On the Scandal of Bishop Barron's interview with Bret & heather Weinstein

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • #BretWeinstein #BishopBarron #MassimoFaggioli
    My response to Massimo Faggioli.
    • Bishop Barron Presents...

Комментарии • 119

  • @arunarodrigues6478
    @arunarodrigues6478 2 года назад +20

    I saw the interview -- what in the blazes in Massimo talking about. Bishop Barron was very good. Where is the scandal, what is the scandal? I am so fed up with false issues being raised to what purpose I just don't know. Carry on Bishop Barron, more power to you, and in the process CHRIST.

  • @millymetro8081
    @millymetro8081 Год назад +13

    Brett and Heather were very influential in how I responded to the pandemic over the last three years. I could believe that they were seeking truth. Those two are very honest, level headed, and humble.

  • @thatright4985
    @thatright4985 2 года назад +18

    I'm pleased and thankful Bishop Barron invited them to a discussion. Living in an echo chamber isn't helping anyone.

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +2


    • @marriedkiwi
      @marriedkiwi 4 месяца назад

      This couple are the sort I walked with as a synod rep and is the reason why hateful bigot Austen Iverleigh has censored and shunned reps like me

  • @marlinavila8775
    @marlinavila8775 2 года назад +34

    Well said. A much needed discussion to be had. I have been following Bret and Heather Weinstein. They have many good things to say about science and culture.
    Pornography is destroying virtue. The world celebrates the first deadly sin, pride, with it's own month after all. God's sign of His covenant with the earth and Noah has been high jacked by the diabolical.
    +JMJ+ Pray for us.

  • @kingdomproductions
    @kingdomproductions 2 года назад +27

    Spot on about addressing these critically important subjects that most in the culture at large are unwilling to address. I'm appalled that nobody is willing to talk about the morality of film and the nature of art in general when so many people even in the Church are promoting such clearly morally reprehensible content particularly when it comes to film. Was a huge problem for me in grad school trying to explain to my (Catholic and extremely well known/public) professors that some of the content they were assigning constituted grave violations of the moral law and not only because of sexual content. Some of them came around, others didn't. Viva Christo Rey!

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +2

      Thanks, by the way, great videos on your channel. Would you be interested in having an interview with me?

    • @kingdomproductions
      @kingdomproductions 2 года назад +3

      @@thecatholicman Thanks very much! I would be open to having an interview.

  • @markbrowne181
    @markbrowne181 2 года назад +35

    Extremely valuable discussion. Pornography is now a rite of passage for modern man. And it needs to be dealt with as its destroying relationships and the development of young men abd not so young too.

    • @patrickirish8091
      @patrickirish8091 6 месяцев назад

      Father Ripperger says you can say a binding prayer but thats like a temporary fix. You have to put in WAY more effort to kick it permanently.

  • @marcellahicks3984
    @marcellahicks3984 2 года назад +10

    I watched the interview, at first it was uncomfortable, probably because I did not understand where it was leading. I ended up on the Live Chat. It was the same, lots of people attacking each other. I kept saying " One is the Loneliest Number". Bishop Barron did a wonderful job letting them explain their case, as Catholic's in this day it is a good practice to feel uncomfortable, to listen, but through it Jesus will break through. Even this Scientific Couple, made by our Creator, will eventually direct toward good. We are no longer separated. We find the head scratching area that makes no sense. There is where we find Jesus. His words set our hearts at Ease. Here we find our Blessed Mother praying and yearning for us to cling to Jesus. I was surprised where the conversation led. Not all Bishop Barron 's interviews land spot on, but this one really surprised me, it gave me Hope

  • @marytygett4189
    @marytygett4189 2 года назад +8

    Porn kills !!! And I appreciate Bishop Barren . We must pray for our priests and bishops . Jesus I Trust in You

  • @dija5578
    @dija5578 2 года назад +17

    What an awesome commentary! I’m no fan of BP Barron for various reasons (Jesus is the privileged way, it’s the laity’s job to defend sacred spaces, Han Urs Van Balthazar theology, etc) but on this issue He is right on point to open the much needed discussion.

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +8

      Indeed. We can criticise him , but he has a great capacity to dialogue and teach in other areas.

    • @cybereye2
      @cybereye2 2 года назад +4

      @ Dija, I completely agree with you.

  • @kathycox1175
    @kathycox1175 Год назад +7

    I love bishop Barron, I wish there were more like him in the church especially here in Ireland

  • @mariepaukowits1709
    @mariepaukowits1709 2 года назад +6

    Thank you. We have to face the reality & teach the truth to save this young generation.

  • @Lu.G.
    @Lu.G. 2 года назад +6

    I haven't seen this interview, so I will be sure to watch it in its entirety. Here, in the states, just saying Bishop Barron's name triggers people! 😆 I admit I don't watch him with any regularity, but I do appreciate what he does. As a matter of fact, I strayed from the Church shortly after the abuse scandal was reported and with the help of Our Blessed Mother as well as one particular video from Bishop Barron (then Fr), I made my way back. Thank you for sharing.

  • @liamfoley9614
    @liamfoley9614 2 года назад +7

    I still do not understand what Faggioli's problem is. The only thing I can consider is that his 'fame' has gone to his head. He has been an uncritical cheerleader for Pope francis for some time now and has used his platform to bully people who do not agree with him. This is a consequence of extreme Ultramontanism.

  • @kerrytopel9835
    @kerrytopel9835 4 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for bringing attention to this. I haven’t agreed with everything Bishop Barron has said but I love that he’s out there discussing these things with important non-Catholic people. Your channel is very informative and evangelically Catholic! Keep up the good work!

  • @danaandrews9293
    @danaandrews9293 2 года назад +5

    Very very well said and please don’t apologies when you make comments it’s so refreshing to hear this, it really is thank you and God bless!! 🙏😊

  • @bthemedia
    @bthemedia Год назад +4

    Brett’s Dark Horse podcast has been one of the islands of sanity and scientific discussion during the C19 period of darkness and tyranny.

  • @mongooseman3744
    @mongooseman3744 2 года назад +22

    I remember when Ben Shapiro, a Jew was interviewing Bishop Barron, it was a good interview and Barron came off as very professional. Shapiro in the interview asked him if he believed that if he a Jew died would he go to heaven and Barron gave a very milquetoast theological answer about how Christ is the privileged way of Salvation and it is possible for a man to be saved in spite of him not being in the Church, and yeah it’s all theologically accurate and it’s not heretical or anything. Compare that to John MacArthur a Protestant pastor being interviewed by Shapiro when asked the same question simply said “no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” I wish we in the church had the simplicity in answering that question
    Barron didn’t want to offend Shapiro by telling him to become Catholic but Shapiro isn’t offended or anything by the answer of the pastor so what are we afraid of

    • @johnjon1823
      @johnjon1823 2 года назад

      Jesus is a surprise to Jews. They have great difficulty in accepting who He IS, because they expect something else and most importantly today the rabbis are more proactive in countering all things Christian, this proactive Jewish catechesis is evident. Therefore, one may present the message in many ways, with the idea of moving the ball forward as one sees best according to one's lights. Protestant bible thumpers do it one way, various Catholics may do it a thousand different ways, most Catholics would not know how to answer a serious question.
      Salvation comes from the Jews, but the Jews, most of them, missed the boat. God loves all people and He wishes to save them all; I would wish priests generally were far more forthright since today, nuance is often lost in the fog. Nuance works best when things are, ideologically speaking, or linguistically speaking, more commonly held.
      So, I wish priests and bishops would be more direct, but, one must realize that we live in a new Babel basically while the tower of god-as-oneself is beginning its crash and taking with it as the crash moves along common sense, common language, and sanity.

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +9

      Yes, but are we going to write off Bishop Barron because of the Ben Shapiro interview?

    • @johnjon1823
      @johnjon1823 2 года назад +6

      @@thecatholicman I've never written him off and no Apostle should be written off. Baron is doing a job nobody else does, and as such he represents one part of the many needed approaches to the world.

    • @Qwerty-jy9mj
      @Qwerty-jy9mj 2 года назад +2

      I think that part of the issue here is to take Mccarthur as if he could ever be equivalent of a bishop merely because both were asked the same question. We can complain that bishop Barron was too ambivalent without saying some protestant heretic yahoo did it better.

    • @mongooseman3744
      @mongooseman3744 2 года назад +1

      @@thecatholicman wasn’t the impression I was trying to give

  • @mari3489
    @mari3489 2 года назад +5

    Porn dehumanises women. Most curia are uncomfortable discussing sex. So many female friends in my circle had their marriages destroyed because the spouse expected the porn acts to be acted and the women felt used. This is also about the focus of western society on self needs and desires being paramount. Sin in today's world does not exist. We need to be talking about sin within our families and community no matter what the cost.

    • @rosezingleman5007
      @rosezingleman5007 2 года назад

      Barron is part of the cheerleading crowd for TotB. My own experience with this was that a priest who was a fan of TotB told my new husband that “everything is allowed within marriage.” Naturally, this turned into every kind of depravity. Husband abandoned the Faith completely within two years, the boys followed him out of the Church eventually too. The husband finally left the marriage to live as a sex tourist in SE Asia.
      Of course Theology of the Body doesn’t really say what the priest claimed. But many TotB “lay evangelists” say that it does!

  • @declancooney1029
    @declancooney1029 2 года назад +10

    ☘☘☘your videos are getting better n better !!! well done Robert !! WHAT A MAN. "separating us from God"....you are absolutely right. Be not afraid...mentioned in the Holy Book I think?????

  • @marianlindsay1737
    @marianlindsay1737 2 года назад +3

    How do you know that marriages today are in more trouble? In the past people put up and shut upped about a lot in their marriages and suffered on alone. Nobody in society was interested in the suffering of those in bad marriages so the facade was kept up.

  • @m.campbell650
    @m.campbell650 2 года назад +3

    I follow Bret and Heather on the issues surrounding the coof and all things lockdown. I have seen them change from liberal college professors to rather conservative parents.
    I don't care for Bishop Barron but this conversation was decades overdue.

  • @georgemccoy219
    @georgemccoy219 2 года назад +12

    Hello! I'm a new subscriber to your channel and am very happy I found you. Your content is on the spot. You stated in another video that one of the problems of pre-Vatican II Catholics was the fact we were poorly catechized in our Faith. We were simply told we don't do this or we don't do that, but never given the WHY. I recently attended the funeral of a close relative of my wife and one of their children who spoke at the funeral Mass stated their mother (the deceased) would not allow them to read the Bible. It was a "sin" for a Catholic to read the Bible! I was shocked but then again I thought about her generation in the 1950's. I have no doubt that is what they were told. We know Holy Mother Church encourages us to read scripture. It is even part of the Mass! What the Church has taught is that we must understand scripture through the eyes of the Church. We are cautioned not to make assumptions based on literal interpretation of the scriptures. That is the role of the Church. Here too in this episode you point out one of the core problems many Traditional Catholics stumble over and that is a hyper focus on the Tridentine Mass and practically nothing else. They fail to see the whole picture as you point out. Discussions on the evil and dangers of Porn is extremely relevant and something all Catholic parents must deal with as distasteful as it is. The beauty of the intimate relationship between a husband and wife is as God ordained it to be. And the sex act itself is only one dimension of that relationship! That is why so many marriages fail today. The relationship is based on lust and not love. So kudos to you on this episode. Thank you for sharing the True Faith with us!

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +3

      Thanks for supporting this channel.

    • @bengoolie5197
      @bengoolie5197 2 года назад +2

      Speaking as a pre-Vatican II Catholic, I can say that your entire post here is baloney!

    • @carolynkimberly4021
      @carolynkimberly4021 2 года назад +2

      What a laugh. We Catholics privileged enough to be schooled in the Baltimore Trent) catechism, the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, Church history, the lives of the saints, and the Mass. And we also learned the Bible stories and we're NEVER told not to read scripture. Following V2, kids were taught nothing. It is getting a little better. But just look at how ignorant most of the Bishops are. Products of post V2 seminaries.

  • @cybereye2
    @cybereye2 2 года назад +6

    Robert I agreecwith you although Bishop Barron is wrong on some basics of catholic teaching. Where we need to start is by placing fathers as leaders of their households, responsible for getting his family through the gates of heaven...until we start with the father of each catholic household and show him the responsibility he has then nothing will change.

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +1

      Not only do we have good church teaching on this, but Men are called to service and sacrifice in the family, true leadership.

    • @cybereye2
      @cybereye2 2 года назад

      @@thecatholicman that's why I proposed EXODUS 90

    • @liamfoley9614
      @liamfoley9614 2 года назад +1

      Everything is connected to everything else. Men are not committing to marry and a significant reason behind this is use of pornography. If men don't/can't/shouldn't get married then they can't be husbands and fathers.

    • @cybereye2
      @cybereye2 2 года назад +1

      @@liamfoley9614 I compete;y agree. however we should start with married fathers in the church, those who attend Mass, yet fail to recognise the idea of being married and having a family that their primary responsibility in life is to get their family through the gates of heaven...this I believe should be the primary focus of being a catholic father.

  • @gsullivan3262
    @gsullivan3262 21 день назад

    Sage advice for our us as Christian teachers!

  • @RogerBuck
    @RogerBuck 2 года назад +6

    @Decrevi Determined to be Catholic. I am going to say something that might sound cryptic until such point as I can properly explain it. (Not now.)
    Anyway cryptic or not … You appear to be plugged into a world on Catholic RUclips that seems utterly normal I imagine to much of your audience.
    To me . . . it is not normal. But rather unusual, foreign. Not saying this world is good or bad (I'm sure it's a real mixture of both). Just saying its very foreign to my experience.
    And yet in you being plugged into this normal to you/strange to me world, I cannot help but sense you are doing very, very good needed work. (Work, incidentally, I could never do.)
    I am very glad if you can "unbox" Bishop Barron (and I imagine others too) from the boxes it would seem people are putting him/them in.
    But saying that, I hardly know who Bishop Barron is. Not sure I've even seen him before in a video. Will try to explain better soon . . .

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +3

      We need to get the Catholics who are boxed into our different worlds taking. I was completely against Valentin tomberg until I was challenged to ACTUALLY read him and I found a different person to what I was told. We need dialogue and discussion.

    • @RogerBuck
      @RogerBuck 2 года назад +1

      @@thecatholicman - thank you! I have seen your long video about this (the "Dear Unknown Friend" one) - much of it more than once now. Left a couple of brief comments there, too. I see how you can really do this terribly needed work of getting the boxed talking, as you put it.
      And I have just pm'ed you (at FB) about this, that video and more . . .

  • @loreman7267
    @loreman7267 11 месяцев назад +1

    What on Earth did he find objectionable about what +Barron was saying???
    I don't get it. He said nothing against Church teaching!

  • @bohmao
    @bohmao 2 года назад +3

    When did you last hear an sermon about the four last things - death, judgement, heaven or hell? I certainly can't remember EVER hearing a priest talk about these things.

    • @paxchristi2248
      @paxchristi2248 2 года назад +2

      My church. All of the time, porn, abortion all of it. TLM priests. They teach the Faith..all of it.

  • @gregorymikula4249
    @gregorymikula4249 2 года назад +23

    Bishop Barron is no Traditionalist. He's not even a neo-conservative. Just take a look at his views on salvation...and other doctrines of the Faith. Only a full return to the Traditional Faith by the hierarchy and the faithful can save the Church now. The Vatican ii experiment is dead. Bishop Barron still champions that very experiment.

    • @gardnert1
      @gardnert1 6 месяцев назад +1

      While I agree with you, I still find him helpful in espousing the general catechism. He has helped me on my journey back to the faith, though he is not the only one. I tend to only listen to him on topics which aren't controversial though.

    • @kerrytopel9835
      @kerrytopel9835 4 месяца назад

      That doesn’t mean that everything he’s trying to do should be condemned or ignored. I love that he talks to these people while not liking everything he says. Be discerning.

  • @paulyfongemie1648
    @paulyfongemie1648 2 года назад +4

    This channel is a treasure.

  • @marklambert5232
    @marklambert5232 2 года назад +2

    I don't think the Twitter link is to the Beans tweet. What was Max complaining about?

  • @pama.6410
    @pama.6410 11 месяцев назад +1

    As a former Legionary of Christ, I am shocked that you ask why our Church can't teach about pornography! To this day there are cover-ups and problems with who is admitted to the priesthood. The failures have hindered the ability of the Church to speak with any authority on sexual issues and the Bishops know this.

  • @Lizard202
    @Lizard202 6 месяцев назад

    Suggestion to parents. I have started writing letters to my son that is age appropriate for the time I am going to give them to him. When we were teens, we knew how hard it was to listen to our parents, we knew everything. I want him not only to know the faith but what I went through in life, drugs, porn, bad relationships but to also know Gods mercy on me a sinner and the love I have for him now and forever. The times we are in it is critical we reach them now, so their hearts are not hardened. Start writing to your children now... help guide them when they will no longer listen to you but the culture they were raised in.

  • @denisludden1981
    @denisludden1981 2 года назад +3

    Hello Robert, I really agree with your assessment of Bishop Barron taking on pornography, I remember when I was young I was told pornography was a window on the devil, that image has stood me well for the avoidance this sinful practice. Reading the comments below there are some bitter people criticising Bishop Barron, I wonder how judgmental they are of themselves.
    Keep up the good work.
    God bless you, your family and Ireland. Denis

  • @PintsWithAquinas
    @PintsWithAquinas 2 года назад +1

    Fantastic! Thanks for your nuance, brother.

  • @medworakowski101
    @medworakowski101 7 месяцев назад +1

    I thought the interview was very well handled. Well done Bishop Barron.

  • @sanjivjhangiani3243
    @sanjivjhangiani3243 2 года назад +1

    The Church has always been open to seeing the good in natural learning while using a healthy caution. St. Thomas Aquinas used Aristotle this way. So, interviewing two secular anthropologists who have some good things to say makes perfect sense. No scandal there.

  • @susannestorm9705
    @susannestorm9705 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much for this talk Robert Nugent, very good! I thought Bishop Barron was very good and a very good interview🌞♥️

  • @billoreilly2323
    @billoreilly2323 2 года назад +3

    Why do you complain about over 40's aren't you over 40 yourself and isn't Bishop Baron over 40? in fact he's 62! and he certainly has a huge following of young people who recognise old people like him have a lot to offer! In the Orthodox Church the elderly monks are so respected for their spiritual insights and yet you dismiss the old guys of the Catholic Church. All these problems of the world aren't new, including porn, drugs and booze.

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +5

      No, maybe I was making the point wrong. Yes absolutely the Older generations have to lead, but we also have to understand how radically different the present society is

  • @grandmamma
    @grandmamma 3 месяца назад

    I enjoy Bret and Heather's discussions. Great to see them engaging Christians.

  • @dominicpresta5637
    @dominicpresta5637 2 года назад +6

    You can discuss it with Priests and religious until you’re blue in the face but I have to disagree with you we don’t need to discuss this with children at a level that they don’t understand or if they do just like most children are curious that they wanna see it for themselves! what needs to be discussed with children is the true faith their Catholic faith from beginning at home and what priests need to discuss especially when children are present in their homilies is the Eucharist heaven on earth the source and summit of our Catholic faith so children understand God’s presence and then fall in love with him and want to do nothing that will offend Him and if they do offend or commit a sin they’re well-formed conscience will make them run back to the church and ask for forgiveness we need to cathecise the children not in pornography but in the Catholic faith end of story!!! and the problem is solved!!! let’s keep our eyes on what’s important in our faith and that is the Eucharist the reverence that with which the priest shows towards the Eucharist will solve so many problems ❤️

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 года назад +2

      Of Course we need to be very prudent how we discuss this. I totally get you point. However we also have to recognise that this is a major issue for the present generation which is not only destroying the faith, but also lives.

  • @loulasher
    @loulasher 2 года назад +1

    What did Mr. Faggioli object to in the interview?

  • @rosezingleman5007
    @rosezingleman5007 2 года назад +3

    Around the time of that interview with Barron, Bret & Heather discussed the problem of religious people having a say in civil laws “which affect the rest of us,” and continued to go on and talk of how “reasonable” it is to abort, if it’s early or due to rape/incest. They are utter utilitarians. Yes, I’m “uncomfortable” with them but I watched them during C-19 lockdowns and tried to engage the atheists in their combox as often as possible. I’m in America and see people like this every day. Honestly, just because we have no big name mouthpiece to act as a substitute for Robt Barron, does this mean we should try to pick and choose between what Barron says and hand it to our kids? Barron and I are exactly the same age and he’s a product of the lousy catechesis here in America. Just because he’s smooth and glib doesn’t = a good alternative voice.

  • @JamesBond-qd5rc
    @JamesBond-qd5rc 2 года назад +2

    I agree with what you are saying.

  • @markbrowne181
    @markbrowne181 2 года назад +2

    Audio is good now.

  • @samuellopez7826
    @samuellopez7826 2 года назад +1

    The problem is not that not traditionalists people speak about pornography, the problem is that in those conversations many of those speakers claim that pornography is not so bad, that it is within our nature that sexuality is expressed, claiming that is not so bad. I’ve seen my priest a traditional one that has spoke about this but mostly the importance that it has on our souls, the problem with traditionalists is that we don’t have speakers or like to go to any of these conferences, or don’t have the speakers that can manage well in these topics.
    Yes we are so behind this issue but in the matter of laity not in the priesthood

    • @rickhnat9641
      @rickhnat9641 2 года назад

      What Traditionalist priest has ever said that pornography is not so bad? In my experience with traditional priests, not only is it a mortal sin to view pornography it is a mortal sin to dwell on pornographic images in you mind or impure memories.
      As for Bishop Barron, yes he does get into the public discussion on touchy subjects but he usually is wrong on so many fundamental points of the faith. Frankly he is an embarrassment. That a man of his position thinks there are few souls in hell and the are many paths to heaven. In earlier times he would have been burned at the stake, let alone maintain a position of prince of the Church.

    • @susannestorm9705
      @susannestorm9705 2 месяца назад

      Good for you and for Bishop Barron♥️

  • @jamesglynn1424
    @jamesglynn1424 2 года назад

    Amen amen, again I say amen. Get up and get going. There’s no time to waste

  • @salal98110
    @salal98110 2 года назад +1

    Love your channel. Thank you

  • @tpor1206
    @tpor1206 Год назад

    Thank you Robert!👍🙏🏻

  • @ajyyoung3263
    @ajyyoung3263 2 года назад +6

    Thank you. I’ve found these two professors very interesting too. And … Bp Barron does do some good. Maybe he’ll make to respecting the Latin Mass someday.

  • @daveatkinson1042
    @daveatkinson1042 2 года назад

    Faggioli attempted a dunk tweet, with a cheap shot about their views on vaccines. I love Bret and Heather, but their skepticism of depression treatment is more harmful than their vaccine skepticism. They are oppositional people, and they are reflexively opposing both the good and bad in our society - but the idea that they are suppressed and censored for advancing hypotheses is very disturbing.

  • @HumanDignity10
    @HumanDignity10 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for making this video, I totally agree with you.

  • @sheiladumigan451
    @sheiladumigan451 Год назад

    Thank you Robert!

  • @Christofascist_Hup
    @Christofascist_Hup 2 года назад +3

    We've been tacitly engaging with these discussions for years by consuming porn and vicious media since the 60's.
    Speech needs to follow behavior. Did you see how Barron let the "erotic content is ok" point fly by? How about standing for euphemisms including fornication and sodomy in the same category as the marital act? There's no right to free speech; only a right to speak the truth. Promotion of vice needs to be radically rejected, not allowed for the sake of appearing civil.

    • @Christofascist_Hup
      @Christofascist_Hup 2 года назад +2

      Side note: wait till you find out which nation of people runs the porn industry.

  • @scottspence9178
    @scottspence9178 4 месяца назад

    There are many who are in on the gig. I didn’t read massimos article but he may be in on it. After all porn has completely hit the world’s population

  • @soniavadnjal7553
    @soniavadnjal7553 Год назад

    You're talking about Max Beans?

  • @daveatkinson1042
    @daveatkinson1042 2 года назад

    Pornography is not just a problem because of the arms race, it's that the effort needed to engage in it is so minimal compared to the effort required for healthy monogamous relationships. It's easier for men, so they go for it. The escalation of content may be its downfall, but its pervasiveness is what is killing us. The fact that women aren't pushing-back on it means that men now feel entitled to porn.

  • @suegreene1
    @suegreene1 2 года назад +2

    I' m a follower Fr.Luke Demasi ~ Colum Power believe or not I have seen maybe a pair of erotic
    films but never watched pornography, I find it's not aesthetic, and it makes me like a peeping Tom

  • @margarethainey3521
    @margarethainey3521 2 года назад +1

    It was the same in the 60's .but drunkenness ....

  • @ordinaryoldcatholicme
    @ordinaryoldcatholicme 2 года назад


  • @Fedeleness
    @Fedeleness 2 года назад +4

    Barron is as 2 faced as they come. One interview of him doesn't give you the whole Barron. So he speaks against pornography, who doesn't?

  • @carolynkimberly4021
    @carolynkimberly4021 2 года назад

    Pornography is accompanied by masturbation which also destroys the marital relationship.

  • @gerardj.r.bergeron6593
    @gerardj.r.bergeron6593 Год назад

    We are doing Theology of the Body (family)

  • @bobaphat3676
    @bobaphat3676 Год назад

    Have a chat with Dr. E Michael Jones

  • @jeansenior9777
    @jeansenior9777 2 года назад

    12 step groups work.

  • @chommie5350
    @chommie5350 2 года назад

    I see you fooled by Baron ....he is not what you think he is ....I'm surprised at you ...I used to like your videos .....not anymore

  • @chorjennie4038
    @chorjennie4038 2 года назад

    absolutely agree that in the Synod wd must address this subject

    • @carolynkimberly4021
      @carolynkimberly4021 2 года назад

      The Synod on Synodality is an attempt to replace the hierarchy and the morality and doctrines of the Faith with a lay free- for-all. We are not Presbyterians. But that seems to be Francis's intent.

  • @atmanbrahman1872
    @atmanbrahman1872 2 года назад

    faggioli. lol.