Hi Thanks for the above. Any idea on the KS fit app? I switch off the R1 treadmill everyday and switch on back. When i start up the KS fit app, it ask me to reconnect to device? I try to reconnect but doesnt work. Then next day i need to unbind the device from scratch and readd. Now i dont power off fully and let it be in Mode - in this way i can connect successfully. Thought if u have any trick for the above issue if i fully shutdown the product. Thanks.
Hi, I can't make my WalkingPad to enter the WiFi mode. In trying to use right button to put it into standby mode and then press it for 3 seconds, but I'm still not able to make that WiFi indicator blinking. Any idea? Thanks.
Beware of this product. It's really not too difficult to make me happy with something like this so, please think twice before you buy this. You can feel the fold as you walk and the bolts are really tight and it's difficult to put the bar up and down.
My remote on an R1 Pro has stopped working. I tried the solution in the video but that didn't work. Replaced battery and also got a 2nd remote, but neither of them are working. Has anyone come across a solution?
Helpfull banget nih konten...kalau gak tau... kirain remote rusak loh.. dan harga remotenya 500-700rb an... makasih mas jd gak usah beli remote
Makasih bang komen y👍🙏
Thanks a lot!! ...I had dis Problem after a Firmware Update👍🏽👍🏽
Sore pak, mau nanya kalo tombol mode nya di pencet kok ga bisa pindah ke mode auto ya? Itu apa perlu pairing ulang? Terima kasih pak
Cant understand, it does not even have a subtitle in English.
Hi, its just about pairing remote control with walkingpad, i have see his wifi led blinking, while my walkingpad not
Thanks for this :)
Hi Thanks for the above. Any idea on the KS fit app? I switch off the R1 treadmill everyday and switch on back. When i start up the KS fit app, it ask me to reconnect to device? I try to reconnect but doesnt work. Then next day i need to unbind the device from scratch and readd. Now i dont power off fully and let it be in Mode - in this way i can connect successfully. Thought if u have any trick for the above issue if i fully shutdown the product. Thanks.
Mau tanya gimana cara benerin belt nya supaya ke tengah lv karna terlalu ke kiri
Untuk remote bodymax running pad gmn cara pairingnya ya kk
Ada info gmn cara pairing walking pad dan Mi App? ga ke-detect terus walking pad-nya....
Pak saya kenapa masih tidak konek yah pak ? Mohon pencerahanya pak 🙏🏻baru banget di unboxing
hi, bang apa ada kontak? mau nanya bisa benerin treadmill gk?
Hi, I can't make my WalkingPad to enter the WiFi mode. In trying to use right button to put it into standby mode and then press it for 3 seconds, but I'm still not able to make that WiFi indicator blinking. Any idea? Thanks.
Every 60 percent of the pairing always fails and you have to try again ... is there a solution?
Si no funciona a la primera, volver a seguir los pasos hasta que enlace. Gracias por la ayuda.
Ada link untuk jual remote walking pad
Izin pak, apakah sudah menemukan link yg jual remote walking pad?
@amaliasoraya9963 belum mas.bawa ke servis elektronik.biasanya ada solderan yg putus.bisa di cek disana
Beware of this product. It's really not too difficult to make me happy with something like this so, please think twice before you buy this. You can feel the fold as you walk and the bolts are really tight and it's difficult to put the bar up and down.
My remote on an R1 Pro has stopped working. I tried the solution in the video but that didn't work. Replaced battery and also got a 2nd remote, but neither of them are working. Has anyone come across a solution?
Same problem yet, remote is not working , I don't know how can I fix this issue 😔
Me too
Kami ikut cara agan. Kok gak bisa pairing juga.
ganti battrey y kakak
Whts with the song???
Paring ksfit controller
Please translate in english