@@nyashabuwerimwe-sw6qu I hope vanhu vemota dzakafa vochengeta mucommunity like this vasina ku kukiya madoor kana kusunga newaya, wadzidza chidzidzo. Think of the risks your briken down car poses to your surroundings. It is time to think deep about what we choose to do. In some places you cannot keep such a vehicle in your backyard or in the neighbourhood unsecured. It should be locked up somewhere for safety reasons.
Some want to blame the owner of the car why.?Mumwe akati padhuze nepano chererwa mvura.Surely haaimbo bata vese vana zuva raka cheka nyika achiva vharira mumota.
I think vana havana kuziva pokuvhura napo from inside. Wangu mwana akambozvipfigirawo mumota yaheadmaster at the age of 3. Hakuna akaziva kuti mwana apinda mumota coz tose taive kubasa, musikana webasa also was thinking mwana arikutamba. Fortunately muridzi wemota passed by the car on his way from work ndiye akaona vana vaita kunyorova neziya uye twaneta muzuva rekwaRimbi mugowa umo😢. Saka umm baba ava handioni vane mhosva. Ndiriniwo kuona vana in that situation my first instinct Will be to pull them out kuti vawane mweya wekufema. May God comfort mhuri dzarasikirwa nevana.
The same applied to my son taive parufu rwatezvara so were busy cooking. Mwana akada kurara so I just said enda mumota unorara. So I was satisfied kuti zvese bho, after about 3-4 hrs someone passed by the car akaona mwana aka sweater zvisingaite akavhura door the baby anga atofenda rushed him to the doctor and fortunately akararama. Madzimai ngatichengeteyi vana vedu checking kuti vari payi
The mothers should not have left the kids alone outside to play unattended.. this man is very innocent and his reaction is understandable he thought the kids were still alive
We all have been kids and when told to stay at home 🏡 or indoors ,we would 🤔 wait for elders to get busy or sleep and we would then sneak away and play as a bunch
Kids will be kids. However zera racho you need to keep an eye on them age dzaco dzine too much mischief. I have same age 2 vese and ndinovafudza sembudzi. Pavanotamba I keep watch!
What's more tragic is people, not only people but women for that matter laying the blame on vehicles or vehicle owners. The blame lies squarely on the parents who didn't take care of their kids. These are 3 and 4 year old and the mothers didn't miss them for a minute! It's not one mother but several of them. What were they doing? Gossiping while the kids took care of themselves!! It becomes even more criminal because there have been a spate of kidnappings and murder of kids for ritual killings. Yet these so called mothers are/were oblivious of the fact. Nxa!!
Parents are now trying to put a blame game sekuona kwangu, how can they leave vana ve 3/4 years panze for more than an hour vasina kumbovatarisa vari papi, uye kuzoda kuti havasati vamboenda ipapo, vanoziva sei ivo vachisiya vana kwenguva refu iri panze . Kuzim kurikupisa mazuva ano and temperature yemota is higher than yepanze.. Murume wemota haana mhosva yaanayo kana Its every parents duty of care to know kune mwana wake nguva yese Dai Mweya mutsvene vanyaradza vabeereki vevana ava
I always say this exact thing why kusiya mwana kudiki muchiti aenda Kunotamba for hours no one checks on the kid. Mwana ozodzoka pamba na 5/6pm achinzi anga aenda kunotamba. The parents were very negligent.
May they souls rest peacefully , Mwari nyaradzai mhuri idzi, so sorry to the owner of the car , vana vana musikanzwa inowanika, zuva rengozi harizikanwe vana vakangopinda imomo hapana akaona vachipinda imomo , even if it was me ndaivhura ndovabuditsa kuti vawane mhepo yekufema.
Awww shame, ende zvinorwadza. Rufu ririko ende rwunouya nenzira yakasiyanasiyana. Baba vemota sounds very genuine. Kubuditsa vana mumota vaiedza kubatsira. Baba ava mhosva yavo chete ndeye kuchengeta mota pamba isina kukiyiwa. Zvekuti zvaigona kuitika kune vana vavowo zvekare. Ivo vabereki vevana vane duty of care, they are also responsible kuziva kuti mwana wako aripi uye ari kutambira kupi..... Vana vane misikanzwa uye vanogona kutryer zvinhu zvinyowani. How can you say 3 to 4 year old ari kutamba panze apo ari unattendant. Pane nyaya ye safe guiding.
Like you say it's the parents' responsibility. How can the car owner be blamed for not locking a car door which doesn't lock? So if I don't have the money to fix my car and I park it in my yard it's an offence? I don't want to throw it away because I will fix it when I have saved enough!!
Muridzi we moter Haana mosva chingango musunga ndechekuti ayifanira kusunga ma door emoter yaye, sezvo yakambo vharira vamwe Vana vakafenda, ipapo ndopaayi fanirwa kusunga moter yake Vana vasakwanisa kupindwmo
It's just an unfortunate incident. Vana vaingofunga kuti varikutamba and this guy is HONEST AND INNOCENT. Chete pachivanhu munhu haangofi. Pachabuda nyaya dzehuroyi and a hell lot of other things. It's a traumatic event that is life changing and this guy will never see PEACE in his life. I just pray the parents forgive him. Not that he is guilty but that fugidziro yekuti angangove ariiye avuraya. Crying is not the only indication or sign yekuti munhu arwanziwa counselor. Uye kusabudisa musodzi doesn't mean kuti munhu haasikurwadziwa. Ini semubereki I blame the parents. They shouldn't leave the children unattended for that long. Given kushata kwaita Zimbabwe you can't leave vana vasina munhu. Vabereki have been very NEGLIGENT. Very true counselor Vabereki vakaita kushaya hanya nevana. It's very common in Zimbabwe. Vanhu vanozotanga kutsvagira Vanhu mhosva varivo vaita vukeresiya. May the NEGLECTED KIDS REST IN PEACE 🙏. Kuvabereki nematambudziko. Hope it's LESSONS LEARNT.
the problem is when we say handidi mwana wemunhu pamba pangu munoti ndinodada, hee enda unogara kuborrowdale asi ikozvino mai councilor now talks vachitopa mhosva muridzi wemota. mota is my property and as long as iri muyard mangu hainei nemi. vana ngavatamire kudzimba kwavo or rather create ma playing areas inyika yakadii isina kids play centres muma communities.
Apa mataura chokwadi. As a parent you should know kuti mwana wako aripi. Children are very inquisitive and will explore places we as adults never think of especially at that age.
zvemota yakafa ndeyangu inogara pamba pangu why blame the guy vana ava vakauya pamba pake mai vedoek re white matama nema girazi chete hapana chozivikanwa
I was looking for this comment. Most ladies have a problem yekut they want someone else to look after their kids while they sleep, do chores, or gossip and enjoy some free time.
I feel for this guy and the beareved families but i blame some of the questions being asked by reporters from various media platforms, they are fueling hatred between the owner of the car and the affected families
My question is chero dai vari vabereki vakawona vama mumota umu vaivasiya here vachiti mirirai mapurisa ....zvimwe zvinhu lets not just try kutsvaga wekupa mhosva nezvinhu zviri pachena
Chero gogo vake vakave muroyi but ngavamuratidzwe muzukuru wavo nekuti ndewavo... even the Bible rinoti kudza baba namai vako hazvina kumbonzi Kana vachiroya usavakudze... Gogo mazokanganisawo Kudurura shungu dzenyu pakadai
May the kids rest in peace. As for the car owner you did your best may god protect you against peoples mind and their thoughts yu did what a normal person would do
I stand with the owner of the car.vanababa zvekuti since hamusati maona vana vachitambirapo ini handizvikoshese nekuti already madzimai enyu akaratidza kuti aisatarisawo vana ava saka mungagozivasei pavapinda nepavasina .and i believe ana bamnini murivanhu vanoswera kumabasa musarambira vana.mumarokeshen atogara vana ava unosangana nemwana asati akutaura achitamba 3 streets away frm home.Saka chero zvekuti vaburitsirei anyone could have done that out of panic.kuti pamba paive nevanhu ndopavangamonitor zvirikuitika panze here.zvemadoor emota izvo kupinda is very easy kubuda ndokungatonetsa chero mota dzinofamba chaidzo unonzwa zvichinzi vhurai nepanze meaning mukati its easy kuti risavhurike.
I second you mwana haarambirwe vanenge vachitamba havo vozonzwa mweya wekufema wakupera then heat vopinda mupanic mode and confusion pakuda kubuda.shuwa mwana anoenda kunotamba vabereki vazvhinji hatitarise worse off ana baba vanoswera vasipo vototi havatambire ikoko it was an incident kuonawo kwangu
May these little Angels Rest In Perfect Peace the way the car owner is narrating this story with the heat wave i believe they passed away because of too much heat its sad 😥
FIRST of ALL very sad to hear of this sad TSAONA. Rest in Peace Vana. Now, on reflection: The owner of the car is NOT to BLAME, even on the immediate steps he took of pulling the kids out immediately upon seeing them inside. That is the first instinct that comes to a person who knows that people can suffocate and die from the heat in a Car with closed doors. His corroboration and explanation is very sound. Kwahi nababa ve one of the kids dai akavasiya mumota. Come on, seriously????, let's not be stupid. Sorry, this makes me conclude that with a father who does not reason well like him, no wonder why vana ava vakaita musikanzwa like happened. He works kuma Combi as he says, otadza kuziva kuti priority munhu ukawona vana mumota vari unconscious is to PULL them OUT in the hope vakarohwa nemhepo pamwe some may be resuscitated. Again vana "VANA", vanoita misikanzwa. It is unfortunately nonsensical for these parents to put the blame on muridzi vemota and to say vana havasati vamboenda kunotambirako. Vana vakagara vachiona mota iyo and this day they actually found kuti "hapana vanhu" ndokuti "ngatipindei titambe". Rest is the sad story. You could say it would have been good to pull the kids out while at the same time screaming for someone to witness, but still you cant blame him for his correct reaction by instinct!
May their beautiful souls find peace💔💔 zvinhu zvinorwadza asi kuti tingati Bhudhi ava vakaresva here kubuditsa vana mumota. Vakazviita vachifunga kuti pamwe vana vachiripenyu.😢
Iresponsibility yevabereki kutarisa kunotambira vana saka munhu orasa mota yake here ko kana asina mari yekugadzirisa mubereki rudzii anobvisawo ziso pavana vane 4years dai isiri mota iyoyo still vana ivavo vanga varipa risk yekungobiwa nekuti panga pasina supervision
This was serious accident .May their Souls Rest In Everliving Peace .Even madoor edu emumba chaiwo anengozi especially Bathroom doors atinousa chachikorekedzo (Barrel Bolt Door lock lock) My deepest Symptathy to the Families n May God give you Strength to forgive .
shame mhepo dzinenge dzangosimukawo veduweee ende kana rufu ,runoita kukudeedza kana kukutevera ,coz shuwa kana vaisatambira mumota imomo asi musi wacho wavakapinda zvinoitika ,worse nezuva ririkupisa iri apo mawindow ayo akavharwa ende vele ma age avana ava ha akwanise kuvhura door remota ....muridzi wemota mhosva haana shuwa ....the devil is at work ......Rest in peace little Angels
Muridzi wemota was thinking that vakarohwa nemhepo vaigona kufema sekuona kwangu muridzi wemota tried his level best to help vana but it was too late only that hama nevabereki neruzhinji tese tirikurwadziwa but zvekuita hapachisina hama dzangu
These kids were just naughty to open car door & get into car. Heat is very dangerous, even in developed places many kids left in cars have died from heat. This happens at many shopping centres after kids left in cars from heat.
Baba ava mhepo dzavasumukira vachagona kuitwa revenge ne type dzana baba vandaona ava vanenge vanofungira Kure nekuti now vari kumirira kuti police ivasunge zvino akasazosungwa pachaita hondo
This is the reason why my former landlord airova vana vakatambira mumota isu taitotsamwa kuti anehutsinye anovhaira nechimota chakafa bt aiziva zvaaiita
Asi vanhu vaitsvaka vana ava sei vasina kungodongorera mumota iyi? When you’re looking for a missing child you look everywhere even in ridiculous places cos you’re desperately searching for a person. This car shouldn’t have been omitted especially knowing the door is always unlocked. Kids are gonna be kids and they do strange things that you may not believe they can do. For this car owner, it is reckless to leave a car with door(s) unlocked like that. That’s a trap hazard around young children, especially knowing the other doors are jammed in. Let’s think of risks that abandoned cars can pose in our communities. It is true also that young children can die inside a vehicle where there’s no ventilation. When the weather is hot, it doesn’t take long for kids to be suffocated. Car owner should’ve left them in the car and wait for the police.
@@edissonzibwowa9334 I think people think and process situations differently. If I were the car owner my car wouldn't be where it is to begin with. Nobody is saying it wasnt an accident, but removing these kids is tempering with a crime scene. Besides it creates a distressful scene to expose the bodies of lifeless kids for public view. I don't think it is good at all. There is no way these small kids would have survived the heat inside the car. So the bottom line is, we cannot assume everybody acts the same given a situation, please. There are so many factors that affect decision makng by individuals. That's why those community leaders wondered why this battered down car is kept there.
Zvinoitika izvi, windows were closed vana varimo for hours. KuZim hatizvizive hedu kuti vana havasiiwe mumota yakavharwa windows Plus pane kakujairira katiinako maZimbha mota yemunhu kungomira or yakapakwa whether inofamba kana kusafamba toregedza vana vedu vachinotambiramo apa hauzive kuti munei maybe something poisonous In this case ana mai ava vana vakaenda for hours pasina following up, kuri kupisa ndiani anopa mwana wako mafluids 3-5 yr olds shuwa kutogara hours mumba musingazive kuti vana varipi aiwa zvimwe zvinhu ngatichinjei
Musa blamer owner vemota imi vana mai ve vana 4 maiva kupi kusvikira vana vachifa makashaya care nevana dai maivatariasa makakurumidza kuona vana kuti vari mumota i accident yatoitika iyi
Baba ava vari very innocent, I am saying this from a first hand information. Zvakamboitika kuBotswana vana vakapinda vachitamba mumota and neheat yemu Botswana vana they suffocated. apa vaiva vana two vemukwasha vanga vaenda kwana gogo kuHoliday.very sorry havo baba ava. Mwari uchavarwirwa
This Guy is innocent but why abantu besenza so ukugcona umuntu abantwana can do anything mabedlala just be strong wenze umsebenzi omkhulu bhudi batholakala abantwana
😢 since muridzi wemota aine chibhawa nyaya iyi yakutoda godobori awongorore kuti vana havana kuchekereswa here. Uyezve aifanirwa kuvhunduka nemarariro evana akasiya vakadaro osheedza vanhu voonawo. Ende akanga anzwa kuti kune vana vashaikwa vari kutsvagwa. Chi mugweje chake icho ngaachirase kure honai chakonzera njodzi inotyisa
This is sad, most parents in Zim their risk perception is poor, they don’t supervise vana vangosiyiwa vachifamba nemaline. Then kumuridzi vemota he should have locked his car because this could have also happened kumwana vake.
Murume uyu ndoona seari innocent havairega kubuditsa vana coz he thought they were still breathing. Councillor musatora side let the postmortem take place first
Sure councillor ngavamirire postmortem vakutora side n ivo ana mai vakuti vana havasvike vakaziva sei cz dai vaigara ziso riri pavana vasina kufa zvee mwana haarambirwe
I think someone did open the door kut vana vapinde akavhara. Akatomaka the owner wemoto kut anzi achekeresa vana. Because ane bhawa so sad mwari ngavamuchenurewo kuruzhinji. Zvorwadza veduwe
vabereki navowo must learn kugara vachideedza deedza vana uchinzwawo kuti vari papi vakutambira kupi nekuti apa shuwa mhosva yakuenda kumuridzi wemota yet nevabereki why where they not checking up on mazera aya .....nezuva iri shuwa haa heat inenge iri mumota mmm
These tragic accidents happen more often because of the carelessness of the mothers, young children should be constantly checked on to know their where abouts, the car owner is very innocent and reacted in a normal way, lets not try to out the blame on him, his is just a tragedy and an accident, no one should be blamed about it.May God heal the families for the loss.
Pese pafa munhu hapashaikwe muroyi, I grew up in a same area. It’s difficult to monitor kids of that age all the time, these are not gated communities kurokesheni uko. Vana vanodeedzwa kana food yave ready vodzokera kunotamba soon after eating ndookunge food yacho iripo.
May e innocent souls RIP , but vana Mai vevana Ava vaiiteyi kusiya a 3 yr n 4yr not knowing where they are they seem careless ,haisi mhosva kuisa mota pamba pako
This man is innocent mufunke ukukhipha abantwana e motweni ubephuthuma ecabanga ukuty bayaphila abantwana vaka Suffocate nekupisa this man awirwa nemiyedzo may this kids rest in piece🙏
This man is Innocent ana Amai ngatidzidzeyi kuchengetedza Vana,plus vabereki ana Amai vevana Ava vanga varipi seriously negligence,Ana Amai ngavasungwe for negligence of Parents,Baba Ava is Innocent
Sure vana vadikisa ava mamai tichinyanyoitei mudzimba vana vadiki ava ngatizamei kutarisa vana veduwe veduwe zera racho kah unosiya mwana achibuda uchiti anoendepi nhaim haaa vana mai ngatikoshesei vana weee tirege kuda kuzopomera vanhu mhosva veduwe
Let's gather here muridzi wemota ahana mhosva.but mashoko ahashaikwe muvanhu .....rest in peace angels😢
Muridzi wemota haana mvosva he is innocent kutoburitsa aitofunga vapenyu kungoti pakaitika nyaya hapashaikwe mashoko
Sure vanhu vasade kupomera vanhu mhosva isiko
So innocent that he didn't do it. He's so naive to keep this broken car not thinking it could be a trap hazard to chldren.
@@SheStoicForLife77zvagara MOTA dzingorimo muma yard umu zhinji wani dzakafa dzimwe dzatoone makore dziripo asi chiro changoda kuitika munozonge makungofunga kuti pane zviripo
@@nyashabuwerimwe-sw6qu I hope vanhu vemota dzakafa vochengeta mucommunity like this vasina ku kukiya madoor kana kusunga newaya, wadzidza chidzidzo. Think of the risks your briken down car poses to your surroundings. It is time to think deep about what we choose to do. In some places you cannot keep such a vehicle in your backyard or in the neighbourhood unsecured. It should be locked up somewhere for safety reasons.
Car owner is very innocent. Any reasonable man could not just turn his back without trying to help the children.
This guy is just innocent
I feel for him
Some want to blame the owner of the car why.?Mumwe akati padhuze nepano chererwa mvura.Surely haaimbo bata vese vana zuva raka cheka nyika achiva vharira mumota.
I think vana havana kuziva pokuvhura napo from inside. Wangu mwana akambozvipfigirawo mumota yaheadmaster at the age of 3. Hakuna akaziva kuti mwana apinda mumota coz tose taive kubasa, musikana webasa also was thinking mwana arikutamba. Fortunately muridzi wemota passed by the car on his way from work ndiye akaona vana vaita kunyorova neziya uye twaneta muzuva rekwaRimbi mugowa umo😢. Saka umm baba ava handioni vane mhosva. Ndiriniwo kuona vana in that situation my first instinct Will be to pull them out kuti vawane mweya wekufema.
May God comfort mhuri dzarasikirwa nevana.
The same applied to my son taive parufu rwatezvara so were busy cooking. Mwana akada kurara so I just said enda mumota unorara. So I was satisfied kuti zvese bho, after about 3-4 hrs someone passed by the car akaona mwana aka sweater zvisingaite akavhura door the baby anga atofenda rushed him to the doctor and fortunately akararama. Madzimai ngatichengeteyi vana vedu checking kuti vari payi
Muridzi wemota hazvisaiita kut avasiye mumota imomo shame sort 4 the loss and l feel for the car owner being accused
Dai vana Mai taiita moyo wekubereka,kut ukanzwa pachema mwana wotarisawo zvisinei kuti vako vakura.Mwari waizoti komborera.zvinorwadza izvi uuuum
And this heatwave vakomana ,kutikupisa you can't survive this weathrr
Vana probably vakarova windows pakashaya anovanzwa anamai vari pamakuhwa.
Askana baba vemota ava vasangana nemiyedzo he is so innocent
Taura hako anopagara sei
mmm zvakaoma miyedzo yacho yasatani chaiye akafamba netsoka
Mmmmm zvakaoma veduwee.
Muyedzo wacho wakaoma shuwa unotyisa
Aaah baba vemota munhu chaiye umm vanhu vasadaro😢
The mothers should not have left the kids alone outside to play unattended.. this man is very innocent and his reaction is understandable he thought the kids were still alive
You can say that again
taura hako
This day and age kuri kubiwa vana like mad , then you relax to let a 2 year old play alone outside
We all have been kids and when told to stay at home 🏡 or indoors ,we would 🤔 wait for elders to get busy or sleep and we would then sneak away and play as a bunch
Kids will be kids. However zera racho you need to keep an eye on them age dzaco dzine too much mischief. I have same age 2 vese and ndinovafudza sembudzi. Pavanotamba I keep watch!
I love how auntie Stella conducts her interviews 😍 ❤️
She is excellent ❤❤
Muzukuru wangu unogona basa rako .....may this Engels RIP
What's more tragic is people, not only people but women for that matter laying the blame on vehicles or vehicle owners. The blame lies squarely on the parents who didn't take care of their kids. These are 3 and 4 year old and the mothers didn't miss them for a minute! It's not one mother but several of them. What were they doing? Gossiping while the kids took care of themselves!! It becomes even more criminal because there have been a spate of kidnappings and murder of kids for ritual killings. Yet these so called mothers are/were oblivious of the fact. Nxa!!
Just blaming game and others vakato ramba vachi tengesa
True ini wangu ane3 handitopedzi 5minutes ndisingazivi kwaari ndinotopanicker.mothers lets do better please .may their beautiful souls rest in peace😢
That’s very true
@@virgymoyo6174 good mothering ability,thank you.
Parents are now trying to put a blame game sekuona kwangu, how can they leave vana ve 3/4 years panze for more than an hour vasina kumbovatarisa vari papi, uye kuzoda kuti havasati vamboenda ipapo, vanoziva sei ivo vachisiya vana kwenguva refu iri panze
. Kuzim kurikupisa mazuva ano and temperature yemota is higher than yepanze..
Murume wemota haana mhosva yaanayo kana
Its every parents duty of care to know kune mwana wake nguva yese
Dai Mweya mutsvene vanyaradza vabeereki vevana ava
Munhu ngaachengetedze mwana wake, i accident ... no blaming game apa
I always say this exact thing why kusiya mwana kudiki muchiti aenda Kunotamba for hours no one checks on the kid. Mwana ozodzoka pamba na 5/6pm achinzi anga aenda kunotamba. The parents were very negligent.
Vachiita havo makuhwa nxaaaa vanofanira kusungwa
it is well my brother hauna mhosva...may the angels rest in peace...
Rest in peace vana ummm tarwadziwa mufunge, ngatiregei kupomera muridzi wemota hapana chaayiziva kuti vana vangawanikwa mumota ngatingozivai kuti mazera arikutaurwa haana mugoni vana vanokuyitira zvausingafungire
Ndizvozvo chaizvo hapana kana chikonzero chakupa varidzi vemota mhosva ivo varikutonetsekawo nekufirwa nevana pamba pavo itori mhepo yakashata kwavari
May they souls rest peacefully , Mwari nyaradzai mhuri idzi, so sorry to the owner of the car , vana vana musikanzwa inowanika, zuva rengozi harizikanwe vana vakangopinda imomo hapana akaona vachipinda imomo , even if it was me ndaivhura ndovabuditsa kuti vawane mhepo yekufema.
Taura hako
You can say it again
Mutidzi wemota haana mhosva but vaberek vane mhosva vana vadiki avo havaregerwe vachitamba long tym usingazive kwavari vaberek chengetedzai vana pliz
A normal person would buditsa those kids mumota imomo chero ini ndirini would do the same
Awww shame, ende zvinorwadza. Rufu ririko ende rwunouya nenzira yakasiyanasiyana. Baba vemota sounds very genuine. Kubuditsa vana mumota vaiedza kubatsira. Baba ava mhosva yavo chete ndeye kuchengeta mota pamba isina kukiyiwa. Zvekuti zvaigona kuitika kune vana vavowo zvekare. Ivo vabereki vevana vane duty of care, they are also responsible kuziva kuti mwana wako aripi uye ari kutambira kupi..... Vana vane misikanzwa uye vanogona kutryer zvinhu zvinyowani. How can you say 3 to 4 year old ari kutamba panze apo ari unattendant. Pane nyaya ye safe guiding.
Like you say it's the parents' responsibility. How can the car owner be blamed for not locking a car door which doesn't lock? So if I don't have the money to fix my car and I park it in my yard it's an offence? I don't want to throw it away because I will fix it when I have saved enough!!
Chokwadi ichocho
This is a very common accident in United states of America, kids die in cars due to heat.😢
Mapostori here ayo mamai ayo
@@dailyshowtelevisiondstv5585 True! In fact it happens every year all over the world.
"Ndini munhu one akachema pavanhu vese vanga vakaungana" hmmm imi mai imi mukwane murimunhu mukuru. Saka murikureva kuti makarwadziwa chaizvo kudarika vabereki vevana.
Nhai kutaura kwavasina kuswera
Kuda vote to Mp
Chokwadi chaicho ndechekuti mkoma wemota is very innocent. Mwari ngava nyaradze mhuri dzarasikirwa.
Shame mkoma hamuna mhosva very sorry vabereki varasikirwa asi nesuo vana mai ngatidzidzei kugara takachengetedza vana vedu
Aifunga kuti vapenyu veduweee not knowing kuti achapihwa mhosva veduwe
Ehe panoitika zvinhu zvakadaro pfungwa hadzitombozofunge kuti zvinozonzi imhosva vaitoda kusaver upenyu shame
Dei asina kubvisa futi still ainzi you failed to save them maybe vavarivapenyu .munhu haungamugoni veduwe.
Muridzi we moter Haana mosva chingango musunga ndechekuti ayifanira kusunga ma door emoter yaye, sezvo yakambo vharira vamwe Vana vakafenda, ipapo ndopaayi fanirwa kusunga moter yake Vana vasakwanisa kupindwmo
Baba ava havana chavakakanganusa kuburitsa vana musavapa mhosva koimi maidiikuchengetedza vana venyu
Mutemo hautenderi kubatsa munhu anenge afa zvisina tsarukano
Nekusauya kweambulance u endup trying anything kubata bata kudhira mvura......it's not south africa yekuti 2minutes maparamedics anenge azara
@@Michaelmushamba274 unenge waziva sei kuti munhu afa?
@@adelinendawana7748 munhu afa anongooneka aifanira vamwe vanhu vouya voita muonera pamwe kna vakachizovaburitsa zvinenge zvava nehumbowo weruzhinji
@@adelinendawana7748 ko kuzokuvara kuvara mumaoko it seems there's secret behind mapurisa rovai vanhu vanotaura chokwadi
It's just an unfortunate incident. Vana vaingofunga kuti varikutamba and this guy is HONEST AND INNOCENT. Chete pachivanhu munhu haangofi. Pachabuda nyaya dzehuroyi and a hell lot of other things. It's a traumatic event that is life changing and this guy will never see PEACE in his life. I just pray the parents forgive him. Not that he is guilty but that fugidziro yekuti angangove ariiye avuraya. Crying is not the only indication or sign yekuti munhu arwanziwa counselor. Uye kusabudisa musodzi doesn't mean kuti munhu haasikurwadziwa. Ini semubereki I blame the parents. They shouldn't leave the children unattended for that long. Given kushata kwaita Zimbabwe you can't leave vana vasina munhu. Vabereki have been very NEGLIGENT. Very true counselor Vabereki vakaita kushaya hanya nevana. It's very common in Zimbabwe. Vanhu vanozotanga kutsvagira Vanhu mhosva varivo vaita vukeresiya. May the NEGLECTED KIDS REST IN PEACE 🙏. Kuvabereki nematambudziko. Hope it's LESSONS LEARNT.
the problem is when we say handidi mwana wemunhu pamba pangu munoti ndinodada, hee enda unogara kuborrowdale asi ikozvino mai councilor now talks vachitopa mhosva muridzi wemota. mota is my property and as long as iri muyard mangu hainei nemi. vana ngavatamire kudzimba kwavo or rather create ma playing areas inyika yakadii isina kids play centres muma communities.
Apa mataura chokwadi. As a parent you should know kuti mwana wako aripi. Children are very inquisitive and will explore places we as adults never think of especially at that age.
Aaaa wangu mwana mu 4yrs anovhura mota wani tsaona kan yawira vana don't judge munhu baba avaa vari innocent
Musape muridzi wemota mhosva ..kunyange pamba apa paive nevanhu saka maida kuti vachengete vana venyu imi muchiitei.. imagine kuzotsvaga vana kuma 2... Vamwe vakatoudzwa kuti mwana haasi kuonekwa vakatoramba vachitengesa
zvemota yakafa ndeyangu inogara pamba pangu why blame the guy vana ava vakauya pamba pake mai vedoek re white matama nema girazi chete hapana chozivikanwa
I was looking for this comment. Most ladies have a problem yekut they want someone else to look after their kids while they sleep, do chores, or gossip and enjoy some free time.
I feel for this guy and the beareved families but i blame some of the questions being asked by reporters from various media platforms, they are fueling hatred between the owner of the car and the affected families
Chokwadi ichocho, kuda nyaya maEffects acho havana basa nawo
My question is chero dai vari vabereki vakawona vama mumota umu vaivasiya here vachiti mirirai mapurisa ....zvimwe zvinhu lets not just try kutsvaga wekupa mhosva nezvinhu zviri pachena
Mashoko makukutu
Chokwadi nhaim chero dai anga ari umweo munhu asiri muridzi wemota ndaidai ndakangovabuditsa
chokwadi ,aitoti arikuto batsira kuponesa vana
Exactly chishona chinoti chakawana hama hachisekwi .kuda kungopomera munhu mhosva
@@joicegaredondo9385 apa fungai kuti mukadzi wake aifamba nehusiku ihwohwo achibatsira kutsvaga vana asi havachazviwone izvozvo
Aaa shamee zvinowanikwa mufunge hama dzangu muridzi wemota matauriro ake chokwadi hapana. Chanoziva kubudisa vana aiedza kubatsira and hana kuzvifungira kuti vafa akatovhundukao uyu 😭😭😭
Chokwadi this is a genuine accident 😢
Yaaa ichokwadi akapanika
Yaaah muridzi wemota haana mhosva ,ini ndakaona wangu akapinda mumota iri pamba akabuda akatota zvese nehembe like ndaivepo pamba
Vana mai chengetai vana pliz
Mhepo kana dzasikumuka apana anofunga zvekut timbovhura chero mota iyo ,mwari akusimbiseyi family dzose dzarasikirwa nevana sevabeki ngatibataneyi
chokwadi kana mhepo dzasimuka hapana anozvifunga
Ini ndaboekana na gogo vemwana wavasina kuratidzwa muzukuru for 4 yrs vakutanga kuda kuzviita mupurisa nhasi shuwa gogo batai hana yenyu muzvibvunze sei varora vaisakuratidzai vana,
Nhai zvenyu 4yrs woratidzwa chavachitunha nyatsozvivhunzai gogo
Vanoroya ndovane mhepo yauraya vana
Munogovaona sei imi murikumabasa vana amai chengetai vana kukoshesa musika musinga tarise vana
Imika chero munhu akanzi anoroya anoona vazukuru vake varoora vemazuvaano vagara vanekahunhu kekungoti amwene muroi nemiwo muchakurawo musadaro veduwe varoora vakatadza zvavo nhasi zvaipa vakuvadeedza kurufu vadii kungonyarara Vaviga vega
Chero gogo vake vakave muroyi but ngavamuratidzwe muzukuru wavo nekuti ndewavo... even the Bible rinoti kudza baba namai vako hazvina kumbonzi Kana vachiroya usavakudze... Gogo mazokanganisawo Kudurura shungu dzenyu pakadai
May the kids rest in peace. As for the car owner you did your best may god protect you against peoples mind and their thoughts yu did what a normal person would do
I stand with the owner of the car.vanababa zvekuti since hamusati maona vana vachitambirapo ini handizvikoshese nekuti already madzimai enyu akaratidza kuti aisatarisawo vana ava saka mungagozivasei pavapinda nepavasina .and i believe ana bamnini murivanhu vanoswera kumabasa musarambira vana.mumarokeshen atogara vana ava unosangana nemwana asati akutaura achitamba 3 streets away frm home.Saka chero zvekuti vaburitsirei anyone could have done that out of panic.kuti pamba paive nevanhu ndopavangamonitor zvirikuitika panze here.zvemadoor emota izvo kupinda is very easy kubuda ndokungatonetsa chero mota dzinofamba chaidzo unonzwa zvichinzi vhurai nepanze meaning mukati its easy kuti risavhurike.
I second you mwana haarambirwe vanenge vachitamba havo vozonzwa mweya wekufema wakupera then heat vopinda mupanic mode and confusion pakuda kubuda.shuwa mwana anoenda kunotamba vabereki vazvhinji hatitarise worse off ana baba vanoswera vasipo vototi havatambire ikoko it was an incident kuonawo kwangu
May these little Angels Rest In Perfect Peace the way the car owner is narrating this story with the heat wave i believe they passed away because of too much heat its sad 😥
Very sorry to what happened but seriously the owner of the car is honest let's unit and help each other
FIRST of ALL very sad to hear of this sad TSAONA. Rest in Peace Vana. Now, on reflection: The owner of the car is NOT to BLAME, even on the immediate steps he took of pulling the kids out immediately upon seeing them inside. That is the first instinct that comes to a person who knows that people can suffocate and die from the heat in a Car with closed doors. His corroboration and explanation is very sound. Kwahi nababa ve one of the kids dai akavasiya mumota. Come on, seriously????, let's not be stupid. Sorry, this makes me conclude that with a father who does not reason well like him, no wonder why vana ava vakaita musikanzwa like happened. He works kuma Combi as he says, otadza kuziva kuti priority munhu ukawona vana mumota vari unconscious is to PULL them OUT in the hope vakarohwa nemhepo pamwe some may be resuscitated. Again vana "VANA", vanoita misikanzwa. It is unfortunately nonsensical for these parents to put the blame on muridzi vemota and to say vana havasati vamboenda kunotambirako. Vana vakagara vachiona mota iyo and this day they actually found kuti "hapana vanhu" ndokuti "ngatipindei titambe". Rest is the sad story. You could say it would have been good to pull the kids out while at the same time screaming for someone to witness, but still you cant blame him for his correct reaction by instinct!
True hey andione paakakanganisa ini aitofungao kuti arikusaver life yevana not knowing kuti vavafa kare
Very true, the kids suffocated because of the heat
Baba avo havana mhosva,vana vaka suffocater ,mumota hamusi safe kuvana vadiki tisanyanyopomera vanhu zvisipo,
May their beautiful souls find peace💔💔 zvinhu zvinorwadza asi kuti tingati Bhudhi ava vakaresva here kubuditsa vana mumota. Vakazviita vachifunga kuti pamwe vana vachiripenyu.😢
Zvorwadza hazvo ,asi mota madii maibvisa kana kuitengesa
Iresponsibility yevabereki kutarisa kunotambira vana saka munhu orasa mota yake here ko kana asina mari yekugadzirisa mubereki rudzii anobvisawo ziso pavana vane 4years dai isiri mota iyoyo still vana ivavo vanga varipa risk yekungobiwa nekuti panga pasina supervision
Havana chavakanganisa baba ava vanhu vagara vanotaura zvavanoda but mwari ndiye anoziva hake
Baba havana mhosva ndisatan akangodarikawo nepamba pavo
This was serious accident .May their Souls Rest In Everliving Peace .Even madoor edu emumba chaiwo anengozi especially Bathroom doors atinousa chachikorekedzo (Barrel Bolt Door lock lock) My deepest Symptathy to the Families n May God give you Strength to forgive .
Muridzi wemota haana chaanoziva itsaona veduwe yakaitika
This man is innocent. In future chengetedzai vana.may their souls rest in peace. Fly high angels
shame mhepo dzinenge dzangosimukawo veduweee ende kana rufu ,runoita kukudeedza kana kukutevera ,coz shuwa kana vaisatambira mumota imomo asi musi wacho wavakapinda zvinoitika ,worse nezuva ririkupisa iri apo mawindow ayo akavharwa ende vele ma age avana ava ha akwanise kuvhura door remota ....muridzi wemota mhosva haana shuwa ....the devil is at work ......Rest in peace little Angels
Muridzi wemota was thinking that vakarohwa nemhepo vaigona kufema sekuona kwangu muridzi wemota tried his level best to help vana but it was too late only that hama nevabereki neruzhinji tese tirikurwadziwa but zvekuita hapachisina hama dzangu
These kids were just naughty to open car door & get into car. Heat is very dangerous, even in developed places many kids left in cars have died from heat. This happens at many shopping centres after kids left in cars from heat.
Vana vakafa neheat hapana kana chimwe chinhu vanhu vangapa zvavo mhosva kumuridzi wemota but haana mhosva ende zvinorwadza
Anamai ngatichengetedzei vana vedu. 2 3 4yrs vadikisa vana ava vanoda kutotariswa evry second. Regai kublamer muridzi wemota
Muridzi wemota haana kukanganisa pakubuditsa vana bekuti ayitofungawo kuti vana ava vachirivapenyu ummm zvorwadza nematambudziko vadikani.
Ko aigoita zvekufungidzira aisazviona hr nemaziso ake kt vana vaiva vakanganisika
@@GraceMapfumo-ep9txAsikana musatamba nekuvhunduka aitoti agona kubudisa kwacho
Mbuya kanzura makakwana here? Hamufanirwi kumiririra vanhu munonyonganisa vanhu
Chokwadii ndazvionawo
Havagone kutaura mai ava mxii vanoda kunyonganisa vanhu unobva watoshaya hutungamiriri hwavo kuti huripapi havana mashoko anovaka
Baba ava mhepo dzavasumukira vachagona kuitwa revenge ne type dzana baba vandaona ava vanenge vanofungira Kure nekuti now vari kumirira kuti police ivasunge zvino akasazosungwa pachaita hondo
This is the reason why my former landlord airova vana vakatambira mumota isu taitotsamwa kuti anehutsinye anovhaira nechimota chakafa bt aiziva zvaaiita
First problem ndivo vabereki vevana vanongosiya vachienda vorega kutarisa kuti varikupi.
Dzimwe mota dzine child lock so haivhurike nemukati.
Kunze kurikupisa temp is high
Pese panoitika chinhu hatitadze kutaura chifambayi mumhuri dzenyu moudzwa panemudzi wenyaya. Zvichida mumisha munobva vabereki vavo munenyaya dzirimo vigadzirisa
Pana mai vaichema vachiti Kudzi, nevaiti Ash 😭😭😭😭 ndakanzwa kumerera
May thier souls rest in peace both of them
I'm confused kuti ana mai vacho hapana akafunga kuti ngatimbodongorerei mu motor shuwa
Muridzi wemota haana mhosva,itsaona yakangoitika iyi.Kutosiya vana mumota taingotaura futi kuti dai avaburitsa pamwe vanga vasati vafa.
Baba avo Havana kana mhosva ende kana zvichida kuitika zvinongoitika neimwe nzira
Sending hugs....may the lord comfort vakarasikirwa ..but the man is innocent
Baba nyika yese inokupupurirai hamuna kana mhosva denga rinomira nemi
Asi vanhu vaitsvaka vana ava sei vasina kungodongorera mumota iyi? When you’re looking for a missing child you look everywhere even in ridiculous places cos you’re desperately searching for a person. This car shouldn’t have been omitted especially knowing the door is always unlocked. Kids are gonna be kids and they do strange things that you may not believe they can do. For this car owner, it is reckless to leave a car with door(s) unlocked like that. That’s a trap hazard around young children, especially knowing the other doors are jammed in. Let’s think of risks that abandoned cars can pose in our communities. It is true also that young children can die inside a vehicle where there’s no ventilation. When the weather is hot, it doesn’t take long for kids to be suffocated. Car owner should’ve left them in the car and wait for the police.
Itsaona iyi ,kana museve woda nyama zvinongoitika ,muridza wemota akutsanangura wani kuti akangofunga kuti vachiri vapenyu ,chero murimi maigona ku actor sezvaakaita
@@edissonzibwowa9334 I think people think and process situations differently. If I were the car owner my car wouldn't be where it is to begin with. Nobody is saying it wasnt an accident, but removing these kids is tempering with a crime scene. Besides it creates a distressful scene to expose the bodies of lifeless kids for public view. I don't think it is good at all. There is no way these small kids would have survived the heat inside the car. So the bottom line is, we cannot assume everybody acts the same given a situation, please. There are so many factors that affect decision makng by individuals. That's why those community leaders wondered why this battered down car is kept there.
The owner of the car is just innocent. Zvinoitika izvi. Vabereki its our responsibility to be always checking kuti vana varipi.
Mwana ane 3 years shuwa mai moenda kunohodha modzoka monotengesa musina kuona kuti mwana aripi yah mune hushingi moda kupa mkoma avo mhosva yavasina
Hongu mota inoda kukiwa but anamai ngavachengetedze vana,vana ngavasiwe vaine munhu mukuru achavaona.kwete kungoti mota mota
Baba wemota hawana mhosva awa mwari nyaradzai wabereki wevana
This man is innocent, ava vabereki nenyaya yekuti vashaikirwa that's why pave ne blame game ,yes zvinorwadza asi uyu murume haana mhosva
Zvinoitika izvi, windows were closed vana varimo for hours. KuZim hatizvizive hedu kuti vana havasiiwe mumota yakavharwa windows
Plus pane kakujairira katiinako maZimbha mota yemunhu kungomira or yakapakwa whether inofamba kana kusafamba toregedza vana vedu vachinotambiramo apa hauzive kuti munei maybe something poisonous
In this case ana mai ava vana vakaenda for hours pasina following up, kuri kupisa ndiani anopa mwana wako mafluids 3-5 yr olds shuwa kutogara hours mumba musingazive kuti vana varipi aiwa zvimwe zvinhu ngatichinjei
Ndarwadziwa hangu muridzi we mota ,he is innocent , kungo batsira kwaakaita ,dai akasiya vai mu blamer zvekare , kuti maka siyirei vana vachifa
Muridzi wemota haana mhosva.Zvaakaita zvekuburitsa vana ndizvo zvinoitwa nemunhu/baba chaivo vakakwana. Dai akatanga kutsvaga vanhu maiti vana vakaregererwa,munhu akumbotsvaga vanhu vekuudza.Nekushaikwa kuri kuitwa vana,iye mubereki angazotanga kutsvaga mwana akuda kumupa chikafu chemaskati.Nguva yese urikuti aripi. Kusaona kana kusanzwa noise tevana vari mumota haisi mhosva,nokuti havaifungira kuti vana vangapinde mumota. Vanhu makatenderera wani kutsvaga somewhere else,makadii kufunga kuti pamwe vari mumota.Munodirei kuti vamwe vanhu vafunge zvamusiri kufunga. Musati havaimbotambira ikoko, kuzovatsvagira chikafu it means hamaiziva kwavaitambira. Its painful vana vafa zvinorwadza.MTS😅RIP
May the families be comforted during this difficult times
Musa blamer owner vemota imi vana mai ve vana 4 maiva kupi kusvikira vana vachifa makashaya care nevana dai maivatariasa makakurumidza kuona vana kuti vari mumota i accident yatoitika iyi
Vana amai ngationei parikutambira vana ,iye mwana ngaadzidziswe kutambira pamba
The car owner is innocent am advising all parents kuti tizame our best kuchengetedza vana vedu tione kwavanotambira
Vana vanozviita ini mwana we hanzvadzi yangu akapinda mumota ndobva door ravhara mwana akaita like 10 minutes takutotsvaga kuti aripi kwakuti tarisai mumota mwana akanga adikitira achichema zvisingaite adikitira zvekuti saka zvekufira mumota zvinotowanikwa bcz of heat
Baba ava vari very innocent, I am saying this from a first hand information. Zvakamboitika kuBotswana vana vakapinda vachitamba mumota and neheat yemu Botswana vana they suffocated. apa vaiva vana two vemukwasha vanga vaenda kwana gogo kuHoliday.very sorry havo baba ava. Mwari uchavarwirwa
This Guy is innocent but why abantu besenza so ukugcona umuntu abantwana can do anything mabedlala just be strong wenze umsebenzi omkhulu bhudi batholakala abantwana
😢 since muridzi wemota aine chibhawa nyaya iyi yakutoda godobori awongorore kuti vana havana kuchekereswa here. Uyezve aifanirwa kuvhunduka nemarariro evana akasiya vakadaro osheedza vanhu voonawo. Ende akanga anzwa kuti kune vana vashaikwa vari kutsvagwa. Chi mugweje chake icho ngaachirase kure honai chakonzera njodzi inotyisa
He already tempered with the crime scene so he should be the first suspect
Toda kuzonzwa part 2 after postmortem
This is sad, most parents in Zim their risk perception is poor, they don’t supervise vana vangosiyiwa vachifamba nemaline. Then kumuridzi vemota he should have locked his car because this could have also happened kumwana vake.
Murume uyu ndoona seari innocent havairega kubuditsa vana coz he thought they were still breathing. Councillor musatora side let the postmortem take place first
Sure councillor ngavamirire postmortem vakutora side n ivo ana mai vakuti vana havasvike vakaziva sei cz dai vaigara ziso riri pavana vasina kufa zvee mwana haarambirwe
Hativavhoteri futi. Kanzera mira nevanhu vese
I think someone did open the door kut vana vapinde akavhara. Akatomaka the owner wemoto kut anzi achekeresa vana. Because ane bhawa so sad mwari ngavamuchenurewo kuruzhinji. Zvorwadza veduwe
This guy is innocent and thanks to tete Stella munovhunza kwazvo and hamupomeri munhu mhosva
vabereki navowo must learn kugara vachideedza deedza vana uchinzwawo kuti vari papi vakutambira kupi nekuti apa shuwa mhosva yakuenda kumuridzi wemota yet nevabereki why where they not checking up on mazera aya .....nezuva iri shuwa haa heat inenge iri mumota mmm
These tragic accidents happen more often because of the carelessness of the mothers, young children should be constantly checked on to know their where abouts, the car owner is very innocent and reacted in a normal way, lets not try to out the blame on him, his is just a tragedy and an accident, no one should be blamed about it.May God heal the families for the loss.
Baba ava Havana kudza vaifunga kuti vana vapenyu chero kudai ndiri inini ndaiva budisa nekuti mumota maipisa
Pese pafa munhu hapashaikwe muroyi, I grew up in a same area. It’s difficult to monitor kids of that age all the time, these are not gated communities kurokesheni uko. Vana vanodeedzwa kana food yave ready vodzokera kunotamba soon after eating ndookunge food yacho iripo.
May e innocent souls RIP , but vana Mai vevana Ava vaiiteyi kusiya a 3 yr n 4yr not knowing where they are they seem careless ,haisi mhosva kuisa mota pamba pako
Muridzi wemota haana hake mhosva kungoti vabereki vkazoita nguva vasina kutarisa vana..maybe vaingoti vana varikutamba or vanga vakarara vachizezawo zuva
This man is innocent mufunke ukukhipha abantwana e motweni ubephuthuma ecabanga ukuty bayaphila abantwana vaka Suffocate nekupisa this man awirwa nemiyedzo may this kids rest in piece🙏
Ko kana muchiti vana vavakarongwa muri kuzama kutiiko nhai kanzela? Murume uyu aifanira kuvakanda kanda here kuti mugoti zvesure vawanikwa vakafa? Kana mamakawana vakadzvarwa dzvarwa maizoutaura muchitii futi?
Murume uyu haana mhosva
Am sorry for the loss yevana
3yrs sure mungakanganwe vana nenazuwano akubiwa vana anemhosva ndiwanamai awo careless chaiyo
Excley vamwe mai wacho kutoti rega ndimbotengesa
Councilor has something to answer…
matauriro avo mmm
Havagone kutaura nemedia, she's causing division in the community
Muridzi wemota haana mhosva, vabereki ngationei kuti vana vedu vari kutambira kupi. Mashoko ngaarege kuwanda itsaona yaitika hapana anenge akatarisira izvozvo.
Vabereki munoziva mhepo kana yauya munoshaya kt zvafamba sey
Vanhu hatina chakanaka,muridzi wemota ahana mhosva pafiwa hapashaye muroyi,varegerereyiwo baba vemotor miyedzo yavasvjkurawo
U are innocent my brother wakaburitsa vana uchiti vapenyu zvinorwadza hazvo
Vanhu chengetayi vana venyu..ungati mwana ane 3years ari kutamba kupi kwausingazivi..
This man is Innocent ana Amai ngatidzidzeyi kuchengetedza Vana,plus vabereki ana Amai vevana Ava vanga varipi seriously negligence,Ana Amai ngavasungwe for negligence of Parents,Baba Ava is Innocent
Whenever something tragic happens people look for someone to blame. May their souls rip.
Taura hako
Muridzi wemota is very innocent, aiedza kubatsira vana paakavabuditsa mumota,Dai aka mhanya futi kunodsidza vanhu kuti huyai muone,vaimupa mhosva kuti adii abatsira vana first, saka vanhu atizive zvatinoda ,ngavazorore murugare vana ava.
We always try to find someone to blame kana panezvaitika
Vana vane 3years vanoda guidance wy vamamai muri careless😢
Yes my dear .pane hunegligence hwakaitwa namadzimai evana sure .and nezuro zvainzi vanogara vachitambira pamota ipapo .now vakuchinja voti havanakumbotambirapo ever since ... rufu ruriko hama ngatisanyanyoshora muridzi wemota .mhepo yakangouyawo neipapo sure
Yes my dear .pane hunegligence hwakaitwa namadzimai evana sure .and nezuro zvainzi vanogara vachitambira pamota ipapo .now vakuchinja voti havanakumbotambirapo ever since ... rufu ruriko hama ngatisanyanyoshora muridzi wemota .mhepo yakangouyawo neipapo sure
4 mothers not even one could see kuti mwana wake aendepi haaaa vakadzi we can be careless.
Haa marwadzo chaiwo 😢😢😢😢
Sure vana vadikisa ava mamai tichinyanyoitei mudzimba vana vadiki ava ngatizamei kutarisa vana veduwe veduwe zera racho kah unosiya mwana achibuda uchiti anoendepi nhaim haaa vana mai ngatikoshesei vana weee tirege kuda kuzopomera vanhu mhosva veduwe