I would never by these for myself or recommend them to anyone for regular use. The double-locking mechanism is a cheap thin loop that the key can sometimes (though rarely) skip past. This results in the key being stuck in the hole with the cuffs permanently double locked. I have personally seen this happen on several occasions in my career, and the cuffs had to be cut off with a bolt cutter.
Jay Besser We all have different experiences and different opinions. I've seen SW fail, I've also seen peerless fail. They're mechanical devices and can fail, nothing's fool proof unfortunately. I'd use SW or peerless with out hesitation.
I have always used the m-100s. When I was in the Army we were issued the M-100s also with a ton of zip ties as well.
I would never by these for myself or recommend them to anyone for regular use. The double-locking mechanism is a cheap thin loop that the key can sometimes (though rarely) skip past. This results in the key being stuck in the hole with the cuffs permanently double locked. I have personally seen this happen on several occasions in my career, and the cuffs had to be cut off with a bolt cutter.
Jay Besser We all have different experiences and different opinions. I've seen SW fail, I've also seen peerless fail. They're mechanical devices and can fail, nothing's fool proof unfortunately. I'd use SW or peerless with out hesitation.
I have used my M-100s many many times and never had a fail. The 2 I own I bought in the 90s so quality may have changed for the worse
I read 100 model stainless steel and 100-1 nickel if i recall
Model 103 is stainless steel m100-1 is carbon steel
Если не ошибаюсь, то это 100-1. 100 - без заклепок