It’s been quite a bit since I’ve done a lego building video, so, I decided to make a Grumble model from Doors Floor 2 in lego! Also, than extra blue thing with three pieces is a glow-stick from the game also. Thanks for 1K subscribers again, too! You can check my latest Community posts to hear my thoughts on them, but, for now, my final Lego Batman stream just turned one year old! You can check it out here:видео.html
It’s been quite a bit since I’ve done a lego building video, so, I decided to make a Grumble model from Doors Floor 2 in lego! Also, than extra blue thing with three pieces is a glow-stick from the game also. Thanks for 1K subscribers again, too! You can check my latest Community posts to hear my thoughts on them, but, for now, my final Lego Batman stream just turned one year old! You can check it out here:видео.html
Pretty cool