oh I remember this on KQED 9 in san francisco in the late 70's early 80's. It was a staple piece they used many times when a program ran short or a technical diffuculty could not be resolved the solution was to throw on as many shorts that could be found until it was time for the next show.
This is SO good. Rarely do we see such beautiful montage.
横尾忠則さんはアンディウォフォールを超える日本の誇る日本人の 文化 アイデンてティーを現代アートで表現する天才芸術家だ 日本人の誇りなんだよ 海外の方々にもっともっと日本人のアイデンティティーを理解して 欲しい 高倉健 三島由紀夫 などなど 武士道 日本の文化 を知る上で ほんとに凄い現代アートをこれ以上に表現できる日本人は居ないの だから!
oh I remember this on KQED 9 in san francisco in the late 70's early 80's. It was a staple piece they used many times when a program ran short or a technical diffuculty could not be resolved the solution was to throw on as many shorts that could be found until it was time for the next show.
Astonishing! Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing such an incredible piece of art.
one of pop art genius
I like it.
reminded Dali
The most psychedelic shit I have seen in my life!
Graphic World
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