too soon to tell about the drilling machine. all the air assets are still hooked up. but for some reason the gravel pad for the crane is apparently no longer needed. i wonder if sub-surface conditions are dryer than expected? we shall see... my thanks also to the videographer; we certainly appreciate you!
and so the sandbag cofferdam comes out... appears they either had rain or a leak, judging by the level of mud...
too soon to tell about the drilling machine. all the air assets are still hooked up. but for some reason the gravel pad for the crane is apparently no longer needed. i wonder if sub-surface conditions are dryer than expected? we shall see... my thanks also to the videographer; we certainly appreciate you!
the small excavator is removing the much smaller sandbags that were used to plug leaks and fill voids between the big bags.
撤収がまだなのか? まだ作業することがあるのか? 気になりました
とはいえ これから寒くなる季節を迎え 作業員の方々はじめ Mr.東海くんさんも 足元とか気をつけて お怪我などありません様に!