2nd Passover and the Coming Storm - Addendum

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2024
  • Link to first teaching:
    After watching our first teaching on this topic, many have seen just how important the 2nd Passover could be to the return of Yeshua. With these new insights to the subject, you’ll see all the more how 2nd Passover should truly be another time for us all to watch and pray.
    The return of Yeshua, Jesus, coming in the clouds, is a longing for all believers. It’s an event believers have been watching for the last two thousand years. Exactly when this event takes place is a question we all keep pursuing. Current events in the modern day we live in seem to continually point to His return being soon.
    The end times is a subject with multiple interpretations. Will His return be pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib? Will the tribulation be seven years, three and a half years, or even less than one year? How open are we to consider other views?
    Prophecy is a topic many pursue with a passion. However, it’s also a topic with many mysteries. The Battle of Armageddon, the Anti-Christ, the mark of the beast, the two witnesses, the 1,260 days, the 1,290 days, the rapture, and the list could go on and on.
    Many believe the end of days will start with the Fall feast days since Yeshua’s death and resurrection happened in with the spring feast days. Many look to the day of Trumpets as when His return will happen, and that may be. However, this teaching gives plausible reasoning as to why we should be looking at the spring holy days just the same.
    The birth pains of war, famine, and earthquakes are topics that go hand in hand with these discussions. Trying to understand what the prophets spoke and tying them with the New Testament scriptures is a constant search. Understanding how Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and all the others are in the book of Revelation is not always seen at first glance. However, the more one studies and reads, the more obvious it is.
    Seeking understanding with the signs in the heavens is another element to prophecy. Eclipse’s, meteors, asteroids, comets, along with star constellations, keeps many looking to the skies. Add to that all the current events taking place down here on earth, well, it can keep one busy. The news is filled with elements that many try to apply to Bible prophecy. Viruses, chips, vaccinations, and even weather can all play a role in the end of days. Exactly how and when is the question.
    It seems the news is always quick to note tensions in the middle east as well. Israel is surrounded by terrorist groups being housed by many nations. How could this play a role in prophecy? What role will Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and even Russia play in it all? How will the one-world government of the United Nations fit it? How will the plans of the new world order fit into the pages of prophecy when it all unfolds?
    These are all questions that will have a multiple of answers from the vast community of prophecy students. However, the topic of this teaching is focused to get us looking at YHWH’s feast days. His appointed times. While many are familiar with Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost (Shavuot), Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles (Sukkot), many completely overlook second Passover. I believe once you see this teaching, you’ll never forget this forgotten feast.

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