@@ibrahimulbi no...im just telling you since you used the word caucasian as if all the republics in the russian federation were located in the caucasus
@@kutaykalender2321 They're linguistically Kipchak. Ethnically they are more Oghur than Kipchak. Even the ethnonym Balkar comes from the word “Bulgar”.
@@youssefmakhoul3963 most of tatars are mankurt (their minds are very russified), because they were invaded 500 years ago, a lot or time has passed since then, but there is still hope of liberating.
Many languages exist in Dagestan alongside Avar. They are Aghul, Rutul, Tabasaran, Lak, Chechen, Dargin, Tsakhur, Lezgian, Azerbaijani, Nogai, Kumyk, Tat.
@@youssefmakhoul3963 незнаю как у чувашей, но у всех республик, кроме кавказа и татарстана (может ещё башкирии) ситуация похожая. У нас в соседней республике марий эл есть пару национальных движений по типу Мари Ушем (марийский союз) которые продвигают марийский язык и культуру, но сепаратистов нету, а если и были, то их уже всех посадили.
В России довольно много интересных этносов, некоторые из которых тесно пересекаются друг с другом культурно (например, удмурты с татарами и башкирами). Полагаю, что ни в одной стране нет такого разнообразия культур и народов, как в России, с учётом того, что места проживания на территории РФ многих народов считаются родными. Я имею в виду, если сравнивать США с РФ, то история США несколько другая, чем история России по понятным причинам. В США будут, грубо говоря, все народы мира, разных народов действительно много. Однако во многом национальное разнообразие достигается за счёт политики США и ее высокого экономического развития в мире. Исторически современная территория США полна эмигрантов из разных стран, пришедших в разную эпоху (XVII-XXI) Если говорить про Россию, то такое разнообразие можно частично объяснить огромной территорией, хотя смотря, сколько народов проживает в некоторых африканских странах, то этот аргумент сразу отпадает. О народах России мало кто знает за рубежом, по-моему. Соответственно за океаном или ещё дальше, скажем, считают, что Россия моноэтническое государство, хотя это не так. Да, русских много в России, они составляют большинство в 80-90% по федерации, но не стоит забывать об оставшейся части. Я, как житель Казахстана, тоже имею в своей стране не похожие друг на друга народы с разной историей и культурой. Например, в дальнем зарубежье мало кто знает, что в нашей стране проживают дунгане, уйгуры, поляки, корейцы, ногайцы, каракалпаки, алтайские народы. Их мало, да, но сам факт того, что они есть для меня нечто удивительное и необычное. Столько разных людей по цвету кожи, религии, истории возникновения и развития, культурным особенностям, традициям и обычаям, языкам на одной огромной территории
I hope you do more videos like this in the future. I REALLY enjoyed learning about different cultures & languages within a nation & I think it’s one of my favorites you’ve done. I like seeing different people/cultures within nations like the Cajuns in Louisiana, the Garifuna in Central America, the Welsh in Argentina, the Siddi/Sheedi people in Pakistan & India, the Afrikaners in South Africa, etc.
@@alexstorm2749 ukrainians were murderd with 2 waves of artificially created hunger. Espetially in the eastern part of Ukraine. And then more russians cane there, that is why you rarely hear Ukrainian language in the eastern Ukraine, but it wasn't the case untill the Holodomor, WW2 and other stuff. Belorussians don't speak Belorussian language at all. You won't even hear a belorussuan word from their president. Do I even have to mention Chechnya? Buratia? Yakutia? All these ethnical groups and subjects or the Russian federation have their own history and culture. Is that culture still alive? Barely
@@alexstorm2749 talking about Crimea. The Crimean Tatars, who were huge ethnicity group in Crimea prior to 1944, when the USSR (de-facto, what is modern Russia) were forcefully deportated from the Crimea and/or murdered, Russian people took their place in the Crimea. This is one of the reasons why Crimea have this much connection to Russia. It's only because Russia has murdered the original ethnic groups in there
✅ Historically Russian (and populated by 70% Russians) Crimea reunited with Russia absolutely peacefully and festively with mass celebrations all around the peninsula. There’s tons of evidence. ✅ Crimean Tatars feel absolutely fine being a part of Russia. Go check the brand new grandiose mosque in Simferopol (Aqmescit Friday Mosque) - now it’s the largest one on the peninsula. Crimeans Tatars dreamed of having it since 1991 but it was Russia that finally built it for them. ✅ The Crimean Tatar language is one of the 3 official state languages of the subject of the Russian Federation the Republic of Crimea at the legislative level. Most Crimean Tatars feel good about Russia. ✅ Plus, Crimean Tatars reunited with their brothers - Kazan Tatars, Volga Tatars, Astrakhan Tatars and Siberian Tatars. This is quite logical. Now they go to luxurious Kazan to visit their brothers, and the mainland Tatars go to the Russian Crimea via the brand new Crimean bridge. Or fly to them and land in the brand new Simferopol airport looking so amazing and futuristic. Cool, huh? 😎 *C R I M E A I S R U S S I A!* 🇷🇺🥳
@@adygeaisnumber1 just asking, there aren't many Caucasians in the U. S. btw, I think you've mentioned in 1 of ur other comments that you live in North Ossetia. have u immigrated, perhaps?
Because it is convenient and practical. People of 190 nationalities have the same opportunities to enroll in universities across the country, move to another city for work and travel around the country, this simplifies document flow, allows you to create unified data and, for example, receive emergency medical care anywhere. And many of the republics are not mono-national entities, for example, in Dagestan there are about 40 nations how can they interact without a single language
I feel so sorry for those cultures, they almost got their chance during 90's. And not to mention Crimean Tatars, who have suffered enough in XX century
Nothing to be sorry about. They have been a part of Russia for centuries. And they also took part in forming what today’s Russia is. Their major cities: Ufa, Kazan, Grozny, etc. are one of the most beautiful and unique cities of Russia and the world.
Tatars have more rights under RF than under that failed state called Ukraine (who lost de facto half of its populatiln during its 'independance', and not only through the war!). So why not shut your trap when you are so utterly blithe?
I would love to see some of these republics being liberated after Russia's defeat in the Ukrainian war, it would help keep those languages and cultures alive!
Извини но я сам из национальной республики. И представитель коренного народа. У нас дела идут хорошо. Так что не беспокойся. Мы никуда выйти не собираемся ☺️
@@nayba1854 I'm saying that because reports show that the languages in most republics are diyng in favor of russian. But I'm happy to know your is doing great :)
@@victorfernandes7521 Languages in Great Britain such as Welsh and Irish are also disappearing and being replaced by English. Do you want the UK to break up as well?
Russia could never and will never be defeated. It’s managed to become the largest country on the planet (the size of an entire continent similar to the South America) because of this fact of history. Russia is invincible.
Plus, it’s one of the 2 major nuclear powers along with the USA. If you want Russia to be defeated, you might not care about the future of the Earth. Anyways, everybody is going to lose then.
For foreigners who think that all these hymns are so beautiful, I want to say. I am an ethnic Bashkir, a nationalist. In relation to the Bashkir people and other peoples, Russia is pursuing an imperial policy of tyranny. In addition to the fact that all our resources are being siphoned off and money going to Moscow, our guys are sent by force to fight in Ukraine. Our languages and rights are being infringed upon, and instead they are imposing a Russian language that is alien to us. We are against it and now we are preparing for the fall of the empire. Do not think that Russia is a federation where the peoples have some kind of rights. No. This is a colonial empire. You can’t even imagine what prospects we have, but Russia does not allow them to be realized. This is an abnormal state run by imperial chauvinists. Therefore, as Bashkirs, I declare: Russia is evil, it is the suffering and horror of millions of people.
Если Башкирия освободится то она банально будет крайне бедной страной,с процветающей корупцией также как это было с под советскими республиками после развала ссср и также освободившись вы хоть и не сразу ,но станете экономически зависеть от других стран к примеру китай или сша.
Тобишь из вас сейчас будут выкачивать ресурсы и отправляют их в москву ,то потом эти же ресурсы будут отправлены в пекин или вашинктон. Освободившись от одного капкана вы наступите на другой.
A few important facts about Crimea: ✅ Russian Crimea was transferred from the Russian Soviet Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic only in 1954 FOR NO REASON at all. Khrushchev treated Crimea like a box of chocolates simply gifting it to Ukraine. And the most important thing is that nobody asked Crimeans themselves. But since it was all the USSR, it was still ok. Up until 1991, that’s when Ukraine should have given Russian Crimea back to Russia. ✅ Historically Russian Crimea has been an integral part of the Russian South since 1783 with a little break (1991-2013). ✅ Its population is 70% Russian. ✅ Crimea is predominantly Russian-speaking. ✅ Russian Black Sea Fleet has been stationed in Crimea since 1783 non-stop. And yes, before 2014 as well. ✅ The official anthem of Sevastopol, the biggest Crimean city, goes like this: “Sevastopol is the pride of Russian sailors!” ✅ Sevastopol, the biggest city of Crimea, has been founded and settled by Russians in 1783. ✅ *Crimeans themselves voted to reunite with Russia after the coup in Kiev in 2014. It’s a public knowledge that they’ve always gravitated towards Russia ever since 1991. Respect their choice and decision! Russia was, is and will always be their beloved home!* 🇷🇺 ✅ Crimeans made their decision to reunite with Russia via democratic referendum based on the cardinal principle of the UN - the right of the people to self-determination. You should respect their choice. *CRIMEA IS RIGHTFULLY RUSSIA!* 🇷🇺
The referendum was extremely falcificated. The first city in the place where Sevasropol stands today originated from the Ottoman Empire, not Russia. So, maybe we should give the Crimea to Turkey? And when Colombus "found" America he thout that it was India, so maybe we shold give all the territory of the US to India? Colombus even called it "West India" )
@@alexstorm2749 OOOH. I GET IT. YOU A A FRICKING BOT. YOU REPLIED WITH THE SAME ABSOLUTE COMMENT TO MY OTHER MESSAGE under anther discussion in another comment section. Makes sense. Whoever runs you: "Go F*ck yourself!" *If someone who is reading this, is not a bot, please report that trash can*
the population is 70% russian because russians deported 200,000 crimeans out of their home. and it is estimated that since then, russians have killed over 40,000 crimeans. when ukraine declared her independence, all crimeans were welcome to come back, but since russia has stole it from ukraine, many crimeans are forcefully deported again. you know about russian occupied crimea, not about crimea and her rightfully citizens.
@@myomalosza don't answer to him. He is a bot and copies the same answers to different comment sections, that is not even a real person. He replied to me with the exact same text which is now above my comment. Just report this abomination to RUclips. I guess you can report him for "terrorism pripaganda" which is the case with it's comments and it sounds like the most seriouse out of all reasons given to chose from
✅ *Russia is the glorious nation that single-handedly managed to get through to the Baltic Sea (defeating Sweden in 1721), then reaching out to the Black Sea (defeating Turkey in 1783), to other numerous seas, to the Arctic Ocean and EVEN TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Vladivostok is like Russian San-Francisco. To only think that Russia managed to gradually grow into an entire continent originally from a small landlocked North-East European entity hidden in the woods next to Estonia and Belarus. Wow, just wow! Russia proves that impossible is possible.* 🇷🇺🪆🇷🇺🪆🇷🇺🪆🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪🏻
@@communist_argentinian - I truly would like to know how many times you visited Ukraine, Crimea or Russia to place such a statement. Regardless of your thinking Crimea is internationally recognized part of sovereign Ukrainian state - it is enough to cease all the discussions.
@@communist_argentinian yeah? I was born there and lived in Crimea until 2013. Is there anything else you know in Argentina better than people like me? Please share your knowledge, senpai
it's time to admit that Crimea is Russia. 8 years already as a part of our country, and our country controls this region. Crimea declared independence when a handful of millions of people overthrew the president they elected. Crimean residents chose to stay with Russia
@@rainbowresistance692, an experiment: visit Crimea and tell random people there, that you consider Crimea being a part of Ukraine. If you run fast, you may even survive
Andy stated Crimea is a disputed territory currently controlled by Russia, which is the factual, objectif truth. Crimea appearing in a video about Russia doesn't mean she agrees with that, or that she thinks it should be that way ; Crimea appears in the video because Russia controls it, and the goal of the video is to showcase as many languages as possible. Stop over-reacting to content when the goal is very clearly educational and non-political. P.S. : yes, this is a copy-pasted comment ; lots of people are arguing about the exact same thing, so I'm going to answer the exact same thing.
Occupied countries by Russia. The only country in the world, that stil controls other countries. How do you even imagine that, people with a different language, culture, food, history and have nothing to do with Russia, but are a part of the country. Nothing good here, just many innocent countries that are occupied and aren't considered as people in Russia. Not talking about Ichkeria, that was de-facto independent till Russia just came and occupied it (Russia even lost the first war), killed 150k+ people, destroyed everything and annexed it.
Russia is the federation, these republics have their own rights and can do whatever they want. What about Britain (Scotland), Spain (Catalonia), France (Corsica), Germany (Bavaria), Poland (Silesia), USA (Natives) etc?
Oh, how scary. Imagine, but in the subjects it is obligatory to study their native language. In Russia, no one will be humiliated for speaking in their native language.
@@earlbkv4187 уже не обязательно (хотя большинство представителей национальности пока что изучают свои языки, я сам русский казанец и не изучаю татарский)
A few important facts about Crimea: ✅ Russian Crimea was transferred from the Russian Soviet Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic only in 1954 FOR NO REASON at all. Khrushchev treated Crimea like a box of chocolates simply gifting it to Ukraine. And the most important thing is that nobody asked Crimeans themselves. But since it was all the USSR, it was still ok. Up until 1991, that’s when Ukraine should have given Russian Crimea back to Russia. ✅ Historically Russian Crimea has been an integral part of the Russian South since 1783 with a little break (1991-2013). ✅ Its population is 70% Russian. ✅ Crimea is predominantly Russian-speaking. ✅ Russian Black Sea Fleet has been stationed in Crimea since 1783 non-stop. And yes, before 2014 as well. ✅ The official anthem of Sevastopol, the biggest Crimean city, goes like this: “Sevastopol is the pride of Russian sailors!” ✅ Sevastopol, the biggest city of Crimea, has been founded and settled by Russians in 1783. ✅ *Crimeans themselves voted to reunite with Russia after the coup in Kiev in 2014. It’s a public knowledge that they’ve always gravitated towards Russia ever since 1991. Respect their choice and decision! Russia was, is and will always be their beloved home!* 🇷🇺 ✅ Crimeans made their decision to reunite with Russia via democratic referendum based on the cardinal principle of the UN - the right of the people to self-determination. You should respect their choice. *CRIMEA IS RIGHTFULLY RUSSIA!* 🇷🇺
Andy stated Crimea is a disputed territory currently controlled by Russia, which is the factual, objectif truth. Crimea appearing in a video about Russia doesn't mean she agrees with that, or that she thinks it should be that way ; Crimea appears in the video because Russia controls it, and the goal of the video is to showcase as many languages as possible. Stop over-reacting to content when the goal is very clearly educational and non-political. P.S. : yes, this is a copy-pasted comment ; lots of people are arguing about the exact same thing, so I'm going to answer the exact same thing.
Russia's been conducting an expansionist policy most of its history: numerous conquests, military campaigns and expeditions, constant wars with neighbours resulted in annexation of numerous territories where dozens of indigenous peoples lived.
@@clubb2724 ✅ *Russia is the glorious nation that single-handedly managed to get through to the Baltic Sea (defeating Sweden in 1721), then reaching out to the Black Sea (defeating Turkey in 1783), to other numerous seas, to the Arctic Ocean and EVEN TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Vladivostok is like Russian San-Francisco. To only think that Russia managed to gradually grow into an entire continent originally from a small landlocked North-East European entity hidden in the woods next to Estonia, Poland and Belarus. Wow, just wow! Russia proves that impossible is possible.* 🇷🇺🪆🇷🇺🪆🇷🇺🪆🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪🏻
A lot of my favorite cultures happen to be in the russian federation. This is a great video idea!
100% agree! The russian republics are so underrated, their culture and history is amazing
I find all of these autonomous Russian republics fascinating.
@@communist_argentinian your name lol 🤣
@@ibrahimulbi not all of them are located in the caucasus bruh
@@ibrahimulbi no...im just telling you since you used the word caucasian as if all the republics in the russian federation were located in the caucasus
How to say “Water” in these langauges
- Part 1 -
Adyghe: «Псы»
Altai (Southern): «Суу»
Bashkir: «Һыу»
Buryat: «Лус»
Chechen: «Хи»
Chuvash: «Шу/Шуу/Шыв»
Crimean Tatar: «Cibitmek/Suv
Avar: «Лъим»
Ingush: «Хий»
Kabardian: «Псы»
Kalmyk: «Усн»
- Part 2 -
Karachay-Balkar: «Суу/Сууу»
Karelian: «Vesi/Vezi»
Khakas: «Суғ»
Komi: «Ва»
Komi (Permyak): «Ва»
Komi (Zyrian): «Ва»
Mari: «Вӱд»
Erzya/Moksha: «Ведь»
Ossetian: «Дон»
Sakha: «Уу»
Tatar: «Су/Сулар»
Tuvinian: «Суг»
Udmurt: «Ву»
На бурятском вода будет уһан
На лезгинскам будет йатар ( "yatar" если угодно)
Love all my bulgar brothers and sister in Tatarstan Chuvashia and balkaria ❤️🇧🇬
Bulgaria is Turkic like chuvashia, tatars, balkars... Etc ?
И вам любовь с Татарстана
karachay balkars are kipchak, not oghur.
@@mrobocop1666 почему здесь не было татарстана?
@@kutaykalender2321 They're linguistically Kipchak. Ethnically they are more Oghur than Kipchak. Even the ethnonym Balkar comes from the word “Bulgar”.
I hope that all these beautiful languages will survive.
I am dreaming of travelling to Dagestan.
It is beautiful but be careful prior to 2022, I’ve heard that many Russians do not consider Dagestan safe.
I'm Tatar and Bashkir. I'm from Russia 🇷🇺.
Video cool💕
@Animeci ve Animeleri a little bit
Is there any separatist sentiment in Tatars and Bashkirs? Or you feel fine to be within Russia?
@@youssefmakhoul3963 i wonder this for every republic
@@youssefmakhoul3963 most of tatars are mankurt (their minds are very russified), because they were invaded 500 years ago, a lot or time has passed since then, but there is still hope of liberating.
@@bilgesez Liberation of what? Who wants this? You are delusilnal and sick in your mind.
Bashkir sounds so good ❤🇷🇺
@@cuprum6518 Sierra Leone bashkortostan
Башкиры, общий сбор! Привет из Уфы
Thanks very much 🥰💞
You should make separate videos on each of these languages, it would be wonderful
Many languages exist in Dagestan alongside Avar. They are Aghul, Rutul, Tabasaran, Lak, Chechen, Dargin, Tsakhur, Lezgian, Azerbaijani, Nogai, Kumyk, Tat.
Салам из Чувашии!!!
Is there any separatist sentiment within Chuvash? Or you feel fine within Russia?
Привет из Нижнего Новгорода. Приезжала один раз в Чебоксары, очень красивый город.
салам из марий эл
@@youssefmakhoul3963 незнаю как у чувашей, но у всех республик, кроме кавказа и татарстана (может ещё башкирии) ситуация похожая. У нас в соседней республике марий эл есть пару национальных движений по типу Мари Ушем (марийский союз) которые продвигают марийский язык и культуру, но сепаратистов нету, а если и были, то их уже всех посадили.
В России довольно много интересных этносов, некоторые из которых тесно пересекаются друг с другом культурно (например, удмурты с татарами и башкирами). Полагаю, что ни в одной стране нет такого разнообразия культур и народов, как в России, с учётом того, что места проживания на территории РФ многих народов считаются родными. Я имею в виду, если сравнивать США с РФ, то история США несколько другая, чем история России по понятным причинам. В США будут, грубо говоря, все народы мира, разных народов действительно много. Однако во многом национальное разнообразие достигается за счёт политики США и ее высокого экономического развития в мире. Исторически современная территория США полна эмигрантов из разных стран, пришедших в разную эпоху (XVII-XXI)
Если говорить про Россию, то такое разнообразие можно частично объяснить огромной территорией, хотя смотря, сколько народов проживает в некоторых африканских странах, то этот аргумент сразу отпадает.
О народах России мало кто знает за рубежом, по-моему. Соответственно за океаном или ещё дальше, скажем, считают, что Россия моноэтническое государство, хотя это не так. Да, русских много в России, они составляют большинство в 80-90% по федерации, но не стоит забывать об оставшейся части.
Я, как житель Казахстана, тоже имею в своей стране не похожие друг на друга народы с разной историей и культурой. Например, в дальнем зарубежье мало кто знает, что в нашей стране проживают дунгане, уйгуры, поляки, корейцы, ногайцы, каракалпаки, алтайские народы. Их мало, да, но сам факт того, что они есть для меня нечто удивительное и необычное. Столько разных людей по цвету кожи, религии, истории возникновения и развития, культурным особенностям, традициям и обычаям, языкам на одной огромной территории
путін хуйло.
@@bessarabiyakysheniv116 украина нелегитимное государство)
Думаю, Индию можно сравнить по такому же этническому и культурному разнообразию с Россией)
Уимафэ шlу! Спасибо за такое прекрасное видео и привет из Адыгеи🤍💚
1. Adyghe (Northwest Caucasian)
2. Altai (Siberian Turk)
3. Bashkir (Kipchak Turk)
4. Buryat (Mongolic)
5. Chechen (Northeast Caucasian)
6. Chuvash (Oghur Turk)
7. Crimean Tatar (Kipchak Turk)
8. Avar (Northeast Caucasian)
9. Ingush (Northeast Caucasian)
10. Kabardian (Northwest Caucasian)
11. Kalmyk (Mongolic)
Part 2 with more Uralic, Turkic & Tungusic Languages
Crimea is Ukraine🇺🇦
@@bessarabiyakysheniv116 вдалися, мамкін політик
@@bessarabiyakysheniv116 No, in Crimea living Russians
This video was much needed
So many ethnicities in Russia🥰
I bet Andy, you are excellent on your school presentations 👍
Russia has such beautiful ethnicities and cultures! Greetings from Bulgaria 🇧🇬
this has been an Amazing work!
I love languages of Russia!
@@ibrahimulbi not only
@@ibrahimulbi I like ALL languages of Russia, not only republic languages
@@ibrahimulbi russia, they are a part of russia
Greetings from Bashkortostan :)
Привет Башкирии из Нижнего Новгорода.
Selam to bashkortostan from turkey, turkic brothers :D !!!
Thank you so much!
Having to say the most fascinating and my favorite language groups are all in Russia since they're all so unique and cool.
hello, I'm from the Republic of Tatarstan
Kabardino -Balkaria
Karachay cherkessia
Mari El
North Ossetia-Alania
Tau! Greetings from Izhevsk, Udmurtia! :D ⬛️⬜️🟥
Сдраст-, сдраститя! Сдраститя...
@@PewPewPlasmagun О, здорово ёпфой!
I hope you do more videos like this in the future. I REALLY enjoyed learning about different cultures & languages within a nation & I think it’s one of my favorites you’ve done. I like seeing different people/cultures within nations like the Cajuns in Louisiana, the Garifuna in Central America, the Welsh in Argentina, the Siddi/Sheedi people in Pakistan & India, the Afrikaners in South Africa, etc.
Yup Argentina has Welsh community apparently! I was shocked when I learned that.
Ето должньі стать 22 Новьіх Независимьіх Стран. Которьіе обязательно появляться на карте Мира. Желаю вам побьістрее Свободьі!
Can you make a series like this on the different states of India and their languages! Btw great video❤️
relative areas of Ingushetia and Checnya had changed, now Ingushetya is around 3123 sq. km. whereas Chechnya is around 16165 sq. km.
Do the essex dialect or the language spoken in amazonas
Your pronunciation of most capital names surprised me. Nice accent.
Russia's diversity is fascinating
In reality all these nations were, mostly forcefully, blended togeather and forced to forget their own culture, so uhh...
@@dmytrotsvyntarnyi799i used fascinating as a neutral term
You’re a salty Ukrainian and what you said is not true in the slightest.
@@alexstorm2749 ukrainians were murderd with 2 waves of artificially created hunger. Espetially in the eastern part of Ukraine. And then more russians cane there, that is why you rarely hear Ukrainian language in the eastern Ukraine, but it wasn't the case untill the Holodomor, WW2 and other stuff.
Belorussians don't speak Belorussian language at all. You won't even hear a belorussuan word from their president. Do I even have to mention Chechnya? Buratia? Yakutia? All these ethnical groups and subjects or the Russian federation have their own history and culture. Is that culture still alive? Barely
@@alexstorm2749 talking about Crimea. The Crimean Tatars, who were huge ethnicity group in Crimea prior to 1944, when the USSR (de-facto, what is modern Russia) were forcefully deportated from the Crimea and/or murdered, Russian people took their place in the Crimea. This is one of the reasons why Crimea have this much connection to Russia. It's only because Russia has murdered the original ethnic groups in there
Very cool keep it up.
Part 2 plssss
в России как бы уже 24 республики. хотя ЛДНР являются такими же регионами по сути, как и Курская и Белгородская области, только более украинизированые
Wow! NICE vídeo! 😍🙏👏
BTW I'm also interested in Chukchi language and their people who live in the extreme far east of Russia.
Part 2 please!!!!!!!
I am looking forward to hearing erza and mokša languages.
✅ Historically Russian (and populated by 70% Russians) Crimea reunited with Russia absolutely peacefully and festively with mass celebrations all around the peninsula. There’s tons of evidence.
✅ Crimean Tatars feel absolutely fine being a part of Russia. Go check the brand new grandiose mosque in Simferopol (Aqmescit Friday Mosque) - now it’s the largest one on the peninsula. Crimeans Tatars dreamed of having it since 1991 but it was Russia that finally built it for them.
✅ The Crimean Tatar language is one of the 3 official state languages of the subject of the Russian Federation the Republic of Crimea at the legislative level. Most Crimean Tatars feel good about Russia.
✅ Plus, Crimean Tatars reunited with their brothers - Kazan Tatars, Volga Tatars, Astrakhan Tatars and Siberian Tatars. This is quite logical. Now they go to luxurious Kazan to visit their brothers, and the mainland Tatars go to the Russian Crimea via the brand new Crimean bridge. Or fly to them and land in the brand new Simferopol airport looking so amazing and futuristic.
Cool, huh? 😎
*C R I M E A I S R U S S I A!* 🇷🇺🥳
Алтайский язык интересно звучит, похоже на смесь татарского и венгерского.
I love the Avar language
I’ve never been so early but anyways I’m Georgian, Chechen and Ossetian
hey, man, where do u live?
Нохчийн мотт даа хаза.
@@_amp1262 US, why?
@@adygeaisnumber1 i have no idea, but it sounds majestic to me. I say every lanaguge sounds good, but some languages i say are…
@@adygeaisnumber1 just asking, there aren't many Caucasians in the U. S. btw, I think you've mentioned in 1 of ur other comments that you live in North Ossetia. have u immigrated, perhaps?
Is there any way I could get the audio files of just the Our Father prayer in all the languages?
Can I Realese Part 2 Please
Great video😍
Russia is a cool country, with a lot of diversity
Cool no, freezing cold yes.
@@PewPewPlasmagun 🤡
I'm Brazilian, I Like russian federation
I don't know why but most people of Russia now speak Russian instead of their own regional languages now.
Because they are lazy and it's easier to have a universal language which you can use whenever you go and everyone will understand you?🤔🤷♀️
In China it's the same.
yeah why im curious (🤦♂dude)
Well yeah, in Soviet and imperial times during massive russification it was shameful to speak your own language.
Because it is convenient and practical. People of 190 nationalities have the same opportunities to enroll in universities across the country, move to another city for work and travel around the country, this simplifies document flow, allows you to create unified data and, for example, receive emergency medical care anywhere. And many of the republics are not mono-national entities, for example, in Dagestan there are about 40 nations how can they interact without a single language
Internationalism is the key to maintaining peace and friendship between ethnicities and nationalities
Can't wait for modern uyghur languge)
Go part 2
Have you confused Kabardian and Adyghe ?
Crimea is not a part of Russia.
And so is Donetsk and Luhansk
They were annexed and occupied illegally by Putler.
No, this Russia.
Yes it is
They are de facto, and acting like they weren't incorporated into Russia. It might change in the future, but currently they are part of Russia.
@@paulemboy6066 Who is Putler? I never heard of this name
I feel so sorry for those cultures, they almost got their chance during 90's. And not to mention Crimean Tatars, who have suffered enough in XX century
An independent Crimean state would've been dope
@@Argacyan dope?
Ukraine moment
Nothing to be sorry about. They have been a part of Russia for centuries. And they also took part in forming what today’s Russia is. Their major cities: Ufa, Kazan, Grozny, etc. are one of the most beautiful and unique cities of Russia and the world.
Tatars have more rights under RF than under that failed state called Ukraine (who lost de facto half of its populatiln during its 'independance', and not only through the war!). So why not shut your trap when you are so utterly blithe?
How many offended Ukrainians are in the comments)
Адыгэ лъэпкъыр орэпсау!!!
Хм... Придумал хорошо, добавив приветствие на калмыцком языке. Приятно слышать что кто-то про нас знает и 0отя бы одно слово
Where's part 2?
I would love to see some of these republics being liberated after Russia's defeat in the Ukrainian war, it would help keep those languages and cultures alive!
Извини но я сам из национальной республики. И представитель коренного народа. У нас дела идут хорошо. Так что не беспокойся. Мы никуда выйти не собираемся ☺️
@@nayba1854 I'm saying that because reports show that the languages in most republics are diyng in favor of russian. But I'm happy to know your is doing great :)
Languages in Great Britain such as Welsh and Irish are also disappearing and being replaced by English. Do you want the UK to break up as well?
Russia could never and will never be defeated. It’s managed to become the largest country on the planet (the size of an entire continent similar to the South America) because of this fact of history. Russia is invincible.
Plus, it’s one of the 2 major nuclear powers along with the USA. If you want Russia to be defeated, you might not care about the future of the Earth. Anyways, everybody is going to lose then.
Республика Коми, видза оланныд
In many sovereign states such as Russia, former Yugoslavia "republic" means "constituent state".
Yes, Crimea this Russia.
de-facto controlled by Russia though
Well, it's been 8 years since Crimea was stolen from Ukraine. So, it's Russian land now.
No, crimea is not russia,
@@autosclassicos9702 Proofs?
I am Avars
respectfully Russian 🇷🇺 federation wow amazing !!
For foreigners who think that all these hymns are so beautiful, I want to say. I am an ethnic Bashkir, a nationalist. In relation to the Bashkir people and other peoples, Russia is pursuing an imperial policy of tyranny. In addition to the fact that all our resources are being siphoned off and money going to Moscow, our guys are sent by force to fight in Ukraine. Our languages and rights are being infringed upon, and instead they are imposing a Russian language that is alien to us. We are against it and now we are preparing for the fall of the empire. Do not think that Russia is a federation where the peoples have some kind of rights. No. This is a colonial empire. You can’t even imagine what prospects we have, but Russia does not allow them to be realized. This is an abnormal state run by imperial chauvinists. Therefore, as Bashkirs, I declare: Russia is evil, it is the suffering and horror of millions of people.
Если Башкирия освободится то она банально будет крайне бедной страной,с процветающей корупцией также как это было с под советскими республиками после развала ссср и также освободившись вы хоть и не сразу ,но станете экономически зависеть от других стран к примеру китай или сша.
Тобишь из вас сейчас будут выкачивать ресурсы и отправляют их в москву ,то потом эти же ресурсы будут отправлены в пекин или вашинктон.
Освободившись от одного капкана вы наступите на другой.
Вопросы?Или все понятно?
А вот если субъекты станут независимы,то всё будет "заебись". Правда,загнутся через 2-3 года,но это не важно.
Хрю. Очередная "дочка офицера" выползла.
Ukrainian language is still one of the official language of Crimea, don't forget
Crimea is still a part of Ukraine, de-jure
Only in your wet dreams. 🇷🇺💪🏻
*CRIMEA = RUSSIA* 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🪆
I speak Turkish and I understand 80% all of them language because the most of them are a Turkic people!!!
A few important facts about Crimea:
✅ Russian Crimea was transferred from the Russian Soviet Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic only in 1954 FOR NO REASON at all. Khrushchev treated Crimea like a box of chocolates simply gifting it to Ukraine. And the most important thing is that nobody asked Crimeans themselves. But since it was all the USSR, it was still ok. Up until 1991, that’s when Ukraine should have given Russian Crimea back to Russia.
✅ Historically Russian Crimea has been an integral part of the Russian South since 1783 with a little break (1991-2013).
✅ Its population is 70% Russian.
✅ Crimea is predominantly Russian-speaking.
✅ Russian Black Sea Fleet has been stationed in Crimea since 1783 non-stop. And yes, before 2014 as well.
✅ The official anthem of Sevastopol, the biggest Crimean city, goes like this: “Sevastopol is the pride of Russian sailors!”
✅ Sevastopol, the biggest city of Crimea, has been founded and settled by Russians in 1783.
✅ *Crimeans themselves voted to reunite with Russia after the coup in Kiev in 2014. It’s a public knowledge that they’ve always gravitated towards Russia ever since 1991. Respect their choice and decision! Russia was, is and will always be their beloved home!* 🇷🇺
✅ Crimeans made their decision to reunite with Russia via democratic referendum based on the cardinal principle of the UN - the right of the people to self-determination.
You should respect their choice.
Crimea is Russia, but Russia is Ukraine! 🇺🇦
The referendum was extremely falcificated. The first city in the place where Sevasropol stands today originated from the Ottoman Empire, not Russia. So, maybe we should give the Crimea to Turkey? And when Colombus "found" America he thout that it was India, so maybe we shold give all the territory of the US to India? Colombus even called it "West India" )
@@alexstorm2749 OOOH. I GET IT. YOU A A FRICKING BOT. YOU REPLIED WITH THE SAME ABSOLUTE COMMENT TO MY OTHER MESSAGE under anther discussion in another comment section. Makes sense. Whoever runs you: "Go F*ck yourself!"
*If someone who is reading this, is not a bot, please report that trash can*
the population is 70% russian because russians deported 200,000 crimeans out of their home. and it is estimated that since then, russians have killed over 40,000 crimeans. when ukraine declared her independence, all crimeans were welcome to come back, but since russia has stole it from ukraine, many crimeans are forcefully deported again. you know about russian occupied crimea, not about crimea and her rightfully citizens.
@@myomalosza don't answer to him. He is a bot and copies the same answers to different comment sections, that is not even a real person. He replied to me with the exact same text which is now above my comment. Just report this abomination to RUclips. I guess you can report him for "terrorism pripaganda" which is the case with it's comments and it sounds like the most seriouse out of all reasons given to chose from
The Rússia is very European! And Sibéria very Asian!
No. Russia is Eurasian country (not only european, but also asian). And syberia is part of Russia.
we are an eurasian, not european or asian
These republics must be free 😼
Dagestan was added ☠️
great and nogai language????
Nogai people don’t have own republic.
They mostly live in Dagestan
Отче наш на некоторых языках звучит как вызов)
Qırım serbest olacaq! Millet! Vatan! Qırım!
✅ *Russia is the glorious nation that single-handedly managed to get through to the Baltic Sea (defeating Sweden in 1721), then reaching out to the Black Sea (defeating Turkey in 1783), to other numerous seas, to the Arctic Ocean and EVEN TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Vladivostok is like Russian San-Francisco. To only think that Russia managed to gradually grow into an entire continent originally from a small landlocked North-East European entity hidden in the woods next to Estonia and Belarus. Wow, just wow! Russia proves that impossible is possible.*
karelia shall rise 💪🏻💪🏻
Aland 🇦🇽🇷🇺
Crimea is not part of Russia !
It is, its more russian ethnically and culturally than many of these republics
@@communist_argentinian - I truly would like to know how many times you visited Ukraine, Crimea or Russia to place such a statement. Regardless of your thinking Crimea is internationally recognized part of sovereign Ukrainian state - it is enough to cease all the discussions.
@@communist_argentinian yeah? I was born there and lived in Crimea until 2013. Is there anything else you know in Argentina better than people like me? Please share your knowledge, senpai
@@tomaszzarankiewicz4027 а вы были в Крыму или России?
it's time to admit that Crimea is Russia. 8 years already as a part of our country, and our country controls this region. Crimea declared independence when a handful of millions of people overthrew the president they elected. Crimean residents chose to stay with Russia
Since when is Crimea part of russia?
The creator should have stated about controversial moment
Since 2014
Since 2014 if you wonder
@@domesticundead 2014 my ass. Russia has no rights to take other countries' territories.
@@rainbowresistance692, an experiment: visit Crimea and tell random people there, that you consider Crimea being a part of Ukraine. If you run fast, you may even survive
Crimea is Ukraine!
Bashkortostan is not Russia #ИреклеБашҡортостан
Kurdish sorani to Bangla language
Crimea is Ukraine 🇺🇦, not "Russian Federation"
Crimea is Ukraine, my man
Crimea this Russia, subnaser kakloshvine.
De jure, not de facto. At this point it's kinda ludicrous to act like it wasn't incorporated into Russia. Although that hopefully changes one day.
Go to Crimea and find out who controls it) It's like saying: Karabakh is Armenia, and Northern Ireland is Ireland.
crimea is part of Ukraine
Bruh, are you fr now?? Crimea????
Is Crimea really a “Russian republic” ?
Yes. De jure it is part of Ukraine (by the decision of the EU), but de facto it is completely controlled by Russia.
A simple question:if Ukraine considers Crimea its own, why does it not pay pensions and social benefits to "its" citizens?
Crimea is Ukraine🇺🇦
@@bessarabiyakysheniv116 украина это Россия
@@МаксВолк-р3д ох ебать, очень хорошо, возьму на вооружение
Crimea not Russia its Ukraine
*Crimea is 100% Russia!*
Wake up to reality.
its russian since 2014
Andy stated Crimea is a disputed territory currently controlled by Russia, which is the factual, objectif truth. Crimea appearing in a video about Russia doesn't mean she agrees with that, or that she thinks it should be that way ; Crimea appears in the video because Russia controls it, and the goal of the video is to showcase as many languages as possible. Stop over-reacting to content when the goal is very clearly educational and non-political.
P.S. : yes, this is a copy-pasted comment ; lots of people are arguing about the exact same thing, so I'm going to answer the exact same thing.
Occupied countries by Russia. The only country in the world, that stil controls other countries. How do you even imagine that, people with a different language, culture, food, history and have nothing to do with Russia, but are a part of the country. Nothing good here, just many innocent countries that are occupied and aren't considered as people in Russia. Not talking about Ichkeria, that was de-facto independent till Russia just came and occupied it (Russia even lost the first war), killed 150k+ people, destroyed everything and annexed it.
"aren't considered as people in Russia"
- Don't project your nazi mind on others.
Russia is the federation, these republics have their own rights and can do whatever they want. What about Britain (Scotland), Spain (Catalonia), France (Corsica), Germany (Bavaria), Poland (Silesia), USA (Natives) etc?
So we not gonna talk about half of USA regions are Mexican, oh boy i didnt even talk about Alaska
Oh, how scary. Imagine, but in the subjects it is obligatory to study their native language. In Russia, no one will be humiliated for speaking in their native language.
Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦
Dont bring this fascist shit into language video
Слава в чем или за что?
Slava Cocainum! 🇺🇦🤜🤛🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
@@יוגבמיצנגנדלר, hold on, where are you from?
where are you from*
Wish to all of them independence
cringe(I'm Russian from Kazan)
Ты позоришь Казахстан
Жаль, что эти языки вымирают и замещаются русским
В республиках обязательно изучаются национальные языки, а русский исторически язык межнационального общения на всём постсовке))
@@earlbkv4187 уже не обязательно (хотя большинство представителей национальности пока что изучают свои языки, я сам русский казанец и не изучаю татарский)
просто нужно как можно больше литературы выпустить на этих языках и тогда они будут жить в архивах. Укрепить их в русском языке
@Bornpall #единая_россия2024 🇺🇦 эммм... Да
@@earlbkv4187 не у всех народов есть республики. И в столицах этих республик национальный язык активно заменяется на русский
May these be languages of independent sovereign states one day
In dreams
Crimea is not Russia.
You forgot orcish...
There is not such
this is not a video about ukraine
@@redacted7060 How ability to find politics where there are not called?
video about Russia, not about ukraine
There are no Ukrainians in Russia
Crimea is not russia!!!
A few important facts about Crimea:
✅ Russian Crimea was transferred from the Russian Soviet Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic only in 1954 FOR NO REASON at all. Khrushchev treated Crimea like a box of chocolates simply gifting it to Ukraine. And the most important thing is that nobody asked Crimeans themselves. But since it was all the USSR, it was still ok. Up until 1991, that’s when Ukraine should have given Russian Crimea back to Russia.
✅ Historically Russian Crimea has been an integral part of the Russian South since 1783 with a little break (1991-2013).
✅ Its population is 70% Russian.
✅ Crimea is predominantly Russian-speaking.
✅ Russian Black Sea Fleet has been stationed in Crimea since 1783 non-stop. And yes, before 2014 as well.
✅ The official anthem of Sevastopol, the biggest Crimean city, goes like this: “Sevastopol is the pride of Russian sailors!”
✅ Sevastopol, the biggest city of Crimea, has been founded and settled by Russians in 1783.
✅ *Crimeans themselves voted to reunite with Russia after the coup in Kiev in 2014. It’s a public knowledge that they’ve always gravitated towards Russia ever since 1991. Respect their choice and decision! Russia was, is and will always be their beloved home!* 🇷🇺
✅ Crimeans made their decision to reunite with Russia via democratic referendum based on the cardinal principle of the UN - the right of the people to self-determination.
You should respect their choice.
Yes it is and will forever be.
Andy stated Crimea is a disputed territory currently controlled by Russia, which is the factual, objectif truth. Crimea appearing in a video about Russia doesn't mean she agrees with that, or that she thinks it should be that way ; Crimea appears in the video because Russia controls it, and the goal of the video is to showcase as many languages as possible. Stop over-reacting to content when the goal is very clearly educational and non-political.
P.S. : yes, this is a copy-pasted comment ; lots of people are arguing about the exact same thing, so I'm going to answer the exact same thing.
Crimea? Russia? 😟😟
since 2014. good morning
Excuse my ignorance, why are so many languages spoken in Russia? Maybe I should read and study about it..
Because Russia is a nation-state. Aren't there many languages in China? Or in the US, UK, Africa or South America?
Of course you should! It is a very interesting topic
Russia's been conducting an expansionist policy most of its history: numerous conquests, military campaigns and expeditions, constant wars with neighbours resulted in annexation of numerous territories where dozens of indigenous peoples lived.
Imperialism ? Geography? Take your pick
✅ *Russia is the glorious nation that single-handedly managed to get through to the Baltic Sea (defeating Sweden in 1721), then reaching out to the Black Sea (defeating Turkey in 1783), to other numerous seas, to the Arctic Ocean and EVEN TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Vladivostok is like Russian San-Francisco. To only think that Russia managed to gradually grow into an entire continent originally from a small landlocked North-East European entity hidden in the woods next to Estonia, Poland and Belarus. Wow, just wow! Russia proves that impossible is possible.*
Crimea si Ukraine 🇺🇦
@htoyane база