"Hindinglish" ... When the language duality becomes so comfortable, the speaker goes back and forth between the two languages. Here in Texas, USA, we call that phenomena "Spanglsh" since people commonly speak in both Spanish and English, oftentimes within a single sentence.
Yes, it's true, but it's needed, we concentrate on the subject, not the language. We were supposed to speak in English but students couldn't understand while doing so... so it's unavoidable.
"Hindinglish" ... When the language duality becomes so comfortable, the speaker goes back and forth between the two languages.
Here in Texas, USA, we call that phenomena "Spanglsh" since people commonly speak in both Spanish and English, oftentimes within a single sentence.
Yes, it's true, but it's needed, we concentrate on the subject, not the language. We were supposed to speak in English but students couldn't understand while doing so... so it's unavoidable.