Lifting Pea, your family and all the medical field up to the Lord. I had simular experience when I was 3 yrs old and had to ware glasses. I'm 64 now and still ware glasses. Everything will be okay sweetie. Much blessings your way ❤
Gohan's explanation of how Pea sees the world was very straightforward and a great example with the shoes! Good luck guys, everything will be alright. Pea is a strong little man and you're doing everything you can to get him care, very proud of all of you. Sending you love and positive energy, God bless you!
I can wait to see Mr Pea in glasses 😎Everything is going to be ok, he is such a strong boy he will overcome this. I know as a Parent it’s so scary to see your babies go through things, but soon this will be a distant memory and he’ll be thriving through school and beyond. Stay strong! I’m praying for you guys. ❤
I keep forgetting how these adorable boys look so much like their daddy, like chocolate tiny clones of Gohan. Super adorbs! 😂 But on a serious note, I know this is a scary situation for you guys, and I'm so glad you have your village there to support you all. I'm going to pray for little Mr.Pea but i'm not gonna worry too much because I know God didn't bless you this far to leave you guys hanging out to dry and suffer now. Miracles are heading your way, and that's my belief. So keep the faith and continue being the strong parents you guys are. Saying this w/ love from the heart! ❤🙏🏽
Although the past was not good, I’m glad Gohan is present and doing this with you, he is a dad after all, and I actually love to see this, wishing good things 4 pea and you guys! 💖
I just love you guys .. I am a 69 year old who grew up with a lazy eye. It was subtle and went undetected for years, as was my eyesight. Oddly because of it I learned to read very fast to compensate for these things.A sharp doctor picked up on it gradually and treated it through glasses and exercises. Sweet pea will be just fine. These days there are so many good options, so hang in there. Pea has a wonderful Mom and dad and extended family, which is 90 percent of any successful treatment. I’m praying for you.
세필이 세반이.. 언제 이렇게 컸지.. 이 채널을 세로즈님이 임신하기 전 몰카 시절 때부터 쭉 봤어요 너무 어울려서 밥 먹을 때나 심심할 때 꼭 틀어놓았는데.. 아가들이라는 축복이 왔고 드디어 다시 완전체를 볼 수 있어서 너무 좋아요 부모라는 힘은 위대해요 괜찮아질 거에요 정말 세필이를 위해서 기도할게요
You’ve got this! You guys are doing everything you can to learn and help Pea and you guys are great parents. I have two kids with delays and all we can do is learn and grow together. I’ll pray for you guys! ❤
He will be fine ❤my son had the same thing. He is 24 now. At 3 years old we starting patching and wearing glasses and it was honestly a nightmare at that age, we had patches with cartoons and he used to pick one each morning but it went on forever. He had surgery at 3 1/2 and wore glasses until he was 8 and then the glasses were gone. It’s hard at the time but he’ll be fine❤❤
Hey guys, I am sure you were told about different glasses options, I just wanted to chime in just in case. I am a nurse and I work with special needs children, a lot of them have plastic bendable frames that also have a fabric or elastic loop that goes around their beautiful little heads. Here are some companies that make them - I am not endorsing them by any means I just want you to know there are more options than what I saw at the office from the video: MiraFlex, Specs4US, DilliDalli Eyewear. I hope this is helpful as I know it is challenging to keep glasses on kids. Sending love! ❤
I'm glad you found it early while his vision is still developing! I have a lazy eye from a weak muscle too but it's intermittent so my parents and doctors didn't notice. It's too late to get patch training as I'm a grown 24 year old but I've been strengthening with eye exercises since they found out and my vision is 20/20. I have a colleague who is completely blind in one eye after having her condition missed from childhood and she's in a bad spot trying to preserve her one good eye. So finding these things and correcting them before development is settled is SO important!
Cerose and Gohan, Mr Pea is going to be fine. I know it is nerve-wracking when something happens to your child (been there several times). He is just so precious! Fighting!❤❤❤❤
I've been with y'all for a few years now and rarely ever comments. Just supporting and praying for you guys from a far through each milestone , trial and tribulation. But, I have to say, you are doing a fantastic job being such young patents. No decent parent wants to see their child sick, injured or struggling. Keep doing what your going and I know that you have an entire community supporting you. Also, Mr. Gohan, sir, I see you!!! Leading with saying 'us' as parents and not 'me' as a parent. Doing your research to be an informed parent. This is growth, this is maturity, this is co-parenting!! I know we don't know all that is going on behind the scenes, but on this end,it's a positive path. Y'all are in my prayers.
Listen cerose, my girl my homie, i have a lazy and i had to wear an eye patch for months, i had eye drops and everything as a result i started seeing things in different ways... Pea is going to be amazing, he may learn differently but he still will learn i learn visually... Best wishes to pea and everyone else involved...
thank you so much for sharing this experience! I think that was what I was concerned about the most because they were saying it was going to effect his learning ability but it's good to hear from someone that has an actual experience!!
@@jinju1998 I still wear corrective lense for it and I'm now in my 30s pea will find ways that work for him to retain information.. reading can become difficult for us with lazy eyes cause we have to actively force it to focus that's why I opted to learn visually he may as well... Oh and he handled those eye drops like a champ even I freak out!!
I am so proud of both of you, first there’s no such thing as perfect parents ! Second .. with all you both have went through these past two years , you both came out much better parents and people,and I also see the maturity in you both!Jin .. you can’t change the past , but you can change from here on , the military did you good ,and you served well! Proud of you guys! C… you were a power house through out this transition! Keep growing you two! Praying for you since I started watching you no judgement from me ( cause I’m not perfect either !) grow stronger together as a family !wish you all great health and the right kind of happiness, and success! Blessing granny G 😊❤
저도 7살 쯤 왼쪽 눈에 사시가 발견돼서 치료를 시작했습니다. 왼쪽 눈이 완전히 돌아갈 정도로 심했었는데요. 5년간의 비수술적인 안경 교정을 통해 12살에 완치 판정을 받고 현재 왼쪽 교정시력 0.9까지 회복이 되었어요! 돌아간 눈도 다시 정상적으로 돌아왔습니다😊 일찍 발견하셔서 너무 다행입니다. 안경 착용하고 꾸준히 치료한다면 금방 좋아질 수 있을거에요. 응원하겠습니다!
My 1st daughter had lazy eye on her left eye. I founded that when she was 8 months so I decided to check her eyes if those symptoms cause a problem on her eye sight not for her apearance which means not looking good. But the doctor said that 4% of people in whole world have this symptom and not rarely happened so it is not even a big deal. We decided to check her eyes regularly like every 6months until she becomes 5years old. So.. When she was 5, she got eye surgery to tie her eye muscle and she went through it so well and now she is 14years old. I am not gonna say just DON'T WORRY because taking care of her babies is what mommy doing right? Just keep away from all the thing that make mommy weak. Don't need to listen to the others. Just do what you wanna do for your baby ok? ❤ I am sure Everythings gonna be fine. And your family will go through this absolutely perfect!!!
Bless his heart. He's such a precious boy. He has the support of loving parents. Praying the less invasive option works out. I know this can be a hard time right now. Just know always praying for you and your family 🧡
Aww, sweet boy, he will come out of this on top. Thank you for sharing; this was really informative. Hang in there, momma, I know how hard it can be to see your baby struggle. You're going to be so proud of him and yourself when you look back to these times.
Thanks for sharing. My son had eye surgery when he was 3, he wore eye glasses and he wears them now (49). As a single mom I was so stressed and cried but I got thru it. 🙏🏾for your strength.
You guys are great parents and being there for your kid like that will make all the difference for him! Stay strong and I'll be praying and sending you my best thoughts and positivity!
I’ve been watching you guys since 2019 and I’m now 20 and when I was around Pea’s age I had a similar condition with my eye as well. My mom ended up having me get the eyepatch and I hated it but wore it as much as I could and then eventually I transitioned to glasses and have been wearing them ever since and my vision is 2020 in both eyes now. It definitely takes patience and as long as he keeps the glasses on if they do improve his muscles then hopefully he will be on the proper developmental path asap. Love you guys and hope for the best 🫶
고한이 아빠로써 세필 진료 볼 때 자세잡아주는게 익숙한 아기아빠 그자체라서 뭉클했어요.. 마지막엔 세필의 사시 증상에 대해 정보도 정확히 찾아보고 가장힘든건 세필이고 우리가 부모로써 적응할수있도록 도와주자 말하는데 감동쓰..많은 일들이 있었지만 세로즈가 준 기회를 다시 잡고 미국에서 세반 세필의 아빠로써 곁을 지키는 모습을 보니 괜시리 😢 세로즈도 둘째 아기가 아파서 너무 당혹스러우셨을텐데 부디 교정안경이 효과가 빠른 시일 내에 잘 나타날 수 있길..🙏 (한국은 지금 병원에 가지못해 의식을 잃는 응급환자가 있을정도로 의료대란 상황이라.. 고한씨네 집안에 의사인 분이 꽤 있다고 언급하던데 그 분들의 아시는 소아사시 진료 가능한 의사분을 소개받는 가족찬스를 쓰지 않는 이상 빠른 진료는 기대하기 힘들것같아요ㅜ)
I admire you a lot. Keeping such a harmony and positive attitude toward each other for the sake of the children . May God bless you through this journey. Lov Granny Mercy
한국이 의료대란이라ㅜ 예약이 바로 안잡히고 미뤄지나보네요ㅜㅜ 한국에서 치료받으면 돈도 저렴하지만 빠르게 치료해줘서 좋은데ㅜㅜ 안그래도 한국은 현재 병원이 제대로 돌아가질 않아요... 일단 미국에서 할수 있는 만큼 해보시고. 한국에도 꼭 오셔서 진료 받아보세요. 세필이 좋아질거예요!!
저도 사시가 있어서 고등학교 2학년때 수술을 받았는데 지금 11년째 원래대로 돌아가거나 부작용없이 괜찮아요 사시가 있을때는 크게 불편함을 못느꼈는데 수술 받고나니 확실히 더 집중도 잘되고 덜 어지러운 느낌이에요 혹시라도 수술해야 하는 상황이라면 너무 큰 걱정 하지 않으셨으면 해서 댓글 달아요
I`m so happy to hear that you are such good parents, to take this so seriously!! I had the same problem, when I was a kid. And I refused to wear an eyepatch. So my parents didn`t do anything about it. (This is a very long time ago) With the result, that I am blind in one eye, and it`s causing me a lot of problems. ("underdeveloped eyesight) At least if I thought that my parents had done their best, to avoid that. It wouldn`t have been as hard. My son had the same problem with the lazy eye, "disappearing behind the nose".... (That`s what it looked like) But in his case, it got corrected with glasses. But I have had all my four grandkids, see an eyedoctor, just in case, there was a problem. And my greatest wish now, is that my parents had taken it seriously, and let me have the operation, if that was possible. You are great parents, I hope your son will thank you for it later, whatever you choose to do, that will save his eysight. 😊❤❤❤
I’m happy that they have a plan for him, because I have the same thing in the same eye. And I that eye patch is no joke as a kid. But I’m praying for you little guy ❤
I will definitely keep Pea in my prayers. I am an “A one day one” (OG) to the channel and Cepher is like my nephew. I believe he’ll be fine because nothing is to hard for God; He will work it out. Also, it’s good to see Gohan back carrying some of the weight of these issues when they come up like this with the kids. You have had to be mom and dad by yourself for a long time carrying all the weight of keeping the kids physically and emotionally well and I know it wasn’t easy for you. Again, nothing is too hard for God. Thanks Cerose and keep us posted on his progress.
I completely understand what you're talking about. Having a single vision is known as 'binocular vision.' Although I was initially diagnosed with 'lazy eye' (amblyopia), I don’t actually have it. As part of the treatment, they covered my stronger eye to try and strengthen my right eye, but it wasn’t effective. When I reached my 30s, an X-ray revealed the real issue: two nerves in my right eye were detached from the back of the eye. This caused my vision to be blurry and eventually black out. They told me that surgery would not help at the age I was because the nerves were no longer visible to attach. I wish you the best of luck. I am now partially blind but I don't know what it is like to see with two eyes, we get use to it and it becomes normal for us. You'd be surprise that I can see better with one eye then most can see with two eyes. I hope that helps. Please don't cry, you got me crying.
You both have a good handle on your son’s issue and a plan for solutions along with love and support. So just stay positive and you all are in my prayers.
This pulls at my heart strings. This sweet baby & his family will be in my prayers🙏🏽 Thank you for sharing this very personal issue. God Bless you all 💚
Sending y'all so much love and healing energy for baby Pea. One thing no one can every say, is that you haven't made sure those little ones have the best health and love surrounding them. ❤
I can tell Gohan seems to be very nervous in the camera. I hope you guys can see this. Everyone makes mistakes don't think about it too much. We all go through them to learn. We aren't perfect. Ignore the haters.fighting💪🏽
I'm watching and si emotional because I understand what your going through on many levels with my son as a kid and my nephew with surgery and treatments. Prayers to you and your family especially Mr.Pea. 🙏 ❤️ 💙
저도 어릴 때부터 사시가 있었는데요..(외사시) 어릴 때부터 안경끼고 안대하고 다녀서 지금은 훨씬 나아진 채로 살고 있어요. 여전히 집중을 안할때 가끔 눈이 돌아가기도 하지만 긍정적으로 컸답니다.😊 어릴때 잔병치례도 많고 그래서 병원에 제 집 드나들듯이 다녔는데 엄마가 절 위해 얼마나 마음고생을 하셨을지..영상 보면서 다시 깨닫게 되네요.병원 가는 날마다 마냥 해맑았던게 부끄럽기도 하고요. 사춘기때는 사시가 있다는게 남들한테 안좋게보여질까봐 신경을 많이 썼어요. (그 나이대는 원래 걱정이 더 많이 생기기도 하니까요.) 지금도 여전히 외사시를 갖고 살지만 제 소중한 사람들은 제가 눈이 돌아갈건말건 저를 예쁘고 좋게 봐준다는것에 만족하며 살고 있어요. 사시는 분명 고치기 어렵고 걱정도 많이하게 되는 병이지만 건강하게 자라서 행복하게 사는데는 지장이 없다는 것을 말씀드리고 싶어요. 세로즈님은 워낙 강인하고 똑똑한 분이시니까 알아서 잘 하실거란걸 알지만요! 세필이는 그런 엄마가 있으니 더 좋은 결과가 있으리라 믿어요. 분명 건강하게 행복한 아이로 자랄거예요! 세로즈 가족에게 큰 행복과 행운이 따르길 바랄게요 ❤ 화이팅!!!!
+저는 눈 피로를 풀어주고 근육을 좀 더 기를 수 있다는 생각으로 눈 운동을 자주 했어요. 눈알 시계방향으로 돌렸다가 좌우,위 아래로 굴리는 운동 있잖아요 ㅋㅋ 아침 저녁으로는 꼭 한번씩 해줬는데 서로 마주보고 체조하듯이,게임처럼 같이 해주면 좋을 것 같아요. (의사가 아니라 좋아진다고까진 못하겠지만 눈 피로를 풀어주는게 손해볼 일은 아니니까요) 눈에 좋다는 당근 같은 야채나 영양성분도 잘 챙겨먹고요. 티비라던지 특히! 핸드폰은 가까이서 들여다보게 되다보니 눈이 더 나빠지는 느낌이었습니다 ㅠㅠ 밖에서 놀러가서 멀리 있는 산을 바라본다던다 하는 것도 좋을 것 같아요. 자연적인 초록색이 눈 피로에 긍정적이라는 걸 어디서 주워듣고 열심히 산 쳐다보고 그랬어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 별 큰 도움이 될 방법은 아니지만 적어도 제가 눈을 더 나빠지지 않게 하기 위해 평소에 노력한 것들이라 참고하시라고 주저리 써놓고 갑니다!
Pea is such a sweetheart bless him. As someone who has a sibling that got glasses the same age as him, and as someone who got glasses young and has a high prescription, I feel your struggle 💘 Bless you and your family Cerose x
Hi beautiful family. I am so glad you all are back together and on RUclips with a more engaging content. I have the same affliction as Mr. Pea's. The patch didn't work and glasses only helped me to see better, but the vision in my left eye has always stayed blurry. Gohan is correct in explaining that the vision in Mr. Pea's left eye will overlap. When, I look a an object with my right eye, I see it in it's correct sphere. But, when I close my right eye and look at the object with my left eye, the object seems to be moved over to the right side of my left eye - more inward towards my noise. Yes, it's the classic Lazy Eye. I am Myopic too. When I was in my twenties, I wanted Lasix surgery to correct my vision to 20/20. But, I wasn't a candidate because of the Lazy Eye. In my opinion, I think after you fit him with glasses, and if it is uncomfortable for him, please consider the surgery. There wasn't surgery for Lazy Eyes when I was growing up. ❤ I pray your beautiful little boy is cured soon!🥰
You guys beautifully you handled this whole situation. I literally didn’t even notice anything they are just sooo cuteeee. Love you always ❤ Mr. Pea is a strong boiiiiiiiii
My heart goes out to you guys . Sending you so much prayer towards you so you have a calm Hearts and and speedy recovery for the sweet pea. You guys are doing great your child is so adorable. Remember always children manage to adjust with whatever physical challenge as long as they have a loving and supportive family (parents) Believe me he will be fine , fine . He such a healthy bubbly adorable boy. Remember don’t show too much attention in front on his big brother Rather explain to him about his little brother condition in way her can understand. Get him involved tell him or ask him how he can help his brother. That way it will make him feel useful that’s wondering what’s going on with his brother. Love you guys. I never respond on your videos honestly except recently. But I have always enjoys your videos and gives me comfort. ❤
I have amblyopia too and I also didn’t enjoy patching. I’m 18 now and I’ve notice that doing some eye strengthening exercises helps a lot with minimizing my lazy eye! Wishing your family lots of luck 💕
I'm sorry that you are going through this with Mr Pea eye most importantly the little guy is getting the treatment he needs He has good parents your mom as well as his grandparents aboard for support. It would be a good idea to start him with eye glasses just to start with the support of his eye. My prayers go out to you and your entire beautiful family❤💕💕♥️
Prayers go up, blessings come down. 🙏🙏 I will be praying for Mr. Pea, Give him an extra big kiss from me 💋💋 Also I am happy Gohan is home so he can be your strength and you can work together, Remember what ever we go through good or bad, it can always be a testimony to help some one else.
몇년동안 영상을 지켜보기만 했던 한 구독자입니다..! 아이 눈 관련 일이라 많이 심장이 철렁하셨을텐데 조금이라도 도움이 될만한 말을 남기고 싶어 이렇게 댓글을 적어봅니다. 전 현재 스무살이구요 사시뿐만 아니라 기타 시력 이슈로 4살때부터 안경을 착용해왔던 학생입니다. 저도 어렸을 때 사시가 있었기 때문에 8살 때 수술을 받았습니다. (저같은 경우는 왼쪽 눈이 외사시였습니다.) 수술 이후 현재 사시는 괜찮아졌습니다. 당시에도 수술은 20분 30분정도 걸렸던 짧은 수술이었습니다. 소아같은 경우엔 수면 마취를 하기때문에 전 주사 맞는게 그 수술에서 가장 무서운 과정이었습니다 과정이 기억나거나 하지도 않고 나쁜 기억으로 남지도 않았습니다. 물론 근육을 자르고 이동시키는 것이 굉장히 살벌하게 들리는 말이지만 설령 이 방향까지 가게 되더라도 너무 많이 걱정하지 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다. 교정방법에는 여러가지가 있겠지만 분명 세필이는 괜찮을겁니다..! 그리고 만약 양쪽 눈의 시력차가 조금 크게 나는 상황이면은 더 좋은 쪽 눈을 패치로 가리는 치료를 하게 됩니다. 치료라고 말은 했지만 집에 있을 때만 반창고 같은걸로 한쪽 눈을 가리는거라 보시면 됩니다. 세필이 아직 어리니깐요, 시력은 어릴 때 교정할수록 매우 예후가 좋습니다. 저도 시력 관련으로 한국에서 규모로는 손에 꼽는 대학병원 이곳저곳 다 다녀보았고 크게 기대하진 말란 소리도 들었다고 합니다. 하지만 지금은 비록 안경은 아직 쓰고 있어도 교정시력도 나쁘지 않고 안경 벗어도 엄청 안 보이거나 그러진 않습니다. 저같이 안 좋았던 조건의 눈도 어찌저찌 잘 살아가고 있습니다. (전 ㅇㅈ대학교병원 안과 정땡땡 교수님한테 몇년 진료받았던걸로 기억합니다. 소아 안과분야로 특히 사시쪽으론 유명하신분이니 혹시라도 한국 병원을 방문하게 된다면 참고하실 수 있게 적어둡니다..) 또한 대학 병원 다닐 때 듣기론 안구의 성장은 다른 곳보다 더 빨리 끝난다고 하더라고요. (물론 이 부분은 부모이신 두 분이 병원에서 들어온 것들이 더 정확하겠지만요) 지금 아셨으니 어떻게 보면 너무 다행인거라고 생각합니다. 시기를 놓쳐서 후회하는 부모님들이나 아이들 많이 봤습니다. 하지만 지금부터라도 치료해나가면 분명 괜찮을거라 생각합니다. 응원합니다.
No shade to the eagle-eyed viewers, but I barely noticed! and I always saw and still just see healthy and happy babies. I say this to say props to you for not only taking immediate check up steps, but most importantly well done for raising the kids in a way that their happiness & health shine the most on screen. I pray that he recovers well from any necessary procedure, and that you’ll all have peace in Jesus’ Name! Don’t worry and God bless!
Pea's little "Hello" was so precious! May that beautiful darling boy receive all the best care for his eye! I'm so happy to see mommy and daddy and grandma there working together ❤ Hope you all are doing wonderful and I keep you guys in my prayers. May you all be strong, be healthy, and keep growing in love and peace ❤❤❤ I also pray the Lord provides for both of your finances so you able to spend both time in America with your beautiful family here and time in Korea with your beautiful family there! So much love for you all across the globe ❤
I have been following you both for a while now. The saying says, " When you have glass windows, don't throw stones." We all have issues to deal with our children. The main thing is to deal with it, before it's too late. Best wishes to you both❤ Glad to see you have reconnected 5:37 ❤❤
Hello wonderful people! hope you are all having a great day! please keep our little family in your prayers as always! we love you sooo much!
You all are always in my prayers. I always wish the best for you guys, I love each & every one of you like family. ❤
Lifting Pea, your family and all the medical field up to the Lord. I had simular experience when I was 3 yrs old and had to ware glasses. I'm 64 now and still ware glasses. Everything will be okay sweetie. Much blessings your way ❤
Hi,little family,did they mention about eye exercise to do,my grandson had same problem as did I as a grandson is fine now.x
God will do wonders to your family. Healing mercies to him.
God bless you and your kids.
Pea is the cutest little baby ever ! You all will get through this ! God is with you ! Sending prayers and love y’all way ! 🤍
thank you so much!
Gohan's explanation of how Pea sees the world was very straightforward and a great example with the shoes! Good luck guys, everything will be alright. Pea is a strong little man and you're doing everything you can to get him care, very proud of all of you. Sending you love and positive energy, God bless you!
Love seeing them coparenting&in a good place. May Allah continue to bless the whole family.
I can wait to see Mr Pea in glasses 😎Everything is going to be ok, he is such a strong boy he will overcome this. I know as a Parent it’s so scary to see your babies go through things, but soon this will be a distant memory and he’ll be thriving through school and beyond. Stay strong! I’m praying for you guys. ❤
I keep forgetting how these adorable boys look so much like their daddy, like chocolate tiny clones of Gohan. Super adorbs! 😂 But on a serious note, I know this is a scary situation for you guys, and I'm so glad you have your village there to support you all. I'm going to pray for little Mr.Pea but i'm not gonna worry too much because I know God didn't bless you this far to leave you guys hanging out to dry and suffer now. Miracles are heading your way, and that's my belief. So keep the faith and continue being the strong parents you guys are. Saying this w/ love from the heart! ❤🙏🏽
I personally think cephyr looks like mommy
Although the past was not good, I’m glad Gohan is present and doing this with you, he is a dad after all, and I actually love to see this, wishing good things 4 pea and you guys! 💖
God has got him, so don't worry. Pea will get better and his eye will make a full recovery. 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾
Praying the glasses work for him! On a lighter note, that full Nelson his dad kept putting him in had me rolling 🤣
Same! 😂❤ At first I was like maybe all that isn't necessary and then Pea proved it was 😅 Pea is so cute
He sat still!!😂
I just love you guys .. I am a 69 year old who grew up with a lazy eye. It was subtle and went undetected for years, as was my eyesight. Oddly because of it I learned to read very fast to compensate for these things.A sharp doctor picked up on it gradually and treated it through glasses and exercises. Sweet pea will be just fine. These days there are so many good options, so hang in there. Pea has a wonderful Mom and dad and extended family, which is 90 percent of any successful treatment. I’m praying for you.
세필이 세반이.. 언제 이렇게 컸지..
이 채널을 세로즈님이 임신하기 전 몰카 시절 때부터 쭉 봤어요 너무 어울려서 밥 먹을 때나 심심할 때 꼭 틀어놓았는데..
아가들이라는 축복이 왔고 드디어 다시 완전체를 볼 수 있어서 너무 좋아요
부모라는 힘은 위대해요
괜찮아질 거에요 정말
세필이를 위해서 기도할게요
You’ve got this! You guys are doing everything you can to learn and help Pea and you guys are great parents. I have two kids with delays and all we can do is learn and grow together. I’ll pray for you guys! ❤
사랑둥이 세필아 ❤ 꼭 좋아질거야 세로즈 고한도 힘내세요. 자랑스런 부모니까 이겨 낼수있어요 화이팅
He will be fine ❤my son had the same thing. He is 24 now. At 3 years old we starting patching and wearing glasses and it was honestly a nightmare at that age, we had patches with cartoons and he used to pick one each morning but it went on forever. He had surgery at 3 1/2 and wore glasses until he was 8 and then the glasses were gone. It’s hard at the time but he’ll be fine❤❤
흑 귀여운 세필이😢 꼭꼭 낫자❤ 엄마 아빠가 든든하게 지켜주는 모습이 넘 보기 좋아요. 멀리서 함께 응원할게요!! 제발 수술없이 좋아지길🙏🙏
Hey guys, I am sure you were told about different glasses options, I just wanted to chime in just in case. I am a nurse and I work with special needs children, a lot of them have plastic bendable frames that also have a fabric or elastic loop that goes around their beautiful little heads. Here are some companies that make them - I am not endorsing them by any means I just want you to know there are more options than what I saw at the office from the video: MiraFlex, Specs4US, DilliDalli Eyewear. I hope this is helpful as I know it is challenging to keep glasses on kids. Sending love! ❤
저희 조카도 세필이랑 같은 증상으로 두살때부터 서울대병원에서 진료보다가 4살때 수술받았는데 건강하게 수술 잘 됐어요 ㅜㅜ 혹시라도 최후의 수단으로 수술을 해야한다 하더라도 너무 걱정하지 마세요..The lord bless and keep Cephyrs!!!!💓
이렇게 든든한 엄마아빠 덕분에 결국엔 상황이 좋은 방향으로 흘러갈거에요 :) 눈이 얼른 낫길 기도합니다🙏🏻
I'm glad you found it early while his vision is still developing! I have a lazy eye from a weak muscle too but it's intermittent so my parents and doctors didn't notice. It's too late to get patch training as I'm a grown 24 year old but I've been strengthening with eye exercises since they found out and my vision is 20/20. I have a colleague who is completely blind in one eye after having her condition missed from childhood and she's in a bad spot trying to preserve her one good eye.
So finding these things and correcting them before development is settled is SO important!
세필이 웃으니까 아빠 얼굴 진짜 많이 닮았다-❤
아가들은 진짜 어떻게 엄마아빠 얼굴이 다 있는지 신기방기😊
Cerose and Gohan, Mr Pea is going to be fine. I know it is nerve-wracking when something happens to your child (been there several times). He is just so precious! Fighting!❤❤❤❤
I've been with y'all for a few years now and rarely ever comments. Just supporting and praying for you guys from a far through each milestone , trial and tribulation. But, I have to say, you are doing a fantastic job being such young patents. No decent parent wants to see their child sick, injured or struggling. Keep doing what your going and I know that you have an entire community supporting you.
Also, Mr. Gohan, sir, I see you!!! Leading with saying 'us' as parents and not 'me' as a parent. Doing your research to be an informed parent. This is growth, this is maturity, this is co-parenting!! I know we don't know all that is going on behind the scenes, but on this end,it's a positive path. Y'all are in my prayers.
Agreed! Everyone is maturing, growing, and taking care of the family first and it's BEAUTIFUL ❤️
I’ve been watching J&J for a while and I am so glad to see Gohan being there for Cerose and boys after all. so proud of seeing the growth!
Listen cerose, my girl my homie, i have a lazy and i had to wear an eye patch for months, i had eye drops and everything as a result i started seeing things in different ways... Pea is going to be amazing, he may learn differently but he still will learn i learn visually... Best wishes to pea and everyone else involved...
thank you so much for sharing this experience! I think that was what I was concerned about the most because they were saying it was going to effect his learning ability but it's good to hear from someone that has an actual experience!!
@@jinju1998 I still wear corrective lense for it and I'm now in my 30s pea will find ways that work for him to retain information.. reading can become difficult for us with lazy eyes cause we have to actively force it to focus that's why I opted to learn visually he may as well... Oh and he handled those eye drops like a champ even I freak out!!
I am so proud of both of you, first there’s no such thing as perfect parents ! Second .. with all you both have went through these past two years , you both came out much better parents and people,and I also see the maturity in you both!Jin .. you can’t change the past , but you can change from here on , the military did you good ,and you served well! Proud of you guys! C… you were a power house through out this transition! Keep growing you two! Praying for you since I started watching you no judgement from me ( cause I’m not perfect either !) grow stronger together as a family !wish you all great health and the right kind of happiness, and success! Blessing granny G 😊❤
저도 7살 쯤 왼쪽 눈에 사시가 발견돼서 치료를 시작했습니다. 왼쪽 눈이 완전히 돌아갈 정도로 심했었는데요. 5년간의 비수술적인 안경 교정을 통해 12살에 완치 판정을 받고 현재 왼쪽 교정시력 0.9까지 회복이 되었어요! 돌아간 눈도 다시 정상적으로 돌아왔습니다😊 일찍 발견하셔서 너무 다행입니다. 안경 착용하고 꾸준히 치료한다면 금방 좋아질 수 있을거에요. 응원하겠습니다!
So happy things worked out well for you❤
My 1st daughter had lazy eye on her left eye. I founded that when she was 8 months so I decided to check her eyes if those symptoms cause a problem on her eye sight not for her apearance which means not looking good. But the doctor said that 4% of people in whole world have this symptom and not rarely happened so it is not even a big deal. We decided to check her eyes regularly like every 6months until she becomes 5years old. So.. When she was 5, she got eye surgery to tie her eye muscle and she went through it so well and now she is 14years old. I am not gonna say just DON'T WORRY because taking care of her babies is what mommy doing right? Just keep away from all the thing that make mommy weak. Don't need to listen to the others. Just do what you wanna do for your baby ok? ❤ I am sure Everythings gonna be fine. And your family will go through this absolutely perfect!!!
Amazing, congratulations
Praying for complete healing! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
The way Gohan put Pea in a gentle baby headlock during the initial exam had me hollering but I understand boy toddlers & how crunk they get 😂💀
right! lol at first the doctor was like "you don't have to hold him". and then pea was like alright... bet.. lol
@@jinju1998 Pea said “Sometimes you gotta pop out & show ninjas “😂😂😂😂
Yes 😂😂I have to do it with my daughter. These kids are strong
As his internet tia, I’m praying for Mr. Pea and his loving family.💙💙💙💙
Mr.Pea said nope you can’t hold me down! Love his energy.
he was really trying to escape lol
@@jinju1998 Out of curiosity, do the boys speak and understand English, Creole and Korean?
Yes they do why wouldn't they?@@keraluv6551
yes actually! I can do. video on it!
@@jinju1998 please!!!!
Gohan sounds much more mature and super empathetic for what Baby Pea is going through. Praying for God's intervention and restoration for his vision.
I'm so glad to hear Mr.P is doing well and that the lazy eye is treatable ❤. I'll remember to keep you all in my prayers 🙏🏾
Bless his heart. He's such a precious boy. He has the support of loving parents. Praying the less invasive option works out. I know this can be a hard time right now. Just know always praying for you and your family 🧡
Aww, sweet boy, he will come out of this on top. Thank you for sharing; this was really informative. Hang in there, momma, I know how hard it can be to see your baby struggle. You're going to be so proud of him and yourself when you look back to these times.
어릴때 발견해서 일찍 치료를 시작할수록 완치율도 높고 예후가 좋아요! 너무 걱정말고 힘내요 완쾌되기를 바랄게요
Thanks for sharing. My son had eye surgery when he was 3, he wore eye glasses and he wears them now (49). As a single mom I was so stressed and cried but I got thru it. 🙏🏾for your strength.
You guys are great parents and being there for your kid like that will make all the difference for him! Stay strong and I'll be praying and sending you my best thoughts and positivity!
I’ve been watching you guys since 2019 and I’m now 20 and when I was around Pea’s age I had a similar condition with my eye as well. My mom ended up having me get the eyepatch and I hated it but wore it as much as I could and then eventually I transitioned to glasses and have been wearing them ever since and my vision is 2020 in both eyes now. It definitely takes patience and as long as he keeps the glasses on if they do improve his muscles then hopefully he will be on the proper developmental path asap. Love you guys and hope for the best 🫶
So glad yall are together and doing this for little pea 🥹🥹 he’s gonna remember having both of your support during this time ❤️❤️
Aww Peaa, I’m glad you took it seriously and doctors figured it out early on! Praying everything works out for him 🙏🏾💗
고한이 아빠로써 세필 진료 볼 때 자세잡아주는게 익숙한 아기아빠 그자체라서 뭉클했어요.. 마지막엔 세필의 사시 증상에 대해 정보도 정확히 찾아보고 가장힘든건 세필이고 우리가 부모로써 적응할수있도록 도와주자 말하는데 감동쓰..많은 일들이 있었지만 세로즈가 준 기회를 다시 잡고 미국에서 세반 세필의 아빠로써 곁을 지키는 모습을 보니 괜시리 😢
세로즈도 둘째 아기가 아파서 너무 당혹스러우셨을텐데 부디 교정안경이 효과가 빠른 시일 내에 잘 나타날 수 있길..🙏
(한국은 지금 병원에 가지못해 의식을 잃는 응급환자가 있을정도로 의료대란 상황이라.. 고한씨네 집안에 의사인 분이 꽤 있다고 언급하던데 그 분들의 아시는 소아사시 진료 가능한 의사분을 소개받는 가족찬스를 쓰지 않는 이상 빠른 진료는 기대하기 힘들것같아요ㅜ)
I admire you a lot. Keeping such a harmony and positive attitude toward each other for the sake of the children . May God bless you through this journey. Lov Granny Mercy
thank you Granny Mercy! god bless you!
너무 사랑스런 세필❤️ 아빠가 든든히 지켜주세요❤️ 물론 엄마미도 함께🫰
한국이 의료대란이라ㅜ 예약이 바로 안잡히고 미뤄지나보네요ㅜㅜ 한국에서 치료받으면 돈도 저렴하지만 빠르게 치료해줘서 좋은데ㅜㅜ 안그래도 한국은 현재 병원이 제대로 돌아가질 않아요... 일단 미국에서 할수 있는 만큼 해보시고. 한국에도 꼭 오셔서 진료 받아보세요. 세필이 좋아질거예요!!
저도 사시가 있어서 고등학교 2학년때 수술을 받았는데 지금 11년째 원래대로 돌아가거나 부작용없이 괜찮아요
사시가 있을때는 크게 불편함을 못느꼈는데 수술 받고나니 확실히 더 집중도 잘되고 덜 어지러운 느낌이에요
혹시라도 수술해야 하는 상황이라면 너무 큰 걱정 하지 않으셨으면 해서 댓글 달아요
어디서 하셨나요
Wishing Pea the best! Glad that you guys are coparenting and leaning on each other during this time for Pea.
I’m so sorry to hear this, I’ll be praying for your family ❤ healing and strength on all fronts xx
thank you!!! we appreciate it sooo much more than you know!
진심 세필이 사신거 알아차리지 못한 1인.. 그저 너무 사랑스럽기만해서 못봤네 ㅠㅠ ❤치료도 잘받고 잘고쳐질거에용!! 그나저나 커갈수록 세필이는 고한이랑 정말 많이 닮았네요
Pea is so adorable, and Pea is so lucky to have you both as his parents. The love is just so beautiful . Prayers for you always, Pea .
Wow I’m glad to see you guys working together for the kids prayers for mr pea🙏🏾 and the family 🙏🏾💯
I`m so happy to hear that you are such good parents, to take this so seriously!! I had the same problem, when I was a kid. And I refused to wear an eyepatch. So my parents didn`t do anything about it. (This is a very long time ago) With the result, that I am blind in one eye, and it`s causing me a lot of problems. ("underdeveloped eyesight) At least if I thought that my parents had done their best, to avoid that. It wouldn`t have been as hard. My son had the same problem with the lazy eye, "disappearing behind the nose".... (That`s what it looked like) But in his case, it got corrected with glasses. But I have had all my four grandkids, see an eyedoctor, just in case, there was a problem. And my greatest wish now, is that my parents had taken it seriously, and let me have the operation, if that was possible. You are great parents, I hope your son will thank you for it later, whatever you choose to do, that will save his eysight. 😊❤❤❤
I’m happy that they have a plan for him, because I have the same thing in the same eye. And I that eye patch is no joke as a kid. But I’m praying for you little guy ❤
I will definitely keep Pea in my prayers. I am an “A one day one” (OG) to the channel and Cepher is like my nephew. I believe he’ll be fine because nothing is to hard for God; He will work it out. Also, it’s good to see Gohan back carrying some of the weight of these issues when they come up like this with the kids. You have had to be mom and dad by yourself for a long time carrying all the weight of keeping the kids physically and emotionally well and I know it wasn’t easy for you. Again, nothing is too hard for God. Thanks Cerose and keep us posted on his progress.
I completely understand what you're talking about. Having a single vision is known as 'binocular vision.' Although I was initially diagnosed with 'lazy eye' (amblyopia), I don’t actually have it. As part of the treatment, they covered my stronger eye to try and strengthen my right eye, but it wasn’t effective. When I reached my 30s, an X-ray revealed the real issue: two nerves in my right eye were detached from the back of the eye. This caused my vision to be blurry and eventually black out. They told me that surgery would not help at the age I was because the nerves were no longer visible to attach. I wish you the best of luck. I am now partially blind but I don't know what it is like to see with two eyes, we get use to it and it becomes normal for us. You'd be surprise that I can see better with one eye then most can see with two eyes. I hope that helps. Please don't cry, you got me crying.
저도 중학생 때 사시가 있었는데, 하루 수술 받고 입원도 없이 곧바로 일상생활 했읍죠 힘내세요 30대인 지금은 별 문제 없습니다. 수면마취 없이 했었기 때문에 꽤 특별한 경험이었습니다. 수술 강추👍🏻 비절개 수술이었습니다
You both have a good handle on your son’s issue and a plan for solutions along with love and support. So just stay positive and you all are in my prayers.
저도 간혈적 내 사시였어요. 피랑 같이 가까이꺼 보면 한쪽 눈이 안쪽으로 돌아가는..6살때부터 교정 안경을 썼고 수술 없이 교정완료했어요. 참고로 지금은 38세입니다 :)
This pulls at my heart strings. This sweet baby & his family will be in my prayers🙏🏽 Thank you for sharing this very personal issue. God Bless you all 💚
Sending y'all so much love and healing energy for baby Pea. One thing no one can every say, is that you haven't made sure those little ones have the best health and love surrounding them. ❤
I can tell Gohan seems to be very nervous in the camera. I hope you guys can see this. Everyone makes mistakes don't think about it too much. We all go through them to learn. We aren't perfect. Ignore the haters.fighting💪🏽
Keeping you guys in prayers. Continued blessings to you, your family and everyone
I'm watching and si emotional because I understand what your going through on many levels with my son as a kid and my nephew with surgery and treatments. Prayers to you and your family especially Mr.Pea. 🙏 ❤️ 💙
My prayers for you guys, stay strong
저도 어릴 때부터 사시가 있었는데요..(외사시) 어릴 때부터 안경끼고 안대하고 다녀서 지금은 훨씬 나아진 채로 살고 있어요. 여전히 집중을 안할때 가끔 눈이 돌아가기도 하지만 긍정적으로 컸답니다.😊 어릴때 잔병치례도 많고 그래서 병원에 제 집 드나들듯이 다녔는데 엄마가 절 위해 얼마나 마음고생을 하셨을지..영상 보면서 다시 깨닫게 되네요.병원 가는 날마다 마냥 해맑았던게 부끄럽기도 하고요. 사춘기때는 사시가 있다는게 남들한테 안좋게보여질까봐 신경을 많이 썼어요. (그 나이대는 원래 걱정이 더 많이 생기기도 하니까요.) 지금도 여전히 외사시를 갖고 살지만 제 소중한 사람들은 제가 눈이 돌아갈건말건 저를 예쁘고 좋게 봐준다는것에 만족하며 살고 있어요. 사시는 분명 고치기 어렵고 걱정도 많이하게 되는 병이지만 건강하게 자라서 행복하게 사는데는 지장이 없다는 것을 말씀드리고 싶어요. 세로즈님은 워낙 강인하고 똑똑한 분이시니까 알아서 잘 하실거란걸 알지만요! 세필이는 그런 엄마가 있으니 더 좋은 결과가 있으리라 믿어요. 분명 건강하게 행복한 아이로 자랄거예요! 세로즈 가족에게 큰 행복과 행운이 따르길 바랄게요 ❤ 화이팅!!!!
+저는 눈 피로를 풀어주고 근육을 좀 더 기를 수 있다는 생각으로 눈 운동을 자주 했어요. 눈알 시계방향으로 돌렸다가 좌우,위 아래로 굴리는 운동 있잖아요 ㅋㅋ 아침 저녁으로는 꼭 한번씩 해줬는데 서로 마주보고 체조하듯이,게임처럼 같이 해주면 좋을 것 같아요. (의사가 아니라 좋아진다고까진 못하겠지만 눈 피로를 풀어주는게 손해볼 일은 아니니까요) 눈에 좋다는 당근 같은 야채나 영양성분도 잘 챙겨먹고요. 티비라던지 특히! 핸드폰은 가까이서 들여다보게 되다보니 눈이 더 나빠지는 느낌이었습니다 ㅠㅠ 밖에서 놀러가서 멀리 있는 산을 바라본다던다 하는 것도 좋을 것 같아요. 자연적인 초록색이 눈 피로에 긍정적이라는 걸 어디서 주워듣고 열심히 산 쳐다보고 그랬어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 별 큰 도움이 될 방법은 아니지만 적어도 제가 눈을 더 나빠지지 않게 하기 위해 평소에 노력한 것들이라 참고하시라고 주저리 써놓고 갑니다!
Pea is such a sweetheart bless him. As someone who has a sibling that got glasses the same age as him, and as someone who got glasses young and has a high prescription, I feel your struggle 💘 Bless you and your family Cerose x
Love seeing them coparenting in a good......
Ugh. I wanted to cry. Prayers for our internet nephew. You and Myongjin got this. Much love sis. 💜
Hi beautiful family. I am so glad you all are back together and on RUclips with a more engaging content. I have the same affliction as Mr. Pea's. The patch didn't work and glasses only helped me to see better, but the vision in my left eye has always stayed blurry. Gohan is correct in explaining that the vision in Mr. Pea's left eye will overlap. When, I look a an object with my right eye, I see it in it's correct sphere. But, when I close my right eye and look at the object with my left eye, the object seems to be moved over to the right side of my left eye - more inward towards my noise. Yes, it's the classic Lazy Eye. I am Myopic too. When I was in my twenties, I wanted Lasix surgery to correct my vision to 20/20. But, I wasn't a candidate because of the Lazy Eye. In my opinion, I think after you fit him with glasses, and if it is uncomfortable for him, please consider the surgery. There wasn't surgery for Lazy Eyes when I was growing up. ❤ I pray your beautiful little boy is cured soon!🥰
So happy that their dad is there with you and you have his support through the process. It makes all the difference.
My 4 year old daughters left eye just started moving inward to at times. I have to take her to get check as well. Very scary..praying for you guys 🙏❤
I love your Mom!!
She's here sweetest
"Come on in there's enough room for you"
God bless and keep your family always..
I love y'all ❤
The way he just stared in the mirror once they dilated his eyes was the cutest thinggg 😂❤️
Also I just wish you guys so much love and happiness and that dad stays around those boys need him
Life has ups and downs and we all have history. I am glad you're still on youtube and posting. Your journey is difficult but inspiring
I’m praying for baby Pea eyes to be corrected and completely healthy, and also praying strength and blessings for you guys. ❤💕🙏🏽
You guys beautifully you handled this whole situation. I literally didn’t even notice anything they are just sooo cuteeee. Love you always ❤ Mr. Pea is a strong boiiiiiiiii
The beautiful changes in you are amazing,you are so beautiful
My heart goes out to you guys . Sending you so much prayer towards you so you have a calm Hearts and and speedy recovery for the sweet pea. You guys are doing great your child is so adorable. Remember always children manage to adjust with whatever physical challenge as long as they have a loving and supportive family (parents)
Believe me he will be fine , fine . He such a healthy bubbly adorable boy. Remember don’t show too much attention in front on his big brother Rather explain to him about his little brother condition in way her can understand. Get him involved tell him or ask him how he can help his brother. That way it will make him feel useful that’s wondering what’s going on with his brother. Love you guys. I never respond on your videos honestly except recently. But I have always enjoys your videos and gives me comfort. ❤
I have amblyopia too and I also didn’t enjoy patching. I’m 18 now and I’ve notice that doing some eye strengthening exercises helps a lot with minimizing my lazy eye! Wishing your family lots of luck 💕
He will be ok I had that surgery on both of my eyes
3살 아가에게 수술은 너무 가혹한 것 같아요...그게 최선의 선택이라면 어쩔수없지만요...부모니까 가장 심란하고 걱정되는 게 당연하지요..하지만 걱정만 한다고 해결되는게 아니니까 두분 말대로 아이에게 사랑과 지지와 최선을 다하면서 지켜보자구요~응원합니다 ...
I'm sorry that you are going through this with Mr Pea eye most importantly the little guy is getting the treatment he needs He has good parents your mom as well as his grandparents aboard for support. It would be a good idea to start him with eye glasses just to start with the support of his eye. My prayers go out to you and your entire beautiful family❤💕💕♥️
Prayers go up, blessings come down. 🙏🙏 I will be praying for Mr. Pea, Give him an extra big kiss from me 💋💋 Also I am happy Gohan is home so he can be your strength and you can work together, Remember what ever we go through good or bad, it can always be a testimony to help some one else.
엄마아빠 좋은점만 닮았네요~ 세필이 정확하게 이렇게 첨보는데 너무 귀여워❤ 인상이 너무 좋네요 사랑스런 느낌
God is the best healer,,we will have him in our prayers❤️🙏
Both of your children are SOOO adorable. I use to watch y'all a while back. I wish you well, and stay encouraged.
Poor buby! I feel you! Your kids any discomfort is hard as mother.
Mr P is so dang darling too-I feel so bad about his situation. I know his parents will care for him along side his journey.
He is such a beautiful baby ❤ praying for you ❤
몇년동안 영상을 지켜보기만 했던 한 구독자입니다..! 아이 눈 관련 일이라 많이 심장이 철렁하셨을텐데 조금이라도 도움이 될만한 말을 남기고 싶어 이렇게 댓글을 적어봅니다. 전 현재 스무살이구요 사시뿐만 아니라 기타 시력 이슈로 4살때부터 안경을 착용해왔던 학생입니다. 저도 어렸을 때 사시가 있었기 때문에 8살 때 수술을 받았습니다. (저같은 경우는 왼쪽 눈이 외사시였습니다.) 수술 이후 현재 사시는 괜찮아졌습니다. 당시에도 수술은 20분 30분정도 걸렸던 짧은 수술이었습니다. 소아같은 경우엔 수면 마취를 하기때문에 전 주사 맞는게 그 수술에서 가장 무서운 과정이었습니다 과정이 기억나거나 하지도 않고 나쁜 기억으로 남지도 않았습니다. 물론 근육을 자르고 이동시키는 것이 굉장히 살벌하게 들리는 말이지만 설령 이 방향까지 가게 되더라도 너무 많이 걱정하지 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다.
교정방법에는 여러가지가 있겠지만 분명 세필이는 괜찮을겁니다..! 그리고 만약 양쪽 눈의 시력차가 조금 크게 나는 상황이면은 더 좋은 쪽 눈을 패치로 가리는 치료를 하게 됩니다. 치료라고 말은 했지만 집에 있을 때만 반창고 같은걸로 한쪽 눈을 가리는거라 보시면 됩니다. 세필이 아직 어리니깐요, 시력은 어릴 때 교정할수록 매우 예후가 좋습니다. 저도 시력 관련으로 한국에서 규모로는 손에 꼽는 대학병원 이곳저곳 다 다녀보았고 크게 기대하진 말란 소리도 들었다고 합니다. 하지만 지금은 비록 안경은 아직 쓰고 있어도 교정시력도 나쁘지 않고 안경 벗어도 엄청 안 보이거나 그러진 않습니다. 저같이 안 좋았던 조건의 눈도 어찌저찌 잘 살아가고 있습니다. (전 ㅇㅈ대학교병원 안과 정땡땡 교수님한테 몇년 진료받았던걸로 기억합니다. 소아 안과분야로 특히 사시쪽으론 유명하신분이니 혹시라도 한국 병원을 방문하게 된다면 참고하실 수 있게 적어둡니다..)
또한 대학 병원 다닐 때 듣기론 안구의 성장은 다른 곳보다 더 빨리 끝난다고 하더라고요. (물론 이 부분은 부모이신 두 분이 병원에서 들어온 것들이 더 정확하겠지만요) 지금 아셨으니 어떻게 보면 너무 다행인거라고 생각합니다. 시기를 놓쳐서 후회하는 부모님들이나 아이들 많이 봤습니다. 하지만 지금부터라도 치료해나가면 분명 괜찮을거라 생각합니다. 응원합니다.
저희딸도 한쪽 눈이 다른눈보다 작아서 원시가 심해서 4살때 한쪽눈만 신생아수준이고 전혀 시력이 발달되지않았다 하더라구요 그때부터 7살때까지 가림패치로 한쪽눈은 가리고 살다시피 했어요
그런데 지금은 안경끼고 교정시력이지만 0.8까지 나옵니다 이제는 안경안껴도 흐리긴해도 불편하게 보지는 않아요
어릴때치료가 예후가 진짜 좋더군요😊
세필이 아빠랑 똑같이 생겼어요 ~ 너무 귀여워. 세필이 눈이 좋아지기를 기도합니다
Kounya mwen resi fin gade videyo a .ke BonDye geri je Mr Pea pase yon bon week-end . God bless your Family🎉❤
No shade to the eagle-eyed viewers, but I barely noticed! and I always saw and still just see healthy and happy babies. I say this to say props to you for not only taking immediate check up steps, but most importantly well done for raising the kids in a way that their happiness & health shine the most on screen. I pray that he recovers well from any necessary procedure, and that you’ll all have peace in Jesus’ Name! Don’t worry and God bless!
Pea's little "Hello" was so precious! May that beautiful darling boy receive all the best care for his eye! I'm so happy to see mommy and daddy and grandma there working together ❤ Hope you all are doing wonderful and I keep you guys in my prayers. May you all be strong, be healthy, and keep growing in love and peace ❤❤❤ I also pray the Lord provides for both of your finances so you able to spend both time in America with your beautiful family here and time in Korea with your beautiful family there! So much love for you all across the globe ❤
I have been following you both for a while now. The saying says, " When you have glass windows, don't throw stones." We all have issues to deal with our children. The main thing is to deal with it, before it's too late. Best wishes to you both❤ Glad to see you have reconnected 5:37 ❤❤
Prayers for complete Healing for Mr. Pea and your whole family..
Good luck with the whole process guys!
That's really sad, I will pray for this little cute guy and hope that everything comes out well for him. Be blessed
I will keep you guys in my prayers ❤❤
thank you! 💕