My tuxedo girl likes to trill and grumble instead of meow, and when she does meow it kinda sounds robotic. In the middle of the night, I hear her walking the hallway just going "rrrrr! rrrrr?" It’s so cute, she's a year old.
I love when my cats interact with each other: we have an older home (1940's) and it has a phone nook. One cat will sit in it, look around and then do a 'Help me' type of meow to get the other cat's attention. Another 'Help me' call and they go looking for the cat in distress. The cat hiding will watch and wait for the others and then jump down in front giving them a jump scare. They all seem to have a laugh and take off running together.
My two sister cats like to wake us up in the middle of the night by running their paws over the plantation shutters in our bedroom. If that doesn't create enough noise, one of them will claw the underside of the box springs under the mattress. By that time, I'm usually awake, but if not, they will chase each other over the top of the bed--jumping on us in the process. I would love to sleep through the night, but because of them, I'm usually awake from 3:30 AM to 4:30 AM. Luckily, we are retired so are able to take a nap during the day to make up for the lost sleep. Our kitties have always been rather stand-offish. The one who is the most stand-offish turns into a lover in the middle of the night. She can't seem to get enough of us--rubbing against us, nibbling us and basically demanding that we pet her constantly. Even thought its in the middle of the night--we still enjoy showering her with affection. PS. Our little 10 month old Biewer Terrier sleeps through the night--thank goodness!
My house cat used to awaken me in the wee hours of the morning to feed her by pushing her paw into my lips. So, to solve that problem I purchased an automatic cat feeder that dispenses a small bit of food at 2am and again at 6am. NOW, I miss being awakened that way by my cat. But the tradeoff is a good nights sleep! :)
My Maine Coon cat Chester behaves like a dog! He follows me around, will fetch a crinkle ball, and sometimes steals my bedroom shoes while I bathe, and takes them into the kitchen. He proudly shows me where my shoes are, and seems to think himself quite clever
@lockettodd6639 I have a Maine Coon named Harvey who sounds similar to Chester 😸 Both he and his sister Nikita demonstrate different aspects of what we think of as “dogness”, and they will both follow me around the house - Harvey doesn’t like it if I go to the bathroom without him (I live alone aside from the cats, which is just as well because I’ve totally given up on ever closing any doors now 😹), both of them will frequently accompany me to the kitchen to wash dishes or cook dinner (even though the kitchen is just at the other end of the room to my living room, where they could see me perfectly well from their cat tree next to the window!), and if I ever go into a different room while they’re eating their meals, Nika will soon come to see where I am (even though that guarantees Harvey’s going to steal her food, and she’s going to go back there after a little while and look at me all sad and confused about her empty bowl 🥺) I’m actually amazed Harvey hasn’t stolen my shoes yet! He’s big into stealing just about everything else that he can physically pick up in his mouth and run off with - his favourite thing to steal at the moment is the Zoom Groom, which he’s decided is actually a brilliant chew-toy and not a brush at all! I’m looking for similar size/weight rubber chew toys made for dogs that I can get for him where he’s less likely to gnaw bits off and eat them (he nearly had one of the Zoom Groom’s ears, but I spotted it and trimmed it off before he could finish the job!) 😹
A few things that I can think of: 1) I've understood from youtube that generally cats pick *one* human who's the favourite. Ours hasn't. She's got two favourites: me and my spouse. There are different things she wants from us (and she for instance never lays in my lap when I sit ... but often falls asleep on my hip when we're in bed) 2) Speaking of bed ... She has a very important routine on how bedtime works. First we go to bed (and she will fuss at the one that's not in bed if one of us is and it's night time), then she climbs into the window and hops down on my chest, from which she goes to lay on my spouse's chest. Once she's had her pets she'll decide where to sleep, which is often between us (I have a body pillow), or on my hip, between one of ours legs or down by our feet. But she will *not* join us in bed if we don't have a blanket over us. It's okay if it's just a sheet, but she does not curl up with us when we're not having a blanket covering our bodies =)
You aren't kidding about cat's jumping abilities. I remember visiting my cousin one night, when her cat jumped, in one bound, from the floor almost straight up onto the top shelf of a bookshelf -- a distance of about six feet or so. If only you could train them to play basketball ...
3:00 - I guess all the time I spent worrying about the cat falling out of a tree was a waste. My weird cat Midnite learned that if she sat on top of the refrigerator door when it was open, the person would find it so endearing that they'd feed her a slice of cheese. Always worked on me.
I notice my adult cat Desmond is a South paw, when my new rescue Molly gets on his nerves lol! Only took 3 days for them to get along, now there best friends. Oh quirky thing is Molly takes my wifes socks and carries them around the house, its hilarious!
My cat Honey likes to try whatever I am eating or drinking IF I give her the chance... Other day she pushed her head onto my coffee mug and took 2 or 3 licks of my black instant coffee, no milk or sugar.... No harm came from it, was not as sleepy for a day, much more cuddles..... I did take note.... She's fine and happy....
My Candy is a feline witch. Whenever I leave the house, she summons me back by "casting a spell": she carries her magic wand (a pole toy) to where she thinks I should return to, while voicing an incantation (her fetching cry). Scoff if you will, but so far, she has a 100% record of success!
I had a basement room in my previous home that didn’t have finished ceiling - the first floor joists were open to below. There was a narrow board nailed across two adjacent joists and one day I noticed my cat eying the small shelf that board made in the joist cavity. He was on a table under that board and I thought nothing of it. But then, suddenly, he jumped from the table up into the joist space, about 5 feet, landing on that narrow board. The joists were 10” deep so he had to gauge his jump just right to land in that small space without bumping into floor above. I was totally amazed. There was nothing for him up there - he apparently did it just to see if he could!
My 8-yr old male has eyed the top of the ceiling fan in the living room since he was a kitten. It’s the only reason I haven’t built a floor-to-ceiling cat tree - I’m afraid that will finally give him the ability to make it to the top of the ceiling fan 😹
Ah yes, jumping. My boys have attempted to clear the six foot fence around our yard. This is why we use a harness. . .it just astounds me they can hook their paws up so high and have the body strength to scramble over. The floating collerbone has always been cool to me. Didn't know about the nose print.
I discovered Silvervine, which my cats love more than catnip. It’s comes in cut up sticks about 5 inches long. They’re not as into them once the get the bark off, but still play with the sticks.
I learned a few things and what a neat way to do it. We have two cats, brothers, who wandered into the apartment building 12 years ago as kittens. As our beloved cat was getting on in years, I opened the door to them after hearing them wander the halls meowing. They don't like one another, never sleep together and the smaller one frequently attacks the other. Whenever I watch you tube videos of sweet cats getting along so nicely, I get jealous. I wonder why some cats bond and others, mine, don't.
Try Feliway. It’s a plug-in that emits cat pheromones. I use the multi-cat because I used to have 5 cats, now down to 3, but they get along better. I won’t be without it!
@@RedRoseSeptember22 Try Feliway. It’s a plug-in that emits cat pheromones. I use the multi-cat because I used to have 5 cats, now down to 3, but they get along better. I won’t be without it!
Try Feliway. It’s a plug-in that emits cat pheromones. I use the multi-cat because I used to have 5 cats, now down to 3, but they get along better. I won’t be without it!
I’m guessing this is not unique, but my cat likes to play tag. He’ll chase me inside the house until he can grab my leg. Then I chase him until I can grab his backside. We go back and forth until I’m too tired to continue. He never tires out.
My cat Chester is obsessed with our riding lawn mower's tires. When he's outside he'll wait outside the garage door yelling to get inside, then once he's in he'll immediately run to the tires and rub himself on them endlessly, he also bites them and meows during his little sessions.
I have a cat that will place his paw into a jar to have some of the contents. He gets a little on his paw then licks it off before going in for more. I’m going have to see which paw he uses :D
I just took in 2 kittens (sisters) who both have very distinct personalities. The weird thing is that one of them actually drools when she's purring and kneading on my lap!! I'd never before heard of a cat doing this!! 💖
My little Gerty's nose runs when she is lying across my chest in bed at night, purring away, making biscuits, while she enjoys the pets. At least I thought it was her nose running. Maybe she is actually drooling. Lol
My cat spits (sudden air expressed from throat) when she’s super into playtime! When she was little I was concerned there was something wrong with her throat (it didn’t seem intentional) but vet said everything looked good. Just very recently I found a TikTok of a tiny kitten who “barked” at their human during playtime, and someone in the comments said it was “spitting”, which then took me down a rabbit hole that confirmed that this is what my cat was doing! I felt like I had done so much cat research and was surprised to find that this was something I had never really heard of. From the little information I could find it turns out it’s behavior they typically do as small kittens but normally grow out of doing it during during play - but apparently not all! I had heard the phrase spitting mad, but never seen it in action from an IRL cat, it’s pretty intense!
I have a lad that does this! It was very strange the first few times I heard it and look over and he's just rolling and batting his paws on things all happy. He's a strange cat over all though. . .tail is always down, the signs of 'fighting' is present when he plays. Love my little guy though.
Again, Mallory educates me about my baby. I've had cats for many years and still learning. When I cremated my last baby, I should have gotten a now print!❤
My youngest is a total tsundere. He will act like he hates me 90% of the time but then crawl into my arms like a baby out of the blue. Love the little jerk.
my two oldest cats, seven years, go nuts for cantaloupe "guts"! They even lick the skins when i'm done. Now if that isn't weird i don't know what is !:-) 😺
When my boy was a kitten he LOVED cantaloupe so much that while I was at the counter preparing it he would jump up & knock it out of my hands to get some faster! 😂 He still likes the smell but won't actually eat it anymore now that he's much older. It's THE ONLY people food he would ever touch. He has to smell my food to make sure it's OK for me to eat, but he NEVER wants to eat it.
Most cats like to play with toys, chasing mice and little plastic balls. My cat, a year old Mackerel Tabby, named Sherman, goes bananas for ice cubes. He will crouch by the refrigerator, looking for someone to drop a cube out of the freezer. If someone does, he does the NHL proud, batting it over the kitchen floor.
My cat is a great jumper, like any other cat out there. When we moved into our current home 4 1/2 years ago, we made the top of my dresser her food and water area in order to keep our dogs out of it. My dresser is no more than two feet across from the foot of our bed. Since the day we moved in, she has NEVER jumped from the bed to the dresser or vice versa. It just seems so odd to us. It's further for her to jump up on the dresser from the floor than to jump across from the bed. I will never understand or silly girl. Lol
Many cats do like to play with their water like this! It's speculated that they do this to get it moving around a bit, fulfilling an instinctive desire for moving water.
Daily I feed about a dozen feral cats in our barn. There was a KITTEN that was a "runt" and its mother had separated it from the other kittens. She was about dead when I came across her. BUT SHE PURRED LOUDLY, GETTING MY ATTENTION. I brought her, a 2 month old female, into our home from the barn as company for our one other cat, which is a spayed 18 month old. They hit it off famously right away. The young one immediately knew how to use the liter box without be shown it, and is not as picky about the litterbox being cleaned as regularly as the older cat. The young one eats twice as much Sheba as the older cat, probably because it is more active and growing. The new cat uses its right paw as a scoop almost all of the time when eating or exploring the outdoors; and she also catches and eats flies and the occasional spider. She sleeps a lot less than the older cat. They play together often and share sleeping areas without jealousy. I was always a dog person, but have come to love cats even more so in my advancing years.
I got my girl when she was 5 weeks old, I took her because the lady wanted her gone. I know they suckle on things if taken off mum too early and my 3 year old is no exception.Every time she wants to suckle on her favourite cushion she meows and trills for me to snuggle her and kiss while she’s sucking.If I stop she stops to wait for me lol to start kissing her on the head and petting her and then she starts again.
In the book "Guys can be cat ladies too" it recommends "pot for you and catnip for your cat" (check your local laws first) which worked out well for my first cat and I. My replacement cat won't touch catnip. I put some out for him, he sniffs it, looks at me with the same disappointment in his eyes as my parents had, and walks away. I guess it's good one of us has a clear head, but all those cat nip toys are going to waste.
This was nice. And reassuring that I’m not the only human living with a pair of psychotic maniacs. On the jumping up mechanism, I am constantly impressed with the fact that not only can they jump several times their shoulder height to a narrow ledge, but that it is done with no waste of motion. As though they can calculate exactly how much energy need be applied to land softly atop the ledge on their feet. I find this feat astonishing no matter how many times I see it. It’s the equivalent of me jumping 30 feet straight up and gracefully landing on my feet.
Apparently, their whiskers are hard-wired into a specific part of their brains. So their whisker-sense adds extra info to their mental model of the world around them. And it's sensitive enough to detect air disturbances created by rushing prey.
RE #2: Just researched "high rise syndrome". Too many people think it's A-OK to let their cats out unsupervised on their dangerously high balconies (or even throw cats/kittens because they think they'll be fine and unfortunately, bodily damage won't always be immediately apparent). So sad.
One of my cats lays with her legs straight out behind her, like a dog. Kahlua also stands on the edge of the litter box to poop or pee. She literally stands straight up with her back feet on the edge of the litter box with her front legs on the wall. Can cats be double-jointed? My vet says one of her cats does this too and she doesn’t know why.
Not letting me edit - I wanted to add that I have Scoopfree litter boxes that have about a one-inch wide edge around the box. She’s not balancing on a regular plastic litter box with a thin edge.
Hey! All cats are extremely flexible, and "double-jointed" is kind of a misnomer, since it simply refers to hypermobility of the joints. I think some cats just like quirky positions, and we'd have to read their minds to fully understand why.
Fossil evidence of burrowing animals that lived in the time of dinosaurs seems to indicated that whiskers were the first hair structures to evolve and body fur came later. So it seems that hair originally evolved as part of the sensory organ to help these proto-mammals navigate their underground tunnels.
I’d share the pics, but . . . my husband would kill me. One of our past kitties, and now one of of current kitties, likes to curl up in my husband’s shorts and underwear (like laying in a hammock with his legs being the palm trees) while he’s sitting on the toilet. When I see it, I say, “she’s a better woman than I am” because no way could I be in there while he’s “sitting.” That same cat will jump on my lap if I sit long enough on the toilet! 😹😹😹
Great stuff M. I have 2 boys (brothers) and they are polar opposites. One likes being held like a baby, the other cuddles at night, the other one prefers day cuddling, the other is into everything, the other is not...
I’ve had multiple cats for over 40 years. None ever licked a plastic bag until my last adoption (4 out of a litter of 6). Jake, who passed at 6 due to a heart condition, was the only one out of the 4 that did it. Now, a couple of years later, his sister, Kahlua is doing it. I hope that doesn’t mean she has a heart condition, too.
Licking plastic is a bit less indicative of issues, but chewing or eating it is a form of pica, a condition where a cat eats non-food items due to stress or a nutritional deficiency. Your cats might just like the texture and sensation on their tongues, though!
my ginger tabby had 6 toes in front paw and she really doesn't react to catnap, from spry, to naturally grown and store purchase ground up ones she has zero reactions
My female gave birth to 4 kittens on my bed a year ago. She was a stray that was hitting me up for food because she was pregnant. I ended up giving away 3 of the 4. Her son, thinks he owns me and harasses his mom, wanting to be the dominate cat. Since I have a cat door, she mainly stops by for meals, but lives outside. He sleeps the night on my bed, is gone most of the day, early evening. Why did he force his mom away?
My Bengal could jump up onto the top of the refrigerator from the floor, no problem. My current cat, a large male shorthaired orange tabby, no. Never going to happen.
My Romeo used to be able to do it when he was younger I adopted 4 out of a litter of 6 and he had more energy than the rest combined). Eight years later, he just longingly stares at places he used to be able to get to.
I have 2 Cornish Rex cats and 1 is very long, tall and thin with maybe 1/2” whiskers. The other is short and a little chubby with very long beautiful whiskers. I’ve always wanted to know why their whiskers are so different and if the length means anything.
Most all of my boys love catnip, but only a couple of the girls go crazy for it. In all I have 9 cats-3 boys and 6 girls inside and a mix of 23 outside.
Regarding the skill of landing on all fours, it only just now occurred to me ... how would a cat function on the International Space Station? How would they handle living in zero-G?
When did they believe purring from the heart? Never heard that before so I'm assuming it's quite old? I know about 20 years ago I watched a documentary where they explained the current belief. They showed why cats can purr and lions can't. I find it fascinating.
From what I've read, it was first proposed in 1966, though I'm unable to see the full details of the paper. You can see the reference here: This paper gives an interpretation of the 1966 theory and talks about how it was disproven by 1985: So, it was only an accepted theory for fewer than 20 years, and the current belief has been around for quite some time.
My black female cat loves ketchup. I think it's the tomatoes because I have caught her eating salsa and spaghetti sauce too. Otherwise she could care less about human food. I don't feed it to her she waits for an unattended plate even if it's in the sink.
quirky? violently territorial. he's 100% indoor cat, but does escape occasionally. god help any dog or cat in the trailer park. we've gotten a myluckytag hit 1 1/4 mile from home in a children's playground. had to grab when he was trying to kill the neighbor's chubby dachshund, and rip up the poor terrified 16 y.o. park tom. so yeh, territorial. good vid!
twice this year, trying spanish with non-american mexicans in hood, fat guy caught him, snuggle in, EMTs in house with door open--bang escaped. @@user-ul8hu7bc6l
Ok...weird kitty... I had a b/w GORGEOUS diva long hair tuxedo . She PLAYED & teased a few birds, but didnt 'hunt' them. One particular magpie (probably twice Belle's size) would come to our apple tree every day, several times a day, squak once or twice & if Belle wasn't already IN the tree for playtime, was there in seconds. This was a RIOT!!! They would dive, hide - like a game of tag in that tree. Until the magpie came to the tree to play & my idiot son-in-law threw a rock, just missing the bird, and never saw him again. BOY did he get a major chewing out!! After magpie was gone, she started playing with a couple of GREAT HORNED OWLS who nested next to our house every year for probably 15 years. Every AM, when I'd be heading to work, I'd call out "Maggy May & she would be right there, and I'd smother her with special love because my other cats were usually still asleep. One AM, SHE DIDNT COME - she generally was on the porch already because she knew the routine. I went out on porch, saw her sitting with her back up against an elm tree, looking up to where the owls were. I'd call her, she'd glance at me, then straught back to tree. I stepped forward a couple steps & suddenly had a 6-7' wingspan in my face heading right for Belle! But she knew if she was against a tree, he couldn't get her! When owl flew off after being within 18-24" of her, I called her & she chased the owl down the road. I just went to work!!!
For me, the weirdest thing about cats is procreation. Floors me about how many different fathers can be in one litter and how painful the act of must be for the female.
None of my cats have ever liked catnip. Maybe it’s because they are either pure Siamese or part Siamese, but I don’t know. It was a great video though. Blessings.
I call BS on the sweetness. My cats eat sugar candy. They eat cakes and muffins. They'll lick sugar off my finger. They adore sweets. Including lemon cake even though cats aren't supposed to like citrus flavor either. (The same cat once ripped open a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips in order to eat them.) Try posting online and asking about this and you'll get bunches of replies with examples of cats and sweets.
Thank you so much for watching! What's the weirdest thing about YOUR cat?! Let us know about it in the comments.
My tuxedo girl likes to trill and grumble instead of meow, and when she does meow it kinda sounds robotic. In the middle of the night, I hear her walking the hallway just going "rrrrr! rrrrr?" It’s so cute, she's a year old.
I love when my cats interact with each other: we have an older home (1940's) and it has a phone nook. One cat will sit in it, look around and then do a 'Help me' type of meow to get the other cat's attention. Another 'Help me' call and they go looking for the cat in distress. The cat hiding will watch and wait for the others and then jump down in front giving them a jump scare. They all seem to have a laugh and take off running together.
My two sister cats like to wake us up in the middle of the night by running their paws over the plantation shutters in our bedroom. If that doesn't create enough noise, one of them will claw the underside of the box springs under the mattress. By that time, I'm usually awake, but if not, they will chase each other over the top of the bed--jumping on us in the process. I would love to sleep through the night, but because of them, I'm usually awake from 3:30 AM to 4:30 AM. Luckily, we are retired so are able to take a nap during the day to make up for the lost sleep. Our kitties have always been rather stand-offish. The one who is the most stand-offish turns into a lover in the middle of the night. She can't seem to get enough of us--rubbing against us, nibbling us and basically demanding that we pet her constantly. Even thought its in the middle of the night--we still enjoy showering her with affection. PS. Our little 10 month old Biewer Terrier sleeps through the night--thank goodness!
I feed just before bedtime and my 4 let me sleep. Now getting to sleep can be a challenge.😂
My house cat used to awaken me in the wee hours of the morning to feed her by pushing her paw into my lips. So, to solve that problem I purchased an automatic cat feeder that dispenses a small bit of food at 2am and again at 6am. NOW, I miss being awakened that way by my cat. But the tradeoff is a good nights sleep! :)
My Maine Coon cat Chester behaves like a dog! He follows me around, will fetch a crinkle ball, and sometimes steals my bedroom shoes while I bathe, and takes them into the kitchen. He proudly shows me where my shoes are, and seems to think himself quite clever
Maine coons are indeed the dogs of cats. Siberians too apparently…I’m convinced my cat may be part Siberian
My coonie would always lay on my shoes if I didn't put them up. I sure do miss having to clean the hair off of my shoes. He lived a good 17 years.
How funny!
@lockettodd6639 I have a Maine Coon named Harvey who sounds similar to Chester 😸 Both he and his sister Nikita demonstrate different aspects of what we think of as “dogness”, and they will both follow me around the house - Harvey doesn’t like it if I go to the bathroom without him (I live alone aside from the cats, which is just as well because I’ve totally given up on ever closing any doors now 😹), both of them will frequently accompany me to the kitchen to wash dishes or cook dinner (even though the kitchen is just at the other end of the room to my living room, where they could see me perfectly well from their cat tree next to the window!), and if I ever go into a different room while they’re eating their meals, Nika will soon come to see where I am (even though that guarantees Harvey’s going to steal her food, and she’s going to go back there after a little while and look at me all sad and confused about her empty bowl 🥺)
I’m actually amazed Harvey hasn’t stolen my shoes yet! He’s big into stealing just about everything else that he can physically pick up in his mouth and run off with - his favourite thing to steal at the moment is the Zoom Groom, which he’s decided is actually a brilliant chew-toy and not a brush at all! I’m looking for similar size/weight rubber chew toys made for dogs that I can get for him where he’s less likely to gnaw bits off and eat them (he nearly had one of the Zoom Groom’s ears, but I spotted it and trimmed it off before he could finish the job!) 😹
A few things that I can think of:
1) I've understood from youtube that generally cats pick *one* human who's the favourite. Ours hasn't. She's got two favourites: me and my spouse. There are different things she wants from us (and she for instance never lays in my lap when I sit ... but often falls asleep on my hip when we're in bed)
2) Speaking of bed ... She has a very important routine on how bedtime works. First we go to bed (and she will fuss at the one that's not in bed if one of us is and it's night time), then she climbs into the window and hops down on my chest, from which she goes to lay on my spouse's chest. Once she's had her pets she'll decide where to sleep, which is often between us (I have a body pillow), or on my hip, between one of ours legs or down by our feet. But she will *not* join us in bed if we don't have a blanket over us. It's okay if it's just a sheet, but she does not curl up with us when we're not having a blanket covering our bodies =)
You aren't kidding about cat's jumping abilities. I remember visiting my cousin one night, when her cat jumped, in one bound, from the floor almost straight up onto the top shelf of a bookshelf -- a distance of about six feet or so. If only you could train them to play basketball ...
3:00 - I guess all the time I spent worrying about the cat falling out of a tree was a waste. My weird cat Midnite learned that if she sat on top of the refrigerator door when it was open, the person would find it so endearing that they'd feed her a slice of cheese. Always worked on me.
I notice my adult cat Desmond is a South paw, when my new rescue Molly gets on his nerves lol! Only took 3 days for them to get along, now there best friends. Oh quirky thing is Molly takes my wifes socks and carries them around the house, its hilarious!
My cat Honey likes to try whatever I am eating or drinking IF I give her the chance...
Other day she pushed her head onto my coffee mug and took 2 or 3 licks of my black instant coffee, no milk or sugar....
No harm came from it, was not as sleepy for a day, much more cuddles.....
I did take note....
She's fine and happy....
My senior cat still does vertical leaps more than 4' straight up and catches flies mid-air.
My Candy is a feline witch. Whenever I leave the house, she summons me back by "casting a spell": she carries her magic wand (a pole toy) to where she thinks I should return to, while voicing an incantation (her fetching cry). Scoff if you will, but so far, she has a 100% record of success!
I had a basement room in my previous home that didn’t have finished ceiling - the first floor joists were open to below. There was a narrow board nailed across two adjacent joists and one day I noticed my cat eying the small shelf that board made in the joist cavity. He was on a table under that board and I thought nothing of it. But then, suddenly, he jumped from the table up into the joist space, about 5 feet, landing on that narrow board. The joists were 10” deep so he had to gauge his jump just right to land in that small space without bumping into floor above. I was totally amazed. There was nothing for him up there - he apparently did it just to see if he could!
My 8-yr old male has eyed the top of the ceiling fan in the living room since he was a kitten. It’s the only reason I haven’t built a floor-to-ceiling cat tree - I’m afraid that will finally give him the ability to make it to the top of the ceiling fan 😹
Ah yes, jumping. My boys have attempted to clear the six foot fence around our yard. This is why we use a harness. . .it just astounds me they can hook their paws up so high and have the body strength to scramble over. The floating collerbone has always been cool to me. Didn't know about the nose print.
My cat Asia gets high and energetic on catnip. Nora however, gets very calm, like she’s had a glass of wine. 😆
Catnip isn't the only herb that makes cats goofy. Honeysuckle works even better, and I hear say does it without actually getting the cat "high."
I discovered Silvervine, which my cats love more than catnip. It’s comes in cut up sticks about 5 inches long. They’re not as into them once the get the bark off, but still play with the sticks.
I learned a few things and what a neat way to do it. We have two cats, brothers, who wandered into the apartment building 12 years ago as kittens. As our beloved cat was getting on in years, I opened the door to them after hearing them wander the halls meowing. They don't like one another, never sleep together and the smaller one frequently attacks the other. Whenever I watch you tube videos of sweet cats getting along so nicely, I get jealous. I wonder why some cats bond and others, mine, don't.
Same! My male cat refuses to bond with any others no matter what we do. I want some fur babies that cuddle dang nabbit lol.
Try Feliway. It’s a plug-in that emits cat pheromones. I use the multi-cat because I used to have 5 cats, now down to 3, but they get along better. I won’t be without it!
@@RedRoseSeptember22 Try Feliway. It’s a plug-in that emits cat pheromones. I use the multi-cat because I used to have 5 cats, now down to 3, but they get along better. I won’t be without it!
Try Feliway. It’s a plug-in that emits cat pheromones. I use the multi-cat because I used to have 5 cats, now down to 3, but they get along better. I won’t be without it!
Fascinating! Cats are truly unique and mysterious creatures with super senses and quirky behaviors. 😸🐾
My cat paws me in the face at night to wake me up to give him some love and he drools a lot
I’m guessing this is not unique, but my cat likes to play tag. He’ll chase me inside the house until he can grab my leg. Then I chase him until I can grab his backside. We go back and forth until I’m too tired to continue. He never tires out.
Love cat tag!
I used to do this with my Molly. She craved it to the point she play chase me, stop, then turn around and look at me like, “let’s go!” 😹
My cat Chester is obsessed with our riding lawn mower's tires. When he's outside he'll wait outside the garage door yelling to get inside, then once he's in he'll immediately run to the tires and rub himself on them endlessly, he also bites them and meows during his little sessions.
That's so curious and adorable! I hope he's kept safe in the garage.
I have a cat that will place his paw into a jar to have some of the contents. He gets a little on his paw then licks it off before going in for more. I’m going have to see which paw he uses :D
I just took in 2 kittens (sisters) who both have very distinct personalities. The weird thing is that one of them actually drools when she's purring and kneading on my lap!! I'd never before heard of a cat doing this!! 💖
My little Gerty's nose runs when she is lying across my chest in bed at night, purring away, making biscuits, while she enjoys the pets. At least I thought it was her nose running. Maybe she is actually drooling. Lol
My kitty Hannah gets over excited when she gets rubbed and brushed and she “drools” and then shakes her head and splashes me with it.
I have since heard of two other cats that drool in the same way, one of them belonging to my niece!! 😂
My cat, Forest, is also a drooler! Thanks for sharing.
@@sharonbruno2789Same here! 😂
My cat spits (sudden air expressed from throat) when she’s super into playtime! When she was little I was concerned there was something wrong with her throat (it didn’t seem intentional) but vet said everything looked good. Just very recently I found a TikTok of a tiny kitten who “barked” at their human during playtime, and someone in the comments said it was “spitting”, which then took me down a rabbit hole that confirmed that this is what my cat was doing!
I felt like I had done so much cat research and was surprised to find that this was something I had never really heard of. From the little information I could find it turns out it’s behavior they typically do as small kittens but normally grow out of doing it during during play - but apparently not all!
I had heard the phrase spitting mad, but never seen it in action from an IRL cat, it’s pretty intense!
I have a lad that does this! It was very strange the first few times I heard it and look over and he's just rolling and batting his paws on things all happy. He's a strange cat over all though. . .tail is always down, the signs of 'fighting' is present when he plays. Love my little guy though.
What is an IRL cat?
@@pitabury IRL means “in real life” so an IRL cat is a real-life cat as opposed to a cartoon cat or similar :)
@lilumi thank you!
That is fascinating! Thank you for sharing this!
Our little girl has long conversations with us. What a chatterbox.
What kind of cat is she? Siamese, in particular, are well know for being very vocal.
@@user-ul8hu7bc6l She is a Mau Tabby mix with a large vocabulary that she is not shy to share! LOL
Do you have a Siamese? Lovely looking cats IMO.
Again, Mallory educates me about my baby. I've had cats for many years and still learning. When I cremated my last baby, I should have gotten a now print!❤
I'm sure you have many wonderful memories of your last cat, and I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for being here, and I wish you all the best!
You don't get these particular cat facts on other RUclips channels. 9/10
Thank you!!
My youngest is a total tsundere. He will act like he hates me 90% of the time but then crawl into my arms like a baby out of the blue. Love the little jerk.
Cats 💁🏼♀
Nice video !
About catnip, can cats "overdose" of it, or can I leave it accessible at all time ?
Great question! I have wondered about that myself.
They won't experience any adverse effects from an "overdose", but they can develop a resistance to it.
my two oldest cats, seven years, go nuts for cantaloupe "guts"! They even lick the skins when i'm done. Now if that isn't weird i don't know what is !:-) 😺
Just make sure it isn't toxic for them.
When my boy was a kitten he LOVED cantaloupe so much that while I was at the counter preparing it he would jump up & knock it out of my hands to get some faster! 😂
He still likes the smell but won't actually eat it anymore now that he's much older.
It's THE ONLY people food he would ever touch. He has to smell my food to make sure it's OK for me to eat, but he NEVER wants to eat it.
Cantaloupe is considered safe for cats, though it's not the most species-appropriate treat.
Purpose of yowling? Seems to be the start of racing around my apartment by my cat
Most cats like to play with toys, chasing mice and little plastic balls. My cat, a year old Mackerel Tabby, named Sherman, goes bananas for ice cubes. He will crouch by the refrigerator, looking for someone to drop a cube out of the freezer. If someone does, he does the NHL proud, batting it over the kitchen floor.
That's hilarious! 😂😂
Awww, my Monroe used to do that. You just made me remember that about him. 🥹
@@user-ul8hu7bc6l I hope it was a good memory.
My cat is a great jumper, like any other cat out there. When we moved into our current home 4 1/2 years ago, we made the top of my dresser her food and water area in order to keep our dogs out of it. My dresser is no more than two feet across from the foot of our bed. Since the day we moved in, she has NEVER jumped from the bed to the dresser or vice versa. It just seems so odd to us. It's further for her to jump up on the dresser from the floor than to jump across from the bed. I will never understand or silly girl. Lol
She said it’s too easy - she wanted a challenge.
@@user-ul8hu7bc6l 😂😂 Probably so, being a cat and all.
part bengal (we think) cat scrapes surface of standing water before drinking. clearing leaves? even when there is only clear water present.
Many cats do like to play with their water like this! It's speculated that they do this to get it moving around a bit, fulfilling an instinctive desire for moving water.
Making sure there’s no gators or crocs in it 😹😹😹😹
Daily I feed about a dozen feral cats in our barn. There was a KITTEN that was a "runt" and its mother had separated it from the other kittens. She was about dead when I came across her. BUT SHE PURRED LOUDLY, GETTING MY ATTENTION. I brought her, a 2 month old female, into our home from the barn as company for our one other cat, which is a spayed 18 month old. They hit it off famously right away. The young one immediately knew how to use the liter box without be shown it, and is not as picky about the litterbox being cleaned as regularly as the older cat. The young one eats twice as much Sheba as the older cat, probably because it is more active and growing. The new cat uses its right paw as a scoop almost all of the time when eating or exploring the outdoors; and she also catches and eats flies and the occasional spider. She sleeps a lot less than the older cat. They play together often and share sleeping areas without jealousy. I was always a dog person, but have come to love cats even more so in my advancing years.
I got my girl when she was 5 weeks old, I took her because the lady wanted her gone. I know they suckle on things if taken off mum too early and my 3 year old is no exception.Every time she wants to suckle on her favourite cushion she meows and trills for me to snuggle her and kiss while she’s sucking.If I stop she stops to wait for me lol to start kissing her on the head and petting her and then she starts again.
In the book "Guys can be cat ladies too" it recommends "pot for you and catnip for your cat" (check your local laws first) which worked out well for my first cat and I. My replacement cat won't touch catnip. I put some out for him, he sniffs it, looks at me with the same disappointment in his eyes as my parents had, and walks away. I guess it's good one of us has a clear head, but all those cat nip toys are going to waste.
This was nice. And reassuring that I’m not the only human living with a pair of psychotic maniacs. On the jumping up mechanism, I am constantly impressed with the fact that not only can they jump several times their shoulder height to a narrow ledge, but that it is done with no waste of motion. As though they can calculate exactly how much energy need be applied to land softly atop the ledge on their feet. I find this feat astonishing no matter how many times I see it. It’s the equivalent of me jumping 30 feet straight up and gracefully landing on my feet.
Love your show! 🐈⬛🐆🐈❤️🙏
Thank you for the support!
I'm a proud crazy cat lady and I absolutely love your channel
Thank you so much! It's an honor to have you here.
Yes, we will never fully understand them!
Apparently, their whiskers are hard-wired into a specific part of their brains. So their whisker-sense adds extra info to their mental model of the world around them. And it's sensitive enough to detect air disturbances created by rushing prey.
They're fascinating! Thanks for the additional knowledge.
You have an amazing cat channel. Keep up the amazing work. I learn more and more.
Thank you so much for the kind words.
RE #2: Just researched "high rise syndrome". Too many people think it's A-OK to let their cats out unsupervised on their dangerously high balconies (or even throw cats/kittens because they think they'll be fine and unfortunately, bodily damage won't always be immediately apparent). So sad.
Very sad!
She never really gets much, but my cat goes nuts for ice-cream anytime I eat it which is super rare..
So does ours.... and yogurt.
Thanks for this video!
I didn’t know about cats having a paw preference or unique nose prints! 👏🏻😸
One of my cats lays with her legs straight out behind her, like a dog. Kahlua also stands on the edge of the litter box to poop or pee. She literally stands straight up with her back feet on the edge of the litter box with her front legs on the wall. Can cats be double-jointed? My vet says one of her cats does this too and she doesn’t know why.
Not letting me edit - I wanted to add that I have Scoopfree litter boxes that have about a one-inch wide edge around the box. She’s not balancing on a regular plastic litter box with a thin edge.
Hey! All cats are extremely flexible, and "double-jointed" is kind of a misnomer, since it simply refers to hypermobility of the joints. I think some cats just like quirky positions, and we'd have to read their minds to fully understand why.
Great Video! 😸
I like how cats seem to roll their eyes at we humans sometimes like we're idiots. Oh, wait...
Love your videos
Fossil evidence of burrowing animals that lived in the time of dinosaurs seems to indicated that whiskers were the first hair structures to evolve and body fur came later. So it seems that hair originally evolved as part of the sensory organ to help these proto-mammals navigate their underground tunnels.
I have 4 5 month old kittens. One of them insists on jumping in my lap when on the toilet.😅
I’d share the pics, but . . . my husband would kill me. One of our past kitties, and now one of of current kitties, likes to curl up in my husband’s shorts and underwear (like laying in a hammock with his legs being the palm trees) while he’s sitting on the toilet. When I see it, I say, “she’s a better woman than I am” because no way could I be in there while he’s “sitting.” That same cat will jump on my lap if I sit long enough on the toilet! 😹😹😹
Great stuff M.
I have 2 boys (brothers) and they are polar opposites.
One likes being held like a baby, the other cuddles at night, the other one prefers day cuddling, the other is into everything, the other is not...
What psychos are trimming their cats' whiskers? Makes me shudder just to hear you say that.
I had 2 cats that licked plastic bags. No sure why but it seemed weird
I’ve had multiple cats for over 40 years. None ever licked a plastic bag until my last adoption (4 out of a litter of 6). Jake, who passed at 6 due to a heart condition, was the only one out of the 4 that did it. Now, a couple of years later, his sister, Kahlua is doing it. I hope that doesn’t mean she has a heart condition, too.
@@user-ul8hu7bc6l no, i sure it doesn't mean that. Just a weird quirk. Both mine have passed. I miss them
Licking plastic is a bit less indicative of issues, but chewing or eating it is a form of pica, a condition where a cat eats non-food items due to stress or a nutritional deficiency. Your cats might just like the texture and sensation on their tongues, though!
My cat likes for me to be with her when she eats. She will even come get me if I’m upstairs to come join her
my ginger tabby had 6 toes in front paw and she really doesn't react to catnap, from spry, to naturally grown and store purchase ground up ones she has zero reactions
My female gave birth to 4 kittens on my bed a year ago. She was a stray that was hitting me up for food because she was pregnant. I ended up giving away 3 of the 4. Her son, thinks he owns me and harasses his mom, wanting to be the dominate cat. Since I have a cat door, she mainly stops by for meals, but lives outside. He sleeps the night on my bed, is gone most of the day, early evening. Why did he force his mom away?
Could you do a video on catnip (if you haven't already)? The science of its effect on them, considerations in giving it, etc...
My Bengal could jump up onto the top of the refrigerator from the floor, no problem. My current cat, a large male shorthaired orange tabby, no. Never going to happen.
My Romeo used to be able to do it when he was younger I adopted 4 out of a litter of 6 and he had more energy than the rest combined). Eight years later, he just longingly stares at places he used to be able to get to.
What a cat-tastic way to learn about a cat's wered side😅
I have 2 Cornish Rex cats and 1 is very long, tall and thin with maybe 1/2” whiskers. The other is short and a little chubby with very long beautiful whiskers. I’ve always wanted to know why their whiskers are so different and if the length means anything.
Most all of my boys love catnip, but only a couple of the girls go crazy for it. In all I have 9 cats-3 boys and 6 girls inside and a mix of 23 outside.
One of our cats likes blueberries🙄
My cat goes to bed like clock work about 8-9:00 PM and he sleeps through the night until time to get up.
Regarding the skill of landing on all fours, it only just now occurred to me ... how would a cat function on the International Space Station? How would they handle living in zero-G?
Great question!!
@whiteknightcat I dug up this video for you:видео.html
All three of my cats flop on their back and demand belly rubs. They also love to sleep inside and on top of their carrier
When did they believe purring from the heart? Never heard that before so I'm assuming it's quite old? I know about 20 years ago I watched a documentary where they explained the current belief. They showed why cats can purr and lions can't. I find it fascinating.
From what I've read, it was first proposed in 1966, though I'm unable to see the full details of the paper. You can see the reference here:
This paper gives an interpretation of the 1966 theory and talks about how it was disproven by 1985:
So, it was only an accepted theory for fewer than 20 years, and the current belief has been around for quite some time.
@@AllAboutCatsYT Thank you. This explains why I hadn't heard of it before. Only knew about the "new" science. :)
i had a cat who loved a bath
My black female cat loves ketchup. I think it's the tomatoes because I have caught her eating salsa and spaghetti sauce too. Otherwise she could care less about human food.
I don't feed it to her she waits for an unattended plate even if it's in the sink.
quirky? violently territorial. he's 100% indoor cat, but does escape occasionally. god help any dog or cat in the trailer park. we've gotten a myluckytag hit 1 1/4 mile from home in a children's playground. had to grab when he was trying to kill the neighbor's chubby dachshund, and rip up the poor terrified 16 y.o. park tom. so yeh, territorial. good vid!
Sounds like it! Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like you need to make SURE he doesn’t escape anymore 🙀
twice this year, trying spanish with non-american mexicans in hood, fat guy caught him, snuggle in, EMTs in house with door open--bang escaped. @@user-ul8hu7bc6l
Ok...weird kitty... I had a b/w GORGEOUS diva long hair tuxedo . She PLAYED & teased a few birds, but didnt 'hunt' them. One particular magpie (probably twice Belle's size) would come to our apple tree every day, several times a day, squak once or twice & if Belle wasn't already IN the tree for playtime, was there in seconds. This was a RIOT!!! They would dive, hide - like a game of tag in that tree. Until the magpie came to the tree to play & my idiot son-in-law threw a rock, just missing the bird, and never saw him again. BOY did he get a major chewing out!! After magpie was gone, she started playing with a couple of GREAT HORNED OWLS who nested next to our house every year for probably 15 years. Every AM, when I'd be heading to work, I'd call out "Maggy May & she would be right there, and I'd smother her with special love because my other cats were usually still asleep. One AM, SHE DIDNT COME - she generally was on the porch already because she knew the routine. I went out on porch, saw her sitting with her back up against an elm tree, looking up to where the owls were. I'd call her, she'd glance at me, then straught back to tree. I stepped forward a couple steps & suddenly had a 6-7' wingspan in my face heading right for Belle! But she knew if she was against a tree, he couldn't get her! When owl flew off after being within 18-24" of her, I called her & she chased the owl down the road. I just went to work!!!
For me, the weirdest thing about cats is procreation. Floors me about how many different fathers can be in one litter and how painful the act of must be for the female.
None of my cats have ever liked catnip. Maybe it’s because they are either pure Siamese or part Siamese, but I don’t know. It was a great video though.
From what I understand, there is no evidence that Siamese cats react to catnip less than cats of any other breed!
I call BS on the sweetness. My cats eat sugar candy. They eat cakes and muffins. They'll lick sugar off my finger. They adore sweets. Including lemon cake even though cats aren't supposed to like citrus flavor either. (The same cat once ripped open a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips in order to eat them.)
Try posting online and asking about this and you'll get bunches of replies with examples of cats and sweets.
Yes, I know there are many cats who seem to love sweet tastes-I suppose this remains a bit of a mystery!
Do cats dream?
Yes, it seems they do!
I think they do. I’ve watch many cats over the years “chase” while sleeping. They also chatter sometimes in their sleep.