iconic trench coat and the classic Ock Green & Yellow, not to mention game play fitting for a Multi-Limbed foe, but it would be someone new (from 2099 perhaps). If there is anyone who can make a new spin on one of Spidey’s enemies it would be NetEase
If Doc Ock was in the game, in Spider-Man No Way Home doesn’t he get ahold of Tom hollands suit which has Nano Tech and it upgrades his tentacles which now have Nano tech. Maybe that could be a team up Iron man won’t get anything from it but Doc Ock could get an Attack speed boost by 5 or 10%. 😅🤘
Doc Ock always felt like prime vanguard material, but I get that you'd want to change things up since Rhino and Sandman arguably fall into that category even more.
I wanna see thunderbolt Ross red hulk him vs hulk in marvel rivals would be wild
Love the concepts, but how high would Kravens knife damage be and would it deal headshot damgage. For examble 75 Bodyshot and 150 head shot with his knife. Otherwise I don´t know how good he would be, without that much damage in close combat. I am excited for the next part.
Honestly I'm trying to avoid naming numbers, it's more of a conceptual type thing for fun. Thank you for your support though, part 2 coming very soon
i feel like:
Doc Ock - Tank
Rhino - Tank
Sandman - DPS (semi tank like reed and logan)
Electro - DPS
Green Goblin - healer
Mysterio- healer
Doc ock needs to be in this game
I would love shocker
Rhino has always been my favourite Spider-Man rogue, I’d definitely be Rhino in rivals
Doc oct should be a duelist or vanguard and his ult should be him getting a speed boost and anyone in a certain radius gets aim botted by his tentacles kinda like psylocks ultimate but more aoe instead of single target
My thoughts on a Sinister Six season are that you have 2 actual characters (Doctor Octopus and Sandman) while the other 4 members would be semi clones with light changes. Electro=Storm, Kraven=Black Panther, Mysterio=Loki, and after the other is released, Vulture=Falcon.
A lot of people seem to be missing the point of my comment. We should only expect 2 characters per season, Fantastic Four is an exception, they have confirmed that. We could get 3 separate seasons that give us 2 each, but I doubt we get them all together or complete it in the next decade. They could get the Fantastic Four treatment and get all six as characters who all have original move sets, I just don’t think it will happen for a team of villains. The most likely outcome is probably we don’t get them, probably one season with Doc Oct and Green Goblin as Spidey’s main villains. If we get one of the other two options, great, I just think it’s a case of us either getting some of them as echo fighters or not getting them at all. I would love to be wrong, I just wouldn’t be disappointed with this outcome. It also doesn’t need to be these 6 characters, I just picked them because they were the original Sinister Six. Most Spider-Man villains could play like other characters, Rhino and Thing, Beetle and Iron-Man, Lizard and Hulk. Again, I would love to be so wrong, I would love for six Spider-Man villains to have unique abilities, I just don’t think they will.
Really cool way of having the team without giving up the roster slots
@@Hamato_House theres no limit to the roster slots so it doesnt matter. no point making them clones for no reason
I see Kraven more like a Penny dps. He's more about traps than direct confrontation. That being said, Doc Oc is the one iconic enough to join in.
I think calling them clones is a bit disingenuous. These characters are older than most people and have decades of battles to draw moves from. Even if they'd be similar. Hulk and Ben are still different characters and going to be in the same game, and from the movesets play differently.
Nah that just feels cheap. Also we're getting 4 characters a season i think people are forgetting we're getting human torch and thing later this season
My most wanted season would be marvel Zombies (Deadites)
.Ash Williams
.Zombie Howard duck
With zombie skins for loads of characters
I love evil dead! Seeing the boom stick blow Jeff off the map and hearing ash's comments on the roster would be hilarious
Armor can be very good
They need to add Big Wheel
They only need to add 5 new characters for The Sinister Six. We already have Venom.
Call me a tad crazy I think we may get more characters per full season a total of 3 for the first half and the second half. I just think that these devs are too smart to drag stuff out this way waiting 45 days each time to introduce new heroes.
Green Goblin i need Green Goblin in Marvel rivals!!!!!!
Add Rhino, and I will start playing
I really want rhino so he can charge through building
Was think of this earlier
need part 2
Turn the background music down a little bit
Ojala y entraran
not a huge fan of kraven. he's a melee character with abilities that do more damage the farther he is away from his enemy...? he seems like he contradicts himself a bit. Other than that his kit seems sick.
I need Electro ASAP
Lizard always being shafted😭
Do you also take concepts from other willing participants? I'm asking because I have already made 3 concepts (Agatha Harkness, Carnage, and She-Hulk) and I want people to see and react to them
For my concept videos I really want to keep it to original ideas I've came up with, but given the number of people in the comments who have been putting their ideas in here I think a video where I look at the comments and see what others have came up with could be a good idea
Que sería spot?
I think Doc Ock needs to be a Vanguard
Bro put horizontal instead of vertical for kraven (and if you meant horizontal I’m confused lol)
are we sure it isn't going to be 4 a season, every season?
They said in Dev talk season 1 is a double season
Doc Oc as you described seems like the worst strategist in the game. The only mid fight healing he has (the most important thing about healers in this game) is something that obscures vision. And you didn't say if it's persistent or a one time effect, and if it is one time heal, then it is so so bad. Also the cloning station if it worked on your team would be 6x better than Rockets. Having to wait 10 extra seconds for it to work is not a big enough trade off for it to work more than twice. Even it working twice is really really good. He seems useless.
The game is lacking tanks so they should add rhino and lizard as tanks
I miss spectacular Spider-Man. But if they're gonna do skins from even shows, they need to get the voice cast to do it plus that show what's done, dirty BLAME! Disney and greed..