I just saw you on Kristy Glass knits and what a fabulous, uplifting and inspiring and fUN interview you gave. You're wonderful, Rastus. Here's to a wonderful 2021 and I'll love seeing your posts on youtube despite that all I can speak is english and french hahahahaha! We an learn a lot just by watching anyway. Happy Thursday, Lu in Australia x
Oh thank you for your lovely words and I am glad you enjoyed the interview, it meant a lot to know that people resonate with my story. Let's keep on sharing knitting with each other 😊❤
感謝您得留言鼓勵喔!! 我會繼續分享編織技巧的 😊
I just saw you on Kristy Glass knits and what a fabulous, uplifting and inspiring and fUN interview you gave. You're wonderful, Rastus. Here's to a wonderful 2021 and I'll love seeing your posts on youtube despite that all I can speak is english and french hahahahaha! We an learn a lot just by watching anyway. Happy Thursday, Lu in Australia x
Oh thank you for your lovely words and I am glad you enjoyed the interview, it meant a lot to know that people resonate with my story. Let's keep on sharing knitting with each other 😊❤
太好了,很開心影片能幫上忙 😊
哈哈~~感謝啊~~ 😊
老師 請問可以分享輪針的牌子嗎?
我用的這組是 LYKKE 的輪針組 😊
感謝~~希望有幫助喔! ❤
哈哈~~開心 💕
哈囉! 羅紋起針法的開始會建議用小 1~2 號的針號起針,起完後再用織圖建議的針號下去做編織。例如織圖建議用 4mm 編織羅紋,那就建議用3.75mm或 3.5mm 來完成 1x1或 2x2 羅紋起針法的起針步驟,再換成 4mm 繼續編織羅紋。希望這樣解釋有清楚 😀
@@rastus0226 2*2要再那個步奏換針號,那中間都不用再換針號嗎?到織完嗎?如果要變花樣也不用換針號?哈哈,我好囉嗦,謝謝你哦
@@黃小珠-o1p 如果是2x2,在變換針目位置前就可以換成織圖所需針號。只有一開始起頭處需要用小一點的針號起針來避免可能的外擴情況,其他部分都按照織圖跑就可以囉! 😉
@@rastus0226 非長謝謝您哦
有機會再來分享喔 ,但一樣需要注意的就是最後一針的大小要控制好 😊