Sisay was a good speaker, much better than Atnafu, but he was openly disparaging Atnafu and Mengistu. As a result, both Atnafu and Mengistu were made to develop hate for him, and finally eliminated him. At Arat Kilo campus in the football stadium, in front of hundreds of students, Sisay, standing behind Atnafu talking, showed a demeaning gestures to Atnafu. Sisay was a man who can not hide his feelings. That is where his weakness emanates, and he succumbed to it.
Sisay was a good speaker, much better than Atnafu, but he was openly disparaging Atnafu and Mengistu. As a result, both Atnafu and Mengistu were made to develop hate for him, and finally eliminated him. At Arat Kilo campus in the football stadium, in front of hundreds of students, Sisay, standing behind Atnafu talking, showed a demeaning gestures to Atnafu. Sisay was a man who can not hide his feelings. That is where his weakness emanates, and he succumbed to it.
Betam megerm Tarik new
ድምፅሽ የ ቤተልሄም ታፈሰን ይመስላል
Berhane aberne temerenal betam new yazenkut
ቾምቤው በእውቀት የሚበልጡትን ገድሏቸዋል
ሰላም!!ሻለቃ ሲሳይ ሀብቴን ባጋጣሚ አንድ አሥመራ ከነበሩት የ1966 የትግል ጓድ ጋር ተገናኝተው ስለወቅቱ ሁኔታ አንስተው ባወጉበት ወቅት፣በግንባር ዐይቼዋለሁ።ታሪክ የሠሩትን አንስታችሁ በማውሳታችሁ፣ይበል ማለት እወዳለሁ።ሰላም!!
ወንድም አለሽ ታቂያለሽ
አቀራረባችሁ መልካም ቢሆንም ክፍል1 ክፍል 2 ወዘተ ብላችሁ ፕሮግራሙን ከፋፍሉት
All this ye Kedamawi Haileselasie temetsiwatch, zoro nigsachinin gelo agerituwan chelema wusit ketetuwat
ኣሁን ይሄ ትልቅ ነገር ሆኖ ነው? የኢትዮጵያ ውድቀት በዚያን ግዜ ነው የጀመረው። ያልባረካት ኣገር ስትታመስ ትኖራለች ይኸው።
Who is thse person why they dont put his name ps make it clear for us thanks
ጀነራል ተሻለ ዘውዴ ከፍተኛ የአየር ኃይል መኮንን የነበሩ
ጀግናው ጁንየር ኤክማን ዮሃንስ ፍትዊ ማን ነው?
What we got after is non stop bloodshade! We dont need. their story!
ታሪኮ ሆኖ ወራዳ ባንዳ ሁላ የናንተ ጦስ 45 አመት መረጋጋት ጠፋ ወያኔ ወይም ኦነግ ነው ከሻእቢያም አይወጣም