Neat! Neat tiny house. Neat couple. They've been through a lot together in a short time, loss of dad, job, career change, and you've got to love a ninja cat. Enjoyed the video Kirsten, thanks for posting. Life does change suddenly and unexpectedly.
I wonder if they use the laundramat, a friend's washer and dryer, or something else. I recommend getting a portable washer like the one by the Laundry Alternative. It uses no electricity, you can wash up to 5 pounds of clothes at a time, it uses very little water; 6 quarts for a large load for wash and the same for rinsing. It even has a drain spout. They also sell a dryer spinner that spins all the water out of your clothes. The water runs from the spinner into a pan that you place just below the spout. The spinner gets out more water from your clothes than the spin cycle of most washers and it uses no heat. It's gentle on your clothes which means they last longer. Just hang up your clothes to dry. The portable washer operates by a hand crank. It's great for campers or when the power is out. The dryer spinner does use electricity but it uses very little. This pair is great for small places or for people who just want to let their regular washer and dryer take a break so they can save some money.
I love tiny homes. when I was married and life was great. I've lived in very big houses with marble floors, a swimming pool, and big garden and enjoyed it. On my own now, debt-free and realized I was not focused in what basic, simple, debt-free and happy life. I am at peace in a tiny house. It's not for everyone...but it is great!
Someone told me "that at the end of the day when we are ready for the other world we wiil only need one room to close our eyes, and good bye to debit,material things, and our love ones. Some of us work to hard for the wrong reasons. Its all about family and debit free to be able to enjoy good treasures "family"
Great video Kirsten! It was stressful and a challenge for Tammy when she had back issues . . . fun to get not only a 'tour' of the house but Tammy and Logan's take on their lifestyle. Well done!
What a cool tiny home. I know many people think $35,000 is a lot to pay for the home, but what I have learned is if you spend less, you generally get less too. Not as well built, etc. As for paying rent for such a beautiful spot, I also don't find that in 2013. $500 to be overkill either. All the best to them on their journeys!
This has been very informative and inspiring. I needed to see this video and an actual couple living in a tiny house. I am very motivated after this! Thank you!
They orginally built it while living in portland , near fresh food and transportation. As a their needs change, as in needing a fridge and a shower...they adapt. I've followed Tammy online for years and have always been impressed by her and her husbands genuineness.
Fantastic. I really respect what you have done and commend you for your ability to "reduce" and "discard" things you don't need. The best "Small Home" video yet. I really enjoyed you two.
@@tacopro218 Good point ... that being said.. typically a well built Tiny House will hold its value somewhat better than your typical trailer. The trick is to use a Tiny House as a stepping stone to a more typical home. As long as one is renting rather than OWNING land.. that's a dead end... unless you're going to inherit your parent's property some day. If the town/city allows it (gotta do your research) then pay off the land, and live in the Tiny free.. while saving up money to build a larger, somewhat more conventional home. THEN you can sell the Tiny House OR use it as an office.. or in-law apt. Again... depending on zoning. There should be a point to a Tiny House... a way to .. over time.. become more financially stable.
You are very very fortunate!! You figured out what's really important in this life at a very young age. With most people it takes their entire life to figure it out and some never do!! My best to you both!
Hey if that's the life style they want, I say it's totally worth it. Some people pay $3,000 for a pair of shoes, some only pay $30. Luxury means differently to different individual.
And, I have a collection of quality designer shoes and bags I paid $5.00 to $10.00 for I never pay $30.00 for shoes or bags. It is so simple to be frugal.
I have many pairs of designer shoes and I never paid more than $5 or $10 a pair for them, some even brand new in the thrift stores, others, look as though they have only been worn once or twice, No need to spend $30 or $3000 for a pair of shoes, only folk with money to burn do that!
I liked this video much more than your other tiny house videos, although the construction story is interesting, the real story is of the lives that live in these places and this video was much more focused on the individuals. REALLY enjoyed watching. Thank you.
I too had to take care of my mom before she passed for 5 years and I also have a bad back. This tiny house story made me think about non-loft style bedroom. Thanks Kirsten
"How many people get to take care of their parent when they are in that state" amazing is that? She got to return the gift of care through love to her parent that was ill and was on his death bed. That was the amazing part of your amazing video!
+henning flat How someone speaks is a much less accurate measurement of a person's character than the things they say. Based on your words, I feel comfortable assuming you are a sick, angry, narcissistic misogynist, and a terrible person. Just reading the signs.
Maybe the cost was especially shocking because so many of the tiny houses we see were built by the owners and their friends so the labor costs were low. They said their cost was half labor, which makes sense. Still, seems like a bit much for what they got.
Cool story. Thanks for sharing the private part of living in a tiny home. It works because as a couple you share the same character values. So many people want to do this but they are too wrapped up with what their friends and family think. Their mortgages and car payments have become the ball & chain to a job they hate. What a horrible way to live.
wow, their tiny house is one of the more expensive ones ive seen. most hover around 15 thousand. that said, i really love their story and the love that drives them to be with family. truly inspiring.
I went from a six figure lifestyle with all the trimmings to being a student again starting a second career. I realized how little I actually needed to still be happy and that all of the things I had owned me. Shooting for that American Dream lifestyle has major costs with it that aren't really sustainable for most people nowadays. Besides, now my interests lie more outside the home, and I like the freedom and flexibility having fewer things allow me.
I really liked this video and it's message. I really liked this young couple and sympathize with their struggles and admire the happiness they got from that change. It's too bad they got negative comments for paying too much for their home. Some people can't wait a year or five years or for however long it takes to have it done inexpensively. It takes a lot of courage to switch to this life style. I'm very new to this philosophy, I just started researching this while trying to get rid of more then half of my stuff and I find it kind of hard and a long process, but I'll keep at it to reach my goal of living in about 800 sq feet or less if I can. This kind of video helps me keep that vision. Thank you for that, congrats on your success and all my sympathies for the loss of your loved one.
To quite brash statements what they have done has impacted their life positively for their heart and ability to inter move her whole belongings to and fro with family efficiently. They are thankful and very much free. It works for them don't condemn their path choice in this aspect but appreciate.
You could buy 1/2 acre piece of land somewhere on the peninsula, north of Beaverton for $10K. And then you could consider spending a year building a small house by yourselves on that piece of land.
@@KNGDMSsound Yes... and then later incorporate the Tiny House into an office space, or rental.. or sell it, once you build a more moderate home... mortgage free.
Love your home! I've seen dozens of these ideas of small home on wheels. I was thinking, the home can be small and portable but having a very easy to build and inexpensive large porch around the home would give you lots of space to spend time outside in the summer and store items in the winter. Think of the porch as a large U and your home can be "docked" inside the U. Cover the porch and screen it in and increase you space!
Very innovative! and great for the planet to have people living more simple, sustainable lifestyles. (Hope you inspire others, also, to live more simply and sustainably.) Thanks for sharing! Wishing you both continued and increasing happiness!
That is a neat small house, I like that its self sufficient but the things I dont like about it are that: 1) No Fridge 2) Composting Toilet (doesnt flush) 3) No Shower 4) $35,000!? It seems really expensive for having many of the modern day necessities being gone.
Composting toilets are actually fairly cool! If you can get over disposing of the solid waste. Which makes a good fertilizer. I have used them and seldom have ever smelled an odor. Except directly after use. Not much different from a regular toilet. If they were used properly in the less developed areas of the world? There would be much less disease and contaminated water. They are so simple to maintain but you do have to maintain them. FLUSHING is a huge waste of water. Especially for a few milliliters of urine of which is 99% water. You flush it with 2 liters of water. California use to have a saying... "If its Yellow, let it mellow. If its Brown, flush it down." Remember this next time you flush. Save a little water. It looks like That saying might make a come back this year in several places across the US.
This is a great video, thank you for the tour and sharing your story. We are currently planning our tiny home and look forward to the gift of no mortgage!
Unconventional Living Thanks. I plan to blog. There's so much that goes into planning this kind of living. I haven't started my blog yet because I dont have a name for it. I thought, "the stuffed life" or "the stuffed house" mainly bc we collect stuffed animals. However, WaxingTurtle is sorta my main internet/online identity and thought incorporating that into the name would be better. Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas? Thanks!
Nice little home, but $500 a month just to park it..and $35,000 to build it? Seems like their still spending a awful lot. Seems to be a better move to buy a used pull behind RV for $5,000. Or if they were going to spend $35,000 plus buy a used Sports Mobile.
I agree I live in a studio apartment for about twice the price but I don't have to worry about plumbing, electric, I just call the landlady and she fixes stuff. Plus it's in a really nice location. I suppose this is if you want to own something.
My brother bought a duplex for $30k he lives in one while the other is rented. The rent pays for utilities of both homes and money in the bank. Plus taxes.
what a lovely couple, they have a good way of life, and lets face none of us actually really own that much and we spend most of our lives paying for it and we suffer stress in the process and how much do we really need to have to be happy.Better to have cash in the bank which gives freedom of choice.choice. That is truly independence and a lot less worry
There were entire years when "LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER" would have been a welcome improvement to what I was experiencing. Christian financial principals set in motion years ago have made my navigation of the Covid-19 economy worry free.
Sandra Gouthro I get your point but I also agree with the Comment about “all thanks to” with the addition that working a typical job has become way to demanding, leaving us too tired to enjoy anything simple - hence teeny homes. One should not have to live in a teeny home after working all week and be limited to hobbies that can done in a teeny home. As a full time employed professional, I live in a 700 sq ft home so to have room for my sewing hobby; yet limited time..., causes me to seriously think about living teeny(er)...
I love this tiny house, you can move anywhere. It is also well organized, very clean, flexible. I rather live in a small house like this, instead of paying high mortgage. Maybe next time tell us how much you spent for the house and the contractor who made them. Many house buyers avoid high cost of maintaining the house, and having a tiny house is a very practical way of living according with our budget. I appreciate sharing us your experience living in a tiny house. Thank you.
Fascinating. Really makes you think about your own priorities, even if this lifestyle isn't for you, perhaps finding something simpler that works for you is worthwhile and do-able.
I am really digging this down-sized simplified living concept. We have been dupped into excessive see me and all my things-ism for far too long. Good for you, you understand the basic principle of happiness.
BRAVO for you two. It does my heart good to see people unplug from the madness. So sorry about your dad; glad you were able to spend his last few months with him. Love your home, and that you live with a 'Ninja.'
This kinda exemplifies what I don't like about the new, hip, hey-look-at-me-I'm-a-minimalist trend. $35000 for that space? And ONLY $500/mo for a place to put it? You can get an amazing RV of the same size for way less cash, and take it wherever you want because it has its own engine! I'm all for consuming less, and I'm all for living in smaller spaces than what is prevalent today (NO ONE needs a McMansion), but this way of going about it seems a hollow gesture.
I can't do the minimalist thing; but I do want a Large as possible 3bed 2 bath with a spacious kitchen tiny home 😅.. I'm scared of driving something big like an RV😓😓😓 or I would totally would have gone for an RV😅😅. I would rather hire someone to move my home when traveling since I'm a Scaredy cat to drive something enormous lol
$35,000? This is what I dont entirely understand about these tiny houses, why do they cost so much? Theres hardly anything in them. For that same amount you can buy a tow behind camper that would be bigger with more extras.
Awful lot of hate in the comments here, so I'll offer up my two cents: I firmly believe that this couple has taken a huge step in the right direction! Was the price of the tiny house expensive? Yes! However, the quality is obviously there; apparently the safety aspect as well. Homes that will be traveling on wheels do need to be built correctly! Of course, my interest leans more toward a much less expensive do-it-yourself approach... but, if I had the resources ($), I know a few top quality carpenters in my area who could build a much better tiny house than I, and I would be more than happy to pay them what they deserve for their skills! As for renting land, who knows how much land costs in the area they live? Property taxes...? The usual government rigamarole etc... The fact that they apparently come from successful families - what some here in the comments have called "privilege" - gives me hope. I grew up dirt poor surrounded by privilege, and live in a wealthy county now still surrounded by it ( and yes! I'm still poor). So what? I rarely ever in my life fell for the whole jealousy thing, and even as a child confronted those who would claim superiority because their parents dealt them a better hand in life! SEE PAST THAT NONSENSE! It's just more divide and conquer culturally ingrained BS, meant to keep us all AT each other rather than WITH each other! These two have seen through and past some of the illusions presented to us all, and have moved away from them. Well done, if you ask me! As for myself, I'm looking for land, necessarily of the very cheap variety; with the intention of living in something small. I'm thinking permaculture, as off grid as possible, and communal! Who's in...?
Very well said!! If anyone on here had watched the documentary of "Tiny" about a young man who wants to build his own place on land of never ending beauty but with absolutely no utilities, they would see this very same couple in this home explaining how completely miserable she was in her 2 hour round trip commute to work in a 10 hour work day. She drank herself to oblivion every night. This place saved her life. These naysayers think just because they paid $4000 every single month on their mortgage as if they 100% possessed the home. These 2 were in debt out the ying yang and he also lost his job. So the 7 years living there helped in rebuilding their credit, for they most likely filed for bankruptcy.
SHADOWBOXERBAYBEE Yup..... There are lots of different reasons to live in a "Tiny House".... and many of them, certainly not all), provide a way for people to reboot their lives, get out of debt, or simply get ahead. Many can put up with quite a bit of inconvenience IF the prize at the end is worth it. My hubby and I bought land in a town where an "occupancy permit' was not necessary. For the first 3 years it was a real challenge.... sheets for doors, living out of boxes, etc, plywood floors, etc, but we kept saying, 'Some day we will look back on this bare bones time and have a good laugh.' So yea, now... here we are, mortgage free ..... and smiling away. Some are willing to put up with some inconvenience for a better life down the road.... and some are not. Certainly it is an individual thing. Also... though not "Tiny" ... our house has smaller than average living space compared to other houses around us.... and that reflects in a smaller tax bill.... year after year. Even without a mortgage those property taxes can really drain you.
My husband and I want this more than anything else in our lives. I'd hate to have to wait until we're in our late 20s to early 30s for the opportunity to roll around, because then you have to think about having kids, and when kids are in the picture, it complicates it more than you'd think. I'd love to get suggestions as to how to start the process of building a tiny home ASAP.
himl994 Yeah, but we didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to build it ourselves and to our liking. We're really picky about the materials and layout.
I think you should just get in to a motorhome (RV) of some type or something like it to start with. However, kids, buy land and set it up how you want, keeping kids in mind and there you can raise them and vacation there untill they come. But if you want to go the tinny home rout get a really good trailer and blueprint living space and then go to work.
" because then you have to think about having kids" no you don't, "when kids are in the picture, it complicates more than you'd think" no sh.., don't think about it,
She is so right when she says family is what really matters not a 4000.00 loan payment. The consumer society we live in today is killing the family unit. Thank for the great video
Fantastic!!! My dream come true I could so do this. I think back to college days where I "Lived" in the smallest space known to mankind and guess what I was living!!!
What is WRONG with you? If having a cooler fits there needs and they can use one at the gym fits their needs, than why should YOU care. If they are in a place where they may have to pay for their utilities this would be a good thing.
He says has a shower just takes 6 steps to use it and said if if was a 3 step shower it would've been more convenient to use so he choose not use it n go to a gym or somewhere n take a shower
Most of the people doing this are young couples without children. Even Jay moved into something 5x larger than his Tiny House when he got married. If you want a family then this small of a house is not a good answer for living simple. My wife and 2 kids live in a small, 1 story house in an older subdivision. The house will be paid for in 4 years. I live less than 2 miles from my job and 1 mile from a grocery/dept store. We live simple and in moderation. If i were single tho, I would live in a tiny house. Damn my constant desire to procreate!
Refrigerator, those little coolers won't work if temperature is above 80 degrees, they only can cool down 40 degrees cooler than their outside... get a "small" (Like 3 ft wide,) freezer, change it into a refrigerator with a change of thermostat to one for 38 degrees instead of zero. That will only use $2 worth of electricity monthly (Very much less) and the frozen items you don't seem to use often will keep for about a month unfrozen. (Lots of "How-To" videos on You-Tube on converting freezers to refrigerators.) They are a great alternative and much smaller than most refrigerators. (Save $200+ every year.) To use at your tiny home, put unit into a small shed or on the porch and paint it in faux finish to look like part of house (You cannot cover the outside, except with paint, that is the heat radiator...) Loved your video!
Wow these people are getting royally ripped off and they think they are saving money doing it. You could buy a large plot of land for what they spent building that outhouse. Then they are paying $500 a month to park it. You can rent a space in most trailer parks for less than that. My friend and I live in a trailer park. Paid a thousand dollars for the trailer and less than 2 fixing it up. Rent space is $430 with utilities paid and we have our own fenced yard and access to a heated pool.
***** Kind of random but, where do you live in california? I've been looking for an apartment because i'm thinking about moving and they are all very expensive..Or the ones that i have seen atleast.
I think you are missing the point.These homes are moveable and people may like traveling and not seeing the same scenery in and day out and RVs aren't exactly homey looking on the outside.These tiny houses are alot more appealing.Not everyone likes or wants the same things.
+MrNatetheepic RV's aren't that cheap and if they are cheap they are usually pretty shitty. With "tiny houses" you can build your own, cutting out thousands in manufacturing costs. Rv's usually are made of fiberglass and contain little no no insulation. You can design these to maximize your space to however you want. Basically it comes down to the fact that one is designed to travel in and one is designed to live in.
+MrNatetheepic Right 7 grand can buy a nice old RV 15-20 years old. However You can't Flip your nose up and act like you are slightly better than everyone else because you ride share and shit into saw dust. My brothers girl friend is exactly like that girl. I'm surprised they didn't have a second tiny house just for her the baggage that these hippie save the earth girls bring with them into relationships.
Robert Morris 7 grand will get you a mediocre RV. You can build a tiny house for higher quality still and obviously better aesthetic, heating, appliances, etc. Manufacturing cost is a huge reason for this.
I love watching this because seeing how unhappy they are makes me feel better. But the most entertaining thing is they try to act like they're doing so well, so happy and cheerfull living inside that hamster ball.
This is nice, but I'm confused by a few things. It costs $500 to rent that land, then $35,000 for the tiny home, and it costs less than a car? The first two things are not really saving you much money at all (and let's be honest, you won't live in that house forever), and only a luxury car costs that much.
CyborgNinja7 actually it doesn't cost that must more than a new car average cost in the us is 31k at 35k it's not that much more compared to renting an apartment they are saving money even if rent were the exact same (not likely) their bills are less if in the future they decide to buy a bigger home they've saved money (assuming they stay in it for a period long enough to recoup the 35k investment) they have a small home to give their future kids (or due to tiny houses retaining value rather well they could likely sell it for a decent % of what they got out of it and still come out ahead) tiny houses make economical sense and there HAVE been couples (and families and even the elderly) living in these them choosing this lifestyle it isn't some unlikely thing they'll choose to stay in it fairly close to permanently in any case it's not just luxury cars that end up 35k new
I'm sorry, no matter what the average is (which includes much higher priced luxury vehicles), the average consumer would not pay $31,000 for a new vehicle. I can see a contractor paying that much for a new company truck, but your typical sedan is $16,000 new. That study you are using (I looked it up) is likely skewed due to certain factors.
CyborgNinja7 nope and the average sedan (non compact) from a dealer IS 31k Most sedans start at 16k (min) and quickly rise with options ( most people don't want a manual With the options most people want in a NEW car yes it is rather expensive.
CyborgNinja7 you're right though most consumers don't spend 30k Instead they buy used but a brand new sedan that has options people actually buy now isn't 16k
josh spradling to rent a house or apartment, your looking at $900-$2000 a month x12 months $900 = $10,800 / $2000= $24,000 a year for rent $500 = $6,000 a year. so basically, its' paid for its self in about 1.5 - 2 years. so regardless of how you try to spin it. even this expensive Tiny House, is cheaper than renting a house or apartment. Personally building one, which will cost me roughly $5000. most of the nicer tiny houses I've seen (without handouts) have been shy of $15,000. last few vehicles my family have owned have been 32k+ (and we're pretty cheap!) one was 23k however, when you really think about it... in the end, your not paying 32k or whatever the cost... your also paying interest and whatever else. so yes, this tiny house is still easily cheaper than a vehicle!
I hear ya! We have a very cute double wide mobile home, which is 1,188 sq ft, and it is as small as I would like a home to be, because like you, I also make like to make things, which requires the supplies and equipment, to do so. The Children are grown, and so our little home is comfy and also provides enough room to enjoy our hobbies. Plus, we bought this place on the repo market for only 23,000, and we have 2 bathrooms, washer and dryer, and a full service kitchen. I do like the idea of tiny houses, and have seen some, that are as big as 950 sq ft, and that is as small, as I could tolerate. Also, most of these people who have videos on here, seem to be ex-patriot urban professionals, who are alone or they are Childless. Well a 250 sq ft place might work, in this situation, but not for a growing family.
I lived without a frig for several months.Bought a 7 day ice chest they work great.Loaded up ice once a week also kept some stuff bagged up and in a nearby cold running stream/creek showered/ bathed under a water hose in the summer or in nearby creek, winter heated water in large pot on wood burning stove during the winter.
Love my wood burning stove! Wood heats you up at least 4 times LOL... chopping it down, chopping it up, splitting it, moving it... moving it ... burning it! 🌲🌳🔥
I admire people who take control of their lives like this. Good job!
Exactly. They take CONTROL of their life and not life controlling them.
Neat! Neat tiny house. Neat couple. They've been through a lot together in a short time, loss of dad, job, career change, and you've got to love a ninja cat. Enjoyed the video Kirsten, thanks for posting. Life does change suddenly and unexpectedly.
I wonder if they use the laundramat, a friend's washer and dryer, or something else. I recommend getting a portable washer like the one by the Laundry Alternative. It uses no electricity, you can wash up to 5 pounds of clothes at a time, it uses very little water; 6 quarts for a large load for wash and the same for rinsing. It even has a drain spout. They also sell a dryer spinner that spins all the water out of your clothes. The water runs from the spinner into a pan that you place just below the spout. The spinner gets out more water from your clothes than the spin cycle of most washers and it uses no heat. It's gentle on your clothes which means they last longer. Just hang up your clothes to dry. The portable washer operates by a hand crank. It's great for campers or when the power is out. The dryer spinner does use electricity but it uses very little. This pair is great for small places or for people who just want to let their regular washer and dryer take a break so they can save some money.
I love tiny homes. when I was married and life was great. I've lived in very big houses with marble floors, a swimming pool, and big garden and enjoyed it. On my own now, debt-free and realized I was not focused in what basic, simple, debt-free and happy life. I am at peace in a tiny house. It's not for everyone...but it is great!
Someone told me "that at the end of the day when we are ready for the other world we wiil only need one room to close our eyes, and good bye to debit,material things, and our love ones. Some of us work to hard for the wrong reasons. Its all about family and debit free to be able to enjoy good treasures "family"
Great video Kirsten! It was stressful and a challenge for Tammy when she had back issues . . . fun to get not only a 'tour' of the house but Tammy and Logan's take on their lifestyle. Well done!
What a lovely couple. You can see the love they have for each other to leave everything behind to help each other transition.
What a cool tiny home. I know many people think $35,000 is a lot to pay for the home, but what I have learned is if you spend less, you generally get less too. Not as well built, etc.
As for paying rent for such a beautiful spot, I also don't find that in 2013. $500 to be overkill either.
All the best to them on their journeys!
I love this. I don't mind buying something like this to live in. Beautiful, simple and less expensive with less stress.
Perfect for those of us who don't entertain
This has been very informative and inspiring. I needed to see this video and an actual couple living in a tiny house. I am very motivated after this! Thank you!
They orginally built it while living in portland , near fresh food and transportation. As a their needs change, as in needing a fridge and a shower...they adapt. I've followed Tammy online for years and have always been impressed by her and her husbands genuineness.
Fantastic. I really respect what you have done and commend you for your ability to "reduce" and "discard" things you don't need. The best "Small Home" video yet. I really enjoyed you two.
That is a great point, "you think you own something, until you don't pay your taxes on it".
Stupid point that idiots that try to make themselves feel better. Tiny homes depreciate, land and homes historically do NOT.
Yet he supports the system by recognizing ordinances. Total slave to the system.
@@tacopro218 Good point ... that being said.. typically a well built Tiny House will hold its value somewhat better than your typical trailer.
The trick is to use a Tiny House as a stepping stone to a more typical home.
As long as one is renting rather than OWNING land.. that's a dead end... unless you're going to inherit your parent's property some day.
If the town/city allows it (gotta do your research) then pay off the land, and live in the Tiny free.. while saving up money to build a larger, somewhat more conventional home. THEN you can sell the Tiny House OR use it as an office.. or in-law apt. Again... depending on zoning.
There should be a point to a Tiny House... a way to .. over time.. become more financially stable.
@@tashatorrid We are a 'slave' to this world... to life in general.
That doesnt mean we can not make choices that work to our advantage.
This couple really has it together. I enjoyed listening to them.
Living like this folks will make you happier and less stress and you will live a long time.
Or just living debt free
I love the simplicity and thinking of this couple ... Good program Kirsten !
Loved the shots of the house through season changes
You are very very fortunate!! You figured out what's really important in this life at a very young age. With most people it takes their entire life to figure it out and some never do!! My best to you both!
Hey if that's the life style they want, I say it's totally worth it. Some people pay $3,000 for a pair of shoes, some only pay $30. Luxury means differently to different individual.
Rhoda Chan rent in San Fran is 3,000.00 for a 2 bedroom . My daughter and husband are professionals in huge debt from school
And, I have a collection of quality designer shoes and bags I paid $5.00 to $10.00 for I never pay $30.00 for shoes or bags. It is so simple to be frugal.
Rhoda chan - very very wise words.
I have many pairs of designer shoes and I never paid more than $5 or $10 a pair for them, some even brand new in the thrift stores, others, look as though they have only been worn once or twice, No need to spend $30 or $3000 for a pair of shoes, only folk with money to burn do that!
@@artparty222murphy9 there are 49 other states to live that are more affordable
I liked this video much more than your other tiny house videos, although the construction story is interesting, the real story is of the lives that live in these places and this video was much more focused on the individuals. REALLY enjoyed watching. Thank you.
Sweet, or should I just say, "Home Sweet Home." And, you both seem like a lovely couple as well...
I too had to take care of my mom before she passed for 5 years and I also have a bad back. This tiny house story made me think about non-loft style bedroom. Thanks Kirsten
5:18 the shots of the house is just like looking at a painting 🙂well done!
One of the BEST & Most HONEST Videos on Tiny House Living EVER!! GREAT!!
Love the cooktop and stove. Financial Freedom and clearing of the mind.
"How many people get to take care of their parent when they are in that state" amazing is that? She got to return the gift of care through love to her parent that was ill and was on his death bed. That was the amazing part of your amazing video!
What a nice couple. I hope they enjoy a groovy adventure through life
+henning flat How someone speaks is a much less accurate measurement of a person's character than the things they say. Based on your words, I feel comfortable assuming you are a sick, angry, narcissistic misogynist, and a terrible person. Just reading the signs.
+henning flat Says more about you as a person. A sad case.
+henning flat Says more about you as a person. A sad case.
Kirsten this is one of your best videos :) This couple is amazing!!!
I admire these folks but I almost fell out of my chair when they said the cost. They were taken to the cleaners. Enjoyed the video.
I saw ur sonic review video over a year ago lol
Yeah I was pretty shocked when I heard the price
Maybe the cost was especially shocking because so many of the tiny houses we see were built by the owners and their friends so the labor costs were low. They said their cost was half labor, which makes sense. Still, seems like a bit much for what they got.
Cool story. Thanks for sharing the private part of living in a tiny home. It works because as a couple you share the same character values. So many people want to do this but they are too wrapped up with what their friends and family think. Their mortgages and car payments have become the ball & chain to a job they hate. What a horrible way to live.
wow, their tiny house is one of the more expensive ones ive seen. most hover around 15 thousand. that said, i really love their story and the love that drives them to be with family. truly inspiring.
Love this video. Thanks for posting for the world to see. It provides a different perspective on life, belongings, wants, needs, etc.
I went from a six figure lifestyle with all the trimmings to being a student again starting a second career. I realized how little I actually needed to still be happy and that all of the things I had owned me. Shooting for that American Dream lifestyle has major costs with it that aren't really sustainable for most people nowadays. Besides, now my interests lie more outside the home, and I like the freedom and flexibility having fewer things allow me.
I really liked this video and it's message. I really liked this young couple and sympathize with their struggles and admire the happiness they got from that change. It's too bad they got negative comments for paying too much for their home. Some people can't wait a year or five years or for however long it takes to have it done inexpensively. It takes a lot of courage to switch to this life style. I'm very new to this philosophy, I just started researching this while trying to get rid of more then half of my stuff and I find it kind of hard and a long process, but I'll keep at it to reach my goal of living in about 800 sq feet or less if I can. This kind of video helps me keep that vision. Thank you for that, congrats on your success and all my sympathies for the loss of your loved one.
To quite brash statements what they have done has impacted their life positively for their heart and ability to inter move her whole belongings to and fro with family efficiently. They are thankful and very much free. It works for them don't condemn their path choice in this aspect but appreciate.
There is nothing free a bout this lol!!!😂🤣🤣😂
I love guys are right about everything...thanks for the video.
You could buy 1/2 acre piece of land somewhere on the peninsula, north of Beaverton for $10K. And then you could consider spending a year building a small house by yourselves on that piece of land.
or you could drive this thing up there.
It's a no brainer!
@@KNGDMSsound Yes... and then later incorporate the Tiny House into an office space, or rental.. or sell it, once you build a more moderate home... mortgage free.
Totally awesome! At 74, I have had all the big stuff, now I know how senseless it is! Wish I could start again..maybe? Ken Skeen
Oh yea... if we all knew then what we know now! LOL
Love your home! I've seen dozens of these ideas of small home on wheels. I was thinking, the home can be small and portable but having a very easy to build and inexpensive large porch around the home would give you lots of space to spend time outside in the summer and store items in the winter. Think of the porch as a large U and your home can be "docked" inside the U. Cover the porch and screen it in and increase you space!
I actually like the reasons they did this! My hubby and I plan to do the same when our kids are grown
Lovely people in a lovely house with lovely values 🌸🐝
Very innovative! and great for the planet to have people living more simple, sustainable lifestyles. (Hope you inspire others, also, to live more simply and sustainably.) Thanks for sharing! Wishing you both continued and increasing happiness!
That is a neat small house, I like that its self sufficient but the things I dont like about it are that:
1) No Fridge
2) Composting Toilet (doesnt flush)
3) No Shower
4) $35,000!?
It seems really expensive for having many of the modern day necessities being gone.
Modern conveniences are just that, convenient. Most people in the world do fine with out them.
They said more than half of that was in labor, if it was me id build the thing and not pay somebody to do it for me.
Composting toilets are actually fairly cool! If you can get over disposing of the solid waste. Which makes a good fertilizer. I have used them and seldom have ever smelled an odor. Except directly after use. Not much different from a regular toilet. If they were used properly in the less developed areas of the world? There would be much less disease and contaminated water. They are so simple to maintain but you do have to maintain them. FLUSHING is a huge waste of water. Especially for a few milliliters of urine of which is 99% water. You flush it with 2 liters of water.
California use to have a saying... "If its Yellow, let it mellow. If its Brown, flush it down." Remember this next time you flush. Save a little water. It looks like That saying might make a come back this year in several places across the US.
This is a great video, thank you for the tour and sharing your story. We are currently planning our tiny home and look forward to the gift of no mortgage!
thats awesome, make sure you document it to inspire others :)
Unconventional Living Thanks. I plan to blog. There's so much that goes into planning this kind of living. I haven't started my blog yet because I dont have a name for it. I thought, "the stuffed life" or "the stuffed house" mainly bc we collect stuffed animals. However, WaxingTurtle is sorta my main internet/online identity and thought incorporating that into the name would be better. Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas? Thanks!
This guy is brilliant.
Great to see young people so savvy on what's important in life.
Nice little home, but $500 a month just to park it..and $35,000 to build it? Seems like their still spending a awful lot. Seems to be a better move to buy a used pull behind RV for $5,000. Or if they were going to spend $35,000 plus buy a used Sports Mobile.
but then you have all the plastic and poisonous fumes in the summer heat when inside the RV
I agree I live in a studio apartment for about twice the price but I don't have to worry about plumbing, electric, I just call the landlady and she fixes stuff. Plus it's in a really nice location. I suppose this is if you want to own something.
They bought it for 35,000 this would be damn cheap to build.
My Damn Channel with rocks out of car on own land ...
My brother bought a duplex for $30k he lives in one while the other is rented. The rent pays for utilities of both homes and money in the bank. Plus taxes.
I really love the whole tiny house living. my wife and I use to watch this all the time. i wouldn't mind owning one for my self.
what an awesome simple way to live, totally stoked to build myself a tiny house in the next 2 years :)
Love love the way you are living...the tiny house is great!
what a lovely couple, they have a good way of life, and lets face none of us actually really own that much and we spend most of our lives paying for it and we suffer stress in the process and how much do we really need to have to be happy.Better to have cash in the bank which gives freedom of choice.choice. That is truly independence and a lot less worry
Love this couple! Very inspiring and really makes you think about what is a need as opposed to a want. Another great job by Kirsten Dirksen !
Welcome to the new American Middle Class.
Complements of Goldman Sachs, Bank Of America, Wells Fargo & The Great American 1%.
+lady boywonder AKA the rat race
What about just wanting to live in a smaller space and spending your income on things you enjoy doing like travelling?
@@ladyboywonder9139 YUP
There were entire years when "LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER" would have been a welcome improvement to what I was experiencing. Christian financial principals set in motion years ago have made my navigation of the Covid-19 economy worry free.
Sandra Gouthro
I get your point but I also agree with the Comment about “all thanks to” with the addition that working a typical job has become way to demanding, leaving us too tired to enjoy anything simple - hence teeny homes. One should not have to live in a teeny home after working all week and be limited to hobbies that can done in a teeny home. As a full time employed professional, I live in a 700 sq ft home so to have room for my sewing hobby; yet limited time..., causes me to seriously think about living teeny(er)...
these people seem so serene and they did what was right for them, which all of us try to do. Kudos for following your bliss.
totally not 35k they dont even have a refrigerator
I so completely honor you for this. Thank you!
I love this tiny house, you can move anywhere. It is also well organized, very clean, flexible. I rather live in a small house like this, instead of paying high mortgage. Maybe next time tell us how much you spent for the house and the contractor who made them. Many house buyers avoid high cost of maintaining the house, and having a tiny house is a very practical way of living according with our budget. I appreciate sharing us your experience living in a tiny house. Thank you.
of the 35K, about half was for construction materials and the other half for the contractor.
I love these tiny homes! I am a little surprised they spend so much but to each his own.
I love the tiny home but $500 for rent...ouch.
I fall in love with the Idea,! God blessing your Home Sweet Home!
Garden hoses are not food grade, you have to get a better hose the green one is toxic
Fascinating. Really makes you think about your own priorities, even if this lifestyle isn't for you, perhaps finding something simpler that works for you is worthwhile and do-able.
I am really digging this down-sized simplified living concept. We have been dupped into excessive see me and all my things-ism for far too long. Good for you, you understand the basic principle of happiness.
BRAVO for you two. It does my heart good to see people unplug from the madness. So sorry about your dad; glad you were able to spend his last few months with him. Love your home, and that you live with a 'Ninja.'
This kinda exemplifies what I don't like about the new, hip, hey-look-at-me-I'm-a-minimalist trend. $35000 for that space? And ONLY $500/mo for a place to put it? You can get an amazing RV of the same size for way less cash, and take it wherever you want because it has its own engine! I'm all for consuming less, and I'm all for living in smaller spaces than what is prevalent today (NO ONE needs a McMansion), but this way of going about it seems a hollow gesture.
I can't do the minimalist thing; but I do want a Large as possible 3bed 2 bath with a spacious kitchen tiny home 😅.. I'm scared of driving something big like an RV😓😓😓 or I would totally would have gone for an RV😅😅.
I would rather hire someone to move my home when traveling since I'm a Scaredy cat to drive something enormous lol
what a brillaint video ... this couple are so together ..I admire them .The world is theirs Good luck to them :-)
$35,000? This is what I dont entirely understand about these tiny houses, why do they cost so much? Theres hardly anything in them. For that same amount you can buy a tow behind camper that would be bigger with more extras.
It’s a RATCHET 💰 💰 💰
This is an excellent video. Aside from the beautiful tiny home tour, the other things mentioned about living in one are very interesting.
Awful lot of hate in the comments here, so I'll offer up my two cents: I firmly believe that this couple has taken a huge step in the right direction! Was the price of the tiny house expensive? Yes! However, the quality is obviously there; apparently the safety aspect as well. Homes that will be traveling on wheels do need to be built correctly! Of course, my interest leans more toward a much less expensive do-it-yourself approach... but, if I had the resources ($), I know a few top quality carpenters in my area who could build a much better tiny house than I, and I would be more than happy to pay them what they deserve for their skills!
As for renting land, who knows how much land costs in the area they live? Property taxes...? The usual government rigamarole etc... The fact that they apparently come from successful families - what some here in the comments have called "privilege" - gives me hope. I grew up dirt poor surrounded by privilege, and live in a wealthy county now still surrounded by it ( and yes! I'm still poor). So what? I rarely ever in my life fell for the whole jealousy thing, and even as a child confronted those who would claim superiority because their parents dealt them a better hand in life! SEE PAST THAT NONSENSE! It's just more divide and conquer culturally ingrained BS, meant to keep us all AT each other rather than WITH each other! These two have seen through and past some of the illusions presented to us all, and have moved away from them. Well done, if you ask me!
As for myself, I'm looking for land, necessarily of the very cheap variety; with the intention of living in something small. I'm thinking permaculture, as off grid as possible, and communal! Who's in...?
Very well said!! If anyone on here had watched the documentary of "Tiny" about a young man who wants to build his own place on land of never ending beauty but with absolutely no utilities, they would see this very same couple in this home explaining how completely miserable she was in her 2 hour round trip commute to work in a 10 hour work day. She drank herself to oblivion every night.
This place saved her life. These naysayers think just because they paid $4000 every single month on their mortgage as if they 100% possessed the home. These 2 were in debt out the ying yang and he also lost his job. So the 7 years living there helped in rebuilding their credit, for they most likely filed for bankruptcy.
SHADOWBOXERBAYBEE Yup..... There are lots of different reasons to live in a "Tiny House".... and many of them, certainly not all), provide a way for people to reboot their lives, get out of debt, or simply get ahead.
Many can put up with quite a bit of inconvenience IF the prize at the end is worth it.
My hubby and I bought land in a town where an "occupancy permit' was not necessary. For the first 3 years it was a real challenge.... sheets for doors, living out of boxes, etc, plywood floors, etc, but we kept saying, 'Some day we will look back on this bare bones time and have a good laugh.' So yea, now... here we are, mortgage free ..... and smiling away.
Some are willing to put up with some inconvenience for a better life down the road.... and some are not. Certainly it is an individual thing.
Also... though not "Tiny" ... our house has smaller than average living space compared to other houses around us.... and that reflects in a smaller tax bill.... year after year. Even without a mortgage those property taxes can really drain you.
+aviansoul Freedom is when you are allowed to spend your money as you wish.
Faith Rada k
aviansoul I'd do it. Get the land and help me build a tiny home. I'm on disability and get 700 a month.
That was a real good piece, and very helpful, thank you Kirsten
My husband and I want this more than anything else in our lives. I'd hate to have to wait until we're in our late 20s to early 30s for the opportunity to roll around, because then you have to think about having kids, and when kids are in the picture, it complicates it more than you'd think. I'd love to get suggestions as to how to start the process of building a tiny home ASAP.
You can buy one from Tumbleweed for like 20,000 dollars, and they come with a fridge and shower.
himl994 Yeah, but we didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to build it ourselves and to our liking. We're really picky about the materials and layout.
Google tiny house plans
I think you should just get in to a motorhome (RV) of some type or something like it to start with. However, kids, buy land and set it up how you want, keeping kids in mind and there you can raise them and vacation there untill they come. But if you want to go the tinny home rout get a really good trailer and blueprint living space and then go to work.
" because then you have to think about having kids" no you don't, "when kids are in the picture, it complicates more than you'd think" no sh.., don't think about it,
She is so right when she says family is what really matters not a 4000.00 loan payment. The consumer society we live in today is killing the family unit. Thank for the great video
You can live a camper with a hell of a lot more space than that little house and for just as cheap or cheaper.
I was thinking the same thing.
Fantastic!!! My dream come true I could so do this. I think back to college days where I "Lived" in the smallest space known to mankind and guess what I was living!!!
$35.000 and no fridge they cost under $100 at Target or Amazon , no shower ? very incomplete FAIL
What is WRONG with you? If having a cooler fits there needs and they can use one at the gym fits their needs, than why should YOU care. If they are in a place where they may have to pay for their utilities this would be a good thing.
He says has a shower just takes 6 steps to use it and said if if was a 3 step shower it would've been more convenient to use so he choose not use it n go to a gym or somewhere n take a shower
I will be doing the same when I retire. No running water but shower at gym. Would be doing it any way...same with outhouse and composter...
That is just too cool. Looks super cozy.
Most of the people doing this are young couples without children. Even Jay moved into something 5x larger than his Tiny House when he got married. If you want a family then this small of a house is not a good answer for living simple. My wife and 2 kids live in a small, 1 story house in an older subdivision. The house will be paid for in 4 years. I live less than 2 miles from my job and 1 mile from a grocery/dept store. We live simple and in moderation.
If i were single tho, I would live in a tiny house. Damn my constant desire to procreate!
DANG! LOL. 🤦♂️👨👩👧👧👨👦👩👧🐕🐈🐇
Well done all the way around: the house, the philosophy, the energy.
I love listening to other peoples lives :) ... it's like a window to another reality...
It's not like a window, it is a window. And doors and a roof.
man u really show that i can live''' happily and healthy'' thank you...
Refrigerator, those little coolers won't work if temperature is above 80 degrees, they only can cool down 40 degrees cooler than their outside... get a "small" (Like 3 ft wide,) freezer, change it into a refrigerator with a change of thermostat to one for 38 degrees instead of zero. That will only use $2 worth of electricity monthly (Very much less) and the frozen items you don't seem to use often will keep for about a month unfrozen. (Lots of "How-To" videos on You-Tube on converting freezers to refrigerators.) They are a great alternative and much smaller than most refrigerators. (Save $200+ every year.) To use at your tiny home, put unit into a small shed or on the porch and paint it in faux finish to look like part of house (You cannot cover the outside, except with paint, that is the heat radiator...) Loved your video!
"A bunch of different tank tops " I only saw one lol
THIS IS amazinggg :D I love how they manage everything on such a humble spacee..
Wow these people are getting royally ripped off and they think they are saving money doing it.
You could buy a large plot of land for what they spent building that outhouse. Then they are paying $500 a month to park it. You can rent a space in most trailer parks for less than that.
My friend and I live in a trailer park. Paid a thousand dollars for the trailer and less than 2 fixing it up. Rent space is $430 with utilities paid and we have our own fenced yard and access to a heated pool.
***** Kind of random but, where do you live in california? I've been looking for an apartment because i'm thinking about moving and they are all very expensive..Or the ones that i have seen atleast.
I think you are missing the point.These homes are moveable and people may like traveling and not seeing the same scenery in and day out and RVs aren't exactly homey looking on the outside.These tiny houses are alot more appealing.Not everyone likes or wants the same things.
A shed on wheels is homey looking from the outside? Give me a break.
Agree!! Hope you the best souls, very nice job! Thank you for sharing.
why not just buy a cheap rv trailer and use the remaining money to buy a piece of land?
+MrNatetheepic RV's aren't that cheap and if they are cheap they are usually pretty shitty. With "tiny houses" you can build your own, cutting out thousands in manufacturing costs. Rv's usually are made of fiberglass and contain little no no insulation. You can design these to maximize your space to however you want. Basically it comes down to the fact that one is designed to travel in and one is designed to live in.
Nicholas Schemm good point! thanks for the info.
+MrNatetheepic Right 7 grand can buy a nice old RV 15-20 years old. However You can't Flip your nose up and act like you are slightly better than everyone else because you ride share and shit into saw dust. My brothers girl friend is exactly like that girl. I'm surprised they didn't have a second tiny house just for her the baggage that these hippie save the earth girls bring with them into relationships.
lol, yeah best to stay away from them, bunch of crazies.
Robert Morris 7 grand will get you a mediocre RV. You can build a tiny house for higher quality still and obviously better aesthetic, heating, appliances, etc. Manufacturing cost is a huge reason for this.
It's small, but really nice. The color of the wood is soothing and stylish.
This chicks voice makes her sound likes she's always about to cry
I think her voice is just shaky cause she's nervous about being in a video
Geekz 🙄
Kudos to you guys this is an amazing idea!
I love watching this because seeing how unhappy they are makes me feel better. But the most entertaining thing is they try to act like they're doing so well, so happy and cheerfull living inside that hamster ball.
Beautiful house! That's pretty awesome.. The idea you can just pack up, move your house, and have completely new surroundings at will!
OldPortlandPDX it’s called a travel trailer and it’s not a new idea. Although
$500 a month rent doesn’t sound too good.
why am i watching this....
I know right
For $35,000.00 you could have a HUGE camper trailer with pop outs, washer/dryer, A/C, shower, full kitchen
This is nice, but I'm confused by a few things. It costs $500 to rent that land, then $35,000 for the tiny home, and it costs less than a car? The first two things are not really saving you much money at all (and let's be honest, you won't live in that house forever), and only a luxury car costs that much.
CyborgNinja7 actually it doesn't cost that must more than a new car
average cost in the us is 31k
at 35k it's not that much more
compared to renting an apartment they are saving money
even if rent were the exact same (not likely) their bills are less
if in the future they decide to buy a bigger home they've saved money (assuming they stay in it for a period long enough to recoup the 35k investment) they have a small home to give their future kids (or due to tiny houses retaining value rather well they could likely sell it for a decent % of what they got out of it and still come out ahead)
tiny houses make economical sense and there HAVE been couples (and families and even the elderly) living in these
them choosing this lifestyle it isn't some unlikely thing they'll choose to stay in it fairly close to permanently
in any case it's not just luxury cars that end up 35k new
I'm sorry, no matter what the average is (which includes much higher priced luxury vehicles), the average consumer would not pay $31,000 for a new vehicle. I can see a contractor paying that much for a new company truck, but your typical sedan is $16,000 new. That study you are using (I looked it up) is likely skewed due to certain factors.
CyborgNinja7 nope and the average sedan (non compact) from a dealer IS 31k
Most sedans start at 16k (min) and quickly rise with options ( most people don't want a manual
With the options most people want in a NEW car yes it is rather expensive.
CyborgNinja7 you're right though most consumers don't spend 30k
Instead they buy used but a brand new sedan that has options people actually buy now isn't 16k
josh spradling to rent a house or apartment, your looking at $900-$2000 a month x12 months $900 = $10,800 / $2000= $24,000 a year for rent
$500 = $6,000 a year. so basically, its' paid for its self in about 1.5 - 2 years. so regardless of how you try to spin it. even this expensive Tiny House, is cheaper than renting a house or apartment.
Personally building one, which will cost me roughly $5000.
most of the nicer tiny houses I've seen (without handouts) have been shy of $15,000.
last few vehicles my family have owned have been 32k+ (and we're pretty cheap!) one was 23k
however, when you really think about it... in the end, your not paying 32k or whatever the cost... your also paying interest and whatever else. so yes, this tiny house is still easily cheaper than a vehicle!
Well done on getting over 100, 000 subscribers!
500 a month for renting the land, HOLY CRAP, move people, I rent a 2 bedroom house in a gated community for 695 a month.
Yeah this doesn't make sense.
$35k for a glorified shed is outrageous. A building like this shouldn't cost no more than $8-$10k.
Kac P_man its the labor thats the big expense
Dan Blumenstock
the trailers are also a good junk of change, to get one strong enough to support the load.
but it's all bills including de e, how much is your bills, and you can't travel they can but the tiny house is expensive,
I love this couple's life philosophy
I'm envious in some ways, but not so much in others. I like to make things, and that little place wouldn't even hold my tools.
I hear ya! We have a very cute double wide mobile home, which is 1,188 sq ft, and it is as small as I would like a home to be, because like you, I also make like to make things, which requires the supplies and equipment, to do so. The Children are grown, and so our little home is comfy and also provides enough room to enjoy our hobbies. Plus, we bought this place on the repo market for only 23,000, and we have 2 bathrooms, washer and dryer, and a full service kitchen. I do like the idea of tiny houses, and have seen some, that are as big as 950 sq ft, and that is as small, as I could tolerate.
Also, most of these people who have videos on here, seem to be ex-patriot urban professionals, who are alone or they are Childless. Well a 250 sq ft place might work, in this situation, but not for a growing family.
I lived without a frig for several months.Bought a 7 day ice chest they work great.Loaded up ice once a week also kept some stuff bagged up and in a nearby cold running stream/creek showered/ bathed under a water hose in the summer or in nearby creek, winter heated water in large pot on wood burning stove during the winter.
Love my wood burning stove! Wood heats you up at least 4 times LOL... chopping it down, chopping it up, splitting it, moving it... moving it ... burning it! 🌲🌳🔥