Almost bought an enclosed trailer with a Kolb Flyer too with four little engines on it! Still got pictures of that one. It was too far away for me to want to pull an enclosed trailer back from...
Extraordinar! 👍👍 O realizare deosebită! Visul meu de libertate! 🧘 În adolescență am sărit cu parașuta și am plutit cu deltaplanul! Ai reușit o performanță și o filmare super! A good thought! 👍👍
Not counting the era of Santos Dumont, Hans Grade, the Wright Brothers, etc (which were the original gangsta ultralights), the first resurgent modern golden age of ultralight's in the early 1980's was invented by a Aussie playing around with tugging hang gliders behind motorboats... and it was the Skycraft Scout. The granddaddy of all golden age ultralights. If the Skycraft Scout is the granddaddy, then own perhaps the grandmother of all ultralights, what came second but first in America, the Volmer Jensen VJ-24w motorglider. Both super rare by now.
So let me see if I've got this straight. You can fly a tiny plane made of hardware store parts over your neighbors' houses and the FAA is good with that. But fly a 300-gram drone and the SWAT team shows up at your door?
This is THE BEST view I have ever seen from an aeroplane it felt for me almost as I were also up there, really my my day a bit better. And those legs are AWESOME. thanks.
Интересно, но весь самолет нам так и не показали. Хвост, шасси, кусок крыла, двигатель... Только через воображение и экстраполяцию можно, что то сложить и представить.
From what little is visible, looks like you did a pretty good job, however, it seems like you didn't want people to get a real peak at your Ultrastar. You probably had a camera attached to your head/helmet but you never looked up either at your wings or even while flying, we couldn't see the strip/runway until you touched down. It would be nice if you could only do a true walk around and let people see what it looks like from a distance and what it looks like up close, the wings, the fuselage, the empennage, the cage. Tell us what kind of fabric and what kind of a paint you put on. What was easy and what was difficult. Lessons learnt, etc. Did you do anything to the motor. It does look like either you or the previous owner changed the landing gear. A comment about that would be nice to know. Was it sponsored by John Deer? or are you simply a fan.
Not my Airplane, just a video I grabbed from some group post long ago and uploaded recently because they author never wanted to much or knew how. I uploaded it to add to a post I made in a homebuilding forum for someone to watch asking about ultrastars. I almost bought an ultrastar project for $700 but passed on it when I found another plane on ebay for $38...
Again not me or my plane. Check the vidro description for my thoughts on tge Ultrastar as a plane. I wouldn't recommend it because look at it... in a head on crash what part absorbs all the impact? Why, its the squishy pilot way out up front. The landing gear is fragile and the complex steel tube cockpit frame is a royal jigsaw to build or repair. The VJ-24w I got instead has a muchvsimple bolt together frame designed for anyone with garage skills could build. I lost interest in my 3 ultralights because I had no interest in all the massive work sewing and covering the surfaces with dacron. Also there are better cheaper safer and easier wats to fly... you no longer have to be in a cockpit to enjoy flying. Aviation has comeva long way in 40 years! Homebuilts are now rather... nostalgic and obsolete. A lot of guys though never got tge memo... and still think you need to build a plane from scratch to fly. My advice not is learn to fly first, then buy an already flying plane. Building a plane first and never learning to fly and gunning it down tge runway is tge worst way to go, even if flying is totally intuitive to you and your a natural. See video description for more info. Visit my website in my channel about box to see my old pkanes. Two out of three of them are super rare and case studies in what is tge bare minimum needed to build to build an airplane.
If it had a BRS canister, it would of been mounted over the top wing at roughly a 45 degree angle upward pointed rearward. They don't come standard, you have to add them.
Be sure to watch for the "Glory" (of the Pilot) on top of the clouds in the video... it's a circular diffraction rainbow around the shadow cast by the plane of itself upon the clouds below. Look up "Glory" on Wikipedia for more info about glories. If you spot it, subscribe, and ti will notify me on my phone another person saw it :-)
Normalmente, eles só podem transportar no máximo 5 galões ou 19 litros de gasolina e pré-mistura de óleo. Um voo típico pode consumir 2 galões ou 7,5 litros por hora.
Probably. You want them as close to the CG as possible, so when they are full or empty and all points in between, you don't want it changing the balance of the plane.
watch for the rainbow around the shadow of his plane on the clouds below instead :-) i know, kind of hard to look past those hairy knees, they are so blinding, but... ! i f you were up that high, the hair on your knees would be the last thing in the world you'd be worried about. more listening for that engine making any kind of irregular noise... at all... because if it stops things get a bit more exciting... fast
While the engineering seems to be good, and one must appreciate the entrepreneurial initiative, this type of plane is a suicide machine; it will drop like a rock with an engine-out.
The Ultrastar came out in 1982 during the golden age of ultralights. The glide ratio is probably about the same as other ultralights, roughly 10:1... about the same as a 747. 10 feet forward for every foot lost of altitude... to maintain the same speed. If you're a mile up, you can keep on flying for 10 more miles. The critical point to observe with this or any other ultralight is as soon as the engine goes out, to point the nose downward immediately otherwise your speed will quickly bleed off due to drag and you will stall. As the engine is low on this plane the nose should drop naturally when the power behind the pilot pushing the nose up is removed, but on ultralights and other aircraft with the engine mounted up high above the center of gravity as soon that force is removed pushing the nose down, ti will want to pitch up pronouncedly. So on a high engined aircraft it's even more important to jam the stick forward on an engine out. The pilot is the main weight of the airplane.. roughly 200 lbs, with most of the rest of the plane itself all together coming in at 250 lbs. So the CG in an ultralight is usually near the pilot. In the case of the Ultrastar, the engine is right behind the pilot, so if it pitches up, it would be mostly due to the drag of the wing. Keep the nose down below the horizon and "fly the wing, not the engine", and you're fine. Glider pilots after all make ever landing perfect every time with no engine.. at al.. Most general aviation pilots however, skip glider school :-/ So when that big fan stops turning, they panic. If you're ever in an airplane and the engines go out, push the stick forward and zero in on watching your airspeed dial. Keep it constant above the stall speed. If it drops, more nose forward, if it gets too fast and the altitude drop too much for your taste, raise the stick. Pick out a nice clear place to land somewhere mostly straight ahead of you, and just accept that yes it will be a bit embarrassing you make an off field landing, but you and the airplane (mostly) will survive. Don't make the fatal turn back to base mistake of many pilots and try and turn around back to the airport, or you will lose altitude rapidly. The time your engine will most likely go out is right after take off (cold engine, steep climb angle, water or air in gas line, old gas, something vibrates loose missed during safety check, etc), so check as much as you can on the ground first and warm up that engine good, and those satellite maps for all the clear places ahead of the end of the runway to land on... on your smart phone... ahead of time before you take off. Thanks for commenting ! :) Happy flying Now, a quad copter, what I fly, will drop like a rock. No helicopter autorotation on that one... lose power completely and you're now a bowling ball with zero control inputs. Usually though the battery sags first letting you know... yeah, we're losing power here... time to land.видео.html Landing a 10:1 glide ratio 767 with all engines out... the Gimli Glider:видео.html
@@hasmitrathod7071 Sorry... just don't have plans fo that one. I have plans for a lot of other planes, email me if you want them. Quadcopters though are the way to go today - ultralights are well, obsolete... and general aviation as a whole is poretty toxic and in a death spiral.
Usually on the Kolb Ultrastar they use a Cuyuna 2 stroke snow mobile engine of about 35hp. I forget the model. They also use a Rotax 503 of about the same horsepower. The main concern on the Ultrastar is you're limited in prop size... you can only go so big before you're hitting the ground or your tail boom. Smaller props turning faster are not as effective as larger props turning slower. A reduction belt or chain drive is also used to reduce the motor speed down to a slower prop speed. It also somewhat protect the engine crankshaft from getting damaged if you have a prop strike. On mine the ratio is from memory 1 : 2.1 but don't quote me on that because it's been 10 years since I measured with a tape measure wrapped around the the belt drive pulleys. The pitch of your prop (the angle it corkscrews through the air) is also a critical factor, and there is some math involved as well as trial and error. One combination may produce best climb performance, another best cruise performance.
Não sou eu voando, apenas um vôo nivelado direto. A maioria dos pilotos voa de forma muito conservadora, reta e nivelada. Obrigado por assistir e inscreva-se no meu canal se você gosta de voar e acrobacias, pois sou o melhor piloto de dança acrobática do mundo. :- )
Not to worry, your body will absorb the full energy of the head on impact. If that's not enough to smush you flat, the momentum of the engine block behind you will finish off the job. Live to ride, ride to live!
Design specs are like $250. I know machine shops everywhere. Motorcycle shops. North American Poor Man's basic flight training academy. More Angels in the air in free and safe open air space conquering fears. Learning how to stitch canopies and chutes. Budhist Temple junk yard car lots not just for boats. From converted V-Dub engines for airframes to all hobbyist free bird makes and models. Enjoy the freedoms of life safely.
Не знаю, некоторые предполагают, что он во Флориде. Я сохранил это видео из старых групп Yahoo, которые сейчас не существуют. I do not know, some have speculated he is in Florida. I saved this video from the old Yahoo Groups which are now defunct. I uploaded it so that I could post it to a home built aircraft forum where we were discussing this model.
Вы, русские, любите поэтизироваться. Лучше танцевать в воздухе, чем мечтать об этом! Спасибо за комментарий! -- Дисномия, она же Чоппергерл, древнегреческая богиня анархии.
Another US? ..oh... US=UltraStar Took me a lazy minute. Guess we got some former owners in here. US usually means United States. Do something with my Poorboy, it's collecting dust.
Obsolete, slow, expensive, labor intensive, finniky, and dangerous. Stop dreaming about building old crap tomorrow taking 10 years and start flying new tech... today. Acro carbon framef Fpv quadcopters are 1000x better and shipped right to your doorstep. :)видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
What's your advice to 21yr African boy with passionate of building an ultralight no matter the type or the danger pls, I'm willing to take any risk in other to accomplish my dream
@@mosesmuhd7694 - My best advice would be not to try and build an airplane at all - but instead built a computer simulator first that you can fly in all you want for next to nothing. Get yourself an Interlink Realflight USB controller off ebay for $35... and then a decent graphics card for your computer... Geforce GT910 or higher. And then get a copy of some flight sim - Liftoff for quadcopters, Realflight for RC planes, or MS Flight Smiluator for flying airplanes. Learn to fly in any of those, and if after half a year or a year of flying around in that, if you still want to build a quad/rc/airplane, you'll know which way you want to go. My own advice would be to get into fpv quadcopters instead. Safer, cheaper, more portable, way more aerobatic, much easier to transport and store, and just as complicated with as steep a learning curve. But if you absolutely had to get an ultralight airplane, which I can't recommend any more, the Kitfox is the best parasol one probably. If you had to build one from scratch, the VJ-24w is probably the easiest as it's all alluminum tube and pop rivet, thought hat might be hard to get in Africa. If you had to buy a used one on the cheap, a B1RD if you can find one flying - lots of wires though. I wouldn't recommend trying to build an airplane, very few people finish them. Before you build an airplane, however, you are going to have to build a shop to build it in, a hanger to store it in, and a runway to take it off from. So yeah... it's more than just having to build the airplane... unfortunately. Most airplane builders won't tell you that, but I found that out the hard way. Those wings are 20 feet long each, so you need a building 40ft wide by 20 feet long to store it in... out of the weather. Take out a measureing tape and measure on the ground and you'll see how ungodly huge they are... I built a 20ft trailer so I could take mine to an airport, and that alone took me a couple of years. You can see pictures here:
Hi - nice plane. However the video is ruined by the fact that besides other than your sexy legs and training shoes we have not seen to much from your wonderful local area. But whatever...Keep up the good work 👏 🙌 👍 👌
Chiedo scusa dopo aver visto come vola e fantastico averne uno però qùelle taniche se per come sono fragili secondo me ti scotterai se succede un avaria volevo dire ci sono serbatoi in resina che sono molto più robuste io prenderei il mio consiglio solo in pensieri di aver quelle tanica vicino alla grazia che mi a dato madre natura sarei ingrato nei suoi confronti quindi se cambia quei serbatoi sarebbe molto più sicuro del resto è bellissimo ma non posso permettermelo anche se o la pista per il decollo grazie spiegato taniche
On the other hand, I earn nothing from it, and it was free to watch? I snagged this video from a post made to the now long defunct Yahoo Groups, and uploaded it to my account to share to a homebuilt aircraft forum of full of dBag armchair experts when someone brought up the Ultrastar. I get a lot of comments about my sexy legs in this video, and I have to explain, they are not my legs... : - )
You might want to brush up on FAR 103 regulations concerning distances from clouds. You clearly were in violation and then you post a video of yourself doing it ! Nice work mate !!
Not me flying, and as the goddess of absolute freedom, I don't give 2 sh1ts about the made up rules of obsequious mortal worm food. You may be standing on the wrong side of the line against freedom. :-) Disobedience is the foundation of freedom; by definition, those who obey are slaves.
@@choppergirl, qu'est ce que ça eut nous foutre, que vous ayez 10000 vues par jour ? je vous redis que cette vidéo faite par une caméra frontale est ridicule; une image qui bouge sans arrêt, et vous nous obligez à voir ce que vous, vous regardez. Ridicule !!!
@@pat14162 In realtà, l'ivew si è rivelato perfetto perché ha catturato l'ombra dell'aereo sulle nuvole con l'arcobaleno intorno. Non ho fatto il video, l'ho solo caricato. Ho molti altri video di aerei ultraleggeri anche se con tutti i tipi di diverse angolazioni della telecamera, controlla le sezioni dei commenti per playlist e collegamenti.
@@pat14162 Ho 3 aeroplani e non voglio più preoccuparmi di loro, perché sono così grandi e una tale seccatura. Devi muovere a mano qualcosa di 6 metri per 6 metri. Hai mai visto una formica a terra che cerca di portare una foglia? Sì, è così che ci si sente. Ci sono modi migliori per volare ora con piccoli quadricotteri che puoi tenere tra le mani quindi... ragazzi a cui piace ancora pilotare questi pazzi ultraleggeri degli anni '80 come ho fatto io... ora sono un anacronismo. Non sono i più intelligenti con la tecnologia o con le macchine fotografiche. Penso che volesse solo andare a volare e si è messo una telecamera in testa, senza modo di controllare l'angolazione come qualcuno che ci aveva pensato di più con più pianificazione avrebbe fatto con 6 telecamere registrate su tutto l'aereo da tutti i tipi di diversi angoli come il canale SkySurfer. Guarda questo, ti piacerà questo!:видео.html
Good thing there were no IFR aircraft coming out of those clouds at'cha.
спустился неба как ангел
Liked the clip. The pilot is pretty brave, wearing shorts. If he hits a grasshopper or a blade of grass with no jeans on, that's gonna smart some.
Kold was a pioneer back in the '80s his planes and designs we're way ahead of this contemporaries
Almost bought an enclosed trailer with a Kolb Flyer too with four little engines on it! Still got pictures of that one. It was too far away for me to want to pull an enclosed trailer back from...
Thanks for the ride, I enjoyed it a lot....Jay
Lov the John Deere Sticker
Extraordinar! 👍👍 O realizare deosebită! Visul meu de libertate! 🧘 În adolescență am sărit cu parașuta și am plutit cu deltaplanul! Ai reușit o performanță și o filmare super! A good thought! 👍👍
@@choppergirl 👍👍
lol. As an Australian the first thing I thought of was that you cannibalised a Hills swing set for the build! Nice little plane. 👍
Not counting the era of Santos Dumont, Hans Grade, the Wright Brothers, etc (which were the original gangsta ultralights), the first resurgent modern golden age of ultralight's in the early 1980's was invented by a Aussie playing around with tugging hang gliders behind motorboats... and it was the Skycraft Scout. The granddaddy of all golden age ultralights.
If the Skycraft Scout is the granddaddy, then own perhaps the grandmother of all ultralights, what came second but first in America, the Volmer Jensen VJ-24w motorglider. Both super rare by now.
It was a kit sold welded by Kolb
So let me see if I've got this straight. You can fly a tiny plane made of hardware store parts over your neighbors' houses and the FAA is good with that. But fly a 300-gram drone and the SWAT team shows up at your door?
ja, für einen Hosenträgerstart ist alles dabei!
This is THE BEST view I have ever seen from an aeroplane it felt for me almost as I were also up there, really my my day a bit better. And those legs are AWESOME. thanks.
You're right out there in front in a pusher. To absorb all the impact if you crash, and save the plane from damage for the next owner :-)
Not Dayton to be sure....That Cuyana engine with electronic ign always started on the first pull for me...
Я теперь понял с какого места выделяется адреналин
Интересно, но весь самолет нам так и не показали. Хвост, шасси, кусок крыла, двигатель... Только через воображение и экстраполяцию можно, что то сложить и представить.
The camera view is too low. Otherwise is amazing video and nice neighborhood as well.
Какие восхитительные ляжки у этого гироплана ! what amazing legs this helicopter has 😀
смеется * Велл тхатьс нот мне инт не видео.
@@choppergirl "ВЕРТУШКА" - это несёт значение - вертолёт и ветреную, непостоянную девушку. Понятно?
From what little is visible, looks like you did a pretty good job, however, it seems like you didn't want people to get a real peak at your Ultrastar. You probably had a camera attached to your head/helmet but you never looked up either at your wings or even while flying, we couldn't see the strip/runway until you touched down. It would be nice if you could only do a true walk around and let people see what it looks like from a distance and what it looks like up close, the wings, the fuselage, the empennage, the cage. Tell us what kind of fabric and what kind of a paint you put on. What was easy and what was difficult. Lessons learnt, etc. Did you do anything to the motor. It does look like either you or the previous owner changed the landing gear. A comment about that would be nice to know. Was it sponsored by John Deer? or are you simply a fan.
Not my Airplane, just a video I grabbed from some group post long ago and uploaded recently because they author never wanted to much or knew how.
I uploaded it to add to a post I made in a homebuilding forum for someone to watch asking about ultrastars.
I almost bought an ultrastar project for $700 but passed on it when I found another plane on ebay for $38...
Again not me or my plane. Check the vidro description for my thoughts on tge Ultrastar as a plane. I wouldn't recommend it because look at it... in a head on crash what part absorbs all the impact? Why, its the squishy pilot way out up front. The landing gear is fragile and the complex steel tube cockpit frame is a royal jigsaw to build or repair.
The VJ-24w I got instead has a muchvsimple bolt together frame designed for anyone with garage skills could build.
I lost interest in my 3 ultralights because I had no interest in all the massive work sewing and covering the surfaces with dacron.
Also there are better cheaper safer and easier wats to fly... you no longer have to be in a cockpit to enjoy flying. Aviation has comeva long way in 40 years! Homebuilts are now rather... nostalgic and obsolete. A lot of guys though never got tge memo... and still think you need to build a plane from scratch to fly.
My advice not is learn to fly first, then buy an already flying plane. Building a plane first and never learning to fly and gunning it down tge runway is tge worst way to go, even if flying is totally intuitive to you and your a natural.
See video description for more info. Visit my website in my channel about box to see my old pkanes. Two out of three of them are super rare and case studies in what is tge bare minimum needed to build to build an airplane.
Nice shoes, lol. Please do another one, but it otherwise looks really Fun.😉👍👳♂️
Where is the parachute kept on this model? I forget.
If it had a BRS canister, it would of been mounted over the top wing at roughly a 45 degree angle upward pointed rearward. They don't come standard, you have to add them.
For the AlgaeRythm,
I returned for another look.
Ciao !
Good job boy
Прикольный аппарат! Только пристегиваться надо сразу, а то вдруг ямка и... ))
What's the cost of 1 like that used, & new
I have a parachute on mine if for some reason it goes down I'm good might get a little banged up still but your going to survive 99 percent chance
I am impressed....
What is the glass cylinder attached to the yoke? It appeared you physically pulled back on it several times?
Be sure to watch for the "Glory" (of the Pilot) on top of the clouds in the video... it's a circular diffraction rainbow around the shadow cast by the plane of itself upon the clouds below. Look up "Glory" on Wikipedia for more info about glories. If you spot it, subscribe, and ti will notify me on my phone another person saw it :-)
What kind of prop reduction, I am rebuilding one that was sitting for almost 6 years. It has a cuyuma engine in it
@@choppergirl what are you doing with the ultra star nowadays
Thanks for the information
Ultrastars originally came with a 2:1 belt drive in the Cuyuna engine and a 50x30 propeller.
E balla alto bello si ne vorrei uno
Love where the gas tanks are. flying crematorium.
Que hermoso!!! Felicitaciones 👏👏👏👏 qu poco combustible qu consume,!!! Saludos desde Montevideo Uruguay 🇺🇾
Normalmente, eles só podem transportar no máximo 5 galões ou 19 litros de gasolina e pré-mistura de óleo. Um voo típico pode consumir 2 galões ou 7,5 litros por hora.
I am impressed!
Was there anything other than your shoes to see ?
If you watch closely in the clouds you can see a Glory of the Pilot (rainbow) around the shadow of the plane on the clouds.
My instructor called all that moving the stick stiring the pot
Why are the fuel tanks so far forward? Is it for weight-balancing?
Probably. You want them as close to the CG as possible, so when they are full or empty and all points in between, you don't want it changing the balance of the plane.
Outstanding !
Però dopo aver visto come vola mi piacerebbe tanto averne uno complimenti a l'ideatore
Anche se è datato come voi dite a me piace l'istesso si la sicurezza però a me piace così com'è semplice ma vola
And I thought I lived in a Mosquito-infested Swamp...(!).
Such is Life.
Have a good one...
Stay safe.
Ciao !
Right on the white line
Pretty damn Cool!, thanks for posting
Sir Can you help little please🙏 ?
Main aluminum tube.? --what is length?
I have no idea. Sorry. I don't happen to have the plans for the Ultrastar.
From the view it looks like it is somewhere in Florida at 37 feet over sea level.
Great but didn't like seeing only his knees ?
watch for the rainbow around the shadow of his plane on the clouds below instead :-) i know, kind of hard to look past those hairy knees, they are so blinding, but... ! i
f you were up that high, the hair on your knees would be the last thing in the world you'd be worried about. more listening for that engine making any kind of irregular noise... at all... because if it stops things get a bit more exciting... fast
While the engineering seems to be good, and one must appreciate the entrepreneurial initiative, this type of plane is a suicide machine; it will drop like a rock with an engine-out.
The Ultrastar came out in 1982 during the golden age of ultralights. The glide ratio is probably about the same as other ultralights, roughly 10:1... about the same as a 747. 10 feet forward for every foot lost of altitude... to maintain the same speed. If you're a mile up, you can keep on flying for 10 more miles.
The critical point to observe with this or any other ultralight is as soon as the engine goes out, to point the nose downward immediately otherwise your speed will quickly bleed off due to drag and you will stall.
As the engine is low on this plane the nose should drop naturally when the power behind the pilot pushing the nose up is removed, but on ultralights and other aircraft with the engine mounted up high above the center of gravity as soon that force is removed pushing the nose down, ti will want to pitch up pronouncedly. So on a high engined aircraft it's even more important to jam the stick forward on an engine out.
The pilot is the main weight of the airplane.. roughly 200 lbs, with most of the rest of the plane itself all together coming in at 250 lbs. So the CG in an ultralight is usually near the pilot. In the case of the Ultrastar, the engine is right behind the pilot, so if it pitches up, it would be mostly due to the drag of the wing.
Keep the nose down below the horizon and "fly the wing, not the engine", and you're fine. Glider pilots after all make ever landing perfect every time with no engine.. at al..
Most general aviation pilots however, skip glider school :-/ So when that big fan stops turning, they panic.
If you're ever in an airplane and the engines go out, push the stick forward and zero in on watching your airspeed dial. Keep it constant above the stall speed. If it drops, more nose forward, if it gets too fast and the altitude drop too much for your taste, raise the stick.
Pick out a nice clear place to land somewhere mostly straight ahead of you, and just accept that yes it will be a bit embarrassing you make an off field landing, but you and the airplane (mostly) will survive. Don't make the fatal turn back to base mistake of many pilots and try and turn around back to the airport, or you will lose altitude rapidly.
The time your engine will most likely go out is right after take off (cold engine, steep climb angle, water or air in gas line, old gas, something vibrates loose missed during safety check, etc), so check as much as you can on the ground first and warm up that engine good, and those satellite maps for all the clear places ahead of the end of the runway to land on... on your smart phone... ahead of time before you take off.
Thanks for commenting ! :) Happy flying
Now, a quad copter, what I fly, will drop like a rock. No helicopter autorotation on that one... lose power completely and you're now a bowling ball with zero control inputs. Usually though the battery sags first letting you know... yeah, we're losing power here... time to land.видео.html
Landing a 10:1 glide ratio 767 with all engines out... the Gimli Glider:видео.html
Sir can you help little please🙏?
Main aluminum tube what is length?? ??
Sorry, I have no idea; I don't have the plans and this is not my plane :-/
@@choppergirl ok sir thank you🙏.
@@hasmitrathod7071 Sorry... just don't have plans fo that one. I have plans for a lot of other planes, email me if you want them.
Quadcopters though are the way to go today - ultralights are well, obsolete... and general aviation as a whole is poretty toxic and in a death spiral.
Awesome sir. I want to build one too sir. Can you please help me with the plans.
Voo de PIPA!
Looks like a john deer tractor paint job
Sir, what engine are you using ? Is it a single piston engine ? What's its horsepower ? BTW, awesome flight. Regards from Brazil.
Usually on the Kolb Ultrastar they use a Cuyuna 2 stroke snow mobile engine of about 35hp. I forget the model. They also use a Rotax 503 of about the same horsepower. The main concern on the Ultrastar is you're limited in prop size... you can only go so big before you're hitting the ground or your tail boom. Smaller props turning faster are not as effective as larger props turning slower.
A reduction belt or chain drive is also used to reduce the motor speed down to a slower prop speed. It also somewhat protect the engine crankshaft from getting damaged if you have a prop strike. On mine the ratio is from memory 1 : 2.1 but don't quote me on that because it's been 10 years since I measured with a tape measure wrapped around the the belt drive pulleys. The pitch of your prop (the angle it corkscrews through the air) is also a critical factor, and there is some math involved as well as trial and error. One combination may produce best climb performance, another best cruise performance.
سلام ایه لوله شیشه ای که توپه کوچیک قرمز واسه چیه؟
Air speed indicator.
Is that an airpark? Nice area.
Rapaz tá na altura rapaz a altura linda maravilhosa que você fez aí filmagem show de bola você vai nesse aviãozinho aí isso aí Deus é contigo meu
Não sou eu voando, apenas um vôo nivelado direto. A maioria dos pilotos voa de forma muito conservadora, reta e nivelada. Obrigado por assistir e inscreva-se no meu canal se você gosta de voar e acrobacias, pois sou o melhor piloto de dança acrobática do mundo. :- )
She a good pilot,I be a little concerned about there the fuel is positioned in case of a crash
Not to worry, your body will absorb the full energy of the head on impact. If that's not enough to smush you flat, the momentum of the engine block behind you will finish off the job. Live to ride, ride to live!
Его волосатые ноги или самолет?
The boat primer bulb doesn't cause flow restriction?
Not on my lawnmowers. The way to test would be to tie the plane down and run it at wide open throttle during a pull test with a scale.
Avião bonito gosto de aviões
Obrigado, eu também, mas agora gosto mais de quadricópteros!
What did you use to get the data to the video?
Блин, страшно! Но - красиво!
ни какого страха, одно удовольствие, парить как птица над всеми.
Это где болота бесконечные? Мисисипи?
Я на самом деле не знаю, где это. Другой комментатор предположил, что он летел над Флоридой, где есть Эверглейдс.
Oye expectacular
Cool man looks like fun
Crazy asf.
Couldn’t pay me enough to go up in that thing …….
Design specs are like $250. I know machine shops everywhere. Motorcycle shops. North American Poor Man's basic flight training academy. More Angels in the air in free and safe open air space conquering fears. Learning how to stitch canopies and chutes. Budhist Temple junk yard car lots not just for boats. From converted V-Dub engines for airframes to all hobbyist free bird makes and models. Enjoy the freedoms of life safely.
Eu quero um desse!
WHat is the airport?
Не знаю, некоторые предполагают, что он во Флориде. Я сохранил это видео из старых групп Yahoo, которые сейчас не существуют.
I do not know, some have speculated he is in Florida. I saved this video from the old Yahoo Groups which are now defunct. I uploaded it so that I could post it to a home built aircraft forum where we were discussing this model.
Уровень БОХ
Супер. Поделись чертежами?☺
Nice legs!
Безумству храбрых поём мы песню... Родственник Карлсона, который живёт на крыше? Мужчина в расцвете сил, с моторчиком...
Вы, русские, любите поэтизироваться. Лучше танцевать в воздухе, чем мечтать об этом! Спасибо за комментарий! -- Дисномия, она же Чоппергерл, древнегреческая богиня анархии.
And would you be interested in selling it
Dayton,Tenn?? Sure would like to have another US....
Another US?
..oh... US=UltraStar
Took me a lazy minute. Guess we got some former owners in here. US usually means United States. Do something with my Poorboy, it's collecting dust.
Awèsome...wanna make &flight myself
My dream 🤩🤩
Obsolete, slow, expensive, labor intensive, finniky, and dangerous. Stop dreaming about building old crap tomorrow taking 10 years and start flying new tech... today. Acro carbon framef Fpv quadcopters are 1000x better and shipped right to your doorstep. :)видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
What's your advice to 21yr African boy with passionate of building an ultralight no matter the type or the danger pls,
I'm willing to take any risk in other to accomplish my dream
@@mosesmuhd7694 - My best advice would be not to try and build an airplane at all - but instead built a computer simulator first that you can fly in all you want for next to nothing. Get yourself an Interlink Realflight USB controller off ebay for $35... and then a decent graphics card for your computer... Geforce GT910 or higher. And then get a copy of some flight sim - Liftoff for quadcopters, Realflight for RC planes, or MS Flight Smiluator for flying airplanes. Learn to fly in any of those, and if after half a year or a year of flying around in that, if you still want to build a quad/rc/airplane, you'll know which way you want to go.
My own advice would be to get into fpv quadcopters instead. Safer, cheaper, more portable, way more aerobatic, much easier to transport and store, and just as complicated with as steep a learning curve.
But if you absolutely had to get an ultralight airplane, which I can't recommend any more, the Kitfox is the best parasol one probably. If you had to build one from scratch, the VJ-24w is probably the easiest as it's all alluminum tube and pop rivet, thought hat might be hard to get in Africa. If you had to buy a used one on the cheap, a B1RD if you can find one flying - lots of wires though. I wouldn't recommend trying to build an airplane, very few people finish them.
Before you build an airplane, however, you are going to have to build a shop to build it in, a hanger to store it in, and a runway to take it off from. So yeah... it's more than just having to build the airplane... unfortunately. Most airplane builders won't tell you that, but I found that out the hard way. Those wings are 20 feet long each, so you need a building 40ft wide by 20 feet long to store it in... out of the weather. Take out a measureing tape and measure on the ground and you'll see how ungodly huge they are... I built a 20ft trailer so I could take mine to an airport, and that alone took me a couple of years. You can see pictures here:
Hi - nice plane. However the video is ruined by the fact that besides other than your sexy legs and training shoes we have not seen to much from your wonderful local area. But whatever...Keep up the good work 👏 🙌 👍 👌
Quelle taniche di benzina sotto il sedere non mi ispirano tanto a guidare quel rudere
Chiedo scusa dopo aver visto come vola e fantastico averne uno però qùelle taniche se per come sono fragili secondo me ti scotterai se succede un avaria volevo dire ci sono serbatoi in resina che sono molto più robuste io prenderei il mio consiglio solo in pensieri di aver quelle tanica vicino alla grazia che mi a dato madre natura sarei ingrato nei suoi confronti quindi se cambia quei serbatoi sarebbe molto più sicuro del resto è bellissimo ma non posso permettermelo anche se o la pista per il decollo grazie spiegato taniche
Looks like fun
Terrible camera angle.
Bigger cojones than moi!-John in Texas
you should take a short course (even RUclips) on camera operation. Thank you
@@choppergirl No room for improvement, uh? Ok, if you say so...
Don’t forget to wear your plastic pants and brown trousers every time you do this
Hello big foot
Point the Camera up!!!
never looking at anything orther than your feet will not increase your life span a jot.
Very poor video. People are putting whatever they want up for clicks. You can't see anything here.
On the other hand, I earn nothing from it, and it was free to watch?
I snagged this video from a post made to the now long defunct Yahoo Groups, and uploaded it to my account to share to a homebuilt aircraft forum of full of dBag armchair experts when someone brought up the Ultrastar.
I get a lot of comments about my sexy legs in this video, and I have to explain, they are not my legs... : - )
Glad you shaved your legs... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
Terrible camera angle
You might want to brush up on FAR 103 regulations concerning distances from clouds. You clearly were in violation and then you post a video of yourself doing it ! Nice work mate !!
Not me flying, and as the goddess of absolute freedom, I don't give 2 sh1ts about the made up rules of obsequious mortal worm food. You may be standing on the wrong side of the line against freedom. :-) Disobedience is the foundation of freedom; by definition, those who obey are slaves.
Cool plane, horrible camera work. That thing needs a serious prop guard/cage or maybe electric start.
Ces caméras frontales sont ridicules !!!
O que é ridículo é que este vídeo está recebendo 10.000 visualizações por dia! 🙂
@@choppergirl, qu'est ce que ça eut nous foutre, que vous ayez 10000 vues par jour ? je vous redis que cette vidéo faite par une caméra frontale est ridicule; une image qui bouge sans arrêt, et vous nous obligez à voir ce que vous, vous regardez. Ridicule !!!
@@pat14162 In realtà, l'ivew si è rivelato perfetto perché ha catturato l'ombra dell'aereo sulle nuvole con l'arcobaleno intorno. Non ho fatto il video, l'ho solo caricato. Ho molti altri video di aerei ultraleggeri anche se con tutti i tipi di diverse angolazioni della telecamera, controlla le sezioni dei commenti per playlist e collegamenti.
@@pat14162 Ho 3 aeroplani e non voglio più preoccuparmi di loro, perché sono così grandi e una tale seccatura. Devi muovere a mano qualcosa di 6 metri per 6 metri. Hai mai visto una formica a terra che cerca di portare una foglia? Sì, è così che ci si sente. Ci sono modi migliori per volare ora con piccoli quadricotteri che puoi tenere tra le mani quindi... ragazzi a cui piace ancora pilotare questi pazzi ultraleggeri degli anni '80 come ho fatto io... ora sono un anacronismo. Non sono i più intelligenti con la tecnologia o con le macchine fotografiche. Penso che volesse solo andare a volare e si è messo una telecamera in testa, senza modo di controllare l'angolazione come qualcuno che ci aveva pensato di più con più pianificazione avrebbe fatto con 6 telecamere registrate su tutto l'aereo da tutti i tipi di diversi angoli come il canale SkySurfer.
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