
  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @90sromantic1
    @90sromantic1 3 года назад +16

    Whoever is reading know that God is with you in the valley and on the mountain. It doesnot matter how bad things are in your dear life. God will always be by your side. Blessings

  • @TempleoftheSon
    @TempleoftheSon 6 лет назад +2

    You lost me at 9:39. Saying Daniel 9 has anything to do with the Antichrist in the future is blasphemous and just plain doesn't make any sense.

  • @SabbathKeeper1962
    @SabbathKeeper1962 10 лет назад +18

    Mark 1:15 also says the time was fulfilled.Hebrews 2:3 also confirm the 70 weeks were fullfilled.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад

      @Athony Pope
      Heb. 2:3 is Isa. 55:3 confirmed. There is nothing said about the 70th week in Heb. 2:3
      Dan. 9:24 70th weeks are determined for the Jews and Jerusalem. If you haven't noticed the Jews are being poured upon the desolate and will continue until the consummation of the 70th week. The Holy City is being filled.

  • @scottboor1390
    @scottboor1390 3 года назад +5

    At Approx. 10:55, you mention that when Jesus taught in the temple in Luke 4:18-19, he taught only the first section of Isaiah 61. I would point you to Luke's description of Jesus condemnation of the Temple in Luke 21:22 where Jesus completes the verse declaring: "For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled." and goes on to clearly state in all three synoptic versions of the Olivet discourse all of these events would happen within the generation of those to whom he spoke, as indeed they were.
    Furthermore, I would suggest there is no textual reason to attempt to extend the 70 weeks out into the far flung future when all of their content was described by the Lord as occurring within a generation of his declaring them as emphatically as he possibly could.
    It is as Daniel 2 describes it, "In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands-a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces."
    The time of those kings is the time period of the 4th Kingdom (The legs and feet of Iron and clay) representing the Roman Empire. Likewise, the 4th Beast with 10 horns in Chapter 7, and the7-headed Beast of Revelation. All of these are the Roman Empire of the first century.

    • @anthonypolonkay2681
      @anthonypolonkay2681 28 дней назад

      There's a solid case that the 70 weeks were fullfilled I the first century, but not the prophecies told of in the Olivet discourse.
      Namely because jesus talks about things like final judgment, and angels gathering his elect from the 4 winds of the earth in the Olivet discourse, a bunch of events which very much did not occur in the first century, and have obviously not occured yet either.
      To try to make the case that it all has occured, they have to hypersymbolize everything jesus prophesies about to the point where he isn't saying anything upfront, or understandable at all. Except for the destruction of the temple. That part was somehow literal when nothing else was, because thats their justifucation for claiming it was all fullfilled in the first century. Because he said the temple was going to be destroyed, and It was. But everything else he said didn't literally happen, so all that was just symbolic. It's literally cherry picking which prophecies mean what in order to justify it.
      The main thing that everyone who thinks it was fullfilled in the first century stakes it on is when Jesus says "this generation shall not pass away untill all these things come to pass"
      And if that was used the exact way we understand that word today that would be a good case. But that isn't what's going on here. The original greek word used is genea. Which can mean generation as we understand it, but more broadly just means a group of people, or it can even mean a spans to time (an age) under other contexts.
      Given what jesus is talking about here I think the less modernly specialized defintion makes far more sense.
      It it's most likly he meant that "this age will not pass away till all these things be fullfilled"
      Or "this people (most likly meaning jews) will not pass away until all these things be fullfilled"
      And this is how English used to understand the word generation. It also used to just mean a people group, or a spans of time, which is why it was used as a translation to begin with. But as so happens with some words over time, the defintion got more restricted in its use over time. Another example is the word meat. Meat used to mean just any solid food you had to chew, not flesh you got from an animal specifically. But now over time when you say meat it tends to exclude anything that isn't from an animal. Fruits, and vegetables don't count even though it meant those as well in the past.

  • @charlesphillips5723
    @charlesphillips5723 10 лет назад +10

    UNTIL the time of the end. The Messenger Gabriel said it would be a conundrum until the end. And for some 2500 years that has been proven true. The final curtain is slowly rising on the revealing of the final act. I for one am not bringing a foregone conclusion to this final act. I hope to see you all still standing to sing praises to the conquering King after the final curtain falls.

    • @charlesphillips5723
      @charlesphillips5723 9 лет назад +3

      I don't find too much at fault with this presentation. Most people fail to realize that Daniels 70 weeks describe 10 each of a 7 year period. A seven year period of time has a specific beginning and ending. after 7 of these periods of time a JUBILEE is announced. and after 70 a GRAND JUBILEE is announced. Whenever this prophecy was to start, it had to start on a Jubilee year. The counting of this cycle began with the first Passover while still in Egypt. A "Jewish" year begins 15 days prior to Passover (not to be confused with the current "Jewish" calendar). Nissan 1 would be the correct starting date. Forget all this mess with 360 "Jewish" days and 365.29 Gregorian days in a year. Over a long stretch of time they are almost equal.
      The confirming of the covenant with many is NOT as most say the AntiChrist, but the Messiah himself that will confirm (not a NEW covenant) but an EXISTING covenant. There is a difference between the words make and confirm. The Messiah did just that with his shed blood, He confirmed (and renewed) the covenant made at Mt. Sinai.
      We do have only 3 1/2 years remaining of this prophecy. This is the time called variously by "The Tribulation" and "The Time Of Jacobs Troubles". This tribulation time will cover both houses of Jacobs children, Judah, as well as Israel (The 10 Lost Tribes). It will begin on some future Passover, and end at Rosh Ha Shanma 3 1/2 years latter.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 3 года назад +2

      I agree the proform "HE" has "Messiah antecedent. But confirming a covenant with the many can only be referring to Isa. 55:3. It is to anyone who thirst, free, makes the soul live, everlasting and most importantly has the promise of the sure mercies of David aka First fruits of the resurrection, Ps. 16:10, Acts 13:34, Dan. 9:27.
      9:27 is passion week and in the midst of the week the sacrifice "is finished" 3 days and 3 nights later the "sure mercies of David were confirmed with every people, tongue, nation and king. Isreal will suffer the last week until the 2nd coming.
      Read the text carefully. Passion week > 40 years of abominatios aka animal sacrifices > Jerusalem made desolate by scattering the Jews. > a determind time 1948 when Jews pour back into desolate Jerusalem as a nation. This is ongoing up to the consummation aka 70th week.
      Mat. 24:15 will begin the day of the LORD when Jews attempt an animal sacrifice on the Temple Mt. aka abomination. Not the singular, they only try once. If in Judea and you see this run and don't look back.

    • @SoulScribe43
      @SoulScribe43 Год назад

      Absolutely all of this is incorrect. You'll need to stop using mitranslated text, how will you get the math right if what you were given is the wrong information?

  • @Exodus--bx3dd
    @Exodus--bx3dd 5 лет назад +3

    The 70 weeks divided into 3 parts...7wks ,62wks,1wk...the trick is identifying "after 62wks shall Messiah be cut off"...many assume it must be the 63rd wk but it's the 1wk that comes after the 62wks...so messiah is cut off in the 70th week...in verse 27 describes in detail what occurs in the 1 wk portion, this is the70th wk....Messiah makes strong covenant with many in his blood...this covenant is eternal...it is made in the final 1wk portion...(misunderstood by many as the anti Christ makes a future covenant with? For seven yrs etc...) it goes on to say that in the middle of the 1 wk messiah makes the strong covenant...the next words are direct Hebrew...Shabbat...( interpreted as cease) Sacrifice as that performed at Passover, gift offering Propitiation...so Christ the Lord sacrificed himself at Passover offering himself as the gift that satisfies the justice of his God and Father against the sin of those who repent and believe in him

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      The 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so

    • @Exodus--bx3dd
      @Exodus--bx3dd 5 лет назад

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 483 yrs = 7 wks + 62 wks ...start 455 BC the remaining 7 yrs begin the same yr John the Baptist began his ministry 27 AD....

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      Amen and amen the time of the evening sacrifice was 9 th hour or 3o clock he died date time exact still Jews do not believe

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад

      Only that nothing noteworthy happened in 455 BC. The decree was the one in Ezra 7 given in 457 BC. From there 483 years will land you at 27 AD.
      PS. No hours or minutes or even days are relevant.

    • @Exodus--bx3dd
      @Exodus--bx3dd 4 года назад +2

      @@str.77 correct...Historians cannot pinpoint any dates precisely they all vary..all dates + or - 2 yrs. So accordingly , the dates I quote are my personal preference. When I posted 455 bc, it was according to some historians the time of Ezras return..but that varies depending on the scholar. 455-58. Within acceptable parameter I think..

  • @Calculatingtheend
    @Calculatingtheend 11 лет назад +3

    Hosea 6:1, COME, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
    Exodus 19:10, And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes, 11 And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai

    • @lawrenceekdahl1138
      @lawrenceekdahl1138 3 года назад

      The above statement is correct. I submit further that the 2 days of Hosea 6: 2 are 2000 years of the curse which the Jews placed on themselves when they answered Pilate and said, His blood be on us and on our children. Reference: Hosea Chapter 6, Verse 2, After two days he will revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. The Jews have been under this curse for almost 2000 years. I believe it will end shortly.

  • @christianpatriot7439
    @christianpatriot7439 4 года назад +1

    The Jews did not use a purely lunar calendar. The lunar year had 12 months, but 12 lunar months is shorter than the solar year. Prior to the Babylonian exile the Priests would count 12 lunar months from the previous Passover, and if the barley crop wasn't yet ripe they would add a leap month. The state of the barley determined whether or not spring had arrived. The leap months were needed to keep the lunar and solar years in sync and insure that Passover always fell during the 1st month of spring. At some point during or after the exile in Babylon the Jews developed a 19 lunar year cycle that had leap months added at set intervals so Passover always falls in the spring and 19 lunar years is the same as 19 solar years.

  • @andresxnegrete
    @andresxnegrete 5 лет назад +8

    It was fine up until 9:19 when prophetic speculation brought this house of private interpretation down; "Yet, it is only "the people" of a future "prince who is to come" which 'must' refer to the final anti christ figure" talk about bending scripture to fit your theology, this is it. I wonder how this speaker ever come to interpret "the people" and "prince who is to come" is referring to 'other people' and to 'another prince' in the future 'must' be anti christ figure? These conclusions or statements that does not logically follow from the previous arguments or statements.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq 4 года назад

      A prince of a people will destroy the city and the sanctuary and "HIS END (Heb ve Kizo=Kez shelo) will be with a flood (of anger, God's wrath at His coming, 2Thess 2:8) until the end of the war (Armageddon), which is decreed (determined) there will be desolation. Vers 27 gives more information about the end of the Antichrist.

    • @Coreficial
      @Coreficial 4 года назад

      Apparently, from what I am seeing is that, there appears to be some double counting going on because the 10 wks or 70 years of the Babylonian and Greek capitivity is also included in the 69 weeks or 483 weeks.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад +2

      I don't think the text of Daniel 9 necessarily requires that the destruction comes after 69 weeks or within the 70th week. However, IMO it is inadmissable to split of any week - or even half a week - off from the total of 70 weeks. If one does this, it would no longer be a prophecy of 490 years but one of 490+x years. I don't think the prince who is to come is Antichrist. It's either Vespasian or Titus.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад +1

      How could the 70 years be included? Daniel is praying because the 70 years is fulfilled. The prophecy begins counting down in Nehemiah 2:6.

    • @Coreficial
      @Coreficial 4 года назад

      @@rickhuntling7338 The 70 years was not yet fulfilled because by the time Persia took over reign from Babylon it was around 538 BC with Cyrus at the head. Now 21 years later or 517 BC would complete the 70 years captivity according to Jeremiah 25:11-12
      Interestingly, since the 10 weeks or 70 years is now fulfilled, we now have 60 weeks to contend with according to Daniel 9:24
      Sixty (60) weeks equals 420 years. If you subtract this from 517 you get 97 BC. Hope this makes sense.

  • @wazzzappening4848
    @wazzzappening4848 10 лет назад +1

    Using Nehemiah instead of Ezra is incorrect.Ezra was a dedicated scribe and priest who returned from Babylon to Jerusalem. The Persian King Artaxerxes granted Ezra permission to return and to bring a whole company of Jews with him. He had made a decree pertaining to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and had given a copy of it to Ezra. This decree and Ezra’s return to Jerusalem occurred in the seventh year of Artaxerxes’ reign (Ezra 7:7).
    Notice: “Now this is the copy of the letter that the king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest, the scribe, even a scribe of the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of His statutes to Israel.
    “Artaxerxes, king of kings, unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven, perfect peace, and at such a time. I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm, which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with you” (vs. 11-13).
    Later in the decree, we read, “And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers which are beyond the river, that whatsoever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, shall require of you, [let] it be done speedily…Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven: for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?” (vs. 21, 23).
    This decree in the seventh year of Artaxerxes was to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. The former decree from Cyrus (Ezra 1:1-4) pertained primarily to the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem, rather than the overall city. Thus, the decree of the seventh year of Artaxerxes is the one that fits Daniel 9:25, in that it was “the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.”
    The year of this decree can easily be established.
    Artaxerxes’ father, King Xerxes, died in December of 465 B.C. At that time, Artaxerxes came to the throne. Persians determined the year of their kings’ reign from spring to spring. The months preceding the first spring of their reign were considered to be the ascension year.
    In contrast, the Jews of Judea most always determined kingly reigns according to the civil year-from fall to fall. They effectively postdated the reigns of kings from the benchmark in the fall (first day of Tishri) after the first year officially began.
    Thus, according to the Jews, the first year of Artaxerxes’ reign was from September, 464 B.C., to the following September, 463 B.C. Yet, Artaxerxes actually ascended to the throne in late December, 465 B.C.
    This means that the seventh year of Artaxerxes’ reign would have taken place from about September, 458 until September, 457 B.C. Since the trip of Ezra and his company took five months to complete and they arrived at Jerusalem during the fifth month (Ezra 7:8), this would still have fallen within the seventh year of Artaxerxes’ reign.
    Thus, 457 B.C. was the official year of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem.

  • @janedow9782
    @janedow9782 6 лет назад +4

    Thanks for sharing your interpretation of this Bible verse. I appreciate that you put it in a way that it is your opinion and you back it up with the scriptural references and historical texts. I think you may be right. Peace

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      The 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад +1

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod There are no 490 years in Ezekiel. It's 390.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 4 года назад

      @@str.77 i was saying for dan.ch 9 v 24-27 day years and the code is ezek ch 4v6

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад +1

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod If you just wanted to point out a code, you didn't phrase it very well. Nor did I find anyone needed a code.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 2 года назад

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod I see exactly what your point was the day for year counting out of Ezek. 4:1-7. But don't apply it to every day prophecy. 2300 days in Dan. 8:14 is 2300 evenings and mornings is true, Dan 8:27. An evening and morning since creation is a 24 hour day. What gives license in Dan . 9 is it is directly linked Ezek. 4. The 390 count started the same year as the 69 week. And the 40 started after the cross. Both 390 and 40 years ending in iron (Roman) and the pan legions of Roman shields round about Jerusalem. Pompey from 454bc >63 bc, Titus 31 ad > 70 ad.

  • @1754Me
    @1754Me Год назад +1

    Daniel 9:25 says “to the coming of the anointed one, a prince…” So one can see that Daniel associated the anointed one (Jesus) with being a prince.
    Daniel 9:26 mentions the “anointed one”. Daniel 9:26 also mentions “the prince who is to come”. No where else in this passage specifically mentions the “anointed one” or “a prince”.
    Why then do you change Jesus “the prince” to make it become Titus or even some supposed future anti-Christ? There is no explanation on why the change. Verse 25 even declares that this prince is to come. If Daniel meant the prince was some future anti-Christ, there would be no reason to call the coming anointed one ”a prince” since he would not be referring to the Messiah as a prince later on.
    “He (Jesus) made a strong covenant with many” (the new covenant beginning in the upper room to include all believers) and halfway through this last “week” Jesus put an end to sacrifice and offering (read Hebrews). No other sacrifice can remove a person’s sin besides the great King Jesus’s.

  • @SabbathKeeper1962
    @SabbathKeeper1962 10 лет назад +5

    The last 3 1/2 years the apostles finished preaching to the Jews til Stephen was stoned in 34 A.D and went to the gentiles the 70 weeks have been fulfilled but the Jewish people can be grafted back in who come to Jesus Romans 11 confirms this there will be a remnant saved from the Jewish people.

    • @SabbathKeeper1962
      @SabbathKeeper1962 9 лет назад

      Revelation 14:12

    • @SabbathKeeper1962
      @SabbathKeeper1962 9 лет назад

      No one brother knows when this will take place Pope Francis going to Congress September 24,2015 to talk on climate change and Family Day aka Sunday law Sunday is the false Sabbath Rome changed it to Sunday in 321 A.D by Emperor Constantine God tells Isaiah in chapter 56 all who keep the Sabbath will he bring to his holy mountain.Matthew 24:13 he who endures til thee end shall be saved.This is all about the Sabbath of God vs Man,s false Vatican Sabbath God,s law vs man,s law.The Pope is Antichrist Revelations 17 is all about the Vatican church.God Bless

    • @SabbathKeeper1962
      @SabbathKeeper1962 9 лет назад +1

      see Job 14:12-15,Psalm chapter 50 and 2 Peter 3:10 God,s wrath comes first on the wicked not us Psalm 91:10 no evil nor any plague come near us the pre trib rapture is called Jesuit Futurism his name was Francisco Ribera there is not 2 comings as the days of Noah God closed the ark door what just happen probation closed on the world they were all taken to there destruction by the water Jesus said as the days of Lot him and his family were taken out of Sodom and God rain fire down on them Noah is the church going through the trib.I told you who Antichrist was in case you did not know Revelation 17 says they dress in purple and scarlet Cardinals wear scarelt bishops wears purple it sits on 7 hills drunk on the blood of saints Blasphemies God means claims to forgive sins ans claims to be God his title on his mitre says VICARIVS FILII DEI means he takes the place of God in heaven,hell,earth adds to 112 + 53 + 501 = 666.Daniel 7:25 and think to change times and laws the Vatican got rid of the 2nd commandment changed the Sabbath to Sunday Google Catholic Record London Ontario,September 1,1923 they admit this at the end of Revelations 17 it says he reigns over the kings of the earth.All presidents,kings,queens kiss the Popes ring and bow to him he,s there boss.Google VICARIVS FILII DEI.

    • @SabbathKeeper1962
      @SabbathKeeper1962 9 лет назад

      I,m glad brother you to are not a pre tribber this false doctrine has been in the church,s since the 1700,s.God Bless

    • @sirwill4945
      @sirwill4945 7 лет назад

      amen Thank God for u

  • @skidmark7845
    @skidmark7845 11 месяцев назад +1

    Could 9:24-27 really be 9-24-2027, the last 3 1/2 years?

  • @rickhuntling7338
    @rickhuntling7338 8 лет назад +4

    Daniel 9:27 "And HE (CHRIST) shall confirm the covenant (Isaiah 55:3) with the many (Peoples, Tongues, Nations) for one week: and in the midst (WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY PASSOVER) HE (CHRIST) shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease (IT IS FINISHED), and for the overspreading of abominations (continuing to animal sacrifice) HE (CHRIST) shall make it desolate (scattering of the house of Israel), even until the consummation (LAST GENERATION starting in 1948) and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate (Jews pouring into Israel in 1948 and continuing today) GBU Rick Huntling

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 8 лет назад


    • @333grace
      @333grace 8 лет назад

      Isaiah 55:3 refers to an "everlasting covenant". That's the one that Jeremiah speaks of in 31:31.
      Daniel 9 is only 7 years or 7 days (as some want to change the calculations of Daniel's 70 weeks at this point).
      It begs the question; How can Christ confirm an everlasting covenant for 7 years/days?
      If Christ accomplished all of this 2,000 years ago then what kind of Hell on earth has mankind had to endure all this time? It was not finished then, but it will be when He comes at the end of the 7 year tribulation that we are close to entering.
      Remember that the LORD wanted the Gospel preached to all the nations and THEN the end would come. We are not quite finished, yet.
      Take a look at how Israel and Turkey are considering their relationship. There may be some form of agreement in this.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 8 лет назад

      The remnant survivors of the 7 year Tribulation is who we judge and hold to the will of JESUS CHHRIST.

    • @LetMyPeopleKnowMinistry
      @LetMyPeopleKnowMinistry 6 лет назад +4

      You had me up until the 1948 stuff, Rick. The 70th Week was the Passion Week. But there is no "7 year Tribulation" in Scripture. That was invented by Scofield's footnotes in 1909.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад +3

      Rick Huntling yes I love the two fold prophecy here that in the midst of the actual week the Christ died was on a Wednesday. Amen

  • @immanueldasilvayt9137
    @immanueldasilvayt9137 8 лет назад +1

    Well,children of God.The mystery of God can't b solved and what wisdom or understanding can stand b4 Him.So,we shudnt fight r argue within ourselves.We shud b praying and worshipping Him.And at the ryt tym,Jesus will come and take us home.There's no need for us 2 worry.We r all gonna b saved cuz we believe in Him,so let's just continue in the good faith.We can only marvel at his revelations.Amen.:-) :-) O:-) O:-)

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      The 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so I marvel that Jews don't see jesus death at that time was thier messiah years fifilled

  • @duanedahljr1669
    @duanedahljr1669 5 лет назад +7

    Soo close, the prince to come was Titus, of Rome ..that end AD70...WAS the end!

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад +1


    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq 4 года назад +1

      The Jewish bible JPS and the RCC bible says "his end will come with a flood" and refers to the prince of the people who is to come, that is not Titus, but a spirit, a Principality, the AC, his end will be at the 2. coming of Christ (2.Thess 2:8).

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад +4

      With a flood means large army round about Jereusalem in seige; Ezek 4:6. The Iron pan is symbolic for Rome "iron" the pan is a wall of Roman shields.
      The Hebrew grammar says "a prince" "a people" this makes Messiah the antecedent to HE in verse 9:27. Titus did come with a flood and burned the city and the Temple. The stones still cry out in witness still today at the bottom of a Herodian retaining wall thrown down.
      The decree was issued in 454 bbc marked in the heavens by a blood moon tetrad. Ezek. 4:1-5 is the iron pan Pompey. The 390 year prophecy also begains in 454 bc ending in 64 bc in siege.
      454 bc decree gives a 31 ad cross.
      Ezek. 4:6 is 31ad to 70 ad fulfilling the 40 year prophecy with Titus a prince.
      There will be no temple rebuilt only the altar. When the Jews try to sacrifice an animal for a sin offering aka "abomination" if in Jerusalem run don't look back. The prince of Tyre did all the same stuff in 2 Thess the son of predition will do again but never once did satan enter the Temple. Ezek.28:1-10

    • @str.77
      @str.77 3 года назад

      I'd rather say the "coming prince" was Vespasian, because he led the armies against Jerusalem and his commanding role in that war then allowed him to become Emperor (or rather Princeps, as the position was officially named). But of course, it works with Titus too.

    • @bluefishbeagle1
      @bluefishbeagle1 11 месяцев назад

      the Prince to come is Christ, the people of the prince are the Jews (Da 24:16), who destroy the temple, again Christ. Jesus told the Pharisees destroy this temple and I will raise it up again in three days... He is the Temple (sanctuary) and when they curcified him he did raise it up in three days. The last week is the time from the cross to the end of time not 7 year period like the other 69 weeks. The feast of Tabernacles is a type of this week which celbrated coming out of bondage (Egypt) . Confirming the covenant (Gospel) with many for one week (his people coming out of the bondage of sin) is the gospel age again from his ressurection to his second coming

  • @Toncor12
    @Toncor12 6 лет назад +2

    Please get rid of the music!!

  • @ExperienceEric
    @ExperienceEric 8 лет назад +7

    Your massive error here is not converting the 483 years into the right calendar.
    A year was not 365.24 days in the bible, because Daniel was not on the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian 365.24 day year was not even created until 2500+ years after Daniel lived.
    Daniel and Israel used a LUNAR calendar, not s SOLAR calendar. The lunar year is 360 days.
    We HAVE to know the conversion to the modern calendar because our starting point is a modern Gregorian calendar date (445 BC) and we are counting up from there on the GREGORIAN Calendar.
    483 years on the Daniels LUNAR calendar = 476 years on the SOLAR GREGORIAN calendar (Modern Georgian year is longer than Daniels, so the calculation is 7 years shorter)
    And now you know.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад +1

      The Lion and his lamb you DO NOT need a calendar. This prophecy is simple a week is 7 days and 70 7’s is 490 years. This math doesn’t compute to our year length. Biblical years length is how this turns out no matter how you add it up. Don’t bring that confusion in and muddy the waters with it. It’s irrelevant

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 6 лет назад

      I think you misunderstood. 69 weeks = 483 years/70 weeks =490 years.
      We are not disagreeing on the math at all. Messiah came at 69 weeks, not 70. There is one week remaining (Daniels's 70th week.)
      We have an EXACT starting date for the prophecy of 445 BC because archaeologists have the actual Royal Cylinder and know the exact day it was on OUR modern calendar. 445 BC is a GREGORIAN calendar year.
      But a year is 5.25 days longer on our modern Gregorian calendar. Daniel and the bible are written using a LUNAR calendar year of only 360 days. This difference is not some big secret, its a well-known thing. Just google it. This means 69 weeks in the bible computes to 476 years on OUR calendar. That places 69 weeks at 32 AD.
      Just think it through more a minute. It not that complicated.
      The Bible uses a 360 day year calendar, we use a 365.24 day a year calendar.

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 6 лет назад

      Its already calculated in because our year is 365.24 and that includes leap years. You can't count leap years twice. A day is a day on both calendars. You just change it into days and multiply by 365.24.
      This is obviously new material for you and you are looking at if for the first time, so its understandable. It takes a little thought.
      Just google it, there is a massive amount of research out on this. Its been a well know thing since the 1800's.

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 6 лет назад

      There is no need to count them twice my friend. Keep looking into it, you will see why.
      You are confusing the Jewish/Hebrew calendar with the BIBLICAL calendar. The biblical calendar does not include leap years. The Jewish and our calendar does.
      We are not using a Hebrew calendar here.
      Again, these things are not new information, they have been known by scholars for a few centuries.

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 6 лет назад

      God Bless

  • @carlcizek2189
    @carlcizek2189 4 года назад +1

    According to John’s Gospel, Jesus attended three annual Feasts of Passover through out the course of His ministry: 1. John 2:13, 2. in 6:4, then the Passover of His crucifixion in 11:55-57. Thats only 2 years between three passovers. In order to get 3.5 years from the crucifixion back to the baptism you need 4 passovers and the baptism of Jesus and the 40 days of temptation would have had to be in the fall. Therefore Its impossible for the 70th week to have started in the life of messiah at the baptism. When John pointed and said “behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world” Its most likely that the baptism was in fact during the passover season making the ministry-of a Jesus 3 years not 3.5.

  • @guate4
    @guate4 9 лет назад +13

    By definition, it is ridiculous to split the half of the last week of the 70-week prophecy by 2000 years. The "prince who is to come" is still Jesus. Daniel was still talking about the future. Jesus is the one who made the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem happen, signifying a new covenant. The Gospel went to the gentiles with the death of Steven (3.5 weeks/years later); when the Jews officially denied the Messiah.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад

      Fox Moulder no Christ in those passages is called MESSIAH THE PRINCE with a capital P. In that passage the prince to come is spelled in a lower case p.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад +3

      Fox Moulder the new covenant is Christ’s shed blood for the forgiveness of sin.

    • @Tony_TeleVision
      @Tony_TeleVision 6 лет назад

      Sounds like the Antichrist.

    • @ElCineHefe
      @ElCineHefe 6 лет назад +1

      But you don't understand the 70th weeks is 2000 years, pointing to the coming of Elvis - the king!
      See how that 70th week equals 2000 years now?
      That's why anyone fudging the numbers by 2000 years is a freaking loon. The 70th "week" came 3.5 years after Christ's resurrection when eternal righteousness kicked the Dragon out of heaven and the tribulation began with the martyrdom of millions of Christians that has continued until today.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      @@jaxstudios7670 amen

  • @chazrab1
    @chazrab1 4 года назад +1

    1st problem. This prophecy was given by Gabriel to Daniel. All time in the OT is given in Hebrew year s. You cannot subtract 483 Hebrew years from 455 BC years.(which I disagree with - it is still 445 BC). This is the way it should be: 483 years x 360/365.242 = 476.06 solar years. Now that figure can be subtracted(not added) from 445 BC: 445 BC solar years - 476 solar years = - 31 (31 AD). No year 0, so 1 BC = 1 AD. So add 1 converting to positive numbers = 31 AD + 1 = 32 AD, the year the Messiah was "cut off". This is just simple arithmetic and has been done many, many times by many, many different people. Jesus was crucified on the 3rd Passover day of His ministry at 3 PM.

  • @joeclarke9782
    @joeclarke9782 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for seeing that Jesus fulfilled Daniel 9 24 2000 years ago

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад

      The 70th week is still to happen after the time of grace. If you haven't noticed Isreal is still in existence and so is the Holy City. The consummation is the 70th week in Dan. 9:27.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад +4

      The 70th week is part of the 70 weeks. Ripping them apart makes it all a lie. Since the weeks began after the Babylonian exile (probably in 457 BC) they have to end in the 1st century AD.
      The prophecy is about the Messiah (he came) and not merely about the destruction of the city (it was).

    • @tophampaul
      @tophampaul 3 года назад

      @@rickhuntling7338 Israel is a construct of U.N.
      American wars of aggression are to advance Zionist global dominance.
      Now we are all under their cosh!

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 3 года назад +1

      @@str.77 Odd the angel says 70 weeks are determined for your people and the Holy City. Last time I looked there is Daniel's people living in Jerusalem. The gap is the mystery of mercy and grace aka Church, time of the gentiles. 9:26 alows the gap "desolations determined" is a gap of time when the Holy City will remain desolate of Jews. Micah 5:3 and Isa. 66:8 is GOD returning Isreal after the desolation determined time is fulfilled. Dan. 9:27 also allows for the gap "even until the consummation" being the 70th week. Joshua3:4 is the "about 2000" years. The ark passes te congregation aka CHRIST visitation then a 2000 cubit gap is put between the Jews and the promised reunion in the promised land.
      We are close. Note the "about 2000" allows for only the FATHER knows the day and the hour.✝

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 3 года назад

      @@tophampaul LOL

  • @jwalk6074
    @jwalk6074 3 года назад

    Seems like you've rejected Robert Andersons method because you say it is too confusing, and then come up with an even more confusing method!

  • @durbangirly
    @durbangirly 6 лет назад +4

    Woww!! Thanks for doing all the homework and study and sharing the result with us all in the simplest explanation. I appreciate it and may God bless you !!

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      The 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from time of temple build to mashiac Jesus

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад +1

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod There are no 490 years in Ezekiel.

    • @ATrustedAuthority
      @ATrustedAuthority 4 года назад +1

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod (Ezekiel 4:5-6) "For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. 6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year."
      I looked up what reference I could and they seem to be agreed that this refers to the time *BEFORE* the exile, when first Assyria and later Babylon were tormenting Israel and then Judea. Ending at the destruction of the Temple. Some say this period was 390+40 or *430 years* , Some others said (I do not think this is correct BTW) the periods overlapped so just 390 years total.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 4 года назад

      @@ATrustedAuthority one day is a prophetical year for Dan. Ch 9 and ch 8 =2300 day years from Alexander to 1967 and ch 12v 11 of Dan is to reformation I believe.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 3 года назад +1

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod Daniel 9 has 70 weeks, i.e. 490 days. If these days are years (they are), then you get 490 years.
      Also, Daniel never speaks of 2300 days but of "2300 evenings and mornings. Then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state"
      "evenings and mornings" more likely are the sacrifice given every evening and morning. This would result in 1150 days, i.e. roughly 38 months, i.e. a little more than 3 years. It is the famous 3 1/2 years again, which stands for the time of persecution.
      The "reformation" plays no role at all in Scripture. In any case the numbers do not add up. If we date the reformation to 1517 AD, going back 2300 years would give a starting point of 783 BC, over 200 years before Daniel's lifetime.
      And while Alexander to 1967 works out, I don't see how it can make sense: Alexander did not interfere with the Temple at all (and the verse speaks of "2300 evenings and mornings. Then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state") nor was the Temple restored to its rightful place in 1967. (The Temple was defiled in 167 BC, restored in 164 BC and finally destroyd in 70 AD.)
      But if "sanctuary shall be restored" is to be understood in a less literal way, then what did Alexander do that was remedied in 1967?
      The land was under foreign rule before Alexander and after him and, with the brief respite of the Maccabees, remained so until 1948. If you insist on the entire land, that would mean 1967 but then the beginning would not be in Alexander's time.
      The Temple Mount was under Jewish control before Alexander and after thim and, with the short interruption 167-164 BC remained so until 70 AD. It came under Jewish control (sort of) in 1967 but again the beginning would not be in Alexander's time.

  • @skellingtonmeteoryballoon
    @skellingtonmeteoryballoon 3 года назад +2

    This video 7 years ago ! 7 years ago i was in self will. I should have seeked truth long time ago.

  • @SabbathKeeper1962
    @SabbathKeeper1962 10 лет назад +12

    The time to rebuild the walls was 457 B.C to until 490 ends in 34 A.D Jesus was Baptized in 27 A.D Jesus died 31 A.D the Gospel was preached by the apostles to the Jews alone until Stephen was stoned in 34 A.D. 27 + 7 = 34 Mark 1:15 says the time is fulfulled Hebrews 2:3 confirms this also.God Bless

    • @JimmyCarol100
      @JimmyCarol100 9 лет назад

      I guess I'm one of the few that agree along the lines with you, that Jesus was baptized and crucified earlier than 33 AD or later, I think scripture supports more closely a baptism of 26 or 27 AD, for in Luke 3 we are told that Tiberius Caesar was in his fifteenth year of his reign & Pilate was governor(26-36AD) of Judaea=Luke 3:1, history tells us he was sole emperor from 14-37 AD, yet most do not realize that he was made co-emperor=co-princeps with Augustus in 12 AD, and back then they counted the year someone became a leader or king/emperor and not how we do today by saying 12 to 13 is 1 & 13 to 14 is 2, they would have said 12 is 1, 13 is 2, etc. And counting fifteen years from 12 to 26 is the 15th year of Tiberius reign, and even if you say 14AD it would still be 28AD when Jesus was baptized, plus 3 1/2 years would come to 31AD, possibly 32AD. And besides that we have the issue of Jesus being about 30 when baptized, so lets not forget that King Herod wanted to kill Jesus when the Magi had told of His birth=Mat 2, and Herod died around Passover 4 BC, so Jesus would have had to of been born before 4 BC. Herod had the children that 2 years old or younger massacred, so that puts us up to around 6 BC. So I think for all things to fit Jesus was born in 5 BC, and you had to be 30-50 in age to be a priest. from 5 BC to 25 AD would be 30 and in 26AD Jesus would have been 30 until His birthday, so I think He was baptized by John in 26AD before His 31st b'day. Something else to think about is the fact that the bible does not say Jesus ministry was 3 1/2 years, and to cover the Passovers it could of fell like from 1 passover to the next is only 1 year and a day, so to cover 3 Passovers would only have to cover 2 years and a day. Michael Rood has a teaching on this I think. Just some things I feel the Holy Spirit has shown me, and I'm just passing it on to those who are seeking the True Word of GOD, for HE tells us that HE is a rewarder to them that DILIGENTLY seek HIM=Heb 11:6. Enough of a rant for now. GOD Bless, PeaceB2Ya

    • @JimmyCarol100
      @JimmyCarol100 9 лет назад +3

      Sorry for this added message, but after I started reading the scriptures about Jesus baptism and the cross reference verses & some historical references, it dawned on me that since King Herod, from what the Magi told him about the star that announced His birth & then them traveling from Babylon to Jerusalem(over 500 miles) by camel train, which probably took several months, and Herod had all boys in Bethlehem 2 and under murdered, and Herod died in early 4 BC, Jesus could not have been born in 5 BC, yet more likely in the fall of 6 BC and maybe even 7 BC, yet I now strongly believe 6BC, also my calculations of 5BC to 25 AD being 30 years is incorrect, it would need to be 6BC to to 25AD to be 30 years for Jesus age to fit and Him turning 31 in the fall around the Feast of Tabernacles, while the shepherds were still in the fields. Jesus was not born on 25th of Dec, hope you realized that. Anyone really interested in learning when Jesus was born, need only study Luke 1 and when John the Baptist birth was, for they were born 6 months apart, and Zechariah was serving his priestly duties at the Temple during his course which is Abia the 8th course, the 8th week not counting Feast weeks where all priest served, but the 8th course normally falls during mid to lat June, meaning Zechariah probably arrived home before the end of June and the bible tells us Elisabeth conceived after the days of his ministration were accomplished and he went home, then 6 months later, the angel Gabriel visited Mary and she conceived of the Holy Spirit, probably in December, and Mary stayed with Elisabeth 3 months til John was born, maybe Passover, then 6 months later Jesus was born, some think late Sep or early Oct during the Feast of Tabernacles, which is also what I believe at this time. Sorry again for the rant, but when I start talking about my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ I just can't seem to stop. GOD Bless, PeaceB2Ya

    • @johncollins6755
      @johncollins6755 8 лет назад +1

      +JimmyCarol100 ...I have looked long and hard for someone else to say the birth year should be around 6 B.C. I too hold to that based upon the death of Herod in 4 B.C. The math holds up to that date. Should you look earlier in Daniel you will see where he speaks of "...times, time and half time...". We accept that as 42 months (3 1/2 years). If Christ is born in 6 B.C....begins his ministry at 30 years of age and has a 3 year ministry (there is so much I am not saying here, perhaps we can continue to speak on this)...he is crucified in the year 28 A.D. (being 33 years old). That means that from his completed earthly ministry...UNTIL...the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans...WAS EXACTLY...42 years....to the day. 42 generations from Abraham to Christ (Mat. 1:17...14 + 14 +14). 42 generations from David to Christ (Lk. 3:23-31). The co-joined ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ was 42 months....John beginning his 6 months prior to that of Christ's....do you also realize that it was 42 days from his crucifixion to his ascension....None of the events are detached...they are all laid out according to the perfect will of GOD...glad I found your comments...perhaps we can speak on these matters. I will offer to you the correct understanding of the 3 days/nights concerning his death, burial and resurrection. Which also fits into this ...along with the Creation account....BLESS

    • @SabbathKeeper1962
      @SabbathKeeper1962 8 лет назад +2

      The prince that shall come in Daniel 9:26 is the Roman general Titus who destroyed the temple and killed over a million Jews.Revelation 13 the Sea Beast the 1,260 days see Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 each day = a year the 1,260 days = 1,260 years who reigned from 538 A.D to 1798 A.D the Papacy killed over 500 million Christians see Foxes book of Martyrs this was the dark ages.The Antichrist is the Pope his title is Vicarious Filii Dei means he takes the place of Christ in heaven,earth,hell his title = 666 in roman numerals.Daniel chapter 2,7 have 4 beasts they are 1 Babylon 2 Medes-Persians 3 Greece 4 Pagan Rome and Papal Rome.Revelation 17 confirms this beast the Papacy reigns over the kings of the earth they dress in purple and scarlet sits on 7 hills.Daniel 7:25 and thinks to change times and laws Rome change God,s calender from 360 days in a year to 365 1/4 also Pope Gregory in 1582 also changed the calender Laws Constantine changed God,s 7th day Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday on March 7, 321 A.D Google 321 A.D it,s the only commandment that,s a weekly set time and law.All churches are apostate and are 501 c3 which are church and state together and is the image of the Beast these are state run churches.Rev 18 come out of her my people these are all the apostate churches these churches worship Baal see Ezekiel chapter 8 and 9 about SUN Worship.

    • @sirwill4945
      @sirwill4945 7 лет назад

      amen brother; this man is a jesuit comes with a nice voice to decive, lies lies lies!

  • @trip577
    @trip577 4 года назад +1

    At the 2:15 minute you stated the Messiah will come after the sixty nine weeks but then at the end you say he was killed at sixty nine weeks ,,,,, I'm guessing this a typo ,...…..

    • @bennapthali
      @bennapthali 4 года назад

      No typo. Just plain madness!

  • @sjurdurkjv
    @sjurdurkjv 10 лет назад +4

    Boy, I'm glad I have the word of God in the King James, and do not have to grope around in the dark in the Septuagint.

    • @LetMyPeopleKnowMinistry
      @LetMyPeopleKnowMinistry 6 лет назад

      Amen, brother! But just like we believe God Preserved His Word in the English King James Version for the time of the Second Coming, I also believe God Preserved His Word in the Greek Septuagint for the time of Jesus' First Coming. If Jesus quoted from the Septuagint, it must have been a perfect translation. Would Jesus read from an NIV today?! No. I believe the Septuagint will always confirm and compliment the KJV, but we don't really need to go look at the Septuagint to figure out what the KJV means.

    • @blueskyguy5415
      @blueskyguy5415 5 лет назад +2

      Your King James Old Testament is based on the Masoretic Text, which is provably corrupt. Read Isaiah 61 in your Bible, and then compare it to Luke 4:18-19, when Jesus (The Word) READS from Isaiah 61 in a Jewish Synagogue. Is Isaiah 61 in error, or has Our Lord and Savior misquoted Himself?

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      Yes but Jesus quoted from septuagint so it is a good translation to look st along with Hebrew ot 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so time for Jews to believe on Jesus

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 5 лет назад +3

      You mean like how Jesus and the apostles “groped around in the Septuagint”??? SMG....ignorance is unreal

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      @@LetMyPeopleKnowMinistry it's perfect if read alongside the Hebrew with the majority text compared hence kjb

  • @markh4926
    @markh4926 5 месяцев назад

    Jesus was the Prince to come. "25 Know and understand this: From the issuance of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, until the Messiah, the Prince," Also you need to count a day for a year. The decree came from the King of Medo Persia.

  • @tonymuse
    @tonymuse 10 лет назад +13

    I would agree with you completely until the point where you talk about a "suspension". This prophecy is about how long the Jews would have to accept coming covenant of faith. Christ charged His disciples to take the gospel to the Jews and that is exactly what they did. 3-1/2 years after Christ's death, Stephen was stoned and the Gospel was taken to the Gentiles.
    Rome besieged Jerusalem and the temple and it has laid desolate until this very day. The Romans setup their pagan god in the temple before destroying, this was the abomination. There is no need to continue this prophesy into the end-time. It was a continual 70 week (490 year) period.

    • @tonyeaton3584
      @tonyeaton3584 10 лет назад +2

      Has sin been eliminated? Has righteousness been restored? Don't think so! Your following seventh day adventist teaching it's false doctrine. The seventh day adventist church is a cult like the jehovah's witnesses and mormans and the catholic church. Jesus did not stop sacrifice proof of this is in zech 14 16 19 ezekel 40 ezekel 43 18 46 24 isaiah 52 6-8. Nor did he confirm a covenent with the many. Your following replacement theology and it's not of God it's satans lie.

    • @tonyeaton3584
      @tonyeaton3584 10 лет назад +1

      Also Rome never set up a pagan God in the temple. There is no scripture that backs that up. How do you explain the gap between the messiah being cut off and the destruction of the temple there's a 37 year gap how can the 70 weeks be continous if there is a gap. Look at the scripture itself the 70th week doesn't begin until after the temple is destroyed.

    • @tonymuse
      @tonymuse 10 лет назад +1

      Tony Eaton So, you are saying that scripture is "Satan's lie"???
      John 10:16 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.
      Romans 11:13 Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry 14 in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous, and thus save some of them. 15 For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead? 16 If the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole lump, and if the root is holy, so are the branches.
      17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root[c] of the olive tree, 18 do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. 19 Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. 22 Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree.
      We are one people with a common root which is Christ. He no longer discerns between Jew and Gentile, we are spiritual Israel because we believe in the promise.
      Galatians 3:26 for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.

    • @tonyeaton3584
      @tonyeaton3584 10 лет назад +1

      Daniels prophecy is not about the church it's about the Jews. I don't disagree that there are other flocks but this prophecy concerns the jews. And you are correct not to get arrogant. But you are putting the church in the jews place this is called replacement theology and it's not of God it's satans lie. So don't be arrogant. Read scripture the way it is supposed to be read from a Jewish prospective. 64 of the 66 books of the Bible were written by Jewish men when they taught they taught so Jewish people would understand.

    • @tonymuse
      @tonymuse 10 лет назад +1

      You are correct, Daniel's 70 week prophecy was ALL about the the Jews, I never said otherwise. I am not saying that the church replaces anything, but the Bible says that we are now of the same flock and of the same root for we believe in the Promise that is salvation through Christ.
      Please provide any scriptural proof that the current Jews are any different than the Christian Church.

  • @jeromekeehn8244
    @jeromekeehn8244 10 лет назад +2

    Nigels Postbag writes:
    Hi The problem I see is that the prophecy about rebuilding the temple and the walls was more clearly defined by Isaiah 44:24-28. it referred to Cyrus not King Artaxerxes. So we have to surly go from Ezra 1:1 Cyrus timeline.
    Wonder Sims, with snarkiness writes:
    100% correct. But if he started from Ezra, then all this lesson that he just did will be incorrect. And he will have to change it to what it really mean, then his pride will be hurt; Cant have that, can we? So he will just leave it as it is. Also, he was never taught correctly anyway, so he is only teaching what he was taught, not what he actually took time to study.
    I respond: It is true that Isaiah 44:24-28 predicts Cyrus' edict to rebuild the Temple and Jerusalem. But it is also true that 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1-4 cite Cyrus' edict precisely. In his edict, he proclaims that Jews can return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. No where is the city and her walls mentioned in those passages. Moreoever, twenty years later, Darius I reinforces Cyrus' decree word for word. In Ezra, 1-7 it is clear that returning Jews began working on the Temple foundation but then was forced to stop. It wasn't until Darius, that the Temple project resumed. But even then, the city still lay unprotected.
    Nehemiah was the one who's heart was burdened for the city herself. Artaxerxes questioned why to which Nehemiah responded accordingly. Therefore, Artaxerxes' decree for rebuilding the walls is more attuned to Daniel's prophecy from years before. Even so, Daniel 9's thrust is mostly for the city, although he does mention the Temple.
    What do you think?

  • @pjottr1
    @pjottr1 10 лет назад +3

    the whole internet talks and babbles one says 2015 another 2016 another 2018 defenately. what i find interesting is this the rev 12 sign in the stars. this same image was in the stars during his birth or coming to planet earth. now we see this sign on google stellarium thanks to our friend scotty clarke. i think that 2017 could defenately be his year of rapturing even because it talks about the woman who was placed in the desert ( gods people ) and jesus who goes back to the throne of god.

    • @samalrai3980
      @samalrai3980 9 лет назад

      Yeah Stellarium,is surely a blessing of God .Wish everyone happened to know about it.

    • @pjottr1
      @pjottr1 8 лет назад

      Omg...that is for Israël. ...not the church

    • @LetMyPeopleKnowMinistry
      @LetMyPeopleKnowMinistry 6 лет назад

      The real "Israel of God" IS the Church. Scofield's lies have tricked Dispensationalists into thinking they are two separate entities when NOBODY ever taught that throughout ALL of Church History until the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. Don't believe new doctrines, People. Believe what the KJV says and is confirmed by the earliest Church Fathers like Clement.

  • @trevino37
    @trevino37 Год назад

    I think the narrator meant that within his own circle of friends, that is generally understood and accepted. Why do people believe an interpretation to be totally true when it has not been tested by other ? when tested, they will point out the problems of that interpretation and the narrator is required to reconcile those error before making a final conclusion to their judgment. The thing most never do.

  • @SabbathKeeper1962
    @SabbathKeeper1962 10 лет назад +4

    The 1260 days is years see Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 each day = a year 5 times in Revelations and 2 times in Daniel proving the 1st beast of Rev chapter 13 is the Papacy the Vatican reigned from 538 A.D to 1798 A.D 1260 years was wound then in 1929 the deadly wound was healed.San Francisco Chronicle Feb 11,1929 even says deadly wound healed.God Bless

    • @SabbathKeeper1962
      @SabbathKeeper1962 9 лет назад +1

      Sir Issac Newton and many others have all came up with King Cyrus Decree 537 B.C King Darius Decree 519 B.C and King Artaxerxes 457 B.C. 7 weeks = 49 years comes to 408 B.C + 62 weeks = 27 A.D when Jesus was baptized Jesus died in 31 A.D apostles took the gospel to the Jews alone til Stephen was stoned Acts 7:55-59 Stephen stoned to death in 34 A.D add 1810 years comes to 1844 the end of the 2300 day prophecy using Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 each day = a year.The Babylonians and the Medes-Persians kept good records there were many eclipses during this time period William Miller was another to come up with 457 B.C to start the 70 weeks and the 2300 day prophecy.

    • @SabbathKeeper1962
      @SabbathKeeper1962 9 лет назад

      Thanks for the one up i have many videos on my channel exposing the Jesuits,Fake Khazar Jews and much more.I had my Face Book account wiped out over exposing the Fake Jews.Take care and God Bless

    • @sirwill4945
      @sirwill4945 7 лет назад +2

      Not quite healed until all the major protestant churches recognise the supremacy of the papacy as the head of all christianity in the joint declaration of the signing of the document to be signed by all present to end protestantism, that will take place on the 31st of October 2017 in Wittenberg Germany to celebrate the 5ooth year celebration of the reformation. Which s not a celebraton of the work of Martin Luther,but rather the success of the jesuits of overthrowing protestantism by bringing them all back under the control of the church of Rome. With ths lying interpretation it suits Rome's purpose well,for most will not see the occasion as the great apostasy spoken of by Paul in 2 Thess 2:3.

    • @thenarrowpath6566
      @thenarrowpath6566 7 лет назад

      Anthony Pope we watched the same video lol

    • @InTheGarden1960
      @InTheGarden1960 5 лет назад +1

      How wrong you are, those are 7th day Adventist beliefs... 70 ad subtracting for the 1335 being 70ad, we get 26ad that is exactly 45 years between the 1290 days to the 1335 days Christ warns of, then you have the 1260 days of the witnesses or 42 months of time, these have all been documented and there is no need to bring these dates forward as many try to do and have done more false doctrines. These things all happened in the past and our not for out time, This is the GREAT DECEPTION... We are waiting only for our final judgement in from of the white throne.

  • @sparkyy0007
    @sparkyy0007 10 лет назад +2

    Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
    If the prophecy is not really seventy weeks (490 years) as this video is teaching and is yet to be fulfilled then it cannot be inspired by God, or your interpretation is wrong.
    Deu 18:21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?
    Deu 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
    Danial 9 was finished in 70AD
    "and to seal up the vision and prophecy"

    • @tonyeaton3584
      @tonyeaton3584 10 лет назад

      Then explain the gap! And explain why there is still sin and why righteousness has not been restored. Your interpretation of the 70 weeks is false. The messiah was cut off after the 69th week. He did not confirm a covenent nor stop sacrifice.

    • @tonymuse
      @tonymuse 10 лет назад +1

      Tony Eaton Adding words to scripture is not sound doctrine, in fact, it is outright dangerous. The fact that a "gap" is not even hinted at in Daniel 9:27 and that the term "antichrist" is not mentioned means that someone has added these to scripture. Also, there is no mention of a seven year tribulation in the new testament at all. Even when Jesus refers to Daniel's prophecy in Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21, He doesn't mention a gap or antichrist.
      It is also important to keep in mind that John gives us a definition of what an antichrist really is. In 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3 & 2 John 2:7. It is one who denies that Jesus is the Christ, that's it! The whole "gap" theory was added to modern Christian beliefs by John Darby in the 1830's to support the false doctrine of a secret rapture.
      When it comes to interpreting scripture, you always try to remember these texts:
      Isaiah 28:10 "For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” We must search for supporting scripture and make sure that we do our best to understand the context of scripture. You can't isolate a text or two and make a doctrine out of it.
      Revelation 22:18 "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book."
      Though this might be taken as book/prophecy specific, it should also be applied to any prophecy or Word that comes from God.

    • @loripip3285
      @loripip3285 10 лет назад +1

      Tony Eaton???? what do u mean sacrifices didn't stop ? yes they did stop ! they stopped sacrificing bulls birds etc.......and yes he did confirm a covenant when he died on the cross the covenant is confirmed .

    • @tonyeaton3584
      @tonyeaton3584 10 лет назад

      Not according to the Bible zech 14 clearly shows sacrifice during the Millennium. Abd if Jesus confirmed a covenant it would of been for one week so Jesus did not confirm a covenant.

    • @tonymuse
      @tonymuse 10 лет назад

      Tony Eaton Jesus confirmed a new covenant with the house of Israel. Remember, Jesus came to save Israel - Matthew 15:24 "He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Jesus began His ministry 3-1/2 before His death, and the gospel was taken to the Jews only for 3-1/2 years after His death. Some says this week ended at the stoning of Stephen, others say that it ended at Pentecost. Either way, Jesus confirmed a new a better covenant with the house of Israel. The old covenant was confirmed the blood of animals, the new covenant was confirmed with the blood of God's unblemished Son.
      You have to keep in mind, that prophecies have a somewhat veiled meaning. The Israel of the new covenant does not refer to the Hebrews, it refers to all people who have faith in the promise, both Jew and Gentile. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile in God's eyes, we are one flock with one Shepherd. Likewise, the Jerusalem of the new covenant is the New Jerusalem that is our inheritance.
      Gill's Exposition describes verses 20-21 this way:
      "Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts,.... Such will be the number of sacrifices and sacrificers, that the pots in the Lord's house will not be sufficient; wherefore every pot, in city or country, shall be sanctified and devoted to holy uses: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein; this denotes, as before, the general holiness of the professors of religion in those times; and that there will be no difference in the vessels of the Lord's house, or any distinction of Jew and Gentile; but they will be all spiritual worshippers, and offer up the spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise to the Lord"
      This doesn't imply that animal sacrifices will return, but that true worshipers will devote everything to a holy purpose. Any animal sacrifice offered up in an abomination, for Christ was the perfect and final sacrifice. By sacrificing an animal for the removal of sin, it would be saying that Christ's sacrifice was not sufficient.

  • @idster
    @idster  10 лет назад +4

    I AGREE!!!

  • @thebookofrevelationreveale4722

    Daniel 9:24 says “to make an END of sin.”
    Shouldn’t we consider when the “END OF SIN” will be??
    Doesn’t that mean Daniel’s prophecy goes all the way to the end of the millennial age of Christ?
    Only THEN will be an end of sin, when Satan is let out and deceives those on earth for the last time and is put into the lake of fire .

  • @sandmanarmstrong8673
    @sandmanarmstrong8673 3 года назад

    I am sorry this study is incorrect on many levels. Just one from the decree to the Messiah the King is noted as him entering into Jerusalem on a donkey displaying himself as King. IT IS NOT...from the decree to his baptism. 31/2 years were not fulfilled during Jesus' life but after he (antichrist) confirms a covenant with the many. Trust in Jesus for salvation but this is incorrect teaching.

  • @jimharmon2300
    @jimharmon2300 4 года назад +1

    How does one explain Ezekiel 45 and up .

  • @dreamersruleNOW
    @dreamersruleNOW 3 года назад

    What is the exact point this video is asserting to make?

  • @bootdeva9661
    @bootdeva9661 8 лет назад +1

    you have wrongly mentioned that BC 29 ........ He baptised AD = 29 timing 6:38 seconds correct it

  • @almightycatman
    @almightycatman 7 лет назад

    What's the point of zeroing in verses 24-27, and making some claim as to it's meaning, when your obviously willing to ignore all the previous passages, ie..vs 1-23? What are those talking about exactly? Everything has to be taken into context! You can't possibly begin to understand 24-27, if you have no idea what 1-23 means!

  • @nigelspostbag
    @nigelspostbag 11 лет назад +1

    The problem I see is that the prophecy about rebuilding the temple and the walls was more clearly defined by Isaiah 44:24-28. it referred to Cyrus not King Artaxerxes.
    So we have to surly go from Ezra 1:1 Cyrus timeline.

  • @jewishbride5010
    @jewishbride5010 4 года назад

    Heavenly father, in agreement with this message I bind the words of Daniel 9:24-27, Jeremiah 31:31, John 1:49 and Luke 17:21 for my life and the lives of my opponents at all times, binding to pour out destruction on the one that makes desolate by putting away sin and to end sacrifice and offering, binding to make a new covenant where all know the Lord and have no need to teach their neighbor in forgiveness of sins and wickedness because Yahweh his laws are put into mind and written on the heart and binding to know Jesus is King over Israël, while binding to know the kingdom of God is within our midst and within, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ,amen and hallelujah!

  • @InTheGarden1960
    @InTheGarden1960 6 лет назад +1

    Well Let's see, your translation of weeks is in error as well as your understanding of the verse: the word for ""70"" is ""shabim"". not the correct word for weeks. In the original Hebrew text, It States, 70 (shabim) & 70 (shabim) not ""WEEKS"". there is no weeks in the translation.. It reads : shabim, shabim are determined. 2 periods of 70 years, relating to the captivity from Jeremiah distinctly speaks of 70 years of captivity. This changes your timeframe for the Messiah's birth and death. According to the LAW, which must be fulfilled, Christ would have been born on Tishrei 1, 25 bce, would have had been circumcised, 8 days later according to the LAW Christ was to fulfill this as well he had to complete all these things, Then according to the Law again; his mother Mary would have to offer him for dedication and she herself would need to be cleansed to the Law of females giving birth to a son, each of these are completed in that timeframe. People don't have any idea that these are the type of things Christ did fulfill. His death would have been in 24 ad. he was 46 years old at death, the Pharisees even prophecy when they say this temple took 46 years in building and you say you will destroy it and raise it up in 3 days.... many ancient articles put Christ at near 50 years old.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад

      Shabim means Sevens. Hence the common translation as weeks but sometimes Hebdomads.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod There are mo 390 years in Ezekiel. It's 390.

  • @LetUsReasonChannel
    @LetUsReasonChannel 4 года назад

    There are a number of points I would disagree with in this presentation, and would humbly encourage you to challenge yourself to refute the evidence I present in my study series on this topic. This video characterizes a 444 B.C. Beginning Point date as a "strange interpretation popularized in the ninetieth (I'm assuming you mean nineteenth) and twentieth centuries." Sir, the 444 B.C. dating is based upon the Babylonian chronology of kings that is verified by its alignment with known astronomical occurrences. There is nothing "strange" about it. We can pinpoint the exact month of the exact year Nehemiah described very simply. This is only one of many points I would consider to be in error in this video. This is one of (if not the most) incredible prophecies found in Scripture, and is a foundational apologetic for the supernatural origin of the Bible. For that reason, we MUST be accurate and precise in our handling of this important study. Again, I encourage you to consider the video series of Daniel 9:25 posted on my channel and allow the evidence to lead your conclusion. God bless!

  • @godloves9163
    @godloves9163 3 года назад

    457BC not 455BC, already there you’re wrong. Have a look at “Jesus messiah or Imposter” by Walter Veith. Explained properly

  • @Quailqueen-l2p
    @Quailqueen-l2p 9 лет назад

    I don't get it? You state: + 455yrs takes it to Jesus baptism 29AD - AD stands for After Death.....meaning Jesus has already died 29 after the death of our Lord?

    • @loej9913
      @loej9913 9 лет назад +1

      +Julie Hignett ANNO DOMONI = THE YEAR OF OUR LORD. AD is not "after death". His math is flawed. If we use the Hebrew calender, it is 360 days a year. He did not bother to add the Hebrew leap months, so his whole work is flawed.

    • @jcadvocate6914
      @jcadvocate6914 9 лет назад +1

      +LOE J - A year in bible prophecy is the standard Hebrew year of 360 days it does not take into account the years that include the 13th month. Also out of interest the Hebrew word for week in this passage is a different word for week of days, this word week in this passage is in fact a week of years (6 years of working the land and 1 for resting the land). However in saying that what bothers me is there is absolutely no explanation of the 7 weeks. It is significant as it is mentioned, but again it is just tallied up with the 62 weeks making 69 weeks. Here is a theory, what if the 7 years mentioned actually refers to Christ's second coming for his church after the initial 62 weeks. It seems to me no one can pin point the date of the decree given except that we know that when Christ rode into Jerusalem that was the day of the fulfillment of the 62nd week. The 70 weeks of Daniel is key to the Jews AND Jerusalem, being that both must be together for the weeks to count. Thus if the 62 weeks is Christ's first coming and if the 7 weeks relates to the second coming and upon its fulfillment the rapture of the church occurs then the last week is the tribulation period. So it is possible that the 7 weeks started when Israel took possession of Jerusalem on June 7th 1967 during the 6 day war. Now if a prophetic year is 360 days then that would be 7 week x 7 years x 360 days is 17640 days. It is also good to note in this time since 1967 Israel has had nothing but "troublesome times". The significance is that Jesus died on Passover, which is the feast of the Passover lamb, he rose on the third day which is the day/feast of First Fruits, and then 49 days later the holy spirit came on the feast of Pentecost! So if Christ's first coming - death, resurrection and sending of the holy spirit was fulfilled on the divinely appointed times (Leviticus 23) or spring feast days then would it not be likely that his return will be marked by the Fall feasts? Interesting especially considering the fall feasts are the Feast of Trumpets which is the feast of the new civil year and more importantly the day that Kings are Crowned (coronation), then 10 days later is the Feast of Atonement, followed 5 days later by the feast of Tabernacles! So the significance of the 17640 days from the 7th of June 1967 falls right on September 23rd this year which is the 10th of Tishri which is the feast of Atonement! Interesting and maybe something to watch out for because it is date setting and it is a big no no in bible prophecy. He is coming as thief in the night, BUT not for the watcher of the night... Read 1st Thessalonians 5 : 3 - 6, it is quite clear the watcher will not be surprised by Christ's return. God Bless and please understand that I am just saying that this is a theory! So don't declare me a false prophet like so many on here seem to spit! The theory of the 7 weeks is not even mine, it is in fact Isaac Newton's which anyone can read... Just google it!

    • @loej9913
      @loej9913 9 лет назад +1

      +Julie Hignett Hello Julie, peace be with you. I am on the road working so I do not have my manuscripts and notes, otherwise I could give you a the accurate formula. I promise when I return I will post the exact mathematical formula for all to see. The mathematics work out to the exact day Jesus entered Jerusalem humbly as King riding on the ass (donkey). The first time I worked the formula it did not work because I forgot the leap months; when I had the correct information, the math was perfect. It may be a week or so until I return, but the mathematical formula is published in a book called "the coming Prince" by Sir Robert Anderson. It is absolutely correct.
      A.D. does not mean "after death" They tried to feed me that falsehood when I was a boy in Catholic school. A.D. is Latin, "Adoni Domoni" Which translates: "The year of the LORD". B.C. is "before Christ". B.C.E. means "before common era" and and the use of that term "B.C.E." is blasphemy.

    • @loej9913
      @loej9913 9 лет назад +1

      +JC Advocate I agree with most you said, and that is correct, we do not know the day or the hour, but we do know the season as Jesus taught us with the parable of the fig tree. The signs are all manifesting and it will all come to pass very soon. His first coming was foretold, and Jesus did scold the Pharisees because they of all people should have recognized who He is by the time of His coming. The formula is in Daniel, and they should have known. The non-believing Pharisees biggest problem was that they were children of the devil. They would not, nor could they understand, just as those who shake their fists at GOD even up until the time of death.
      I myself have never held the hand of a person as they pass away, but my wife has many, many times. Too many times. She is an RN and takes care of the dying. She has witnessed the joy on the faces of those who belong to Christ at the time of their passing. And unfortunately she has witnessed the terror in the eyes of those who rejected Christ. The latter is what keeps me going. I will preach Jesus until my own last breath to anyone that will hear so they will never experience that terror.

    • @Quailqueen-l2p
      @Quailqueen-l2p 9 лет назад

      +LOE J I would love the math formula thank you. Yes I believe we will know the season when our Lord arrives -and we also should know that the festival of trumpets is the next festival to be fulfilled so we can conclude that the day and hour are within the 7 days of that festival. I am listening to your you-tube clip again to pick up more understanding - thank you for your reply and post! Blessings to you and your family.

  • @ralphisley6003
    @ralphisley6003 6 лет назад +1

    70 weeks...Messiah's ministry. Cut of in the middle of the week so 3 days and 3 nights are fulfilled.
    Antichrist is only mentioned in John's letters and has been with us from the beginning.
    It is the one who is going to perdition (judgment ) who is to rise, deceive and destroy the great mystery Babylon.
    See 5th trumpet Peter, he who is locked up until the end, and,alas....Enoch, yes Enoch.

  • @rogercloud6003
    @rogercloud6003 5 лет назад

    Scripture is clear on the day the Lord will return. No Rapture, No 7 year Tribulation, No Antichrist, No Beast just the opening of the seals, blowing of the trumpets, before the wrath is poured out aka Vails, and bowls of wrath. Those who are at least 70 years may witness this day depending on strength and will of God.

  • @asallehuddin
    @asallehuddin 5 лет назад

    beside talking of seventy 'seven' or 'weeks' in some bible, i would like to ask
    about the word "threescore and two weeks". what i've found in many
    versions of bibl, acc to NIV NLT ESV BSB NAS KJV CSB isv in fact almost
    all versions of bible wrote as "sixty two 'seven or week" instead of
    "threescore and two weeks" as in bible used by this guy. 62 seven or weeks
    was way apart of threescore n 2 weeks. it is not same.
    why this is happening?>?.
    can any christians here in youtube or its scholar explain this?

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      The 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6

    • @asallehuddin
      @asallehuddin 5 лет назад

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod different people had their own interpretation. Let see what exactly is written word by word in original hebrew book. Was it Seventy seven, seven seven, seventy of seven or what? Seventy seven and seventy, seven definitely bring different meaning.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      62 weeks is short by_56 days or prophetical years. One day is a prophetical year in eze ch 4. V 6. It is divided for some reason but 70 weeks is more important even more so than prediction just before of 70 years in captivity

  • @bcdznxy-jr3hx
    @bcdznxy-jr3hx Год назад

    How can jesus s/o lucifer be the Messiah when the temple is not yet built .. hehe .. dan 9.25.
    Messiah shows up in the endtime after .. to restore n build jerusalem ... So HOW can jesus s/o lucifer be The Messiah .. jerusalem is not yet restored , no temple ??

  • @theblunttheorist
    @theblunttheorist 5 лет назад

    But here is the question, is this antichrist in the spirit or in the flesh? I would love to know if you can argue with this?

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq 4 года назад

      The prince is the spirit of the Antichrist, " his end will be with a flood "(JPS)

    • @geraldcoggin425
      @geraldcoggin425 3 года назад

      @@benny-yj7pq The prince is Jesus!. Daniel 9 is referring to a Messiah the Prince.

  • @TheKeehns
    @TheKeehns 10 лет назад +1

    Do you happen to have a drawing or sketch of the seventy weeks?

    • @TheKeehns
      @TheKeehns 10 лет назад +1

      Also, does this theory you propose have an official name?

    • @streetboarderdna
      @streetboarderdna 9 лет назад

      he has it on his website roodawakening.com

    • @TheKeehns
      @TheKeehns 9 лет назад

      i clicked on it but it said the domain was for sale

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад

      @@TheKeehns And it never was the website of the man in the video.

  • @dougjutz5407
    @dougjutz5407 9 лет назад +1

    how do you explain the seven sevens in Dan 9:25? It would seem that the seven sevens are very significant since they are preceded by "till Messiah.. "

    • @johncollins6755
      @johncollins6755 8 лет назад

      +Doug Jutz ...the first 7 "sevens"...could be referencing a measure for the last "Jubilee"....49 years...prior to the 400 years of silence.... the completion of it could be beginning point of the silencing of O.T. scripture.... You have to do the math backwards, it does to seem work out to that. Bless

    • @johncollins6755
      @johncollins6755 8 лет назад +1

      That could have been, it would have been inclusive of those other events, but yours could be the main focus. Did you realize that in Nehemiah 6:15, it took 52 days to rebuild the wall....AND....it was 52 days from the crucifixion of Christ until the outpouring of the Holy Ghost? "And grieve not the Holy Spirit, whereby you are "sealed" (walled) unto the day of redemption. There is so much here in this week of Christ, with all of scripture..............BLESS..........

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 8 лет назад

      +John Collins - Weren't there other decrees later that were for the rebuilding of the wall? I think, not sure yet, that was a separate thing than the rebuilding of Jeruselum and the temple. I could be totally wrong. I need to study more. I'm stuck right now on on trying to figure out who we will reigning over during the 1000 yrs if we don't believe in a rapture. Any thoughts?

    • @contemplate-Matt.G
      @contemplate-Matt.G 8 лет назад

      +J Day
      Of course there is a rapture, it's just not a secret one and it's not part of the great tribulation which was the fall of Jerusalem in 70 a.d. It is the resurrection.
      At the resurrection, we will be "caught up" to meet the Lord in the air.
      The 1000 year time period is found in only one chapter of one book.....one HIGHLY symbolic book. If we rightly understand that the revelation is actually a revealing of the new covenant of Jesus Christ in His blood and the fall of mystery babylon, the harlot which was the faithful city of Jerusalem that had become the harlot riding on the back of rome, the beast.....then we understand that the 1000 years is a symbolic number representing the time of the new covenant.
      Jesus said 2000 years ago as we read in Jn 12 "now is the prince of this world cast out" and in Jn 16 we read that at the time of the cross Satan was judged. In the synoptics, Jesus speaks of the "strong man" being bound by one stronger so that the stronger man can spoil the house of the strong man...this after saying that He cast out demons. The strong man is Satan and the stronger man is Jesus. The gospel was then sent out to all the nations and ever since that time, Jesus has been collecting the spoils from Satan's house.
      There is no millennium. The kingdom of Jesus lasts for ever. Remember that the stone cut without hands strikes the statue of Daniel 2 and fills the whole earth...it is a kingdom without end. The fourth Gentile kingdom depicted by iron was rome and the feet being a mixture of iron and clay are rome and Israel mingled together, Israel being the clay that God wipes out to begin making a new vessel.
      But when does it begin? Lets ponder what Jesus said about the kingdom to gain clues. It's like a net that gathers fish, right? Didn't Jesus tell the disciples they would be fishers of men? For what?......the kingdom. What else is the kingdom like? A seed that starts out small and grows to be great in size? Sounds like the gospel going out since the time of the acts doesn't it?
      What about the farmer who sows good seed while an enemy sows bad ones? Can this describe the kingdom? I thought the kingdom was when all things are restored?
      Jesus tells you when this kingdom takes place. In this kingdom, He that sows the good seed is the Son of man, the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; the enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
      Sounds like this "kingdom" has been in place for about 2000 years so far. Maybe that's why Paul tells us that we believers have been "translated (past tense) into His glorious kingdom". Maybe that's why Paul describes the kingdom as "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.....NOW. And maybe that's why Paul states in 1 Cor 15 that the kingdom is handed over to the Father at His (Jesus') second coming.

    • @johncollins6755
      @johncollins6755 8 лет назад

      Contem.......I could not have said it any better. Corinthians surely informs us of such....and I trust that we all are longing for the day of the Lord............BLESS.........

  • @Nkosi766
    @Nkosi766 3 года назад

    Are you saying because Hebrew makes reference to Daniel, that’s proof of prophecy? Did the author of Hebrew have the work of Daniel to work with? Nonsense. And lies, there was no one known as king of Israel other than who Romans appointed. Don’t care what John said. Jesus wasn’t known as no king of nothing. Aren’t you people tired of lying and saying it’s fact.

  • @nichill7474
    @nichill7474 Год назад

    Everything sounds good until you added the “suspension” or “gap” that is still going on now, indefinitely, for over 2000 years. This is pure dispensational, Darby/Schofield eisegesis and its not biblically supported. There is NO suspension. The entire 70 weeks is a consecutive timeline. The final 3-1/2 years included Pentecost (celebrating the feast of weeks), giving of the spirit, the beginning of the church, the first christian martyr Stephen and Pauls conversion. The part of the prophecy about the people of the prince who is to come (this prophecy was written hundreds of years before so everything in it is “to come” we don’t add 2000 years to make it work.). The people, army of Titus, come as a flood and bring destruction of jerusalem and the temple. This is not part of the 70 weeks.

  • @vanessavanessa1910
    @vanessavanessa1910 11 лет назад

    Do you have these video in note form.

  • @zionram
    @zionram 11 лет назад

    your video at 6:42 says 29 BC is three years before 33 AD that would be incorrect. I assume this is just a editing error on your part. I'm sure you mean 29 AD. Still, it can further confuse an already somewhat confusing subject. So I suggest you at least point it out in the video annotations.

  • @larpsim
    @larpsim 7 лет назад

    You people need to study this out more carefully. This prophecy of Daniel chapter 9 it's not about Jesus Christ the Messiah. It's about the ruler whose people would come and destroy Jerusalem the city in 70 AD. The destruction of Jerusalem must fit Within the seventy sevens or 490 years of Daniel's prophecy.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад

      Larry Sims No that’s incorrect. The judgement does not need to be included in the time frame. If I give my daughter a time limit or else. I have to give her that entire time and it can’t be cut short even if one minute so PUNISH HER BEFORE HER TIME IS UP. That’s literally what you are saying if the PUNISHMENT FOR DISOBEDIENCE HAS to be rendered within the given time frame. Can you not see the ludicrousness in that while senario?

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад

      Larry Sims YOU PEOPLE??? the ones on here KNOW they have the TRUTH. it’s the ones who don’t have the truth who are rude and pompous.

    • @larpsim
      @larpsim 6 лет назад

      jacqueline green,
      Your analogy doesn't fit here. It might apply to something else. Look, we're talking about things that the Messiah Jesus Christ had to accomplish within a certain time frame. Also, within that same amount of time were other things that had to occur or God would be a liar. But God does not lie. Lying is impossible for God.
      It was foretold by Daniel the prophet what would happen to his people the Jews in their last days. Daniel said that they would rebel against the Romans and then the Romans would come and gather it's force at Har Meggido or Armageddon which is a mount that still exists to this day.
      From there, the Romans march against those rebels who killed God's prophets and there would be great tribulation for the Jews. Immediately after that tribulation, the Romans destroy their city and the temple. That all happened in the 1st century within those 70 Weeks.
      There is no future Armageddon. However, you are more than welcome to continue entertaining yourself with that imaginary scheme if you wish.

    • @larpsim
      @larpsim 6 лет назад

      jacqueline green,
      It is not my intent to be rude. If you call rude telling someone the truth, then I guess I am guilty of that. Perhaps you also think it's rude to tell folks the truth about a faulty foundation before a building collapses but I would not hesitate to warn them. You probably wouldn't because it's rude in your opinion.
      Your own copy of the Bible reveals the fact that Jesus Christ would return in his own generation yet most Christians today don't believe it because they too were taught incorrectly from a young age.
      All anyone has to do is read Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 as proof of the second coming before the apostles generation passed away.
      Jesus once told them, "Some of you men (apostles) standing right here in front of me, will NOT die UNTIL you see me again coming with the clouds in the kingdom of God."
      What could he have possibly said that could be any clearer than that? Yet, you don't believe his words!

  • @str.77
    @str.77 4 года назад +2

    You correctly criticized those who would juggle with solar, lunar and the fictional "prophetic" years to turn 483 into 477 years and make their system fit.
    However, there is no basis for transferring Artaxerxes I to 474 BC. Thucydides gives no such date. (It's merely Bp. Usher's conjecture.)
    The 69 weeks correctly begin in 457 BC, when Artaxerxes already gave a decree on behalf of Jerusalem to Ezra. The 69 weeks neatly land in Jesus's time. NB, I date the Crucifixion to 30 AD not 33.
    PS. Another small nitpick: the weeks of years do indeed involve Jewish lunar years. But where the year-jugglers fail is that the Jews corrected their years with leap months every two or three years. Hence any discrepancy between the years can at worst amount to a little under a month. That is if one assumes that the prophecy is about an exact number of days and not, as is it seems more obvious, about years.

    • @ATrustedAuthority
      @ATrustedAuthority 4 года назад +1

      st r We agree the 69 Weeks are weeks of years to the last year of the 69th week would be the 483rd year. Begining in -457 BC, fall -457 BC, and if you count -457/-456 as as year one, add the oher 482 years to it. You come to the first year of Christ's ministry beginning in the fall of 27 AD. His first year of ministry being 27/28 AD, and 3 1/2 years would be Spring of 31 AD.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад +1

      @@ATrustedAuthority Your calculation, as far as it goes, is correct. I think our difference is this: You insist that the Crucifixion has to be after exactly half of the 70th week. I say in the midst of the week should not be considered to be super exact. Least of all can a prophecy be used to get to the historic date of the Crucifixion. That has to be established independently. Then one can see how far prophect and historical event match.
      I come to 30 AD (7th April) via astronomical data (full moon on a Friday or Thursday in spring of the years that could be feasible by the other historical data) and Passover dates as they can be construed from extant sources. Only in 30 and 33 AD did full moon/Passover fall on a Friday. 30 AD IMO fits the "in the midst of the week", as I explained it above.

    • @ATrustedAuthority
      @ATrustedAuthority 4 года назад

      st r true I think it was mid week, the week begins on day 1 of the shimita cycle, 3 1/2 years later is 31 AD also I do not look for a Friday Passover. The preparation day happens before a high sabbath like Passover as well as every Friday and Friday does not work with the 3 days and three nights

    • @ATrustedAuthority
      @ATrustedAuthority 4 года назад +1

      st r as you probably know, 33 AD maybe the traditional year but does not work with Christ’s ministry starting in his 30th year and he still being born in the time of Herod also does not fit with John beginning his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius (the count of which did NOT start at 14 AD as he was co-regent for a couple of years)
      My own study says 30 AD or 31 AD but because I was looking for mid week and looking for a Wednesday/ Thursday Passover not Thursday/Friday settled on 31 AD - I looked at new moon dates not full moon dates. Calculating when it was most likely to be seen from Jerusalem and after spending AGES converting between Julian and Gregorian calandras discovered you can google it. 😂

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад +1

      @@ATrustedAuthority I did not argue for 33 AD, though it qualifies as one of the two Passover as Friday dates. The Gospels are clear that Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
      Jesus's age of 30 as he began a ministry is only an approximate information so one cannot build too much on it. But I agree, that it favours an earlier date over a later date. In 30 He was about 37, in 31 38, in 33 40. Of course, these years are potential dates for the Crucifixion and hence one would have to subtract 2-3 years.
      The 15th year of Tiberius, if taken at face value, would favour a later date but one has to consider all data. I agree with you on the co-Regency.
      Our disagreement remains on which day of the week Jesus was crucified

  • @danielmorais8745
    @danielmorais8745 Год назад

    I didn t understand..you are so confuse

  • @patricktilton5377
    @patricktilton5377 3 года назад

    At 6:29 you have Jesus' baptism as "29 BC" instead of "29 AD" . . . oops.
    On another note, the 69 weeks = 483 years . . . notice that 483 is also = to 21 x 23. Why is this significant? In GENESIS, the period from Creation to the Flood is (according to the Hebrew Masoretic text -- but not the LXX or Samaritan Pentateuch) calculable to 1,656 years, and that is 23 x 72 years. Why is 23 years significant? The number of seconds in the 7-day Creation would have been 7 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 604,800. That same number of DAYS equals the 1,656 years from Creation to the Flood . . . but only if 1 year is EXACTLY equal to 365.2173913 days = 365 days 5 hours 13 minutes 2.6086656 seconds . . . or 365 and 5/23 days. Thus, you'd have to have a 23-year period exactly equal to 8,400 days = 1,200 weeks = 12 x 7 x 100 . . . rather significant biblical numbers, if we take the square root of 100 to get 10 [commandments] to supplement the 7 [sabbath] and the 12 [tribes of Israel].
    The 483 years (i.e. 69 'weeks') in DANIEL, then, would equal 21 x 8,400 = 176,400 days. The total solar eclipse you cite above (at 11:18) on Thursday 24 November AD 29 was the 10,555th day counting up from Saturday 1 January AD 1. If that day is the supposed day of Jesus' baptism -- i.e. the end of the 483-year / "69 'weeks'" period (or, 12 hours after the start of Day 10,554 if we time it to Noon of 24 November AD 29), then the start of the timeline would have to have been Noon on the 165,846th BC day counting back from the end of 31 December 1 BC, that is 165,845 and 1/2 days.
    The years 452-through-1 BC are retro-calculated according to the idealized Julian Calendar (with its 365 + 365 + 365 + 366 = 1,461 day cycle) as being equal to 165,093 days = 452 x 365.25 days. The year 453 BC would be the 4th year in the 4-year cycle, hence = to 366 days, and 454 BC would have 365 days. So, counting from 1 January 454 BC through 31 December 1 BC, we have 365 + 366 + 165,093 = 165,824 days.
    That means that if Jesus was baptized ~ noon on 24 November AD 29, the start of the 483-year period would have to have been 21 and 1/2 days before the end of December 445 BC, or noon-ish on 10 December 445 BC. Since the total 483-year period equals 176,400 days, and that equals 25,200 weeks (exactly), then the entire period had to have begun and ended on the same day of the week, a Thursday. So, the date 10 December 445 BC had to have been a Thursday.
    As there are 29.53058796 days from New Moon to New Moon (on average), then the total number of days -- 176,400 -- would equal 5,973.467248 lunations, meaning that the start of the 483-year period was near the Full Moon . . . IF, that is, the 24 November AD 29 date for Jesus' baptism is correct.
    Incidentally, as there was a Full Moon conjunction at ~ 5 p.m. [UT] on 29 December 1 BC (or, 2.3 days before the beginning of 1 January AD 1), then I calculate that the Solar Eclipse of 24 November AD 29 would have occurred after the passage of 357 and 1/2 lunations since 29 December 1 BC = 10,557.1852 days later; subtracting 2.3 BC days, that gets us to 10,554.8851957 = 21:14:41 or ~ 9:15 p.m. [UT], but that's just a guess since it can fluctuate a bit.
    According to NASA's webpage, the eclipse in question culminated at 12:15:21 [DT]. DT stands for Dynamical Time, which is off from UT (Universal Time = Greenwich Mean Time) by 10,235 seconds or 2 hours 50 minutes 35 seconds. So, subtracting 02:50:35 h:m:s from 12:15:21 h:m:s [DT] gives us a UT (or GMT) of 9:24:46 a.m. Or, adding 10,235 seconds to 12:15:21 gets us to 15:05:56 or 3:05:56 p.m. [UT]
    I think I calculated that correctly! It would be easier if NASA's page would give the time in UT rather than DT, but they calculate all that using a complex equation which isn't necessarily 100% spot-on.
    What makes you think that Jesus was baptized on the day of a Solar Eclipse, by the way? I don't recall any of the gospel accounts saying that it there was such an eclipse when he was baptized.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 2 года назад

      So there are just as many seconds in one week as they are days in 1656 years if a year had a different length. Brilliant! Do you ever stop an think about your calculations?

    • @patricktilton5377
      @patricktilton5377 2 года назад

      What IS the length of a year? Cultures using a lunar calendar can have years lasting only 355 days, or 385 days when a Leap Month is added. The group that wrote the book of JUBILEES insist that the year God endorses is only 364 days. Julius Caesar, acting on advice from Egyptian sages, set the year at 365 days -- with a Leap Day added every 4th year.
      The correlation between the 1,656 years (from Creation to the Flood) and the number of seconds in 1 week (i.e. Creation Week) goes back to a scholar named Jules Oppert who wrote an article on Chronology in the Jewish Encyclopedia about a century ago. According to Joseph M. Egan's book "THE FULLNESS OF TIME" Oppert "did reveal, for perhaps the first time in exegetical history, that the seemingly senseless numbers in Genesis did in fact come from a rational mind. ... Oppert called attention to two facts: that the period before the Flood lasted for 1,656 years; and that this is 72 cycles of 23 years each. The discovery of the 23-year primitive intercalation cycle (having 8400 days) must be credited to him. If, then, there are 72 such cycles between Adam and the Flood, there are 604,800 days in that interval. He was knowledgeable enough to realize that this is the number of seconds in a week (7 x 86,400 = 604,800). This effectively connected the whole Antediluvian Age with the "Week of Creation" making the narrative coherent, in its fashion." (pg. 78).
      So, as you can see, it wasn't MY calculation to begin with -- I read about Oppert's discoveries of a century ago in Egan's book.
      Back when the Ancients wrote things like the Sumerian King List and the book of Genesis, they had to walk a fine line between finding an EXACT length of a tropical year -- to keep track of the seasons for agricultural purposes -- and establishing a year that made theological sense, connecting their own daily life experiences to cosmic cycles of Time in the macro sense. In Joseph Campbell's book "THE INNER REACHES OF OUTER SPACE" he connects such cycles of cosmic Time to the average number of daily heartbeats certain mystics deduced way back when. "As above, so below" -- that sort of thing. For example, the Jewish Calendar in use today divides each Day into 24 Hours, and each Hour NOT into 60 Minutes but, rather, into 1,080 'parts' [Helek, pl. Halakim]. Thus, instead of 86,400 seconds = 1,440 minutes per day, the Jews have 25,920 'parts' per day . . . which is the same number of Years in the cycle known as the Precession of the Equinoxes (as calculated by the Ancients). Modern estimates of the rate of precession have it at about 50.274 arc-seconds per year, which amounts to a "Great Year" of 25,778.73255 years, so that the 25,920-year figure was about 99.455% right -- not bad for people barely out of the Stone Age.
      The Israelites who cooked up the Adam-to-Noah myth believed the WEEK was a sacred unit of time, and that the number 12 was significant -- the number of Tribes from the sons of Jacob/Israel. It just so happens that 7 x 12 = 84 and that 84 x 100 gives you 8400 Days = 1,200 Weeks = 23 Years -- where each year is 365 and 5/23rds days long. That calculation is 99.9932076% accurate -- again, not too shabby for a culture that venerates '7', '12', and the number Ten (as in Commandments, squared in this case). Balancing the EXACT duration of a tropical year -- 365.2422 days, rounded to the 4th digit to the right of the decimal point -- with numbers they deemed sacred was of paramount importance to them, just as the later scribe who wrote JUBILEES deemed it more important to set the Year at 364 days -- exactly 52 weeks -- with the 1st of the Year ALWAYS on a 'Wednesday' [i.e. the 4th Day, when the Sun and Moon were supposed to have been created].
      Caesar, when he reformed the messed-up old Roman Calendar, was off by about 11 minutes 14 seconds. He probably didn't know any better. Yet it became enough of a problem that brilliant men like Roger Bacon risked being declared a heretic back in the 13th Century for pointing out the drift of Easter away from the Vernal Equinox, amounting to an error of 1 entire Day over the course of 128.2 years, or about 10 entire days by Roger Bacon's time. It wasn't until 1582 that Pope Gregory reformed the Julian Calendar, removing the excess 10 days -- which, by that time, should have been 12 days -- and decreeing that years ending in -00 should NOT be Leap Years unless evenly divisible by 400. Thus, our modern Gregorian Calendar has an average length of 365.2425, which is 99.9999178% accurate yet not 100% perfect.
      Did the Genesis authors know their 23-year cycle of 8,400 days was off by 0.024808696 days every year [i.e. 35 minutes 43.4713344 seconds]? If they did, did they care? In order to make it align with the tropical year, they would have had to intercalate 23 extra days every 40.30844668 cycles. Round that number down to the nearest whole number and you get 40. Does THAT sound familiar, from a biblical perspective? If 40 cycles = 336,000 days + 1 extra 'Leap' period of 23 days = 336,023 days, then that's 920 years each lasting an average of 365.2423913 days, which is 99.9999476% accurate, yet not quite perfect. It's still off by 16.5286656 seconds per year, amounting to 1 day in 5,227.282231 years.
      Close enough for Bronze Age shepherds, I'd say. That's assuming they ever thought to intercalate an extra 23 days every 40th cycle or after the 920th year. We do know that the number '23' was important to SOMEBODY back then, because there's a prophecy in DANIEL regarding '2300' days, a mystical amount that has caused a lot of people to lose a lot of sleep over it -- especially back in the 1840s.
      You asked if I ever stopped to think about my calculations. Well, yeah, I do. Probably too much, but I have some obsessions about calendrics, so it goes with the territory. I even developed my own solar calendar that is more accurate than our Gregorian Calendar, believe it or not. Instead of adding a Leap Month 7 times every 19 years (as the Jewish Calendar does), or a Leap Day every 4th year (most of the time, as our Gregorian Calendar does), MY calendar would intercalate a LEAP WEEK at the end of every 29th year -- so that 29 x 365 = 10,585 ... + 7 = 10,592 days in 29 years = 365.2413793 days/year = 365 and 7/29ths days. Then, after 42 cycles = 1,218 years, you add one extra Leap Day -- or, make the 42nd Leap Week an 8-day event -- so that 10,592 x 42 = 444,864 days ... + 1 = 444,865 days in 1,218 years: the number of days per average year comes to 365.242200328, which amounts to an excess of 1 day every 3,048,780.488 years.
      Do I expect the world to adopt my calendar and ditch all other less-accurate calendars? Of course not. Our calendar works well enough, after all the hassles it took to get it as close to perfect as it is -- even if it isn't as close as the one I concocted.
      Jeez, but I also came up with a strictly Moon-based calendar, where 100 months equal 2,953 days -- I call that a 'Hecatomb' -- and after 17 such cycles an extra intercalary Day is added, so that 50,202 days = 17 Hecatombs, with the average Month being 29.53058824 days = 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 02.82382128 seconds. That's within a fraction of a second of the synodic month's period as calculated = 29d 12h 44m 2.841s. That's off by 1 day in 4,943,153.732 years, close enough for any reasonable purposes.
      You asked me a question. I hope I've answered it to your satisfaction. Toodle-oo!

    • @str.77
      @str.77 2 года назад

      @@patricktilton5377 A lunar years us 354 days, a leap year in lunisolar systems is a month longer.
      But a year a such is governed by the sun and a solar year is a little less than 365,25 days. There is no reason to make it much shorter than that.
      The calendar employed by Jubilees and Essenes however is the most absurd one as disregards the moon totally but dies not follow the sun either.

  • @blondboozebaron
    @blondboozebaron 3 года назад

    Why don't we look at the word shape to tell time for us wholly instead?
    Gather the word shape by tracing a circle halved once squared twice to the right in the earth.
    The time is 12-3-6.
    The time, times is 12x-3-6.
    The time, times and division of the time is 1/2x-3-6.
    Declare its truth with the eyes and the ears.

  • @InTheGarden1960
    @InTheGarden1960 5 лет назад

    Not sure what you are pointing at but you have some key points mixed up. The 70th week of Daniel is the week of Christ's death which happened in 23ad. Any dating system can be used it doesn't matter, But whatever time is used that year must have a Thursday Crucifixion from sunset to sunset. It must also have Pentecost 50 days later on a Sunday, the first day of the week. I am sorry to say that 29 ad does not have these 2 points, neither does 33 ad. Another point is to make note that Rome never began counting at 1 nor did they have use of zero. So datings need 2 years off not one.
    These points must be considered in any timeline. The years 19ad, 20ad, 23ad, 26ad, 33ad, 36ad. These are the only dates that can be considered for Christs birth. Christ was not 30 years old or anywhere near that age at death. The reason 30 is even mentioned in scripture is that in order to be allowed to stand up and read from a scroll, one must be in service at the temple or other synagoge. In fact the Pharisees and Sanhedrin counsels admitted that he was not yet 50 years old. They would know his age as a matter of recording the tribes and families. We do see they make mention of Joseph's son.
    The antichrist is the flesh it is not some man or creature. Satan has been bound for 2000 years, Christ defeated him at his resurrection, he is held in chains waiting his punishment.
    In your timeline you convert lunar years to solar years, you can not use the solar years to confirm anything. God always works off the hebrew calendar. You cant make scripture fit into your box, God does not operate in that manner. We at best have until 2024 if not by 2026/27.
    Watch Israel, she is the key but, do not bow down to her, she has always been the whore and shed blood in Israel and Jerusalem, she is the one who kills the prophets. Israel is becoming the seething pot, dont become the flesh she prepares.

  • @trevino37
    @trevino37 Год назад

    your interpretation was good until you decided to make a suspension of the last 3 1/2 yrs for a future time. Daniels 9 was very specific that it was 70weeks or 490 yrs. Any suspension of any period to be held for a future time to come violates the 70 weeks period......simply because you can not reconcile this time period within the 70 weeks, you then remove it and call it a suspension of time, which is a false and serious error.
    The temple destruction must be included within that 70 week period. If the last week occurred in 70AD, then the interpretation of Christ as the Messiah being cut off can not be Christ. However, the anointed one can be the high priest who was anointed to be the only one to enter the holy of Holies. If he (the high Priest of the Temple) is cut off in 66AD by Eleazar the Zealot, causing the Jews the inability to bring scarifies then 3 1/2 yrs later the temple destroyed, would make a much better sense to the end of Daniels 9. Eleazar the Zealot with his gang banger, was a leader among the Zealots who started the war against the Romans. Eleazar was also the one who stopped the scarifies in the temple in 66AD, , the one who burned all the food surplus to prove that G-d was with them and the one who initiated the fire in the temple as a method to over come the ROMANS, which back fired in burning the entire temple to the ground. E;eaar is prince with his people in ver 9:27 and the the anointed one in verse 26 is the high Priest, not Christ.

  • @user-uf3st6fc7g
    @user-uf3st6fc7g Год назад

    You came closer to the truth than vast majority, but throwing last 3 and a half years in future is same a the 7 years taught by vast majority. Throwing prophecy in future makes it over 2400 and counting from decree was given 457BC. Vs 26,27 can't be seperated from the context of vs 24 which says 490 years the prophecy must be completed. 27AD Christ baptism, 31AD in midst of week he was cut off for many Matt 26:28, caused sacrifice to cease Matt 27:50,51, 34AD, fulfilling the 7 years, the Jews stone Steven , Acts 7, the gospel went to the Gentiles Eph 3:1. The temple in which Paul refer antichrist would sit is Christian Church, Eph 2:19-22, 1 Tim 3:15, 1 Peter 2:5, 1 Cor 3:16. Rev 12:6,14, 1260 days must be interpreted with same day/year principle of Dan 9:24-27; which amounts to 1260 years, 3 and a half prophectic years. This means it's a system not a 1 man. 538AD Justinian code, Papacy rules over Church and State, it ended in 1798, Rev 13:10 Pope Pius V1 died in captivity. Rev 13:11,12, deadly wound will be healed by a Christian Nation, lamblike beast which is for another study.

  • @alfonsoleyson3962
    @alfonsoleyson3962 6 лет назад

    1. The first thing that Jesus said at his start of ministry was Destroy this Temple and in 3 days I will raise it up. The 70 weeks was not about the physical Temple made by hands but the real Temple Jesus, the Messiah.
    2. The command was not from a Gentile King but the command to build it was from the Creator itself, Yahweh. The building was started in its foundation, the receiving of the holy spirit by Jesus on his baptism by John.
    3. There was a period of No Prophet in Israel for 400 years before the start of the ministry of John. After the 70 years captivity of Israel, the Temple was dedicated. It served its purpose for 2 times 70 years or 140 years and Malachi Ministry ended on June 1, 375 BC. John started his ministry June 1, 26 AD, a total of 540 years. So, 490 years does not fit.
    4. The 70 weeks are a period of 490 days. The ministry of Jesus was one year long and not three years as he declared the Acceptable Year of Yahweh. The Great Mystery of the Body of Christ was inserted and hidden in the 70 weeks and the counting ended on the 62nd week. It will resume at the end of the New Testament, at the Rapture and there would be at least 8 Weeks left before the prophecy of 490 days ends.
    5. The start of the 7 weeks and the start of 62 weeks was the baptism of Jesus and the two are designed not to be added together but after the 7 weeks, it would be followed by 55 weeks, the timeline of the one year ministry of Jesus. Regular lunar year is 51 weeks only or 357 days and every year, it became 8 days earlier. When Passover becomes too early, they added Adar 2 as in 28 AD when Jesus ministry ended. This was the 55 weeks ministry of Jesus and when you include the 7 weeks, it became 62 weeks.
    6. After the 62nd week, it was not the crucifixion of Jesus but rather the 2nd time Jesus cleansing of the Temple site, the end of his ministry. At Nisan 3 Marriage at Cana, Jesus said, my time is not yet, meaning his ministry. He started his ministry, the day he first entered Jerusalem as messiah the prince by cleansing the Temple Nisan 8 Friday. This was the day of the selection of the Lamb. After 55 weeks, Jesus was cutoff as the Jews planned to kill him before the Passover celebration.
    7. From April 22, 28 AD, Friday, add 6 days and it was Nisan 14, the killing of Passover lamb on the 9th hour after sunrise. So, Jesus fulfilled 62 weeks and 6 days or 440 days of the 490 days of Daniel. The focus is Jesus and not the Jews. So, the last part will be a period of 50 days. As the start period of the 1290 days and 1335 days were the same day, the 45 days different must be included in that last 50 days. The 7 year Tribulation was a False teaching from the start because the end of 1335 day will be the victory celebration of the end of 40 days of Tribulation and the end of 1290 day prophecy will be the day of Rapture. The end of the 2300 day prophecy will also be the end of 1335 day prophecy but this will not include the 666 days of the Cyrus of our Times, The Last Trump’s.

  • @Mr05Chuck
    @Mr05Chuck 3 года назад

    360 day year are Biblical. The year changed in 701 BC. In many different cultures not just Israel.

  • @normmcinnis4102
    @normmcinnis4102 4 месяца назад

    I would personally disregard the septuagint as it's history is so shady that one can't be sure.

  • @Daveyo747
    @Daveyo747 7 лет назад

    Hold it before you people get so gung ho about this topic.
    Read Daniel Chapt 9 verse 24-27 again. Add up the weeks therein written. It comes out to 72 weeks folks. Do your math correctly OK.
    There is an error in this regarding the 70 weeks. Shall I help you. Ok Check this out.
    verse 25) 7 weeks plus 30 weeks plus 2 weeks. This equals total 39 weeks.
    verse 26) After 30 weeks plus 2 weeks. This equals total of 32 weeks.
    What do you see now the total being?? I see 71 weeks here.
    Verse 27) confirm covenant for 1 week and in the midst of that week shall cut off the sacrifice Total here is 1 week.
    Take 71 weeks above plus the 1 week comes out to 72 weeks.
    There you go folks. Do your math.
    I rest my case

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад

      Daveyo747 lol I am rolling on the floor laughing so hard right now. You have no idea what SCORE means. So to you three score is 30 and two. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
      Score is 20. So three score is 3 x 20 which is 60 and add two makes it 62. So 7 plus 62 plus 1=70 sevens

  • @jparks6544
    @jparks6544 8 лет назад

    Unfortunately you got it wrong too. People in the 1600s or 1700s didn't have accurate ancient dates. Modern scholarship blows your starting point right out of the water. You are wrong. Try again.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      The temple to ar moon shows time pharaoh conquered Israel its time is the same ae recorded in the bible so confirms the accuracy of the Bible and that a 1000 years bc. So Dan 9v24 is the same 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6. Time of Jesus death for sinners on the cross ➕

  • @ipaporod
    @ipaporod Год назад

    The problem with understanding this prophecy is that man things that time is linear while to God time is non existent because he can view the past, present and future SIMULTANEOUSLY!.
    The 70 weeks prophecy is given in God's view of time (non existent) because to God 1 day is like 1000 years and 1000 years is like a 1 day.
    Therefore part of it was on a time frame just around 167BC in the future when the Temple was desecrated (the abomination mentioned by Daniel) by Epiphanes Antioche.The other part was beyond that time frame but not as far, maybe 400+ years from the date the prophecy was given by Gabriel , when Christ was alive .The last part of the 70 days prophecy was referring to the end of days which is way further into the future, times of the Antichrist!.
    Sorry to disagree but God have never ever anointed a HEATHEN gentile king as Cyrus was.Annointment is a distinction that it's reserve ONLY to God's rulers and people the Hebrews, not gentiles no matter how good and helpful were they towards God's people.God can bless those who bless his people regardless of their religious beliefs but to anoint just take blessing into another level.

  • @thetruthimpart
    @thetruthimpart 8 лет назад +1

    Why the Daniel time line is way off because of leap years. (13 months) Years are added 7 times within the 19 year cycle, which means an extra 30 day month is added seven times within a 19 year cycle, so it is not hard to see they are way off on dates. 490 years has approximately 25, 19 year cycles and 7 extra months are added within that cycle that is a whole lot of missing months, which adds up to a whole lot of missing years. Hebrew calendars just cannot be automatically switched over to a solar 12 month calendar

    • @redezra69
      @redezra69 8 лет назад

      But that's why an extra month is added every 2 or 3 years to keep up with the solar year.

    • @thetruthimpart
      @thetruthimpart 8 лет назад

      +TokiEl SanSmaragd A common Hebrew calendar year can have a length of 353, 354 or 355 days, while a leap Hebrew calendar year can have a length of 383, 384 or 385 days. My point is you cannot count 360 day years to come to a certain date, because every year is not 360 days

    • @redezra69
      @redezra69 8 лет назад

      But with that kind of reasoning you cannot count 365.25 day years either.
      Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy is an unsolvable code unless one get the key of using 360 days. Besides the 69 weeks is split in 7 and 62 weeks for a reason.
      I made a vid of it so go look.

    • @thetruthimpart
      @thetruthimpart 8 лет назад

      TokiEl SanSmaragd It is a false teaching and the people, who promote it cannot, even agree on dates.if it was talking of Jesus, how come Jesus nor the apostles said, that it was Him, that fulfilled it. The Gospel's and the New Testament is full of prophecies the Lord Jesus fulfilled, yet no one mentioned it.

    • @thetruthimpart
      @thetruthimpart 8 лет назад

      TokiEl SanSmaragd Daniel 8 and 11 tells us plainly the beast and his army take away the sacrifices and spread abominations and is not the Lord Jesus who does this.

  • @DJLiquidSmooth
    @DJLiquidSmooth 2 года назад

    Eh, I will just stick to what all the protestant reformers and earlier christians taught, that it was fulfilled by Jesus. There is no 3.5 years in the future, I never saw God prophesy that way.

  • @wiserthanserpents3862
    @wiserthanserpents3862 3 года назад

    Daniel's vision was described in 2 Ezra. Unless you read it you are lying.

  • @jediwil171
    @jediwil171 9 лет назад

    this teaching is wrong the messiah and the prince in vrs 26 are 2 different persons theres is a no cronos between both of them because of the time of the gentiles had arrived that prince is refer to the antichrist be careful with using preterism

    • @johncollins6755
      @johncollins6755 8 лет назад

      J...Christ said in Matt. 23:32; "...Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers...". This is the culmination of all the rebellion against GOD, relative to the Jewish nation. He would further declare to them that (38) "...your house is left unto you...DESOLATE.." This is Daniel 9:27. In fact, the "it" that is being referred to in this passage is inclusive of the....sacrifice and oblation. "...In the midst of the week, he shall cause the ...SACRIFICE AND OBLATION....to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations, he shall make...IT...desolate. Even until the consummation (completion of all things) and that determined (that which has been determined or ordained) shall be poured upon the desolate. This applies to the rebellious nation of Israel and the extent of their desolation relative to covenant relations with GOD. Israel never knew the "time of their visitation"; Lk. 19:42-44, and having rejected Christ, they filled up their measure of desolation with their rebellion............................................................. Even as Heb. 10 informs us that "the blood of bulls and goats" could not take away sin, nor did GOD have pleasure in them. The Temple as well, with all its washings, meats and drinks, only stood in place until the time of reformation (9:10). In fact in 10:9, we are told that "...He taketh away the....FIRST...that he may establish the ...SECOND...". Hebrews shows us that Christ introduced the; new Temple, the new Priesthood and the new Covenant. Bringing to the "full" all those things that were types and shadows, that were temporary in their existence. Quick, first look at Matt. 24: 40, 41, as it gives us two examples. Now, go over to Lk. 17:34-36. Luke is the fuller account of these events. What does he give us? Three things. Luke informs us of "two" co-existing, side by side, performing identical functions. NOW... the terms "women and men" are both added to these texts. Originally it reads; ..."there shall be two in one bed (34); two shall be grinding together (against) (35) and two shall be in the field (36)....THE ONE SHALL BE TAKEN, THE OTHER LEFT". No where does the original read "men or women". The passages make no distinction between the two of them, one being good or evil. They both are performing equally the recognized tasks. Christ informs us exactly the same thing in the gospels, that the writer of Hebrews tells us. The old taken, the new remains. Among these being the Temple, the Priesthood and the Covenant. This is where the "pre-mill" get their secret rapture, yet this in not what the verses are speaking of..............................................BLESS...............

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      The 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so

  • @333grace
    @333grace 9 лет назад

    Sorry, disagree. There is a gaping hole in this interpretation and I may be wrong in this, however in looking at this on the whole and attempting to stay within the format style in which Daniel wrote
    Daniel 9:25
    “Know therefore and understand,
    That from the going forth of the command
    To restore and build Jerusalem
    Until Messiah the Prince,
    There shall be seven weeks
    (FOR rebuilding the wall, Temple and restoring Jerusalem)
    and sixty-two weeks
    (TIME gap from Jerusalem restored until the LORD's first coming);
    The street shall be built again, and the wall,
    Even in troublesome times.
    Daniel 9:26
    “And after the sixty-two weeks
    Messiah shall be cut off,
    but not for Himself
    And the people of the prince who is to come
    (THE 'people' who destroyed the temple were from the Roman legion, as Publius Cornelius Tacitus, a senator and historian as well as Titus Flavius Josephus a historian of the time, note the Roman legions were stationed in Syria and details specific numbers of Arab soldiers comprised of men from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, those who were already enemies of Israel)
    Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
    The end of it shall be with a flood,
    And till the end of the war desolations are determined.
    (HERE is the church age of the past 1,986 +/- years, the gap between the time our LORD was cut off and of the time of tribulation)
    The question here for your interpretation would be is, if the LORD made clear that the time from building the wall (7 weeks) until His coming (62 weeks), why would He put such a 1,986 +/- in gap the middle of the last week?)
    (Would it not have made more sense to say 65.5 weeks [62+3.5] if that was what Daniel meant?)
    Dan 9:27
    Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
    But in the middle of the week
    He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
    (I understand how it may be possible to interpret this as Jeremiah 31:31's covenant, but the gap between the first 3.5 years and the completion is just to monumental and does not really make sense. It would not really be a week and would have been more than likely that it would have stated the LORD being cut off 3.5 weeks into the 7th week)
    And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
    Even until the consummation, which is determined,
    Is poured out on the desolate.”
    I am sure we will all know what the LORD meant very soon now. Thank you for the study. It was interesting to try to see this from a different perspective.

    • @contemplate-Matt.G
      @contemplate-Matt.G 8 лет назад

      +333grace Good points. It's clear that Jesus was cut off after the 69th week. That's what the text states. Since the cross was after the 69th, it would have to be either in a gap of Israel's history; this would be impossible since the very prophecy is concerning Israel's history.......or during the 70th week.
      Since the covenant spoken of is not a making but a confirming, that covenant had to already be in existence. It is Jesus Himself who confirmed the Abrahamic covenant via the cross and this in the midst of the 70th week. The Old testament sacrifices were obsolete from that point forward.
      So from the decree to restore and rebuild until the baptism of Jesus was 483 years. This is the beginning of Jesus' 3 1/2 year ministry and the beginning of the first half of the 70th week in which the new covenant stemming from the Abrahamic is confirmed. Romans 15 8 states that Jesus was a minister to the circumcision to confirm the promises made to the fathers.
      Here's where the maker of this video goes wrong..... After the crucifixion there is a 40 year testing period for the Jews and this is the history we read about in the book of acts. During this transitional period, Gentiles hear the gospel and get saved and Jews have a chance to also believe the good news before the imminent destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies. This is what Hebrews talks about when it states that the old covenant system was obsolete and ready to vanish. Luke 21, a parallel to Mat 24, states that the armies that surround Jerusalem to destroy it along with it's sacrificial system and old testament existence.....that army is actually the abomination that causes desolation. This siege according to history took exactly 3 1/2 years to complete. This is Jacob's trouble and the great tribulation. It completes Daniels 70 weeks prophecy with a 40 year (generation) gap between the first and second half of the last seven. Jesus told them that that "generation" would see all those horrible things He told them would happen to them and it all happened as Jesus said it would.

    • @johncollins6755
      @johncollins6755 8 лет назад

      +333grace ...the completion of the ministry of Christ was the 70th week of Daniel. Daniel's 70th week describes and aligns perfectly with all that Christ accomplished. Which, BTW, aligns perfectly with the Creation account. Unchanging GOD. Bless

    • @johncollins6755
      @johncollins6755 8 лет назад

      +contemplate ...do you believe that when the scriptures inform us that Jesus was made a curse for us...GOD in the flesh, pure, perfect was made sin for us....that this could not possibly be an "abomination"....or that ungodly men would arrest, try and put to death the Son of GOD....and this would not be an "abomination". When Antiochus killed a pig in the Temple and defiled it, that was an "abomination"....so why would this act of the crucifixion of Christ not be an "abomination"....The verse in the NIV reads like this:..."...(27)...and on the wing of the Temple, he shall set up an "abomination" that causes a desolation..."....I find this account is clearest among the others. Do you know where the Praetorium, the Judgment Hall, that they took Jesus to, to be tried by Pilate is located? It was attached to the outer wall of the Temple. Do you know what a "wing on a building" would look like? Such as a "wing" on a hospital building? It would be a "annex building" that was attached to the outside wall of the main building. Daniel's 70th week is the week of Christ's completed ministry. Bless.

    • @contemplate-Matt.G
      @contemplate-Matt.G 8 лет назад

      John Collins​ Some say the abomination that causes desolation is the sum total of Israel's sin culminating in the crucifixion of Jesus. I certainly do believe that the abomination could literally be the crucifixion of Jesus; that being the "filling up of the measure of sin" by the nation of Israel, though they would commit much more sin in the persecution of the apostles and early believers.
      The problem is that there is so much controversy over the enigmatic original text of Daniel 9. While I believe the KJV to be flawed, I definitely do not put all faith in the NIV either. The Brenton version of the Septuagint reads as such....
      24Seventy weeks have been determined upon thy people, and upon the holy city, for sin to be ended, and to seal up transgressions, and to blot out the iniquities, and to make atonement for iniquities, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal the vision and the prophet, and to anoint the Most Holy. 25And thou shalt know and understand, that from the going forth of the command for the answer and for the building of Jerusalem until Christ the prince there shall be seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks; and then the time shall return, and the street shall be built, and the wall, and the times shall be exhausted. 26And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed one shall be destroyed, and there is no judgment in him: and he shall destroy the city and the sanctuary with the prince that is coming: they shall be cut off with a flood, and to the end of the war which is rapidly completed he shall appoint the city to desolations. 27And one week shall establish the covenant with many: and in the midst of the week my sacrifice and drink-offering shall be taken away: and on the temple shall be the abomination of desolations; and at the end of time an end shall be put to the desolation.
      Since Jesus, in matthew 24 said there would be an abomination according to Daniel, that makes desolate.....and the parallel passage in Luke 21 substitutes that "abomination" with "armies surrounding", I tend to lean toward the roman armies being the abomination.
      In the end, the main thing is that we realize that the new covenant is now the only covenant and faith in Jesus is the only gospel.

    • @johncollins6755
      @johncollins6755 8 лет назад +1

      +contemplate ...Yes, Christ is the only....and the new covenant in his blood is the only....should you choose to consider the last 7 days of the earthly ministry of Christ, you will see the prophecy of Daniel played out precisely. GOD..RESTED.. the 7th day in Creation, Christ rose from the dead on the 7th day of that week and.. RESTED... as well. Christ was crucified in the evening on the 14th of the month, Thursday. Which means that when he arose on Sunday, it was the 17th day of the month....and he ...RESTED....The ARK (Noah)...RESTED...on the 17th day of the month....in the 7th month of the year. When GOD gave Moses the covenant, he commanded him that the 7th month would now be observed as the "beginning of months", meaning that their calendar 7th month would now become their Passover "month". Christ rested the 17th day of the Passover month...the Ark rested the 17th day of the Passover month......Christ rested the 7th day of the week, GOD rested the 7th day of the week.........Daniel is a prophecy of the completed work of Jesus Christ......BLESS....

  • @theopylactus1327
    @theopylactus1327 3 года назад

    Daniel 9:24-27
    Revised Standard Version
    24 “Seventy weeks of years are decreed concerning your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place.[a] 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with squares and moat, but in a troubled time. 26 And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off, and shall have nothing;
    70 × 7 = 490
    7 × 7 = 49
    62 × 7 = 434
    550 BC - 49 = 501
    434 - 29 AD = 405
    501 - 405 = 96
    96 + 1913 AD = 2009 AD
    27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause sacrifice and offering to cease; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.”
    4205 BC + 3033 AD = 7,238
    7,238 ÷ 2 = 3, 619
    4205 BC - 3,619 = 586 BC
    7,238 ÷ 7 = 1,034
    3033 AD - 1,034 = 1999 AD
    3033 AD

  • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
    @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

    70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so 70 weeks is 490 days or years to mashiac to be anointed King..... And a lawgiver was always in judah until jesus then they were governors not Kings although called Kings. See gen ch 49 v 10 so how Jews so blind to Jesus as thier mashiac

  • @barneyroberts3710
    @barneyroberts3710 5 лет назад +2

    Acts2:38 is covenant salvation.

  • @cushcush100
    @cushcush100 10 лет назад

    So,... Hmmm,.... Jc entered the holy of holies not made with hands? "This perfectly fulfills J.c? Hmmmm,.... so this is a point of faith,... i mean doctrine. You have no proof that such thing ever happened! Its only a statement of faith. If you would have said, " we believe" there would have been some level of respect because you are admitting its only a statement of faith. But you all say it like you can prove it,... as if its an actual event in history that can be referred too. So in reality the whole J.c. thing entering the holy place is a statement of faith not a historical event that can be examined!

  • @ATrustedAuthority
    @ATrustedAuthority 11 лет назад

    Re: "exactly 2000 years later (2 days) " consider Mathew 24:22 "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." It will NOT be 2033, but before that. I have no idea how many years before,but Israel became a nation 1948 and a generation is 70 to 80 years so at least 5 years before (2028) maybe even sooner.(2018 still possible). No matter who does the figuring it will be less than 20 years.

    • @InTheGarden1960
      @InTheGarden1960 5 лет назад

      A generation of the time Christ is speaking about is 40 years not 70 nor 80. should be before 2026, I vote for 2024 from what I have been shown.

  • @johnsiaga3826
    @johnsiaga3826 8 лет назад

    Tony M Christ said no sign would be given to that generation except for the sign of Jonah and also nothing stood in the holy place which is right outside the holy of holies and you also if Daniel was speaking of Christ being the desolator then God would destroy himself.

  • @עמיחיאלימלך
    @עמיחיאלימלך 6 лет назад

    2 Anoeds....1 after 7.5 weeks of years and the second will die 62.5 weeks of years.
    The 1st anoited is King Cyrus and the 2nd is King Agripa the 2nd or the last high priest.
    The word is Jeremiah word in Jer 29
    10 For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good WORD toward you, in causing you to return to this place.
    And you can lern it from Ezra ch 1.
    Ezra, Chapter 1
    1 Now in the first year of Cyrusking of Persia, that the *WORD* of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,
    2 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.

  • @nmssis
    @nmssis 8 лет назад +1

    wow...thanks for sharing!

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад +1

      The 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so why do Jews blind themselves to Jesus who came at that time

  • @quovadimus3312
    @quovadimus3312 5 лет назад

    No suspension. one week covenant with Israel, after the week God told them to preach to the gentiles. No third temple, it would be an abomination to even start. Anti = in place of, it's a religious government that can make rules and law. it sized power from Rome in 538ad ruled 1260 years received a fatal wound in 1798 by napoleon. Fatal wound healed by Mussolini in 1929. 50 to 100 million Martyrs from religious persecution. Is anyone saying that they take the place of God?

    • @457christiaan
      @457christiaan 4 года назад

      Quo Vadimus yes. ruclips.net/video/Yacjh-X_Qbk/видео.html

  • @charlescoker7752
    @charlescoker7752 4 года назад

    I ask, or any one else to answer this Question When did God break his covenant he had with all the people in Zechariah 11:10-13 Sounds like it happened at the Time Jesus was crucified. Didn't Jesus come and preach 3 1/2 years, and was cut off? Half of a week? Interesting Daniel @ talks about The covenant being broken in the middle of the week. What has happened? Did the devil copy the LORD in Daniel 9:27 Like what the LORD did in Zechariah 11::10- 13? Or is this confirmation of Daniel 9:27 Being Zechariah 11:10-13? Question, why would daniel in verse 4 use the words THE COVENANT, then in verse 27 use the words THE COVENANT again? If he is not talking about the same THE COVENANT God has with Israel.
    Zechariah @-13 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
    10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the Lord. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the Lord said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord.

    • @geraldcoggin425
      @geraldcoggin425 3 года назад

      He did not brake his covenant he confirmed it. Then he caused the sacrifices to cease.

    • @charlescoker7752
      @charlescoker7752 3 года назад

      @@geraldcoggin425 Who is the He? Yahweh, or Jesus.

    • @charlescoker7752
      @charlescoker7752 3 года назад

      @@geraldcoggin425 When does Zech 11:10-13 take place?

    • @charlescoker7752
      @charlescoker7752 3 года назад

      @@geraldcoggin425 He confirms the covenant for one week. But in the middle of the week he breaks The covenant. I assume you are saying Jesus, when you say he?

  • @sasadjordjevic996
    @sasadjordjevic996 3 года назад


  • @daysofjeremiah
    @daysofjeremiah 10 лет назад +1

    Amen! You are right!

  • @drjimbrown
    @drjimbrown 7 лет назад

    I'm partial to the KJV: "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times." Notice that "Israel" is not mentioned. It is Jerusalem that is the focus of this verse. Therefore 1967 makes more sense than 1948. In 1967 God Himself freed up Jerusalem and gave it back to Daniel's people, the United Nations does not need to command or decree anything. Therefore it makes more sense to look seven sevens beyond that date.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад

      Jim Brown if the prophecy is so far into the future then why does God tell DANIEL HIS PEOPLE HAVE 70 weeks. The problem you are having is your not starting at the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem. What commandment in SCRIPTURE that is written in the Bible that you can show that command text. You can’t and that’s why those years are false as well. It’s really sad that when the truth is right there in front of you yet your not endowed with the Holy Spirit to KNOW the truth when you read it or hear it. That just kills me but thats what scripture says it’s going to be like. Some people would rather believe a lie than have the love of the truth.

  • @QueenGaGa
    @QueenGaGa 7 лет назад

    The "sevens" in Daniel 9 can both be seen as "sevens of years" (490 years) and "sevens of days" (490 days).
    In Daniel it is stated that the Messiah would come after 69 sevens, and it's calculated in "sevens of years", thus after 483 years, leaving 1 seven of years, or 7 years, to be fulfilled.
    It is during His ministry, that began 483 years after Artaxerxes gave the command to go forth and build Jerusalem, that Jesus fulfilled the "sevens of days", or 70 weeks (490 days).
    Jesus started His ministry the day He was baptised by John, and completed His ministry 70 weeks later on Pentecost, that's exactly 490 days later.
    He was baptised on the 1st day of the week (sunday), on February 16, 27 CE, and was declared as "The Lamb of God..." on the 1st day of the Hebrew Year (1 Aviv - saturday, March 29, 27 CE).
    The declaration of John (John 1:29, 1 Aviv, 27 CE) was exactly 483 years (Daniël 9: 7 weeks + 62 weeks - or 49 years + 434 years = 483 years) after Artaxerxes gave the command to "go forth and build Jerusalem" (Ezra 7, Aviv 1, 457 BCE).
    After His baptism, He went into the wilderness, and fasted for 40 days, and was tempted the next day, day 41, and that was the 6th day of the week (friday), on March 28, 27 CE. On that same day, when Jesus was tempted by the satan, John testified to the priests and Levites (John 1:19-28). The next day, on the Sabbath, Jesus came out of the wilderness, being declared as the Lamb of God by John, and that was also the 1st day of the 1st Hebrew month.
    The proclaiming of "The Acceptable Year of Yehovah" was in the Nazareth synagoge, but months later, to be more precisely: six days after Pentecost. Note that Luke 3:19-20 is a parenthetical phrase that describes what eventually happened to John the baptist, but is stated in Luke's account before Jesus was even baptised!!!
    Also remark that John was the only apostle who recorded the events, as eyewitness, from John's testimony to the priests and Levites (John 1:19-28), until Jesus heals the lame man at the Bethesda Pool, two months later. The next event is when Jesus was teaching in the Jerusalem Temple on Pentecost, and talks about John the Baptist, being imprisoned at that time.
    Jesus died on the cross in the midst of the week (Daniel 9:27), AFTER the 62nd week (Daniel 9:26), in the 63th week of His ministry, and rose at the end of the weekly Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, or perhaps after that Sabbath, shortly after sunset which concluded the Sabbath, and begins the 1st day of the week, still being the western saturday.
    Seven weeks later it was the last day of "the seven sevens" (the counting of the Omer), and the following day it was the "Feast of Sevens", also known as Pentecost (hence "seven sevens + 1 day" is counting to 50). The "Acceptable Year of Yehovah" was declared on the first Sabbath after Pentecost in the Nazareth synagoge, and concluded exactly one year later after the last Sabbath of the counting of the Omer. The next day Jesus baptised with the holy Spirit and with fire.
    Note that the Gospel of John is written in precise chronological sequence, detailing the Messiah going up to Jerusalem to each of the required pilgrim Feasts. Matthew, Mark, and Luke primarily detail the events between those Feasts of the LORD. Also note that John 6:4 is mistranslated or misunderstood as referring to passover, while it was actually referring to the Day of Trumpets.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад

      QueenGaGa that is so incorrect. Christs earthly MINISTRY ENDED on PASSOVER. Pentecost occurred 10 Days after Christ ascended into heaven 50 days AFTER THE FEAST OF THE FIRST FRUITS AND on the FEAST OF WEEKS the apostles were graced with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. CHRIST was ascended unto heaven by this time to not return until His second coming on the clouds.
      Christ also said that the “comforter”could not be sent while Christ was still with the apostles.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад

      QueenGaGa wow that’s another INCORRECT point Jesus was baptized in the BEGINNING OF THE 70th week. His entire earthly ministry was ALL CONTAINED IN THAT LAST FINAL 70TH WEEK. Jesus didn’t minister for 483 years. That time frame is for the rebuilding of the temple and then Jerusalem and the streets and wall. Christ does not get baptized a moment before the 70th week begins. His ministry lasted a period of 3 ½ LITERAL YEARS. He is killed in the middle of that final week of 7 years ON PASSOVER.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад

      QueenGaGa he is literally crucified on a Wednesday and rises just AS THE SUN SETS on the sabbath as is the custom of the harvest of the barley. On THAT very weekly sabbath after Passover the sun is watched as it sets and the first bushel of barley is getting ready to be harvested. One person watches the sun and the other reaps the bushel just as the sun disappears over the horizon. This first bushel of barley was waved to God the next day after the sabbath on the first day of the week. It is the first fruit of the winter harvest and is indicative of CHRIST being the first fruit to be reaped from DEATH from the earth. Christ rises that sabbath sunset and ascends to heaven the next day. He appears to mary first and he says “do not touch me for I have yet to ascend to heaven” Christ couldn’t be touched by any human BEFORE he presented Himself before ALMIGHTY God His Father. He ascended to heaven and returns to the apostle hiding in their room. The the apostles can touch him all they want. One apostle goes as far as putting his hands on Christ’s wounds. All this happens during the feast of unleavened bread.

    • @457christiaan
      @457christiaan 4 года назад

      QueenGaGa ruclips.net/video/Yacjh-X_Qbk/видео.html

  • @hopenavajo1391
    @hopenavajo1391 3 года назад +1

    Number 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6 each day for a year.70×7=490 years the Messiah was appear a the end of the 69th weeks when Christ was anointed in the fall of a.d. 27 which began his ministry to the Jews of final one week remaining.(7years) Christ was impaled on the pole 31 a.d. so 3.5 years remaining which ended the Jews by rejection of the Gospel by the stoning of Stephen in a.d. 34.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 2 года назад

      The anointing of Messiah in Dan. 9:27 is for HIS burial not his baptism; Mat. 26:10-13. There is nothing in scripture that gives a date of 34 ad for the stoning of Steven. Impaled on a pole is a satanic anti-WORD of GOD Watch Tower invented lie. Pick up your cross and follow me; Mat. 16:24.

    • @hopenavajo1391
      @hopenavajo1391 2 года назад

      @@rickhuntling7338 King Artaxerxes signed a decree in the fall of 457b.c. which gave the Jewish full sovereignty to self govern itself. So the date is correct of the 490 years probation given to the Jewish nation.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 2 года назад

      @@hopenavajo1391 The prophecy says walls and streets for a reason being how to identify between 4 decrees. Nothing says they are Sovereign in Ezra. It only returned the Temple fixtures. What probation?
      Messiah the Prince was fulfilled with HIS triuphant entry as Prince only to be rejected not anointed unlike Solomon's entry on David's mule 1000 years earlier; 1st kings 1:33-39.

    • @hopenavajo1391
      @hopenavajo1391 2 года назад

      @@rickhuntling7338 thats Daniel 9 24-26 which you don't understand at all. Go back to Daniel 8 and the Cleansing of the sanctuary which again you won't understand.

    • @hopenavajo1391
      @hopenavajo1391 2 года назад

      @@rickhuntling7338 Ezra 7:11-26 read it and understand it. Artaxerxes gave signed three laws regarding this and it's in Nehemiah,Ezra and Daniel 9 24-26.

  • @quest4reason
    @quest4reason 9 лет назад

    Stopped around 2 10, right off the bat if the verse meant 69 weeks then why wouldn't it have just said 69 weeks, not 7 and 62 weeks.

    • @Robert271984
      @Robert271984 9 лет назад

      Because it's 2 separate times 7 weeks and 62 weeks. THE guy on this video used 3 verses to try to understand the whole chapter Daniel 9 is easy to understand what is going on if you start at the beginning of the chapter. Sadly most Christians only know verses 24-27 and don't want to offend anybody but in context this has nothing to do with j.c an antichrist or anything like that if it's read correctly in context and this can be proven eaisily in about 20 minutes using the whole 70 wks 490 years of the prophesy that end at the destruction of the second temple and as we should know God puts the israelites in exile to atone for thier sin I know no one would agree but 70 wks have been decreed for 6 reasons if the israelites used this period of 490 years to get thier act together then comes the everlasting righteousness an end to sin and so forth which means machiach won't come till after destruction of the second temple

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      The 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so

  • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
    @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 4 года назад

    ezek 4.v6 show day /years.70 ad sacrifice ended .see josephus.the set of popes = 70 ad - 325. this is ¬ he that letteth will let, till he be taken away ¬ then add to.luther = 1260 years or two prophets moses= law ,elijah = prophets dead in latin not english etc. add 30 years =1290 years .of dan ch 12v11. or blessed is he that comes to that time or...now is come the 1000 years of gospel witness and saints have bible in thier tongue and power to witness a long time

  • @zachwaddill7801
    @zachwaddill7801 5 лет назад

    Daniel 12:11
    And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      That 1260 days is years I believe since ezek 4v6 and the time of Bible hidden on Latin was 325 to Luther 1585 hence 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6 so

    • @str.77
      @str.77 4 года назад

      @@Jesusonlymediatorwithgod Which daily sacrifice was taken away in 325?
      Luther BTW died in 1546.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 4 года назад

      ezek 4.v6 show day /years.70 ad sacrifice ended .see josephus.the set of popes = 70 ad - 325. this is ¬ he that letteth will let, till he be taken away ¬ then add to.luther = 1260 years add 30 years =1290 years .so easy

  • @Calculatingtheend
    @Calculatingtheend 11 лет назад

    Excellent! I agree with the 33AD crucifixion, that is why my timeline shows that exactly 2000 years later (2 days), Christ returns for the Fall Jewish Feasts.

    • @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod
      @Jesusonlymediatorwithgod 5 лет назад

      Actually 70 weeks is 490 days or years prophetical from ezek 4v6

    • @InTheGarden1960
      @InTheGarden1960 5 лет назад +1

      Christ was born on those fall feast according to the laws of child birth of which May was under. Born on the first day. Tishri 1, 25 bce Feast of Trumpets. was circumcised on Yom Kippur Day of Atonement, and at 40 days from birth Mary and Joseph would have dedicated him to the Lord for service. Fall feast have already been fulfilled. The Hebrews should have been looking for him they knew exactly who he was, they wanted no part of it.
      Leviticus 23
      23 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
      24 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say, In the seventh month, and in the first day of the month shall ye have a Sabbath, for the remembrance of blowing the trumpets, an holy convocation. 25 Ye shall do no servile work therein, but offer sacrifice made by fire unto the Lord.

  • @Calculatingtheend
    @Calculatingtheend 11 лет назад

    I know, but doesn't exactly 2000 years from the crucifixion have a certain logic about it? There is the 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, and 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus, so 2000 years from Jesus to Jesus seems like the 6 days of creation and then the Sabbath (Millennium). I know most people want it sooner because 20 years is a long time to wait.

  • @user-tj5mi5bb9m
    @user-tj5mi5bb9m 7 лет назад

    Daniel 9 has nothing to do with the Messiah.

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 6 лет назад +2

      Daniel 9 HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE MESSIAH. it says it right there in scripture. “UNTO MESSIAH THE PRINCE shall be seven weeks and three score and two weeks” are you blind or just can’t read?

    • @lavieenrose5954
      @lavieenrose5954 5 лет назад

      jacqueline green I was about to type the same comment :)
      And I find it mind boggling that people are looking for an antichrist character who will make a peace deal with Israel 2000+ years in the future and then a ‘seven year tribulation’ hell on earth for some and a wedding feast for others in heaven. This is blasphemous, it was Daniel’s Messianic prophecy about Christ’s perfect sacrifice.
      And Matt 18:21-22 when Peter asks Jesus about forgiving his brother seven times and Jesus replies “........until seventy times seven” - (He didn’t say 69 times then leave it for a good long while before the last 😉

    • @SamTipton
      @SamTipton 5 лет назад

      stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart you do always resist the Holy Spirit as did your fathers.

    • @457christiaan
      @457christiaan 4 года назад

      ruclips.net/video/Yacjh-X_Qbk/видео.html עמיחי אלימלך