Episodju 150 ma' Conrad Borg Manche

  • Опубликовано: 12 дек 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @WendyMcKay-ze6ni
    @WendyMcKay-ze6ni 6 месяцев назад +10

    I was't going to vote... after hearing a couple of your podcasts and read what you did, I will definitely vote for you.

    • @tsarvic1918
      @tsarvic1918 6 месяцев назад

      Vote for him and Cassola

  • @josephmifsud2169
    @josephmifsud2169 6 месяцев назад +2

    I wish you all the best Conrad. Although I do not live in Gzira and not a LP supporter you really deserve a place in the Gzira council. I am a Gzira boy but live in Msida.

    • @annamamo3645
      @annamamo3645 6 месяцев назад

      You can vote for him in the MEP's elections.

  • @fenechcharles
    @fenechcharles 6 месяцев назад +11

    Rridu tnejn/tlieta indipendenti bis-sahha din id-darba qabel ma ngherqu fil-hama.

  • @shirleymizzi4126
    @shirleymizzi4126 6 месяцев назад +2

    You are so genuine and if people don't remember you now they will when they are mistreated themselves.You worked and fought for your town you will do the same for the nation.
    Wishing you the best of luck and I'm sure you will be proud of yourself.Malta is hearing you.
    I have no doubt,that no matter what,you will put your good positive energy to good use.

  • @huntingforwifi7215
    @huntingforwifi7215 6 месяцев назад +3

    As Mark Camilleri calls them, we have way too many robot bureaucrats that should take decisions for themselves, however are following orders.

  • @luannconti1686
    @luannconti1686 6 месяцев назад +4

    Ghalik biss il vot. Thanks.

  • @Patcat123321
    @Patcat123321 6 месяцев назад +9

    You have my vote!!

  • @Positivelifeacademy
    @Positivelifeacademy 6 месяцев назад +4

    Jien nisaportjak hafna Conrad u taf

  • @michaelmail2751
    @michaelmail2751 6 месяцев назад +1

    If only some would vote with what is right in their mind, we can achieve so much more.

  • @gustavtonna7407
    @gustavtonna7407 6 месяцев назад


  • @LoveIceCream123
    @LoveIceCream123 6 месяцев назад +1

    Great interview, but as Conrad said, if he does badly, he will know that something is very wrong with Malta. Well, I am afraid that will be the conclusion, something is very bad with Malta and its laid on so thick and for so long, there is no one who is going to accomplish the task of fixing it.
    Malta is King Augeas' stables and this society has never produced a hercules. It's a country of pygmies, it attracts pygmies and loses all quality people. No serious, reputable people want to be associated with malta.
    Just look what Malta did with the privileges it gained from EU accession and the single market - gambling, vice, drugs, corruption, money laundering and tax evasion. Malta will not even afford its citizens equal rights inside its own territory, how can demand respect? Just look at the apartheid corporate tax regime. It does not create jobs, unless buy jobs you mean the crooked shady accountants and lawyers that serve this market, with very corrupt connections to politics.
    A lot of talk about the EU, but it's more clear than ever that it does not belong in Europe. The argument that Malta wants to stay is not enough, its behaviour disqualifies it. Not saying it should leave, but I would raise the possibility of the EU changing the status of Malta as an equal member. Even because its a risk to the collective security. No one want to talk about how one company funded the Labour into power and then made billions selling EU passports, and Malta remains an open target for entities which want to buy influence in the EU and undermine democracy, justice and security.

  • @BlackCrowRider
    @BlackCrowRider 6 месяцев назад

    Il-Gzira DEJJEM kienet mimlija diversita'. Jekk din ma tifimiex ma nafx kontx qed tghix fiha. Gharab, Inglizi, Latini...issa gew l-Azjatiċi. Il-problema mhux huma. Il-problema s-sitwazzjoni gabithom l'hawn. Mela DIK trid tindirizza bhala sippost socjalist. Jekk dan ma tirikonoxxihx, inti li tghid li m'intix razzist, qed tilghab mar-razzizmu ghax qed titkellem fuqhom bhala oggett li qieghed xkiel hawn.
    Bhala socjalist trid titkellem fuqhom mhux bhala oggett, imma tindirizza l-kuntest.

  • @Kyle-ic1bm
    @Kyle-ic1bm 6 месяцев назад +4

    Conrad nemmen fih pero din tas socjalizmu qieghed hemm biex jghin iz zghir rridu naqtawwha darba ghal dejjem hawn Malta. Is socjalizmu qieghed biss hemm biex ikisser, u hawn qed nitkellem in generali mhux ghax labour socjalisti. Is socjalizmu ideologija marida li l ebda partit ma jmissu jserrah fuqha.

    • @nvel0027
      @nvel0027 6 месяцев назад

      Alekk jezizti dak li jghidulu social democratic fejn mhux necessarju li tara kollox bhala kapitalizmu kontra socjalizmu imma bilanc tat tnejn.

    • @nvel0027
      @nvel0027 6 месяцев назад +1

      Is socjalizmu ta malta huwa impjieg mal gvern ta 800 ewro fix xhar biex ma taghmel xejn

    • @Kyle-ic1bm
      @Kyle-ic1bm 6 месяцев назад

      @@nvel0027 imma mhux li ssib bilanc biss. Ghax sa certu punt tista targumenta li ghandna dak il bilanc. Il problema hija li l mudell ta kapitalizmu li gie adottat huwa tant inssostenibbli li s socjeta spiccat impattata, fil maggoranza mil aspetti negattivi tal kapitalizmu biss.
      Allura, din holqot sitwazzjoni fejn in nies komplew jiddemonizzaw il kapitalizmu, u jfittxu iktar dipendenza mil gvern, dipendenza li tkompli titma l ideologija socjalista u dak kollu hazin li ggib mieghu

    • @Kyle-ic1bm
      @Kyle-ic1bm 6 месяцев назад

      @@nvel0027 u din tat tminn mija fix xahar vera, pero m ghandix x taqsam mas socjalizmu. Dik sempliciment problema ta inefficenza fil gvern, fejn il gvern flokk jipprova jottimizza t taxxi migbura, juzhom biex jaqdi u jaghlaq halq n nies - problema li tarahha f kwazi kull tmexxija sfortunatament, irrispettivament hekk hux socjalist jew le. Ghalhekk l ahjar haga li hi li jkollok gvern zghir kemm jista jkun - bizzejjed biex jaghmel xoghlu u daqshekk.

  • @MrSlippy81
    @MrSlippy81 6 месяцев назад +1

    Kemm qed tibza' minn Norman Lowell? Diga semmejtu ma' Sandra u issa anke ma' Conrad. Nirrispettak ghal podcasts li qed taghmel imma nissuggerilek li ma ssemmiex nies li mhux qeghdin hemm u ma jistawx jirribattulek. Naf li Lowell ma jridx ikun presenti fil-podcasts tieghek imma dik hi l-opinjoni u l-ghazla tieghu u ma ttik l-ebda dritt li ssemmih biex tipprova twaqqaw ghan-nejk.