리딩그라피 레벨3 Reading 9 미세플라스틱을 먹고 있다고요?

  • Опубликовано: 15 янв 2025
  • Reading 09 미세플라스틱을 먹고 있다고요?
    *Microplastics are very small pieces of plastic from larger plastics that break down over time. Surprisingly, the microplastics we eat in a week add up to about the size of a plastic card!
    Microplastics are found in almost everything we eat and drink. Clothes we wear are the biggest source, making up about 35% of the microplastic pollution. When we make, wash, wear, or dry clothes, they release little **fibers that can travel very far. They can even make people have trouble breathing and damage their lungs. Now, you might wonder how to keep yourself safe from microplastics. Here are some tips:
    • Choose clothes and items made from eco-friendly materials.
    • Clean your home often and let fresh air in to remove plastic fibers.
    • Wash your clothes at a lower temperature and for a shorter time to reduce fibers.
    If you do these things, you can keep some microplastics away from yourself. This will keep you healthy and help the environment too.
    도입 (Introduction):
    마이크로플라스틱의 정의와 일상 속 존재를 간략히 설명하며 독자의 흥미를 유발.
    우리가 섭취하는 마이크로플라스틱 양이 플라스틱 카드 크기라는 놀라운 사실 제시.
    본문 (Body):
    원인 설명:
    마이크로플라스틱의 주요 원천(옷과 생활 습관)과 그로 인한 영향(건강 문제, 환경 피해) 제시.
    해결 방안 제시:
    마이크로플라스틱의 노출을 줄이기 위한 실질적인 방법(친환경 재료 사용, 집 청소, 세탁 방법 개선) 제공.
    결론 (Conclusion):
    실천이 건강과 환경에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있음을 강조하며 행동 촉구.

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