Best ever presentation. Straight forward strategies for writing a personal statement ie tailoring it to meet the PS, this has always been my weakness. God bless you.....
Imagine that a hiring expert is checking your job application about 7 seconds and then decide if yes or no. Just the right keywords is not enough, you have to make them visible and this is made true design. Great and good looking resume design can make the difference between yes and no and in less then 7 seconds!
It is a good and helpful video, but unfortunately, letters or pictures are so small so that I could not read them or feel very uncomfortable when open my eyes as much as possible and look weird in front of other people. Please take this advice into the consideration.
What about achievements? How do you want to market yourself if you have not even discussed anything about highlighting your special achievements? You need to stand out from the crowd to get a job these days, this video has zero value.
Putting your ethnic origin or marital status can lead to discrimination. Never put that information. An employer should only want to asses your abilities to the the job, nothing more.
Some constructive criticism: Those nerves of yours do show up when you talk when presenting. You need to slow down and control your breathing. I cannot tell if you are lying, making it up, or is this your presentation.
Best ever presentation. Straight forward strategies for writing a personal statement ie tailoring it to meet the PS, this has always been my weakness. God bless you.....
I sincerely thank you for providing people this valuable information.
Thank You sir for sharing this valuable information with us..It will definitely be helpful..
great help thank you and keep up the good work!!
Thank you for this valuable info, sir!
Thank You really so much Mr.
Imagine that a hiring expert is checking your job application about 7 seconds and then decide if yes or no. Just the right keywords is not enough, you have to make them visible and this is made true design. Great and good looking resume design can make the difference between yes and no and in less then 7 seconds!
Thanks, it's really helpful!
It will be even better If you could provide a clearer CV template.
It is a good and helpful video, but unfortunately, letters or pictures are so small so that I could not read them or feel very uncomfortable when open my eyes as much as possible and look weird in front of other people. Please take this advice into the consideration.
thanks alot
Hi, I am wondering what I could write in CV if I am a fresh graduate with not many working experience.
Hi, yes sure... you can get a copy here: to write a good cv in me. please help me a copy..
Can you give me a copy of this please
What about achievements? How do you want to market yourself if you have not even discussed anything about highlighting your special achievements? You need to stand out from the crowd to get a job these days, this video has zero value.
Putting your ethnic origin or marital status can lead to discrimination. Never put that information. An employer should only want to asses your abilities to the the job, nothing more.
Some constructive criticism: Those nerves of yours do show up when you talk when presenting. You need to slow down and control your breathing. I cannot tell if you are lying, making it up, or is this your presentation.