Spigen ArcPack Super-Compact 30W USB C Power Bank 10000mAh vs Anker Nano 30W w/ Built-in USB C Cable

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 33

  • @wwjoshdew
    @wwjoshdew  Год назад +3

    0:31 lol. Just realized I shared the same comment twice. Oops!

  • @Intentional_soundscapes13
    @Intentional_soundscapes13 Год назад +6

    Great review dude. I appreciate that you took the time and effort to take my suggestion into consideration.
    I confirmed the following tests with Spigen ArcPack Super-Compact 30W:
    1. The charger took 1 hour and 30 minutes to fully charge (from drained to full 4 lights)
    2. It charged my iPhone 15 pro from 20% to 80% in 40 minutes (3x)

    • @RB-us6tf
      @RB-us6tf 5 месяцев назад

      1h30min to charge the ArcPack from 0% to 100% seem too long. What charger did you use?

    • @Intentional_soundscapes13
      @Intentional_soundscapes13 5 месяцев назад

      @@RB-us6tf 60W USB-C PD charger

  • @TheStopwatchGod
    @TheStopwatchGod Год назад +1

    9:53 AFC is for Samsung, basically it's the older version of Super Fast Charging, and FCP and SCP are Huawei charging protocols.

  • @Kiss__Kiss
    @Kiss__Kiss Год назад +4

    Good Morning Josh, Glad you purchased it. As Spigen is always my go to company for cases.
    Oh and congrats on ordering the new iPhone 15

  • @Jonathannetworkspeedtester
    @Jonathannetworkspeedtester Год назад +8

    I prefer Anker

  • @nich-ko6si
    @nich-ko6si 9 месяцев назад +1

    The Anker Nano 30 watt was overheating so bad I returned it, does the Spigen have the same issue?

  • @G.Martinez916
    @G.Martinez916 Год назад +1

    I just ordered the spigen power bank. Just need a backup for my Flip 4, you are in trouble if you happen to forget a charger on a work day it will be dead within 8 hours

  • @DukeDames
    @DukeDames Год назад +3

    The Spigen claims to be more efficient and therefore produce 38% more total output than other 10,000 mah power banks. Please can you test this against the blue Anker one?

  • @Goonsquad2012
    @Goonsquad2012 Год назад +1

    Is that the fold 4 or 5 ?

  • @RB-us6tf
    @RB-us6tf 5 месяцев назад

    How quickly does this charge an iPhone 15 Pro? Does it charge an iPhone at close to 30w speed?

  • @zib207
    @zib207 Год назад +1

    does it support passthrough charging"

  • @nelmsie
    @nelmsie Год назад +1

    Wait your iPhone didn’t come today mines did but my ultra 2 watch won’t arrive til Monday which don’t make sense cause they both coming from the same place smh

    • @wwjoshdew
      @wwjoshdew  Год назад +1

      Dude. I’m outside and I got super excited when I saw the FedEx truck and he didn’t have my package.

    • @nelmsie
      @nelmsie Год назад

      @@wwjoshdewunfortunately im at work but i got the notification of it arriving but upset my watch didn’t come

  • @Mpafanai46
    @Mpafanai46 Год назад +2

    You have to give away some of your power banks, there's no room to store😂 like your contents ❤

    • @wwjoshdew
      @wwjoshdew  Год назад +2

      Sorry. No can do. If you have 7 kids and find out you have an 8th on the way, you still keep it. I give away old ones. And I don't have any I'm willing to part ways with.

  • @ScrymgeouR18
    @ScrymgeouR18 Год назад +1

    So does both of these powerbank support 25W super fast charging on Samsung devices?

  • @JRDMV125
    @JRDMV125 Год назад

    could you review Aukey PB-Y42 & PB-Y43?

  • @nazarshortcuts
    @nazarshortcuts Год назад +1

    I recently rediscovered the USB-A on the power bank for myself as beneficial. Whenever I want to not stress my iPhone’s battery a lot and I have a lot of time to charge it, I use USB-A because iPhones draw only 12W from USB-A instead of 20W+ from the power source. In my opinion, doing so will preserve some battery life on my iPhone in the long run.

    • @nazarshortcuts
      @nazarshortcuts Год назад

      @ChudDin in my case, I have an 18W 20K battery from Anker. On the back it says that it’s able to output 18W max on that USB A port. But these 18 watts through usb an are only available for android phones fast-charging. The iPhones can charge at 12W max on USB A port is due to the fact that the “Apple 2.4A”(5V-2.4A)is the top charging protocol on usb a for iphones and ipads.

    • @soacespacestation8556
      @soacespacestation8556 7 месяцев назад

      Isn't there any options to just turn off fast charging on iPhones?

  • @LucidButler
    @LucidButler Год назад +1

    Sorry a bit confused... if i own a samsung s22 ultra, what wattage will it charge at?

    • @wwjoshdew
      @wwjoshdew  Год назад +2

      Some people are reporting 30. I don’t have one, but the 11 volts and 3 amps max is 33 watts. So your S23 ultra will charge at 25 for sure, with the potential of 30!! Hope that helps.

    • @LucidButler
      @LucidButler Год назад

      @@wwjoshdew absolutely! And thanks for the quick reply!

  • @demon6937
    @demon6937 Год назад

    i can see the spigen shape might be better to handle more like handling a handle of a sword 😅

  • @AlexCrews
    @AlexCrews Год назад +2

    That’s cool dude

  • @chadihasbani
    @chadihasbani Год назад

    @wwjoshdew How many times does this powerbank charge your phone before needing to recharge it? I use a S20FE and all 10000mah powerbanks i've used in the past only do one charge before turning off, even though my phone's battery capacity is 4500mah. This is very weird to me, do you by any chance have a similar capacity phone that you charge with this powerbank?