The Best of Frisbee (feat. Zach Galifianakis) - RENO 911!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @all-timealien4483
    @all-timealien4483 5 лет назад +4283

    This show was ahead of its time honestly

    • @legion2590
      @legion2590 4 года назад +53

      hmmm... I loved the show too but curious to know what makes it ahead of its time?

    • @all-timealien4483
      @all-timealien4483 4 года назад +133

      Legion this style of comedy fits right in with today, the office is honestly more popular than it was when it was on TV and they are similar style shows.

    • @michaellightsey3526
      @michaellightsey3526 4 года назад +56

      It would absolutely CRUSH nowADAys

    • @rhinodonkey7339
      @rhinodonkey7339 4 года назад +25

      Same tone and style as this is spinal tap which came out in the 80s sooooo...

    • @reekz1568
      @reekz1568 4 года назад +1

      All-Time Alien 👍

  • @LT1
    @LT1 5 лет назад +3735

    "Get in the house Chandler, Ross Joey..." lmfao
    This is such a Galifianakis joke.

    • @maurob8586
      @maurob8586 5 лет назад +103

      almost7891 and dharma & Greg!!!! Also a sitcom from the 90s

    • @evanabbott2737
      @evanabbott2737 4 года назад +4


    • @jamesfield1674
      @jamesfield1674 4 года назад +30

      Dharma & Gregg too ha ha

    • @bigstew416
      @bigstew416 4 года назад +6

      almost7891 lol I just got it....even tho I'm not a fan of Friends

    • @rackhamsfortune7625
      @rackhamsfortune7625 4 года назад +9

      I want to like this comment but it's got 420 likes and I feel like that is just too perfect and i cant ruin it.

  • @karawithaK888
    @karawithaK888 11 месяцев назад +79

    “I like your look. I like your, lifestyle.”

  • @dancinmama1986
    @dancinmama1986 2 года назад +44

    I fall out every time he screams "get in the houusseee"

  • @mattasticmattattack8546
    @mattasticmattattack8546 4 года назад +1754

    I hate to admit it but that throwing the beer on the ground just to drink it as you get arrested is GENIUS

    • @rawspace1212
      @rawspace1212 3 года назад +19


    • @RetlawTheReaper
      @RetlawTheReaper 3 года назад +32

      @@rawspace1212 the whole show is

    • @PyroNinja713
      @PyroNinja713 3 года назад +3

      @@RetlawTheReaper Stop spreading this disinformation. The storylines are scripted

    • @cohensmith6100
      @cohensmith6100 3 года назад

      @@PyroNinja713 ive heard it wasnt

    • @Deeplycloseted435
      @Deeplycloseted435 3 года назад +16

      I’m totally using that the next time I’m accosted by the police for open container.

  • @jakehanson216
    @jakehanson216 5 лет назад +853

    I love the ongoing joke of garcia being a horrible shot 😂

    • @theolschoolblues
      @theolschoolblues 5 лет назад +11

      they all are

    • @aaronmendoza277
      @aaronmendoza277 4 года назад +23

      @@theolschoolblues Junior was the best shot in the department lol

    • @michahcoore752
      @michahcoore752 3 года назад +11

      @@aaronmendoza277 and he had terrible vision 😭😭😭😭

    • @Archarrow520
      @Archarrow520 3 года назад +13

      In the pilot they had a surprise party for him and he shot another officer out of surprise

  • @RickyVall3y
    @RickyVall3y 5 лет назад +1760

    “Got a nice house , got a good wife , second cousin”

    • @6LjacK
      @6LjacK 5 лет назад +8


    • @felipeperez9369
      @felipeperez9369 4 года назад +29

      That's some Alabama stuff right there.

    • @Dan_Swales
      @Dan_Swales 4 года назад +56

      Sips beer while pregnant 😂

    • @RickyVall3y
      @RickyVall3y 4 года назад +6

      Accuses cousins of being father

    • @MoistNutmeg
      @MoistNutmeg 4 года назад +1

      @OZMX bro your second cousin is still very much your family hahaha,

  • @lynneparks9247
    @lynneparks9247 3 года назад +412

    García's inability to hit a target with a gun, from close range, was one of the BEST running jokes in this series.

    • @mattyvarnas1736
      @mattyvarnas1736 3 года назад +15

      Garcia's actor is really smart and funny at the same time. He's also the voice of Mr. Crocker, Rocko, even the voice double for Billy Crystal in Monsters, Inc.

    • @benjamincox4211
      @benjamincox4211 Год назад +2

      Lol he was probably trying to hit Jones in the first scene of the pilot then

    • @alexludavertigo6926
      @alexludavertigo6926 Год назад

      That and the oranges #goirish

    • @thenson1Halo
      @thenson1Halo Год назад +1

      I think part of the joke was also that for once it wasn't junior destroying a squad car... but he was going next.

    • @nicoles.6819
      @nicoles.6819 11 месяцев назад


  • @shakooro
    @shakooro 4 года назад +908

    “ I like your look”, “I like your lifestyle”

    • @Spazticspaz
      @Spazticspaz 4 года назад +30

      Funny cuz in the newer episodes we find out Travis lives in a trailer.

    • @CrypticSWLDN
      @CrypticSWLDN 4 года назад +10

      I like ur cut g

    • @MrRedberd
      @MrRedberd 3 года назад +7

      That was one of my favorite moments on the entire show.

    • @tzazella751
      @tzazella751 3 года назад +6

      i wanna party with you, cowboy

    • @michaeltrevino201
      @michaeltrevino201 3 года назад +8

      Game recognize game

  • @cool2443
    @cool2443 5 лет назад +2222

    How do you distinguish alien aircraft from regular aircraft?
    ...there’s aliens in it

  • @rvanhees89
    @rvanhees89 5 лет назад +237

    'Chandler, Ross, Joey, Dharma and Greg! Get in the house!'

  • @arnbrandy
    @arnbrandy 5 лет назад +193

    What a masterpiece. A disturbing, depressing, spectacular masterpiece.

  • @Divalish.
    @Divalish. 5 лет назад +190

    Let's see the hands...
    Frisbee: You wanna talk to it?

    • @Rentfree404
      @Rentfree404 5 лет назад +15

      No we dont wanna talk to the hand

  • @mrbard1
    @mrbard1 5 лет назад +752

    Frisbee should really get into acting and comedy. I like his demeanor.

    • @yourboiD
      @yourboiD 5 лет назад +33

      Alot didn't know he was on reno 911. They just think he popped up in hangover 😂.

    • @claytonbrown7120
      @claytonbrown7120 5 лет назад +3

      Frisbee is played by an actor who is on other TV shows

    • @mrsoshadabaadman
      @mrsoshadabaadman 5 лет назад +32

      I think the punchline flew past like a frisbee.

    • @ownpetard8379
      @ownpetard8379 5 лет назад +17

      I like his lifestyle.

    • @_matty.gainz_
      @_matty.gainz_ 5 лет назад +2

      John Yazzie that’s Adam Sandler, bro

  • @locuscades1906
    @locuscades1906 4 года назад +125

    The most respected law enforcement agency in America. Most respectful, too.

    • @Demion83
      @Demion83 2 года назад +21

      It's funny but their restraint and de-escalation skills in this show actually are superior to real American police officers.

  • @operationNOBO
    @operationNOBO 5 лет назад +75

    The camo netting on the bus is priceless.

    • @NR-gp2il
      @NR-gp2il 4 года назад +3

      operationNOBO its the little touches

  • @aychbhomas6608
    @aychbhomas6608 5 лет назад +449

    As a fellow North Carolinian, I know Zach had plenty of inspiration from his home state for this character

    • @thetruth1862
      @thetruth1862 5 лет назад +45

      I am from East Tennessee and honestly this could be any of my friends and family

    • @craigsliwstdcs4135
      @craigsliwstdcs4135 4 года назад +9

      Spot on

    • @alieldorado1438
      @alieldorado1438 4 года назад +19

      Yeah I'm from NC also, and I second that statement 🤣

    • @bumstead1383
      @bumstead1383 4 года назад +7

      I’m from NC also. I think Zak went to Chapel Hill?

    • @dr.lyleevans6915
      @dr.lyleevans6915 4 года назад +15

      @@bumstead1383 He grew up in Wilkes County, which in is the foothills. Pretty rural area. He’s got a place in Alleghany County now.

  • @NextToToddliness
    @NextToToddliness 3 года назад +235

    "Leave under the cover of darkness, sleep by day, take to the trees and riverbeds; you'll be safe."
    I love Clem.

  • @hortonhearscrying
    @hortonhearscrying 5 лет назад +500

    Lmfao “what airline was it ?”

  • @3rdeye931
    @3rdeye931 4 года назад +1070

    “Dear Jesus, we know you weren’t really Jewish” 😂😂😂

    • @theodorherzl4695
      @theodorherzl4695 4 года назад +14

      Israelite who was kiIIed by Jews.

    • @azurequincy
      @azurequincy 4 года назад +2

      @@theodorherzl4695 I c what you did there But they were indeed his cousins...We are all cousins we of the 12!

    • @RedekerKane
      @RedekerKane 4 года назад +7

      @@azurequincy Wait a second. The 12. 1+2=3, 3*1=3, 3*2=6, 3 6s, 666. THE MARK OF THE BEAST

    • @igarrett2568
      @igarrett2568 4 года назад +1

      azurequincy even the Asians?

    • @bubbamike4743
      @bubbamike4743 4 года назад

      Teddy that’s like saying American killed by Christian

  • @jp-hs8hu
    @jp-hs8hu 5 лет назад +940

    His wife is eternally pregnant, lol.

    • @misterprecocious2491
      @misterprecocious2491 9 месяцев назад +8

      Yes and underage with six kids which means he probably got her pregnant when she was about 9 or 10😮

    • @hughswan6337
      @hughswan6337 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @AngryKatie18
    @AngryKatie18 4 года назад +111

    The fact that this is 100% improv (there was never a single script or joke written for Reno 911) is what makes this a work of pure genius. Just brilliant comedians playing off each other with props.

    • @jakenothanks307
      @jakenothanks307 3 года назад +35

      Id say about 50% improv like you really think the kid covered in Paint and the car exploding was improv?

    • @sugarysaturn3597
      @sugarysaturn3597 3 года назад +17

      I mean, they needed scripts for outlines so they could have some sort of plot to follow. Episodes still need structure, no matter how chaotic it seems. Most of the dialogue is improv but definitely not 100% the whole show.

    • @leprovokateur7745
      @leprovokateur7745 3 года назад +2

      @@sugarysaturn3597 they had guide lines, basically few pitches per scenes and characters but no proper script,

    • @PyroNinja713
      @PyroNinja713 3 года назад +21

      People need to stop spreading this false info. It's absolutely not 100% improv and anybody with a bit of sense can tell that.

    • @AngryKatie18
      @AngryKatie18 3 года назад +6

      @@PyroNinja713 You are incorrect. Here’s proof. If you have seen interviews (or the stand-up) of any of the cast members, especially the 3 people who created it AKA Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Garant, and Kerry Kinney-Silver you would know you’re wrong. In fact, Nick Swardson who plays “Terry” talks about it as why Tom Lennon was sure they’d get cancelled because the show was totally improvised without any dialogue ever being written. This is a fact: There was never a single line of dialogue written for the show. Tom Lennon often said, “We’d rent a Taco Stand or a prop that flips cars or just say a topic like “the lotto” or “Junior’s moustache” then ACTION and see what we came up with. “ They’d get some props and then act around them. In fact all 4 people I mentioned are from famous New York Improv groups and even went to NYU together which is how they met. Nick Swardson, in one of my favorite stand up bits and also when teaching improv, talks about Tom Lennon calling him and asking him to “create a perp character” for a satirical cop show they just landed on Comedy Central and to make the character as crazy as he wanted because, as Tom said to Nick: “The show is entirely improv-it’s definitely gonna get cancelled immediately. Go nuts.” So Nick says to the audience: “Well, 7 seasons and a movie later…(crowd cheers)..“ He goes on to mention that they never had a dialogue script for any show and to explain how he created his character “Terry”. Seriously, this fact is in like every cast interview and in their individual stand-up. The only thing they’d write down was an outline to hand to producers & props, etc, so they’d have what they needed (mostly for the movie, not often for the show). The most written was for the movie because it had to tell a story but the dialogue was still 100% unscripted and improvised. Co-Creator Kerry Kinney Silver said that even so, the most they’d write for an outline even in the movie is, ‘Find alligator in pool. Neighbor present. Neighbor is played by ---,’ so they could tell the wardrobe department to contact said guest actor playing the neighbor to ask what he wanted his character to wear and what size he needed. For the show they would create their own bizarre outfits and even guest/occasional character actors would create their own costumes along with their whole character backstory. Wendy McClendon Covey who plays Johnson has been teaching improv for years after doing the show talks about it to her students about how she truly learned improv by doing 4 seasons of a show with no script. There are plenty of clips online. In fact here is a recent interview with Nick Swardson, confirming and repeating everything I just said:видео.html . Try around the 1:50 mark.

  • @spencernoffke8259
    @spencernoffke8259 5 лет назад +181

    I love how they are shooting into a residential neighborhood with the 1919

    • @mezmerizer0266
      @mezmerizer0266 3 года назад +7

      "can I do it next?"

    • @robertheadley3483
      @robertheadley3483 2 года назад +2

      Yeah they clearly show all these apartments right behind the target lol

    • @JonesCrimson
      @JonesCrimson 6 месяцев назад

      Technically it should be referred to as an M1919 to avoid disambiguity.

    • @MCO18
      @MCO18 6 месяцев назад

      That was pretty f-king cool

    • @bigfootpart4therevengeancing
      @bigfootpart4therevengeancing 4 дня назад

      Well, what else are you supposed to do with it?

  • @wes11bravo
    @wes11bravo 5 лет назад +546

    "How many people in this area subscribe to Crossbow Monthly, Frisbee?!?"
    I don't know - 2,000?

    • @zachhatten7740
      @zachhatten7740 5 лет назад +45


    • @garym51124
      @garym51124 5 лет назад +2

      I know i does my wife(4th cousin's sister in law)

    • @6LjacK
      @6LjacK 4 года назад +3

      @@zachhatten7740 😂🤣😂

    • @mandreadfg
      @mandreadfg 3 года назад +1

      ONE!!! 😂😂😂

  • @iangoodisDMX
    @iangoodisDMX 5 лет назад +498

    Man comedy central was so good. WAS

    • @mrjohnnyk
      @mrjohnnyk 4 года назад +9

      Yeah I miss when they had great shows like this. Now South Park is the only thing I can watch on it.

    • @claytonbrown7120
      @claytonbrown7120 4 года назад

      John Klise
      SNL is funny

      @WVU.STEELERS.CELTICS 4 года назад +11

      @@claytonbrown7120 That was a funny joke

    • @claytonbrown7120
      @claytonbrown7120 4 года назад

      Yes Reno was a funny show full of good ones

    • @christopherrivas4403
      @christopherrivas4403 4 года назад +9

      Clayton Brown SNL hasn’t been funny since the early 2000’s

  • @oveidasinclair982
    @oveidasinclair982 3 года назад +153

    This is the best comedy series ever made, you'll never see anything made like it again

    • @rmvmoose27
      @rmvmoose27 2 года назад +4

      It’s criminally under-rated!

    • @Matt-zp1jn
      @Matt-zp1jn 2 года назад +3

      Except that it’s a knockoff of the much better mockumentary “Trailer Park Boys”. 😂

    • @user-eg3tl5ko5x
      @user-eg3tl5ko5x 2 года назад +4

      @@Matt-zp1jn in what way is it a knock off

    • @spunkush
      @spunkush Год назад

      ​@Matt it's more of a US version lampooning the show COPS. Also I prob still put TPB on top, but thay series is too special to me.

    • @novelaego2404
      @novelaego2404 Год назад

      @Matt-zp1jn nope

  • @ED-yn2lt
    @ED-yn2lt 5 лет назад +481

    'does not ring a specific bell'

  • @suchasongbird
    @suchasongbird 4 года назад +59

    The best of frisbee is basically every scene he’s in. 😂😂😂

  • @pheelmacababe2861
    @pheelmacababe2861 5 лет назад +70

    this show needs a comeback man, hilarious

    • @TheLhicks26
      @TheLhicks26 5 лет назад

      It Larry coming back to quibi

    • @Corn0nTheCobb
      @Corn0nTheCobb 2 года назад +1

      Reno 911 Defunded just released a few days ago

  • @Alanviberson
    @Alanviberson 4 года назад +81

    The guest appearances on this show are legendary. Terry is my favorite

    • @leopoldstotch7711
      @leopoldstotch7711 2 года назад +2

      Zach, Nick and Keegan were the best 3
      (yes I'm on a first name basis with them)

    • @Tonyhouse1168
      @Tonyhouse1168 Год назад +2

      Hypothetically speaking..

  • @grantprice4456
    @grantprice4456 4 года назад +30

    "Let it feed and bleed!" He says while his arms are wrapped around Garcia from behind.

  • @DeadPixel1105
    @DeadPixel1105 5 месяцев назад +4

    2:25 "GET IN THE HOUSE!!" gets me every time 😂

  • @alexjumel5086
    @alexjumel5086 5 лет назад +489

    When the kid ran up with the blue dye all over him i died

  • @briansavage932
    @briansavage932 5 лет назад +149

    It frayed up on me

  • @FreedomsLife1776
    @FreedomsLife1776 5 лет назад +240

    This is absolutely one of the best shows to ever exist. Such a shame it’s no longer around. Travis jr is my spirit animal.
    “Man I just had the craziest dream”.
    “You know you’re drivin right?”

    • @LeCretin
      @LeCretin 4 года назад

      Dude I literally just saw you on AKOU's post haha wtf

    • @terryquesenberry9218
      @terryquesenberry9218 3 года назад


    • @Corn0nTheCobb
      @Corn0nTheCobb 2 года назад +5

      New episodes just came out a few days ago. Reno 911 Defunded

    • @kotryna3029
      @kotryna3029 2 года назад +3

      it's on the Roku channel

    • @bluetorch13
      @bluetorch13 Год назад +1

      Sadly scary (and funny) that line is one of my favs of all time, I used to fall asleep driving, and dreamed a couple of times.

  • @gavinvalentino1313
    @gavinvalentino1313 Год назад +14

    I used to know a county deputy who looked *EXACTLY* like Travis, haircut, 'stache, stance, and *even had the accent.*
    It was honestly so hard to take him seriously, and all because of this show.

  • @avinashbhujan1376
    @avinashbhujan1376 5 лет назад +92

    Reno 911 was ahead of its time

    • @waynedamron8006
      @waynedamron8006 5 лет назад +3

      Super agree

    • @SonnyGTA
      @SonnyGTA 5 лет назад

      avinash bhujan and the MOVIE was awesome also!!!!!

    • @toddjohnson566
      @toddjohnson566 5 лет назад +1

      One of the few shows I would love to see a reboot of.

    • @wolfman21
      @wolfman21 5 лет назад +4

      @@toddjohnson566 i dont need a reboot...just put the original on one of the 700 streaming services out there so we can watch it again

    • @michealmcneal2259
      @michealmcneal2259 4 года назад

      @@toddjohnson566 its back. They are filming now.

  • @смиренный-х2б
    @смиренный-х2б 5 лет назад +453

    "Dear Jesus, we know you weren't really Jewish" lmao

    • @s.e.f8160
      @s.e.f8160 5 лет назад +10

      I swear I haven’t laughed so hard in YEARS!! Lmao

    • @whataloadofbollox
      @whataloadofbollox 5 лет назад

      @@lazyjesus6573 our souls

    • @nancybabbage1169
      @nancybabbage1169 5 лет назад +3

      @@lazyjesus6573 man are you going to be disappointed...if it was possible to be disappointed when you're good and dead.

    • @lazyjesus6573
      @lazyjesus6573 5 лет назад +1

      whataloadofbollox you are the soul

    • @lazyjesus6573
      @lazyjesus6573 5 лет назад +7

      Son of Bukowski there’s no such thing as death, death is an illusion. You, the soul, the energy can never die only be converted from one form of existence to the other. Don’t fear that which does not exist. Conquer your fears and enjoy this life to the full. You, I, we create our reality based upon our beliefs, be careful what you believe in, if you believe in darkness you will be filled with it.
      Be happy and enjoy it or be sad and create your fearful world. It’s your choice. 🖖🏻

  • @5.7heaven
    @5.7heaven 4 года назад +155

    “Got this at a yard sale”
    Guy in background
    “Got a good deal on it too”

    • @aaronmendoza277
      @aaronmendoza277 4 года назад +12

      "guy in background" put some respect on Jonesey's name!

  • @wincocinco12
    @wincocinco12 2 года назад +11

    being born an raised in reno, it feels so surreal seeing these skits that this show made and never getting offended because its accurate !!!😂😂😂😂

    • @wincocinco12
      @wincocinco12 2 года назад +1

      but also bugged they only every used b-rolls of reno an fimled in california😑

  • @adaywithaleks6556
    @adaywithaleks6556 4 года назад +10

    This show is everything, I'm so glad to be JUST getting around to it

  • @dodgeguyz
    @dodgeguyz 5 лет назад +16

    Shows them his hands!
    “Do you wanna talk to it?”

  • @parists5455
    @parists5455 5 лет назад +27

    3:23 I got a good good wife.. (whispering) second cousin! lmao! these f details are the cherry on top of a hilarious show overall

  • @stevewhitener4903
    @stevewhitener4903 3 года назад +14

    “Does not ring a specific bell.” - Frisbee

  • @bartofilms
    @bartofilms 2 года назад +1

    How did I miss these ‘Frisbee’ episodes?!!!. Bring Reno 9-1-1 back! ASAP. We need them now more than ever.

  • @Aychihuahua-69
    @Aychihuahua-69 2 года назад +9

    0:41 the way he yells “WHIIIiiIiIIiIiNE DOOooOOOoOWn” gets me every time 💀

  • @TheJoshJman
    @TheJoshJman 5 лет назад +16

    “Leave under the guise of darkness” lmfao🤣

    • @orrissirro
      @orrissirro 5 лет назад +2

      I feel like she's quoting something because it's really familiar but Google is failing me

    • @davidec.4021
      @davidec.4021 5 лет назад

      Sounds biblical or some shit

  • @INFJparadox
    @INFJparadox 3 года назад +15

    One of the best shows EVER! I was so happy to see them back and all of the original cast! Really underrated and brilliantly funny :)

  • @BenBartolome
    @BenBartolome 5 лет назад +54

    I luv this guy. XD he’s just too funyny

  • @awildwilliamappeared
    @awildwilliamappeared 4 года назад +19

    I love how they’re shooting a literal machine gun in the direction of houses 😂

  • @chrislemieux2747
    @chrislemieux2747 5 лет назад +7

    I remember watching this when it first came up. Reno 911 was classic

  • @richikay
    @richikay 5 лет назад +255

    It's crazy this whole show was improvised.

    • @The_pensive_Truth_seeker
      @The_pensive_Truth_seeker 5 лет назад +17

      TheSageSeeker I think they tossed them ideas and they rolled with

    • @jonmarquez5643
      @jonmarquez5643 5 лет назад +32

      IfYouDisagreeYouAreWrong For the majority of the scenes they had a basic premise and would build off that. It’d be fair to say that most of it is improvised

    • @orchdork775
      @orchdork775 4 года назад +22

      @IfYouDisagreeYouAreWrong I love how ironic it is that your username is, "If you disagree, you are wrong," yet here you are politely admitting to being incorrect, and even thanking the person who corrected you. It's such wholesome irony 😋

    • @ae4164
      @ae4164 4 года назад +4

      I actually think it's really obvious how much of the show is improvised. And that doesn't have to be a negative thing, it's just noticeable in how they banter back and forth that much of it is off the cuff and then edited together.

    • @F_And
      @F_And 4 года назад +1

      Even the blue paint?

  • @realitynotfictionii563
    @realitynotfictionii563 5 лет назад +45

    "QUIET DOWNNNNN" - lol

  • @zemzem8323
    @zemzem8323 4 года назад +16

    “Can I do it next” ?
    “Sure, go ahead”

  • @RonPaulRevolution500
    @RonPaulRevolution500 5 лет назад +201

    Need to bring this show back or at least make another movie.
    I don't get why there's no streaming service with this show!!

    • @chadf5304
      @chadf5304 5 лет назад +15

      they posted yesterday that they format, but original cast(for the most part)

    • @HjCrawford
      @HjCrawford 5 лет назад

      @@chadf5304 they are making new shows????

    • @chadfleming9589
      @chadfleming9589 5 лет назад +7

      @@HjCrawford yes, they posted a story about it on cinemablend yesterday

    • @HjCrawford
      @HjCrawford 5 лет назад +11

      @@chadfleming9589 oh that is amazing!! Thank you!
      I had no idea, but I cant wait!
      I hope they dont make a bunch of changes that causes it to not be as funny!
      In todays climate, they will have SO much material to work with!!
      I really hope they have to deal with protesters!!

    • @RonPaulRevolution500
      @RonPaulRevolution500 5 лет назад

      @@chadf5304 fanfuckingtastic. TY!

  • @phosgene2
    @phosgene2 5 лет назад +5

    the "mark" and advice at 5:20 priceless.....

  • @JustineCarissa
    @JustineCarissa 5 лет назад +12

    LOL one of the best shows ever! Happy to see it’s coming back on Quibi!

  • @Slop_Dogg
    @Slop_Dogg 6 месяцев назад +9

    “I don’t know, two thousand-“

  • @emiloooo123
    @emiloooo123 4 года назад +20

    That (probably) accidental delay car flip with the explosion gets me every time. The timing makes me think of The Simpsons delay reaction explosions 😂

  • @georgieboy_htown4eva4eva
    @georgieboy_htown4eva4eva 2 года назад +6

    This show has the best characters 🤣🤣

  • @mikebordner3820
    @mikebordner3820 5 лет назад +32

    And how do you distinguish alien aircraft from regular aircraft?
    It’s got Aliens in it.

  • @DCfreerunner
    @DCfreerunner 4 года назад +332

    She has the kids hiding evidence as he talks to the cops 🤣
    Also is drinking a beer while super pregnant like its nbd

    • @nikkidee9383
      @nikkidee9383 4 года назад +27

      And smoking next to the propane tanks 😂

    • @quantumsword296
      @quantumsword296 4 года назад +13

      Baby holding a beer can

    • @junkiemonkeyilikemyowncomm7266
      @junkiemonkeyilikemyowncomm7266 4 года назад +2

      I missed that one 🤣🤣

    • @noirceur_
      @noirceur_ 4 года назад +3

      @Respect/Walk beer here, beer there, shot of vodka, pack of smokes, little pile of lead paint chips, couple cups of coffee, xanax to smooth you out. Nahh nahh, everything in moderation while pregnant 🙄 if you can't stop smoking, drinking, and taking any unnecessary pills during pregnancy I'm really not sure you should be having kids in the first place. It's a mere 9 month investment compared to the lifetime investment of your child's current and future health.
      But yeah, by all means have a few to drink while pregnant. Just planting more useless people to suck up resources and mill around in a shitty unfulfilled existence.

    • @bobweird2399
      @bobweird2399 4 года назад +8

      @@noirceur_ I drank my entire pregnancy and my kids are fine.

  • @hey_its_kev
    @hey_its_kev 3 года назад +1

    The delay on the car flipping over to the explosion is just so Reno 911....and makes it 10xs better 😂

  • @DueForARenaissance
    @DueForARenaissance 5 лет назад +64

    I was making a hammock out of weeds 😂

    • @Spazticspaz
      @Spazticspaz 4 года назад +10

      "...It frayed up" lmaoo

  • @ighsight
    @ighsight 3 года назад +3

    Need to find and binge watch this. One of the funniest shows ever, the cop in hot pants always had me dying.

  • @rants1994
    @rants1994 4 года назад +10

    Just hug up to it, let it feed and bleed lmaooo

  • @dragonwithagirltattoo598
    @dragonwithagirltattoo598 2 года назад +5

    I miss this show. My husband and I never missed an episode. Hilarious 😆

  • @TheGameGuruTv
    @TheGameGuruTv 5 лет назад +57

    drops the beer to drink it lmfao

  • @Jeffrobodine23
    @Jeffrobodine23 Месяц назад

    Reno 911 is unique. Cutting edge at the time. We laughed so hard.

  • @cherrymilkk
    @cherrymilkk 5 лет назад +173

    Chandler, Ross, Joey, Dharma and Greg 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

    • @tonijackson3675
      @tonijackson3675 5 лет назад +5


    • @HjCrawford
      @HjCrawford 5 лет назад +12

      Oh gosh, I completely forgot about that show with Dharma & Gregg!!

    • @6LjacK
      @6LjacK 5 лет назад +8

      I yell this out in public when my kids are acting up, the reactions I get is priceless😂🤣🤨

    • @reannabaker4
      @reannabaker4 5 лет назад +2

      @@6LjacK That's hilarious

    • @yusefsmith8623
      @yusefsmith8623 5 лет назад +2


  • @vvnn3948
    @vvnn3948 2 года назад +5

    “Yeah I got this at a yard sale” 😂😂😂

  • @manthatsnonsense4092
    @manthatsnonsense4092 4 года назад +13

    Best comedy in the entire world that got so overlooked by many

  • @IAmNotFamousAnymore
    @IAmNotFamousAnymore 3 года назад

    the 1 second delay between the explosion and the car flying in the air and the strings/rope attached to it made LOL hard

  • @SonnyGTA
    @SonnyGTA 5 лет назад +5

    This was truly a hilarious show!! This and Arrested Development were the BEST shows EVER!!!

    • @kittymama9186
      @kittymama9186 5 лет назад

      You've got to give Get a Life, Strangers with Candy, My Name is Earl,And Raising Hope a shot at that list!

    • @SonnyGTA
      @SonnyGTA 5 лет назад

      kittymama 918 strangers with candy was crazy but yes funny. My name is earl was good too. I don’t know the other ones. But to me, this was just crazy, just like it’s always Sunny in Philadelphia. Completely maniacal!

  • @ToneWoN
    @ToneWoN 2 года назад

    Oh we back baby! Show is timeless. Incredible theatre going on here!

  • @collybeans586
    @collybeans586 5 лет назад +8

    "I havent been over there in so long" LMAO

  • @bigchiefsmackaho387
    @bigchiefsmackaho387 4 года назад +8

    i love how they keep reinforcing how bad of a shot Deputy Garcia is lol

  • @kiddetroit8403
    @kiddetroit8403 27 дней назад +1

    I was making a hammock out of weeds😂😂❤❤❤

  • @AllCardz
    @AllCardz 3 года назад +3

    “No, We don’t want to talk to the hand “

  • @virg0_lem0nade
    @virg0_lem0nade 4 месяца назад +1

    it's always funny to me how almost all of the actors chose to do Southern accents for a show set in Nevada

  • @indeliblemakes5359
    @indeliblemakes5359 Год назад +4

    4:14 can we talk about how the mans got heavy firepower this close to resident housing

  • @hbkgreatestever
    @hbkgreatestever 3 года назад +1

    Throws the beer down and drinks the beer off the ground, absolutely brilliant lmao

  • @Imagination-In-A-Box
    @Imagination-In-A-Box 3 года назад +4

    Like how the kids slowly hide the crossbow in the background or at least move it 😂

  • @mariacassiano9104
    @mariacassiano9104 2 месяца назад

    Best show ever Reno911!!!!💯💯💯💯💯💯

  • @rubenbon5475
    @rubenbon5475 4 года назад +24

    She’s casually drinking a beer

  • @HolySoopCoolers
    @HolySoopCoolers 7 месяцев назад

    I frequently watch bodycam and law enforcement videos on RUclips and this was the top video on the law enforcement recommended page for me this morning.

  • @BassHeadsProduction
    @BassHeadsProduction 2 года назад +24

    i like how zach galifianakis has looked 45 years old for the last 20 years

  • @robinraphael
    @robinraphael 5 лет назад +46

    I'm going to reno for yard sales from now on

    • @sundragon1976
      @sundragon1976 5 лет назад +1

      😂 they got some good deals Y’all!

  • @kenya9549
    @kenya9549 5 лет назад +3

    Lol as they were telling him the description he kept saying yeah,yeah 😂😂😂😂

  • @thegreatestquest8358
    @thegreatestquest8358 5 лет назад +4

    "Chander, Ross, Joey, Dharma, Greg... get in THA HOUUUUSSSE!!!

  • @jessestronach705
    @jessestronach705 3 года назад

    'Ahead of its time' or better yet, TIMELESS! It seems to age really well. Like a fine wine.

  • @qeeram
    @qeeram 3 года назад +9

    5:41 "dear Jesus we know you really weren't jewish" gets me every time

  • @nickinportland
    @nickinportland 6 месяцев назад +1

    2:41 “what airline was it” might be the best line in the whole show 😂

  • @eazywork7192
    @eazywork7192 4 года назад +38

    Dangle: “Frisbee guess how many people in this area subscribe to cross bow enthusiast?”
    Frisbee: “I don’t know two thousa...”
    Dangle: “ONE!”

  • @MolotovOwnage
    @MolotovOwnage 2 года назад +1

    I really like Frisbee's "drop your weapon" comment, immediately before his family joins hands in prayer.

  • @truthtold9084
    @truthtold9084 5 лет назад +6

    Fantastic show! Frisbee was hilarious 😂

  • @absoluteterror9098
    @absoluteterror9098 Год назад +1

    I just realized his kids are named after the cast of friends 😂

  • @drodriguez3293
    @drodriguez3293 5 лет назад +61

    named his kids “chandler, ross, and joey” lmaoooo

  • @atrocious_pr0xy
    @atrocious_pr0xy 2 года назад +2

    Used to watch this with my mom and dad.. one of my favorite calls was the dude who needed his sick dog put down.. but it was his neighbor's dog who just barked a lot.

  • @ramirosan145
    @ramirosan145 5 лет назад +18

    Make comedy central great again Reno 911! 2020